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Gloria (Shortbus)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

The musicians in there consisted of a violinist, a flute, and a harp, the human girl was playing the harp, and the two men had the other two instruments. Together, their music melded perfectly, none being out of tune with the other, and none overshadowing the succubus singer, and the harmony flowed with her singing in a way that had the entire audience captivated. It lasted for several songs, a half dozen all told, if Gloria decided to stay there until they were finished, but if she decided to head on back to the guild hall for dinner, then Morgan would give her a little wave, after having paid a few copper pieces for each mug of mead she'd gotten.

Back at the guild hall, Gloria found that dinner consisted of a nice beef stew with many different kinds of vegetables in it, and the smell of it filled the entire guild hall's first floor. Gloria had the option of taking her meal in either the common room where everyone else seemed to be eating, or she could take it to her room upstairs instead. The girls that had been wearing the heavier armor were now no longer wearing it she'd notice, and they were now wearing simple clothing, but they did still have their weapons, and in the elf's case, her shield, with them.


Demon Girl
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Sep 29, 2017
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Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

About halfway through, Gloria would decide that she had heard enough and had enough to drink. The drinks were fairly inexpensive and after giving Morgan a gratuity as well she would find herself 1 silver lighter.

Now that she was back in the adventurer's guild, Gloria would be immediately aware of what was being served. Smelling it almost as she walked in the door. The stew seemed fairly similar just something she would make back home. Looking around, Gloria would see a few of the other women that were there earlier dressed in more casual clothing. However Gloria notice something as she observed most of them still had their weapons with them. When Gloria returned to Melior she had left her sword and shield in her room.

Gloria would notice specifically the Elven woman who was sparring earlier outside. She wore fairly heavy armor but seem to fight in a similar fashion to what Gloria used as well. As Gloria would fill a bowl of the stew she would try to sit down near to the Elven woman. Simply trying to just get the Elven woman's attention, Gloria would ask if it were ok to sit nearby. Hopefully a conversation would begin between them, but Gloria did not want to immediately force it. Then again Gloria was also the "new girl in town" as it were and did not want to offend anyone as well.
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

When Gloria got her bowl of stew and a nice large piece of freshly baked bread, she found the elven brunette didn't seem to mind her sitting next to her, and even scooted her chair over and pulled the one next to her up and gestured for Gloria to sit. "Hey there. I noticed you come in earlier and joining the guild. How'd that job go?" the elf said, seeming rather nice and whatnot.

The others were all eating their food around the common room, the cleric girl and the shorter one with the pointed ears were sitting together as well, and chatting in a friendly manner. "Name's Idryll. And you're... Gloria, right? Shayra told us your name earlier when Tabitha over there asked who you were and stuff after you left," the elf then said, offering her hand out to Gloria to shake, before nodding her head towards the paladin girl, whose name was apparently Tabitha.


Demon Girl
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Sep 29, 2017
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Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

Gloria was a little surprised that the Elven woman would be so accommodating as she attempted to sit down next to her. "Well, I finished it. Had a little trouble, but I was able to finish that mission. Now.. here I am. Probably going to look for something else tomorrow too." Gloria would reply as she was asked about her first mission. After a few more moments the two women would exchange pleasantries and sit down to eat. Gloria had a fair share of questions that she wanted to ask but knew that now was the time to eat and not interrogate her guild mate just yet. Gloria would simply shake hands, sit down, and then start eating.

Letting things settle for a little while, Gloria would start to ask a few questions like how somebody could possibly maneuver in armor that weighed probably twice as much as she did. Gloria would use a style that emphasized her speed while this other woman seem to fight in a manner that relied more on brute force. "I hope you do not take this the wrong way, but I am interested in potentially seeing what I could learn from you. I had watched part of the sparring session you had with the other woman and I believe there were few things I could learn from you. That is of course if you would be willing to teach me? "

Gloria will leave things there as she did not want to press the matter in any way. Maybe it was too much of an assumption to make, but Gloria felt the other woman had to be more experienced then she was.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"Well that's great to hear. Finishing a job is always good, especially if you can get it done in a single day and all," Idryll replied with a smile.

Idryll sat there and ate her meal, listening to Gloria as she did, and when Gloria mentioned potentially learning some things from her, Idryll gave her a nod. "Of course hon. I wouldn't mind teaching you some stuff. I've been with the guild for the better part of three years now myself. It's almost expected that some of the more veteran members of the guild help the newer ones out," Idryll said with a nod. "And Tabitha's just really strong is how she can move so quickly like that. Physically speaking, there's nobody in the guild that's here right now that can take her on. She's the literal strongest warrior here right now," she added with a smirk, looking almost envious of Tabitha, as she glanced over at the blonde haired paladin girl.

"Anyway, is there anything in particular that you're wanting to learn?" Idryll asked curiously.


Demon Girl
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Sep 29, 2017
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Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

Gloria would lighten up a bit when she was welcomed by Idryll to the table. "Yeah, it was pretty quick. Are alot of jobs around here like this one I took or do they get a little more.. complex?" Gloria would posit in response to Idryll before she would continue on to explain about the other heavily armored woman named Tabitha.

When asked specifically what Gloria would like to learn about, she had two things come to mind. The first was how Idryll used her shield, and the second was something a little more .. intimate. Gloria felt that if she could become better at using her shield then she would not be put into a position where creatures would be able to molest her or worse. After explaining the obvious to Idryll, Gloria would lower her voice and start to explain what had happened during her mission to Idryll.

Gloria would, if given the chance, try to go through every detail of how the slime had gotten onto her. Melting away her clothing in short order and then trying to use her to procreate with. Being molested like this was not something that Gloria was ever subjected to during the training she had back in her hometown. How to fight with a sword and defend with a shield at a basic level was all Gloria really knew. "The best way to defend yourself from an attack was simply to not be there to be hit by it." Was what she remembered most from her earlier training.

The odd part was, at the end of it all Gloria had to admit that she liked the sensation of pleasure the slime was causing and had almost surrendered to it. Maybe Idryll could help guide her along that path as well with what to do when she is confronted by anyone or anything that is attempting to attack her in that manner.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"Some can get more complex, depending on what's needed to be done in them and whatnot. It's sometimes a chore when the job is put out by someone that wants something specific done and stuff. Can be annoying. Like a fly buzzing around your head all day long, in a sense," Idryll replied with a nod.

"And my shield? Hmm, well I don't feel that I do anything really special to be perfectly honest. One thing you need to do, is learn the best way to move your body around, so you can put your shield in a place where it'll have the greatest effect in blocking for you. Use the edges of it too, they can be used for attacking as well as defending. Depending on what you're fighting, you can oftentimes parry your foe and put them into a Really vulnerable position," Idryll said when asked about shield work.

When Gloria began whispering to her about what had happened with the slimes, Idryll nodded her head knowingly. "Yeah, slimes are tough to deal with even with experts. Unless, you know magic. Magic is their main weakness, because you can attack from a range, most of the time," Idryll replied with a knowing nod. "But it felt good though. Didn't it? That's where they get you. But, for us girls at least, it makes doing adventuring work a Lot easier. Or... well, safer anyway," she added with a chuckle, as if she'd experienced similar things in her time working with the guild.

"My first time that a... foe got the better of me. Was... funnily enough, a humanoid foe. She was a dragon kin that... well, let's just say she's the reason I have this here," Idryll said with a bit of a blush as she lifted a small pendant out of her shirt, that had a ruby gemstone in it, in the shape of a heart. "I had to fight her as part of a job, because she was raiding a caravan I was guarding, and we fought, and fought, until the caravan had actually managed to leave both of us behind, out of sight, and she bested me at that point, and I was too weak to fight back. Then after she took me back to her den, she... well, to put it bluntly, she did rape me, but afterwards, while I slept, her other bandits attacked the caravan again, after I spoke with her and told her I was willing to stay if she'd leave the caravan alone, because there were children in it that she was putting at risk. She agreed, and when her lieutenant attacked the caravan again with a handful of the others in their group, she got really angry and chased them down, and beat the hell out of all of them and saved the caravan. Now, she's a guard captain here in Melior, and I'm the mother of our three little ones. She came back after beating her group up that attacked the caravan, because that evening she'd put three eggs in my womb, and I guess hurting children of any kind just wasn't something she had in her. So she swore off being a bandit from then on, and while I do resent the fact she raped me, I do love her, especially because since then she's apologized so many times I can't help but love her at this point," she went on to say with a smirk as she looked fondly down at the pendant before putting it back into her shirt.

"Some others have had similar stories. Tabitha over there almost kind of loves getting raped by strong things that can beat her in battle. Says they deserve her body if they can best her in combat, hmhm," Idryll whispered with a giggle.


Demon Girl
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Sep 29, 2017
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Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

Gloria would start to listen, Idryll had experience afterall and not taking the opportunity to learn would be foolish. "I guess with missions, I am more trying to see where I am at this point. Should I just avoid these "specific" requests perhaps? Or would it make more sense to bring you along as an example and we split the reward? Do they do that here? I mean take on a mission in groups?" Gloria would inquire.

With the subject changing over to shields, Gloria would take in what Idryll offered and nod her head. Maybe it was possible to learn how to use her shield more effectively. Gloria was always trained to try to absorb the brunt of the blow with the center of her shield so that the strike did not deflect and still hit her. It was an interesting idea, that Gloria was hoping Idryll could possibly help her with.

When Idryll addressed the slimes, Gloria would let out a little chuckle. "Oh sure, I'll just shoot fireballs from my sword next time." Maybe the sarcasm was lost a bit on Idryll, but Gloria would straighten herself out soon enough once Idryll mentioned how it felt to have the slime actually on her. "Yah, it felt like my body was on fire. I almost found myself just losing control but I was able to save myself at the last second. I guess I dont quite understand how anything is made easier though." Gloria would not get what Idryll was referring to as it pertained to that specific subject. Gloria was a virgin and could count the number of times she was ever driven to orgasm by any means on a single hand.

When Idryll started to explain further, Gloria started to get it. "Hmm, when Tabitha and you were outside, would you have done that to her if you won that sparring session? What if I asked you to spar with me, would you do that to me if you won?" Gloria would admit the feeling of bliss that the slime had caused her was still fresh in her mind. Certainly stronger than anything she had experienced before, but Gloria was remiss if she didn't want to experience it again if she could. Maybe she could learn how to fight while her body was stimulated and perhaps Idryll would be willing to help her in that regard. If Gloria could better learn to use a shield as well in the process, then it was just a win-win situation. With her bowl of stew running low, Gloria would offer to see if Idryll was willing to train her.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"That's a good thing to do I suppose. But if you'd like, I wouldn't mind joining you from time to time. I mean that is why I'm here after all. Group missions generally net you larger rewards after all, so it's a good idea to look into them I think," Idryll replied, looking a bit thoughtful as she spoke.

"Hmhm, I know what you mean. I'm no mage myself, but I've worked with them before, and having one along or at least knowing one or two offensive spells for yourself can make all the difference in a fight sometimes. And... I'll freely admit, on occasion, I've found myself having to give in for a while, or just let whatever it is have its way with me, if only to make it safer for myself in the long run, and to make things easier in taking whatever it is out. I mean while they're resting, they are really easy targets, especially when asleep. If it's not overly sentient creatures at least, that's when I'll do that, as they usually just get what they want and flop over asleep. Make their last moments nice at least, I figure is the least I can do... sometimes. If it's sentient foes though then I never do it willingly," Idryll giggled softly, blushing a bit as she admitted to willingly giving in to the more creature like foes they sometimes face in the guild jobs. "And as for whether I would do those sorts of... lewd things or not to you and or Tabitha. The answer to that would be... probably, yes. Only if you weren't opposed to it though. I'd never force it, and I know Tabitha loves it if someone gets the better of her and all, so she I know she'd not care. But you, I'm unsure of, because I don't really know you. The question there you should be asking is, do You mind if I did that sort of thing," she went on to say, flashing a wink over at Gloria.

"If you don't mind, then sure, I'd be more than happy to spar with you and teach you a few things. Though I won't pull any punches now, unless I think you'd get hurt from something I'd try of course. How do you wanna spar though? Practice weapons? Hand to hand combat all wrestling style? Or you want me to just throw you down on my bed upstairs and have my way with you?" Idryll said when Gloria asked if she was willing to train her some. "And before you even mention it, no my mate Ingrid wouldn't mind me sleeping around some with others, so long as I know what I'm getting into at least. Goddess knows she gets into many other girls panties after all. But I love her, and I know she loves me, so we don't get angry, because we both know who we always want to come back home to see after a long day's work, or weekend in some cases," she added with a grin.


Demon Girl
RP Moderator
Sep 29, 2017
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Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"Well, I was gonna ask if you happened to know of anything that perhaps the both of us could do? I don't really want to play the 'I'm new here' card but I am. Fresh off the wagon as it were because there was nothing for me back home. Long story short I just hit the ground running once I got here and now hopefully I can start to maybe make a name for myself. Then make a good living from it too. Maybe we could look around and see if there is something worth doing tomorrow? Unless you are already booked to do something that is?" Gloria would elaborate as Idryll had offered to go with her on a mission from time to time.

Gloria would get a bit of a grin on her face as Idryll started talking about the things she could do with her. "Well, I'd prefer to do something with weapons so that perhaps you could show me what you had talked about with the shield? Maybe our real shields but practice weapons? I'd love to roll around with you a bit too, but I think you would just overpower me. Then again I would sort of ask that you just treat me as if I were the enemy and you could do whatever you wanted to be honest. I can't exactly ask an enemy to go easy on me out there after all. So to answer your question back, I would not mind. Out in the field I probably would not get a choice in the matter either. That slime that got me before, did not exactly ask first either. Then again I killed 5 of its brethren first, so I guess I cant really fault the thing for trying to procreate."

Gloria would let off a little chuckle as Idryll mentioned her significant other. "Well, if it is not going to cause any trouble then I guess the best question to ask would be when do you wanna do this?" Gloria would just have to remember that she was wearing clothes that did not belong to her. Getting them destroyed was probably not all that great an idea. Doing a bit of self reflecting for what exactly she had gotten herself into. "Maybe rolling around in the bed might not be all that bad an idea afterall." Gloria would mutter loud enough that Idryll and no one else could hear it.

"First though, I wanna do a little shopping. These clothes are.. on loan from the people that I had helped kill the slimes earlier. Probably a bad idea to get these all messed up. I guess I should go and get some clothes for myself to play around with. Have any suggestions where I could go to get some clothes or maybe something like a training outfit from? Would you like to go with me? I am not very familiar with Melior yet to be honest." Gloria had realized she got a bit ahead of herself with booking up a training session. First thing's first though and Gloria would become aware of what she had been wearing for the last few hours. As she had intended to return these clothes to Gina in a few days time.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"It's not an uncommon story to be honest hon. And I don't hold it against you. Nor would many others here with the guild. Most of us I'd wager are from the same background as you, now that I think of it. The original patriarch of our fair city here, Andrew Ashford, was just a simple hunter adventurer whose father and father's friends founded this very guild so many years ago. I'm certain that you'll hear more of them both, and of all of their companions too, in due time. My hero, you might say, was one of Andrew Ashford's companions, a drow woman by the name of Celine. Gods, she's... a hero to almost all elves these days really. I don't know a single elf in the guild that doesn't look up to her in some fashion or another," Idryll replied with a smile, looking as if she were remembering some rather fond memories. "But anyway, I'd be happy to join you tomorrow for a tougher job or two. Hell maybe we could persuade Tabitha to join us too, since she's got some healing abilities from being a paladin and all," she added happily.

"And sure, we should head out to the yard though for that, and let out food settle a little before we go. Don't wanna throw up such good food after all," Idryll replied with a chuckle when Gloria mentioned training with their real shields, but practice weapons. "And please, whether you'd killed one, or a million of them, those little buggers only things they really seem to care about are eating, fucking, and sleeping when they're not doing the other two. But we should tussle around outside before we hit the baths and bed I think, don't wanna have to take a bath before we head out tomorrow after all. And as for clothing, now that I can definitely help you with. There's a tailor in town, in the bazaar to be exact, who comes from the Netherworld, and she's extremely proficient in making us adventurers clothing that won't... well, it'll still be destroyed rather easily considering, but it's easy for her to repair it, and she will do repairs for a bit cheaper and a bit quicker than they can here at the guild hall itself. She does come here to the hall from time to time too, so maybe we'll get lucky and she'll show up tomorrow before we leave and you can chat with her. But since you got that medallion you can go to the bazaar anytime you like. So if you go there without me tomorrow, look for a shop with a pink and blue banner over it that says "Sirella's Boutique", because the lady that I mention works for a succubus from the Netherworld named Sirella who makes arguably some of the best clothing in existence, even astral silk when she can get her hands on some," she went on to say, addressing the rest that Gloria had to ask before taking her mug of mead and downing the last of it in three big gulps.


Demon Girl
RP Moderator
Sep 29, 2017
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Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

Gloria would listen to Idryll, and how she looked up to a woman named Celine. Thinking about it, Gloria would realize that she did not really look up to anyone. More so she just wanted to get the heck out of the backwater nowhere town that she had come from. Roselake was the name of the village that Gloria hailed from, and about the most interesting thing there was the farm animals. "I would like that, if you don't mind. Should we talk to her now? You would know her far better than I." Gloria would reply as she felt it would be foolish to approach Tabitha herself and perhaps the both of them should approach her instead?

"Shall we go for a walk then? Maybe a trip to the bazaar could be exactly what we need right now. I have about 33 gold on me, so hopefully that will be able to get me something? Certainly nothing fancy, but perhaps something that might not rip apart the first time you tug on it either. " Gloria would shoot a bit of a smile toward Idryll as if she were implying Idryll was likely to have her way with Gloria, and looking forward to it.

As their exchange drew to a close, Gloria had started to realize that Idryll was likely not able to go into the bazaar with her. "So you don't have a medallion too? I guess its not possible to bring you there as a guest then is it?" Gloria was starting to look for a solution to a problem that could very well not even exist. Then again she was also getting ahead of herself as she had arranged to go out with Idryll and possibly even Tabitha as well, but there would be little need for Gloria to enlist the aid of either if there was no mission to do.

"Where are the missions posted here? Perhaps we should decide on a mission to take for tomorrow? Maybe one that could be done with Tabitha as well? Or one that just the two of us could look into?" Gloria would ask as she just realized the minor detail of not actively having a mission to go on tomorrow. Gloria was getting a bit scatterbrained. Between training, getting new clothing, and finding a mission to go on as well Gloria was starting to show the signs of being a bit overwhelmed with all the things that she wanted to do. For now, it was best to take things one step at a time. Gloria would try to settle down a bit and see how the session with Idryll would go.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"Sure, hang on a sec. Hey Tabby, come here for a sec," Idryll said to Gloria, before turning to call Tabitha over, the blonde haired paladin girl glancing over before getting up and coming over, carrying her large greatsword with her and setting it on the table on the opposite side of Idryll from where Gloria was sitting. "Wanna go on a job with me and Gloria here tomorrow, maybe help her out with a tougher job and get her nice and started?" Idryll asked Tabitha, who mulled it over for a few moments.

"Hmm... sure, why not. What job did you two have in mind?" Tabitha replied in a rather soft spoken voice after a few moments, not seeming to mind as she extended her hand towards Gloria, and despite her obvious strength, she didn't seem too menacing now that she was talking to Gloria. "And I'm Tabitha, in case this little runt here hasn't already told you," she added with a smirk as she nudged Idryll with her elbow.

"I don't mind heading over to the bazaar, but the boutique might be closed by now. Though couldn't hurt to check I guess," Idryll said wit ha shrug, not seeming to mind heading to the bazaar with Gloria. "Wanna come with us Tabby?" she asked the blonde haired paladin who shrugged and got up to follow. "And please hon, what do you think my first choice was of items? The medallion is the best choice by far because it basically gives new adventurers access to the bazaar earlier than they'd likely be able to manage otherwise," she then added as an afterthought to Gloria, pulling her own medallion out of her pocket to show, though hers was a bit worn looking.

"Jobs here at the guild are posted over there on that wall. It's actually been a bit slow here lately, so there's not a whole lot of jobs that aren't in the taverns and stuff," Shayra said as she passed the group by with a slip of paper in one hand. "Speaking of jobs though, this one just came in actually, if you three would like to have a look before I post it up over there," she added, handing Idryll the paper, where Tabitha leaned around to look, and Idryll held it so Gloria could see it too.

The paper had a two pronged job for exploring some new ruins that were unearthed in a place called Crimea that was connected to Melior via the portal in the bazaar. The second part of the job called for any and all adventurers that were willing, to act as... additional escorts for a noble of Crimea, who insisted on exploring a specific portion of said ruins that were rumored from the first looks at the place to have something magical in nature. "Hmm... so we'd have to travel to Crimea then for this one. But the reward..." Idryll muttered softly as their eyes all traveled down to the bottom to show a 3,000 gold reward for this particular job. "T-Three thousand? That's a thousand a piece!" Idryll said, looking up at Shayra, who nodded.

"I literally just got the report for the job. If you girls decide to take it, head through the portal tomorrow morning after breakfast, and they'll brief you about it in Nevassa's guild hall," Shayra replied with a nod.

"You two want this job?" Idryll asked, to which Tabitha nodded, where they'd both look over at Gloria for a few moments, waiting on her response.


Demon Girl
RP Moderator
Sep 29, 2017
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Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

Gloria would smile a bit as she saw Idryll reveal her medallion as well. "Well, taking a walk over to the bazaar before we get some training in should give us time to let our food settle in, right? Worse comes of it, I can see more of Melior I guess." Gloria figured it was a win-win sorta thing. Gaining information about a place she knew little about aside from rumors from back home in Roselake.

Watching as Idryll would approach the other woman it would seem that she was fairly receptive to going along with the pair on whatever mission they would so choose. If it were for a simple lack of something to do, or anything else for that matter Gloria knew that splitting 33% of something was sure better than 100% of nothing. As the conversation would continue, it was revealed that this was a somewhat slow time. Almost as if on cue, Shaydra would approach the group and ask if they were interested in a job that was just recently taken on.

Gloria knew little of what to expect, but had to respect that the job she had taken previously was 1 star and worth 25 gold. "Sure, I guess you just need to train me good tonight so that I am ready for tomorrow?" Gloria would quip back as there was no reason not to take a shot at 1000 gold. "Should I look into getting a better sword or shield too? Do any of you know about this Crimea?I barely know anything about Melior as it is.." Gloria would start rambling as she was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed by going into a portal. At least Idryll and Tabitha were going with her and that would calm her down once she stopped to think a little.

"Can we just.. go to the bazaar now?" Gloria would ask as she was building into a frenetic state as she wanted to do a few things before the day was done. Hopefully with a clear objective established with the mission they were going to undertake tomorrow, it would help to just expend the building nervous energy that Gloria was gathering up.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"Aye, that's true. So why not. And of course seeing more of the city is always a good thing," Idryll replied with a smile at Gloria's suggestion of going to the bazaar to find Sirella's Boutique.

"Mhm. Also Shayra, what's up with this one having no star rating?" Idryll then said when they looked over the new job that Shayra had brought out.

"Well that's the thing. They don't know what's in these ruins that were found exactly. That's why they're hiring adventuring groups to explore them. There's apparently five separate paths and they've only gotten two other groups hired on so far, with you three being the third if you decide to go tomorrow. And I would suggest at least one of the two, Gloria. Having slightly better equipment means that you'll have a better chance of success," Shayra replied, giving Gloria a nod as she answered her question.

"Sure, come on hon. And Shayra, contact the sender of the job and tell them they've got one more group for tomorrow's expedition," Idryll said before smiling over at Gloria. "And don't you worry hon, by the time we wake up tomorrow, I'll have you in tip top shape, and maybe a little more," she added with a grin.

With that, Idryll would get up and sling her shield over her shoulder and use her spear as a walking stick of sorts as she got up and offered a hand to Gloria to help her to her feet, before leading the way out of the guild hall. Tabitha followed as she slung her greatsword over her shoulder so the hilt was sticking up over her right shoulder, and together the trio headed for the bazaar. The path to the bazaar was actually a rather short one from the guild hall, and from the front door of the guild hall, they made a right onto the main street, then made the first left and walked towards a large tunnel that led under the hill that Melior castle sat on top of.

Near the entrance of the tunnel stood a quartet of city guards, all in their matte steel gray colored armor with spears and shields in hand. When Gloria approached the tunnel entrance, she saw over the thing a large sign that read "Melior's Bizarre Bazaar", and the guards stopped Gloria until she produced the medallion. "Ah of course miss. You must be new to the guild. Proceed, and just try and stay out of trouble alright," the guard told Gloria in a dismissive tone, seeming to only have stopped her more out of necessity rather than actually wanting to.


Demon Girl
RP Moderator
Sep 29, 2017
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Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

Gloria would start to feel like she belonged a little more as Idryll and Tabitha both readily accepted her. Even so much as taking her on a mission tomorrow. Gloria would somewhat hesitate when she heard that the mission had no star rating. Maybe it could be nothing but a wild goose chase, Gloria pondered to herself. At least she had the two other women with her if anything were to go wrong and they encounter some manner of resistance.

With the details of the mission settled, The trio would head into the bazaar. Gloria was predictably stopped at the gate as the guards would have had no idea who she was. Fumbling about a bit from the sheer excitement of experiencing something more than watching a few cows graze around the farm land, Gloria would produce the medallion that would allow her access to the bazaar. With the entry clear, Gloria would then try to recall the directions that Idryll had given her for the Sirella's boutique. Unfortunately all Gloria could remember was the banner. "Idryll, you know where this boutique is right? I think i remember you saying there was a pink and blue banner but nothing about where it actually was.. Also they would sell weapons or shields here too I would hope?" Gloria would say as she was likely to be overwhelmed with what was in store for her as she would head into the bazaar proper.

With the bazaar ahead of her, Gloria had a mini shopping list of sorts and 33 gold to do it with. Hopefully she could find Sirella's and also find a good sword or shield that she could take into Crimea with her tomorrow. Of course there was also her training to look forward to as well.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"Oh of course. It's nearer to the portal in one of the old deep dungeon cells that Melior castle has, which was renovated a long time ago to add onto the bazaar," Idryll replied when asked if she knew where Sirella's Boutique was located, leading the way through into the tunnels.

"Yes they sell weaponry from the other worlds here too. Just in other shops. A couple of the shops here have their own forges set up too with huge chimneys built into the hillside for air filtration," Tabitha then answered about her being able to get weaponry in here too.

"Weapons or clothes first then?" Idryll asked, not seeming to mind which they went to find first. "The weapon shop you'll probably wanna check for shields is the Netherworld one. And either the Netherworld or Celestia shops for weapons would be your best bet on getting a better sword, or improving your own there," she added.


Demon Girl
RP Moderator
Sep 29, 2017
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Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

Gloria would listen to both Idryll and Tabitha as they explained a bit of the bazaar each. Gloria would realise this was a big place in short order. Just looking around while following Idryll, Gloria would soon catch herself and try to focus back Idryll's voice. Gloria could probably get herself lost in this place for a good long while if she lost aight of Idryll and Tabitha.

"Lets go to Sirella's first. Unless there is a smithy along the way perhaps? I think getting some clothing is probably what I want more right now." Gloria would state as she looked over the clothes that were borrowed from Gina. Gloria wanted to return them when she could, and if she could keep this dress spotless then even better Gloria felt.

The thought of heading through a portal into a new world would get Gloria thinking again. Wile following Idryll, Gloria would try to start a conversation, "Habe either of you been to Crimea before? Is there any idea of what to expect?" Gloria liked to be prepared if she could. Hopefully Idryll or Tabitha would be able to help shed some light on what to expect in Crimea tomorrow while they made their way to Sirella's.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"The Celestial forges and workshop are on the northern side of the bazaar, so past Sirella's Boutique. The Netherworld forges and workshop are on the northwest side, so the boutique is on the way to both," Idryll said as they walked along, where they'd soon find themselves standing before a rather large shop that was carved into the hill, and another thing Gloria had noticed was that there were no torch sconces in this tunnel/bazaar. Instead there were large hanging orbs from the ceiling that shone more light than any torch ever could, and lighting the place up quite a bit to make it look near daylight.

"Well, here's Sirella's Boutique, second largest selection of clothing in Melior, after Elena's Secret. This place though has some overall better clothing though, as some magic is woven into the fabric to help make it tougher to rip, and easier to repair when it is ripped," Idryll said as she led Gloria into a the large shop. "This place has Netherworld styles of clothing too, which can be much better here in these parts around summer. Because the Netherworld is in a tropical region, so it's kind of always summer there in a sense," she added with a smirk as she herself veered towards some bikinis she saw there.

Tabitha meanwhile was looking at a rather thin and quite alluring dress made of the purest and finest of silk. It had a slit down the back that stretched all the way to the top of the ass region, and halfway down the front so that it showed as much cleavage as possible without allowing the wearers breasts to pop out easily. "Good evening ma'am. You've got a new face I've not seen before, so please come in and have a look around. We aim to please our customers, and I am proud to say that it's very rare that a customer leaves here unsatisfied. Is there anything in particular that you would like, miss?" a more mature looking succubus said as she walked up and bowed rather gracefully, her long flowing black hair falling in front of her somewhat as she bowed to Gloria while her wings fluttered slightly.


Demon Girl
RP Moderator
Sep 29, 2017
Reputation score
Re: Gloria (Shortbus)

"Oh, I guess we would have ended up at Sirella's first either way then. Though maybe I should ask how much stuff costs? Well, relatively speaking of course. I do not plan on getting anything too fancy. Not now at least.." Gloria would trail off as she had a few visions of what she thought some super expensive clothing would look like.

With Idryll and Tabitha seeming to go their own way in the shop once they arrived. Gloria would soon be approached by someone that she could only assume was Sirella. "Thank you, and I would very much like to look around if you do not mind. Are you Sirella by any chance? My name is Gloria." Feeling it was rude not to introduce herself before just firing off the list of things that she had wanted to look at, Gloria would take the time to make a proper introduction to the shopkeeper.

Once the introduction was out they way, Gloria would start to list off the things that she was looking for, "Could you help me find a few things? I am looking for some clothing that I could use for a mission tomorrow in Crimea. I would prefer a skirt if possible, along with a top to go with it. Then also I would like to see what you have in the way of undergarments and finally I would like to have something I could wear while training as well." Maybe it was a bit too forward, but Gloria would just have out with the list of things that she had in her mind for what she wanted to have between later tonight while training and also tomorrow for their mission in Crimea.

Gloria would wait for the Succubus to see if she happened to have any insight on what Gloria was looking for. Gloria had a preference for lighter materials since she would generally rely on her quickness instead of trying to rely on armor to protect her when getting hit. Glancing over at Tabitha, Gloria would see that she was not in any pressing need for clothing as she was looking at a dress that had become the idea of what Gloria would recognize as high fashion here in Melior. At some point Gloria was hoping that she too could afford something like that.