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Re: GITS: A New Gig OOC

When are we gonna get started?
Re: GITS: A New Gig OOC

Depends on whether or not we get another character sheet.

Also, since I just noticed my original post was lacking this, the RP is gonna be freeform, thus, the standard rules apply. And, another thing. If I catch ANYONE godmodding at ALL, you can bet it's gonna be a boot up your arse.

EDIT: Once Oni gets on, the RP can start.
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Re: GITS: A New Gig OOC

Double post because I can.

RP will start momentarily. Just need to get the thread made and stuff.
Re: GITS: A New Gig OOC

So, how long have our characters had their chips? Also, are they just getting assigned to the section or have they been their for a while?
Re: GITS: A New Gig OOC

Oni's has been assigned for quite some time, as well as mine. The rest of you were just recently recruited, and the chips were given to you a month ago, so you'd know how to use them well, but not very powerfully.
Re: GITS: A New Gig OOC

Which means we might have quirks in control as well, like using low amounts of power in our sleep and waking up to find the results?
Re: GITS: A New Gig OOC

Re: GITS: A New Gig OOC

Could we post a few of those quirks on our own?
Re: GITS: A New Gig OOC

If the RP gets underway, yes. Are you going to post your intro or not?
Re: GITS: A New Gig OOC

I was going to wait to see another intro post or two before heading in to see how others are approaching this.
Re: GITS: A New Gig OOC

Well I've been ordered to leave mine til last so you'll be waiting on one of the other players then.
Re: GITS: A New Gig OOC

Avatar, did your character just enter the room or have you been there the whole time?
Re: GITS: A New Gig OOC

Well, he obviously was there before me, or he would have passed Suzy before entering the room...
Re: GITS: A New Gig OOC

Alright then, I'll assume he's been in there for a while.
Re: GITS: A New Gig OOC

Sorry posting while in class he was in the room to start.
Re: GITS: A New Gig OOC

None of the characters have introduced themselves yet, so James wouldn't know Suzy's name yet. Or would he :confused:
Re: GITS: A New Gig OOC

Well, he never said Suzy's name in his speech, so it doesn't really matter...?
Re: GITS: A New Gig OOC

In description I write in the third person. When he speaks he'll say 'Ma'am'
Re: GITS: A New Gig OOC

Nar suppose not...

BLARGH I'm bloody hungry...
Re: GITS: A New Gig OOC

Zenna is such a polite, sweet girl isn't she?