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Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Walking through the doors, Suzy was singing lightly, though few would be able to tell the song.
"I see no hear no evil,
Black writings on the wall,
Unleash one-million faces,
And one-by-one they fall..."

Walking slightly erratically, she made her way to a secluded corner of the room, settled down in a chair, and just sat there, singing softly, gazing at the ceiling, twirling her watch around her hand as she did.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

(she's mostly hiding her eyes and her mouth, her eyes because they have that milky look to them aka dead people's eyes, and her teeth because they're sharper than normal.)

Stella nods slowly and stands at the base of the stairs, looking up, glad she didn't have to climb them seeing how her legs weren't working properly at the moment, she looks over at Grace, a little glad that at least someone was trying to talk to her, although she doubted Grace would be so eager to talk if her true nature was shown. She tries her best to wave at Grace without uncovering her face, smiling a little in the process, "Y..yeah. I'll report them later or something... thanks for making sure I was okay..."

After a few minutes, she finds her legs working properly again and she heads to her room, one hand digging through her pockets for the keycard. Swiping it, she pushes the door open, "See you tomorrow then I guess..."
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Sho's currently sitting in the main room, reading and enjoying some popcorn before she heads to her room. It had been a pretty quiet day, thankfully, though tonight was proving a little more interesting. She looked up as Suzy came in, hearing the voice and not at all bothered by the singing. She tries for a bit to recognize the song, but the other girl might see the slight shrug as she gives up. She doesn't ask, though, or bother her.

As Grace and Stella come in, that also gets her attention. Seeing the state of the one girl, she starts to push herself to her feet, though catching their conversation, she eases back down, watching the stairs and hoping the bits she was catching were true.

You can pester Grace tomorrow. And you don't need to get involved with everything. Unless it really looks like there's a problem. She'd have to wait and see if anything came of what she hoped was looking like an isolated incident. She didn't like the idea, but it seemed more up to Stella than anything else.

Trying to settle back into her reading, she sighed and gave up, closing her book and just idly munching on her popcorn as she stared out into space.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Stella exits her room after awhile. There was no way she would be sleeping tonight after what happened. She no longer smelled like blood and rot though, at least, getting the scent out of her was decently hard, but she had her methods. Straightening out her hair, she walks into the communal room, deciding to take a seat for now to think things over. Her being discovered was bad enough, now she may become the subject of experimentation...

She keeps her eyes half closed, not wanting to be wearing sunglasses so late as it looked weird. But her flu mask and gloves were on as usual. To the casual observer, she hoped she just looked like a bacteria freak, and nothing else..
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Sho's eyes trail over as Stella comes back into the room. She looked...better. Still a little haggard and she had to keep herself from grinning at the mask over the girl's face. Everyone had their quirks, she supposed, and if the girl felt there was a reason for wearing the mask, she wasn't going to chastise her for it, at least not without knowing why. Still, there was that conversation earlier.

"Someone looks like they're feeling better," she remarks, just trying to ease into the conversation. Heaven help her and her nosy streak.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Stella opens her eyes a little and looks over, nodding, she was sure this girl was there when she had walked in, and probably had overheard the brunt of the conversation, "Yeah, I guess. A fresh change of clothes and a nice, quick shower usually makes that happen." She adjusts her flu mask slightly, trying to sink into the chair, she decided not to go into details and tried to change the subject, "I remember you from the first day here, when I was eating pizza."
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Never underestimate the healing power of a good, hot shower," Sho agrees with a grin. As she makes the connection, the brunette nods. "That would be me. Though should I be worried I stuck out like that?" Another grin.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Stella laughs a little, then shakes her head, "No... I guess it shouldn't really matter. It was just the first thing that came to mind."
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Fair enough." She thinks about it for a moment and doesn't seem to recall a germaphobe student in the dorms before. "You a newer student here at Gosamer, then?" Of course, even though Stella isn't, the mask does conceal most of her face, so it would be difficult for someone to recognize her, unless they knew her rather well.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Stella shakes her head slightly, looking out the windows as there was a slightly crack, she uses one arm to support the other, trying not to make it shown that her arm had just fallen off, "Sorta... and a little not, I guess you can say I left for awhile then came back."
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Even if she hears the noise, Sho likely wouldn't know what it was. Still... "You all right there?" she asks. Obviously she's not going to pry as to why Stella was gone for a while. The mask and gloves kind of help to build their own assumptions: something medical. "Glad to be back? Or as glad as any of us when it comes to getting back to school?"
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Stella begins to rest her arm against the chair, gritting her teeth as a the process to reattach the temporarily lost limb begins. She smiles and looks down, her eyes opening slightly as she shrugs, "I guess I'm as glad as I can be to be back. Although... today, I'm not so sure..."
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

After some time, Suzy glanced at her watch, and stood up, stretched, and left for her dorm, still singing softly.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Sho notes the other girl getting up and heading for bed. She doesn't seem wholly concerned with the time, it looks like.

"Yeah, sounded like you went through a rough spot today. You know the school doesn't tolerate...bullying," she seems to be choosing the word, since she's not wholly sure what was wrong earlier. "If you need to talk to someone, there are people that'll help. And likely plenty of people willing to kick the arse of someone that picks on a girl." She grins a little.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Stella shrugs and winces a few times as the arm began to meld back into her body, grimacing a few times she looks down, trying to hide her face, laughing a little, "It's nothing important, and nothing I want the school administration to get involved with. Plus it shouldn't happen again..."
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"All right. It's up to you, after all. Just letting you know that you've got options." She was sitting there, promsing herself that she wasn't going to pry. This was Stella's business and she'd only help if asked or dire circumstances arose. She did, however, notice the wince when it reached her eyes. "You sure you're all right and you didn't get hurt after all that?"

(She does have the mask on, so I'm sure that's helping, but it's hard to hide eye crinkles and the like.)
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Stella nods slowly and leans against the chair, the arm almost finish reaffixing itself, she lets out a sigh, "Yeah, I'm fine, like I said, just a little worn out from today." She opens one eye slightly, and notices that the other girl was concentrating very hard on something, "I...is there something on my face?"
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Just the mask. And you look like you're aching but you're trying to hide it." There's a faint upturn at one corner of Sho's mouth as she says that, but she's not teasing. Being sympathetic, actually.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

There was another loud crack as Stella rights herself, shaking her head with a smile as she looks over at Sho, "It's probably nothing, just hurts a little, I'll be fine with a little rest. Although, at the moment I don't think I'm too eager to sleep.."
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Sho actually winces at the sound. "Please tell me that wasn't a knuckle or something." Although a bad joint wouldn't be all that off of an excuse. "And no rule says you have to go to bed at a certain time." She grins a little. "Though if I'm bothering you, feel free to tell me so. If you want to relax, chatter doesn't help with that sometimes."