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Geography (Sturm)

Re: Geography (Sturm)

As Lucky the wonder mage wandered up to door number 25, she immediately heard the numbers on the floor start spinning, before each began to slam into place, each reading 5, before they began to spin around eachother erratically, lifting out of the ground. The lights in the room dimmed considerably before script began to appear in the air in front of the door.

"Rejection of Order and Embrace of Chance... the Fools Gambit, The Jester's Play. All other routes are barred, all other doors are locked. To continue you must pass through this tribulation. The creatures beyond this door are unkind, and unforgiving. You must best them or bear their young. Nothing else will allow you the freedom to continue, and make no mistake, your freedom is at stake here."

Swinging open with a bang, the lights seemed to bleed into the hallway that ended in a cavern. A low buzzing could be heard beyond slowly growing louder, before a large shape blazed past the opening and out of sight again... They had to continue this way now. Thinking for a moment, Dori chanted something under her breath, before she extended her hand and a ball of red light floated down and into the cavern, before growing brighter, exploding, and once again leaving the room in darkness. But it was enough. Inside was a massive, golden hued..... it looked like a hive... a bee hive...

Well... Shit. Narin muttered.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

What kind of mage am I? A wonder mage

As the tiles started spinning on their own, Lucky stopped to look back. That didn't seem good...

Lucky listened to what the voice had to say. Now that was just plain ominous... But she wasn't about to let anyone threaten any of her new lovers' freedom.

As they traveled into the next area, she wondered just where they found themselves. And then she saw what Dori's light revealed. When she did, she was inclined to agree with Narin's assessment. "Tits..." she remarked dejectedly. Bees...fucking bees

Are you and thetwo conspiring for GM karma here? It's not my fault! The dice HATE him!
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Fucking Right Wonder Mage!
Spawn number: ? Spawn Frequency: ?
Current enemies: 5
Stealth Rolls
Claire: 3
Narin: 7
Dori: 8
All Failed.
Starting Status:
Claire FP 5/5 MP 2/2
Dori FP 6/6 MP ????
Narin 4/4 MP 3/3
Distance to Exit: Approximately 60 Yards. Terrain, Uneven.

Bees 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2
Bees various attacks by roll (I'm not posting the numbers for these unless significant because... there's a lot of them)
Dori is hit once. Dori Crit Counters another, and kills it.
Claire is Missed
Narin it hit once, Missed once.

Dori Vs Bee, Miss
Claire Vs Bee, Hit for 1 FP
Narin Vs Bee, Miss

Bees! x/x 1/2 2/2 2/2 2/2
Claire 5/5FP 2/2MP
Dori 5/6FP 1/10AP MP unknown.
Narin 3/4FP 1/10AP MP 3/3
Distance to exit approximately 55 yards.

Dori would have very much like to agree with the assessment given by her new friends, but she was busy conjuring a new ball of light, one a little brighter, and longer lasting then the first one had been, and after a few muttered words, the light spun into existence, before sailing out into the Hive. In the bright glow of the magelight, Everyone could see what they really would rather not have.

The Hive itself was truly gargantuan, only the wall on the right visible because of the softly glowing lights that eminated from some of the honeycombs, which were easily 6 feet across. The light however, showed hundreds, literally hundreds of bees about the size of small dogs skittering about, ignoring them for the most part as they went about filling the combs with a thick, white substance, before another would seal the comb, and they would move on. Alerted by the light, no less then 5... what could only be soldiers, came buzzing angrily out at them even as Narin pointed to a door at the far side of the Hive about 60 yards away. The door had slammed shut behind them, they now only had one way to go, and the message had made it pretty clear what losing meant.

Streaking towards them as Dori moved forward first, the bees zipped past them, leaving a pair of deep scratches in Dori, and Narin's arms as they slid down the sloping wall onto the curved floor proper, running along the boundaries between combs even as Dori swore angrily and Narin gasped. Lucky, jumped in after them, and as they made their way across the first comb, Dori seized her shoulder and forced her down, ducking the pass of one of the bees, it's stinger whistling dangerously close over her before Narin slid to the side to avoid another.

Miserable fucking Insects! Dori screamed, as her body seemed to surge with power, armoured plates of bone sliding into existance across her spine, shoulders, outer arms, and thighs, her feet growing a little as her horns grew as well, curling into thick ramhorns on top of her head as she spread her wings. As one of the bees tried to make another whistling pass at Dori, she seized the creature, and, between her hands, the thing literally exploded, black, curling flames smoking where it had been, looking to her left, she tried to kill another, that same flame licking out at it, but a second too slow as Narin summoned a lance made of ice, the projectile sailing past it's mark to sink into the hive.

Claire had a little more luck, and without even thinking, she found her hands raised before her, shadows flickering in the light lancing up the sides of the combs before exploding out to her sides in a shower of needles and spikes that injured, but failed to kill another before Dori turned. They had to make their way across somehow, and it looked like it could very well be a fight all the way there....
Re: Geography (Sturm)

As the battle began, Claire, Lucky, couldn't help gaping at Dori's conjured armor. That was a handy trick to have. Despite this, her attention was rapidly drawn back to the bees they were fighting. It seemed like they were pretty fast, they were having trouble getting good hits on them, and at this rate they would be stung into submission before they could get over the uneven path to the exit.

Deciding a change of tact was in order, Claire focused herself in an attempt to blast ice magic out of her palms, hoping to frost the bees and slow them down so her partners could pick them off more easily with their own powers. "Girls I'm going to try to slow them down with ice magic and so you guys can pick them off easier!"
Claire uses 'chill the fuck out bees!' Still making their way valiantly towards the exit
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Bees! x/x 1/2 2/2 2/2 2/2
Claire 5/5FP 2/2MP
Dori 5/6FP 1/10AP MP unknown.
Narin 3/4FP 1/10AP MP 3/3
Distance to exit approximately 55 yards.

5 vs Narin 19 Crit Counter. Kill
12 vs Narin 10 Hit, AP increased by 2
9 vs Narin 8 Hit, AP increased by 2
14 vs Narin 10 Hit AP Increased by 2
The dice officially hate Narin.

Lucky 17 vs 18 Miss
Narin 8 vs 14 Miss
Dori 18 vs 8 Crit Kill

Bees! x/x x/x x/x 2/2 2/2+2/2 2/2

End of round! Spawn freq reached. 2 more bees join the fray.

Claire 5/5FP 2/2MP
Dori 5/6FP 1/10AP MP unknown.
Narin 3/4FP 7/10AP MP 2/3 -3 to attack rolls
Progress towards door 3. 52-2=50/60

As the bees turned around to make another pass at the Trio as they tried to continue across the hive, Dori rushing forward to try and scatter the bees that had pulled around to block them off, the succubus wasn't initially successful, several furious swipes spreading the bees around her, before she opened her mouth and a long tongue of that dread flame shout forth to incinerate one, while the others shot passed her. Dodging around Lucky's magic as she tried to make her own counter attack, it took both of them to realise they were headed for Narin.

Either through bad luck, or sensing she was simply the weakest member of the intruders, the 3 remaining insects all tore passed her, each scoring a hit with their stingers, pumping more poison into her rather then trying to cause her harm, Narin's body heating up considerably, before she managed to grab the last one as it passed, and ran a huge electrical current through it, killing it outright as it fell into the combs, smoking. Her next attack went wide however. panting heavily with what could only be lust, her nipples hard and her skin afire with pleasure, it was obvious that Narin was near the edge of her peak from the venom alone.

As Dori shot back to grab her arm and give her a bit of a shake, they kept running, making it to the next comb while the bees circled back around, seeming to use the same pattern of darting in to hit as many times as possible, regardless of the consequences. To make matters worse, Lucky could see two more soldiers, bursting from the hive to try and cut them off, they had to get out of here, or kill these things faster then their reinforcements arrived... or it was going to be a long day.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Blasting a cone of cold at the bees, Lucky swore as the nimble opponents dodged her attack. She swore again as the bees homed in on Narin, stinging her multiple times, leaving her obviously aroused. "Shit! We have to stick together, cover each other! I'm going to try and blast an entire group with fire when they come back around, make sure the single ones don't tag Narin!"

Lucky began focusing her magic into a single flame in the palm of her hand. However, this was no simple flame, she was focusing more and more magic into it, putting a large amount of energy into the small, intense flame such that her hand was vibrating from the pressure as she used magic to contain it in a small area. She fell back and waited for the group of bees to make another run at Narin, and once they got close, she would level her palm, and unfold the magic containing the fire blast outward, unleashing a hellish flamethrower at the insects when they got close. Hopefully they wouldn't realize the true nature of her attack until it was already too late to dodge.
If I didn't do a good job explaining it, Claire-Lucky is charging and compacting her fire magic into a small flame in the palm of her hand, then unleashing it as a flamethrower of burning death upon ideally a cluster of bees.
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Re: Geography (Sturm)

Narin 18 vs 15 Bee, Miss.
Dori 18 vs 6 Bee, Miss
Dori 9 Vs 18 Bee, Hit, AP increased by 2. FP -1
Dori 6 vs 12 Bee, Hit AP increased by 2. FP -1

Claire 13 vs 14, 4, 14, 5. 2 Hits, 2 kills.
Dori 17-2=15 vs 20. Crit Counter, AP Increased by 2, FP -1
Narin 13-3=10 vs 8. Hit, FP -2, Kill

Final stats.
Claire 5/5FP 1/2MP
Dori 3/6FP 5/10AP -2 to attack rolls. MP unknown.
Narin 3/4FP 7/10AP MP 1/3 -3 to attack rolls
Progress towards door 1. =50-1=49/60

As Claire readied her next attack, burning considerable energy in doing so, Dori found herself on the defensive as the swarm turned around for another pass, a sloppy turn resulting in thin stingers jabbing into her arm and lower back. Yelping in pain and confusion, Dori dove to the side as Narin unleashed a handful of thorned vines, shredding one of the massive insects in an instance, and Claire's explosion took 2 more with it in the blast, leaving only a single buzzing Bee between them and the exit. If they hurried, there was a good chance they could make considerable progress if they could down this single threat before others arrived, and now that only a single creature stood between them and safety, the door was calling to them all even stronger then before. Even as Dori and Narin panted softly, their cheeks red and their blood pumping with some unknown toxin, Claire could already hear the buzzing of more soon to join the fray...
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Claire-Lucky grit her teeth and pushed forward. She could tell her companions, Narin and Dori were in dire straights, the venom obviously taking quite a toll on them. They had to get out of here, and fast, or else they were going to be spending a good deal of time as breeders for the hive. Not something she was overly keen on.

She decided that despite the bee still in her path, the group needed to speed up. They had to make serious forward progress now while they had the numbers advantage. "Let's pick up the pace while we have the numbers on this bee!" The young mage increased her speed and positioned herself between the bee and Narin and leveled a hand to spray some ice needles at the bee.

Shoot a spray of small ice needles at the bee, not a charged attack.Trying to move faster. If the bee is killed she's going to urge the group to start running as fast as they can without injuring themselves.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Claire versus the BEE!!! Nat 20 Vs 2 >.> dat bee is toast...
Spawn chance... Luck roll 56. Sufficient. Seems Lucky really is Lucky ;)
Bonus Movement for Clearing all current enemies... 3. Total progress 13. 36/60.

As Claire summoned forth a barrage of small, icy needles, the insect swooped directly towards her, only to be cut to ribbons by her magic, and clearing the way for them to move forward more quickly. Calling out to her more then willing friends to move faster, Dori and Narin indeed made double time towards the exit of the hive.

They were making good progress and it seemed if their luck held, they could actually get out of this place unscathed, or rather, not glued to a spawning pit... and bred for the Hive...

But the buzzing was growing louder, and looking over her shoulder, Claire-Lucky could see more insects on their way, one in particular grabbing her attention. Slower then the rest, it was larger, and glowing with an odd green light, the pulsing glow shimmering from the bottom of it's abdomen.. They had to move faster.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Had to happen sometime, right?
The satisfaction that Claire-Lucky felt at killing the bee and subsequently gaining speed vanished when she looked back and saw another group of them chasing her and her new friends. It somehow vanished even more intensely when she saw the different, special bee with the creepy, glowing abdomen."Okay guys, uh, we it would be a really good idea to not let this next group catch us. So lets get the fuck out of here already!" Using her wonder mage talents, Lucky did her best to coax more speed out of the group and encouraging them to run as fast as they could given the terrain, practically willing them to get through the blasted hive area and into the relative safety of what lay beyond.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Distance! 7. +2 for WonderMage Spell. 9! 45/60
BEEEEES! Sekret.
Narin 15 vs BEES! 11 Miss.

Trying to speed them onwards towards their goal, they could clearly make out the passage, the large door looming ahead of them, and the path to it clear, they only had to make it a little further.

However, it didn't seem the hive was all that willing to just let them go either as a large, fast moving ball of amber gunk shot just over Narin's shoulder, splattering into the hive wall, the large bee behind them was trying to pin them down!

Continuing on, Lucky had to notice that the substance that had just barely missed her friend had hardly moved from the wall, thick, sticky, and probably something they didn't want to be covered with if escape was their goal...
Re: Geography (Sturm)

The realization that the giant tank-bee that was following them could shoot what appeared to be an immobilizing agent did not go over well with Lucky. "Oh shit! It's shooting some sort of glue! Serpentine, girls! Serpentine!" Wanting more than anything to get away from the beehive, the mage continued to do her best to boost their speed. "Almost there! Keep running!"
Re: Geography (Sturm)

DISTANCE! 2! +2! =4! 49/60.
Clever dodging stratergizering!? Success! +1 to dodgermacating.
Gluebee! vs... 10,9,3
Narin 6. Hit, glued.
Dori 16. Miss, Not glued.
Lucky 19. Miss! Not glued.!

Lucky, calling for a more active attempt at avoiding being splattered with whatever the bee was launching at them, managed to duck in time as another glob of the stuff smacked right passed her, splattering against the hive walls.

Dori, nodding, also managed to dip out of the way, but Narin turned suddenly, looking at Lucky as she ran What do you mean Serpentine! I don't like snakes! she shouted, right before a loud Eeek! was slapped out of her lungs as the thick wad of... something, slammed into her back, sending her bowling forward with the majority of her limbs too gunked up to move without help.

Wriggling on the ground and whimpering muffledly, Lucky could see that the thick substance had move Narin ahead of them, but that the substance had pinned her arms, and bound up her legs rather badly, half her face, and mouth covered in the rapidly hardening goo as she wriggled around, unable to break herself free.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

"That's not what I meant, I-" The glob of bee-goo shot over her head and plastered Narin. "Shit! Hang on Narin, I'll get you out of here!" Lucky caught up to her and channeled her magic to freeze as long a slick of the path directly in front of the dryad as she could towards the exit. "Dori, help me push her!" With Dori's help, she would heave Narin down the path, trying to send her down as fast as possible. If the ice slide looked to be particularly efficient, Lucky would follow Narin down on it, otherwise she would once again take off running.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Distance: 9! +1 for wondermage -1 for trying to sled >.>

GLUE BEE! 12,1,19
Narin 11! Reglobed -.- Or rather, globbed harder.
Dori 4! Missed! No globbed
Lucky 10! Joining the Goo party! +1 AP because kinky bitch >:3 Also because essentially inconsequential given her actual luck at avoiding AP damage so far :p
Enemy Reinforcements are near.

Final stats.
Lucky 5/5FP 0/2MP No more fancy tricks cos outta juice. Glued.
Dori 3/6FP 5/10AP -2 to attack rolls. MP unknown. Fine.
Narin 3/4FP 7/10AP MP 1/3 -3 to attack rolls Glued.

Using the last reserves of her strained power, Lucky's quick thinking caused a sheet of frost to rocket up the path in front of them. Though not ice, it was certainly slick enough to get Narin moving after Dori reached down with her claws and cut the glue holding her to the floor.

Giving it a mad dash, the three of them, Dori shoving Narin down the path, and Lucky charging ahead, were literally within 6 feet of the door when disaster seemed to strike, with Narin getting nailed with another shot of the thick, sticky, gluelike substance, and Lucky feeling the hard, wet smack across her back before being thrown to the ground, her arms pinned to her side, her left leg and stomach stuck to the floor, and her right leg splayed out and likewise pinned.

Dori, only barely managing to duck out of the way of another shot of the stuff, turned to hurl a ball of fire down the hallway, seeming to slow the attackers just a little, and buy them a little time, unable to see it from her spot on the floor, Dori noticed that the large bee seemed to be out of whatever it was flinging their way, luckily for them, Dori looking at the pair as several more bees buzzed their way closer, unsure of how to get her friends across the threshold, pinned as they were.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

So close, and yet so far... A few feet might as well be miles if she was glued to the floor. Seeing Dori freeze as she tried to figure out what to do, Lucky called out to her, "Dori we're stuck to the floor, cut us loose with your claws again! Hurry, the big bee is out of glue!" Claire struggled against her own bonds, unable to make much headway against the glue as she struggled. She could tell her magical reserves were exhausted, no more major magical feats for her. Still, she attempted to channel some heat magic to attempt to melt the glue around her legs so she could at least move them around a little bit as Dori worked to get them free. She was so close to the exit, she couldn't fail now!
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Distance, 2, -4 for each trapped party member. 0.

Dori versus the Gooo 16 16 Both Girls freed from the floor, still bound.
Bee 1 Versus Dori 5 vs 18, Critfail and killed.
Bee 2 Versus Dori 12 vs 13, Miss
Dori Forced movement. 4-2=2 Success

As Lucky called out for help, Narin just whimpered and thrashed in her new prison, unable to break free on her own. Nodding, Dori quickly reached down to start cutting the glue away from the floor, Lucky taking the longest to free given her position, but still, managing to get both girls at least freed from the floor, if not their bonds.

Just as Dori finished, the hallmark buzzing of their problem sounded in their ears, before Dori leapt back, letting the Bee sting Narin, the girl giving out a lewd squeal as she came immediately, her nectar spilling from her quivering folds as the Bee injected a heavy dose of it's poison into her thigh, Dori quickly reaching out and killing the trapped insect.

Dodging another, Dori turned to fight it, before looking at the door, and instead made one last ditch effort to get them out. Sticking her hands into the glue, and effectively locking herself to them, Dori hauled back, with her legs and wings, pulling with all her might even as Lucky tried to help herself.

Unable to get her hands into any position to channel magic towards her legs, her plan was utterly fruitless, but Dori's wasn't, managing to drag them over the threshold, out of the hive, and passed the now slamming door just in time.

Panting, Dori flopped down next to the girls, and let her transformation fade, the succubi drained, Narin still whimpering from her arousal, and Everyone now stuck in one way or another, Lucky still heavily bound from the waist up, Narin completely bound into a small ball, gagged and dripping with Lust, and Dori with a hand stuck to each of them.

Sitting there thinking, Dori shrugged. I need a moment to rest, can't get this stuff off without it. She said, sighing as they found themselves back in the heavily runed hallways they'd been traveling.

Lucky was out of power, Dori seemed to be as well, and Narin was practically useless. It would take some time, but eventually Dori managed to yank her hands out of the glue, and start untangling the others, using the same cold that Lucky had used to make it brittle before breaking it.

Now free, and now two hours passed their trip through the hive, as dori had let them sit there like that for quite some time to recover, fingering the hopeless Narin for the energy, All three girls saw the next puzzle, or choice. It was hard to tell. Two doors stood to either side of eachother. One showed a large, segmented egg embossed on the door, pulsing with a sickly green light, the other seemed to just be solid black until Dori touched it. Rubber of some kind... Before the runes started to spin in the air.

"You have survived Judgement, and earned the right to continue, though not unmarked. You must choose a Price. Both doors awaken a creature, the creature will travel with you." They said simply
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Lucky could only look on helplessly as Dori heroically battled off the bees and dragged the two incapacitated women to *relative* freedom. She sighed in relief as the door slammed behind them, it seemed a miracle they had avoided spending a very long time as the hive's honored guests. Thanking Dori, Lucky tiredly kissed the succubus on the cheek once she was freed from her bindings.

While they recovered, Lucky was happy to just spend some time cuddling up and relaxing with her two supernatural lovers. Of course they had to keep moving at some point, and when the time came she examined the two doors before her. "Looks like more trouble..." She mumbled as much to herself as to the other women. Seeing little other than color to indicate what lay beyond the doors, she gently prodded the sickly green door to see if it gave a clue to what lay beyond it, like the black rubber door. Unless someone or something provided a major piece of insight, she would push open the green door.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

As Lucky prodded the green door, more runes flashed into the air in front of it, indeed offering more insight, the clues triggered in segments to both doors it seemed, as if to intentionally confuse the enterers.

"The gifts of both rooms are alive, despite appearance, or inclination. Both must travel with you to the end of this domain. Inside each creature is a reflection of an inner desire, the choice between hedonism, and motherhood. To bring life, and to enjoy life. Both carnal aspects, both common ones."

The runes faded as soon as they were read, the doors waiting for Lucky to choose as Narin and Dori both held their breath, remembering the consequences the last time Lucky had chosen a path.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

The runes piqued Lucky's interest, and she took a moment to read them. The choices presented were interesting, something related to motherhood and something related to hedonism. Whatever she chose though, it was clear that it would stick with them for the remainder of their time in this place. Before making a choice she glanced back at Dori and Narin for a moment before offering them a shrug and pushing open the green door. "Let's see what's behind door number one!"