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Geography (Sturm)

Re: Geography (Sturm)

Dori laughed and kissed Claire again, moaning softly into her mouth as Claire pressed her body tighter against the succubus' own, rolling her hips gently. "I know I didn't NEED to do it~ But showing off can be fun all on it's own~" She teased, before her own clothing simply vanished. She appeared utterly unable to affect Claire's own however, or maybe she just wanted to take it off herself, regardless, Claire was soon having her shirt slowly lifted as Dori sank lower, her lips felt against her bared stomach as the lust demon began to strip her, her warm lips and hot tongue sliding across her sensitive flesh ever closer to the peaks of her breasts, the unusually powerful lust coursing through Claire's veins slow to fade and each touch sending a thrill up her spine.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Giggling at Dori's response, Claire replied, "Fair enough, I suppose we can agree on that, your way is more fun. Getting a good view of the succubus' body as she made her clothes vanish, Claire still felt well and truly under the effects of whatever lust spell had been cast on her. Panting heavily and very much hot and bothered, she rapidly ran her hands up and down the Dori's figure, enjoying the silky smooth feel of her bare, warm skin.

When Dori removed Claire's top and slowly, sensually, made her way towards her breasts, Claire was left without anything to kiss, so she focused her horny energies on other tasks, namely taking off her safari shorts. Briefly pausing her rubbing of Dori's skin, Claire undid the belt to her shorts before managing to slide them off, a pair of black cotton panties remaining on though. She tossed the shorts aside, the wrap demon bondage gear hanging out of one pocket, though she was far too lust-addled at this point to be embarrassed about Dori, or Narin if she was watching, seeing it. As the succubus was taking her sweet time getting to her nipples, Claire said, or moaned rather, "Oh Dori, you're driving me crazy up here! Do you treat all the girls this way?"

With her shorts off, Claire slid one of her legs in between Dori's, and proceeded to rub her thigh back and forth between her legs in a sawing motion, letting the succubus know she had something to grind herself on so she could get pleasured as well as Claire. Her panties were rapidly dampening, but since they were black it would be tough to notice the moisture accumulating visually, though physically touching the panties would be more than enough to reveal the wetness. That and the look in her eyes indicated she wanted nothing except for intense carnal relations with Dori, and she wanted said relations NOW.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Dori didn't speak, and although she was certainly enjoying the fevered moment between herself and claire, and the feeling of Claire's hands carressing her supple flesh, she didn't show it, simply moaning softly as she took the peak of Claire's nipple into the warmth of her mouth as her hot tongue teased and twirled around the sensitive skin, grinding her hips slowly against Claire's bared knee, her own folds damp as well.

Neither answering her question, or tolerating Claire's underwear, Dori pulled the panties away quickly before her hand shot down to take the bandages from the pocket of Claire's discarded shorts. "Someone did have fun earlier~" She cooed, looking up at her before kissing her passionately, her tongue agilely slipping between her lips even as Claire felt the bandages drifted across her back. "Now should we have some fun with these~?" She asked, quirking an eyebrow, asking the girl silently if she enjoyed being bound for someone elses pleasure as much as her own, the look utterly mischievous.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Claire arched her back, moaning as Dori took her nipple into her mouth, sucking on it and playing with it. It was such a fantastic feeling, it was almost too bad she didn't have any milk to reward such pleasure with. Claire would make do though, sliding her leg in opposite Dori's hip motions, giving her as much pleasure as she could while her pussy left a nice long wet streak up her leg.

Once Dori de-pantied Claire and grabbed up the bandages, she looked up at the succubus smiling, trying to pull off a shy-submissive look, but her lust shone through plain as day, sort of throwing off the intended affect. Still, it was pretty clear that she wanted this to happen.

"Ha...Ha...I've been known to enjoy it a little, but only if I have a really good partner. Think you're up for the task?" The look in her eyes was definitely one of a friendly, challenging nature, but there was definite longing too, her lust nowhere near satisfied. If anything it had been heightened by Dori's ministrations.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Dori grinned widely, before slipping free of the tangle that was Claire and guiding her into a kneeling position, slipping around behind her to straddle her calves, making sure Claire was upright as she pressed her bare chest against the girls back, kissing her neck. "I think I have something in mind~" She whispered softly, guiding the bandages under her arms just above her elbos behind her, slowly drawing her arms back in a teasing manner as the bandages tightened before Dori folded her arms up behind her and bound her wrists and elbows together tightly, Claire finding her bindings very secure and impossible to slip, even with her magic since she couldn't turn her wrists far enough to get her palms against the bandages.

Having robbed Claire of her arms, Dori was felt reaching behind herself to gently cross Claire's ankles, spreading her thighs and leaning her back just a little bit before the trailing ends were bound around her ankles and cinched into place, meaning Claire could no longer stand or move much either before the real fun started and Dori got to work. Breathing heavily into Claire's ear as she sat to her side, the bandages binding her arms and ankles together keeping her from keeping her original position, Dori grinned and turned Claire's head to kiss her properly, her warm lips soft and inviting as her tongue teasingly darted across Claire's own, tempting and sweet as the succubus trailed her hand slowly up the now bound mage's thigh.

Drifting ever closer with slow deliberate motions and a feathers touch, Dori took her time getting teasingly close to Claire's slick folds, but it was several minutes before Claire felt that drifting silken touch slide across her petals, stroking her mound slowly as she kissed her way down her neck before once again wrapping Claire's stiff and sensitive nipple within the heat of her mouth, her tongue lashing across the risen peak of flesh as her fingers slowly eased into her quivering depths, encouraging Claire to roll her hips slowly with the motions as she moaned softly into her chest, the fun apparently just beginning.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

As Dori drew Claire into a kneeling position and began to bring her arms behind her back, the girl couldn't help shivering with excitement. Her pulse and the pace of her breathing increased, the promise of grand sexual adventures with this succubus at the helm spiking her excitement. At the succubus' whisper and with her arms being bound behind her, Claire began to turn a very faint shade of pink and she released a shaky sigh. When Dori slowly bent her backwards and secured her arms to her ankles, rendering her immobile, she fidgeted a little, testing her bonds. Finding that they didn't give way, she gazed longingly into Dori's eyes as she slowly gave a light, teasing kiss, putty in the beautiful woman's hands before the true sex had even started.

When their lips met, Claire felt the tension from her earlier ordeals melt away, along with her restraint as the magically-induced lust continued to dominate her mind. While she wanted to deepen the kiss, desiring to grab the succubus' head and pull her in, she couldn't because of her bindings. Instead, she was left to futilely chase her partners lips with her own, enjoying the little game. Once Dori finally granted her another the full kiss she so desperately wanted, her tongue chased the lust demon's around her mouth, trying and failing to wrestle with it. This was a welcome diversion from having to wait as her hand teased its way up Claire's leg at a painfully slow pace.

Finally, the hand reached its destination, Claire's already-wet slit. As Dori slowly rubbed her engorged labia, she kissed her way down Claire's neck and chest to one of her nipples, the young mage feeling a pleasant tingle anywhere the succubus' lips touched. As the teasing of her pert nipple commenced along with intrusion of fingers into her sex, Claire moaned aloud, not shy about it at all as she began to slowly push her hips up and down, to the extent her bindings allowed, in time with the thrusts. The longer this went on, the more she would strain at her bindings.

"Ohhh...ahhh...you're teasing me! Haaa...you better wear me out or when I get loose, ohhhh... when I get lose I'M going to fuck you silly...DORI!!!" It could have been a testament to Dori's skill, a testament to Claire's relative inexperience with sex, or perhaps the potency of Dori's lust spell that she was already reduced to a panting, slavering, lust-induced mess. Whatever the case, her libido was in over-drive and she was more than ready for whatever Dori had planned. And true to her word, if she were turned loose now, she would be all over Dori, going after her sex with a lusty vengeance.

Totally worth the wait, I would give you +rep but I haven't given enough other people rep yet so this will just have to do.
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Re: Geography (Sturm)

"Ooo is that so Claire?" Dori said softly, kissing the bound mage's neck and running the tip of her tongue in a small circle across the sensitive flesh, the sweet taste making the succubus shiver slightly in her own arousal as her fingers continued to slowly thrust into Claire's exposed and glistening folds, curling within her to toy with her g spot for a moment as she contemplated letting Claire go just to see what she would do.

Deciding against it, Claire grinned and pressed her thumb against Claire's clit, stroking the sensitive bud in time with the motions of her fingers, sending little white hot sparks of pleasure shooting up Claire's spine as the teasing continued. "How long before you lose it I wonder" She whispered into her ear, before stopping everything, her hand dripping with Claire's nectar as she made her watch, licking her juices clean and standing, her own folds moist and hot.

"Impress me~ And I'll give you Exactly what you really want~" She said smiling, moving closer, her slit inches from Claire's face as she licked her lips, her hips swaying teasingly from side to side as she ran her hands up her own sides to grope her breasts, moaning softly. "Come on Claire~ Let's put that quick tongue of yours to work..."
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Claire's only response was a serious of lusty, needful grunts and moans as Dori proceeded to bring her right to the brink, each touch turning her into a twitching, dripping, quivering mess, before stopping altogether. This earned her a look of pure, desperate longing from Claire as she tried to thrust her hips after the retreating fingers before she gave up and watched Dori enjoy her juices.

When Dori positioned herself in front of her face, the heat and lust radiating from her inviting pussy actually palpable, Claire knew what she had to do before Dori had said anything. Still, she waited to hear her demands, and when she knew the stakes, she proceeded to do what she had to do. Granted such a task would be somewhat difficult from her bound position.

Leaning forward as much as she could, Claire did everything she could to try to get the succubus off. She really got her whole face into it, not just her tongue. She used her chin, cheekbones and forehead to rub more forcefully against Dori's folds than just her tongue could manage, aiming to stimulate her clit at least indirectly through the pressure, as she managed to worm her tongue into the warm, tight folds in front of her.

Once her tongue was inside, Claire was content to use it to play havoc with Dori's pussy, twisting and turning it about, trying to find the spots that incited the strongest reactions in the succubus. After awhile she would retreat slightly and start going after her clitoris instead, her face streaked with Dori's arousal. Isolating the nub and swirling it with her tongue before sucking and then nibbling on it, Claire could only hope it would be enough to get her off. She didn't know how long she could keep this up. She was right on the edge herself and this was driving her crazy!
Re: Geography (Sturm)

"Mmmm That's right~" Dori whispered breathlessly as Claire bent herself to the task with a will, a soft moan greeting the bound woman's first attempts before she leaned more into Claire's face and slowly began to rock her hips, her hands running through Claire's hair as her soft whimpers turned into lewd and longing moans and gasps. Grinding her hips against Claire's face, Dori was quite happy and grip her own chest tightly as her other hand tangled in Claire's hair and pushed her deeper, her hot tongue sliding around inside her folds making her quiver and shake slightly in front of the bound mage as her pleasure slowly rose and the fire continued to build.

When Claire wrapped her warm lips around Dori's clit however, the succubus went wild, bucking her hips and gripping her head tightly as she gasped and twitched, the pleasure white hot, coursing up her spine until she screamed and her juices splashed across Claire's mouth and chin, leaving Dori panting where she was as she slowly came down. A deal was a deal.

Pulling back from Claire, Dori moved on top of her, and slowly started to pull the bandages away, kissing her passionately and tasting her own juices on Claire's tongue as she slowly released the mage and laid atop her, her long tail sliding between her legs to press it's spaded tip against Claire's petals before slipping inside, pushing deep and straight to her core before beginning to twist and writhe within her, Dori moaning into her mouth as her hands settled on Claire's breasts and kneeded the supple flesh gently, teasing her nipples with soft, random strokes as their bodies intertwined.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Claire moaned out herself as Dori tangled her hand in her hair and ground her hips into her face. It was quite difficult to breathe during this act of pleasure, but she really didn't mind, her lust giving her the all the stamina she needed and more as her face was shoved more and more into the hot and tight succubus pussy before her.

When she finally brought Dori to orgasm, she sagged backwards and gazed up at the demoness with a sly grin, along with a good portion of her juices smeared all over her face. And she didn't mind the juices one bit as she gazed up at the woman expectantly, waiting for her to hold up her end of the bargain.

She didn't have to wait long, eagerly meeting Dori's kiss and happy to share the woman's juices with her. As she was released from her bandage bindings, she began to wrap herself around the succubus, getting a strong thrill just from being able to feel her with her full body again, willing herself to become one with the beauty that now lay atop her. Wrapping her arms around Dori's back, one hand pulled her head to her and wrapped in her hair to hold her in a deep kiss as the other worked its way down to grope her ass some before coming up to tweak at her nipples. Now she felt totally alive as she was trying to touch as much of Dori's velvety soft skin as possible while she got a fantastic kiss and breast massage from her.

When the succubus brought her tail into the mix, it was all over for Claire. She arched her back as soon as it pushed into her, loving the feel of it worming around inside her, hitting all the right spots and stoking the fire in her loins to ever greater heights and temperatures. In her ecstasy she broke her kiss with Dori, leaning her head forward as she moaned aloud, "Oh Dori! Ohhh that feels so...mphhh" She buried her face in the succubus' neck as her climax rapidly approached. She started kissing and sucking on a spot at the base of Dori's neck, such that she would probably leave a rather substantial hickey to remember this whole wonderful two-girl orgy by.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Dori was shaking and moaning in her own pleasure, her tail seemingly quite sensitive at the moment as it continued to writhe within claire's folds, it's tip teasing pressing at her cervix occasionally as the pair of woman writhed in each others arms. As Claire buried her face in Dori's neck, the succubus gasped and giggled lightly, thrusting harder into her as her hands continued to grope and squeeze her chest.

Smirking up at the dryad hiding in the tree, obviously watching the pair, Dori continued to inflict pleasure onto the lust addled Claire as she panted and moaned softly into her ear. It seemed the 2 person orgy was about to become 3, or something was about to change. It was anyone's guess what happened next but Dori seemed to be looking forward to it as she rolled over, Claire now riding on top of her an her hands slid to the mage's ass, squeezing and spreading her cheeks, her finger drifting slowly around her pucker.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

As Dori's tail continued to thrust deeper and deeper into her, Claire's passionate moans increased. She couldn't believe how deep it was going into her, tickling the wall that was her cervix. After hitting her cervix a few more times, something in her throbbing pussy clenched deeply, prompting her to wrap her legs and arms tightly around the succubus, hanging on for dear life as she was brought to orgasm by the tail, finally releasing her hickey-inducing kiss on Dori's neck to let out a very pleased, elongated moan as she road out her orgasm, continuing to thrust herself against the tail until her pussy stopped its spasming.

Dori used this recovery time to switch positions, rolling around until Claire was on top, now riding the succubus. In her current state, Claire enjoyed having her ass cheeks massaged, and wasn't nearly as distressed as she had been in the face of other impending anal assaults. Still, she reached back almost reflexively to take hold of the hand nearing her pucker, intertwining their fingers and saying playfully, "Dirty, dirty, Dori! You don't want to go there, not when there's so much better things to touch!" Despite her aversion to anal-play, as things stood now she wouldn't fight back and would go along with it wholeheartedly if Dori wasn't dissuaded. However if Dori was cooperative, she Claire had something else planned, something to lure out Narin.

She giggled as she shifted position, taking Dori's other hand as well and slowly rotating herself until she was riding the tail in a reverse-cowgirl position, then laying back slowly on the succubus and feeling her breasts press into her back. Now her shaved pussy was exposed for all the world to see, bulging with the tail thrusting in and out of it. Claire scooted up on Dori a little, her nipples tracing erotic lines down her back as she did so. Once her hips were a little above Dori's she brought her and Dori's hands over her chest before releasing her grip and pressing the succubus' hands to her orbs, encouraging her to play with them while she reached between her legs, her hands dipping down underneath her to tickled the outer labia of Dori's own wet snatch as well as working the demon's clit.

While she did this she took on a mock pouty face as she looked at the tree as she said, "Dori this is fantastic! But don't you think it feels like something's missing? I keep feeling like this would be so much better with a Dryad, but I don't see any nearby, whatever shall we do?" After she posed her question she licked her lips and started moaning again, exaggerating her hip thrusts so that her breasts would shake as well, putting on an enticing display to lure Narin into their little sex session.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Dori giggled as she kept teasing Claire's rear for a moment before kissing her neck and sliding her hands away, watching the redhead move as she shifted around and changed her position trying to lure out Narin. The Dryad, who was still hiding in the tree was watching everything on her own, the display something to see as Claire's hands drifted lower and started to tease the succubus' slick folds, drawing lusty moans into the mage's ear as Dori rolled her hips underneath her slowly, her hands squeezing and teasing Claire's nipples, rolling them gently between her thumb and forefingers as continued to thrust her tail deep into Claire's folds, before with a sudden motion, Claire felt the spaded tip start pushing harder.

Whatever was about to happen, it was stopped by Narin who was apparently tired of watching, a vine wrapping around Dori's tail and pulling it from Claire's slit. "So... you want your turn then" Dori said breathlessly, panting as she felt several other vines wrap around her from below Claire. The mage could watch in whatever emotional state she wished as the front of the bark of the tree split and opened, revealing a pulsing, green interior, the walls of the tree slick and dripping, several thick tendril's waving around slowly as she felt Dori bound beneath her in the mass of vines, and dragged towards the tree, starting to struggle slightly.

About to say something, opening her mouth proved to be a mistake as several vines slipped between her lips and muffled the words as Claire toppled off her and Dori was yanked into the fleshy interior of the plant, the bark only wide enough to partially close around her, pinning her arms. Facing out towards Claire, the mage had a fantastic view as the gagged succubus had her mouth forced open before a thick tendril slid into her mouth and started to thrust, her struggling amounting to next to nothing before another tendril pushed into her pussy, making her let out a muffled cry of pleasure as she tried to rock her hips, her ankles having been snared and forced apart slightly, more and more roots and vines twining up her legs and binding her so completely that escape was next to impossible as Dori twisted and writhed, mewling and moaning around the length thrusting into her throat.

This accomplished, the succubus Narin's fucktoy for now, the Dryad's head popped out of the tree from above Claire and looked down. "Okay~! Your turn!" She said cheerfully, another section of her bark opening up on the other side of the tree as several vines and roots started to twine around her wrists and ankles, the Dryad grinning wickedly at her. "I'm so thirsty~"
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Claire moaned and rolled her hips in time with Dori's tail thrusts. As the pace picked up, she got the feeling Dori was building towards something, also that she was building towards her second climax from the tail. However, Narin finally intervened, tendrils removing the vine and preventing Claire from reaching her climax. Despite that, she still watched on lustfully as the succubus was dragged into what could only be described as a newly formed...pussy in the side of the tree.

The horny mage continued to watch as the tree-pussy held Dori in place while she was further violated by vines. She grinned lustfully when Narin spoke out to her and began to ensnare her with vines as well. "Well its good you're thirsty, I need to cum and it would be a shame for it to go to waste. And since you wouldn't let Dori finish, I guess that means you owe me my orgasm!" Before she could be completely ensnared by vines she ran right for the second pussy-like opening in the tree, turning and falling backwards into it, eager for her first feel of tree-pussy and spreading herself wide for Narin and her vines. "Oh fuck take me Narin! Don't make a girl beg!"

Tree Pussy? Ain't nobody in their right mind gon' turn that down! At least I think it's tree pussy...or unbirth? Both? Eh what's done is done
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Re: Geography (Sturm)

Mmmm Mmm, Nothin like a good old fashioned tree pussy.... Wait.. THE FUCK did I just say o_O... *chuckles*

Narin laughed outright when Claire basically demanded that she finish off the climax she had been robbed off just as she saw the tree close a little farther around Dori, pulling her tighter against her as the succubus screamed into the length thrusting into her throat and came, thrashing as much as she could in her peak.

Naughty Dryads being naughty, Narin laughed again as Claire all but ran towards the new split in the tree and fell back into it, the Mage not being bound like Dori had surprisingly, the vines releasing her since she was being such a good girl, though the bark of the tree still closed and pinned her arms to her sides. The feeling of the green flesh against her own was... new, it was warm, almost hot, and slick, and the tendrils curled gently around her body, twisting up her legs and waist, before the tendrils stopped waisting time and pushed themselves into her wet folds and mouth, starting to roughly pound the mage in unison.

Rather then say anything more, Narin just moaned in her own pleasure straight into Claire's ear, before fading back into the tree, and letting the tendrils do their work, thrusting hard and deep into the 2 women.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

As the strange, fleshy interior of the tree pressed against her and sealed her in, Claire cooed happily, very much enjoying the feel of it on her bare skin. Wriggling her fingers, she tried to tickle the tree's insides as much as she could, suspecting Narin might be able to feel it somehow.

However, that came to an end once the tendrils finished sliding over her body and found their points of entry. She found herself eagerly anticipating their entrance, juices dripping down from her pussy onto the thing before it even had a chance to enter her. When they both forced their way in, she found herself completely wiped out by the pleasure, being forced to orgasm by the rough plunder of her cunny and the tendril thrusting into her mouth, as well as by the hot moans of Narin. She let out a muffled sound that was her best approximation of a 'thank you', and just let herself go, content to enjoy her pussy and mouth being conquered by Narin's tendrils.

Claire ran her tongue over the one in her mouth, sucking on it as best she could with the pace it was keeping, enjoying the taste of it all the while. As for the one in her pussy, there wasn't much she could do, bound as she was. She was able to shift her hips some, but most of her ministrations from down low came from her natural tightness and the involuntary spasms of pleasure the thing evoked as it went about its happy business. Somewhere in her sex-addled mind she resolved herself to practicing being able to make better use of her vagina to make better use of it in these situations in the future.

Who even knows anymore? lol we just gotta go with it!
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Now trapped and probably beyond saving as Narin had her way with both women, Claire could hear Dori giving out muffled screams of pleasure and little whimpers as she came down, but definately couldn't see her. However, she did start to feel a soft tugging, the insides of the tree she was pressed against sucking on her back softly as the vines wrapped around her and the bark holding her in began to pull and press back, sliding the mage deeper into the tree as Narin shuddered and then mewled into her ear in her peak.

And it didn't stop. Pulled farther and farther back, Claire could now feel the soft, warm flesh start to wrap around her more fully while Narin's sounds of pleasure only grew louder and more frantic. It probably didn't occur to Claire what was happening right away, as she was still being roughly pounded, but it became apparent soon enough as the confines grew tighter and slicker, the tree starting to close around her as several very thin creepers slipped into her mouth as well, holding her jaw open wide as the tendril in her mouth pulled away.

Fully pulled into the tree, Claire felt another tendril slip past her lips, this one feeding her a steady supply of both air, and something sweet that set her body on fire with pleasure, driving her lust through the roof as Narin swallowed her current prey, and continued to enjoy them as Claire and Dori were sealed in dark, silent, ecstasy...
Re: Geography (Sturm)

As she found herself stuck in the tree, Claire was turned on more and more by the passionate sounds coming from Dori and Narin both as she enjoyed the pleasure being lavished upon her as well. When she felt herself being sucked back into the tree, she welcomed the feeling of its warm, fleshy interior closing around her.

When the fleshy hole closed around her, continuing to pull her backwards, it began to occur to her what this reminded her of. She began to realize she was being pulled into what her aroused mind viewed as a tree-pussy. Was this the way dryads did it? It was certainly interesting, but she wasn't about to analyze it now, she was too busy enjoying the carnal pleasure being visited upon her by Narin. When the opening in front of her finally completely closed off, eliminating the light and all sounds except for her and Narin's aroused noises, she was left with little else to do but writhe in the fleshy interior and try to shift her hips against the tendril that may or may not have still been in her pussy. Anything to try to cause pleasure to Narin, as she suspected her pleasure was somehow linked with that of the tree.

She gave in completely after a time, surrendering herself to whatever Narin would do, content to be there as long as the dryad would continue to have her in these warm folds as the sweet nectar slid down her throat, keeping her enthralled to her plant-loving lover.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

Claire and Dori, completely helpless under Narin's ministrations, were quite literally fucked into unconciousness... which was probably what both women wanted anyway because that's what friends did. maybe. Regardless, both soon woke up lying on the ground in front of the tree, Narin gently stroking their heads as they slept in her lap.

Dori was the first to try and move which brought a surprised look to her face, because she couldn't... at all, and neither could Claire. Seeming to have a rather severe kink for bondage, Narin had them both rather strictly hogtied as they slept. "Why hello you two~ Should I just keep you forever~ Or let you go... Nah~ Willing partners are so much more fun~" She whispered, before stroking the vines which promptly released both women, their clothing a short distance away.

"You've both been out cold for about 20 minutes, So it's been... 2 hours? 3? Somewhere in there. Either way, thank you, I feel much better" Narin said, smiling softly.
Re: Geography (Sturm)

As Claire was happily fucked into unconsciousness inside the bizarre tree-thing, she was able to reflect that this was definitely the kind of thing friends did. And if this was any indicator of how her time with her companions would be spent, she figured she was going to enjoy the coming adventures very much indeed.

When she slowly came to in the warm, open air, with her head in the Dryad's lap, she smiled and nestled herself closer to Narin, kissing her bare tummy and trying to wrap her arms around her. She was stopped by her bindings, at which point she opened her eyes and glanced at them, but she didn't seem alarmed and simply closed her eyes and let Narin continue to stroke her head, sighing contentedly as the gentle massage continued.

Claire displayed no obvious reaction to Narin's musings as to what she should do with them, though the fact that she voiced no objection and didn't seem alarmed by the thought of her keeping them forever was probably very telling in and of itself. Though when she released her bound charges, sat up and stretched languidly, a smile on her face as she turned her face towards the warmth of the sun. Finishing her stretch she turned to Narin, bright-eyed and with a smile alight upon her. Before anything else, she held the Dryad's head tightly and pulled her in close, saying, "Well I'm glad you feel better, I'm always happy to help a girl in need." Then she pulled Narin in for a passionate kiss that she maintained for a solid twenty seconds before releasing Narin and sitting back. "I don't know what that was that you did to us, but I guess I should thank you too because that was fantastic, right Dori? I mean seriously, what was that?" She tousled both of her sexy partners' hair, stood and went to collect her clothes.

"A couple of hours, you say? I guess we should be getting back to camp in that musty old ruin." As she pulled on her clothes, she continued speaking to the supernatural girls, this time with a more businesslike, official tone. "Oh and by the way, Margeret, the team leader, has appointed me to be your sexual relief officer. That is, any time you require or desire some intimacy, I will be responsible for sating your urges. Of course this also means we will be sleeping together at night, naturally. It is a very...esteemed position, one that I take most seriously and professionally." She giggled and winked at her two partners, making it clear, if it wasn't all ready, that such a position didn't actually exist, she just wanted the two of them for herself.

"So ladies," Claire said, motioning towards the entrance to the temple. "Shall we?"