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Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

"Join in..? I'd love to go tete-a-tete with you.. but I don't think it'd end as you expect. After all, you can bleed.. I know that now."

As ever, the words are followed by a circling, bringing her sister out of the way, and the succubus into the line of her sword. The blue tip traces an intricate pattern in the air, almost lazily.

"Then again, I don't suppose creatures like you acknowedge such honourable things as challenges.."
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Feeling a respite in her determination due to her sister's effort to free her, Castea once again attempts to stab wildly at the succubus with her clumsy strokes. "Let me go you bitch!" she cries.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Barely keeping Castea in her grasp, the succubus made no movement to follow Pollusia's movements as the fencer circled it, content with keeping its eyes on the one bearing hostile intentions towards it.

"Quite the hypocrite aren't you? Attacking an unarmed woman with a sword like that..."

A smile forming across her face, the demon appeared to become composed once again, fear completely lacking despite the fact that she would most likely be attacked again.

"Of course, it's not like this is my energy I'm using to heal myself..."

It is then that Castea begins to feel the all too familiar draining sensation once again, becoming slightly dizzy as her energy is sapped from her again.

"Go on, attack me again, the faster I drain your sister is the faster that I get to play around with you..."

(Castea Stamina: Yellow)
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

"I thought as much.. now DIE, you BITCH!"

Again, the fencer darts in, attempting another lunge. Hopefully, she'd hit something more lethal this time... Or at least, something to distract the demon enough for her sister to escape.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

"Don't listen to her Pollusia! I'm fine..." Castea shouted as she continued to struggle in the demon's grip. "Don't give up!"
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

(Another post here, mainly as I want to finish this bloody fight so I can see if anything needs adjusting for Phoenix's... (seeing as he's almost doomed to lose if that succubus gets another critical on him))

Managing to get a stab in on her rapier this time, the succubus almost screams in pain as she wrenches herself free, barely managing to drag Castea along with her as she moved out of Pollusia's reach in order to heal.

"You know...what? Two can play at that game."

Using her tail as a makeshift spear, the demon attempted to disarm her opponent by striking her arm, but failed as Pollusia easily sidestepped it.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

A shake of the head, and the blonde casually sidesteps the clumsy attack, rapping the tail out of the way with the flat of her sword...

"You'd be dead in an instant, fighting me like that.. Put the girl down, and maybe I spare your life."

Despite her words, Pollusia comes quickly in for another attack, not letting up on the beleaguered demoness..
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Gathering her wits, Castea comes up with an idea. Instead of simply struggling against the clearly stronger girl, she would use her head to escape. Watching Pollusia as best she could, Castea readied herself to act when Pollusia's sword struck, stamping down hard on the girl's foot with all her strength and hopefully using the moment of weakness to break free.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

( I have had enough of the succubus's bloody "good luck" streak. She gets an auto fail for this turn out of bloody karma and to make up for my earlier screw up in not telling Pale she could attack on the same turn.)

Barely grazing the rapier as it tore another wound at her side, the succubus finds herself accidentally releasing Castea when her foot was stomped on as a result of pain. Backing up against the wall as she began to pant heavily, her wound healing slower than before.

"Spare my life?...I'm but a pawn...in my Lady's game...To spare me is a ridiculous notion..."

(Oh and here's the stamina updates for the Succubus, as I forgot last turn.

Succubi Stamina: Orange)
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Castea whirls to face the demon, backing away slowly. "So, you really are a pawn... and you don't look so good now," Castea said slowly. "Why do you serve this "lady"? What has she ever done for you?" she asked sincerely, seeing her chance to end this without any more needless bloodshed.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

"Sure you are. And like every good little pawn.. you get to be taken."

With that resounding verbal admonishment, the blonde follows through with a single, devastating lunge, committing everything. There was no way she could miss such an easy target.. right?
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

The woman coughed up blood as she was stabbed once again, apparently struggling to heal herself as she just barely wrenched the rapier out of her so the wound could close.

"The Lady...is the master...of this world...attempting to defy her...is insanity..."

Barely able to stand, it did not seem that the woman had much more fight left in her, seeming to speak more freely now than before.

"You'll learn this too...like I did...resistance against her...is futile..."
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

"Pollusia! No! Stop!" Castea begged as she flinched away from the sight of the brutal assault. "It doesn't have to end like this... you don't have to be her pawn..."
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Pollusia pulls back, ready to end the creature's life, and willing, too.. but something delayed her.

"Come on, Cas... she's not listening to either of us. She would have done the same if it were you or I sitting against that wall.. We've gotta kill her."

Reluctantly, Pollusia raises the blade to the demon's throat.

"Look away, sister."

With a quick step forward, she drives the blade in once again... hopefully, for the last time.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

"NO!" Castea cries, jumping forth and grabbing hold of her sister's arm. "I won't let you... I won't have you become a murderer..." she says in a choked voice, tears welling up in her eyes.
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Pollusia is stopped from delivering the final blow by a hand on her arm.. or more precisely, a sister grabbing hold of her arm and stopping her movement. Blue eyes seek their twins for a long moment, then she lets the blade drop, stepping away from the helpless succubus.

"Fine. Talk her to death. Whatever."
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

The succubus appeared to be confused at such an action, unable to comprehend why a pawn like her would be spared.

"Why?...I'm a pawn...nothing more than a piece...why are you...sparing me?...I can't..."

"Because thou art a bloody idiot."

It was then, that a voice unfamiliar to even the demon cut through the air, causing all those who were in the room to look around for the source, only to be distracted again as the orb on the desk was suddenly lifted into the air by some unknown force, before being throwing against the wall on the far side of the room. Shattering against the wall and seeming to "melt" away, light returned to the room as the power appeared to return. There, amidst the now well lit room, they would behold a rather... unique person.

Standing at a the pitiful height of a middle-schooler at best, was a girl garbed in one of the most exotic fashions as one would believe possible. Donning a purple robe similar to that of a sorcerer from a fairy tale, the "child" appeared at first glance to be a trick-or-treater dressed in the wrong season. However, after considering the chains attached to her wrists which wrapped around her arms and linked at her back, the metallic blindfold that seemed to rob her of her sight, and the enormous amount of power that seemed to be flowing out of her... one would quickly realize she was much more than she seemed.

"Take mercy when it is granted to you idiot, if all the Lady's servants were as stupid as you were we'd have won this game twice over by now."
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Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Castea flinches away from the newcomer's sudden appearance. "What... who... who are you?" she asks, eyeing the girl suspiciously. "More games... can no one tell me where the hell we are?"
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

Watching the orb smash, Pollusia wished she'd done that sooner.. it might have helped in their battle against the demoness. Instinct twitched her swordhand, longing to raise it against this newcomer as well, but something bade her stay.. If only the fact that she'd destroyed the mysterious orb.

"And who might you be? You clearly have some answers about what's going on here.."
Re: Gemini Revisited (Castea and Pollusia)

"Eva of the Forgotten..."

Snapping her fingers to cause a binding chain to appear around the succubus as she spoke, the small girl turned to the fencer before answering.

"Another caught up in this twisted game of the "Lady" similarly to you two. As for anything else? You can ask Reina after we get to somewhere safer."