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GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"Don't worry about it, it's not like it was someone I don't trust. I just didn't expect it is all..." Isabella then picks up her sketchbook, opens it and sits it down on her lap. She then looks around for her pen, and not finding it crawls over the bed and looks down the side. Finding there she sits back up, straightens her hair and rests the sketchbook back on her lap.

Anyway," Isabella begins, acting as if none of that had just happened. I dont think I've actually told you how my ability works, have I?"
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Grace walks over as Isabella sits and opens the book, leaning over forward slightly to watch whatever Isabella might be about to do with the sketch book, looking up again as she scurries to find the pen. "No you haven't. I've been wondering. That book is part of it though right?" She replies deciding to take a seat rather than stay standing.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"Yeah, well, the book and the pen," Isabella explains as she uncaps the pen and puts it to a blank page. "Well I can create using just the pen but it doesn't last as long. Anyway, you know I can create 'living' things right?" Isabella quickly sketches several butterflies, and a moment after finishing them they flutter off the now blank page and begin to fly around the room then eventually circling around the two girls. "Using both the book and pen they'll stay alive until the book is closed or until they're destroyed." Reaching up Isabella opens her hand and waits for one to fly towards her, then quickly snatching outwards and closing her hand she grabs a butterfly. Opening her hand up a black powder coats her hand where the butterfly had been crushed.

"But thats not all I can do," Isabella continues to explain as she wipes her hand on the bedspread. "I was experimenting earlier, and while it works I can't get it to mimic it too well yet." Her hand moves blindingly fast, sketching a figure that would seem too familiar to Grace all the while muttering colours under her breath. After several minutes Isabella holds the book out, a hand stretches from the pages and rests against the edge of the cover as the figure pulls itself out of the book. Once out of the book a lifesize replica of Grace stands before the two of them, staring blankly as if waiting for a command. "Now, watch this," Isabella's face is beaming as she first talks to the real Grace and then faces the replica Grace. "Defensive barrier." Isa orders the replica Grace, and holding her a hand outwards a faint glow appears and quickly forms into a light barrier almost the height of replica Grace. Tapping the barrier a couple of times Isabella then punches it, dispelling the barrier almost instantly. "I'm pretty sure I get how they're made, I just don't know how to make the barriers stronger than that."
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Graces gaze follows the butterflies as they begin to flutter around with a fascinated smile. She'd briefly seen Isabella's drawings spring to life during the fight with Charles, but this was something different. She blinks at the butterfly being crushed, taking a second to remember that it wasn't real, but then focuses on the new drawing as it's been done. "Christ your fast at this. Oh, and it can do other colours too? Cool..." She says watching the expert hand fly across the page, "Hey wait, your doing me! Oh awesome, she's climbing out!" Grace exclaims beaming, leaning in with a small excited squeal. She continues to watch with interest and then a little surprise as the ink clone proceeds to create a barrier. "They can do that too? Hmm..." She studies it a while, up until Isabella breaks it. "Well, that was just a basic energy barrier. They're the kind most other mages use, but my families barriers work differently."
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"Yeah, I assumed as much though I only really get the basics from what you've told me and from what I remember Charles saying. Which isn't all that much..." Isabella then goes silent for a moment, touching the tip of the pen to the faux Grace's head the replica disappears into a puff of multicoloured powder that quickly settles onto the floor.

"It's not just your powers I can have them mimic though, since that fight and finding out what powers some people have I can copy them too, though there are some I cant mimic. Anything that would destroy paper, like fire and water I cant do for obvious reasons and so far I havent been able to get them as strong as the actual person," Isabella idly plays with the pen between her fingers as she explains to Grace how her power works and its limitations before snatching it up again, ready to sketch once more. "Though the great thing about this is that even if our enemies out number us I can increase our fighting force. Though I've only really ever used it to keep me company until coming here....hrm, maybe thats the reason why my creations aren't as strong as they should be. Anyway, check this out, since after the fight I've been toying around and I think I've made my first real combat creation." Isabella goes to work again, her hand a blur as she sketches yet another figure, muttering more colours as she goes along. After several minutes the image of an all too familiar knight has been drawn up, and in the same manner as faux Grace faux Charles climbs out of the sketchbook, coming to rest in front of the girls its sword inches from their face as he stands motionless.

"Though this is the first time I've made him this size, I didn't want to risk people thinking he'd come back to finish what he started," Isa explains, her tone sounding as if she wasn't sure Charles was a good idea to perfect. "And he can pretty much use all his abilities he used during that fight. Though I don't know how he made his armour shift into different forms so I cant have him do that yet.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"Eep. I exploded..." Grace says flatly watching the colourful power disperse downwards. She listens with interest as Isabella continues to explain her power and it's abilities, going to watch as the next sketch is then worked on. Part way through she begins to look just a tiny bit nervous. "Your going to bring him out of there? I guess... I know he's not the real thing, but still." She says as Isabella comes near to a finish. Watching the armoured figure emerge from the book, she can't help but shuffle back just a little. "God damn that's creepy..." She says, though as she studies the unmoving false Charles some more, her expression changes from a slight subdued nervousness to a subtle look of hatred.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Isabella fails to notice Grace's change in expression and begins ordering faux Charles around. "Right, uh...do a...uh, do a moon walk!" Calling out the first dance that pops into her head faux Charles then begins to moonwalk, his hands coming to rest on his hips he slides backwards, his sword comically bobbing along. Performing a 180 degree spin Charles then moonwalks back to his original position, finally coming to a stop. Isabella, as would be expected, laughs hard at faux Charles' moon walk.

Laughing for several more minutes Isabella eventually manages to control herself, slowly bringing her laughing to stop until she's only breathing deeply, trying to catch her breath from all the laughing. "Okay...okay, lets try something else..." The girl thinks for a moment before finally coming up with another idea. "How about...a heroic pose?" All of a sudden Charles turns to the side and begins flexing his biceps, striking a typical 'muscle man' pose with his head tilted upwards slightly. Isabella lets out a loud snort, trying to muffle her laughter at faux Charles' display as she switches to another pose now, this time hunched forward, his arms stilled flexing though this time flexed towards each other. This starts Isabella's laughter up once more, now lying backwards her hands clutch her stomach as the girl cant seem to control her laughter.

Eventually though Isabella orders Charles to stop, he snaps back to his neutral pose in between attempting to strike another 'heroic' pose. Her face now bright red from laughing Isabella turns to Grace. "Anything... you want him to do?" She asks between deep breaths, slumped forward slightly she uses her arms to support herself up.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

As the moonwalk begins, Grace's expression fades, and she gradually starts to giggle as a smile creeps back. Soon enough Isabella's laughter catches her and she can't help but laugh out loud as well. "Oh lawd, he moonwalks pretty well too." She gasps out amoungst the laughter. "Um... I dunno, uh..." Grace says starting to look around the room in that futile way people do looking for ideas. After a moment she turns back, "Hah, I know. Get him to do... the caramel dansen." She suggests, then throwing a strange gleeful menacing grin at faux Charles.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"Oooh, good idea," Isabella turns to face faux Charles once more before ordering him to dance the Caramel Dansen. Almost immediated the armoured man's hands rise up to his head, one hand curved forward as the other continues to grip the sword. Hips swaying energetically Charles begins to wave his hands up and down, an idea comes to Isa, and she dives off the bed, aiming for her bag. Pulling out her iPod she connects it to it's station, and cycling through the songs for a moment she eventually comes to the one she wants. Cranking up the volume Carameldansen begins to play through the room, and for a moment it would seem as if Isabella didn't know what to do. Then another idea comes to her.

"Want to dance?" She asks enthusiastically, offering a hand to help Grace off the bed. Whether or not Grace gets up Isa then begins to dance the Caramel Dansen as well.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"Haha, I didn't think you'd actually have it ready. This is perfect." She says loudly above the music. She takes Isabella's hand and stands up, only hesitating a moment. "Get him to put that thing down first and sure. He's going to put a hole in something." She says with a laugh.

With the menacingly joyful sword out of the picture, Grace hops over and joins in. Lining up with Isabella and checking between her and Charles she's soon swaying in time with them both, the laughter starting up again as she goes.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Isabella dances with Grace for several minutes, the song playing on a loop as the two of them enjoy theirselves. Though soon Isabella collapses back on the bed, full of renewed laughter and between breaths she tells faux Charles to stop.

Faux Charles seemed to have followed its orders, though without being ordered to it gradually starts to move on its own accord. Slowly at first its body begins to twitch, nothing really noticeable though it quickly builds up until it has caught Isabella's full attention.

"Thats...never happened before..." Isabella mutters, concern in her voice as the faux Charles suddenly doubles over, a dry howl coming from within it, a faint glow growing where its eyes would be. "Get out of the way!" Isabella shouts to Grace, diving towards the girl as the faux Charles falls out of her control, seemingly possessed by something, though not fully in control of the puppet yet. The faux Charles swings one arm out, as if whatever it was was fighting something, trying to kick whatever controls the replica's for Isa out. Unfortunately the arm is swung in the direction of the two girls, and Isabella, not knowing what else to do simply throws her arms up in an attempt to shield herself from the blow.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Grace tired from swinging her hips to the light hearted song, simply stands and smiles a while, giggling along. Not quite catching Isabella's muttering she voices for her to repeat it with a "Hmm?" noise, having forgoten about her distrust of the replica, doesn't pick up on the reason for the concern. At the sudden howl and Isabella's reaction though she wastes no time in spinning on her heels and jumping back. Tripping slightly she falls back against some furniture, but is able to catch onto it and remains upright. Seeing how Isabella has inadvertently placed herself in range, Grace grimaces a defiant face and snaps a hand forward, glowing with magic as she spreads her fingers. The arm colides barely inches from Isa's desperate defence, sending arcane yellow sparks flying off of the barrier that had snapped into place before her.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Faux Charles' arm rebounds off the barrier as it continues to wildly swing around with Carameldansen playing in the background to make an oddly surreal sight to behold. Isabella, weak with fright drops to her knee's and continues to cower, paralysed with fright and unable to do anything.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Relieved to see that she got her barrier in within time Grace regains her balance. Not content with the single small barrier currently protecting Isabella, she goes about solidifying her efforts. "Oh no your not!" She spits angrily, working both hands through the air she summons in several more physical barriers. Multiple horizontal yellow panes of force snap into place around faux Charles, these ones constructed right through the rogue creation, not capable of severing it but locking it in place where ever the barriers pass through. She continues rapidly casting until a total of eight evenly spaced barriers wrap the figure from head to toe.

Stepping back further, she looks to Isabella and considers pulling her away, before noticing the sketch book laying on the bed. Quickly shooting over she slaps the book shut, and looks to the replica Charles expectantly.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Despite the barriers effects faux Charles tries to fight against them, its body moving in small increments, threatening to shatter the barriers.

Though whatever seemed to be trying to possess the puppet didn't plan for the power to be suddenly torn from its hands as the book was closed. With the replica corrupted by the alien force it explodes in a cloud of multicoloured powder as the sketchbook closes. Isabella, not noticing that faux Charles wasn't a threat anymore is still curled up in a ball, sobbing can now be heard clearly coming from her.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Grace stands leaning with one hand holding the book shut, breathing as her heart raced and her eye's suspiciously darted around the room still, wanting to be certain it was over. Eventually she begins to relax again, standing, and relinquishes her control over the barriers, allowing them to gradually dull and fade out. Trying to sort her thought's out with the bouncy j-pop still going in the background was distracting, so she hit's the stop button, leaving the sobbing as the only sound in the room.

"Oh no..." Grace says quietly to herself, with a dismayed look as she properly notices Isabella's state now. "Hey, Isa... it's ok now..." Grace says softly kneeling down behind the distraught girl and leaning in to hug her. "It's ok, he's gone. I shut him away." She reassures. A single tear welling up in her eye as well, though she wasn't sure why, still coming down from the adrenaline.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Noticing the sudden quiet of the room as Grace turns the music off Isabella lifts her head up slightly only be hugged by Grace. "I...I..could've gotten..you hurt..." Isabella says between sobs and the occasional hiccup, tears streaming down the girls face. "A-and if he got loose...it would be my fault..."
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

"I... I'm fine. Don't worry." Grace replies, not expecting that to be enough to put her at ease, but unsure what to say. "I don't know what happened there, but I was ready this time. He wasn't going anywhere. We just won't ask them to do the caramell dansen any more right?" She says, trying to lighten things again with a joke at the end.
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

Isabella lets out a weak laugh at Grace's comment, wiping her puffy red eyes with the back of her hands. "I...I dont think I'll be...making him again..." Isabella says quietly after several minutes, now having finally stopped crying though her face is stained with her tears. "I dont want to risk putting you, or anyone else in harms way..."
Re: GD 109 - Isabella Greenway

((Spoke about this Oni, I think it's time for that thing I mentioned))

Unknown to the girls, their battle had not gone unnoticed. Something was watching, and had been since the replica had been possessed. Now that it was gone, and they were calming down, the watcher moved slightly, entering the room further for a better look, unseen and unheard by them.

As he drew closer to the girls however, his field apparently reacted badly with the light right next to him and the bed, and without warning the bulb in is suddenly exploded with a loud POP!

He quickly made sure he hadn't been spotted, for if he had, plans were in jeapordy now, and he would have to kill the other quickly and silently. He was hopeful they would attribute it to an after effect of whatever had just actually happened.