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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yes. Not anyone's favorite example, maybe, but we put derp about regular vidya and such in here. Also card games, board games, roleplaying games, tabletop, whatever is interesting at the time.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well on the topic and games and stuff then, something I've been wondering is...

How come I've not seen anyone mention 'Space Engineers' here at all yet? No one? I've been pretty hyped about this game ever since seeing it. And following it's progress so far, the devs have genuinely impressed and surprised me in a few places. The game is probably best summed up in video form.

The games first trailer. All filmed in game. No pre-render stuff.

And here's two really nicely made videos from a player.
"Being Industrious"

"Being Militaristic"

(The sound effects in those two are added in unfortunately, but got to love it.)

... A-aand why not some moar early crash tests from the devs.

And these are just a few miscellaneous things I've built myself so far.




So far only one other person on my Steam list has this game. Which kinda confuses me.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

one of my friends (not including you) has that as well, it looked interesting but it seems like it lacked purpose.

Like minecraft its the mining that makes the crafting worth while.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well on the topic and games and stuff then, something I've been wondering is...

How come I've not seen anyone mention 'Space Engineers' here at all yet? No one? I've been pretty hyped about this game ever since seeing it. And following it's progress so far, the devs have genuinely impressed and surprised me in a few places. The game is probably best summed up in video form.

The games first trailer. All filmed in game. No pre-render stuff.

And here's two really nicely made videos from a player.
"Being Industrious"

"Being Militaristic"

(The sound effects in those two are added in unfortunately, but got to love it.)

... A-aand why not some moar early crash tests from the devs.

And these are just a few miscellaneous things I've built myself so far.




So far only one other person on my Steam list has this game. Which kinda confuses me.

I've been eying it, but usually had other things popping in front of my nose for shinies recently... Glad to see it's totally something I'd be wasting craps of time in ','
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well it's not like it's going to be in the infinite resources "creative mode" forever. Same as Minecraft. Mining and manual refinement/crafting/construction are all part of the plan. The mining, refining and component assembly part of that plan was implemented into the public build in last fortnights update actually. Just need the ability to combine those components into actual building blocks now.

The pre sheep and tools version of Minecraft certainly lacked purpose too after all. Space Engineers certainly lacks the advantage of a more varied terrain and landscape to explore, since dead rocks in space will quite likely always look like dead rocks in space. But it does have the advantage of that once you've built and admired your "castle", you can then fly it off and shoot other "castles" with it.

Whatever the devs plans for single player "survival mode" might be haven't been announced yet. Players have found references to an "Alien Gate" hidden in the games code, but that's still under speculation since the engine and game files have apparently borrowed things from their previous game. There is also a currently disabled tab for "factions" in the in game control panels, but again only speculation so far, on what it will be used for.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I played it before. It was a llllllloooooooooong fukken time ago, though.

The old cow portraits are fuckin' scary.

Ah, cool. I played it quite a number of years ago with Squid, then a few years ago with Bart. Bart's and my place still exists though all of our gear has been taken by other people. Last time I checked though our farm was still there. Haven and Hearth is probably my perfect game, though it's a shame some of the shit takes hours and even days to complete and, a large portion of the community are utter dickbags.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Speaking of Minecraft, for anybody that actually wants a difficult tech total overhaul, try 'Better than Wolves'. <3 it, just waiting for the hardcore villager update before trying the Survival - gonna muck about on a World painter-made map for nows. All alone.

Edit; If anybody wishes to, I'd be more than willing to share my Worldpainter map(s) for creative/survival for single player, or a small server? =3

Would absolutely -love- a Minecraft server with you guys that is pretty frontier/genuinely difficult enough to make people band together in some villages, rather than seeing people's monuments to themselves every five chunks, ><' All that from a screenshot Oni posted years ago...

Edit2; http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=954&pictureid=13346 Minecraft WorldPainter world.

Speaking of vidya games, anybody heard of or tried 'State of Decay'? Brilliant zombie-survival game with a focus on controlling an entire community rather than a single character, you have to change characters as they get fatigued, wounded or sick if used long enough, currently waiting for a hardcore-overhaul before I get stuck back into it. Maybe I just fancy the notion of a modern 'Walking Dead' situation - slower paced, keeping the community going and keeping infestations down, not running about with a chainsaw to metal music in a crappy 80's style zombie game.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Is Better Than Wolves still just a mod or is it its own modpack now? And I'm up for running a server so long as people want to play on it. Stopped my previous one from a month or so ago mostly because it lagged the fuck out all the time and it only had two other people on there, and then they only appeared once.

I've been trying out the Chaosville pack on the ATLauncher, which is a variant of the Resonant Rise modpack made by Dave Chaos for his and his friend's series. It's got all the usual mods you'll find in Tekkit and Feed the Beast but it also has Ars Magica and Thaumcraft 4, which from what I can tell is an almost complete overhaul from Thaumcraft 3. If people are interested and I do start another server it'll probably be sometime in the coming weekend because I want to see if running it off my laptop instead of running it on my PC and playing it on there will ease the lag up a bit. Which will mean I'll need to buy a cheap laptop power pack because mine currently doesn't have one. Also, I'll probably end up porting my current singleplayer map. I can't remember where the spawn is exactly, but from my location there's a desert and prairie village not too far from my house. And I do also want to keep my bee breeding process.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

To wit, BTW is a total overhaul, and is incompatible with many mods, because the changes made are so very extensive. I didn't like how many mods I could no longer use, but to be honest the overhaul provides more than enough to suffice, focusing on balance and tight gameplay, all along remaining what you might call 'true to the minecraft theme'. Very down to earth, all things considered. At the very least, try it out on a separate minecraft version - 1.5.2 is the one this is made for, the Dev is keeping to it given is dislike of Mojang's direction from 1.5.2 onwards.

For the wiki, great source of information about how to install the mod, what it changes.

Forum! Yeah, before anybody bashes FlowerChild, he doesn't appreciate stupid newbies reducing the collective IQ, so it's actually quite an erudite place.

Spoiler below of what I like, I'm not a Dev, nor a fanboy, but I personally feel the overhaul breaths life into the game, rather than act as another tech mod that makes the game into a toy-box for all the shiny new things.

This is from what I know, played it back then and a little now, haven't advanced past making a windmill, but from what I see it's wonderfully difficult yet enjoyable precisely because it challenges you to play smart, as dying means you'll re-spawn a fair distance from initial spawn, punishing enough, without killing your save like Vanilla-Minecraft does with hardcore mode. It began as a tech mod and grew from there, basically changing everything to make it more difficult within reason, with technology being medieval based, grind-stones, windmills, screw pumps, hoppers, water-wheels, moving-lifes/platforms by ropes, etc. Combat is actually lethal - going outside at night and actively chasing monsters without thinking is no longer a good idea, but a genuine death-sentence. Mobs seem to do more damage, and being hurt enough impedes your ability to mine, move and even removes the ability to jump when at very low health. You heal all the time now, but much slower, hunger level seems to dictate rate of healing.

Hunger now occurs all the time, with jumping and running reducing it faster, which incentives making half-slabs from more materials (dirt included, easy to get) than before as well as ladders. Most recipes are changed, either removing nonsensical items (wooden sword and axe), making stone materials far weaker, but metal items much stronger, introducing new 'Steel' items that are superior to diamond, but are very difficult to acquire. Using your bare-hands to chop a tree down or punch through dirt actually takes far longer, to make using the right tool a logical thing to do. Heavy armor drains hunger quicker, as lugging around your body weight in armor actually does tire people out. Starting a new world can be brutal and uncompromising, as many survival games say but don't follow through. Therefore advancing up the tech-ladder actually feels like an accomplishment, rather than a automatic instinct.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh wow, then BTW has changed quite considerably since it first came out. And what I meant was does it have its own installer like the modpacks do or do you need to fart around with the jar file and whatnot? Whether you do or don't depends on if I'll ever try it. Though I'm more for mods that enhance or expands farming, like the Forestry mod which includes multiblock farming machines and bee/tree breeding.

But yeah, if you are up for a server I'll probably need you or someone to see if the server lags or not once I get round to setting one up.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yah. ><' You need to download the MC Patcher program, then add BTW (selecting the 'jar' component') and done. Think that's about it, to properly answer your question. It does enhance farming, generally by making it slower - no wheat sprouting up on the same day it's planted. I'd suggest just reading the 'vanilla changes' in the wiki. You can, after getting up the tech-tree, automate tree farming, farm-farming, animal farming, mob farming.

I can try that, might be sticking to 1.5.2 or something, can try the later one if need-be.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, I've ordered a new adaptor for my laptop now, so hopefully it should arrive by Thursday. And I'll probably check out BTW soon, though by enhancing farming I meant more along the lines of additional crops, plants, food recipes etc... I love the Harvest Moon series, and anything that makes Minecraft more like that is great. Which is why when the plugin API (finally) comes out and the relevant mods have been converted to it I'll be using them all.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ahhhhh. =3 More crops... well, wheat, carrots and potatoes are only found via locating a village that isn't abandoned - yes, abandoned villages spawn within the 2000 block radius of a player's original spawn point, forces you to actively search for them, hoeing the ground can produce hemp seeds - very useful for making windmills, which power a grindstone/automatically grinds wheat into something useful, amongst many stuffs... and now I sound like a fanboydragonwoofer.

Anyhoos, stuff! Let me know if/when you're ready for people to bounce about the server.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ha, wandering around for hours sounds like the complete opposite of what I'd call a fun farming experience :p

And I don't think Chaosville has hemp, but it at least has cotton seeds which allows you to grow string, as well as there being various other plants used for the other mods in it. I found a mandrake seed during my singleplayer map, and after planting and harvesting a bunch of it mandragora popped up and started running around my farm. The scream they make is a worse version of the ghasts scream. It was a harrowing experience killing them all. It's just a shame Chaosville doesn't have the expanded recipes mod, that adds tons of pretty nice food. Including tea, and fish and chips.

But yeah, server will (hopefully) be having a test run on Thursday so I'll message you then, but I'd recommend giving Chaosville a go before just to get yourself acquainted with it. And don't worry about it hanging on the Mojang screen, it may say it's not responding but it's got a fuckton of files to go through and load up, so it'll take between 3-5 minutes to complete. Normally takes just over 3 minutes for me.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I am so getting this. And I am so not looking at it until after I sleep, because otherwise I'll probably wind up laughing too hard to sleep.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Sorry if it's been mentioned, as I know it's been up for a bit, but a search for the game's name in this forum didn't turn up anything.

- by Varia Games
Game in the same vein as Metroid (dat dev name), but with a twist: you do still get different weapons and upgrades, but the EDM, as it's called, is the defining feature. You have 4 stats: Weapons, Sensors, Shields, and Mobility, and a set amount of points (though I think you can get more as you progress) to distribute between each, in real time. Need more dakka? Dump your points into Weapons. Gotta go fast? Swap those points into Mobility.

It's a very interesting game, and while I'm sure that at least some of you have heard of it (or all of you if it's been mentioned and I'm derping out), I'd really like to see it take off and at least reach the 45k stretch goal. So pass it around, show your friends, just get the word out about this game!

*Note: yes, it is already funded. But, as I said, dat stretch goal.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Mechwarrior Online's up to some shenanigans relating to a free Centuron Champion Mech, complete with mechbay for it, if ya hit up 5 victories before the 25th. I guess that's a good a time as any to see if they actually added anything worthwile...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hey guys remember that time when Lightning was a cool, not over-hyped character? Goddamm when I played the demo of Lightning Returns and heard the 'Destiny is destiny' line I swear I lost it.. aaaand she also slides down poles like a stripper. Fantastic. Not.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hey guys remember that time when Lightning was a cool, not over-hyped character? Goddamm when I played the demo of Lightning Returns and heard the 'Destiny is destiny' line I swear I lost it.. aaaand she also slides down poles like a stripper. Fantastic. Not.

They need to just make porn and get it over with.

Speaking of Final Fantasy, finally got my Miner to 50 in XIV. Now I just have to do achievements to get the golden too- WHADDAYAMEANIHAVETOMINEFOURTHOUSANDTIMESFORLEVELFIVEASDFGHJKL:" ..... AND IT'S PER REGION?!? Oh, FUCK that. Adalberta better give me a tit job for that or something.


Been watching Peeve and Oroboro play through Dark Souls (their "Pure Black" series), and I was wondering if there's a game out there similar to Dark Souls, but with more of an emphasis on co-op, i.e. it's not a bitch to play through the whole thing with a friend. Hell, what I'd really want is just Dark Souls, but with the ability to play with someone else right from the get-go and without them being forced out after every boss.
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