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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Eh, I grew up with first gen console games, so lack of gender choice doesn't bother me as much (but holy shit, was it awesome in Dragon Warrior 3!) Personally, I'd like to see a demo of it, but checked Live today and there wasn't one available. Maybe I'll luck into a Yatzee review.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I grew up with Crystal Caves, but gender choice is still bothering me more and more. I'd like some more female representatives that aren't bikini clad bimbos. Hell, even Halo Reach pulled it off well.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

My brother did comment on being confused about one thing whilst playing Halo Reach for the first time. "Why is the camera always glued to my dudes ass during cutscenes?"

Then he finished the campaign, and let my sister have a go on the game, and everything made sense.

Despite that, it's still likely one of the most subtle service attempts around, and they did do well with getting that trace femininity and shape into the female spartans despite all the armour, whilst avoiding the boob plate stuff or making them seem like they shouldn't be in the military.

Halo 4 didn't have the custom character campaign stuff, but did kinda cock up the model for the female spartans a bit, in a very lazy way. Merely made them a tiny bit more narrow and skinny, yet with the same broad shoulders, and exactly the same manish hips.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Funny, there's an article floating around on how breast-shaped armor could actually kill you if you really wore it.

And true, I like having the option of choosing the gender of my character in a game (or customizing the character) but if a game doesn't have it, it's not a deal breaker for me. As long as the game is fun and/or well done, I don't mind schlepping around as a guy. Especially if, like Squid commented, he's not bad looking and the camera stays on his ass all through the game, heheheh.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I think the only thing that makes me annoyed with female options a lot is because the attire is usually silly with the differences in male and female armor. Male armor is usually over-the-top bulky and ugly, whereas fem armor is more appealing, yet hardly described as armor anymore. If there's one thing I hate about gaming, it's that trend out of everything.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I think the only thing that makes me annoyed with female options a lot is because the attire is usually silly with the differences in male and female armor. Male armor is usually over-the-top bulky and ugly, whereas fem armor is more appealing, yet hardly described as armor anymore. If there's one thing I hate about gaming, it's that trend out of everything.

Something that DDO did well. There's only a few armours (without using a store purchased item armour kit to change the cosmetic appearance of armour) that the female skin of is particularly revealing and skimpy, and I'm fairly certain most of those don't actually offer a lot of armour protection. The only one I use that I can think of is a set of robes you get from fighting Drow. Which y'know, makes sense to be skimpy because Drow Priestesses are known for wearing skimpy robes. Until I reincarnated her, my Favoured Soul was wearing mithril fullplate and it looked like fullplate. Didn't even have a form fitting chestpiece.

In other news, a shameless Skullgirls plug

Vote for Skullgirls items in TF2, because hats. And because they're pretty damn well made.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Free game until midnight tonight.

put the code from there into steam, and yippee!
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Dark Souls is also fairly realistic in its approach to female armor. While variations for light armor exist, the bulkier armours are all unisex to the point you can't tell which gender is underneath it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

A fee is required for playing used games on the Xbox One (srsly? That's your name?), PLUS old game disks from the 360 and original Xbox.

...SERIOUSLY? They have marketing researchers there, right? Right?

Re: Games Discussion Thread

...SERIOUSLY? They have marketing researchers there, right? Right?

Of course they do. They know that people are going to bitch, moan, cry about how it's not fair, threaten to boycott.... and then stand in line to get the first batch that hit the stores. Sure, individuals may not get the next gen of systems (myself most likely included) but they know they have an addicted fan-base.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Of course they do. They know that people are going to bitch, moan, cry about how it's not fair, threaten to boycott.... and then stand in line to get the first batch that hit the stores. Sure, individuals may not get the next gen of systems (myself most likely included) but they know they have an addicted fan-base.

On the other hand, Sony's stock has jumped up 9% literally minutes after the XBox conference.

I'm sure that it'd take short of claims that the newest Playstation will require virgin sacrifices for bootup to really stop the Xbox backlash.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

On the other hand, Sony's stock has jumped up 9% literally minutes after the XBox conference.

I'm sure that it'd take short of claims that the newest Playstation will require virgin sacrifices for bootup to really stop the Xbox backlash.

Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying the Xbox is too big to fail (ahem, you paying attention Nintendo?). From what I've seen from the PS4, it's not a much better option. Kinda like.... a douche and a turd sandwich....
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying the Xbox is too big to fail (ahem, you paying attention Nintendo?). From what I've seen from the PS4, it's not a much better option. Kinda like.... a douche and a turd sandwich....

More then likely, we're gonna see a minor decline in consoles (If not a full-on Console Crash). Sure, if they can clean up their act before the releases and run back on these announcements, it's salvageable. But if they blindly go forward, developers will simply turn to the PC instead of these deathtraps >_>
Re: Games Discussion Thread

On the other hand, Sony's stock has jumped up 9% literally minutes after the XBox conference.

This always happens
They get investors excited for a product the investors know nothing about except what the developer says
They promise everything will be great and everyone will want one
Stock prices go up
They start selling the actual things, which depends as much on the devices themselves as on their reputation with the costumers
The projected sales number was inflated to attract investors, and nobody is buying anywhere near the amount they suggested would get sold
Investors figure out nobody is buying and start selling their stock again
Stock prices drop back down to normal levels, perhaps a slight bit under normal.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Also in gaming news with egg on face:

A few weeks ago, EA publicly stated they wouldn't be making games for the WiiU, with one employee actually calling it a 'piece of shit'

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Also in gaming news with egg on face:

A few weeks ago, EA publicly stated they wouldn't be making games for the WiiU, with one employee actually calling it a 'piece of shit'

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Chucking a comment here cause I am a generous sod:

I've set up a clan for those who wanna play Warframe without having to be too hardcore into it, and still want to get the benefits of clan-only stuff like the Research Room that was just added in Update 8. With that said, if ya want in, toss me a PM here or on Steam (Gratuitous Lurking) with your account name on Warframe, and I'll toss you a clan invite from there.

After that, just craft up a Clan Key and the Violet Lotus Clan will be in business to setting up a personal hammerspace for your random space ninja keg parties.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

XBL got hacked, buncha passwords and usernames got poasted. Change your passwords and stuff.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

That is too funny. Just the kind of thing MS needs after the dreadful X1 reveal.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh not....

Gotta love infinite knowledge online. Hopefully this story is true...
