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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Apparently, Capcom, WayForward, and Disney, as well as a few devs I never heard of, are working on a remastering of the NES DuckTales. I thought this was impossible, but it isn't.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Now to wait for the new version of the Moon soundtrack.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Apparently, Capcom, WayForward, and Disney, as well as a few devs I never heard of, are working on a remastering of the NES DuckTales. I thought this was impossible, but it isn't.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

I am holding it in for now until I heard the "Moon Theme". They better not fuck up the "Moon Theme"!
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Dear gods, I *have* that game on NES. The sequel to it kinda made me grumble quite a bit, though, but that was back in the days before internet walkthroughs, heh. I may actually have to get my mitts on this one.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Apparently, everything is made faithful to the original DuckTales, besides graphics and music of course.

There is also a training level to master the pogo and the cane whack.

There is also an intro level where you kick the beagles out of your home. And afterwards you can return here to see your progress, money, and global high scores. And you get to take a swim in your money when you get enough. :p
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Does anyone play Sim City? Been thinking about getting it despite the shit it's been through recently and I also don't want to give EA any more of my money, but despite that it looks immensely fun. If people do play it do you know if you can have cities neighbouring each other?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I know Bitbot has it, you should ask him if you see him around, yup.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I seem to have an extra copy of Civilization V on Steam. If anybody wants it PM me. First come first served to a limit of one. It's just the base game, not any of the expansions.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Here you have it folks! A full trailer from the leaked one from a time ago to the stupidly named THI4F. (Seriously, when the fuck do you put "E" as a "4")
But anyway, it seems interesting to have my childhood game rise up again, and I hope that they learned from their mistakes from Thief 3

Although I guess it's not something to get hyped on yet. I still need some gameplay and stuff.

EDIT: Just have to love the comments from the younger folks...
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Just finished off Bioshock Infinite. Mind=fucked. Fantastic story and gameplay. Easily one of the best games I've played in quite a few years. I'm betting it is gonna destroy any competition this year.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Borderlands 2 released their Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode. Increased level cap, pearlescent weapons, tougher enemies, all that good stuff.

EDIT: UVHM is crazy. I'm scoring direct critical hits with a Sniper Zero, with a Jakobs Sniper Rifle, and even the most basic Marauders aren't dropping in one hit.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Borderlands 2 released their Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode. Increased level cap, pearlescent weapons, tougher enemies, all that good stuff.

EDIT: UVHM is crazy. I'm scoring direct critical hits with a Sniper Zero, with a Jakobs Sniper Rifle, and even the most basic Marauders aren't dropping in one hit.

Kinda sucks...one of the reasons to snipe is the whole 'one hitta-quitta' thing. I'm of a mind that, unless they are wearing shielding or a helmet, they should die in one snipe to the face. Dunno...just figure a .308 hole in the head, or Borderlands equiv, would be enough to finish the job. lol
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Injustice is out, for those of you who are fans of fighting games and/or comic books.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Eh, feels too "juggle happy" for me. It does look nice though and a good roster.

Haven't seen much about it...guessing it is a Mortal Kombat clone though right? Have not played a MK game since #4...and I hated that one. Loved Trilogy though.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

It feels very similar to the new Mortal Kombat reboot. I enjoyed it, even if the story had me shaking my head a few times. Still better than most fighting games I've played.

Wasn't much juggling in my playthrough, though Deathstroke is a fucker, spamming his special abilities.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've been playing it on Xbox for the better part of a day, and here's what I've got:

Good zoning is a bitch. Deathstroke and Black Adam can be tough as shit, and Superman is a motherfucker in Battle Mode, though it may be because he's the 'boss' and boosted accordingly. Juggling doesn't seem to be a problem, but it may be the case that I haven't met anyone good enough at it to make it a problem yet. There is a default launch attack that every character has though, and it's easy to get it off by accident. This may be what you've seen.

The story is actually relatively decent for a comic book, and really good for a fighting game. The big thing holding it back is that it MUST go from fight to fight with very few breaks, which can lead to stupid bullshit. But it's not awful. It's also pretty short.

This may be the first fighting game I've ever played where you can change the command inputs: If you'd like you can switch the controls so it plays closer to Street Fighter than MK. It's made it much easier for me to get into, as I can't into MKs controls.

I favor Green Arrow and Deathstroke right now. I'm going to go through the STAR Labs (Challenge tower) in the next few days and see if there's anyone I like better, but not yet.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I guess the thing that would kill this game for me to where I don't get it is... is it 2d or 3d? I did not like the 3d MK at all... felt so weird and clunky to me. What about fatalities? Is it like the last DC game where there really weren't any from the DC characters?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

It's like MK, it's isn't MK. There are no fatalities, though there are some cool super moves triggered the same way the x-ray moves were. And it is 2D.

Remember, this isn't Mortal Kombat, it just feels like it. Much the same way Fallout 3 felt so similar to Oblivion, because the developer's fingerprints were all over the finished product.