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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Goddammit. Only recently heard about the game, and as Cyberpunk 2020 was my first table top RPG I was damn excited to hear a game was coming out for it. Though I guess if they want to make sure it's the very best it can be then I can wait.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Goddammit. Only recently heard about the game, and as Cyberpunk 2020 was my first table top RPG I was damn excited to hear a game was coming out for it. Though I guess if they want to make sure it's the very best it can be then I can wait.

Yeah the teaser said, coming: when it's ready. And they just mentioned 2015 as the earliest.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Maaan I wanna play me some Cyberpunk 2020 and marvel at passed age where wireless networking didn't exist, cellphones were bricks and NOT owned by everyone, and like 512 MBs was a lot.

On a topically-related note, I'm surprised as fuck that I've been enjoying Blops 2's campaign as much as I've been. I was expecting the near-future setting to be really boring near-future, but it's sciency as fuck, with robo killbots, cloaking devices, magic gecko gloves and fancy pipboy hackmotrons and stuff. There's that Seal team, kinda RTS-like sorta dealie, too, which is pretty neat, though it needed some getting used to. Surprisingly, the story missions set in the past are the least interesting to me, probably because all the dakka is all like, 'regular' stuff you find in any shooter nowadays. Ye olde assault rifle, of 2342 mostly-the-same flavor, and stuff, and no ridiculous (but AWESOME) fire shotgun, like in that one level.

Also, those little quad-rotor drones are a bitch.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

War Thunder
A new(Ish?) (FREE!) game that seeks to combine tanks, with aircraft, AND fleet warfare...In a multiplayer game.
Of course it is. Right now only aircraft are in for players, but they seem to be working on fleets and ships. Support systems and the framework for interactions between aircraft, ground units, and ships seems solid, and the flight model for aircraft isn't half that bad(If only people were to play with realism settings instead of arcade..)

And for a free game, it doesn't seem to have a lot of pay to win. Or, well, any big pay to win. There are a few aircraft you can buy with real money only, but you're still going down if you can't fly the things.
And if you know how to fly them, you can do just as well with normal aircraft.(Seriously though, 20 dollars for aircraft that don't give exceptional increases in performance compared to the normal stuff? That's something you buy to support the developer, not to win with)

Worth a try at least.

Been enjoying this quite a bit over the last day or two. Has a really nice polish and feel to it. I also really like the way they've handled the accessibility regarding stuff like the controls and degree of simulator elements. It could have easily come across as far too hardcore for many, but the way it allows separate simplified/arcade matches, and realistic/flight sim matches, is a really good design. Good tutorials. Even throws in a bit of single player functionality for free. Nothing seems buggy or incomplete. Surprisingly engaging gameplay and action.

I would play the game with realistic controls if I could, but I've not got any kind of joystick, and a very quick skim over the games forums seemed to suggest that a sub £20 joystick isn't really worth it if I actually want to hit anything. So I'll probably have to stick to the simplified control scheme for now.

The way matches are laid out in this is exactly how I wish Mech Warrior Online had done things. With both quick and loose matchmaking battles like you get in arcade mode, but also with the scope for bigger things, with longer scenarios and more hardcore style play like the mission mode seems to allow for.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Shortly after almost emptying my paypal account for Borderlands 2 and the Seasons pass for the DLCs, it gets 50 % cheaper on Steam. FML.
Re: Games Discussion Thread



>Dat Dreadnought Scene
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Anyone have Baldur's Gate enhanced edition and want to multiplay a campaign with me?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Anyone have Baldur's Gate enhanced edition and want to multiplay a campaign with me?

I'd love to, but unfortunantly logistical problems.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

This may be a strange question to ask, but this thread might be the best place for it. Recently I've been remembering a tune from Super Mario RPG, namely the mushroom kingdom theme, yet as I think on it my mind remembers this tune in a completely different game also, but for the life of me I can't put my finger on which game if any it was in, now its driving me nuts trying to work out if I have heard it in another game or my brains just playing tricks on me.

My only clues are vague images of another RPG game possibly something also done by SquareSoft/SquareEnix in my mind, maybe at some port town, maybe during a festival or something.

Hopefully someone here has racked up enough gaming memorys and experience to help me pinpoint this and save my sanity.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Deadspace 3: The Uninspired.

I don't regret playing it, but... well the series has been becoming less and less horror and more and more action. there are moments where it is still a fun game though, being able to explore the debris field of a destroyed space fleet for instance. That ability to explore and find valuable weapon components in hidden caches is wonderful. But the further you progress into the game the more the formula of enter room, lockdown until all monsters dead, enter room lockdown until monsters dead gets pretty tedious. Then the rooms also start to repeat.

Sigh... The weapon customization was originally fun but eventually turns out to lack full depth. Similarly the suits only seem to have aesthetic differences.

The monsters are equally as uninspired, they wanted to do something new and fresh so they reskinned all the old opponents, which actually makes little sense that you would end up with the exact same monster whether the virus infects a baby or a dog. Then the inclusion of more human enemies... I suppose its nice to have to aim for their heads but it speaks to more and more of the game not being horror anymore. because its not scary, at all.

The plot was okay, its been a while since I've actually seen some jealousy between people over a girl so that was kinda refreshing. there were some okay twists (if you could call them that) which results in the thing being pretty mediocre over all. The lip synching was terrible.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Don't you be teasing me, 'net. I don't like to be teased. I swear I will murder someone's face if this is a hoax.
... no, no, best not to get my hopes up. ..... but we'll see.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

I want to stop playing Mabinogi, my free time is being wildly consume by this devilish game.:(
Re: Games Discussion Thread

This may be a strange question to ask, but this thread might be the best place for it. Recently I've been remembering a tune from Super Mario RPG, namely the mushroom kingdom theme, yet as I think on it my mind remembers this tune in a completely different game also, but for the life of me I can't put my finger on which game if any it was in, now its driving me nuts trying to work out if I have heard it in another game or my brains just playing tricks on me.

My only clues are vague images of another RPG game possibly something also done by SquareSoft/SquareEnix in my mind, maybe at some port town, maybe during a festival or something.

Hopefully someone here has racked up enough gaming memorys and experience to help me pinpoint this and save my sanity.

Sounds a little like this to me. Admittedly, paced differently, but there are some similarities.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Don't you be teasing me, 'net. I don't like to be teased. I swear I will murder someone's face if this is a hoax.
... no, no, best not to get my hopes up. ..... but we'll see.

...I suddenly have a boner. Goddamnit this better not be another Starcraft Ghost.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Random double post:

In case anyone was wondering if Warframe looked any ways familiar to anything, this is why:

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Kingdom Hearts... on PC... As Axton would say, WOW. THAT HAPPENED.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

is the epitome of want. All I have to do for it is to kill a few seraph guardians and best Big Game Hunt. That can't be too difficult, right?

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Re: Games Discussion Thread

is the epitome of want. All I have to do for it is to kill a few seraph guardians and best Big Game Hunt. That can't be too difficult, right?


Jesus. You ain't kidding. I don't even play the game and I'm impressed.