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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Welp, plotting a modgasm to take up my time during the weekend for Oblividerp, so figured I'd list off the mods just in case people were curious or wanted to toss input :S

Unofficial Oblivion/Shattered Isle/DLC Patches

BOSS, BA Framework and OBSE

Better Cities

DarkUId DarN (UI Mod)


New Armorsets

BU Meshes for some of the sets


Re: Games Discussion Thread


Well, anyone that liked the Dungeon Keepers, Evil Genius, and Overlord kind of games can get excites at least. Everyone else doesn't have to, but I'd appreciate additional excites.
*Vibrates all the fucks out of everything 'coz excites*
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Wooo! i loved those games
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Saw the trailer for that, the style looks exactly like Dungeon Keeper. Finally the Dungeon Keeper 3 we have all wanted so badly.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Got Legend of Grimrock in one of the last Humble Bundles. It's neat. I die, but rarely more than once at the same challenge.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Since I was, at the time, in a hurry...I didn't notice this thread. Sooooo....my apologies for inconveniencing anybody who saw my stand alone thread.

Gotta say, if you haven't had the chance to play it yet, it is a VERY fun and well put together game. I just beat the mage playthrough so far but there are 2 more characters with 2 different storylines. 10 hours logged on it so I expect the total storyline between the 3 characters to be about 30 hours.

On sale right now for 50% off on steam so if you have 10 bucks to drop on something fun, I'd definitely suggest it. I can't think of a dungeon crawling action rpg that I've had as much fun with in a long while.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I gifted myself Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning for Christmas, and I've beat it today after pouring almost 60 hours into it. Just for that, I'd say it was worth my money.
However, I think the game could have been so much more. I just feel it didn't utilize its unique setting enough. Especially the variety of enemies was lackluster and got old quick. Even most of the bosses shared the same design as standard enemies, the only difference being that they had a big lifebar in the upper right corner. Unfortunately, it's safe to say that you've seen almost every type of enemy by the time you leave the first "country." Get ready to fight them over and over again for the rest of the game.
Quests are standard routine of "go there and kill that" or "go there and fetch this" with some outright missed opportunities. At one point you drink an unknown potion and immediately wake up the next morning, with nothing but a pop-up window telling you you have a headache. Wouldn't it be fun to play through your character tripping balls or retracing your steps à la Hangover?
Combat can be very intricate if you want to. You unlock different combinations and special moves for your weapons that look and play very well. I was playing a rogue, and towards the end your longbow straight up turns into a shotgun - you can shoot seven arrows at once if you charge up, and up close they all hit the same enemy with devastating results. Again, however, the game is hampered by its lackluster choice of enemies. Precisely one of them use a shield that can block damage and requires a bit of strategy. Any other opponent can be defeated by running up to them and hitting them a bunch of times. As I said, it can be intricate if you want to.

In short, I have to agree with what Yahtzee said about the game: It's Baby's First Skyrim. It has all the options and features Skyrim has, but much more simplified. A lot of wasted potential. I'd like to see if ifuture installations fare better (not that this was a bad game, just mediocre), but apparently the developer has gone bankrupt. Oh well, maybe EA will hand it over to somebody else. I heard BioWare is wrapping up THEIR fantasy project soon...

Next on my to-play-list: Stronghold 3.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've been bandering about getting that one. Tried the demo and enjoyed it, but just can't quite justify dropping the price on it, especially given I haven't been console gaming overmuch. Should get back to that. But maybe if the price drops on it, I'll consider getting it. I'm aware of the notoriously bad reviews, although written by R.A. Salvatore does give it a little weight in my book. Guess we'll see.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I remember being very excited for Kingdoms of Amalur, because of Salvatore and Todd McFarlane. I even got to play as a rather pretty Elf. But, I got bored before beating it. Most of the characters throughout are very 'meh', and the whole thing felt more like an MMO at points than a single player RPG.

Not bad, but not enough to challenge the RPGs I already got (Witcher 2, Skyrim, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, etc.). I didn't get any real sense of exploration, nor any true involvement in a great story, where as those games usually deliver greatly on one of those two aspects.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

@Copper: I got it very cheap for the PC (20 bucks) and play it with an XBox gamepad, which works rather well. If you see it at a reduced price, give it a try.

@Sinfulwolf: Yeah, Single Player MMO is also a term that Yahtzee used, and it also fits very well. I think they should've played up the fact that you just walk around destroying peoples' fate left and right way more. Not even one mob with pitchforks? Come on.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, despite the fact that fate was at the core of the story... it didn't actually have all that much of an impact.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Was playing Dark Souls, in the darkroot grove trying to meet Dusk, so I quit out of the game and my hands go on auto-pilot to get the game loaded back up while I'm looking at the computer screen... and son of a bitch! I look back as the screen says deleting character! A level 80 character with 60+hours on it mind you.

Luckily, I have a backup of the save on my comp (a few hours of soul grinding ago...) from when I decided that 3 hours of farming for souveniers of repriasal without a single drop was outrageous (playing vanilla offline, and no I don't give a fuck if you think cheating is bad or whatever, keep it the fuck to yourself).

I'm simply astounded that I managed to delete the save without even knowing what was happening untill it was too late.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I decided not to buy anything from the STEAM sales this time. Just yesterday a friend went and bought a copy of Civ5:game of the year edition. We somehow convinced ourselves to buy the expansion too.

And my folks keep wondering why I can't seem to hold my money .... :rolleyes:
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Just heard this while browsing about, youtube terminated the accounts for Angry Video Game Nerd, Cinemassacre and a few others.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Just heard this while browsing about, youtube terminated the accounts for Angry Video Game Nerd, Cinemassacre and a few others.
Any idea why? Also, is this the same Angry Video Game Nerd from gametrailers ?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh goody, somebody's abusing the youtube auto take-down bullshit I bet.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

'This account has been terminated due to repeated or severe violations of our Terms of Service.'

Welp if that's true I sense 5million other accounts will be gone :V
Re: Games Discussion Thread

His account has been restored, it appears that the termination of his account might have been an accident but his Cinemassacre account is still gone.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm assuming that he just put up a video that offended a developer. Since technically, whenever he shows gameplay, it's copy written material. Just takes one developer to be like, NOPE. Then his site goes down.
He probably just removed whatever it was that needed to get taken down, so they restored his account.