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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Now, I'm not the biggest fan of the Dynasty Warriors franchise, but Koei Canada has been making the first western version of the game. A new engine, Troy as a setting, M rating, and according to reviews good voice actors (which I think can be attributed to the fact that these are the original voice actors over folks doing translations). I was damn excited, because the setting is interesting, and while I'm not the biggest fan of the franchise I still fairly enjoy it and now it's being placed into a setting I'm more familiar with and interested in.

But what happens? The day it's supposed to be released I go looking for it... it's being released in Europe according to my sources on 360, in Japan and Australia in a few weeks on 360... but in North America (despite being a Canadian editor) it won't come out on 360 until late 2011... maybe. But it's already coming out on PS3.

What the fuck happened? Did Sony just shove a bunch of money down the publisher's throats to get a last second exclusive? I've been following this game since a teaser trailer I saw back in 2009, and the entire time it's been saying this will come out on 360. Now at the very last second it's a PS3 exclusive, but only in North America?

That is fucking bullshit. That's a huge fucking piss-off. I mean the franchise isn't even that big in North America so why do that? Gah! If Sony is behind this, fuck you and your greedy asses. You have plenty of other bigger exclusives, why fuck around with a small title I've been told I would get?

This just feels like a personal smack to my face, cause I'm the only one I know of that's been really looking forward to this title. Even though I know its not.

If it had said "PS3 exclusive" from the get go, I wouldn't be so damn pissed. But no, they waited to the last second. I'll be even more pissed if the damn thing doesn't come out at all.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Offtopic: If you have cheat engine installed, open it up.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Now, I'm not the biggest fan of the Dynasty Warriors franchise, but Koei Canada has been making the first western version of the game. A new engine, Troy as a setting, M rating, and according to reviews good voice actors (which I think can be attributed to the fact that these are the original voice actors over folks doing translations). I was damn excited, because the setting is interesting, and while I'm not the biggest fan of the franchise I still fairly enjoy it and now it's being placed into a setting I'm more familiar with and interested in.

But what happens? The day it's supposed to be released I go looking for it... it's being released in Europe according to my sources on 360, in Japan and Australia in a few weeks on 360... but in North America (despite being a Canadian editor) it won't come out on 360 until late 2011... maybe. But it's already coming out on PS3.

What the fuck happened? Did Sony just shove a bunch of money down the publisher's throats to get a last second exclusive? I've been following this game since a teaser trailer I saw back in 2009, and the entire time it's been saying this will come out on 360. Now at the very last second it's a PS3 exclusive, but only in North America?

That is fucking bullshit. That's a huge fucking piss-off. I mean the franchise isn't even that big in North America so why do that? Gah! If Sony is behind this, fuck you and your greedy asses. You have plenty of other bigger exclusives, why fuck around with a small title I've been told I would get?

This just feels like a personal smack to my face, cause I'm the only one I know of that's been really looking forward to this title. Even though I know its not.

If it had said "PS3 exclusive" from the get go, I wouldn't be so damn pissed. But no, they waited to the last second. I'll be even more pissed if the damn thing doesn't come out at all.

because this is the internet maybe you can get someone to mail you a copy. although try to get your formats right, for instance i couldn't do it because australia uses PAL and i think you use NTFC
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, the game is region locked on the 360. I may figure something out, or just be a bit pissed and let it pass. Either way...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Looks like the Arenanet team pulled off a little April fools by releasing info on a new profession.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

The Witcher 2 appears to have been pulled from the steam store for myself, and thus likely for all Australians. Wonder what happens to those who bought the pre-order before it was pulled?

Oh well, just cost whoever did it some money.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Goddammit, why do two of the games I'm really looking forward to have to have a collectors edition when I can't really justify buying them both because I need to save my money... and .
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Goddammit, why do two of the games I'm really looking forward to have to have a collectors edition when I can't really justify buying them both because I need to save my money... and .

Too bad Duke couldn't wait longer. I can totally expect we won't be seeing any women being molested by aliens. That's really what made the game stick out (aside from the comedy). Otherwise, it was just like Doom.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hey Sin, Koei did a western-style dynasty game already, sorta. It's called Bladestorm, and it's about the Hundred Years War. Give it a go if you can find it, should tide you over at least. You actually need troops to win in this one, you're pretty useless on your own. I like it!
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hey Sin, Koei did a western-style dynasty game already, sorta. It's called Bladestorm, and it's about the Hundred Years War. Give it a go if you can find it, should tide you over at least. You actually need troops to win in this one, you're pretty useless on your own. I like it!

I played the living shit out of that game for about three months. It was quite good and my poleaxe troops could slaughter anything on the field.

I just didn't like how it took fifty generic missions to unlock the next story based one.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I agree entirely, though I now have a newfound love for mounted lances, and the single sword is my steady fallback. I have like 48 hours worth of gameplay, and i'm still on just my second level of fame. I find it horribly disappointing, but I guess it's good to have a game I can't top off in two days, like most of the newer ones. :D
Re: Games Discussion Thread

This is true... I've actually picked up Lord of the Rings: The Third Age today, and it's looking like it'll take some time to go through.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ah, that one. Played a little of it, not really a fan.

There's something about being "That group of guys who are kinda like the fellowship but totally aren't, who followed a few days behind them. Also there's either an army of elves following them, or some kind of advanced targeting system as for a limit break ability you can call down a massive hail of arrowfire from 'elven allies'," that just feels a little off.

the final boss being the eye of Sauron. what the hell?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

I don't see any problems there. Yeah, some changes, some of which could be really meh, but overall, sounds about right.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I don't see any problems there. Yeah, some changes, some of which could be really meh, but overall, sounds about right.

So you're not pissed that we're not getting Legion or Mordin, two of the most entertaining characters from ME2 back, or the fact that they're basically pissing in the eyes of everyone who doesn't get the last ME2 DLC by continuing ME3 on from the end of the Arrival DLC? Because to me that's complete and utter bullshit on their part. Sure, I plan on getting Arrival before ME3 comes out, but I have friends who don't want to shell out the extra money for content that SHOULD'VE come with the game, especially Arrival seeing as it's, from what I can tell, the 'true' ending to ME2. But if they're doing this then I hope they at least do something for the people who bought the ME2 DLC, at least let us have the DLC characters playable from the beginning of ME3.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So you're not pissed that we're not getting Legion or Mordin, two of the most entertaining characters from ME2 back, or the fact that they're basically pissing in the eyes of everyone who doesn't get the last ME2 DLC by continuing ME3 on from the end of the Arrival DLC? Because to me that's complete and utter bullshit on their part. Sure, I plan on getting Arrival before ME3 comes out, but I have friends who don't want to shell out the extra money for content that SHOULD'VE come with the game, especially Arrival seeing as it's, from what I can tell, the 'true' ending to ME2. But if they're doing this then I hope they at least do something for the people who bought the ME2 DLC, at least let us have the DLC characters playable from the beginning of ME3.

Slightly annoyed about the DLC, but then again I have been from the start on that. Who gets to be party members I don't really care about.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So you're not pissed that we're not getting Legion or Mordin, two of the most entertaining characters from ME2 back, or the fact that they're basically pissing in the eyes of everyone who doesn't get the last ME2 DLC by continuing ME3 on from the end of the Arrival DLC? Because to me that's complete and utter bullshit on their part. Sure, I plan on getting Arrival before ME3 comes out, but I have friends who don't want to shell out the extra money for content that SHOULD'VE come with the game, especially Arrival seeing as it's, from what I can tell, the 'true' ending to ME2. But if they're doing this then I hope they at least do something for the people who bought the ME2 DLC, at least let us have the DLC characters playable from the beginning of ME3.

EA owns Bioware. Therefore, EA determines how Bioware games get marketed and developed.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

well, since newcomers are getting the 'comic book style refresh' that lets them make the choices over the previous few games (PS3 owners got this for ME2), perhaps those who don't get the arrival will be able to get some sort of review on that as well. At least I'd hope so for those that don't want to purchase DLC.

I like the possibility to weapon customization though. Scopes, barrels and so on. Alpha Protocol despite being a rather crap game did this portion fairly well (with the exception of the aesthetics of customization, which bothered me). If ME3 can pull off customization well, I'll be rather happy.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

On the subject of weapon customisation, I've been playing a game called Resonance of Fate.

"Yo dawg, we heard yo like scopes. So we put a scope on yo scope, so yo can aim while yo aim."

I'm not kidding, one of my guns has a sight part on top of another sight part. Both bonuses apply. I can understand the having one sight and then another after it, it increases zoom and all that. But on top? And both bonuses apply?

It's almost a shame that the ingame graphics don't represent the custom jobs to your weapons. I'd like to see how bulky my pistols ended up looking outside the customisation screen.

There's also a barrel that is specifically an extendible one, meaning you can attach another barrel to it to make it long. Which seems to also have a slot to extend. Which I guess means as long as you don't go over your characters weight limit, you could just keep adding barrels, until finally...

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