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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

I gave Dynasty Warriors Online a good solid go, but...

It's very slow to start off, as you find yourself faced with tutorials explaining things you could grasp if you had half a brain and the ability to read ingame prompts. You're heavily persuaded not to leave the area outside your house where you do said tutorials and training battles until you reach some rank, god knows what, but after at least 5 identical "training" missions that are basically just a "go forth and cap bases" with AI teammates I'd had enough, and found my way to an actual quest thingy.

Did one, and yeah, it's just too MMO for me to like it.

The PvP stuff seems interesting, but requires a full 4v4 roster and unless a certain option is on which lowers everyone's level and gear to the level of the weakest link (thus irritating the high level players who find themselves unable to fight as they're used to, making it an unattractive option) the low end players are going to get mauled, like in most MMOs.

And the story... well... the progress of the war is determined by special campaigns that activate whenever some sort of counter keeping track of tensions between factions ticks over.

The one quest I did lacked the interest of a traditional DW battle, it said at the start of the mission to capture a certain base, and I did, and there was basically no complications of events within this time except the bandit Leader turning up, whom I killed to receive no tangible reward from. might have helped my ranking at the end, thus improving my quest reward, but it was rather underwhelming.

Where's the sudden ambushes? The rockslides? The complications? It seems to suffer from the same thing that made the DW:Empires games so tedious for me; the battles were bland and stale. Now, I only did one proper quest, so maybe that's not it, but still... I'm not sure I'll even give it another sitting. The last 90 minutes I was bored and just trying to get enough progress to see whether or not the game would actually start.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The above link shows Hawke from Dragon Age II... both in male and female form. For those interested.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Interesting. The more I see, the more I'm looking forward to giving this bad boy a shot.

Also, found some nifty articles on Escapist about DA...let's find links...

Ah, here we go. And the rest of the story links are below the feature article in the footer there, notably a combat trailer and an article on the same-sex romances.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

The above link shows Hawke from Dragon Age II... both in male and female form. For those interested.

My first thought was "BEARD".

My last thought was also "BEARD". I think imma have to play female one, becaue of BEARD.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

That beard is EPIC. I actually sport the same one ATM (though, sadly, it's a rather flimsy one. Can't grow a good beard for the life of me).
EDIT: Reading through the article Copper posted, it really does sound like a lot of improvements are being made. Especially that the silent protagonist is gone - that's one of the things that disturbed me the most about Origins. What's the worth of choosing your character's voice if he/she doesn't talk at all except in combat?
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Spore. I has it now. Sure I'm a little late to the party considering Darkspore is soon coming, but then again it's still fun ^_^

Still need to make the completementiry Lurker creation yet...
Ze crazy stuff I've made thus far!


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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm pretty sure you can choose whether or not to have the beard Inky... if that influences your decision. Those were just the default models. You can still customize your character... and Hawke's sister and brother's hair and skin tones will change to better match your version of Hawke.

And the male Magi Warden is related to Hawke somehow.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Completely out of left field, I know, but ANYWAYS.

Apparently I need people to play one of the Monster Hunter games with some people or something, because it sounds like they're awesome games, but the only one I have is Monster Hunter: Freedom on the PSP, and that got old REALLY quick, because it was taking WAY too long to get any material solo, but I didn't have anyone to actually play WITH.

I also don't like the PSP controls for the game..... I mean, they work, but I'd rather be playing it on a console or on the PC or something, rather than on the PSP.


So, for those who DO play it, what would be a good one to get and on what system?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Spore. I has it now. Sure I'm a little late to the party considering Darkspore is soon coming, but then again it's still fun ^_^

Still need to make the completementiry Lurker creation yet...
Ze crazy stuff I've made thus far!

I was not aware that this site existed. Just checked my account and apparently I only have one creature uploaded to the database. Looks like I'll need to reinstall my game and upload them all.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Completely out of left field, I know, but ANYWAYS.

Apparently I need people to play one of the Monster Hunter games with some people or something, because it sounds like they're awesome games, but the only one I have is Monster Hunter: Freedom on the PSP, and that got old REALLY quick, because it was taking WAY too long to get any material solo, but I didn't have anyone to actually play WITH.

I also don't like the PSP controls for the game..... I mean, they work, but I'd rather be playing it on a console or on the PC or something, rather than on the PSP.


So, for those who DO play it, what would be a good one to get and on what system?

The only ones I have for the consoles are Monster Hunter tri, for the Wii, and the first Monster Hunter for the PS2. The PS2 MH doesn't have any servers running for it though, they shut down. However, Monster Hunter Tri 'does' have servers, and it's fairly awesome.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I was not aware that this site existed. Just checked my account and apparently I only have one creature uploaded to the database. Looks like I'll need to reinstall my game and upload them all.
It's more then still kicking. However, I suggesst patching up real quick, if only to stop crashings from grabbing a creation that has Creepy/Cute accidentally and crashing, but it also gets ya the Exoskeleton Limbs partpack they added via patch :p
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, I had my Spore fully updated before uninstalling it along with the Creepy&Cute and Space Adventures packs.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Giving Monster Hunter Freedom 2 a try on my psp. I never got into the monster hunter series, and its defidently not as easy as it looks. I may have to devote some time to it, but that will have to be evened with Tales of Rebirth.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I have Monster Hunter Freedom Unite for the PSP though the only thing stopping me from really playing it is the camera controls.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Get Phantasy Star Portable 2 while it's on sale in the PSN store for 15 bucks. That shit is boss.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I would, but 1) it may not be on the European PSN and 2) I have no money in my bank account at the moment.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Get Phantasy Star Portable 2 while it's on sale in the PSN store for 15 bucks. That shit is boss.

Double post, but up yours.

Anyway, checked and PSP2 (i c wut they did thar) is on the European PSN so I bought it and it's currently downloading. Which apparently will take a little over four hours. Fucking internet connection. I'll give the single player mode a go (if there is one) before jumping online.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Double post, but up yours.

Anyway, checked and PSP2 (i c wut they did thar) is on the European PSN so I bought it and it's currently downloading. Which apparently will take a little over four hours. Fucking internet connection. I'll give the single player mode a go (if there is one) before jumping online.

Aw i cant. hacked my psp so i could get japenese rpg's. If i try playing the phantasy star game it will want me to update the firmware, and that will erase the hacked firmware, so thats a negative for now.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Aw i cant. hacked my psp so i could get japenese rpg's. If i try playing the phantasy star game it will want me to update the firmware, and that will erase the hacked firmware, so thats a negative for now.

My first PSP I bought had hacked firmware on there, bought it off ebay so it was kind of my fault because I expected it to be legit. Then when Dissidia came out I bought the Dissidia and PSP pack so now I have two PSP's. The one with hacked firmware on I use to play all the PSX game eboots. Well, for the games that were never released in Europe at least.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

For those who are interested, the Speed Demos Archive marathon "Awesome Games Done Quick" (formerly 'Classic Games Done Quick' for the first year last year) will be going from January 6-11.

I was at last year's live marathon in the site chatbox, where over 72 games were done in 55 hours, including such titles as Donkey Kong Country (1 and 2), Metroid/Super Metroid, Legend of Zelda/Adventure of Link/Link's Awakening, Earthworm Jim (1 and 2), Secret of Mana, Super Mario Bros 1-3/Lost Levels/Kart, Castlevania/Symphony of the Night, Sonic the Hedgehog (1, 2, and 3), and Final Fantasy VI were speedrunned with exceptional skill live. While last year stuck to NES/Super NES/Genesis and older games, this year branches out, hitting those older ones, but bringing in newer games, with titles like Portal, Metroid Prime, Ocarina of Time, Chrono Trigger, Resident Evil 1-5, Super Mario 64/Galaxy, Halo: Combat Evolved, Kingdom Hearts 2, Devil May Cry, and many, many more lined up (the full list and schedule can be seen on the linked site).

All of this is done for charity. Watching is free, but there are prizes and giveaways for those who donate. Last year's goal was to raise $5000 for the CARE charity, but with the insane flood of donations for the combo of Glitchy NES TMNT (see the video 'TMNT retry') and Final Fantasy VI, the team capped $10,000 in donations. This year, donations will go towards the Prevent Cancer Foundation.

If you'd like to see a sample of this, you can go here and download the video of any of the runs from last year's marathon, as they are all still up to be seen:

I have a lot of them on my computer as well, I highly recommend TMNT retry and Battletoads (Pianotoads, Kareshi played the soundtrack on piano live to the gameplay) by Emptyeye, Contra 3 by Mike Uyama, and Final Fantasy VI by Essentia (who was pregnant during her run and would later give birth to a daughter, Celise, named after Celes from the game she ran, FFVI!).

All of them are done with the game footage on one side and commentary on the other side, which is likely how this year's will be done.

Last year's show was incredible, in part because the setup at MAGFest got all messed up and they had to quick relocate to Mike Uyama's home and still managed to put on an awesome show broadcasting live from his basement with well over a dozen runners, male and female. This year is seeing over 20 runners coming to play.

Go download some vids from 2010's marathon if you like, but especially come to see the 2011 marathon! Whether or not you donate, spread the word to anyone who wants to see really epic gameplay with a lot of excellent games, or who is interested in prizes (last year every game had it's own unique artwork to be given away in raffles to donators, in addition to special rare merchandise, and in the case of FFVI, a GBA game cart of the game, while this year planned prizes range from consoles to games to art and other assorted goodies).





