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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread



...It is time. 8|
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ah... Fallout, a wonderful series, shame that No.3 felt so buggy, glitched and generally caused sufficient errors to make me rage loud enough for the next-door neighbors to hear. Geh, though when it worked, really good game.

I look forward to your impressions on New Vegas, Lucas, especially stability-wise and what really makes it different from Fallout 3, no rush intended. X3
Re: Games Discussion Thread

You already know my feelings about you getting it before me, Lucas. But no matter, three more days left and I'll have my copy too. And so long as GAME was telling the truth I'll be getting free DLC too. No doubt it's one of the retail-specific starter packs though.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Fucking hell... Apparantly the game was delayed at many many stores across Canada for some stupid reason. Probly because at the last minute someone went "oh fuck, French manuals". That's what happened with Ninja Gaiden II.

Come on now people, Canada has had French people in it longer than it's had English people.

As to Fallout 3, I never had any issues with it. Though I did play it on 360 so that may be why.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ahhh, is that the special, or collectors edition or something? I've only got one game that way, World in conflict. Epic box, tons of extras, and a piece of the Berlin Wall :D

I've also never had any trouble with F3. Windows live, yes, but not F3 itself.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

It's the Collector's Edition, I'll be getting it too at the end of the week.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

It took an amazing 2-3 hours for the first porn mods to appear.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Wow, thats pretty fast. Though I'll be getting the 360 version so they aren't of much use to me.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I imagine it wouldn't be to hard to port from F3.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Aye, got the Collector's for F3, that is the Lunchbox and scratched BobbleHead. *Used to poke the Bobblehead.*

Sittin' there gathering dust now. B1

Amazing amount of time indeed... XD Might youtube some early game play, and hoping to avoid the inevitable Rick-Rolling links that people feel absolutely compelled to post just to annoy others with.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I haven't said much about this to anyone but a few people, but when I go to Washington D.C. in just a week or so, I'm going to take my bobblehead with me... And I'm going to take pics of it in as many locations that appeared in Fallout 3 that I can get to.

I don't think I'll upload the pics here, but I will for sure put them on Bethesda's Fallout 3 forum, which I'll provide a link to when I create the thread.


Cheers, guys.

Oh, and New Vegas is blowing my fucking balls off. <3
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Heh, for a second I thought you meant they actually added that as a targetable location :D
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Finally got the game, as I promised Oni though I won't say anything until after Friday. Enjoying it so far. New and familiar seems to be the words of the day.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So I finally got around to fixing my windows machine after several months of it being out of commission. What games do I have to catch up on? I'm already downloading CivV and already bought SC2. Anything else particularly amazing come up recently?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I used to be a big fan of RUSE, but the multiplayer has gone stale; there are basically only 2 or 3 strategies people online use now unless they're a newbie, all designed to end the game as quickly as possible.

They're hardly unstoppable, but require vastly different methods to counter and even when one wins, it's just boring fighting off the same tactics over and over again.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Because I just HAVE to share it...

Kitteh is angreh.
So I finally got around to fixing my windows machine after several months of it being out of commission. What games do I have to catch up on? I'm already downloading CivV and already bought SC2. Anything else particularly amazing come up recently?
I'm enjoying a lot. Think "item-shop capitalism" combined with an action-RPG. Very addictive, as Incubus, SirOni, Lucas, and Darkfire have all discovered.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I used to be a big fan of RUSE, but the multiplayer has gone stale; there are basically only 2 or 3 strategies people online use now unless they're a newbie, all designed to end the game as quickly as possible.

They're hardly unstoppable, but require vastly different methods to counter and even when one wins, it's just boring fighting off the same tactics over and over again.

I predicted this day would come.

Because I just HAVE to share it...

Kitteh is angreh.

I'm enjoying a lot. Think "item-shop capitalism" combined with an action-RPG. Very addictive, as Incubus, SirOni, Lucas, and Darkfire have all discovered.

Yay Dwarf Fortress!