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Game Over Rape.

Re: Game Over Rape.

When people make a mistake, I rip on them for it. And the good news is, you'll (hopefully) be more cautious next time about what random links you click. ;)
Re: Game Over Rape.

Hey, that's funny, that's the same url you posted in the other thread

what are you up to, sneaky devil?
Edit your post to disable the link in your quote so no one is tempted to click it.
Re: Game Over Rape.

Ah ULMF. The only forum I know of that essentially has ADHD.

When people make a mistake, I rip on them for it. And the good news is, you'll (hopefully) be more cautious next time about what random links you click. ;)

As Phenix said, this thread has ADHD. Do you really expect us to read the forum before clicking on the shiny blue text?

I fell for it myself, but in my defense I've actually been diagnosed with ADHD. Having experienced it, here's the thought process;

*loads ULMF*
Ooh new messages!
*goes to thread*
YAY! Link!
*internet freezes*
..... shit
*task manager*
*5 minutes later*
damnit I hate that guy who posted that link. I'm gonna go neg-rep him.
Re: Game Over Rape.

Fuuuuuuuuuck! I'm curious as to what it is now!

Also, I don't really think this needs to be closed. It's just that it needs a proper kickoff.

For instance:

Go sift through all of the pages in that thread. You'll find a game you'll like eventually. Just one thing though. The language there is Portuguese.
Re: Game Over Rape.

GAH! Now I don't even trust Dark's link!


I'll edit my post, but not to be negative, it'd be kinda dumb to click a link I quoted and replied to in a questioning and slightly critical manner, especially considering the following posts.
I mean, in a place where we DOWNLOAD CONTENT onto our PERSONAL COMPUTER, how many times do you have to have your computer virused, crashed, and rebooted before you think of reading any text around it?
Re: Game Over Rape.

Fuuuuuuuuuck! I'm curious as to what it is now!

Also, I don't really think this needs to be closed. It's just that it needs a proper kickoff.

For instance:

Go sift through all of the pages in that thread. You'll find a game you'll like eventually. Just one thing though. The language there is Portuguese.

Damn, that's a lot of hentai.
Re: Game Over Rape.

Ya' know, you could've just edited your previous post instead of reposting the exact same thing.
Re: Game Over Rape.

...ually. Just one thing though. The language there is Portuguese.

.....really.....how often do you go to Portuguese porn sites......
Last edited:
Re: Game Over Rape.

Don't delete this thread, I like it :(

Not for the content it brings, but rather the inane conversation. :cool:

Plus, I want more excuses to post semi-relevant pictures
Re: Game Over Rape.

why would we delete this thread? the links have been disabled and the user banned.

mostly because someone did the right thing and reported it.
Re: Game Over Rape.

I don't go on Portuguese porn sites. I just found this one particular one when I tried to look up information on a Dragon Quest hentai game.
Re: Game Over Rape.

ugh why do i always miss the cool things that happen here... anyways nice find dark
Re: Game Over Rape.

Plus, I want more excuses to post semi-relevant pictures

Speaking of that, could you tell me where you found that really awesome picture you posted on page one? I'd like to see more stuff like that.

Also, very nice find DarkFire.
Re: Game Over Rape.

I don't go on Portuguese porn sites. I just found this one particular one when I tried to look up information on a Dragon Quest hentai game.

damn, cuz i was wondering if you could pick out some good ones for us... because i generally cant understand what there saying.....
Re: Game Over Rape.

Someone posted the newest VH game, did someone include a changelog with it? ^^;
Re: Game Over Rape.

I'm beginning to get interested in posting in this thread, what type of rape should I look for.
Re: Game Over Rape.

There are types of rape?

Just find some game where if you lose you get a rape scene!
Re: Game Over Rape.

Is there a way to find out what h-games are coming out? and even more so, is it possible to find out by genre... it might help to the idea of this thread.