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Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

After his rather sarcastic thoughts to himself, he yawned as he and his newfound silver haired buddy kept walking. After a while of walking with absolutely no destination, he turned his head and looked over to the red-haired person that decided to stray away. He was a small silhouette of a person, indicative of their distance from each other. With a light frown, he looked to his silver haired companion and then looked forward.

"So, you have any idea what we should do? It doesn't look like we're gonna get much done walkin' 'round."
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

The strange human just shrug its shoulders without know the answer of its gender, making a quick sigh before walk. Soon the grey haired humanoid noted also the strange way that both have a limit to go away of the red haired man, like if a powerfull streng mantain them close. I dont know, maybe if we could see a mountain or other sight that could give us a clue of how we could go out of this place It said after heard the question of the man and start to check for something that could help in its pokets.
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

The young man stretched and yawned a bit as he walked. Despite knowing that he wouldn't see anything, he looked to the sides anyways. Not to his surprise, he saw nothing but more white and more nothing. Almost unconsciously, the man dropped his hands into his pockets. In addition, he turned his head and looked at the redhead again, Just a small silhouette as always...

"Wait. What?" he stopped and turned to look in the redhead's direction. With all the distance they walked, that redhead should be less than a silhouette by now. But no, he was still the same-sized silhouette as before. What the hell...? It's like some frickin' video game. What's going on?
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

When all three people put there hands in their pockets, at first they felt nothing. A moments later though everyone found something in their pocket. The silver haired person found a mirror. The man wearing glasses pulled out a permanent marker. The red haired man pulled out a long piece of rope.
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

"Eh?" the young man took the permanent marker out of his pocket and looked at it. After a very brief look of confusion, he looked behind him to the silver haired person who was behind him. He held up the permanent for the person to see.

"Hey, look what I found. A permanent marker. Maybe this could come in handy," he said for a bit. Afterward, he looked at the redhead again. He was still the same size he was several minutes ago. Some sort of force or something was keeping them within this distance.

"Hey, do you think something's...wrong? We've been walking for a while and he hasn't turned into a speck or somethin'," he asked the silver haired individual.
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

A rope? How did it even fit in my pocket? This world isn't making any sense. the redhead thinks. Well, if I have a rope, I guess I was supposed to use it for something.

He makes it into a lasso and throws it into air a few times, seeing if it would hit something.
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

It was interesting for the human to find a mirror when it look in its pokets Why i have this thing? i havent sense it until now then the glassed man turned and show the permanent marker and even ask about the strange event that was happening Yes i have noted it, this place is so bizarre, we cant even see something more far away and im sure of had not feel this object in my bags until i tried to look for something. This is like a dream The grey haired human said before try to touch the floor, trying do know how it feel.
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

"Hah, yeah it is biz...," the bespectacled man watched as the silver haired person knelt down to touch the ground. It was then that he noticed a drastic change in the person's appearance. Slender curves took place of the ambiguous shape from before, and average sized breast replaced the flat, yet still androgynous, chest. The unclear facial features were more defined and more feminine, now, "arre..."

Uh...wow. Was that person..err...she like that earlier?, he thought to himself before shaking his head. He chuckled a bit and looked at the silver haired woman, "So, uh...Miss? ...Anything strange...about...the floor?"

Suri was clearly nervous, both because he was speaking to a girl of fair attractiveness and that the person he was travelling with suddenly transformed or something.

This place...is so frickin' weird.
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

When the silver haired person touched the floor. The floor felt kind of solid, yet there was no difference in look between the floor and sky. The person ran it's hands across the floor and felt a sensation, like a little sting. The person stood up, and found she was now a women.
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

The new woman soon moved away her hand after feel the little sting, then she put her close her eyes, trying to find the little wound, but the weird words of the glassed man make her Miss? In the instant she heared her new voice, when she looked around to find the woman So im a woman... i just cant remember. Well, when i checked the floor, it was just a common floor, but then i feel a little sting just now when i touch it and thats all She said as she explore her body and then she just get up Maybe you can draw in the floor, then we will know if we are mving. The woman closed her arms, not so afected by the change.
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

"Hmn. I...I guess I could," the young man with glasses said, getting more comfortable with all the change going on around him, especially with the person he was walking with.

He knelt down and uncapped the permanent marker, beginning to draw a square with an triangle in it. He then wrote a few things, "You were already here."

He got up and capped the marker, looking to the silver haired girl.

"There, now we should be able to see if we're actually moving when we walk.
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

The woman check how he make the draw in the floor, as she play a little with her hair, as she look herself in her mirror for a moment to know how she look, her sigh just make more obvious that she was confused by all the things that are happening around her. She calm herself and smile to the guy when he end Well done, now lets walk a little more As they do it, the woman walked looking to the mark and the barb man using the mirror.
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

The duo started walking forward to see if their theory was correct. As they thought the shape that was drawn had not moved. It had stayed in the same spot and looked exactly the same. The duo puzzled decided they would head back to the red haired man. So they started walking, but they felt something like a presence. They looked back towards the shape to find it floating after them.
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

"Uh...is it supposed to be doing that?" the young man said, staring at the shape he drew -- which was now floating after them.

He looked to the woman he was walking with and then looked at the floating shape, a look of bewilderment falling upon his face. After a few seconds of staring at it, the young man reached out to touch the floating shape he created.

I wonder what'll happen...
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

As the man touched the shape, he felt it had no substance. The shape started to fade and make new one. A circle with a square and line through it. The man quickly removed his hand from the shape, he looked at it to make sure nothing happened. The man asked his companion if they should take the shape along, the woman nodded, and the trio begin there trek back to the bearded man.
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

Even when she was happy to had acredited her theory, the woman stay clueless by how this could be posible and then both returned where was the other man alone in the distance. Her stepts were slighty fast trying to reach the place soon and escape of all this the faster way possible. But then after look her mirror, she saw the thing flying to them. She has not any memory at all, but something said her that this was not possible, she tried to maintain her distance, but then the glassed man get closed to the thing and even touch it, it looks not hostile and this make the woman nod when he ask to maintain it with them. The three continued their path to the third human who was like holding a big rope From where he take that inmense rope? said to herself being heared by her partners.

Whe they reached she wave and waited the classic sight reaction who started to put her ashamed like if she was some kind of freak.
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

When they reached the bearded man, the bespectacled young man looked at him and gave off a friendly grin. He brought his hand up in greeting before turning and looking at their changing companion shape. He grinned a bit, reaching out to touch it again.

Thing's pretty cute, huh?
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

"Oh. You came back?"
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

With a brief sigh the woman walked toward the beard man and pointing to the creatured said As you can see in this place, many weird events happen. We tried to continue but looks like we cant go more far if we dont go all together, some kind of force avoid to us to go to a diferent place after some distance. The woman expect that this dont sound imposible or as some kind of joke after the man had saw the creature.
Re: Game 2: In the middle of nowhere(plmnko, S u r i, Hentaispider)

"Yeah. This place is all sorts of strange. As you can see from this little guy here," the young man said as he looked at the red-headed man.

"We walked for a while, and you didn't get any smaller. Something's up."