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G Building

Re: G Building

"Um....I saw her earlier....but not since I got here..." Isabella replied as she snapped out of her day dreams. She helped herself to some nibbles.

((goddamn thats a god awful text colour....))
Re: G Building

She remembered the short visit Siphon had made easily as well. "I know, just with getting stuff ready for school, it sorta slipped my mind... haven't even tried my school uniform on yet, hope it fits... As for Sho, not that I know of!"
Re: G Building

"G'day." Ian returns Autumn's greeting, the response seeming almost ingrained, as is the easy smile he wears. "Don't fret. All of us were new at some point. Give it time and this can be quite the second home."

He inclines his head politely to Aya. "Thankee. Ah've gotta say that suits ya." His gaze trails respectfully down the cut of her dress and back up. "Almost thought Ah was lookin' at a topsy-turvy mirror for a moment." His attention alternates between Aya and Autumn.

Not too terribly late, Sho finally makes her entrance, walking carefully so as not to accidentally trip over the skirt of her dress. Pausing just inside the doorway to smooth said skirt out, she glances around, taking in stock of who's arrived. She picks out Barry at his table, his white hair making him easier to spot, even in crowds; Alazais was leaning against the wall talking to Matt; there was a group chatting near the punch bowl, among them her and Siphon's respetive roomies, and several of the newer students she recalled from the lounge earlier, two of which were talking to her date. Well, let the prince come to Cinderella for the time being. Her gaze slid over to Alazais and she frowned a little. Time to ask a legitimate question.

Giving Matt a little wave as she walked up, she stopped in front of the albino. "You didn't dress up for tonight?" The question actually seems a little disappointed, but in a friendly way, if that's at all possible. Seems someone would have liked to see a more stylish side to her classmate.
Re: G Building

Matt smiles and nods in acknowledgement to Sho. "Looks like the gods sent me a nice little gift. Sho, I owe you one. You'll make a nice playmate for my friend here." He gets on his knees and, with one hand holding onto the handle of the cart, makes a slow crawl to another corner, as if trying to avoid conversation with anyone else.
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Re: G Building

Alazais stares after Matt for a moment, a little sadly.

To be honest with you.. I'd rather look like you. It's what I'm best at.

The albino turns to Sho with a smile that seems only slightly forced, and waves a dismissive hand at her robes.

"To be honest.. I've spent so long dressing like this, I've forgotten how to dress like a normal person. Besides.. I'm uncomfortable enough in here as it is.. Consider this my defence against.. well. That."

She indicates the crowd gathering near the food tables.
Re: G Building

Seeing another face he recognizes, Kyo decides it's time for introductions. Shoving himself off of the wall, Kyo makes his way over to the group by the table, unconsciously making as little noise as possible as he does so.

"Hey Siphon," Kyo says as he gets close enough, "did you have a good summer?"
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Re: G Building

Stella finally makes her way into the building as she sees the janitor leaving. She was pretty much unchanged from earlier with the exception that she appeared to have gotten another pair of gloves as the pizza sauce stains were absent.

She chooses a nice, less populated area of the dance and sits down, watching everyone else quietly.
Re: G Building

Aya smiled back at Ian. "Thanks. Hey wait a second, didn't you bring someone here with you tonight?"

Siphon spotted Sho, and was about to excuse himself to go over to her when he heard, thanks to his better than normal hearing, Kyo address him. Turning with a grin he answered, "oh yeah, really good summer, you? Good to see you again Kyo."
Re: G Building

Trixie starts eyeing the food display eagerly, wondering how well this stuff would taste. Still, with people she at least reconized, it was a bit more comforting to be in here.
Re: G Building

"Thanks." Autumn says, looking more at ease. She even chuckles a bit at his mirror comment. "Yeah, there are some similarities though. We both have green eyes." She points out, moving a hand to get her hair entirely out of the way so both eyes can be seen clearly. "I think I recognize that accent, are you Australian? I loved 'The Crocodile Dundee'." She says with a grin.
Re: G Building

"But I'll dutifully obey my order's until I've become the Count and everyone of them is obeying me," Art says as he enters the G Building, the beginning of the conversation missed by the people inside the building. Maria, Leo and Corax follow behind him.
Re: G Building

"Keep your crazy ambitions to yourself, Art. People might get the wrong idea."
Re: G Building

"She's right, Art. You wanna get expelled or something?" Leo says, a smile on his face and his hands in his pockets as he follows Art
Re: G Building

Art stops mid-step. "Thats a stupid thing to say Leo. I say it because it's true. And when I'm the Count there'll be changes...." Art then spins around to face the group, leans forward with his arms bent and his hands balled into fists. The next second his left hand thrusts into the air, his cane pointing upwards and his other hand on his hip. "THAT DAY, ALL FEMALE STUDENTS WILL BE REQUIRED TO WEAR TINY MINISKIRTS!!!"
Re: G Building

Maria says nothing, but sighs loudly. Just behind her, Corax facepalms.
Re: G Building

At the food table, Trixie darted from one item to the next, sampling the various eats with seemingly flighty attention to how she was ingesting them. Naturally, a few people were staring, but hey, when breakfast was something you had to run after, catch, kill, skin, and then cook yourself, going to an open food platter would be like setting Tarzan in a Italian resturant.

At Art's sudden proclamation, Trixie let out a small 'Eep!' and jumped about two feet. Fast-looking observers may have noticed a stubby limb appear from her uncovered back before shrinking back hurriedly as she tried to get her nerves together again.
Re: G Building

Both Aya and Siphon shoot Art a withering look. Siphon more of a look of 'don't even think about it with Sho', and Aya a look of 'try it with me and you'll burn again.

Neither said anything out loud, but the looks were clear enough.
Re: G Building

Leo's jaw drops a few centimeters open, a dumbfounded expression on his face as his nose begins to bleed "You're a miracle Artemis! I'll follow you to the ends of the earth!" he says, grasping one of Art's legs and rubbing his cheek against it
Re: G Building

"Yes," Art said in response to Leo whilst keeping his pose.
Re: G Building

Maria and Corax ignore Leo's display of approval and walk pst the two into the hall. "I stand corrected. It seems maturity is hard to find these days."