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G Building

Re: G Building

Aya smiled a bit at this. "Thanks, took me a while to make it. I like yours too though, did you make it or buy it?"

She absentmindedly brushed a bit of her hair away, revealing one of her green eyes to Autumn.
Re: G Building

"Yeah. Well, sorta. I wasn't the first one to, but I made this one myself, you know?" She stutters out, blushing a little. She sees Aya's eyes and was about to comment on them, but decided it would be too creepy. Instead, she settled for a nervous chuckle.
Re: G Building

"Ah ok. So what brings you here then? Me, I've got no real family so .... best place for me to be right now really."
Re: G Building

"That's not so different than me, my father signed me up." Autumn explains, taking a sip of her punch to give her time to organize her thoughts. "Military family. He decided that moving to a new school every six months wasn't a good way for his daughter to get an education. Don't ask me why he waited this long, though." She said, mostly as a joke.
Re: G Building

The albino glances up from her thoughts, startled, and after a moment's pause, lets her hood slide back enough to reveal her face, and her smile.

"You got it. Alazais.. Thankfully, "Matt" is easy enough to pronounce.."

She lets her gaze wander back out to the students, with a sigh.

"As for being over here, not over there.. I'm just scared enough of people to stay away from the clumps, yet not antisocial enough to not come at all.. with you on your own, you seemed like a good bet. Plus, you... you feel safe. I'm not entirely sure why, if I'm honest with you."
Re: G Building

Crossing the campus, Ian walked back to the building where he'd spent the majority of the afternoon. He could already hear some music playing, though it really wasn't in full swing just yet. From the snatches of conversation he picked up as he walked by, the efforts of those that had set things up were definitely not in vain.

Entering the building, he stood there for a moment, actually taking the time to admire the work that had been put into the decorations while at the same time in a good position to be admired himself.

His hair was combed back, secured with a tie that left it in a sophisticated ponytail. The suit that he was wearing tonight was more fashion than formal, jacket, pants and vest in grey, white shirt, and a bolero-style tie rather than a traditional one. His black shoes even looked to have a polish to them.

He took a moment to note how folks had divided up. Clusters of students here and there, people reconnecting with old friends and meeting new ones. Matt was in the corner looking to be in conversation with someone done up very grim reaper. A few more seconds of study affirmed it was a girl under the hood there. There was a cluster of girls by the punch bowl as well, including Aya, which made him smile a little. It grew as he noticed the girl she was talking to. They were dressed almost identically but seemed polar opposites: shorter, fair hair contrasting long and black. This might be looking into.

Wandering over in that direction, he was careful not to walk up directly behind Aya. He knew she hated that. There were a couple other new faces nearby, too, but they looked to be in their own conversation.

"Evenin', Aya." He gave the blonde a friendly smile. "Who's yer friend heah?"
Re: G Building

Barry has been busy loading up all meat-including sandwiches he can carry onto a plate and proceeds to walk away from the flock of girls that has gathered near him (undoubtedly drawn there by his charm and stunning good looks) and towards an empty table. After placing his plate there he sits down and promptly starts eating - the cafeteria has been closed down all day!
Re: G Building

"Er.." Matt says nervously. "Well I'm not sure honest would be the right world to use." He pauses a moment to get his words right, then proceeds to say,

"I'm not exactly the best guy to be around. Students like you should be going out with other students, not hanging out with a sadsack like me. But I'm not a social worker, nor am I even social. So I won't pretend I know any better, and I'm not going to give you any advice. But I will say this: You wanna look like that?" he points to the crowd over at the food table. "Or do you wanna look like this?" and points to himself.
Re: G Building

Isabella hesitantly offers a hand to shake and then quickly withdraws it after a few seconds of shaking. I dont know why they're not, you're very interesting." Isabella quickly says, though after a few seconds she flushes red. "I'm, I'm sorry. That came out wrong."

Trix blushed a bit at the compliment. "It's ok, as I said, I hear that sometimes, then again, haven't really been that much of a social type... I prefer the woods myself," she said, shrugging a bit.
Re: G Building

"The woods?" Isabella asks Trixie as she pours herself a drink. "I thought they were off limits to students."
Re: G Building

"Oh, uh, hi." Autumn says to Ian, brushing her bangs back, more of a nervous habit than anything else. "I'm Autumn, I'm kinda new here..." She blushes a little, and quickly takes a sip of her punch.
Re: G Building

A wry smile goes on Trixie's face. "Oh, there are ways around that," she commented.
Re: G Building

"Oh there is? You'll have to show me sometime," Isabella now sounds more at ease. "So what's in the forest?"
Re: G Building

Aya turned and smiled at Ian. "Hey there Ian, looking good."

Siphon chose that moment to walk past Trixie and Isabella, the former he only knew slightly, the latter not even her name. He was dressed in a black dance suit, complete with a red tie and white dress pants. "Quite a few spots to relax, meditate, enjoy the scenery with someone special if you have that luxury. It's very calm out there usually."

He nods to Trixie once, then turns back to Isabella. "I don't believe we've been properly introduced? I'm Siphon. I know, strange name, and believe me, it's a long story."
Re: G Building

"I, uh....I'm Isabella," She stutters, her face flushing a deep red. She turns her head slightly to the side as she offers a hand to shake. "Nice to, uh, meet you.."
Re: G Building

Siphon accepts her hand shake, and from the grip she'd be able to ascertain he was a fair bit stronger than he looked, possibly even holding back from his full grip. He wasn't quite sure if she was embarrassed or not, or why if she was, but he didn't really think on it. "Same here. I take it that things haven't really started up here just yet from the lack of music?"
Re: G Building

"I'm, uh...I guess not," Silence followed for a moment. "So, uh...I take it, you've...been in the forest?"
Re: G Building

Her face brightens when she saw Siphon. "I remember you! I think..." she pointed out, before awnsering Isibelle. "There's a few nice things there, like a waterfall, hot springs..."
Re: G Building

"Hot springs?" Isabella repeats, her eye's glazing over and a dream-like expression on her face.
Re: G Building

"Ah yes, the hot springs. I love that place."

He nods to Trixie. "I should hope you remember me. I'd have to worry about your memory if you'd forgotten me just because I was gone for a few weeks."

Siphon had taken a trip for a couple of weeks into the town, and a bit beyond that to take care of some things.

"Have either of you seen Sho yet? It's hard to believe I made it here before she did."