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G Building

Re: G Building

"What else? To fill an empty head!" More then what you would know, she thought to herself. Oddly, she felt a twinge in her head. She ignored it for now, letting herself focus on her new friend.
Re: G Building

Siphon garnered some food for the both of them and the drinks, and when they had finished eating, went out onto the dance floor with Sho. Unlike last year when the dance had been one of those "what's going on" moments for him, this year he was visibly relaxed and having fun. He also answered Kyle before they went out. "Yeah bro, I guess so. Enjoy the night."

Aya grinned back at Ian, almost impishly and took the offered hand. "Well then, I suppose your luck just got a bit better for tonight then. Let's go."

She waved to Autumn then added, "I'll catch you a bit later, enjoy the night."
Re: G Building

"Oh come now, you can't put down that pretty little head of yours," Art let out a small chuckle. Then, even though it was for a split second Art appeared to be solemn, as if an old memory resurfaced. It was then instantly replaced with his usual kind expression.
Re: G Building

Matt squints at Autumn for nearly five minutes. He then blinks several times and readjusts his eyes. "Well, wouldja lookit dat.. A shtudent!"He spits on his hand and shakes her hand with it. "Thish callsh for a celebrashun! Time fer sum hooch!" He continues shaking her hand as he slides several of the unopened bottles to her.

"Drink! Yer over eighteen!... Er. Or washit twenty-one... Ah fuckit! Yer only drunk one-sh! Then ya gotta wait fer it to shtop to get drunk again!" He cheers and continues to shake her hand.
Re: G Building

"No thanks, I'm pretty sure it's twenty-one..." She says, drawing her words out to make them a little more understandable. Besides, she already had three unopened bottles behind her back now anyways. "Anyways, I just wanted to introduce myself, I'll see you around." She says, and walks off, back to the table, hiding the bottles under crossed arms as she went.

Once there was a lull in the students around the punch bowl, Autumn opened the first bottle and proceeded to pour the entire thing into the bowl, mixing it in evenly. Then she made her way into the back, where the hired help was busy keeping the food and drinks full. She slipped in and put herself into the corner behind the door, and focused on shifting again. The entire process took a little over a second, and Autumn now looked exactly like the janitor, right down to the clothes.

She stumbled her way to the kitchen, and found where they were mixing new punch. Practically collapsing on the vat, she rested her head on the lip and giggled as she poured the second and third bottles into the rest of the punch. Then she casually tossed all three empty bottles into the nearest garbage and stumbled her way back towards the bathrooms. She knocked heavily on the door to the woman's bathroom, called out 'Janitor!' and belched loudly, then let herself in and changed back once she was sure the place was empty.

Smoothing her dress and examining it again in the bathroom mirror, she made her way over to where Ian and Aya were dancing. "Hey there, sorry to interrupt, but I figured you guys might want to know. Seems the janitor guy has spiked the punch, there's an alcohol content this year, tell your friends." She says with a grin and a wink, and wanders off again for a bit, a spring in her step.
Re: G Building

(Damn it Shrike! I wanted to do that!)
Re: G Building

"Oh come now, you can't put down that pretty little head of yours," Art let out a small chuckle. Then, even though it was for a split second Art appeared to be solemn, as if an old memory resurfaced. It was then instantly replaced with his usual kind expression.

"What can I say, I enjoy simplifying topics," Trixie stated, "It's often easier to understand that way. By the way, what on earth were you yelling about earlier?"
Re: G Building

Kyle downs an entire glass of punch, shortly after one of the new students had been over by the bowl. He pauses, glancing at the glass, obviously aware of the additional taste. He then proceeds to get another glass, down it in one gulp, then get another glass to work on a bit slower. Oddly enough, he doesn't seem to be acting that much differently.
Re: G Building

Noticing one of the girls acting a little oddly, Kyo covertly watches her as she makes her way to the Punch bowl, seems to stir the punch for some reason, then walks off into the crowd so Kyo could no longer track her.

"Something's not right here," Kyo thinks to himself. He makes a mental trail from where he first noticed her, all the way back to a nearly empty part of the room, aside from Matt, and a case-load of booze. "Well, I guess I better check this out," Kyo whispers to himself, "'cause nothing stays calm for long if Matt's involved."

Kyo makes his way over to the punch bowl and takes a tentative sniff. "Yeah, something's definitely not right here, I can smell something's off even without boosting my sense of smell..."
Ladeling a small amount of punch into his cup, Kyo takes a small sip at the same time he notices the girl reappear. What he hears her whisper only confirms what he gathered from the taste; the punch was spiked, the only difference being he knew it was her.

"Well, I should say something, but I think Matt deserves a bit of payback for that piss smell."

Kyo simply walks back to his corner, passing the girl in the process. He simply gives her a playful smirk and a thumbs-up before heading to the doors.
"Well," Kyo says to himself as he leaves, "things are about to get rough on poor Matt, and I think I'd rather start this year off without too much excitement."

Making sure nobody is looking, Kyo heads into the forest, and after only a few steps in, boosts his leg muscles, and is gone in an instant. Kyo preferred the Hot Spring to his dorm immensely. "And since everyone's at the party, I'll have it to myself."
Re: G Building

((Don't worry, everyone in the kitchen will think Matt did, you'll still get all the credit Dear ;) ))

Autumn wanders an entire lap of the room, ending up back by the punch. She poured herself some of the beverage, then went and sat down, sipping it lightly. She had never been drunk before, but she knew basically how it worked, and she figured it would take a lot more than what she was planning on having to get her increased mass drunk.
Re: G Building

Though drunk out of his mind, Matt had a certain ability to rationalize his mind at will. After Autumn left, he immediately refocused himself and went to investigate what she did.

Tasting the punch, he realized someone must have spiked it. What... That bitch... I WAS GONNA DO THAT! He immediately stumbles his way to the other side of the dance hall and kicks a table down, creating a huge THUMP. As everybody's attention diverts to him, he quickly begins screaming and hurdling out the door, only to enter from the side door.

As he sneaks back into the cafeteria, he sees everybody's attention was diverted to the main door. He quickly pours several bottles of his whiskey into the punch, then waters it down with a little more punch.

"Whew. That's tiring. Especially since I'm still drunk..." He walks at a normal pace back to his corner, but it quickly devolves into a slower and slower walk until it becomes a sluggish dragging of the feet.

Re: G Building

After a considerable amount of inner procrastination, delay and anticipatory anxiety, Alazais detaches herself from her corner. The black robes cut through the crowd without difficulty, people seeming to just casually move themselves out of her way, leaving an easy foot gap around the albino at all times..

After only a moment or so, she reaches the punch bowl. With ice-cold dignity, a pale hand dips a cup, then withdraws, and Alazais follows her path back to the corner. Once she is established once again, she takes a testing sip of the punch, then looks at it.

Go on, you only live once. Or.... maybe you don't, but you get the idea.

She quells the voices inside, and takes another sip, larger this time.
Re: G Building

Matt looked like he was going to jump for joy. He quickly sprinted towards Alazais and halted to a stop mere inches from her. Like a giant, Matt towered over her as he looked at her with an extremely happy expression.

"That's the spirit!" he exclaimed. "A little drinking never hurt anyone! Er. As far as punch goes..." he goes quiet for a moment, then shakes it off. "A-anyway! Have another!" he presented a bottle of whiskey to her. "Don't worry! I'm pretty sure this is punch!"
Re: G Building

Alazais eyes Matt, a little anxiously, but accepts the proffered bottle nonetheless. An awkward moment passes, then a thought strikes the albino, and she raises her glass.

"To drinking, then!"

Obviously, she expects Matt to join in the toast. It seems Alazais was brought up in a society with very different views of drinking..
Re: G Building

Stella slowly shuffles over to the drink table again. She was thirsty, and that familiar craving was back. The cravings were starting to affect her again as she shakes her head a few times walking over to the punch bowl. She pretends to keep reading as she stands on the side of the table opposite to the janitor and blindly gropes around, trying to somehow get herself a drink without looking.
Re: G Building

A huge grin appears on Matt as he brings up his own bottle and taps it with Alazais's. "Cheers!" and downs the bottle. Faster than his drinking partner, at least. He sways in place for a minute before an idea runs through his head.

"You ever wonder what it's like to ride on someone's shoulder?"
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Re: G Building

Barry slowly looks up as people start to behave strangely. In the midst of them, of course, the janitor. That does it. He starts to look around if anybody with a camera is around. He's gonna need a picture for the Curse of 100 Flaccid Dicks.
Re: G Building

Alazais takes a sip of her punch.. then seeing Matt's example, empties her glass instead. She smiles, and sways in place for a moment, then blinks her way back to reality.

"Never even considered it.. as interesting a queston as it may seem. Why..?"

As she speaks, the albino deftly unscrews the cap from the whiskey bottle, and tops her glass up.
Re: G Building

Ever since the loud thud, Kyle had been sitting off to one side, quietly gathering "evidence" against the janitor, just in case he did something that might require blackmail-type material...

Mentally, he chuckled that he'd been able to hide a small Polaroid camera in his pocket.

((Sorry, Dark...Too good of a chance to pass up.))
Re: G Building

"I dunno. Just thought I'd ask." he waits for her to finish her next drink, then immediately sweeps her off her feet, carrying her on his shoulders. "Woooo! Jack'll probably kill me if he could see me now!" he cheers as he parades around with Azalais on his shoulder.