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G Building

Re: G Building

A moment as he says, "yeah tonight is perfect. Might be a swimming night though, kinda need the relaxment of water and floating."

A moment as his mind turns towards the food. "Yeah, a few of those sound like a really good idea right now, let's go on in and get some shall we?"
Re: G Building

"That was the plan." She winks at him and slips her hand in his, pulling him toward the door. "Right, so two burgers for me, about a half-dozen for you, not to mention a good nap." She pauses just before she hits the door and draws closer to him again. "And maybe even a massage." Her lips just barely brush against his cheek before she drags him inside.
Re: G Building

Isabella studied the woman seemingly waiting for a friend to come and continued to paint her, though as she got up to greet someone she frowned.

"Well, what do we have here?" she says to herself quietly, curiosty etched in her voice. Setting aside the canvas for a moment she watches the two talk, though she cant make out what it's about because of the distance between them and the banter of the other students. As they set off into the cafeteria Isabella picks up her things and puts them in her bag, making sure to put each canvas in a protective case so that the paint wouldn't smudge. Then, getting up she casually follows after them, curious by them and to see what else she can learn.

((Hope you tow dont mind, I'm just bored at the moment and I need Isabella to do something. If you dont want her to hear anything just mention it in your posts, though if you dont mind her hearing anything then say so too.))
Re: G Building

A smile crosses his features again. "Sounds good to me. And definitely a swim later."

He heads into the building with her, though he seems to be very alert, unusually so.
Re: G Building

((Not a problem, Oni. Just that I think both Siphon and I are packing it in for the night, so we won't be posting much more after this. You can have her notice the kiss, if you'd like, or if she's packing up, she might have missed it. They definitely stand out a little, that's for sure!))
Re: G Building

((She most likely didnt notice the kiss because she was packing up, though for future reference think of her like Simon, as in because her drawings of people mimic their natural abilities she often watches people even when they dont realise it so she knows what these people are like))
Re: G Building

Siphon walks over with Sho to gather the wanted food and drinks, fixing plates for both of them to go, grabbing enough packets of ketchup to suit them both, as well as several drinks for each of them, Cola for Sho, and Root Beer for himself, since it was unlikely they would allow him to make his own brand of Alveran Whiskey.

With everything all together finally, he somehow balanced everything out and smiled at her. "Ready to go?"

How he was able to hold two plates of food, with a total of six drinks and still be able to move was still a mystery even to him.
Re: G Building

Damon took some food and sat at a table, digging in messily.
Re: G Building

"Why don't we take this outside?" she suggests, making to take some of the burden off the tray, so long as it wouldn't upset his balance of it. "Then we can find a nice little out of the way spot and you can tell me all about your day so far." Part of her considers telling him about the situation eariler, but there was something in his expression that said he needed to go first in this instance.

She backs out the door, holding it open for him to follow her and then starts glancing around for somewhere that's mostly private that they're not going to be disturbed. Her search takes the two of them around the building and off a little ways, finding a nice open area and settling down to make it clear the two of them don't want to be disturbed. Even though they're quite visible, she's banking on that to help keep people away so they can talk.
Re: G Building

Nodding, he follows her out the door, and once they reach where they are going, carefully sets everything down. He turns back to her and is silent for a moment before embracing her again suddenly. After a moment he draws back and has a bit of an embarrassed look on his face.

"Sho... I'm sorry I had to lie to you about where I was. Bottom line, Elissia was bitten by what we think was a demonic snake. Damn near died on me there. I was on my way to the field and happened to chance upon her on the ground by A building. Thank the gods I stopped to check the noise I thought I heard or she'd probably be dead."

A moment of pause and then he adds, "and then that psycho witch showed up. When you called... she had just said something that made it sound very much like she was threatening your life. I couldn't tell you where we were."
Re: G Building

She lets out a surprised noise, given that she's still holding the drinks when he embraces her. Drawing back, he can see she wasn't expecting that.

"A demonic snake? Great. Have to keep an eye on the wildlife now?" Not that she particularly liked snakes anyway and kept away from them as a rule. "Is she okay, though? Sounds like you found her in time." Seems like she's a little more concerned with Ellisia than angry with him for lying to her. Could be because it was for a good reason. As he remarks about Mia threatening her, she snorts. "She'd have to catch me first. That, and if she tried anything, she'll learn first hand why it's a bad thing to try and reap the whirlwind." Part serious, part bravado, she gave him a smirk to hopefully try and put him at ease.
Re: G Building

"I don't know Sho, she was able to take six of seven vaporize blasts to the head and still didn't even flinch. Whyever she drew off last night, she seems to have gotten stronger. Last I saw of her she was fighting another demon, at least I THINK he was a demon."

He shakes his head and adds, "thank god for the cloak..."
Re: G Building

"Demons, great," she mutters. "Well, maybe the two of them will duke it out and we'll be one demon less in the world." At his mutter, she looks up. "You okay?" He's getting the eye, the one that skims over him and looks for any injuries he might be hiding from not having healed them yet.
Re: G Building

"I'm fine, I just hate having to let someone else finish a battle that I SHOULD be finishing myself. Elissia is still in the nurses station with Grace, she's in no condition to fight at all. I'm just frustrated is all."

A moment and he adds, "that and without the cloak putting me out of phase that damn psycho demoness probably would have gotten me pretty good. God knows she isn't bothering to cover her tracks anymore. She's already killed at least a dozen people before I caught up to her, and before the other demon stepped in. Not much left of the bodies I guess, couldn't exactly take my eyes off of things to check them."

It is apparent, he is frustrated at his inability to do anything to save those people, and it might just be starting to affect his confidence level too.
Re: G Building

"Hey." She sets down the drinks she's holding, stepping up and wrapping her arms around him again, though gazing up at his face. "We had no way of knowing she was going to do that. I don't like walking away from things either, but as a wise man once said, 'you need to know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em.'" She grins at him. "I know you feel responsible. For me, for the folks here, but you can't be everywhere at once. Not yet." She grins crookedly at him again. "You still managed to help Ellisia and with any luck, you stopped the shadow demon from hurting anyone else by diverting its attention. We'll give things time to cool down and then we'll see about taking care of the mess she left behind." She glances down at their lunch. "Tell you what, why don't you get that and I'll run back inside and grab two more and we'll head over to see Ellisia and Grace. They could probably do with a good meal, huh?" She gives him a gentle squeeze, trying to make him remember the good he did at least, rather than what he couldn't help.
Re: G Building

He nods, letting her words sink in. "Agreed, I'll wait for you here and then we'll head on over there. At least if she decides to come back they won't be completely defenseless."

He starts gathering all of their food and drinks together, and waits for her to enter and come back out.
Re: G Building

"Now you're thinking," she replies with a wink. She gives him another hug and then slips away, disappearing into the building for a few moments, coming back out with bottles of water tucked in the crook of her arm and juggling a couple burgers and a few packets of fries as well. "Guess what you forgot," she says with a grin. If he's ready to go, she lets him lead the way, since he knows where in the nurse's building he left the two girls.

Re: G Building

((Seeing as nothing was said about Isabella not being able to hear them I'll take it that means you dont mind her eavesdropping? If you do then I'll edit my post.))

Isabella had followed Sho and Siphon into the building, though odds were that they already knew she had gone into the cafeteria after them. To make it look like she was only taking a moments break from her painting to pick up some lunch she kept a safe distance from them though close enough so she could hear what they were talking about. Choosing several burgers as well as two drinks, a coke and a root beer, the same as the people she was following. Seeing them heading back out she pays for her stuff and heads back to where she was earlier so as to not raise suspicion.

Putting her food on a hankerchief and taking out her art supplies again, Isabella got to sketching Sho and Siphon while listening in on their conversation. Her attention was grabbed by the words 'demon snake', 'demoness' and the name 'Mia', whoever that was she thought to herself. As well as the name Grace, she remembered that being one of the girls she had talked to just this morning during breakfast. "I wonder what connection she has to all this...?" Isabella thought to herself as she continued to listen to the couple. What surprised her was when Siphon had said this demoness had taken several shots to the head and still lived. Of course, if she was truly a demon then Isabella assumed that it would be perfectly natural for a demon to survive, not that she had ever had any reason to believe in demons until now. Isabella was also curious as to what Sho meant by referring to herself as 'whirlwind'. Maybe it was because she was fast, Isbella thought.

As the couple set off to check up on Ellisia and Grace Isabella put the finishing touches on the sketch of the two of them, including notes on the conversation they had just had. In total the notes themselves had filled two pages and the sketch another page. Her food lay untouched until they left at which time she started on them.
Re: G Building

((I personally have no problem with it, and I am pretty sure Copper won't either. I'll confirm that with her tonight and have her post here, or I can edit my own, whichever is easiest.))
Re: G Building

After finishing her meal and checking her sketch and notes to make sure everything was there and that she didnt miss anything, Isabells got up and headed towards the girls dorms.