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G Building

Re: G Building

"I, I know...I just hope things are different here.." Isabella takes out another sketchbook from her bag, this time an ordinary one along with a couple of pencils. Putting her other sketchbook down on her lap and putting her pen behind her ear she opens up the normal sketchbook. "Do you, would you mind if I sketched you two?" She asks them hesitantly. "I, sketch most people I meet and keep notes about them. It reminds me of the people I've met."
Re: G Building

Grace takes a look at the mini Grace and jokingly asks it, "I dunno, what do you think? Mind being drawn?" Looking back, "Heh, go ahead. I'm not fussed."
Re: G Building

"Um, sure. I don't mind if you draw me really..."

(*stabs self for another one liner* Argh.)
Re: G Building

((Dont worry about it Keylo, quite a few of my posts are one-liners.))

"Thanks," Isabella says quietly to them as she gets to work on her sketches of them. Her hand and pencil dances along the page at such a speed that to a normal person it would be hard to keep up with her movements and in the space of ten minutes she had finished a full detailed sketch of Grace. Moving onto the next page Isabella began work on Ima, working at the same speed she also managed to finish her sketch, fully detailed in the space of ten minutes. As she puts the pencil away the side of her hand can be seen covered in pencil.
Re: G Building

((I said it before. Nothing wrong with short posts. No point making up a load of extravagant dialogue and description if it's simply not needed.))

"Damn your quick, for a drawing like that I mean." Grace stretches and leaves for a second to take her plate away. "Well, it was nice having breakfast with you. I'm off to checkout the club halls now."

She checks she's not forgetting anything, and spots Mini Grace staring at her. She walks over and pics her up, but then faces Ima. "Here, you take her. A little friend for you. Careful, she's kinda wobbly now." She says gently dumping her inky likeness on Ima.
Re: G Building

"Um... thanks...

Not knowing what to do exactly with the miniature drawing, Ima opted to stare at it for a few seconds before setting it down on the table as she started cleaning up after her breakfast.

"I should get going too... I haven't finished unpacking yet..

Picking up her tray to put it away, the girl stopped in her tracks and turned about to inquire of the artist her place of residence. Better talking to a person she already knew than trying to socialize with random people in the school, especially with all the talk of insane trigger happy janitors.

"Um... can I have your room number?"
Re: G Building

"Uh...bye," Isabella says to Grace as she dashes off.

"My room number?" Isabella says to Ima, turning her head slightly to look at her. She rummages through her bag for her card key. "Uh, sure....It's...floor 1, room 5.."
Re: G Building

"Do you mind if I come visit sometime? I'd like to see more of your drawings...

Well, mainly in case she needed something to do. Once again, it was better hanging out with someone she knew partially then trying to fit into a preexisting circle...
Re: G Building

"Uh...no I dont mind," Isabella said as she put her normal sketchbook and pencil back in her bag.
Re: G Building

"Great...I'll see you around then..."

Putting her tray away, Ima then proceeded to heaqd back towards the girl's dorm. She had things to do after all, asides from hanging around the cafeteria.
Re: G Building

"Bye.." Isabella says quietly as Ima leaves. "Looks like you'll be going soon, too.." She says to the mini Grace as she looks at her watch. Indeed, a few minutes later she disappeared in a puff of multicoloured smoke. Getting up and grabbing her plate she takes it back and decides to wander around for a bit to get a feel for the place.
Re: G Building

((Oni, don't know if you want to have Isabella run into Sho as she's coming in or not. Not sure where you've got her, as my modem has been dead since Wed. :mad:))

Sho cut across campus from the dorms, heading for the caffeteria. People filtered in and out of there all day and it was a good place to meet and mingle. For the time being, she decided to perch outside and wait for Siphon to make his appearance, making note of the new faces that she saw as well as recognizing one or two familiar ones.
Re: G Building

((its alright, all she's been doing is wandering around without any location in mind))

It had been a while since Isabella had painted anything and now that she's finally got the time she has been sitting a bit away from the G Building with a couple of A4 canvas's around her as well as a selection of water paints, an assortment of paintbrushes and a large bottle of water and beaker. On the faces of the canvas's are people, images painted of the many students and teachers that has past her sheltered area, though now she has started painting a new picture, a girl who looks as if she's waiting for someone.

((And yes, she has practically everything an artist needs on her in her bag))
Re: G Building

Siphon had made his way from the forest over to G building, his mind screaming at him for leaving, but he knew he simply could not deal with Mia right now, let alone TWO demons. It was best to regroup, and retool first. With any luck they would destroy each other, though he doubted it. The last he had seen from them, they were going at each other, and the battle had shown no sign of letting up any time soon.

So it was with some caution now, that he picked a spot away from traffic, and decloaked himself, before straightening out his clothing, taking a deep breath, and walking the rest of the way towards the building, and eventually into Sho's line of sight.
Re: G Building

Damon sauntered towards the cafeteria building, not paying much attention to his surroundings.

(I got nothing but I'm not sending him to the woods, so he's basically going to wander until someone talks to him.
Re: G Building

Sho is, quite literally, perched on the ground outside the building, crouched with her lower back against the wall on the balls of her feet, coat draped around her while her gaze flicks around. For the time being, she was content to listen to the chatter of the people milling in and about, but as time wore on, she started to get concerned. If Siphon had been on his way, he should have been there by now. Digging in her pocket, she compared the time on her phone with that of her watch. Yup, he should definitely be here.

She stood straight up, one hand going back to catch the wall for balance. Given that her phone was in her hand, she flipped it open and was about to dial him again when he came into view. The sigh she let out was part relief and part exhasperation. He can tell he's in for it simply by the look she's giving him and the stride that's carrying her to his side.

He gets a brief reprieve when she spins herself around, dodging the young man that's making his way toward the door. "Whoops, sorry!" There's a flutter of black coat Damon might recognize.

(Not sure if getting involved in a convo is good, tho, since I'm heading to bed in a few. Pleh. At least Sho makes an interesting study for 'Bella for the time being.)
Re: G Building

Something was obviously up with him, she ought to be able to tell from his facial expression. As if the look wasn't enough, when Damon brushed past him, Siphon's hand started to automatically reach for his weapon before he realized who it was. He quickly covered the motion by acting as if he were hiking his pants up some because they were loose, but Sho would almost certainly have to recognize the motion. Damon, if he noticed, likely wouldn't as he didn't know him well enough to know his quirks, though he might find it odd. If pressed by him, Siphon would not admit what he really had done though.

He shot Sho a look as if to say, 'here is not such a good place for anything but food right now, any other talk should be handled elsewhere.' This would be done though only after Damon was out of eye shot.
Re: G Building

Yeah, something was definitely not right. Still, that didn't keep Sho from walking up and wrapping her arms low around Siphon's waist and back, a casual hug, but one that served to draw the two of them a little closer together. "Lunch to go, babe? I'm sure we can find somewhere out of the way for a picnic." He can see her gaze flicking over his face, trying to guess what's bothering him before he needs to say it out loud. For the moment, though, she seems a little more concerned with his well-being.
Re: G Building

He nodded wearily, and spoke. "Yeah, that sounds wonderful. Just... can we avoid the tree line of the forest as much as possible? Little tired of the trees right now. Could use a change of scenery."

Something in his eyes might communicate that for some reason he really wanted to avoid a certain area, though he was trying hard not to make it too obvious to others.

"What shall we get then?"
Re: G Building

The hint gets through loud and clear. "No picnic in the woods. Gotcha. Though, we still on for tonight?" One brow arches slightly, looking at him expectantly. "And I think they're doing burgers. About three of those ought to be good." She draws back, taking his hand and pulling him toward the building.