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G Building

Re: G Building

"Um, outside somewhere...Not exactly going to be able to steer...You'll understand when you see the plane. Gotta end this." The line clicked off.
Re: G Building

Hanging up the phone, he moved back over to the table. "Afraid I have to move on out for now folks, have to meet someone out by A building. Will catch up to all of you later."

With one final bow, he disposes of his plate and then heads out.
Re: G Building

((@Squid: Think a kind of real life cell shading, the creations are smoothed out but theres a black line outlining the edge.))

"Um....you can have it, if you want.." Isabella says to Grace as Siphon rushes off to meet with someone. "Though it'll disappear after thirty minutes of me closing my sketchbook." She then looks down again.
Re: G Building

"What, really? Oh, I see. That's a shame." Grace says reaching over to give the drawing a gentle poke on the back of the head, a tiny hint of a grin on her face. Looking back up to Isabella she holds her head in her hands, elbows on the table. "Though in honesty I wouldn't have a clue what to do with it. It's just cool. A little creepy too actually, but very cool."
Re: G Building

"I use them mainly to help me with chores and stuff, or to keep me entertained." She says to Grace, her head still leaning down though looking at her through her fringe. "They do protect me when I'm in danger though, but they cant take too much before they disappear."
Re: G Building

The word "danger" managed to pique Ima's curiosity enough to rejoin the conversation.

"Um... danger? What type of danger?...
Re: G Building

"Uh....um.." Isabella started to fret, she found it awkward to talk about what happened in her past. "Whenever....whenever somebody picked on me in my old schools, my creations would hold them back so I could run away...Though there have been a few times where it wasnt just that..."
Re: G Building

Grace looks to the drawing, "Hey, your not going to take that from the likes of me are you? Don't let big people poke you around." she says cheekily, just amusing herself. Facing back to the others, "I've never had that kind of trouble before, but then again, I spent most of my time in home schooling. Every school I ever went to, my parents found a problem with it and pulled me out." She sighs and looks to the ceiling, messing with a fork in one hand, "That and we were always moving. But I think it's different this time."
Re: G Building

"My parents didn't give me a specified reason why they sent me here, just so that I could continue my education. But, I think it's because I'm a problem to all those around me." The mini Grace turns around and climbs back on its feet. It runs towards the real Grace though along the way it steps in a bit of Isabella's drink that she had spilt. Falling forward its left leg is now shorter than the other because of a missing foot. In the spilt drink ink could be seen.
Re: G Building

Grace catches her mini self before it hits the table with a smile. Though upon trying to stand it up again lets out an eep with a slightly sickly look noticing the missing foot. "Oh my, I'm melting..." A small shiver went through Graces own foot. She set Mini Grace down, away from the water, and held one hand to support it.
Re: G Building

"Oh," Isabella says as she watches mini Grace melt slightly. "Yeah, that happens. They arent very good in water or fire."
Re: G Building

I... don't have parents. I remember waking up in the streets one day... then before I know it I'm being sent here by the request of someone that I didn't even know existed..."

(Braindead... >_>, ugh.)
Re: G Building

Grace was about to say something about being lucky for not having parents, but then thought about it for a moment longer and closed her mouth. This girl really worried her.

"The girl with no past eh?" Grace sighed, her head tilted to one side with a slight look of concern. "Well like I said yesterday, just think of it like a blank piece of paper. You can put anything you want on it. Right Isabell?" She scratched her head and laughed just a little at the cheesiness of her attempt at being insightful.
Re: G Building

"I....I dont know, there's always someone who tries pushing me too far then they end up getting hurt.." She says this while looking down at her lap, she hugs her sketchbook tighter.
Re: G Building

"Eh... well it wasn't anyone one that didn't deserve it right? If they started trouble I say tough luck to them. Serves them right to have their ass handed to em by butterflies."
Re: G Building

"Uh.." Isabella was about to tell her it wasnt butterflies but thought against it, the last thing she wanted was someone that wasnt judging her (As far as she knew) to know was that because of her a couple of people almost died. Instead she continued to sit there in silence.
Re: G Building

Ima, despite her normal behavior, found Isabella's earlier to statement to be rather... odd.

"Um... wait, wouldn't you have to be the one who drew the things that hurt the bullies? Or did someone else draw them?..."

There was also the question regarding the speed of her sketching but... that was for another time.

(Ugh, another fail post from me >_>)
Re: G Building

"Uh...um...As far as I know I'm the only one that can draw in my sketchbook..And yes, I drew them but it wasnt what I drew.."
Re: G Building

Grace wondered whether she'd dug up something that maybe she shouldn't have, judging from the way Isabella seemed to shrink away again. She looked to and from the two tragic girls and went silent herself for a moment.

She sighs again leaning back in her chair, "I say, don't worry about it. Whatever happened. You can't go about dwelling on your past. It won't help either of you."
Re: G Building

Damon had been watching for a bit now, but it had gotten quiet. "Nuts to this" he said, barely a whisper, as he binned the remains of his breakfast and left. He resolved to go out to the main field and practice with his powers.