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G Building

Re: G Building

"Um... who's Matt?"

Despite having met him before during the tour, Ima's mind drew a complete blank on anything in between the timeframe from the time in between her arrival at the island and the events leading up to her waking up on the third floor of the girl's dorm, causing her to look quizzically at Grace upon the mention of the trigger happy madman janitor.
Re: G Building

"Matt is our resident crazy ass janitor. I swear to god he's just asking sometimes to get himself seriously hurt or killed. Knowing him, he probably was doing something on the roof last night, I wouldn't put it past him. I know he's rigged toilet bombs before too."

He pauses then starts to eat his meal again.
Re: G Building

Siphon's description of Matt caused Ima to cringe a bit. Ironically, Ima didn't do so well around crazies, despite partially being one herself.

"Um... I think I'll remember to stay away from him... like.... a few hundred meters away from him... maybe a few thousand if I can manage it."

Adding this mental note to her self, Ima returned to her food, paying no mind to the her now maple syrup and mustard (don't ask) soaked omelette. Proving once again, that her taste buds were either horribly broken, or that she herself was a bit insane. It was also clear that she would fail home economics should she ever take the class...
Re: G Building

Grace was busy chewing at the time, but gave an agreeing nod at Siphon's description of the janitor. "Yup, that's him."
Re: G Building

Isabella continued to watch them talk to each other, discussing the janitor and wondering what was up with the one girls eating habits. It had been some time since she had closed her sketchbook and one by the one the butterflies disappeared in a cloud of whatever coloured ink they were originally.

"Oh, they're going now," Isabella says suddenly, more to herself than anyone else as she looks around her. Noticing a stray piece of toast she hadnt touched yet she picked it up and started to slowly eat it, nibbling on the ends first.
Re: G Building

Grace coughs a bit, and quickly swallows her food, as the butterflies puff out of existence around her. "Going? They just exploded!"

She was starting to think she'd been sent to a school full of wizards. Her parents would have mentioned that right? The school itself certainly would have. Surely? As much as she wanted to, she'd always been taught that randomly letting out displays of her magic would only get the wrong attention. All this weirdness was tempting her to stop pretending and hiding it. An illusionist? A summoner? These were the conclusions she came up with.

"How did you do that?"
Re: G Building

"You've never heard of 'Life Art'?" Isabella questions the girl called Grace between nibbles of her toast. "Well, its not really called that, its what I call it. My mother and father calls it 'Creation Art'. Thats too much of a mouthful for me." Isabella finishes her piece of toast before taking her pen out of her bag and opening her sketchbook. She pushes her plate to one side so she could lay her book down and begins to draw Grace, speaking colours out loud when she wanted to use a different one. After several minutes a 12" Grace climbs out of the book and walks onto the table. "See, I create life with my pen and sketchbook." Isabella suddenly looks away from them all, realising she'd just talked properly to them, her face blushing slightly.
Re: G Building

Grace leans over curiously as Isabella starts her drawing. "Hey, that's pretty cool. Your good." She says watching the pen glide across the page. 'Funky pen too. Is she doing something else when she says those colours or is it really...'

"I wish I could draw that well. It'd be fun to... WOAH!" She suddenly cuts off and sits back as "she" climbs out of the book. Her face rapidly goes through several expressions, before pushing her plate out the way and leaning in again to get a closer look. Almost silently whispering to herself, "Holy crap..." She moves her head side to side, fixated and wide eyed on the miniature self. She glances to the blushing Isabell and back again. Raising a hand with a finger outstretched as if to touch it, though she doesn't, just hovers a few inches off. "Uh, Hi?" She greats the drawing.
Re: G Building

"It wont talk back to you," Isabella says without looking up. "Anything created like that can't talk." The copy of Grace mimics her, touching Graces finger with her own.
Re: G Building

Even Siphon's eyes widen just a bit in surprise at this. "Amazing, I've only ever heard rumors of such a feat being possible, but I never have heard of anyone actually able of pulling that off."
Re: G Building

"All the members of my family can do this," Isabella says to Siphon, her head turned at an angle so she could see him. She took the mini-Grace into her hands and sat her down on the edge of the table where it then began to swing its legs back and forth playfully. "To be honest I'm not sure why we can do this, but it has come in handy.......And it can be a burden sometimes too." She adds the last part as she turns away from Siphon, muttering it quietly.
Re: G Building

Ima sat there, saying nothing as she continued to eat, not wanting to attract attention to the fact that whenever she began to pay more attention to Isabella's existence, odd feelings of "deja vu" and discomfort would randomly emerge from some corner of her mind. Mumbling to herself, Ima began to console herself:

"You are a perfectly normal human, you're not feeling dizzy from just being around a person, you're just a bit disoriented from having slept too much...

In truth, no matter how much one's physical appearance changes to become like that of a human nor believes she's one, one can never completely stop being a demon in some form. Things like the inherent ability to detect another demon's presence should they be close enough (albeit ones without fully concealed auras) cannot be sealed away as easily as one's own aura can be. Well, without putting extreme pressure on one's mind anyway.

((Do the demons in the sketchbook/pen have their auras completely hidden? Or are there faint traces of it? I'll edit depending on that.))
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Re: G Building

((they're completely detectable by anyone who can sense or feel demonic aura's though it cant be detected whether they're good or bad, that and because Isabella has been around them all her life the demonic aura has rubbed off on her too so she gives off a slight demonic aura.))
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Re: G Building

((Little question. Do these things still have a kind of drawn look to them? Or does any sketchiness smooth into a more accurate form once completed?))

Grace gives a small nod. Her face visibly lighting up as her tiny twin puts its finger to hers. "It's just so damned cute! I want one."

As it sat on the table side Grace continued to watch. It was admittedly quite strange, watching a tiny version of herself. Even if it was an imitation,
it just got her head going. She started trying to imagine being that small.
Re: G Building

((Already worked this out with Siphon.))

The somewhat distinctive noise of a cell phone ringing suddenly came from Siphon's pocket.
Re: G Building

Siphon had just opened his mouth to say something to Isabella when he could hear the cell phone go off.

"Oh you have got to be joking me, at this hour? Excuse me a minute."

He stands up and walks over to a quiet corner, flipping open the phone. "Kyle, if that's you, it had better be good man."
Re: G Building

A whisper comes back over the line. "Yeah, it's me. The family business I had to deal with is done, so I'm most of the way back. You near anyone?"
Re: G Building

"Good. The only way I could get back in a reasonable amount of time was to call in a favor, and catch a flight. Be dropping in soon. Mind giving me a hand?"
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