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Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

You don't come back from that kind of a slap. ;)

That's some crazy hatred right there...
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

That's some crazy hatred right there...

Christopher is definitely the more aggressive one out of the top leading atheists, that's for sure. His intellect has yet to meet it's match.

Personally, he's one of my heroes.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Christopher is definitely the more aggressive one out of the top leading atheists, that's for sure. His intellect has yet to meet it's match.

Personally, he's one of my heroes.

I don't like him for the sole fact that he uses that intellect as a means of hatred. The way he says it sounds like anyone who even thinks of worshiping a diety of some form or another is a complete moron, and doesn't deserve fuck all.

I bad mouth extremists, but to go about calling anyone with a sense of spirituality a lesser human being by standing on a pillar of intellect and praise from folks who thinks its funny just seems... wrong to me. Never mind all these people that follow this guy will shoot down and ridicule anyone who does not agree with him.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

His point with the rabbi wasn't right. He offered a situation that wasn't comparable.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

I don't like him for the sole fact that he uses that intellect as a means of hatred. The way he says it sounds like anyone who even thinks of worshiping a diety of some form or another is a complete moron, and doesn't deserve fuck all.

I bad mouth extremists, but to go about calling anyone with a sense of spirituality a lesser human being by standing on a pillar of intellect and praise from folks who thinks its funny just seems... wrong to me. Never mind all these people that follow this guy will shoot down and ridicule anyone who does not agree with him.

You have a great point, but I think he has a right, via the exclamation he made in one of the radio-interviews:

"You must leave me out of it. I don't want to be taught that I have to obey these laws too, or that my children have to be taught this in school, or that laws have to be written to gratify the bizarre beliefs of a cult like yours."

"That's the thing I would need you to understand, you're quite happy to believe this, but why can't you keep it to yourself?"

"Why can't you keep your Atheism to yourself?"

"- because the religious won't allow me to. Cause every time I open the paper, there's another instance of theocratic encroachment on free society."

The only reason the prominent atheists do what they do, is because we're being dictated by religious nuts. Control the nuts and we'll put away the nutcracker.

The general idea for most atheists is that we allow the freedom of belief, without such a belief having to extend into others' freedom. No doubt Christopher would stop his brigade, if only people kept their beliefs to themselves.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

How can an inteligent person ignore the possibility of a god? that is just stupid!
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

ignore the possibility

It's not about ignoring the possibility. It's about accepting the facts over faith. If you're willing to present some testable evidence towards a god, then an "intelligent" atheist would have no choice but to accept it.

Of course, there has yet to be any reliable evidence.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

My point was that declaring that anyone who believes in god is stupid, is a hypocritical view because there is no proof denying the existance of god. Your so called facts are meaningless in metaphysics when you consider that everything science has taught us is held evident and never proved. Because of that you can't even assign a probability of god existing as almost every variable is unknown.

Given all that however gods actual presence has no impact in our lives existance or no, so it turns out it doesn't matter who is actualy right, its all about what is done in the name of belief.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

there is no proof denying the existance of god.

Typical theistic position. Only fools play with chance.

Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Chris Brown's "Dueces":

... click the picture...
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Typical theistic position. Only fools play with chance.

All of life is a chance. Also, how do you know Nunu has any spiritual beliefs to begin with? There was no mention of it, you're simply assuming because Nunu is defending a group of people that have a bit of faith in something. I'm not talking about the extremists, I'm talking about normal everyday people that have put their faith in a deity.

As of this moment, in this forum, the only real extremist I've seen so far is the person arguing that a person of intelligence cannot have any belief, hence saying that anyone with faith is a fucking idiot. I've not seen anyone waving the religious icon of their choice around here claiming those who didn't follow suit heathens.

I'm perfectly willing to accept that your an atheist and I have yet to shove my own spiritual beliefs down your throat, beliefs I haven't even told you. So why don't you back off a little and let some people have their faith.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Sin has a point, I am attacking people who say there cannot be a god, and yes it is a typical theist argument because the alternative is that there is no god.

but seriously can you claim that there is no chance, 0% probability of there being a god? because if there is even the slightest chance that there is a god lurking somehwere, with no impact on the world, then faith isn't stupid.

you may have one more rebuttle on this vuki, which i shall not answer, leaving you with the last word. i want no more talk of this topic here after that, this is the funny videos thread and not the theological debate club after all.
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Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

The whole point to science isn't chance. It's experimenting to figure out things that work and things that don't work. It's a study to separate the two and thus form conclusions to how we should act. There's no chance to be had.

With chance, you have to make a choice in hopes that your decision was the right one. Whereas with science, the decisions are not about hoping for the rights or wrongs, they're merely about understanding each decision. The more we learn of the facts that come from the decisions, the more chance goes away.

Now I didn't assume Nunu believed or didn't. I just made a general statement. You're obviously assuming I was singling out Nunu. You're also assuming that I'm attacking anyone who has faith.

I must stress a reminder that you should have no reason to feel threatened (if you believe). Myself, other atheists or even Christopher Hitchens; we aim for those who do want to shove their belief down our throats.

Although, I will totally agree that Christopher is one heck of a pompous in the matter. xD

Now I wouldn't mind taking this debate to private chat or something, just to get it out of this thread. I'll leave that up to you two.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Ode to Merton :)
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Bwahaha, I had no idea Neil Cicierega was still around making awesome things.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

This may come as a surprise to some, but in my first (and only) run-through that story, I got laid by someone quite famous.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

In my first run, I got my brain stolen by someone famous. :(
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.


Who is Погорелый А.В. and more importantly how the fuck did they manage to COPYRIGHT a video of ANIMALS fighting among each other? Are you serious? That's like saying HEY GUYS this block of air, this right here? that's MINE. you can't have it.

the fuck?
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Wow. I just killed, like, 8 bears, and then adopted the last one o_O