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Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Here we go, have some Literal Music Videos (LMVs)

Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Warning; RL porn.

Featuring a gradual cumbath... of sorts?... yeah.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Mother of GOD!

I've chosen the wrong profession!

Showbuissness makes you invisible!

Extra bonus exclamitory!

She didn't even see it cumming!
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

A new pomegranite juice commercial I saw with a woman with a snake slithering on her. Not funny but thought it was interesting and creative..

Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Guys! Guys! Guys!


About 3:07 in the video. I think, though, that's a T-rex. RJ! You're in trouble!

George Takei calls out an Arkansas School Board member.

You go, George!
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Best grandma ever
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Yet another video showing poor parenting skills at work wrapped in an attempt to demonize video games... great.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Yet another video showing poor parenting skills at work wrapped in an attempt to demonize video games... great.

Struck me more as an older brother than a father...
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

It is pretty messed up because the kid is too young to understand. The brother was dumb for not understanding that he's hurting the kid mentally. Not too harmful, but harmful none the less.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Struck me more as an older brother than a father...

Yeah, the person with the camera seemed like an older brother, but the fact that the kid reacts like that seems more akin to poor parenting.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

I fail to see anything wrong with what happened? Am I supposed to watch every single one? Why is his whining complaints a problem if he listened almost immediately? It seems he, without fail, turns his xbox off when asked and wasn't disrespectful about it. I was expecting the kid to either start flipping out and swearing at people in game while he was on candid camera, but when that didn't happen, I thought he'd start swearing at his brother when he told him to turn it off and that didn't happen. I mean, I'd probably be the guy cursing the shit off at this kid for even using his mic in game, but where exactly was the problem? Is it because I can't understand a word he's saying that I'm out of the loop here?

The only thing I see is the kid with the camera is an asshole
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Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Yeah, I watched the first two then stopped halfway through the third because I couldn't stand the older brother being a dick anymore.