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Fun Flash game


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
So it's from Peta. And is really gross. And it's fun.

Re: Fun Flash game


Silly Peta.


I like my dead animal, kthxbye :p
Re: Fun Flash game

Oh, I love Peta. Always nice for my daily dose of hypocrisy.
Fun game though.

"Turkeys have their throats slit while they're still conscious."
I don't get that line. Am I missing what they mean, or do they think we should kill the animal before we kill it?
Re: Fun Flash game

I wonder if this counts as copyright infringement?
On the other hand, even if it does, suing PETA would almost certainly be bad publicity.
Re: Fun Flash game

The dental structure of humans is not consistant with that of an herbivore. Thus, our teeth are not designed for a purely plant-matter diet.

Give me my cheeseburgers!
Re: Fun Flash game

Don't you understand wolf? The amount of chickens people kill per year is directly proportional to the amount of people who say "I'll have some chicken nuggets with that happy meal."

Therefore, if you say that you won't eat chicken anymore, the number of them being killed will immediately drop.
Re: Fun Flash game

And the number of turkeys that are killed simply because they didn't look down when it started raining will remain the same.

Someone should replace PETA's website with the most famous picture of HappyCat.

EDIT: WARNING: Wolf is currently in total smart-ass mode.
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Re: Fun Flash game

LOL, hilarious! Peta is so crazy!

I'll continue to eat the flesh of slain animals though, thank you very much. If I wasn't meant to eat them, they wouldn't be so delicious.
Re: Fun Flash game

If I don't eat them, dead meat will go to waste.
Plus, methane gas comes from cows, so eating burgers save the environment?
Re: Fun Flash game

i remember the pen and teller bullshit episode on PETA...

apparently they bought a large freezer room...
people who make freezer rooms testify the only reason to have a freezer room the size PETA does is to store carcases

Also they funded a bomb maker to go round to schools and give speeches about how to make bombs for the purpose of terrorizing animal research labs.

not only are PETA hypocrites, they are also terrorists.
Re: Fun Flash game

Kill more animals than they save cuz they don't know how to handle them.
All I know is, after hearing about those incidents in the city, I wanna walk around with fake fur coats so someone can splash paint on it and I can legally beat their ass for protection of my property.
Re: Fun Flash game

Irony: Vegetarianism is catching on, so much so that people are beginning to tear down rain forest to plant soy. Where's your environmentalism now??
Re: Fun Flash game

Irony: Vegetarianism is catching on, so much so that people are beginning to tear down rain forest to plant soy. Where's your environmentalism now??

It's not so much environmentalism as their "better than you" attitude that drives them (and infuriates, annoys, or gives a hell of a laugh to the rest of us) - they see themselves as morally superior to us.
Re: Fun Flash game

What a stupid concept, self-superiority. That's just ridiculous.
I personally take the exact opposite route by thinking everyone else is inferior.
Trust me, it's totally different
Re: Fun Flash game

thats because pretty much everything is inferior!

it might just be my luck of the draw but it seems to me that most people i don't know have some form of cerebral palsy.
Re: Fun Flash game

thats because pretty much everything is inferior!

it might just be my luck of the draw but it seems to me that most people i don't know have some form of cerebral palsy.

No, I get the exact same. My favorite thing to do is compare with equally minded friends the "valley girl" comments we've heard growing up to see who wins.
One of the best ones I've heard so far was asking the teacher "Wait, if heat rises, how come the ice caps haven't melted?"

Yeah, think about that one before jamming a fork into your spine.
Re: Fun Flash game

Yummy animal muscles.
Re: Fun Flash game

one of the bests sets i've gotten was:
"alright so i know that in the southern hemisphere the seasons are reversed but are there name switched around to meet that as well? or is your summer really cold?"

Later that day:
"No, your not joking or something are you? the seasons aren't really reversed in the southern hemisphere!"
Re: Fun Flash game

High school seniors.
"No, there's only 6 continents."
"Oh yeah, count them"
"North America, South America, Asia, Africa, Europe, and Antarctica"
"You're forgetting Australia"
"That's a country stupid"
Re: Fun Flash game

Ok... I just played that flash game. Does anyone else laugh when playing it?