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Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax) GMed by ranger

Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44/52, Status = fine

Sonja: HP = 71/76, PP = 56, EP = 34, Status = fine

Fiera casting check: auto success due to spell level and skill.
Sonja attempts grapple!: 41 vs 35 sucess?
BG tries to flee! 21 vs 27 fail! BG is prone

Seemingly not trusting in the skill of her companion Fiera let loose with her magic once more coating the door the woman was heading to in a fine layer of greese. She didn't need to worry however as the woman tried to struggle to her feet to get moving again only to be tackled by Sonja.

Having not been slowed one bit by the collapse of the table Sonja was able to jump and grab onto the woman who still struggled in the grease. The impact was jaring but neither seemed hurt for it. The woman senseing her danger tried to get away but Sonja at lest for the moment had her where she wanted her.

Struggleing the two must prove a sight to Fiera both woman twisted and turned in the grease getting coated in a fine layer of sheen. The woman in question was easily covered the most as she struggled against Sonja her large breasts no longer contained by her shirt, popping free as the clothing ripped both woman caught a glimpse of tanned flesh.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"Hah, gotcha!"

Sonja would attempt to put her into a submission hold now that she had grabbed her. The last thing Sonja would want is for her to get away. Though it was most likely Sonja was holding her so that Fiera could have some fun with her if she so desired. About all Sonja was focusing on was trying to subdue the woman, though she certainly could tell that her breasts had been liberated from her shirt as they were rolling around in the grease that Fiera had cast onto the ground.

Hopefully Fiera would not just enjoy the view but try to get herself involved in this little make shift menage a trois.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Oh, seemed Sonja actually managed to get there before the girl got up. Oh well. Fiera blinked as she saw the two wrestle, the chef's top clearly of poor quality as she popped right out of it! Damn, somebody clearly had gotten a mutation or two. It might be fun to sub due her with a nice mass- no, bad thoughts, not a succubus! She was a fire demon darn it!

Fiera walked over, muttering to herself. "Don't think of oiled breasts, don't think of oiled bodies. Okay think of them in the context that if you get too close this will end not sexy."

She stops a little away from the grease and crouches a bit. "Girls, girls, as delightful a scene as this is, you're both coated in very flammable grease, and I really would appreciate you not doing that. So if you both could kindly hold still and maybe towel off so we can have a proper discussion about how to properly eat that thing you tossed to me, it'll prevent any accidents where I slip on the grease and burn the whole building down by accident. Again."

She smiled sweetly and waited for her treasured servants to stop playing in the really dangerous mess before they could continue their discussion.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44/52, Status = fine

Sonja: HP = 71/76, PP = 56, EP = 34, Status = grapple (maintaining submission hold)

Sonja attempts submission hold: 50 vs 34 sucess!
BG tries to escape grapple: 34 vs 50 fail!

The girl for all her quick struggles proved to be no match for Sonja as the warrior woman quickly locked her struggles down. This however was not accomplished before both of them got absolutely covered in the grease. Thankfully and as long as Fiera played nice the two where safe from the burning.

Looking at the much more subdued woman Fiera could see her breasts basically hanging out a light sheen from the grease catching the tourch light. Her little magical ball of fire seemed mezmerised at the massive tatas on display before the succ err fire demoness. Looking closely Fiera could make out strands of white or even fine blonde hair under the hood of the girl wore. Hazel eyes sparkled in the torchlight. She was an outstanding slave physically speaking anyway. A lean frame all the more noticable due to the large Dcup breasts. Still that wasn't her only quality a good wide hips indicated she could beare children well and while that was hardly a thing for Fiera to concern herself with it would make her rather attractive servent. Though that might have to wait due to the outright defaince still gleaming in the woman's eyes.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

While technically breeding among other things was certainly a possibility on her, she wasn't in the position for such things plus she was a fire demoness, so logically the gorgeous pillows that she'd love to use as pillows -No, bad- were not important, along with her hips.

No, she had more important things to do than to ignite or molest random girls she came upon. Like learning! Besides, she wasn't really carrying anything to ensure obedience. Instead she simply looked at the girl wryly.

"Well I did warn you two. Sonja, tuck her back in her shirt, she's probably embarrassed. And it's distracting. So anyway, it's rather rude for chefs to run away before receiving compliments! I'm afraid I'm not sure how one eats that can you tossed to me but I must have done it wrong because it exploded. Rather rude, that can.,"smiles Fiera as she looks the girl over, before frowning a bit.

"Rather rude of you to run too before I corrected you. First off, I'm a lady and should be treated with respect. And I'm only part demon. This place was clearly abandoned ages ago, so what's a pretty woman like yourself doing running around here alone? Kinda dangerous I'd imagine."

Fiera paused again as she looked at the girl. "Why are you looking at me like that? You're the one who ran away before we could talk! I wasn't exactly left with a whole lot of options to talk to you with. So it'd be nice if you did so now."
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sonja would try to keep herself in control of the other woman first, and then were she able to, tuck the girl back inside her shirt. Though Sonja could tell that this endeavour would be difficult as it looked like she would just repeatedly become free of her shirt pretty much any time she moved.

That she had control over the woman, she would not say very much. Though it was entirely possible that she would use some manner of foreplay one way or the other given the situation to attempt to persuade the woman to be a little more cooperative.

(foreplay on woman, fondling her breasts et al while tucking them back in if she does not cooperate. If she does cooperate then just maintain the status quo)
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera's presence seemed to cause the girl a slight panic as her struggles got a little intense but as her mistress spoke the girl suddenly tensed and passed out from fright. Going limp Sonja waited to see if it was a trick a moment or two before she felt that indeed the girl was out of it for now. Extracting herself from the tangle and the grease she was treated with the same view of her prisoner that Fiera had only a moment before.

Watching the girl Fiera saw the woman's eyes get wider and wider her breath quicken untill it proved all to much had she passed out with out answering a single question. How rude she could of at lest said sorry or something.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"Shame, was hoping I could have a little fun first. No good now that she passed out. Want me to take her back to the kitchen so we can question her?" Sonja soon after would start to flick bits of the grease that she could see off of her.

The latter part of what she said was addressed to Fiera, as it was obvious that Fiera would want something done with her. If nothing else Sonja was ready to move her away from the grease that Fiera coated the floor with, but ultimately it was up to Fiera what would be done with her.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera rolled her eyes at Sonja with a smirk. "You sure you aren't the succubus? Arguably you could still have fun with her, but yes, do refrain from molesting her. Well, not like we can question her much while she's in that state. Still, she hasn't answered my questions, so we do need to keep her around awhile. Got any rope?"

She stretched a bit, humming a bit to herself as she looked the girl over. Yes, she'd do nicely, she did need a chef. And a quick thing like her would be useful in other ways. But for now they had to keep her safe and secure! Wasn't like she could just cart her around.

She considered that it might be awkward to explain why they were keeping a girl tied up, but then she realized the obvious! She was in the ruins so obviously she also was loot! Simple! Either way though, matters for later. Right now, rope.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44/52, Status = fine

Sonja: HP = 71/76, PP = 56, EP = 34, Status = fine

Sadly it didn't seem either of them had rope. Though the extra cloths uptop might make some passible bonds if they where done right. Other than that they would have to leave her or carry her around. For now the woman was competely at their mercy though how they would get her to talk was another question. Not to mention there where four others yet to be accounted for.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"Well, could try to see if there was anything in that kitchen we can use to tie her up. Otherwise I dont really mind just carrying her for a while. Then again, could just wake her up and see what we can get out of her here and now too I guess."

Sonja herself really did not know what to do with this girl now that she simply passed out. She wanted to torment the girl a bit, but what good would that do while she was passed out?
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"Eh, you could always bind her hands with your clothes and then piggy back her around. I mean you're both covered in magic grease as it is. Relatedly, don't touch me. I don't have so many servants that I can afford for one to spontaneously combust. If you're good maybe you can play with the girl when I need to recharge.," shrugs Fiera, looking out towards the door the girl was running for.

"There was like 4 other bedrolls up there. Must be more little loot people scurrying about. Let's go see if they are as interesting as this one. Maybe I can start a house from scratch here hehe. But we'll have to see."

She made her way for the door the girl had been running for, skirting around the grease to avoid accidental burning down the building they are in.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Thankfully as the two woman discused the situation the magic grease evaporated on its own leaving Sonja and the captive free of the fire hazard that Fiera posed. Binding the woman however Sonja chose she would of course carry out her mistresses command. Though carring this woman would severly hinder her combat ablity. Leading the way given she was the one with the light Fiera headed for the door the woman had tried to flee to. Here the extra weight of the grease had caused the door to fall. Looking about the succubus was treated to another hall way that ran along the side of the kitchen/dinning room. This one also seemed to curve with the hints of a door just in range of her light.
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Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera glanced at the door, blinking as she saw the grease had knocked the doors over. Damn, it must have been held together by dreams and cobwebs. This place was a dump. Hopefully she could find something worth the effort. Meantime though.

Fiera hummed and skipped along past the doors, looking about as the hall curved towards another set of doors. She hummed and stopped, listening before walking over and listened, trying to hear any sounds before opening the doors.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Not knowing what to do with the girl since she had passed out, Sonja simply carried her along as she tried to catch up to Fiera who seemingly started to head toward the door Sonja was trying to keep this girl from getting to.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

As Feira skipped her way down the hall oblivious to any notions of stealth her light revealled yet another door sit into a wall. This knew door looked far sturdier than the others and was set into the wall as it straightened out. The other door seemed to lead into the round room they had passed earlier.

Meanwhile Sonja had her hands full as her captives tits kept slipping out of her torn shirt. The girl was surprisingly heavy for her size hinting at tight packed muscle beneath her soft skin. She could probably handle her own in a fight which begged the question why did she run.

This is a map of what you guys have explored at the moment.
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Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera hummed as she went, before her light revealed another door. This one was new and of good quality. That was curious. What could it be holding? Who would bother putting a new door in a dump like this? There must be something neat behind it.

She glanced over to Sonja as the cook girl's breasts fell loose, likely for the second or more time. Not really tied up at all. Well whatever. She was still out of it it seemed.

"These doors are new. Must be something neat, and even if not, it might be a good spot to wait out our new friends nap. And all else fails, we steal the door on the way out, make more money.," muses Fiera, before trying to get the door open.

Yay maps! Yeah, trying to get the not ruined door open.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sonja was kind of puzzled by the previous notion of being able to tie the girl up. Metal does not really bend enough to be used to tie someone up, so Sonja just figured Fiera was out of her mind again. Now that Fiera mentioned this new door, Sonja was starting to think that holding the girl could become troublesome, and fast. Looking around for a good spot to put this knocked out girl while Fiera was going to rather obviously figure out what was on the other side of the door she was confronted with.

"You gonna carry the door? I am already carrying this girl, so good luck with that door." Sonja would crack back at Fiera.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44/52, Status = fine

Sonja: HP = 71/76, PP = 56, EP = 34, Status fine

Thankfully the girl was indeed still out so setting her down was not an issue. Though Sonja was correct that eventually the girl would wake and no doubt it would be trouble. Maybe now would be a good time to search her.

The door sadly was not new but was in still good condition and of better quality than the others she had seen. Which means something valuable is or was behind the door. Looking it over Fiera saw the paint was starting to peel but the door itself had yet to decay. A brass door knob sat cleaming in her light a good part of it having tarnished. A prominate key hole could be seen.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"Maybe this girl has the key for that door? I never really bothered to check if she had anything on her, so if you want to do that.."

Sonja full well knowing how Fiera was likely to act given shiny things being in her immediate vicinity just pretty much stopped what she had to say since it was very likely Fiera was not even listening in the first place as she would be distracted by the door. Depending on what Fiera would do, Sonja would search the girl before doing anything else.

The way the girl's top was, it probably would make more sense to use it to tie the girl up with Sonja pondered. Though what would inevitably happen with Sonja and the girl was ultimately up to what Fiera would do. Sonja was far more concerned about the girl becoming a problem down the road and would take steps to try to make sure that did not happen. This all assuming that Fiera were not to take any interest in the girl herself at this point.