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FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

Votes n' Notes
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Ship upgrades have been completed, The Sparrow received the benefits of our upgrades, receiving +2 Reactor power, +2 Shield Power, and +1 Sensor Ability.

Kar'rak will accept his defeat honorably, and the crew cohesion is continuing.

Sorry for the delay, I just started a new full time job and my finals have been periodically passing by, so I'm doing my best to balance my schedules. I still love you all and will continue to update! I'm attempting to find a regular day to do an update, but I'm still searching, so bare with me please! Also, if you're new to my CYOA, please tell me how I can make you love it more! We've been lacking in the... Meaty.... Part of most stories on ULMF, but we'll get there eventually!

The crew looked to Scarlet, Mark spoke first, “Hey Rosie, are you okay?”

Scarlet took a deep breath, refocusing her mind. “Yeah, yeah fine… Who’s Rosie?” She asked, raising an eyebrow, a tired and confused look on her face.

The crew looked back to mark, similarly baffled expressions on their face. Mark paused, “Uh, well… Roses are red, so is your hair, I forgot your name, so please judge me fair!”

There was a silence amongst the crew, Yumi groaned, “Are you serious?” She slapped her face, cupping it in her hands. “That is so lame.” Meanwhile Scarlet was stifling a chuckle.

The red headed pilot focused herself, “Right, well, let’s take this brief reprieve to fix up the shields on the Sparrow and get the Leo missile launcher strapped to the side of the Scudo. After that we can boost the sensors on the Sparrow and maybe add an autopilot system if we can get it into Jack’s little red brain.”

Jack looked offended, “Hey, I take offense to that.”

“Suck it up Cyber Circuits,” Scarlet smirked and stood from her seat. “I’m going to go catch a wink in the cryopods, I’ll be back to help as soon as I can.” She said with a sigh, “Mark’s in charge until I get back.” She smiled and turned around, heading back out to the Scudo.

Mark blinked, looking around at the table of people staring at him, “Uh, well, get to work.” He said, throwing his hands into the air.

Fortunately, the scrap stored on the Sparrow was rich in usefulness. The crew was able to augment the shields to output two layers of shielding, and had enough scrap left over to upgrade the reactor to output enough energy to power it. After they had completed those upgrades, they had utilized 90 scrap. While Yumi and Ulyard were working on the shields, Mark and Jeana were under the paneling in the Sensor room.

“So what do you think of Scarlet?” Jeana asked, glancing over from where she was pulling some wiring off of the console.

“I think she’s tired.” Mark said simply, holding a jerry rigged capacitor that he was attempting to mount to the underside of the console.

Jeana huffed, shooting a frustrated glance at the engineer. She wondered how he remained so calm, how he could manage to hide his emotions so well. She had sat through the entire conversation in the other room trying her hardest not to make it obvious that she was thinking about the red head the entire time. She wanted so bad to leap from her seat when Scarlet came into the room with just a smidge of blood on her cheek. It took everything she had not to go comfort her immediately… Scarlet… She was so strong, so graceful.

Her thoughts were shattered as Mark dropped the capacitor. Unfortunately he was working from his back, and the small metal box slipped from his hands, instantly impacting his head. “D’aw!” He yelped, wincing and sitting up abruptly his head again impacting on the bottom of the console. A loud metallic clang reverberated through the room as he groaned, letting himself collapse onto the, closing his eyes with both his hands cupped over his head… “Owww.”

Jean couldn’t help but let out a giggle, covering her mouth with her hand, turning away from mark and as the giggle built inside, she was unable to stifle it, and let out a loud snort beginning to laugh heartily.

Kar’rak was standing up slowly about this time, groaning and holding his head. He shook himself, shivering, bristles across the back of his head and spine quivered. He drew a long haggard breath and exhaled, sagging his shoulders. With slow deliberate steps he moved to the Sparrow’s Medical bay. Jack appeared in front of him, waving. “It seems that your particular form of persuasion wasn’t as effective as you would have hoped.” He sighed, “What did I tell you?”

“If you were flesh I would rend it red demon.” He snapped, stomping down the hall. Growling, He waved open the door to the medical bay and limping inside. The medical table closest to him sprung to life, a thin haze of medical solvent dissolved into his skin and he sighed in relief. With a soft sigh, the medical bay closed and Kar’rak pulled down the table and pulled it down, rolling on top of it with a groan.

Again, the “Red Demon” appeared over him. “You know I would have assumed a more, subtle role, but your method has its merits I suppose.” He shrugged, looking slightly amused. Kar’rak wasn’t sure whether he was amused with himself or with his own actions.

“The only reason you are here is because of your natural skill in computations, if I was competent in operating this vessel I would send you to the women.” The creature snapped at the holographic entity.

“Oh, by all means, I’ll teach you, honestly I think they’d be more interesting.” He said, matter-of-factly crossing his arms and gesturing nonchalantly.

Kar’rak grumbled and turned away, only to be greeted with another response from Jack. “Well, the others are in the process of upgrading the ships, I’m going to go…”

“Help?” Kar’rak asked, sarcastically.

“Oh, Gods no. Watch. I was going to say… Watch. I’m actually hard wired to avoid work, literally, in this case.” He said, blinking away suddenly.

Yumi and Uyard were working in the shield room, managing to forge a pair of new capacitors for the shield array. The green haired girl looked down at the half sized humanoid who was working under the console. “So you think it’s gonna work?” Yumi asked with a grin, her hands running over the power routing controls.

“Theoretically,” Uyard responded, “We should have enough power to add a second layer of shielding. Once the reactor energy is channeled through the system, that is.”

Yumi cocked her head to the side and looked down at the open console, “Say Short Stack-”

“Private Lawrence-”

“Right, you said your planet is full of some interesting characters?”

“Yes, yes what of it?”
He grumbled.

“What part did you play?” She said, her hip popping out, a curious grin on
her face.

“I was a part of the “Black Heli-Drone Crowd,” as you people call it.”
He grumbled from under the table.

“What do you mean?”

Uyard sighed, as if bringing up a painful memory, “The government started buying up private property about seventy years ago, acting as sort of a universal landlord. There was a bunch of people that said that the planetary government’s already impressive mining operations were going to expand exponentially.”

“And the government told everyone that was nonsense of course.”
Yumi continued for him.

“And soon, the Feds started calling their tenants and kicking them out.”

“Where did the people go?”
Yumi asked, a gasp to her inquiry.

“They weren’t unprepared, they had started constructing mega housing towers, and directed the newly homeless to them.”

“And no one spoke up?”

“Who is there to speak? They contracted all the major corporations to build the mega towers, so they wouldn’t complain. And the mega towers’ residents had all their needs met by the government. Anyone who wanted to change that hated the poor of course.”

Yumi saw through his seething sarcasm, “And then what happened?”

“Large plots of land started being dredged up, all in the name of the creation of unmanned drones and space vessels. All outfitted with mining or military equipment, but more than half of the material that was brought out of our planet was traded or sold to other races who wondered how we could collect so much.”

Yumi nodded, “Sounds like the Feds bought off your whole planet.”

“My whole planet? My whole race! After we shouted that they’d expand mining, they started mining. After we told people they’d lose their homes, they lost their homes!”
Uyard sat up, leaning out of the console gesturing wildly with his hands, “And when we shouted that they’d lose their freedom!...” He paused at the peak of his sentence…

“They lost their freedom,”
Yumi frowned.

“And me and the other folks who kept telling people what was going to happen were labeled social deviants and put to work in the mines… Now our beautiful Rao is nothing but a honeycombed skeleton, the entire core has been mined out.”
He sighed, slouching against himself, hugging his knees.

Yumi leaned down next to him, “You know what works for me?” She asked with a smirk, “Burying my problems in work.” She gave a half smile, “Let’s get these shields up, huh?” She said, standing, “I’m ready to power the console.”

“Alright,” Uyard said leaning back underneath, “I’ve got the capacitors plugged in, lets power up.”

Yumi flipped the switch, her console lighting up. The hum of electronic energy filled the room, and the ship seemed to buzz as the shield surrounded their ship, “And layer two charging in…” Yumi paused, “Two, one, mark.” The buzz raised in frequency, and the console displayed a second shield bubble over the first. Yumi sighed, smiling to herself. “I love when a plan comes together.” She stepped back, Uyard replacing the console covers.

“All done?” He asked, looking up at the human.

“All done.” Yumi smiled.

“All done!” Jack threw his hands in the air, happily, appearing sitting on the side of the console.

Both Yumi and Uyard leapt, Yumi stepped back, a hand on her chest, breathing heavily, “You scared me!”

Jack laughed, “I was watching! The little one tickled me.” He said, looking awkwardly between the two before smiling.

Yumi narrowed her gaze, “You would like to watch.”

“You’re right! And I do! Hahah-aahhh” Jack laughed, stopping abruptly. “I uh… There’s a thing-thing.”

Yumi and Uyard paused, looking at him with wide eyes, “What?” Yumi asked, her entire body tensing.

“A thing thing! It’s a thing thing!” Jacks avatar was pointing frantically towards the front of the ship.

Yumi started towards the door, Jack meeting her outside. “What’s out there? What’s the thing-thing?”

“It’s one of them!” Uyard shouted, “We have to run!”

Jack continued down towards the cockpit, “It came out of nowhere, it’s
little and scary!”
She said skipping out down the hall.

“Well get us out of here!” Yumi shouted.

“I can only pilot assist! I can’t fly a ship!” He waved his arms.

Uyard and Yumi burst through the door to the cockpit. Out of the screen they saw a small object ahead of them, almost like a firefly. It zipped about in front of the craft. Suddenly it flew towards the ship, and in a flash fired two lasers, striking the Scudo, causing both the ships to shudder, red alarms flashing across both ships.

Scarlet’s voice rang over the speakers, “Battle stations! Get these ships separated."

The ship flew around back and hammered a pair of lasers into the back of the Sparrow, its new shields able to hold off the volley before depleting.
Instantly each member of the crew leaped to their feet and sprinted to their stations, the Scudo’s crew lunging out the airlock, Mark waiting for his crew mates to get through the airlock before pulling the lever to separate the connection.

By the time the Scudo’s crew was on station, the Sparrow had already launched one of its two drones. Scarlet leaned over to the coms, “What should we do? Fight or run?” She asked “Its small, and fast, but maybe that means it’s easy to wreck.” She smiled, a renewed energy to her eyes, watching the target as it arced around for another pass.

Fleet Stats:
Scrap: 15
-Black Box: 3
-Com Array: 1

Character Stats:
Private Kar'rat Nobius:
Racial Bonus: x2 Repair, x2 Combat, 1/2 HP
HP: 50/50
Combat: Lv 1 (4/10 exp)
Sex: Lv 1
Engines: (1/10 exp)
Repair: (4/10 exp)
Piloting: Lv 1

Corporal Scarlet O'Connor:
HP: 100/100
Piloting: Lv 3 (00/30 exp)
Repair: (3/10 exp)
Combat: (7/10 exp)

Private Yumi Akimaru:
HP: 100
Shields: Lv 1 (9/10 exp)
Combat: Lv 1 (1/10 exp)
Repair: (1/10 exp)

Private Uyard Lawrence:
Racial Bonus: x2 Repair, 1/2 Combat
HP: 100/100
Drone Control: Lv 2 (4/20)
Repair: Lv 1 (2/10 exp)

Civilian Specialist, Jeana Davis
HP: 100
Ship Weaponry Lv-2 (14/20 exp)
Combat: (1/10 exp)
Sex: (1/10 exp)

Civilian Specialist Mark Iplier:
HP: 100
Engines: Lv-2 (6/20 exp)
Repair: Lv-3 (2/30 exp)
Combat: Lv-2


Scudo's Condition
HULL: 29
Fuel: 13
Missiles: 0
Special Equipment: Hardened Shields
-1 Basic Laser Cannon
Charge Time: 5
Damage: 1
Energy Cost: 1

Engines: 1/1
Medbay: 1/1
Oxygen: 1/1
Shields: 4/4 (Lv: 2 Shields)
Weapon Control: 1/1

Reactor Energy: 0/8

Sensors: 1/1
Doors: 1/1
Piloting: 1/1


Sparrow's Condition:
HULL: 23
Fuel: 13
Missiles: 0
-Anti-Ship Drone (2/3 HP)
-Anti-Ship Drone (3/3 HP)
Energy: 3
Recharge: 5
Damage: 1

Engines: 1/1
Medbay: 1/1
Oxygen: 1/1
Shields: 4/4 (Lv: 2 Shields)
Drone Control: 3/3

Reactor Energy: 0/10

Sensors: 2/2
Doors: 1/1
Piloting: 1/1


Fleet Location:

A: Stand and Fight! Squash this bug!
B: Run! Get the fuck out’a here!
Ca: Try to communicate, if failed, attack
Cb: Try to communicate, if failed, run
Cc: Try to communicate, if failed, do not resist
D: Other

System Map: Location-Star
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

A, but be prepared to run like hell if more show up, or it has some sort of uber shield. If it's the type to respond to comunications, I doubt it'd fire without warnning or demands.
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA


Edit: Also, good to see an update. Hope things are well! ^_^
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Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

Communications are a waste, it's officially self-defense now.
A, but we transition to B if he brings family or has ridiculously overpowered shields or guns.