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FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

A. They're probably already dead... or something
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

Votes n' Notes
C : 1
D : 1
E : 2

The scream was enough to deter Kar'rak from rushing into battle, Scarlet motioned for him to lead the way into the sensor room. The three Skorm soldiers raised their guns, going the other way, moving through into the weapons room. A large console displayed the condition of the single laser cannon on the ship. The dim light sent eerie shadows dancing across the room.

Yumi let out a stifled yelp of surprise, her gun swinging around, pointing under one of the work benches. There was nothing there, but there was nothing there, "S-sorry, I thought I saw something move..." Her whispering voice trailed off. Kar'rak scowled at her, shaking his head in disappointment and turning back to the door leading to the sensor room.

Scarlet and Yumi took positions on either side of the door, and Kar'rak stood at the entrance, facing the seam in the door... Kar'rak stepped forward and waved his hand in front of the sensor. Again they heard the soft electronic swoon of the door mechanisms. All three of them quickly pushed into the room, their lights zipping about the room, finding nothing but the electronic systems of the sensor room... Immediately they saw the problem...

A panel had been ripped off of the sensor's console, the wires inside had been pulled out and apparently chewed, or slashed. Yumi let out a groan as she saw the damage done to the systems, "Goodness, it looks like something tried to eat the sensors." She complained, Kar'rak immediately holstered his weapon and bent down. He pulled a small pack from his belt filled with wire connectors.

He began to start tugging on the wires, finding colours that matched and reconnecting them to where they had gone before. "We will need to reconnect the components to the board."

The two girls knelt beside him, Scarlet reaching inside and began pulling wires as well, pulling a case of tools from her own utility belt. Yumi grabbed the panel that had been ripped from the console and began to rework its hinges so it could be remounted. The work was short, and soon the sensor system flashed to life, and Yumi reattached the panel.

A fuzzy radio signal filled the room with a hazy sound until the Private Lawrence's voice came through. "H-hello? This is Private Lawrance." His voice trembled... Then there was a pause, "Oh God! Leslie is in there with that thing! H-hurry! They're by the O-two management chamber! Hurry, I don't know if she can handle that thing on her own!" He let out a sob of desperation.

The sensor panel did show two life forms in the oxygen chamber... One Asura female, and one unknown...

Sparrow Stats:
HULL: 30

Fuel: 13
Missiles: 0
Drones: 2x Anti-Ship Drones

Character Stats:
Kar'rat Nobius:
Racial Bonus: x2 Repair, x2 Combat, 1/2 HP
HP: 50/50
Combat: Lv 1
Sex: Lv 1
Engines: 1/10 exp
Repair: 1/10 exp

Scarlet O'Connor:
HP: 100
Piloting: Lv 2 (2/20exp)
Repair: 1/10 exp

Yumi Akimaru:
HP: 100
Shields: Lv 1
Combat: Lv 1
Repair: 1/10 exp
Crew Location
Sparrow's Condition:

A- Grab Private Lawrence and abandon the Scudo
B- Charge to the Oxygen Room!
C- Cut it and run, whatever this is means business.
D- Other.
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

B We've been rescuing everyone else so far, let's do it!
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA


Quick question, can the Scudo be docked directly to the Sparrow? If so, it might be a good idea to undock the Scudo from the station. Keep the alien from getting reinforcements.
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

[Midpost QnA]

Quick question, can the Scudo be docked directly to the Sparrow? If so, it might be a good idea to undock the Scudo from the station. Keep the alien from getting reinforcements.

The Scudo and the Sparrow can indeed dock together. But since no one is piloting the Sparrow its still sitting at space dock, just not connected by an airlock. You could propose pulling the airlock to the Scudo!
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

B. Leslie>Cowardly Private(Why didn't HE go and support his crewmate?)

Hali's got a good point, but only if we can order our AI to do the docking procedure, or if we can manually dock via the Scudo. This does however result to the obvious fact that whatever zerg-related spawnling infests the ship needs to be euthanized, lest it chomps our drones.

If we can indeed dock the ships together and cut us off from the station, I'm 100% in favor of that.

Afterthought: Yumi>Kar'Rak>Leslie>Cowardly Private. I vote for cowardly private to be our proverbial sacrifice if we need to make a majestic escape.
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Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

B But contact the guy over the radio as you go and tell him to meet you all there and help too, strength in numbers and such.
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA


Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

D. The cockpit is RIGHT next to the sensor room, kick in the door, drag out the Private then double time to the o2 room.
Four pistols should be enough, right?
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

Oh god, this ship is the default ship from FTL except the shields and guns are reversed. Also I think the Oxy room is lengthed. Am I right?

Anyway Beep beep charge the xenos
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

Votes n' Notes

Super happy to see more votes! Thanks so much, spread the word if you like the story! Now, prepare for the first brief sex scene of FTL: Epic Starr, I only apologize that I write it without having slept yet... The next one will be better, I promise =P

"We've gotta get in there!" Yumi shouted, her and Scarlet immediately rushing off to the oxygen room. Kar'rak turned quickly and darted into the cockpit, the perpetual scowl on his face still present as he threw himself into the cockpit.

Inside was a small Asura male sat cowering in the corner, throwing up his hands and waving them frantically, "Nonono! Please! Don't hurt me!" He yelped, panting breathlessly, his eyes closed tight. Kar'rak growled impatiently, reaching down and grasping the short creature's arm and hoisting it to its feet.

Skorm Files from the last day of the Hell Expedition- Re: Private Uyard Lawrence.
PFC Uyard Lawrence:
Race: Asura
Gender: Male
Training: Drone Control Lv-1 and Repair Lv-1

Cohort-PFC Jeana Davis
Race: Human
Gender: Futanari
Training: Ship Weaponry Lv-2
Image Files Re: Jeana Davis

Sensors recovered from the wreckage of the Frigate Station detail PFC Lawrence and PFC Davis boarding the Scudo approximately fourteen minutes after the execution order was given. The sensors reported a rogue program inserted into the Scudo's Artificial Neuro-Net.
Program overwrote programming in facial recognition of the transmitter systems and caused corruption to the Ship's AI and Sensors.
"We go to save your crew mate, you will assist." Kar'rak Growled in his ear, shoving him out into the next room, the two began moving to the oxygen room, not far behind the girls. The ship wasn't large, and they quickly slipped through doors, Kar'rak leading the way, his lithe form slipping past consoles and tipped over work stations, the stout asura behind him padding along behind him, breathless from the effort.

Scarlet and Yumi burst through the door of the O-2 room, and discovered a terrifying sight...

Xeno, Futa, Scratchin'
The door slid open, and instantly the two were greeted with the sounds of sex. The carnal moans of a human woman filled the room. As the girls stepped inside they saw a terrifying Xenomorph crouched over the petite human woman. The woman was on her back, her legs folded over her body as she quivered uncontrollably. The woman made sounds, but nothing that could form a sentence, or even a word, she was mewling unabated. Her wetness was spreading across the floor already. Her black hair was strewn about the floor, and her head rolled back and forth, her eyes closed tight, biting her lower lip, doing her best to resist.

Xenomorph: Thrine Ravager

The beast loomed over her, its legs spread, pressing down on her hips, pistoning against her loins. It was strange, as it slid out, it became apparent that its penis had another penis inside it, emulating its strange, two tiered mouth... The thing growled, leaning down and letting the mouth inside it's mouth slip out, nipping the woman's neck.

Her torn uniform allowed the beast access to her delicate flower, but something was strange... She also sported a sizable bulge in the pants of her uniform that had not been exposed by the rip!

Her body quaked, her eyes shot open and her back arched. She squealed, her mouth open wide in a gasp. Her body was rigid, arched beautifully under the terrifying creature as it raked its claws down her chest, drawing a swoon from the Futa as she collapsed back to the ground, panting loudly.

The creature hadn't come yet though! It slid his cock out of her, slowly, inch by inch, both tiers of the long member pulled out, dripping with the girl's juices.

Scarlet and Yumi were stunned their guns raised, but unable to fire... Kar'rak and Lawrence arrived soon after, Kar'rak quickly pushing past the two girls and into the room. With a feral shriek, the Hunter lunged through the air, tackling the beast off of the prone woman.

Scarlet was the first to come out of her daze, and ran into the room after Kar'rak, lifting her pistol and finding the opportunity to pound a few rounds into the creature. It hissed in pain, writhing as it slashed at Kar'rak with its claws without the slightest consideration for defense. Yumi quickly joined the fight, then Lawrence soon after that. The alien submitted to its wounds soon after a hail of gunfire and Kar'rak's fists brought it to its knees...


Quickly, Yumi and Scarlet helped the girl to her feet, and Kar'rak's clawed hand wrapped around Private Lawrence's Shoulder ensuring his running was finished. The five soldiers quickly made their way to the medical bay, the four automated stations were more than adequate to heal the wounds of the woman... Or Futa... that had been attacked, and Kar'rak. This left a moment for the crew of five to talk...

"First of all," Scarlet shouted at the Asura pilot, "You're telling me that you introduced a foreign program into your ship to make yourself look human!?" The fiery red head seemed about to attack Uyard.

Yumi was quick to step between them, "Hey, it doesn't matter now, we need to focus on getting off the station." Yumi snapped, glaring at the both of them.

Kar'rak cracked his neck and stood up straight, turning and helping Private Davis to her feet. The tunic of her uniform was now repaired, by the med bay apparently. She looked across the room, her dark eyes a bit weary,"Thanks guys, if you wouldn't have come when you did, I think he might have finished inside me." She said with a groan and a half smile.

Private Lawrence spoke next, "I-I agree with Yumi, we have to get out of here!" He said in a hesitant voice, "But the ship's AI still isn't functioning properly... Its going to take someone who knows how to fly this thing."

Fleet Stats:
HULL: 30
Fuel: 13
Missiles: 0
Drones: 2x Anti-Ship Drones

HULL: 30
Fuel: 13
Missiles: 0
Weapons: 1 Basic Laser Cannon
Special Equipment: Hardened Shields

Character Stats:
Kar'rat Nobius:
Racial Bonus: x2 Repair, x2 Combat, 1/2 HP
HP: 50/50
Combat: Lv 1 (1/10 exp)
Sex: Lv 1
Engines: (1/10 exp)
Repair: (1/10 exp)

Scarlet O'Connor:
HP: 100
Piloting: Lv 2 (2/20exp)
Repair: 1/10 exp
Combat: (1/10 exp)

Yumi Akimaru:
HP: 100
Shields: Lv 1
Combat: Lv 1 (1/10 exp)
Repair: 1/10 exp

Uyard Lawrence:
Racial Bonus: x2 Repair, 1/2 Combat
HP: 100
Drone Control: Lv 1
Repair: Lv 1

Jeana Davis
HP: 100
Ship Weaponry Lv-2
Combat: (1/10 exp)

Scudo's Condition
Sparrow's Condition:

A- Stay on one ship, better to have one fully maned ship than two under-maned ones.(A1=Scudo)(A2=Sparrow)
B- Utilize Both Ships, we need all the help we can get. (Please Suggest Crew Split)
C- Leave one ship and some individuals behind... We can't take everyone. (Please Specify)
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Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

B Take both ships I say, strength in numbers as it is the most sensible thing to do. Plus since the Sparrow has no actual guns it would be helpful to have a ship that does have a weapon's system on board of some sort. Splitting the crew as thus... Kar'rat and Uyard on the Sparrow, since Uyard is a drones expert and that's all the Sparrow has for fighting he should control the drones and such, with Kar'rat piloting it and staying on board to help defend since he's a combat expert. While the girls all take and crew the Scudo for the moment, with Scarlet piloting it, Jeana on guns, and Yumi on shields since it has hardened shields and because she's also a combat expert and can help defend against boarders, this way we've got a combat expert on both ships to help defend.

If possible try and salvage another weapon or two from the other ships docked at the station, but if it isn't possible then leave them and take the Sparrow and the Scudo and move on to the next star system. If a fight happens, then we've got two ships to fight with, the Scudo can stay in close and keep the enemy distracted, or do covering fire for the Sparrow, while its drones pound the enemy ships to pieces for them.

Edit: My reasoning is quite simple really. This early on, getting this many crew members it would be crazy not to take both ships since we've been given the choice and the chance to do so. Plus drones can get shot down quite easily if an enemy ship has defense drones and we only have so many of them with no drone recovery arm, which means once we're out of drones... we're fucked in more ways than one, as the Sparrow has no weapon systems to shoot back. Plus it would be a little silly to have a weapons expert on board with no weapon system for her to control and we shouldn't leave anyone behind regardless, hence having the Scudo along, which does have a weapon system for her to control, and this way we've got more firepower and more stuff for our enemies to shoot at, taking the heat off either ship a little more and giving them all a better chance at survival.

Also, someone really hates futas for some reason. :(
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Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

C. Take the sparrow, leave Jeana Davis - we don't need a gunner, she's probably already infected... plus she has a cock. (I know this board doesn't have strike but fuck it)

Real vote:
A2 - Try and strip as much equipment from scudo as possible, shields especially, crapgun only if something doesn't try to fuck us up the arse.
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Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

C. Take the sparrow, leave Jeana Davis - we don't need a gunner, she's probably already infected... plus she has a cock.

Anyway see if you can dock the Scudo with the Droneship, and then fly it that way.

Also, keep errbody. Especially ladypenis. Ladypenis is the shit.
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA


We take Scarlet and Yumi with us (don't let pretty chicks die) on the Scudo and the other two on the Sparrow.

Edit: I change to A, safefully.
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