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FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

Cant see how a single carrier can move a station without serious prep or help

But you cant crew something that size with 2 people

(B) - Just slingshot the planets gravity well... Get outta there... Everything else has too many variables... Attempting to save people puts you at risk of being dragged along as well as making you a stationary target

Never good idea to divert Shield Power to engines...

Best hope for some escape pods sending encrypted SOS if you wanna new crew mate...

This guy thought things through. I vote the same.
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

A. Sounds like a good way for our brand new ship to get covered in dents
B. The stations probably built in high enough orbit to give plenty of wiggle room for the docked ships, so its slow decent shouldn't have put it out of place enough that our ship can't escape the grav well
C. A destroyer going full throttle barely shifted the stations orbit, and that was working with gravity on a stationary object. Trying counter act the velocity and grav pull sounds like a good way for us to get screwed.

I vote B. Ships in FTL are largely automated, we can do without a full crew for the time being.
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

B: 3(+1 for a forum member in the hospital)

"We're gonna pull this station back into orbit." Scarlet said through gritted teeth, "Get to the engine room, see what you can do." She ordered, initiating a the ships start up, flipping switches, engaging the ship's AI.

A man in pirate dress appeared on a small holographic display next to Scarlet, speaking in an unrefined British accent. "Um, I don't suppose you've forgotten to undo the riggings Love?"

"Jack!" Scarlet addressed the AI, "Heat the engines gradually, we're going to try to pull this station back into orbit before it falls too far in." She reached behind her, pulling the safety straps over her body, binding herself to the pilot's seat tight.

"Alright, if you insist!" He groaned, rolling his head reluctantly and blinking out of the console.

As Kar'rak made it back to the engine room through what seemed like an unnecessary arrangement of doors. He arrived, looking around at the rather spacious engine room. The turbines began to spin up, more slowly than he expected. He approached and began running his hands over the machine. He hadn't had much opportunity to work with the ships in the hangar, but knew even less about a larger engine like this one.

Jack appeared on a console in the engine room, peering over at the engine as Kar'rak examined it. "You know nothing about the engine, do you?" He asked, his voice obviously judging as he asked the question. Kar'rak looked over with an annoyed expression on his face. "Unless you wish to aid me you are dismissed." He growled.

Throwing his holographic arms up, Jack shook his head, "No, by all means, twist that plug in the center." He said, pointing to the large mechanism at the center of the mechanism labeled "Main Release." The Hunter reached over and grasped the plug and began twisting, steam began releasing as the ship, which had not moved in over a month began groaning to life.

From the outside, the carrier, still clamped to the station, lit up, its engines slowly lighting aflame, docking thrusters began firing furiously as the frigate platform began slowly ceasing its spin... Unexpectedly a Troy class shield frigate fired its engines. Through the combine effort the station moved back into a somewhat stable orbit.

Scarlet let out a sigh of relief, "Kar'rat, Jack, we did it." She said with a grin, speaking into the com. A trickle of shuttles continued to escape the planet, a few flying in erratic paths across the sky.

Jack appeared back on the bridge, whilst still keeping Kar'rat company in the engine room. He spoke to Scarlet, "I don't mean to do your job Love, but now might be a good time to leave." Just as he spoke a ping opened up on Scarlet's monitor, announcing that the shield cruiser was hailing them. A few more shuttles docked in the remaining hangar on the ship... An inhuman cry could be heard from somewhere in the station... The Sparrow wasn't equipped with blast doors, they weren't designed to keep people out, just air in.

Character Stats:
Kar'rat Nobius:
Combat: Lv 1
Sex: Lv 1
Engines: 1/10 exp

Scarlet O'Connor
Piloting: Lv 2 (2/20exp)

A: Undock and head away from the planet. Ignore the hails and whatever is on the Platform
B: Answer the hail and call Kar'rat back to the Con to stay with Scarlet.
C: Answer the hail and send Kar'rat to search for survivors while Scarlet talks to the Troy Class.
D: Ignore the hails for now, Scarlet and Kar'rat should search the platform for survivors, and attempt to secure the station.
E: Other-
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

B We'll search the station together, but first see if this new guy can help us.
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

I say C, we need to make sure that this other ship isn't hostile, but we need to search for survivors, we've come this far so we might as well try and help all that we can while making sure that nothing attacks us, or the station after we're gone.
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

E. Undock then hail the other ship
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

D: Secure dat Station! Because... I don't have a good reason, but... Yea! D is for Dissenting opinion! Mwhahahaha
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

Alright... from my experience with FTL, all I know about docking with stations is that they tend to kill crewmen.

I suggest powering up an Anti-personnel drone if we have one, and then answering that hail, while fucking off to space.

Buuut since that doesn't seem to be an option, and who ever votes for 'other' options besides just the one suggesting it, I'll vote for C instead.
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

B-2, C-4, D-1, E-2
I'll be experimenting with coloured quotation text this post, tell me if it makes it easier to understand for y'all!

The station was safe for now, Scarlet looked at the incoming hail, then to the few remaining shuttles coming towards the station, she took a deep breath, her chest slowly rising and falling as she leaned over to the com, "Kar'rak, I need you at the airlock, we've got a message incoming from the..." She checked the hail again before looking back to the microphone, "From the SNV Scudo, opening a channel." Scarlet leaned over and tapped the touch screen, a man with dark hair appeared on the other side, looking at the screen, his eyes darted about before looking back at the screen, "Quicklaunch Class, this is Private Lawrence, I've taken command of the Scudo, but there's something on here already. My co-pilot is already searching for it, but the AI is going nuts, she's stuck on a loop or something, I don't think we'll be able to get going unless we get a new AI or find the intruder. Please! I need your help!" He looked terrified, sweat dripping from his brow as he nervously rechecked the cockpit door. "I-I'd come to you, but I'm too frightened to leave this room..." He panted slowly, when suddenly his image flashed with static, "Oh, oh shit." He muttered, "Internal sensors just went down I don't know if she's still here or not." He reached for his com, "L-Leslie!? Leslie are you there?" He shouted, his voice trembling. Scarlet checked the station schematics, the Scudo was almost a B-line across the short section of the station, the area across was still pressurized and looked secure, but Scarlet was apprehensive. Jack looked up at her from his place on the holographic display, he shrugged his shoulders and lifted his arms, giving an indifferent grunt, "I don't got eyes outside the ship Lass, but the station isn't goin' on about any buggers between here and there. Best I can do in the meantime is pull back the plank and wait for you to knock."

Kar'rak groaned, he wasn't sure if he liked this plan, but he decided to go along with it for lack of a better option. He ran back across the spinal bridge, drawing his puny Skorm service bolter, and cocked it back. Reaching the airlock, he waved his arm in front of him to trip the sensor as he readied his weapon. Slowly he padded out, one foot in front of the other in an intense, slow, and deliberate fashion. His eyes scanned the atrium, letting out a subtle growl of anticipation. Sparks dripped from one of the broken light fixtures from the Destroyer slamming into the hull, one of the interface screens was still active, across the bottom of the screen a red bar reading "Unidentified Bio-Signature Detected." over and over. A map of the station was displayed, Hangar 1 was depressurized, hangar 2 was in lock-down. Each step seemed to take an hour, and with each step he remembered more clearly the terrifying sights he's seen back planetside, the last time he'd seen his partner, they were coughing, their eyes were red and skin was pale with deep purple veins running across their skin... Kar'rak shook the images from his head, growling more determine as he secured both hands on his bolter and stepped confidently into the room.

Interface Display of Station Schematic:

Something flashed out of the corner of Kar'rak's eye! He quickly spun and leveled his bolter, but the heavy rounds only sunk into the ship's hull... Whatever it was skittered into the vets, bursting through the thin metal and springing inside. Kar'rak could only see the tail end of the thing, a dark grey claw slipping into the vent... The echos of the creature moving could have gone either way... Back towards the station or into the Sparrow... Kar'rak grabbed the radio on his sash and barked into it, "O'Connor, there's something on the station." He glowered, looking about the atrium...

Sparrow Stats:
HULL: 30

Fuel: 13
Missiles: 0
Drones: 2x Anti-Ship Drones

Character Stats:
Kar'rat Nobius:
HP: 50
Combat: Lv 1
Sex: Lv 1
Engines: 1/10 exp

Scarlet O'Connor:
HP: 100
Piloting: Lv 2 (2/20exp)

A: Reboard the Sparrow and abandon the station
B: Abandon the Sparrow and chose one of the remaining ships
C: Regroup, and move to assist the Scudo together, separating its airlock until their return.
D: Send one crew member to the Scudo while the other ensures the security of the Sparrow. (1- Send Scarlet)(2- Send Kar'rak)
E: Ignore the Scudo and secure the rest of the station first.
F: Quickly collect as many surviving crew as possible and leave.
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Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

A- All other options present a significant risk of being exposed to the zer- I mean, Tyrani- I mean... bad guys.
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

No no, C, lock up the Sparrow for now and have the AI open the airlock for them when they get back and have both of them take care of whatever the thing is. The reward here is more than worth the risk, possibly gaining many crew members as well as possibly an allied vessel, along with supplies to boot. Once the Scudo is taken care of then all crew from both ships can rescue the station's people together.
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

C. No anti-intruder doors, anti-personnel drones, and being untrained in combat means Scarlet's FUCKED if a xeno comes to eat her. Better to have Jack, I think the AI's name was? Pop off and wait until you lot come back. Or, if shit goes south, you won't get separated.

Alsooo, can I suggest you poast a spoiler of the crew's vital stats and trainings and stuff with each update. >.>

Alsoalsoooo, results were C-4, so I was sad when nothing blew up.
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Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

A. All other options are just asking to get face raped by xeno boner
Re: FTL: Epic Starr CYOA

C. No anti-intruder doors, anti-personnel drones, and being untrained in combat means Scarlet's FUCKED if a xeno comes to eat her. Better to have Jack, I think the AI's name was? Pop off and wait until you lot come back. Or, if shit goes south, you won't get separated.

This is the best idea, assuming Jack can fly the ship on his own.