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Forum of the Elder Gods (Grave;Cross)

Re: Ketzi'ah, Demon of Envy (Grave;Cross)

( Inspirational Music used - Wind Waker )

Casting his spell and flaring it at his female copy, Grave would charge and find the spell he cast copied by his double. As he fired, he got a taste of his own medicine as she flared a blast of light in his direction, blinding him. Unfortunately, the effects of his attempt at distraction were not mutual as she charged at him as his eyes squinted from the flash, and slapped his blade away with her own and delivered a firm punch to his midsection.

"They copy your attacks!" Envy shouted from the side, now locked in a battle with herself, hair transformed into blades as each copy fought the original.

"I fucking noticed!" Roy cursed as she fired arrow after arrow, her own phantom matching arrows. Soul powered particles colliding together into a blast of power.

Though, in the battle of Clubs, the original Club seemed to be handily winning her battle. The other Club didn't seem to be the powerhouse that the true Club was as when their fists connected, Club sent her opponent flying effortlessly.

As all that was happening and Grave was left breathless from the punch to his gut, his copy threw herself onto him, knocking him to the ground as she held his wrists to the side. From her wide grinning teeth slithered out a black tongue that licked along Cynder's neck. It carried with it a magical power that made his body shiver and react. His loins stirred and he could feel her crotch pressing down on his hardening length.
Re: Ketzi'ah, Demon of Envy (Grave;Cross)

Grave cursed. He was winded and still blinking the remains of the bright flash his clone produced out of his eyes. What's worse, he was pinned again. Still, he was physically fit from all his wandering, and the clone didn't possess superhuman strenght of other mamono. Cynder could recover from this. And while he did his best to hold onto his blade, the fake no longer had one in hand. Unfortunately, while she dropped her own weapon, his sword arm was seized by her and considering she was using some kind of magic to entice him, he'd be at a disadvantage if he tried to wrestle with her. He had to get her off of him, fast.

The brief distraction of having taken a punch in the gut, while leaving him open to attacks, allowed Grave a moment to look at how the others were faring. Taking in the situation and recalling his earlier struggle, the half-blood realized one thing - the phantom's weakness seemed to be limited physical prowess. That gave him an idea. Gathering as much strenght as he could, he swung his head at the clone, hoping to nail her in the face, preferably break the nose. Following that, he decided to risk some quick conjuring - some oil in his mouth to spit at her face, followed by a spark to light it. And an attempt to bring his legs up and kick her off, for good measure. In the meantime, Cynder was also planning to see if he could get some extra help with the fake.

'Mom, if you got any kind of strenght-enhancing magic, I could use some right now! I don't care if you have to draw power from me or whatever, we're gonna have to brute-force our way through this one!'
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Re: Ketzi'ah, Demon of Envy (Grave;Cross)

Unfortunately for Grave, his mother delivered a message and not a bout of strength. "Fool, I'm living inside of your soul. If I were to unleash my power, there's no telling how it will disrupt you. It could very well leave your body paralyzed if my power were to sever the connections to your body from your soul." she declared, as Cynder tried to throw his head up at his copy. Unfortunately he was in a bit of an awkward position to do so. Working against gravity, his head hit her own, and made her react in a slight way. Her grip not weakening at all. Despite hitting her head, it seemed that it carried no mention of stunning her or anything of the sort. It was as if she wasn't carrying around a brain in her head like everyone else, which would get stirred from such an action.

In retaliation, Grave got the same treatment as he head flew down, gravity in her favor, and struck his own noggin. His vision went black from the intense impact as he was hit, breaking his concentration and leaving a taste of oil in his mouth. He felt his opponent working her own magic, as tree roots came up from the ground, and wrapped around his wrists, holding his arms down. After the brief moment of being stunned, he'd find the roots dug deep, and his arms unable to snap them or pull on them. Locked in place, his doppelganger grinned, and lifted herself up, switching around as her black pants dissolved around her crotch as if a second layer of skin she was shedding. Eventually revealed was a pink slit that would have been his pussy if he were a girl, and his copy placed it right upon his face, sitting upon him as her hands worked at his pants, pulling them such that his length sprang free, quickly hard and erect thanks to the magic seeping into his body from where she licked him. Cynder would feel a soft hand grip his cock, and begin to stroke him as he felt her spit drip onto his cock from her tongue from above, coating his length in it as she worked his shaft with one hand, and cradled his balls in the other, squeezing them if she detected him casting magic to break his concentration.

"D-damn it, you idiot boy!" His mother echoed, sounding aroused as if she could feel what he did. "She's not a mortal creature! She's just an image! Quit treating her like a human being! Nnngh!" His mother moaned as he likedly did, when the female copy of himself took his tip into her mouth and began flicking it with her tongue, coaxing out the first glob of pre-cum. Focusing on magic like this would be very difficult, and there was no guarantee that the spell he was weaving wouldn't break halfway through. His arms were completely immobilized by the roots, no amount of strength would free him. Meanwhile, the copy rubbed her ass in his face, moaning as the opening in her pussy rubbed along his nose, and her clit touched his lips.

Meanwhile, over the rounds of his female copy's rump, he could see the others still doing battle. Club was progressing smoothly, hitting the fake Club hard enough to break her form, causing the black mass to revert to what appeared to be her original form. Still the size of Club, but a girl with black hair, red eyes, and a red tattoo of an evil eye on her forehead. Club jumped into the air to seal the deal, before the doppelganger faded into what appeared to be 'goo'. Club's club smashed the now formless doppelganger, before the goblin stood in confusion. Strong, but oblivious and stupid, the goblin stood as if she had a mixture of victory and confusion in her head, unaware that the doppelganger was still just as dangerous in that form. His face covered by the ass of his copy, his shouts wouldn't reach her as tentacles rose from the goo, which launched at Club and buried themselves into her mouth, ass and pussy as well as a couple grabbing her arms and the goo soaking around her feet. Club began to spasm in surprise, trying to rip and pull out the tentacles, yanking one out of her mouth and ass, but as she moved to remove others, the old ones were replaced. Club panicked, as Grave saw the tentacle in her pussy 'pump' something into her. The black mass became a little smaller with each pump, as if it were entering Club's body as the goblin panicked in fear, unable to fight a formless foe, flailing irrationally as if that would make it stop. Her stomach swelled as her body was invaded, continuously expanding until Club suddenly stopped resisting, falling backwards and squirming on the ground until the last of the monster went into her pussy and ass. The goblin was left looking nine months along and more with her bloated belly.

The others seemed to have had little luck. Roy and Valencia were outmatched as humans against supernatural creatures. Roy was face down on the ground on her knees, with her copy over her. Her back was to Grave, allowing him to see the fake Roy driving a futanari cock hard into Roy's folds as Roy trembled in pleasure, moaning and weakly trying to stop it while whining about how her energy was being stolen away. Valencia, a normal human, was already exhausted. Her arms bound behind her back by something Cynder couldn't see, the fake Valencia held the real one up by her legs, driving her tanned dick into the perky asshole of the real Valencia as the dark legs of the treasure hunter bucked up and down with each drive into her ass, her head leaning back as drool ran out of her mouth.

To top it all off, he couldn't see Envy from behind his copy's ass, unable to tell if she was losing too. Just like Roy and Valencia, he could feel his opponent draining him. Every instance of pleasure, he could feel her sucking up his essence. Weaving under these conditions would be like putting together a gun while hanging upside down and blacking out, for the sake of perspective. Meanwhile, the smell of her pussy filled his nostrils, and her excitement leaked onto his face, coating his lips with the taste as she responded to any movement he made.
Re: Ketzi'ah, Demon of Envy (Grave;Cross)

'And HOW do you fight an image?' Grave growled back, trying not to let any sounds out as he grit his teeth in an involuntary grimace. Unfortunately, his plan of action didn't work out at all. Rather, the phantom turned it against him, making him black out for a few critical seconds. When he regained his bearings, Cynder realized that his arms were now bound and unable to move. Meanwhile, his double was already preparing to have her way with him. Exposing her pussy, the pushed her slit right into the half-blood's face while she pulled his pants down and started jerking him off, draining more energy from him and turning him on, stopping him from using magic.

As the phantom began to suck him despite Grave's continued refusal to please her, a last, feeble attempt at defiance, he tried to focus on not seeing the creature as a woman. The effort was obviously difficult and quite likely futile as every sense he had screamed "sexy girl about to fuck him" at the young man. Some odd thoughts occured at him as his focus flickered, about how good he actually looked as a girl and what it'd feel like to be a woman, and maybe he could find a way to try out if Roy was any indication. Desperately banishing his thoughts, Cynder tried to find something to draw his attention away by checking how the others were doing, but what he saw was quite the bleak situation. He had no idea where Envy was, Roy was on her knees and getting plowed and Valencia was being assfucked by her double. Club's momentary advantage was a moment of solace that turned to despair as he saw what happened to her. But as he watched the doppelganger invade the girl's body...

Something snapped.

Grave wasn't sure what exactly went off inside of him as he watched Club fall. The sight of Roy and Valencia being raped, bringing his early shame to mind, enraged him, but it was a sad, impotent kind of rage, not helped by his own predicament. When he saw Club suffer in such a fashion, however, her body warped by the creature inside her, it was like the world suddenly no longer matter. Cynder had no idea what the monster was going to do to the girl, what she was being put through. All he knew that she was being hurt. Memories came to him, of how horrified he was when she and Envy nearly killed each other while he was unaware, his shame and fears, his love, his mistakes, failures and the few successes he had. And in a flash, the slideshow was over, and the next thing he knew was hate.

Blazing fury and cold hatred rose within him like a wave of volcanic bile, mixing together into a volatile surge of loathing and desire to cause harm. Grave let out a manic, incoherent howl as suddenly tried to bite down onto the flesh of the phantom above him, lacking other options. Lust clouded his mind, but hate and rage knew and needed no reason. He let it all flow and surge, his hate at the enemy who hurt his Club, hate at the world at large, at the people who hurt him, at himself. An image of a destructive flame popped into his head, of things ending in fire, and he embraced it. In a final effort that'd either see him succeed or fail completely, he mustered all his physical strenght, took all the power he could still feel at his disposal and pushed. It was not an elegant spell, woven with precision to give him a tactical advantage. It was a wild surge as he forced everything he could scrape together into a last ditch berserker effort, ignoring pain to the best of his ability. Heedless of risks or potential injury. All the parts of him that weren't overwhelmed with pleasure yet cared only about one thing - breaking free and killing the monsters, and everything else be damned!
Re: Ketzi'ah, Demon of Envy (Grave;Cross)

Of all the things Grave would notice, he'd first notice that upon biting the genitals of the creature in front of him, it did not bleed. Rather, his teeth sank in as if her body was an animate doll filled with cotton. It bent, but his teeth sank in while the skin sank in with them. With that, the creature squeezed his balls. The pain meant there truly would be no elegant weaving, so weave as he did, it was a mess of a spell. Sparks of fire flew off randomly, burning a bit of grass before vanishing with the ash. Though as the fire gathered and as he spat his soul out as hastily woven flame, the creature gave note and began weaving into his own weaves. Like tiny blades, they swiftly dove through his weaves, picking off easily identifiable loose ends and rendering most of his spell doing nothing but warming the atmosphere as she spread it out. Cynder's howls of fury were met with nothing but the laughter of the doppelganger as her mouth moved faster, stroking him with wider and quicker strokes. Quickly, she worked him up, until his mind's focus was shattered when his climax rose. Seed erupted from his shaft and into the monster's mouth as her hands worked his balls to encourage every drop she could out of them, and her tongue worked the underside of his shaft to coax out every last drop.

In that instant, he felt like he had sprinted as fast as he could until he could no more. The energy was literally sucked out of him, as he could feel his energy leaving his body as if being sucked out of him through a straw. Finished, she rose her pristine pussy from his face, looking none the worse for wear. She reversed, before looking down at him while her hands rested on his chest, the ever constant cheshire grin directed at him. "What did it feel like? Getting a blowjob from your female self?" she inquired. "Want to know what your pussy would feel like too?" she asked, as she rested her crotch upon his own, rubbing herself along his length as her clitoris touched his tip.

Meanwhile, where Club lay, Grave could see her situation developing. The black goo was leaving her orifices, and instead roaming around her body. Her belly slowly deflated, until it was flat as before. Slowly, the goblin rose from where she lay, but now she looked to be covered in black tattoos that ran in lines and circles all over her body. They seemed to spiral from her feet and up her leg, with heart shapes forming from the way they curved in front of her thighs, over her crotch, and right over her breasts. The lines curled around her cheeks, and ended on her forehead, a pair of lines thinning out to almost look like horn designs on her flesh. Her eyes glowed red, and she grinned wide. She walked up to where Cynder's fake was riding him, and picked her up by her ass, and threw her upwards and over his head. "HUNGWEY!" Club shouted loudly. Getting over him, she kneeled down and grabbed his length roughly and aggressively. "EAT!" She shouted again, directing his tip to her pussy and pounding herself downwards, taking him inside entirely before bucking her hips wildly, pounding herself on his length as he felt an ever so familiar sensation. Club was draining him. She was sucking out his energy, and rapidly so.

The copy of Grave looked back in offense. "What the hell are you...!? Who are you!? What happened!?" She inquired in a voice eerily similar to his own voice. Club merely looked up at the other fake and declared. "I ATE HER!" she shouted, before looking down at Cynder, and grabbing his head forcefully, leaning his head up and lowering her own down, engaging in a forceful and sloppy kiss, moaning into his lips before breaking it and bucking her hips with power fueled by some kind of madness. "CUM, GWAVE! FEED!" she demanded, his hips starting to ache with pain as she slammed against him. Unlike with his copy, she was just draining him, and albeit her act of doing so was greatly distracting, she wasn't weaving at all. He could try to blast her off, and attack Club if he chose.
Re: Ketzi'ah, Demon of Envy (Grave;Cross)

The phantom's mocking inquiries were met with a string of vile curses, most of which insulted her species, dignity, intelligence, mating habits, appearance and pretty much everything else Grave could think of in his weakened state. He lacked the strenght to move or cast and was feeling extremely frustrated by his inability to harm his opponent. He was openly stewing in his hate now, trying not to look at the few spots his flames managed to incinerate. The ease with which he was defeated was perhaps the biggest humiliation of all. He didn't know what exactly was the biggest factor - the way he let himself be ambushed, his poor choice of tactics in combat or inferior spellcasting, and frankly at the moment he didn't care. Hell, if that last spell of his ended up tearing him apart in a blast of burning inferno, he'd consider it an improvement over his current situation. Right at that moment, all he was wishing for was a chance to kill the bloody doppelganger. Or himself, whichever came first.

What happened to Club, however, managed to snap Cynder out of his enraged state. It also made his blood freeze as he watched the strange, black... Thing take over her body before she simply walked over and tossed the blonde bitch on top of him away. Then she forced herself on him. The half-blood winced as he felt his energy leave him again, so it took him a moment to realize he could actually try to cast now. However, despite the monstrous frenzy the small girl displayed, he found himself unable to do so. The way she acted, how the phantom was startled to see her, how she didn't even bother with using any sort of magic... That was Club, his Club - or at the very least, she was in there somewhere. He dared not harm her. But at the same time, Grave decided he might as well try to do something before he came. Namely, try a more controlled burst to liberate his arms, then aim at the bewildered bitch that looked at him and let loose with his hatred again, fueling a properly put together blast of fire. Mostly because he just wasn't willing to give up on having a chance of one, final "fuck you", and what said it better than a lance of flame to the face?
Re: Ketzi'ah, Demon of Envy (Grave;Cross)

Burning his bonds up until the wood became ash and his arms were free, Club continued to thrust wildly on his waist, draining almost all of his energy entirely, and leaving him lightheaded on the ground before he could exact his hatred on the doppelganger. With a final thrust, Club fucked him into a climax, drawing his seed from his balls and into her body, before rising with a satisfied chuckle. She rose, a mixture of her own fluids with his dripping onto Cynder's crotch, before she tilted her leg back, and delivered a harsh kick to the female copy of Grave, one that he could sense without a doubt was charged with primal magic, as if Club just threw raw power onto it before hitting the creature and causing it to fly and become black mist when it hit a tree. Seeing Club in this odd new form, the other creatures quickly retreated, dropping their victims on the spot and fleeing into the magical woods, leaving a drained Roy and Valencia on the ground.

Seeing all the doppelgangers flee, Club grinned wide, a smile not unlike that of the doppelgangers, wide and wicked as her eyes glowed red. "Hehehehe... Hahahaha, HAHAHAHAHA!" she began to laugh psychotically as if overflowing with emotion and adrenalin. Grave could also see that she was overflowing with magical threads, more than she knew what to do with. They flailed about wildly, causing a distortion in the air as the magical threads interacted with the environment in bizarre ways. Just from his few lessons in magic, Cynder could tell Club did not know how to weave or handle her magic.

Just then, Envy was seen walking out from the trees, carrying with her a bit of fatigue, but no signs of damage on her body. Upon seeing Club though, she stopped, and rose her hair into blades, as if prepared to fight while Club was too enthralled in whatever was happening to her to notice the other girl.
Re: Ketzi'ah, Demon of Envy (Grave;Cross)

"Envy, don't..." Grave gasped out, trying to warn his sister. In her current state, Club would be a truly monstrous enemy to face. Between her newfound power and physical strenght, she'd likely be too dangerous for Cynder's sibling to face. Too dangerous to face without resorting to lethal means, at least. Any battle between the two would end with one of them dying, possibly both. And he didn't want that to happen. He couldn't allow that to happen! The problem was, even on a good day the half-blood was incapable of matching Club. In his current, weakened and post-orgasmic state, he was barely able to move, much less stop the girl. Which left him with only two possible avenues of solving this crisis, and both of them weren't very likely to succeed.

"Club, calm down!" Grave pleaded. "Listen to me!" He doubted it'd amount to anything, though. The girl did whatever she pleased all the time and her mind was very simple. Now that she was high on power and desires, she was even less likely to listen to reason. What he hoped to do, was to keep her attention on him, to stop her from going away or attacking others. Meanwhile, Cynder also launched his second plan into motion. Club had a lot of power - too much for her to control, not that she had any idea how. What the young man was hoping to achieve was difficult, possibly beyond his ability to do, but it was the only thing he could think of.

Grave planned to reach out with what little magic he still had left, to tap into the wild font of power his lover had become. To weave his threads into her magic, not to disrupt her power like the phantom did to him earlier, but rather try to work with them and "convince" her threads to cooperate and let him draw upon them, weave them into a pattern with his. Cynder couldn't absorb energy like mamono did, but maybe if he could somehow calm down the tempest, or even draw the wild surge out of her, then maybe Club would come out of her power high. He'd probably have to channel the mass of power through his own body, but there was no other choice. He'd work on dissipating the energy after the worst had passed, so hopefully his body would be up to storing the extra charge for a while. "Come on... I want to help you, please let me..."
Re: Ketzi'ah, Demon of Envy (Grave;Cross)

Trying to control or massage her power, Grave found his magical tendrils overwhelmed and ripped apart in the sheer volume of power she was releasing. "Calm down...?" Club chuckled... "Is not possible!!!" Club declared, before stalking towards Cynder. "Love me more~ Club needs more to keep this nice feeling~" she cooed, approaching the weakened man before Envy decided to forsake his advice and charge at Club, who noticed the blond menace a hair before contact was made, and threw a punch so powerful that Grave felt hit with the sheer impact of the motion of Club's soul. Hardly physical, Cynder began to realize another issue as he was shoved back by a great force, hard enough to notice that he seemed to be watching his own body be left behind and collapse to the ground. That realization lasted only a second, before things became blurry.


When next Grave awoke, he was not dead from the looks of it. Rather, he didn't feel alive either. It was an odd mixture of mortality and reincarnation, as if born into a body he wasn't used to. Such turned out to be the case, as Cynder would quickly feel parts of his body rubbing against the covers over his form in ways his body normally shouldn't. As if he had been sleeping forever, a good yawn and stretch in addition to a mirror seemed to

He was sitting in a bed within a house whose style was that of the Eastern Design, and had a full-body mirror that left little doubt that the body he was moving around was a female's body. The room he was in was simple, with a dresser and vanity lab with a closet being all there was to it before a sliding door opened and walked in.

"Good morning. How are you feeling? Can you move your new body well?" she inquired. "I made it in a bit of a rush so pardon if she cannot handle some basic motor functions. After all, you were dead for about seven hours. Desperate measures~" she giggled.
Re: Ketzi'ah, Demon of Envy (Grave;Cross)

Grave woke up slowly. He felt odd - not exhausted and battered as he expected, but still off. He knew that feeling - it was like doing something he wasn't used to at all, like the first couple times he used his magic. At first, it didn't alarm him much - he was slow to wake up completely, after all, and chalked the sensation up to the effect of being put back together. It wasn't until he realized while stretching that the shape of his body was off that he began to feel dread. Dread that turned into shock as Cynder rose, eyes locking on the mirror in the unfamiliar room the half-blood was in. Mirror that displayed his, or rather her new form.

Grave just sat there for a moment, eyes riveted on his own image, carefully taking in every detail, hoping to find any familiar sign of his old self - like the eyes - still there while hands grasped at the new... Features, to check if they were real and not a cruel joke. Were those cat ears and a tail? He was supposed to be a bloody half-serpent, at the very least! Scratch that, he was supposed to be a MALE! What the fuck happened? Why was he now a girl? Where the Hell was he? What the unholy, bloody, fucking Hell was he supposed to do now? In a more lucid state, Cynder would likely note that he was entering shock. Having barely woken up, his thoughts fixated more on debating whether it'd be a good idea to scream now or later.

Suddenly, the door opened. Grave's head snapped around as he looked at the direction of the sound, tensing. The woman who greeted him was unfamiliar, but the casual, friendly manner she used helped defuse the "fight or flight" response, though it didn't help with the shock entirely. Cynder frowned while processing her words. Last thing he could remember was... "I... Died?" He asked, disbelief in his voice. He could recall now, the image of his body hitting the ground as Club and Envy clashed-

"Oh. Oh shit!" Grave panicked, trying to scramble to his feet and out of bed, landing on the floor in the process as his body failed to move the way his mind commanded it to, the required muscle memory simply not existing. "What happened to them?" Cynder desperately asked the woman, thinking about the rest of his group. "Are the alright? Are they..." The now clearly feminine voice broke. Dread gripped the neo-girl, fear of his/her new station momentarily forgotten. If Club and Envy went at each other like that, the damage they could do to each other - or even Roy and Valencia, or mom... "Where are they?" He tried to get up. Screw this damn body, he was not going to relive the memory of someone close to him dying again!
Re: Ketzi'ah, Demon of Envy (Grave;Cross)

After falling on the floor, the black haired, red eyed girl leaned over and picked Grave up by her arms to help her into a sitting position on the bed. "The only concern was you when the group brought me your body and soul. If you came into these lands with four, then those four are okay." she stated simply. "So, relax. Right now it's just you and me here. They're off getting my payment for constructing an entire body for your soul to survive in. You just need to rest and get used to your new form. You'll be in it for a while." she stated.

When Cynder looked at herself in the mirror, she had the thin eyes of a feline, no longer the oval eyes of the snake prince. "Also, your original body I have in a sort of stasis. Do not disturb it. I don't know if you'll want that weak form back, but it's there when you're actually recovered enough to be put back in. Meanwhile, why not try getting used to being a superior being?" she giggled.
Re: Ketzi'ah, Demon of Envy (Grave;Cross)

Grave let out a sigh of relief. Absorbing the info, the (former) half-blood was happy to hear that the situation had been defused without further injuries or worse. "Well, thanks for your help. I guess I owe you." Still, that left a couple of questions. "Though, mind if I ask about a couple things? Can you tell me what exactly do you mean by payment? Sounds a little ominous." Cynder glanced at the mirror once more. "More importantly... There was a second soul in my body. That of my mother. What happened to her?" The neo-catgirl inquired. "Also... Superior being? Don't mean to offend here, it's just that I don't feel superior at all, to be honest."
Re: Ketzi'ah, Demon of Envy (Grave;Cross)

The girl laughed. "Give it time. Once you start getting used to that form, the world opened up to you will be hard to part from~" she cooed. "As for the rather rude soul that was with you, I assumed she was a parasite and sealed her away. I guess you want her released? Well, unfortunately in your condition, I cannot put her back with you. You were already close to dying with her in your original body." she explained.

Then, at the topic of payment, she just grinned ominously. "Don't worry about that."
Re: Ketzi'ah, Demon of Envy (Grave;Cross)

Grave sighed, not entirely confident whether he would believe those assurances. He doubted the woman was necessarily malicious, but with his experience he still expected trouble. Though there was a more pressing issue to deal with first. "Yeah, I don't think keeping her sealed is going to help... She's just going to be even more insufferable later." Cynder sighed. He - or rather, she was now working on slowly getting the hang of moving his limbs, trying to get used to both them as well as the completely different balance this new body had. Suddenly having breasts and hair that easily reached past her ass didn't help much.

"Though if she can't be with me in this body, is there any other... Place she could inhabit? Another body or object?" The catgirl asked. "And I'm sorry for asking so many questions, but... How bad is my condition, exactly? I take it there's been some damage?" It'd be suprising if there were none, she had to admit. After being at ground zero of a big magic blast, there was no way of getting out unscathed.
Re: Ketzi'ah, Demon of Envy (Grave;Cross)

When Grave asked if there'd been some damage, she laughed when she said 'some'.

"Best not worry about that too much. Once you get used to moving that body around, we'll see how you feel after that. But, if you want that noisy little thing freed, I suppose I can accommodate." she nodded. "Given my resources though, I can't say she'll stop complaining." she gave no promise to her happiness. "Come, walk with me." she offered her arm for Grave to support herself on. "Once you start moving around, you'll be on your way."
Re: Ketzi'ah, Demon of Envy (Grave;Cross)

"I don't think she ever stopped complaining..." Grave muttered as she slowly picked herself up, accepting the woman's help. Unfortunately, until she got used to this new body she'd need something - or someone - to steady herself on. With that, Cynder began to walk, letting the woman guide her while she pondered what she heard. Judging by her reaction and dismissal of the topic, the damage was likely considerable at best. The topic of payment was also a little worrying. While the neo-monstergirl would admit she wasn't the most helpful person to have around even before the incident, she couldn't help but worry. Still, there was nothing she could do. With resignation, the girl walked on to where her mother was.
Re: Ketzi'ah, Demon of Envy (Grave;Cross)

Rather than walk with her mother, instead they seemed to walk outside. If Grave was likely confused, her host would announce. "We'll deal with all that when the time comes for it. For now, we'll need to make sure you can walk on two feet." she said, letting Cynder hold onto her arm and follow along the path leading from the front door of the house and into the forest. "In this new form of yours, you'll find some distinct advantages once you realize them." she stated. Grave was able to ask any question she wished as they walked, and her host would answer, before Cynder slowly felt capable enough to walk on their own two feet. As time went on further, Grave felt as if she were becoming lighter and lighter on their feet, as the urge to make a ten foot high leap slowly became greater and greater while the realization of the reality of this feat would possibly amaze her even further.

Slowly, getting used to her new form, Grave was acquiring the amazing dexterity and agility of a cat, to the point where she felt her reaction time quicken and sharpen, her eyes fixing on the movement of leaves precisely, and follow their movements. If he ever cared for such stories as a child, this was tantamount to the feeling of becoming a super hero.

Once Cynder had the feeling of this power growing, her host let the cat girl go freely. "Are you starting to understand? Your potential has increased tenfold now that you are one of us~" she giggled. "Have you ever felt like you were holding your comrades back because you were a human? Imagine just how much more capable and powerful you'll be in this form!"
Re: Ketzi'ah, Demon of Envy (Grave;Cross)

Grave wasn't entirely happy with putting off the release of his mother, but didn't argue. Until she was able to move on her own, she had no choice but to take it easy. Though feeling sluggish didn't stop her from asking one more important question. "By the way... Should I try to avoid using magic for now? I've got some abilities, but little skill in using them, so I've been trying to practice a bit in my free time. I'd like to keep practicing what I can do and maybe learn some new stuff, but I've got no idea whether it's advisable now, on account of what happened." The neo-catgirl asked.

Soon after leaving the building, Cynder found herself getting steady enough on her feet to walk by herself. To her growing amazement, she found that her recovery didn't stop there. Rather, with each step her physical abilities seemed to grow, expanding beyond what she knew was her limit in male form. Though initially she kept holding her urge to jump under control, eventually Cynder couldn't contain it. What started as a series of small skips to test her ability suddenly turned into a couple jumps as her restraint fell, ending with a great leap, far beyond what she believed herself capable of. The graceful landing she performed as her feline agility kicked in was even more astounding, however.

Grave was no stranger to stories of great heroes, their superhuman feats and prowess captivating him in the lonely hours that counted as free time in his youth, particularly as the old man's health broke down. Now that she was no longer a man, the neo-catgirl suddenly realized she found herself in the exact same position as those titans from pages of old tomes that once served as an escape from the world. Exploring her expanded senses, eyes easily tracking the smallest of movements, Cynder found the experience intoxicating. A kind of giddy excitement and anticipation, a desire to feel more of it... And true to the woman's words, a strong dislike forming at the idea of letting it go, the girl realized with a start. This could be troubling, considering some of the people around her.

And yet... What her host said was true, too. Grave hated feeling weak. A feeling that accompanied the half-blood through much of his life, though few occasions made it as apparent as living around monstergirls. Just as Ketzi'ah felt jealousy towards everybody, her sibling in particular, Cynder realized just how much she envied that sort of power, desiring to wield it. Possibly even use it to bring anyone in her way low. A potentially dangerous sentiment, she noted. She'd have to learn to control herself. Maybe. Perhaps induling a bit wouldn't be too harmful? That woman was right, after all. The half-blood felt at times all she did was slow everybody down. She hated that feeling more than anything else.

"This is... Pretty incredible." Grave finally spoke, calming down after a few more tests of her newfound strenght. "I can definitely see what you've been talking about." She turned back to the woman that helped her. "Thank you for this opportunity... I'm sorry, I think I haven't caught your name." She smiled sheepishly. "Or introduced myself. I'm Grave Cynder, though perhaps the others may have mentioned that."
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Re: Ketzi'ah, Demon of Envy (Grave;Cross)

"You may call me Atea." the black haired kimono wearing woman declared. "I see you're enjoying your new form quite well. I hope you've somewhat gotten used to it, because I was hoping you'd take care of a certain visitor who's snooping where they shouldn't." she declared, before their walk would take them before the path of another, as a lightly armored man with short brown hair would be seen slicing his way through the vegetation with a machete, soon to come upon Grave and Atea going on their forest walk.

Seeing the two women, he almost instantly reacted with hostility as Cynder would notice the decorations on his armor seemed to suggest he was a man of the church. "Monsters!" he said with a snarl, pulling out a hand-bow and quickly firing it directly at Grave. Just in that mere instant, she felt her body move with lightning fast speed, her head moving clear out of the way of the bolt that would otherwise have punctured her skull. Soon after that the man was coming at her with machete in hand, swinging at her wildly. His movements, despite her instincts telling her that they were fast and well trained, seemed oddly slow. A downwards swing was easily sidestepped. A horizontal slash was backstepped, and a final thrust was stepped around again, with Cynder's face inches from the man's own despite his reckless assault. This caused the man to retreat in shocked fear, as Grave saw him attempting to weave. "Fuck you, monster!" he cursed.

"This is a good chance as any to practice with your new body. I'm sure you're excited." Atea giggled. "In addition... Your new form will need to... How you say, 'feed' from time to time. I think you know the rest, dear~" she cooed evilly, though her evil seemed directed at the armored Order male.

"Fuck you!" he snarled, before directing his hand at Cynder, his weave almost done in a short time. Not short enough for Grave to react however.
Re: Ketzi'ah, Demon of Envy (Grave;Cross)

Grave followed Atea as she led the catgirl a little bit further. It seemed that the woman had some kind of ability to recognize when an intruder entered her lands and wanted her guest to get rid of him. Cynder had no reason to refuse, after all she did need to test her new body and to get her mother back, something of a favor to ask for. And soon enough, she was facing her opponent - a man, relatively young, short haired and rather good looking, she had to admit. He even managed to gain a bit of her interest... And that last realization briefly distracted the girl, making her miss his initial reaction. She snapped to attention only as she saw the crossbow pointed at her, bolt flying free. And as desperation pushed her into motion, she felt herself instantly accelerate, moving almost too fast for her mind to catch up, leaving her blinking as she processed what happened. 'Did I just dodge a bolt?'

Seeing as Grave was busy processing her newfound ability to avoid crossbow shots, the initiative was left in the hands of the man trying to kill her. Broken out of her reverie by his sudden charge, the girl casually sidestepped the first swing, noting that were she still human the man would actually be a decent match. Maybe even better, if Cynder failed to shake the rust due to lack of regular swordsmanship practice. Stepping out of the range of a horizontal slash that her human self would judge well-executed and her monstergirl self found almost painfully slow, she began to feel a pang of pity and dismay. Dismay because she finally understood how pathetic her combat skills had to look from a monster's perspective, pity because of how horribly unaware of this the other man must have been.

Still, this was a battle. Grave could already feel adrenaline coursing through her body. Her combat instincts had flared up as soon as she dodged the first shot and now she couldn't deny them any longer. She moved forward for the first time, refusing to give any more ground. The man seemed to be getting frustrated with his lack of success too, as he thrusted far, hoping to spear through her during retreat most likely. And giving her an excellent opportunity to turn the tables on him and kill his momentum - a simple sidestep mixed inbetween her strides took her out of harm's way, putting Cynder right in front of the attacker's face, her own features grim as she silently taunted him with her proximity alone, forcing him to step back or end up being pressed against her. And drawing an admittedly amusing reaction from him. Barely amusing, but it still somehow got a smirk out of her.

"Is that a promise?" Grave responded dryly to the man's constant insults as he retreated, briefly pondering the mental image and, to her suprise, failing to be repulsed by it as expected. Instead, she found herself almost... Anticipating it? Atea's brief explanation let her figure out why, making the girl roll her eyes with exasperation. It took merely a moment, but when Cynder refocused on the fight she noted that the man was almost ready to complete his spell. And that meant it was time to go on the offensive. The catgirl settled into a loose stance instantly before bolting forward, the same speed that allowed her to dodge a bolt earlier now used to blitz her foe with a charge he couldn't hope to react to. And as she moved in close, the girl drew her right arm back, finger closing to form a fist, before throwing a lightning-fast punch right in the man's face. This was neither the time or place for fancy tricks - pure power applied as quickly and forcefully as possible would get the job done much more efficiently.
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