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Forum of the Elder Gods (Grave;Cross)

Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"I feel like I've been a man my whole life, and I feel like I just had sex with another man." Roy announced. "I'm not really sure if having a woman's body really helps my mental sanity about that."
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Grave sighed. "Honestly, since I've landed on this island, I've been thinking that sanity is seriously overrated." Between the amorous monster women, the sudden revelation of his heritage, the various misadventures and fights as well as other things he didn't care to recall, the half-blood found his entire view on world shattered into little bits. "Though I didn't think something like that was possible." 'And if my experience is any indication, it's only gonna go downhill from here. Joy.' Cynder rolled to the side, letting himself lay on his back. "So... what now?"
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Roy let out a sigh. "I am not sure, myself... Our only options are the lands of the north... Where we will no doubt become prisoner of a snow spirit, the lands of Zippangu, or... The wilds, as we have been going through. None of those are safe."
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"Hmm..." Grave frowned as he considered each option. None of them sounded even remotely safe, though with demons after his head, he probably had no safe places to hide in anyway. "I don't really like the sound of being a snow spirit's prisoner. I could deal with the wilds, but we can't travel them forever." Cynder mused out loud. "As for Zippangu..." The half-blood paused for a moment. "Well. I don't really know what that place is. Any ideas on what we might encounter over there?"
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"Between the certain capture at the hands of an ice spirit, kind as one may be, the lands of Zippangu... Are unpredictable. There are tales of men who entered those lands, and came back with untold fortune. Other stories of men who vanished for over a dozen years, and were seen again as broken men walking on all fours as a pet to their mistress. We'll be taking a huge gamble by entering such an unpredictable land. And most of the beings of that land are very powerful. A nickname of that land, as I recall, is 'The Gods Playground.' "
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"One is bad, the other's worse..." Grave mused. The wilds were dangerous, but it was a danger he was somewhat familiar with. Ice spirits were kind, apparently, but he couldn't settle on staying in one's care for too long. Zippangu, however, sounded the least hospitable out of all the options. Sure, if he was lucky, perhaps he could find all he wanted and more in that place. On the other hand, with so many powerful beings in one place, he was way out of his league. Cynder did not believe in gods, but if the creatures there were strong enough to be treated as such, then crossing them would be a very bad idea. And he had to keep in mind that Envy was with him. He doubted anyone would take kindly to her presence - except maybe other demons, and that was exactly the kind of company he wanted to avoid. Roy probably wouldn't get treated any better than that, and both Valencia and Club would likely end up and slaves to stronger monsters.

"I don't want to take that gamble unless it's necessary, especially in our current situation. If capture is a certainty, then north is out of the question as well. That would leave the wilds... Question is, is there any place worth going to?" This was one of the half-blood's worries - his immediate objective. He had a bigger goal for the future now, but what should be his next move? Right now, his biggest problem was Envy, so he'd have to look into finding means to do something about her condition, if possible. And he'd have to avoid attention while she was with him, for obvious reasons. He had enough hostility to deal with, he didn't need more. "Roy, have you ever heard of demons becoming human again?" Grave hoped this wasn't unheard of. Otherwise, he could be forced to take his chances in Zippangu, and try to win himself a miracle there.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"No, Grave. That was why I wanted to die, because the succubus curse... Is not something anyone recovers from. It's a permanent life change. For example... I'm going to have to probably get used to having sex with you for a long time now... Either that or someone else." Roy sighed, before a hand went down to her crotch, moaning as she touched her own genitals, which were oozing slightly with Cynder's seed. "Even now I can still feel the hunger... I don't think a demon is ever truly satisfied. There is a true temptation to indulge myself..."

Moving her hand away, she continued to rest. "The wilds hold dangers of their own, Grave. The creatures there at least we'll know are all hostile, but they're not as powerful as those from Zippangu. It's... Sort of like the middle ground between our choices right now."
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Grave closed his eyes, trying not to display his grief and disappointment at the news. Damn the chances of recovery, there had to be something that could be done about Envy's condition! He would find a way. But for now, he'd have to choose a path to follow, and do his best. "I don't want to deal with those ice spirits and being held in captivity... And Zippangu is too much of a risk now. The wilds aren't safe, but it's a danger we're familiar with, at least." Cynder decided. "Hostility is something we can deal with as long as our opponents aren't godlike monsters. Besides, I'm using to traveling in that kind of place." All things considered, this was the best choice in his opinions. They've had enough strenght and power to deal with any obstacles the world could throw at them here, and the land wasn't too unforgiving to travelers. Hardly a safe bet, but none of the options were safe.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"You should tell everyone else. I... Want to take a moment to myself." Roy announced to Grave, before taking a rag, clear that her intentions were to clean herself.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"Alright, I'm going." Grave got up and began to dress himself. He wondered how others would take the news. Club was... Difficult to predict these days. Envy was hurting regardless of circumstances, and Valencia... She really wasn't happy about being forced to journey like that without a rest in town. Still, they didn't have much of an option. Once he was ready, Cynder left the tent and took a look around to see if everyone was present. "Oy, you still awake? Or did you people fall asleep already?" He called out dryly, though there wasn't much humor in his voice. He was too tired, both physically and mentally, to freely joke around. "I've been discussing our options with Roy. We'll be sticking to the wilds for now, unless you want to meet with a snow spirit or visit Zippangu... Which is something I would rather avoid for now."
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"Stick with the wilds, are you joking!?" Valencia complained immediately.

Valencia was sitting as she was before, across from Club by the fire. Envy was standing on a thin tree branch as if with perfect balance, plucking tree leaves off of the tree she had now caused to turn into something corrupt, and braking the shriveled and flimsy branches.

"You're out of your mind, Grave!" she shouted. "I'd rather a comfy, warm home in the middle of a blizzard prison than to continue on like this! We need rest, and food! We could very well end up in a ant hill, bee hive, or arachne den while scavenging desperately for food! It's too dangerous!" she complained.

"Gwave say wilds!" Club stood up angrily. "We go wilds! Club will beat any creature!" she protested against Valencia's complaints.

"I don't want to keep struggling, Grave..." Valencia put her hands to her head in frustration. "Let's just become prisoners to a snow spirit... I'd rather that than to be prisoners of insects or even be the victim of bears... Worse yet, trolls! There are trolls in those woods as well! Some of them have dicks! I don't want to get raped again!"
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Grave sighed as he listened to Valencia's rant. He should have seen that coming from a mile away. The woman had quite a temper and probably wasn't used to living this kind of lifestyle all the time. Or it could be the dangers of the realm getting to her - she always seemed to find herself on the short end of the stick. At the very least, Club supported him. Then again, she'd probably support him even if he said he was going on a nice stroll across Hell. "Valencia." Cynder spoke calmly. "Believe me, I'd like to sit around in a comfy, warm home as well. Gods know I've had few chances to afford such luxury. But I don't want to become a prisoner, or put my life in the hands of a possibly whimsical creature. I am not so certain about the spirit's hospitality, and sooner or later we would have to leave." Besides, their potential host could dislike their presence due to Envy's company. The half-blood didn't say that out loud, though. "North isn't a safe place anyway. Sure, the wilds aren't safe either, but it's a danger we can deal with. The monsters here are not as powerful as those in other areas."
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"And you think we'll be free out in the woods, the place we ran away from!?" Valencia exclaimed. "We're going to the north!" Valencia demanded.

"Valencia, please calm down." Roy announced, stepping out of the tent, fully dressed in all she had to wear, including the skirt and heels. "Yes, we're still not safe in the woods, and Grave may have bias towards his choice, but we don't have any good options. At the very least, Grave is comfortable with this choice."

"And I'm comfortable with being in a prison with warm food and comfy beds!" Valencia shouted back. "Are you two out of your minds!? To continue like this...!" Valencia held her head in furious irritation.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

'Oh for the love of all things dark and unholy...' Grave pinched the bridge of his nose. This was way harder than he anticipated. Valencia's stubborn resistance was starting to anger him, and took him a moment to identify exactly which part was so irritating. "To continue like this is not something I like. The only reason why I've picked this option is because I believe it's the least horrible one." Cynder replied to the woman's rant. "For all it's luxuries, a prison is still a prison - something I will not walk into, not willingly at least. And the last possibility available is so bad it's not even funny. But that does not mean I like the idea of prowling around in the wilds either." The half-blood moved closer to the fire, sitting down in the spot he occupied previously.

"Want to know how I've learned to fend for myself? Got chased out of home by an angry mob. This scenario actually repeated itself a few times, even. Had real fun learning shit the hard way, and it's a damn good thing I've had some preparation beforehand. So I am rather sick of the wilds myself. Still, this is the better option, in my honest opinion. And consider this - what would happen if for some reason, we WOULDN'T end up prisoners to a spirit? I know enough about traveling in winter to tell you that this is an unacceptable risk." Grave raised his right hand, palm pointing upwards while he glared at the fire. It was a sight that was becoming rather common these days - Cynder really wanted to learn how to make fireballs and master them, and was putting all of his focus into summoning an orb of real flame, packing all the power he could comfortably control into his attempts at this particular spell. "At the very least, we won't be strolling into stomping grounds of beings far more powerful than we."
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"And end up in some arachne's web again. Truly a wonderful plan." Valencia complained, before shaking her head, and crawling over to her sleeping bag. "I'm going to sleep." she announced.

Meanwhile, Club, now that Cynder was in his original spot, got in her spot too, sitting in his lap. "Don't worry Gwave! Club will protect you from nasty bugs!" she promised.

"Arachne will likely be only one of our troubles in those wilds." Roy said.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

"Yeah, I know." Grave sighed. Hell only knew what kind of monsters they'd come across during their travels, and that's not counting the usual dangers. Wild animals. Lack of food. Hostile people (less likely than the rest, but there was always a chance of encountering bandits or some travelers that may not like the group). And that certainly did not exhaust the list. With a sigh, Cynder dispelled the flame he was working on (not really in the mood to keep practicing, and he managed to figure out a neat trick for spraying fire anyway), settling on doing what he did before - sitting in one place with Club on his lap. "You know, I'm kinda starting to miss those days when prolonged survival outdoors was my only concern. I just hope that this clusterfuck is going to be worth it." He glanced at Roy. "Want to get some shuteye? I think I'll stay up for a while, keep the fire running and whatnot."
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Roy shook her head as Club bounced happily in Grave's lap, her butt happening to bounce on his crotch, perhaps unknown to her, or perhaps not. "I've found myself unable to sleep, ever since becoming... This." Roy directed a hand to herself. "The same seems to have been for Envy. Demons don't seem to sleep, unless it's to hibernate to use as little energy as possible." Roy revealed. "I suppose I will keep watch with Envy until morning... You and Club should enjoy each other's company."

"Club hasn't had sex with Gwave for a while! And now Club is jealous!" the goblin said while looking up at him. "You wuv me most, right Gwave?" she asked with a smile. Meanwhile, Envy seemed to be glancing in his direction as well, as if remotely interested.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Now, Grave would be first to assure that he was not the sharpest tool in the shed. But despite Club's distracting actions, the suprising revelation made by Roy ('Does this apply to other highly magical creatures as well, or is it a unique ability? Is high level of ability required, or just the ability to subsist on energy? Side effect of the curse?') and the half-blood's own social ineptitude, he quickly managed to realize that the question was, in fact, a very loaded one. Envy's obvious interest wasn't helping at all. Now, how to reply in a way that wouldn't leave either one hurt?

"Club, you're the first girl I've met who showed me so much love." Cynder began. So far, so good - he didn't even have to lie. "You're irreplacable to me. There are other people like that, too. Envy is the only sister I have, for example, and I love her dearly as a brother. You, however, hold a special place as the first girl I could love and be loved back by. That's something no one can take from you, and why I love you as much as I can."

Perhaps a bit corny and overblown, but not false. Over time, Grave found out that he was suprisingly fond of the little girl. "Fond of" was actually too weak to properly convey his feelings. Just as he could not stand the thought of parting with his only living relative, he did not accept the possibility of losing Club as well. It took a while, but now that he truly felt he had someone again, Cynder was determined to never let them go.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

Grave seemed to chose his words wisely. Both girls were blushing, and seemed happy with what they heard. Though Envy was a little less pleased, scowling a bit despite her blush.

Meanwhile, Club smiled a goofy, wide smile, "Club doesn't understand what you said but Club likes it!" the mentally thick little goblin announced, before taking a wet rag from a bowl of water. "Club got this water to clean Gwave with when he was dirtied by the girl-man." she gestured at Roy, the girl-man. "Club will clean you, and then, Club will dirty you again~!" Club announced with an intent filled grin. "It's been a while, right Gwave....?" Club asked, leaning in close, her eyes half closed as her hands rested on Cynder's knees to support her as she brought her face close to his. "Club wants to... Do it again~" the goblin giggled with lecherous intent.

As if in response, a shifting of tree branches was heard, before Envy was gone. Her dark presence didn't go far, but she went far enough from the scene to not be witness to it.
Re: Where now, Prince? (Grave)

'Yeah, not suprised this was a wee bit tough for you to understand.' Grave chose not to comment on Club's reply, even if it did prove that her intelligence wasn't anything to write home about. It seemed that he managed to satisfy Envy as well, though not completely. Oh well, he wasn't perfect - at least a potential crisis has been averted. And now he had a horny little goblin on his hands. Not very suprising either. Cynder had to admit that it had been a while - actually, he was suprised that Club didn't try anything sooner, considering what kind of disposition she had. "Yeah, it really has been a while." And it seemed that with Envy's departure, they would have enough privacy as well. However, the half-blood decided that he wouldn't let the girl lead so easily like during the first time. "Which reminds me... Has Club cleaned herself already?" He asked with a smirk. "Maybe I should help you clean up?"