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Forum of the Elder Gods (Grave;Cross)

Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Club snorted with amusement, "A human like you can't go anywhere without someone claiming you and raping you! All you need to do is become Club's slave! And then the other monsters will leave you alone, or else they'd have to mess with Club!" she told him with a confident smile.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave tried to suppress laughter - altough the way Club said that he should be her slave was quite funny to him, he knew that laughing at her was a bad idea, given her strenght. It was best not to resist - just find a way to make himself comfortable in the current situation, and let others do the job. Anyway, Grave managed not to laugh, but he had to pay a small price for that - he nearly choked and spent a while coughing before he could respond. "Perhaps... Anyway, do you have any idea where should we go, my fearless master?" The question was spoken with a small hint of sarcasm - subtle enough to be heard only if one was closely paying attention to the conversation. Cynder had to admit to himself that Club hadn't answered any of his questions so far... And that was beginning to annoy him. 'What does it take to make her talk? I swear... I've met bandits more cooperative than her...'
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Club, still sitting on the floor, slowly got to her feet, before pounding her fists viciously. "We've gotta find those demons, and then crush them!" she announced, before adding in a small moment of embarrassment, "... I don't know where they went..." Club sighed, and shrugged with what seemed like sadness. Club reached up with her hand to scratch her head, apparently thinking of what she should do.

Then, she raised her head slowly, although there was still a frown, "Sometimes, there would be this bird girl with black feathers, no other bird girl was like her. She and Beatrice would talk, all the time... But, she doesn't live here, so she probably might be able to help us..." she said with not as much cheer as the statement would normally have associated with it, before adding, "But, I don't know where that is either..."

And following that, the thing going through everyone's minds was, 'If only we had a map that might be able to point us in the right direction...'
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave's eyebrows raised as he listened to Club. The part about the unusual bird girl interested him. Perhaps he'd learn something interesting at last... However, even though Club's idea of bashing the demons was quite laughable, she was right about one thing - finding the bird girl was going to be a problem. "Bashing demons is fun and all, but I suppose that bringing more people with us would help. You should share the fun with others, right?" This time, Grave put some more sarcasm into the sentence before becoming serious. "As for finding our little bird... That person, Beatrice, wouldn't happen to be the chief here? I've found this map while searching the village for clues." Cynder searched in his pack for a moment before pulling out the map and showing it to Club. "And by the way, do you know what's this?" He pointed at the village to the North of Waymeet - the one in the mountains.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Club twisted her lips, and looked over the map for a moment longer than a natural native should have, before chuckling a little, and slamming her finger down on the spot of the map he indicated, which shook the floor a little from her force. "Club knows what that is!" she announced, looking up at Grave with a toothy grin, "That's the Great Hallow! Where the Lizard people are! Club always used to play pranks on them!" she said with an amused chuckle.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave nodded. His attention seemed to be focused on the map, but he was fully aware of what Club was doing. As usual, he quickly began to draw conclusions from the information he had learned. Lizard people - reptiles. Probably humanoid. There was a possibility that they were physically superior to humans - in fact, all of the creatures Cynder saw so far were superior to humans in one way or another. It seemed that there was some distance between Waymeet and Great Hallow, which supported one theory about Club's home. If she used to play pranks on the lizards, then she probably lived a bit closer to them. As for the amount of time she spent staring at the map, Cynder disregarded that - he slowly learned not to expect much of Club when it came to thinking. Still, it seemed that the little creature didn't consider the natives living in Great Hallow her enemies, there was a chance that they wouldn't consider Club a threat either. Perhaps that place could be a safe haven in the middle of this chaotic island. "Well, good... Perhaps we ought to pay them a visit in the future... But first, let's try to find answers to some other, more important questions. Any idea where this bird girl might live? And by the way... Where exactly do you live?" Grave looked at Club. Now, when he was finally getting some useful information about the island out of her, his mood was beginning to improve slightly.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Club pressed her finger down on the map where there appeared to be some kind of special marking Grave could not identify, given how it was written in a language he did not understand. "That's where she is! I know, because I tried stealing some of the neat stuff she's got in there!" she told him, "... Before the stupid bird caught me, and made me clean..." she added with a grimace. Then, she pointed at a location not far from the village they were in, tapping her finger on a symbol marked as a lone tent, "That's Club's village. But Club can't go back now, not until Club has smashed the stupid bat ladies, and saved everyone!" she announced with pride, and vengeance in her tone.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave nodded. A faint smile appeared on his face. He was learning more, and he liked that. Even solving the mystery of the strange mark pleased him a bit. Of course, judging by Club's information, there was a possibility that the bird girl would not welcome him eagerly - rather, she would throw something at him, considering that he wasn't from the island and tagged along with the little thief. Still, there was a glimpse of hope - apparently, the bird girl (whatever she was), had a sense of humor and was most likely reasonable - or at least, didn't dish out severe punishment without a reason. Cynder also made a mental note to convince Club to change her plans later - the girl wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, and that could be a bit of a problem. Actually, her last idea was plainly suicidal in his opinion. Still, if going to Club's village wasn't an option, they should go somewhere else where they might get help. In the meantime, perhaps Grave would manage to find a way to change Club's mind...

"Looks to me that we might need some help with doing that. I'd suggest visiting the bird lady first. I don't mind being in a clean place at all, and she might know a way to help the captured people."
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Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Club pounded her fists together, and produced a wide smile, standing as tall as she could manage with her tiny body with pride. "Good idea, Guy!" she announced, calling Grave a 'guy', mostly since she was not familiar with his name. "The bird lady will tell us where the bat brains are! Beatrice always talked about how really smart she was, so she's gotta know where they took everyone!" she said with resolution.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

"The name's Grave." Cynder picked up the map. "I suppose you should lead, I don't know the island too well... I've arrived yesterday, actually. My ship was destroyed, and I drifted here." He checked the things he looted once again, to see if he got everything. He intended to depart now, and with Club's aid, reach the mysterious bird girl. Perhaps he'd learn something interesting from her... "Well then... Shall we go, fearless leader?"
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave wasn't really allowed to say more than his name, before Club pounded her fist into her palm again, "Alright, Gwave!" she said loudly, pronouncing Grave's name like, 'Guh-wave'. Whether she did it on purpose or not, was hard to tell. The next thing, Club suddenly turned about, and leaped at the closed, wooden window. The window itself was mostly a latch that one would push up, and hold up with a length of wood to let fresh air in. And as the little goblin leaped at the window, she drew back her fist, and launched it forward, pounding another hole in the wall, allowing her exit as she flew out of the side of the building.

Cynder felt a rush of air come in from the hole Club just recently made, and a moment longer, he heard her shouting at him from below, "Hurry up, Gwave!" she told him.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave sighed and stared at the large hole in the wall. He half-expected something like this to happen sooner or later. Cynder had to admit that Club's sheer power and simple-mindedness was quite fascinating, altough perhaps introducing her to the concept of doors would same both of them some trouble later. He put the map in his bag and quickly left the building using the closest way that didn't involve doing any risky stunts (like the front door), then joined Club. "Nice job up there... Well then, shall we go?"
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

After going down the way he came, and finding Club waiting impatiently for him, Club laughed at his comment on what she did, snorting a little at the end of her cackling, "That's nothin', Gwave hasn't seen what Club can REALLY do!" she claimed. And after a moment, it seemed like Club was taking an interest with something about Cynder's face. Her head cocked to the side as she examined him with strange interest, "Hey, what's with your eyes?" she suddenly asked, before giggling with a humorous tone, "They look funny!"
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave sighed. Some part of him was so used to the question, that he actually expected it. "They're always like that. Since I was born, I've always had those eyes... I don't know why." His eyebrows raised as Club giggled. Laughter was a reaction his sight rarely provoked. A half-smile appeared on his face, though Grave couldn't really tell why. "Well, I guess they work fine, even if they look weird, so I shouldn't complain..." Cynder did a little stretch. "Shall we move on?"
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Club nodded quickly, a wide smile stretching across her face, "Yeah! Let's go! Follow me, Gwave!" she shouted, before suddenly darting off in the wrong direction, back towards the beach. And without Grave having to say anything, she suddenly stopped, looking confused for a moment, before she turned around, and began running at top speed in the other direction. "It's this way!" she announced, laughing a little at herself for her mistake of direction.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave began to run as well, trying to keep up with Club. He couldn't help but worry a little about himself - after that little mistake, he found it a bit hard to trust Club's sense of direction. Cynder hoped that she was at least able to correct herself properly, because at this speed, reading the map would be impossible. He also hoped that Club wouldn't leave him behind if his endurance proved to be insufficient. And most importantly, he hoped that he made the right choice. The things he saw in Waymeet suggested that this island was truly a dangerous place. Grave had to tread carefully, until he found a way to fight against all forces that could target him.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

After about an hour of going through the forest at a very unwise quick pace, and after Club made so many turns and changes of direction, that Grave quickly became lost, without any real clue as to the way back to town, eventually, when came the question as to where, exactly they were, in contrast to where they should be going, Club announced, "We're not lost!" very loudly, as if a higher tone of voice would help get her point across.

She put her hands on her hips, looking at the sky, and the trees around her, "We just don't know where we are, that's all." she said simply, while looking almost just as lost as Cynder's sense of direction felt.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave sighed and raised his left hand. He rubbed his forehead a bit as he waited for his breath to return to a somewhat slower, acceptable frequency, then reached into his bag and pulled out the map. Cynder's plan was simple - find some sort of a characteristic point (actually, two or three of them, just to be sure) within his range of sight. Then, he'd check if they were marked on the map, and attempt to estimate his location. The calculation wouldn't be precise, given the circumstances - a rough estimate was probably the best Grave would hope for, but it was still better than relying on Club's nonexistent sense of direction.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Club turned to Grave when she heard him reaching for his map, and immediately came walking towards him, quickly reaching out a hand. And as he held the map, opening it to examine it, he suddenly found a leaping Club, jumping through the air, quickly snatching it from his hands. Once she landed, she quickly went to looking at the map herself, while giving congratulations to Cynder, "Great thinking, Gwave!" she told him, "Now I'll have us out of here in no time!"

She took several looks at the map, walking to and fro, shifting, and twisting her head at it. She looked like she didn't know what she was looking at, not even a little, while putting on a performance, trying to look like she knew what she was doing. This charade went on, before Club suddenly pointed somewhere, shouting, "It's that way!" She went at a walk, while lifting up the map, not going little more than ten steps, before she stopped in her tracks. "Wait..." she said aloud, lifting her nose from the map to look around her, once again, seeming lost and confused.

"Or... Is it that way?" she said, pointing in the opposite direction.

And while the frustration likely only continued to build in his mind, following Club a little ways for whatever reason, if to follow her, to speak to her, or to retrieve the map, Grave suddenly, given his height, just barely saw over the trees, the sight of a large, fat, tall tower, with many Gothic styled, stained windows assorted along the whole of the architecture. Most of the art on the windows could not be made out from how far away he was, however Cynder would likely assume that to be the tower of which the map indicated... Which was their destination.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave sighed as he watched Club struggle weakly with the map. He made a note to always lead in the future. This could be problematic, though - Club's strong instinct to lead was something the girl wouldn't be able to suppress easily, given her character. Anyway, her tendency to leap before looking and attempts at hiding her incompetence through acting made her look like a child - and Cynder had a growing feeling that he'd rather die than allow someone like that to lead any longer. Hell, perhaps he would die. "Uh... Club. That girl lives in a tower, right? In that case, it's this way." Grave pointed towards the tower he saw over the trees. "I can see it over the trees."