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Forum of the Elder Gods (Grave;Cross)

Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Well, there is the ocean, although the salt feels bad, but nearby there's also the... Nillien giggles, Fun place. She finishes with a suggestive smile.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave shook his head. On one hand, he felt that he had enough fun today, especially since he had little sleep last night. On the other hand, going to the ocean meant that he could encounter those tentacle freaks again. Also, Nillien seemed to favor the idea of visiting that fun place, whatever it might be. Staying on the Alraune's good side was recommended...

"Eh, going back to the ocean is a waste of time. Lead the way, Nillien. And if you could describe that fun place while moving, I'd be really grateful."
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

It's a warm pool not far off where people have fun alot. I can't stay there all the time, though, because the Honeybees will find me if I do. Still, we can have fun there for a while. Nillien says happily as she starts to move off in the direction of the 'fun place'. And upon arriving, following Nillien's opening of her petals, Grave was greeted with the feeling of steam entering his nostrils, and a wash of warmth along his bare skin, while his eyes picked up on a very pleasing sight; a rather large body of water, which looked to be a hot spring. What was more, there were others here as well, of many more species than the alarune that brought him here, ranging from a spider woman, who had the upperbody of a woman, going down to her private parts, and the lower body of a spider, to even an elf and a reptilian looking woman, who had odd looking fins where her ears should be, both looking the most human out of the rest of the monster women present. While, the credit of most human, asides from Cynder himself, goes to the actual humans present in the spring, both male and female alike, being either molested, or simply flirted with by the monster inhabitants of the water...
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Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave wanted to get into the water fast, but he disliked crowds... And this place was, in fact, quite crowded. Then again, a nice bath was something he needed... And it seemed that there was enough place for everyone to fit. The "action" going around him was something he just had to put up with. "Well... Looks nice." A slight hint of irony appeared in his voice. "Anyway... I think I'll give my clothes a quick wash, if you don't mind... Oh, and how long do you want to stay here?" Cynder got out of the flower, blushing slightly. He didn't enjoy being naked in public. He picked up his clothes, then began to look for a spot to clean them.
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Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

It wasn't quite as crowded as Grave had thought upon his first glance, and finding a decent spot, a good distance away from others was as easy as simply walking up to the spring, without having to go around to find a suitable position to submerge himself, and clean his favorite clothes.

Moaning slightly, Nillien sways about as she looks at Grave, acting like what might be percieved as either a flower swaying in the wind, or quite simply, a happy plant. A while, leave before nighttime. She says in response to his question, her tone a lust riddled dreamlike voice.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave sighed. He couldn't help but notice the change in Nillien's behaviour. He had a feeling that she was preparing for more "fun". Keeping her satisfied would certainly be an exhausting task... Cynder shook his head and got into the spring, bringing his clothes in. The warm water quickly made him feel better. Grave started to clean his clothes, making sure to wash every spot. Quickly, he began to hum as he worked - a sing that he was getting into a good mood. After finishing, Grave put the clothes somewhere where they could dry without getting dirty again - or at least, without getting comparatively dirty. Afterwards, he submerged himself up to the neck, relaxing and savoring the sensation. He lazily watched the other people - and creatures - in the spring, making mental notes about their behaviour and appearance. Soon, however, he felt an urge to take a nap...

"Ah, what the Hell... There's still time before dusk comes... Might as well get some sleep after this."
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

While Nillien sways happily back and forth like a plant blowing softly in the wind, she still makes it obvious to some degree, even if she didn't know it, that she had ownership over Grave, while keeping a certain degree of proximity to him, in order to discourage any horny monsters looking for a good time. And while he rested in the waters, his already tired body became worn, and nearly limp. Rest would be his body's only wish. To lay on a soft bed, and drift off into the oblivion of sleep was highly tempting...
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave looked up. He was very tired now, and wanted to have at least a small nap... In fact, he was sure that he'd fall asleep anyway quite soon. He leaned against the bank of the spring, letting the warm water cover his body at least partially. After making sure that he wasn't going to slip into the water too easily, Grave relaxed and closed his eyes. After a while, he fell asleep, resting after a rough day.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Depending on just how much of a light sleeper Grave was, he might or might not feel very familiar tendrils gently wrapping around his body, and slowly taking him out of the hot, relaxing water, lifting him into the air, and slowly taking him into Nillien's large flower bud. The petals closed once he was inside, sealing them inside the protection of the flower as the flower girl laid him down perfectly flat inside the flower, the soft bottom, and warm honey making it strangely one of the most comfortable beds he'd likely ever slept in.

Provided he gave no complaint if he woke up, or if he was never disturbed at all during his sleep, he'd likely find sleeping with the alarune a very tempting idea...
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave's sleep was disturbed by Nillien a bit, but he was merely half-awake when she put him inside the flower. The comfortable space within the plant was indeed a great bed, and Cynder quickly feel asleep again - this time, for good. It was not a nap like the one in water. If Nillien wanted to wake him up, she'd have to put quite a lot of effort into this... And if left undisturbed, he'd remain in this state for about 8 hours at least.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

After some time, which Grave might consider a slightly restless sleep, he was about to find out why his sleep was so bothered. When, come morning, just as the sky was turning a bright shade of blue, he felt his cock being stimulated, the feeling of a nice, warm, soft mouth taking his shaft inside it. A look down revealed none other than Nillien, who must have taken it upon herself to 'feed' on him during his sleep, using the typical male's, 'wet dream' to extract more of his semen.

She didn't seem to notice him awake, likely a sign that she'd been sucking him off for quite some time. Not to mention, she looked very healthy to, as if she'd gotten brighter in color. For some reason, semen seems to work very much like nourishment to a plantwoman like her... Although the reason for that will likely never be known to Cynder.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave had experienced many different ways of waking people up, but this one was suprising. Fortunately for Nillien, he was always slow after waking up, so he couldn't stop her. Cynder was aware of that, and decided that there was no point in rushing. "Geh... Don't tell me you kept doing that the whole night..." He raised his upper body, supporting himself on his elbows. Grave was feeling quite refreshed after the long sleep. He was, however, quite hungry as well... And perhaps a trip to a toilet... Or any local equivalent. Cynder did notice the change in Nillien's appearance, but for now he decided to take care of his own needs. "Oh, and I hope you didn't get rid of my clothes."
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Pulling back and smiling slightly before swallowing the cum in her mouth, Nillien giggles, I don't need sleep. For your clothes, though, I don't know what happened to them. I just brought you in here so others wouldn't take my cock while you were resting. She finishes, still claiming Grave's cock as hers.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave sighed and pulled himself up into a sitting position. "I see... Anyway, good morning." He stretched himself a bit, then yawned, covering his mouth with his right hand. Cynder had to admit that Nillien's flower was a very comfortable bed - he wasn't feeling sore at all. But for now, he really wanted to get out and go for a small walk. "If you don't mind... I'd like to go for a small walk. Or at least take a look outside."
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Fine... Nillien says, not wanting to let the man go. Deciding to take the easier option, she merely lowers one of her petals so that grave can look out of her flower. And when she did, he did in fact see that his clothes were quite untouched, and relatively clean...
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave got up and moved towards the "window" Nillien made to take a better look outside. The fact that his clothes were still there pleased him. Now that he was thinking clearly again, he decided that he didn't like the way Alraune thought about his posessions... He'd have to change that. Cynder looked out to check the surroundings. "You know, if we're going to move... Do you mind if I walk beside you? My legs are getting stiff, and I prefer to walk while thinking." Grave stretched again, scratching the back of his head. "And there are some things I have to think about." He seemed to be quite serious as he said that. In fact, Cynder was sure it was time to evaluate some things...
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

The white alarune pursed her lips, and lowered her head, while giving him the most innocent, and pathetic look that she could muster, in a rather obvious attempt to make Grave feel guilty. However, her petals did lower, so should he decide that her attempt at a guilt trip would not work, he may leave the flower to go gather his favorite black clothes.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave wasn't paying much attention to the Alraune, so her attempt at inducing a guilt trip wasn't very effective. He got out of the flower and dressed himself quickly, then looked at Nillien and her sad face. At this point, he felt a bit... Bad. Well, almost - he wasn't the kind of person that cared a lot about the feelings of others. Besides, he felt that if he let her play with him later, her mood would improve. What mattered now was making sure that she understands the fact that he wanted some freedom as well. Grave shook his head, clearing it of thoughts, then stretched a little. "So... What's the next place you want to visit?" It seemed that the familiar feeling of wearing something again improved his mood.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Nillien lets out a sigh as her attempt to guilt Grave does not succeed. However, after looking around, something seemed to immediately start bothering her. Her tone looked alarmed, and her eyes wondered the trees as if searching for whatever was troubling her. Her usual happy, care-free expression left her, and was replaced with a serious expression. I... There is a town not far from here. she told him. And based on her expression, it likely wouldn't be a casual trip.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave's mood also changed. Whatever alarmed Nillien must have been no small deal - someone so carefree wouldn't be bothered unless something big happened. But what could that be? Was it because of him? Or did she sense something he couldn't? Both theories could be true, but Cynder assumed it's the latter. And most likely, this town had to play an important role in this. Perhaps she wanted to take him there, so he could help her deal with the inhabitants? Grave shook his head. Whatever was going on, he felt that he had to discover the truth. Determination flashed in his eyes for a moment, as his pupils turned into thin ellipses in the morning light (I do hope that you remember about his special traits, Raptor). "Perhaps I'm oversensitive, but something bad happened, right? Something that has to do with the town?"