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Forum of the Elder Gods (Grave;Cross)

Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Drawing off of Grave's cock with a wet pop, she makes a quick response of 'Nillien' before taking his cock back into her mouth again. This time, now that his cock is hard, she starts bobbing up and down the shaft, forcing it into her throat for a few swallows that causing a milking sensation before withdrawing until only the tip is in her mouth before repeating the process.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave decided to stop talking for now and let Nillien do what she wants. He assumed that this would satisfy her, putting her in a better mood and helping with the future conversation. Altough thinking in such a position, with a plant girl sucking on his penis, was hard for Cynder, he was beginning to feel better now. He blushed a bit when Nillien began took him deep inside - a subconscious reaction. He had to admit, though, that she was incredible. Soon, he felt an orgasm beginning to slowly build up...
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Nillien begins to hum happily around Grave's cock as she plunges into into her mouth and throat before withdrawing it, letting the vibrations flutter through her and into the sensitive shaft. Her tongue would slowly circle the shaft, licking around the tip and hole to gather precum each time Nillien drew back for a short time. As she feels Cynder nearing his limits, however, she quickly begins to speed up, trying to force the cock deeper into her throat.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave shuddered when Nillien began to hum - he certainly wasn't expecting something like this to happen, but it felt so damn good... The plant girl certainly was an expert at this. She used her tongue like a master, dramatically increasing Cynder's pleasure. The man began to think that perhaps a stable relationship wouldn't be a bad idea... Of course, he wasn't intending to surrender his freedom to Nillien, but providing her with food would be a really nice activity. This train of thought was interrupted by two things: first, Grave was close to another orgasm and second, the plant woman began to deepthroat him with greater force than before. As he tried not to moan in front of someone he just met (his face was gradually turning red), he couldn't help but shake his hips a little in response. Cynder placed his hands on the back of Nillien's head, helping her push his cock deeper into her throat. After a short while, Grave could no longer hold back - he moaned as he thrusted his penis deep into the girl's mouth, holding her head down and releasing his sperm inside. As he began to relax afterwards, savoring the sensation, one thought popped into his head through the haze.

'Damn... I really lack self-control... And experience.'
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Nillien swallows his cum before smiling happily. Moving up to drape her breasts against Grave's chest. So, if I feed you some of my nectar will you stay longer? She asks playfully.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave was still blushing - Nillien could probably notice that he wasn't used to physical contact at all. After a moment or two, though, Cynder managed to relax completely. He didn't answer, though. He was thinking about the plant woman's offer, misinterpreting her question a little. On one hand, this nectar could be a good food source, and the flower could be a nice shelter. However, a part of him didn't want to stay. Grave knew that part - it was like a worm eating it's way through his mind, the only thing that made him go forward and seek something he couldn't understand. This frustrated the young man a lot - he knew he had a goal in life, but he had no idea what kind of goal it was. The only thing that was certain was that empty feeling he was trying to fill... Grave shook his head, the focused his attention on Nillien. He felt that he needed a comrade, and she could be a good one - the question is, could she move? She said that Honeybees are always after her nectar, so she probably had to move from time to time. And Cynder couldn't help but feel that he didn't want to abandon her.

"You can move, right? I, uh... I want to explore this place, but I doubt I can do much alone. And I would mind spending some time with you, I guess. Or at least I'd like to visit you from time to time."
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

So you'll stay with me for a while then as long as I carry you with me? Nillien says with hope in her voice, It's hard for me to find men with the Honeybees constantly chasing me for my nectar. They may even chase me more than other alraunes because of my unusual coloring. said the very white skinned Nillien.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave's eyebrows raised a bit in suprise - apparently, there were other plant girls like Nillien, and they were called Alraunes. Also, Cynder learned that his partner was an unusual Alraune. The man began to think that perhaps coming to this island was a good idea. In his mind, he pictured Nillien as an individualist like himself, having to deal with hardships because of her appearance. Grave began to feel some sympathy towards her, and a half-smile appeared on his face. "Yeah, I'll stay. You don't have to carry me all the time, though. I've got legs, after all, and a little stroll won't hurt."
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Yay! Nillien cries out as she hugs Grave and nuzzles her face against his neck. Don't worry about food and water, I know humans can live off my nectar! She says with a happy smile as she holds her new found companion.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave wasn't ready to accept such an outburst of hapiness, but he returned the hug after a second or two. "That's convenient. Still, you're a really interesting person... I've traveled for a few years, but I've never seen someone like you. Is this island full of..." Grave paused to think of a suitable word. His problem with conversations was that he didn't talk with other people often, and sometimes he had trouble voicing things he wanted to say. "...Girls who aren't entirely human?"
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Humans aren't actually that common here compared to other races, and a good portion of the other races need a male's seed for food. The rest tend to like that sort of fun as well. Nillien responds, letting a hand trail down to slide a few fingers across Grave's cock to emphasize just which type of fun she meant.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

The conversation certainly didn't stop Grave from blushing, expecially when it turned towards sex. "This is... Huh. This is hard to believe, but on the other hand, I think I've experienced enough to believe... This island really makes me curious. I would really like to know why this island is like this..." Cynder seemed to daydream for a moment, before returning to reality. "Among the other races, there are some dangerous ones, right?"
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Well, there are some who take your soul instead, but they're mostly either demons or flat-chested. Nillien answers, her hand continuing to play with Grave's cock, gently stroking it and rubbing the tip on the off chance he'll get hard again.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave sighed. "That... Sounded really reassuring..." The sentence was heavy with sarcasm. He looked at Nillien's hand - the one she used to play with his cock, then at the nectar. "You know... I'm kinda hungry, so I'm not sure if I can find any strenght at the moment..."
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Ok! Nillien smiles brightly before getting up and turning around so that she can bend over to scoop some nectar into her hands, her ass shaking seductively in the air in front of Grave's face as she does so. Straightening back up, she turns back around and holds her hands to Cynder's lips. Here, drink this.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

This time, Grave accepted the offer and drank the nectar. It reminded him of an interesting thing he ate a long time ago - a kind of sweets called "candy". The taste was similiar - sweet, and kinda like syrup. The liquid was filling - Cynder's stomach stopped complaining, altough Grave was beginning to feel some kind of heat in his body after consuming it. His cock also slowly began to return to it's full size. It took Grave a moment to recall one of the traits of the nectar he figured out earlier.

'Well, daaaaaamn... Looks like I'll be really busy in the future...'

"You didn't make that offer without counting on the side effect, right?"
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Nillien simply smiles before lowering her face to Graves cock and rubbing her cheek against it as if hugging the stiff member. Looking up at Cynder she then turns and kisses the tip before giving it a few tender licks to see how he would react.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave suppressed a moan, but it was obvious he was getting quite sensitive. His member quickly reached it's full size as Nillien licked it. Cynder's breath became heavier. He wanted to resume having sex with the plant girl, and even though he stayed silent, the intent was written all over his face.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Deciding to start back on the main course, Nillien slides her body back up Graves, letting her hard nipples glide in a pair of lines up the man's chest. Once her face is level with his, she kisses him gently before lowering her ass down onto his cock. This what you're wanting? She asks in a husky whisper into Cynder's ear.
Re: Sole Survivor (Grave)

Grave raised his hands, putting them on each side of Nillien's hips. "Y-yeah..." He leaned forward a bit and gave the alraune a kiss on the neck as he began to adjust himself under the girl, preparing to enter her.