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Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

"Uhhh.... Yeah, I'm okay!" he replied, and then he laughed nervously. Siddling closer to Setia, his hands began to roam over her sides and belly even as he said; "Heh... Heh... Don't worry about me, I'm fine! Why don't you... Just... Come a little closer.... And sit in my lap!"
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia moans softly as her sides were stroked. She heard no harm in the words spoken by her lover, "Um... Okay..."

Setia scoots over and sits in Gavin's lap.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

"Heh... That's right... Just relax!" Gavin said somewhat nervously as Setia climbed into his lap. When she settled there, Setia felt something hard and pointy in Gavin's pants, and the young human began to get a little more adventurous in his rubbings, his hands going higher and lower than they had before as he caressed her skin.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia blushes she feels Gavin's trousers tent up beneath her. She starts to pant softly, feeling slightly arroused by Gavin's rubbings, "A..Are y-you sure you're okay...?"
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

"What? Uhhh... Yeah!" Gavin said softly as his rubbings became increasingly more adventurous. The young human's hands began to glide down her belly, and shortly thereafter they reached her crotch. "Yeah... I'm, uhh... Totally fine... Is it... Getting hot in here?" Gavin continued, and his fingers began to caress her flower through her clothes.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia pants and moans as she was stroked and caressed by Gavin. She then blushes upon realizing that Gavin was probably under the influence of her pheremones.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

Setia's moans set Gavin off, as he abandoned all pretense and slipped a hand into her underclothes, his fingers running over her nether lips and panting in her ear, his member rubbing against her through the thin barrier of their clothes. His other hand began to work on removing her top, attempting to pull it up and off of her completely.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia mns lewdly as the strip of tattered cloth wrapped around her chest was stripped off her and Gavin started having his way with her. There was nothing she could do, as her pheremones took over. She could only hope that with continuous exposure, that Gavin would become immune to her peremones.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

Gavin only spent a cursory few moments rubbing Setia's chest once it was freed of its bindings. He had his own concerns, and playing with her didn't seem to be one of them as he awkwardly opened up the front of his pants, his member coming out to rub up against her bottom. If left unstopped, Gavin pulled Setia out of her bottoms as well, but only far enough that her sex was exposed, at which point he immediately pulled her back down onto his member and, after a few misses, ended up piercing into her sex, the now slightly familiar sensation of his manhood sliding into her depths sending a jolt of pleasure up Setia's spine despite how rough he was being. Now all but thoughtless, Gavin began to pull her up and down onto his length, moaning softly as he worked off the effects of her pheromones and only causing her the barest traces of pleasure.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia whimpers and takes Gavin's abuse, knowing that it's no use resisting his rough sexual pheremone-induced advances.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

Unresisting, Setia allows Gavin to finish with her as he would, which he did all too quickly. The pheromone-induced lust caused the human to be fairly rough with her, mostly concentrating on his own pleasure, and he bucked softly up into her body while simultaneously pulling back down for several moments. His actions caused her very little pleasure, and she was nowhere near an orgasm when he moaned loudly, and she felt him spasm and spurt into her pussy. Panting tiredly, his hold on her loosened.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia moans and hugs Gavin tightly, despite all he had done to her, knowing it wasn't his fault. She then gets out of the nest and grabs a few of the ragged blankets she had found in the forest and returns to the nest and covers up with Gavin.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

Gavin merely smiled sheepishly at Setia as she climbed off of him, retrieved a blanket, and then curled up next to him. He was asleep shortly, and she was only a while afterwards. They awoke together some hours later, the sounds of morning streaming in from the entrance of her cave, and though Gavin was still asleep, Setia was free to do as she liked.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia leaves to scavenge in front of her cave as she always does.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

Leaving Gavin to his rest, Setia set out to search for her morning breakfast so that she wouldn't have to dig into her own stores. The area immediately around her cave was relatively sparse, but she did have options if she wanted to go a little ways. She could try her hand at fishing down at the stream again, or go off hunting for berries or roots, or even for a small animal or bird if she was hungry for meat.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

"Since I failed to catch a fish last time, I suppose I should try my hand at fishing. Winter is approaching fast, and I must be prepared for it."

Setia moves towards the river to start fishing.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

Heading to the same fishing spot as last time, a small eddy where fish often congregated to rest, she found that a few of them were flickering around just beneath the surface. How she was going to catch them, however... That was for her to figure out.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia kneals over the stream and gently uses her wings to try and scoop up some fish from the stream.
Re: Forest Dweller (Iggy)

Setia: HP = 64, PP = 47, EP = 103, Status = Pregnant

Setia's efforts served only to get her wings wet, as the fish slipped out of the makeshift net that they created, the resistance of the water proving too much for her to push through effectively.