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For Science! (TentanariX) GMed by Ranger9000


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
Reputation score
Kitty: HP = 98, PP = 118, EP = 76, Status = Fine

A lightning strike hit the mountain, dislodging just the tiniest stone that would roll its way for minutes till it bumped into another stone, this one much more precisely made. The second stone didn't budge, as it was held down by the weight of many more, each one made to fit together into what one might deem a 'castle' if they looked at it in the right light. Others would call it a 'dark hideaway' or something similar especially in the night as it was lit up by lightning strikes.

This was the home of a certain succubus that will from here on out be known as "Kitty." Her fortress against those that would seek to imprison and torture her, and her base from which to do the same. At the moment it was mostly empty, only a few captures in the entire place, and Kitty would likely be wandering the castle alone at the moment. Planning whatever her plan was to kidnap her next target, or her next experiment to unleash on those she had in the dungeon.
Re: For Science! (TentanariX)

The castle was rather spacious, consisting of a prison area, laboratory, master bed room with bath, a moderately sized kitchen and cold storage room, equipped with enough to feed a single person and at most two or three guests, a decent sized dining room with medium length table with seats for four, and living room. The bed room contained a large four poster canopy bed, adorned with luxurious blood red and burnished gold sheets, a comfy lush burgundy sofa, a red sitting chair, and two large dressers filled with clothes. It had blood red carpeting and black walls with red and gold curtained windows. The bathroom contained a large four legged standing bath tub made of ivory, a marbled sink made of burnished gold and marbled tile flooring. In the laboratory were many different species of beings, slimes, shorn weeds, and some local flora and fauna. There numerous beakers and vials, and burners set up experimentation; syringes of varying sizes, scalpels and other surgery tools, and potions and concoctions of several undoubtedly dubious purpose. The living room consisted of two black sofas, and a recliner, a small coffee table for dining and reading, and two rather tall bookshelves filled with novels and research books. It was adorned with blood red carpets and white wall paper.

The prison was rather standard, made entirely out of stacked and cobbled stone, the bars were made out of black steel, each cell was large enough to hold two people comfortably, with three being the maximum and cramped. They consisted of a mat on the stone floor, a pot for doing your business, chains hooked to the stone walls, a wooden horse and a pillory. The walls of the dungeon proper were lined with various items of torture and sexual bondage. Inside each of the cell resided a single prisoner, all female. There was a witch hunter who had foolishly attempted to defeat and capture Kitty, a battle nun who had gotten removed from her company and lost in the jungle, and a priestess who was sent to "exorcise a great evil" outside the city limits; the evil being Kitty herself. The witch hunter was currently hogtied on the mat in floor, her belly bloated from a recently administered enema, sweat drenching her curvy form. She had medium length curly dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, lightly tanned skin, and D cupped breasts. The battle nun was stuck in the pillory, her legs spread wide to shamefully display her ass hole and womanhood, she was paler than the witch hunter, with long straight raven black hair, emerald eyes, and smaller B cup breasts; but she had shapely wide and thicker hips and thighs than the witch hunter. Her backs had stripes applied from a recently administered whip and the pot was situated right beneath her ass. Finally, the exorcist was a dark skinned import from Anudor. She was likely the most appealing of the trio. She was well toned, with a strong back, clearly defined and shapely musculature, without coming off as butch. Her hair was down to her ass, and a mess of matted curls, she had green eyes, full lips, DD cup breasts, and was ALL ass. Her legs were long, athletic and shapely. She was currently restrained, blindfolded and gagged and set up ontop of the horse with weights holding her shapely legs down, and pressing her drooling cunt lips onto the wedge of the horse.

Kitty herself was currently in the living room, drinking a glass of wine and reading a book regarding the slime entities, Trinities. A being consisting of three different women who have been turned and enveloped by a dark slime. She had considered warping one of them, likely the witch hunter or the exorcist, into being a companion and lab assistant for her; but the thought of forming all three of them into was fascinating and would prove to be a far more challenging and rewarding project. The problem would be that it would require getting genetic samples or powers from an alien as well capturing and successfully applying the dark slime to said women. They would need to be broken down first. She had already started by subjecting them to some of the toys in her dungeon. The exorcist was the freshest capture having only been in the dungeon for a few days. The nun and witch hunter had been there for a couple of weeks and a month respectively. While it was entirely in her powers and capabilities to brainwash them or erase their memories, she much more preferred to break their wills and prove her superiority over the narrow minded and facist views of the church.

She would finish her wine, setting the glass on the table before getting up and proceeding to the dungeon to inspect her captors and see how far their wills had been sapped, taking her book with her. The soft clacking of her heels on the stone floor could be heard all through the cold dank dungeon, and whatever thought may have been running through the three women's minds was soon cut short by the loud creaking of the large dungeon doors... "Hmmhmmhmm" she chuckled maliciously upon seeing the state of the three women "I have most exciting news, my lovelies... Today one of you may earn your freedom... In a sense... Today, I will be choosing one lucky volunteer to promote from capture and toy to pet and lab assistant... Of course if I have no volunteers... ALL THREE OF YOU will be privileged to be part of an even bigger experiment... One that will 'pool all of your strengths and abilities together'! HAHAHA!!! She finished with a maniacal laugh as showed the picture of a trinity to the three women to let them know what exactly she had in mind...
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Re: For Science! (TentanariX)

The exorcist was obviously not going to be able to answer, the gag in her mouth keeping her from saying anything. The brown skinned woman shifting against her binds and the horse a bit, but that only served to get her deeper into trouble with the device she was stuck on.

The other two though, they didn't respond out of there own mental strength. The witchhunter especially glared at Kitty from where she was tied up on the ground, even with the extra time she had been there, the woman's will remained strong. The nun meanwhile was still holding out a bit, but she was more silent out of terror for what might happen to her if she became an assistant. The nun's will was slowly breaking down compared to the witchhunter, but she seemed to be clinging onto the eventual hope that she would be rescued.

When they actually saw the picture of the 'Trinity' the reactions were mixed as well. The exorcist shook against her bonds even more, the nun cowered but didn't quite seem to be up to saying something, and the witchhunter growled. "Bah, I would like to see you try deamon!"
Re: For Science! (TentanariX) GMed by Ranger9000

Kitty chuckled devilishly at the witch hunters defiant response, before smiling malevolently and stepping into her cage and grabbing a fistful of her curly tresses and violently jerking her head up to where the woman's neck to her mouth before sinking her fangs into her jugular and injecting her with her aphrodisiac venom and dropping onto the ground on her bloated belly and gently tapping it with her foot before giving her ass harsh smack. "Feh. We'll see how long that stubborn, defiant, attitude of your lasts..." She said before spitting on her ass and heading out of the cage to test the other two. The nuns had seemed to be on the verge of breaking already, she would gently cup her face and stroke it, looking deeply into her emerald eyes before sensually licking the left side and gently playing with her pussy. "Mmmm~ You're deliciously close, little one~ I can smell your fear and lust like a sweet perfume... I have to reeducate your 'roommates' first, though..." She finished softly patting the nuns head. She cackled loudly and sinisterly at seeing the exorcist buck into the horse, digging her already red and abused cunny lips into the malicious instrument. She would grab ahold of the ebony woman's long dark tresses before pulling her face mere millimeters from her own and violently squeezing her cheeks before kissing around the gag in her mouth, her tongue tracing her chin, jawline and lips and taking a deep whiff of the woman's hair, "Aaaaah~ You are a sweet one. Yes you three will do perfectly once I have your wills sufficiently broken... I think A sealing collar shall be in order for the three of your first and foremost... But for now... Let's have some fun... Shall we?" And with that she would relinquish the ebony woman but only to walk off and return with a tray of multi colored candles and several matches... She would light a large white one before slowly bringing it over the exorcists back and letting the wax sloooooowly drip on to the woman's bare skin. Little white splotches of wax would appear on her back, ass, and legs. She would drip the wax on the exorcist's backside for a few minutes before moving to her front and dripping it on her belly, legs, tits and thighs. After a while she would slowly drip the wax on her cunt and even down into her ass hole, chuckling darkly at the womans torment; before replacing the candle and moving to the nun.

For the more petite woman, she would gingerly heft her feet up and place a red candle underneath each of them, her foot being just high enough for the flame to barely lick the soles of her feet. She would then take a spreader bar, place it on her legs and attack a black candle to it, positioning it just underneath her cunt. She would then push the bucket closer to her ass and pussy. Finally she would approach the witch hunter, before gagging her as well. Then she would withdraw a red candle and use the melted to inscribe a pentagram on her bloated belly and back before stuffing her unplugged cunt with a large black candle, and lighting it before exiting the cell. "There now... I think I'll give you some more time to... reflect, on your positions; and think a little more seriously about my generous offer.... MWAHAHA!!!" She laughed evilly before returning to her lab and beginning work on the sealing collars for her prisoners...
Re: For Science! (TentanariX) GMed by Ranger9000

None of the girls looked very excited at the prospect of 'fun' indeed, even the aphrodisiac affected witch hunter seemed to be fighting against what was going on in her body. The exorcist would twitch and jerk with each drop of wax, grinding herself further on the wooden horse much to her displeasure/pleasure.

The nun meanwhile would shake against her pillory, the heat on her feet causing her pain while at the same time not truly burning her. The candle at her petals would cause her even more discomfort, but the pillory wouldn't have any give and she was stuck whimpering.

The witchhunter meanwhile bit her lip, the aphrodisiac making even the heated wax feel good for her, but the candle inserted into her made her eyes widen and she began to try to shake at her bindings.

Leaving the dungeon, Kitty would return to her work, the task of her creations was slow going. The collars going to take longer then shorter to do, mainly because she was lacking the materials required. She'd have to go out and either purchase or hunt down what she needed. She could make a weaker collar without blood, but she had the oddest feeling that such a weak collar wouldn't have much hope of sealing most of the girls in her dungeon.
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Re: For Science! (TentanariX) GMed by Ranger9000

"TCH"ing to herself as she sees she does not have all the necessary reagents to form a proper collar for all three of the women in her dungeon, she decides to focus more on whittling away the will of the witch hunter more, to make her more compliant to her experiment. Instead she gathers ingredients and proceeds to work on brewing a poison for the witch hunter. She takes the dark heart, slicing it up as best as she can before dumping it all into a pestle and grinding it up enough to pour into a beaker. Then she would place the beaker over a burner and turning on the flame, turning valves to allow the mixture to travel through tubes into the other beaker forming the poison. Once it was done, she would take it into the kitchen and retrieve a loaf pumpkin bread. She would pour the poison over the bread, letting it all sink and soak in before cutting the bread into slices before sprinkling some cinnamon onto it and putting some raisins in it to better disguise the taste and hint of posion in it. Once she was finished she would proceed back into the dungeon and enter the witch hunters cell and remove the gag from her mouth before putting the tray of bread within distance for her to eat it. "You must ve hungry my pretty little hunter~ Here have some of this~ It'd be horribly bad form and taste for me not to feed my guests~" If she failed to detect the poison and ate the bread, Kitty would remove the candle from her pussy before going over to the exorcist and removing her blindfold. She woukd then return to the exorcist and set her up over the pot outside of the cell, squatting over it, where the other two women could clearly see her and watch her shamefully relief herself in front of them...

Once she was done, she would return the hunter to her cell and reattach her to shackles on the wall, before retiring to her bed for the night, leaving the women to their torments and the witch hunters to haunting and hallucinations...
Re: For Science! (TentanariX) GMed by Ranger9000

(Witch Hunter Fails the Perception Roll)

The poisoned bread would be prepared, and placed in the Witch Hunters cell. The woman would stare at the bread, for some time, before eventually shuffle to it a bit and take a bite. By the time Kitty returned to her cell, after dealing with the exorcist, she would find that the witch hunter had gotten through half the bread before she had started to hallucinate, and she seemed completely beyond outside influence by the time she was shackled to the wall. It was even potentially likely that the woman wouldn't even remember that the bread was what was poisoned in the morning, and just start hallucinating again till it was done.

Now though, Kitty had to figure out what she wanted to do. She would have to leave her fortress if she wanted to get more captures, or the supplies for her obedience collars.
Re: For Science! (TentanariX) GMed by Ranger9000

Kitty sighed to herself. Hmmm, the subjects are proving more resilient than I at first anticipated. While the positive is it means they'll be more resilient and reliable once I have them broken to my will, the downside means it'll take a lot more work and supplies than I have available. I'm not opposed to doing work, but I will regrettably have to leave the sanctuary of my lair in order to prepare the collars needed. I'll have to be cautious and observant, frustratingly that will make this outing take that much longer... she thought to her self before throwing her cloak over her to hide her features and protect her from sunlight, and frabbing her whip and rapier along with some rope to restrain any possible potential new "guests" and a satchel for carrying supplies before slipping out of her castle door and making her way down the mountain into the outskirts of the city to begin her trek...
Re: For Science! (TentanariX) GMed by Ranger9000

The path down the mountain was a well known, if not very well traveled one. In reality only those that were actively hunting for her would ever even think to look in this area, not even wild creatures really ventured to this area of the mountain often. So as it was she would be well more then halfway down the mountain path by the time she encountered even the starting signs of life. A few trees, some small creatures, in the distance the smoke from the fires within the small town would rise up. Things would only get more dangerous and risky from here.
Re: For Science! (TentanariX) GMed by Ranger9000

Fortunately, it was just now entering dusk and would be dark soon. While she would not the cloak for sunlight purposes any more, she would she would need it for stealth or disguising herself. She would draw her hood over her head and would pull a cowl up to cover her lower face and drawing her cloak around herself. Next she would use her Shapeshifting abilities to give her a shadowy aura, making her harder to see or detect by other people. She would then begin slowly slinking towards the city. If she could make it inside without incident, she would then stalk about the city, looking for an alchemist shop or faerie or demon blooded individuals to draw blood from for her crafting purposes. At the same time, she would watch for any church figures or individuals of particular interest. Those with high spiritual strength, magical aptitude, or other attributes that would make for a good test subject or servant.

((Use Shapeshifting to give her Shadowy Mutation [+2 Stealth] ))
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Re: For Science! (TentanariX) GMed by Ranger9000

Kitty would manage to sneak her way into town, and her little shapeshifting trick worked to allow her to move through the place without getting spotted by the guards or anyone she didn't want to notice her. She wouldn't be able to find anyone of deamonic or fae blood, but she'd soon enough find an alchemist shop, indeed the town actually had two. The only question was going to be if she was just going to walk in and risk detection, or try to figure out another way to get what she needed.
Re: For Science! (TentanariX) GMed by Ranger9000

Kitty would try to stealthily skulk about both shops, getting a feel for both of them. Sizing up their selection and inventory, layout, security, and the likes, trying to remain out of sight of any passersby or the likes. Once she had a good feel for the two shops, she would try to find someplace to hide till dark, when everyone was back home and getting ready to settle in for the night. Once she had determined the coast was clear, she would slink back to the shop she felt would be more lucrative for her needs, and as quietly as she could use Reshape to make an opening for her to enter with and quickly pocketing three obedience collars and if it had it in stock, the supplies and reagents needed to make them sealing and difficult to resist as well. She would then make a mad dash back to her castle before anyone could spot her or catch onto what had transpired....
Re: For Science! (TentanariX) GMed by Ranger9000

Kitty would find that one of the shops was significantly wealthier then the other, but the poorer looking shop was also much more...under the table for lack of a better word. It would be more likely that she would find what she wanted there instead of at the more in the open shop. Waiting till the night, she would be able to break into the shop with only a single near disaster when a patrolling set of guards nearly spotted her on her entrance, and once inside she had to do a fair bit of rummaging, whoever owned the place would definitely know they had been robbed come the morning.

Eventually though she found a box full of obedience collars hidden away under a number of other things, and a few vials of deamon and fairie blood so that she could enchant them all to be a bit stronger, or focus on one of them to make it near unbreakable.

The run back out of the town was even more risky, and she was nearly caught more then half a dozen times, before she had to climb out over the town's palisade as the town gates were locked for the night. In the end though, she was able to escape, and start heading her way back to her castle.
Re: For Science! (TentanariX) GMed by Ranger9000

Kitty would curse under her breath and grumble at the clatter and disarray of the store, likening it to more of a dollar bin than an actual store. But despite the clutter, it was stocked of everything she needed or would ever need. She would have enough collars for a few extra captives and experiments aside from the ones she had already acquired, and the vials of blood would make sure she could produce quality tools. She would quickly stuff several of the collars and the vials into her satchel before quickly dashing back out to her castle. She would curse to herself as she would slink back into the shadows, ducking behind debris or other obstacles, pulling her cowl closer to better obscure her face. She would curse out loud as she would struggle climbing the palisade to exit the city, but she would finally manage to get what she had went after and make her way back to the castle, fortunately with little to no incident. Once she had returned she would make her way to her laboratory, before emptying her satchel of it's contents. Once finished, she would take out one of the collars, and place the vials of blood out on the table before beginning considering her options... The witch hunter had been proving increasingly and infuriatingly difficult to break... It would save me a good deal more time and trouble to make a single collar strong enough to over take her... The other two will likely be easier to subvert once the "stronger" of the three finally breaks and is under my control... she thought to herself before placing the demon and faerie's blood she had procured from the shop into the beakers and burners and began to working on enchanting the collar to place around the witch hunter's neck...

((Work to craft an obedience and sealing collar at highest DC she can manage))
Re: For Science! (TentanariX) GMed by Ranger9000

It would take a while, but before the day was out, Kitty would have her collar enchanted to a point where she was fairly sure not even she could break out of it, so it almost certainly would work on the witch hunter. The other collars weren't very strong though, and likely they would be broken out of easily enough by the others, so it would probably be more useful to not even try using them, for fear of them just failing.