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For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

"Still don't see why we can't just wear out armor. Polish it up a bit, add a few finer touches and it's perfectly fine. " Was all Alicia had to say as Kelsier said his piece and wandered off, leaving the company to their own devices. She would notice Chocolat and Terra wander off without so much as a word to do gods only know. Maybe they had some final preparations to make before the event. Either way, the only companion that made any vocalization of their plans was Ahdeah, who seemed to be heading off to nap.

"Hey, when your only option is the floor or straw, straw tends to look pretty attractive. Think about that for a while." She would call back, harkening her back to her days on the road where her sleeping options were rather limited, if she even slept at all. Well, given the age of her equipment, maybe she could find someone who could touch up her equipment. Maybe even make it better. Speaking to the nearest attendent, she would ask. "This building have a blacksmith or an armory? Somewhere where I can get my gear touched up? If not hear, know anyone in town who can?" Whatever answer she got, Alicia would make her way to the given location, praying they'd still be working.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

As the warrior-women make their way to the guest quarters of the castle, they find a small crew of servants at work, washing the floors, cleaning dust and replacing the bedsheets in each of the rooms. The servant Alicia happens to bother seems to be a youth in his early teens, and he quickly gives Alicia a nervous bow. "The blacksmith is next to the castle, m'lady. Just go out through the gates and circle around and you should see it."

Meanwhile Chocolat wanders off, finding several guards sparring without their jackets despite the biting wind in a fenced section of the courtyard, working hard under the supervision of a greying man with a scar across his face.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

To the proper Su-Ku-Ta lady, the presence of so many men training in less restricting clothes was actually a fairly familiar sight. Many of the male slaves and servants opted to go shirtless when toiling in the desert heat when performing manual labor, and many warriors trained in hand to hand and short range combat in a state of near-nudity back in Anudor. Some compromise between mobility and the need for decency had obviously been needed to include her in such activities, but it hadn't been uncommon for her to spar with men clad in nothing but loincloths back home. Unbothered by the fact that the men were training out of uniform, the young half-nymph strolled around the training yard while watching them, picking out the best of the sparring warriors before approaching the scarred, aging instructor and saying; "Good day.... I was looking for a workout, and was wondering if you would mind if I joined."

It was important to ask permission from the instructor before joining a cue in Su-Ku-Ta culture, and seeing no reason to abandon such a custom even if it was not shared here, Chocolat waited calmly for the older warrior's permission to join his subjects.
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Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Alicia couldn't help but chuckle a little at the boys reaction to her question, bowing to her as if she was actually someone important or significant. Well, whatever helped these folks sleep at night. "Thanks for the directions, lad. I appreciate it." She would begin leaving before turning around and adding one more thing. "Oh and one more thing: try not to be so nervous next time." She smiled before leaving and making her way to the blacksmith. Out the gate, circle around. Seemed simple enough. Following them to the letter, she'd enter, addressing no one in particular when she called out. "Oi! You around? I could use some assistance. Got some gear that needs touching up!"
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

As Chocolat poses her question, the old man gives her an appreciative look-over. "Grab a weapon and get in the ring. Micheal! Aslan! You two spar with the new girl." As he utters the words, a pair of men, both quite tall, lower their practice swords and turn to look at Chocolat curiously. The leftmost immediately adopts a wry smile, wagging his eyebrows suggestively. "Hey there. You any good?"

Meanwhile Alicia finds the smithy. The shop room has a counter and shelves filled with mundane things from horseshoes to farming tools to pots and kettles. Through the door behind the counter she can see and hear hammer striking metal as a short yet wide man works at the forge, shaping red-hot metal with each strike. After a few more blows the man nods, seeming satisfied, and thrusts the long piece of metal back into the fire. "Come in. We can talk while I work." Only then does he turns to look at Alicia as he lays down the hammer and thongs, rubbing his right shoulder with a hand that's covered with a thick leather glove, covered in burnmarks.

The servants quickly finish cleaning Terra's an Ahdeah's rooms and leave while they change out of the armor and start planning for the evening.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

"Some people say so," Chocolat replied gamely as she stepped into the arena, grinning back and adopting a readied stance with the wooden blade now held in her hand. Tilting her head, she quirked an eyebrow and added; "What do I get if I prove it?" It wasn't the first time the virgin knight had been flirtatious with a male opponent when about to enter a sparring match, and she found that it often caused her sparring partners to fight sloppier, a psychological tool that she had fully embraced in actual combat when able to do so. She was already prepared, watching both of her opponents but moreso the one who had remained silent,
and was thus less likely in her mind to have been distracted by an potential proposition present in her voice.

Chocolat uses Defensive Stance, putting her at 72 Dodge. Her counter swings with what I assume is a practice sword would be (+54) 2d6 + 28 unless it has some special rules. Whether or not you intend to actually roll it out is up to you, of course.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Terra waited patiently for the servants to finish and vacate before stripping out of her armor, putting it away neatly, then sitting down on her bed to consider what to do next. A little rest might be nice, and for a minute she lay down on the bed, but her thoughts strayed back to her companions. She was halfway into a daydream before she recalled that most of them probably had even less of an idea what to do in a Badarian city than she did, and that staying on her own was probably selfish.

The brown-haired knight pulled on a comfortable outfit, leaving her armor and weapons behind, bringing only a dagger sheathed in her boot. Then she set out into the castle, walking towards the courtyard where she thought there had been some training going on earlier, as a likely place to find some of her martially-inclined companions.

If she did find them there, she'd pause for a while to watch how things were going before approaching them.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Ahdeah watched as the servants finished cleaning up the room before asking one of the female staff where if at all the bath was. Finding out the information Ahdeah thanked the servant before unpacking her extra cloths and generally settling in. Taking out her oil cloth and wire brush she began to perform some upkeep on her armor and weapons.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Meanwhile Alicia finds the smithy. The shop room has a counter and shelves filled with mundane things from horseshoes to farming tools to pots and kettles. Through the door behind the counter she can see and hear hammer striking metal as a short yet wide man works at the forge, shaping red-hot metal with each strike. After a few more blows the man nods, seeming satisfied, and thrusts the long piece of metal back into the fire. "Come in. We can talk while I work." Only then does he turns to look at Alicia as he lays down the hammer and thongs, rubbing his right shoulder with a hand that's covered with a thick leather glove, covered in burnmarks.

"Ah! Just the man I wanted to see." Alicia commented as she entered the smithy and sat herself down on the nearest stable surface. "Was wondering if you could do me a favor. My armor and weapon are in pretty rough shape. Long time on the road tends to wear anything out. If I'm going to any use as a knight, I need to have my gear in tip top shape. I was wondering if you'd be able to make some repairs for me." She laid out her longsword and round heavy shield on the table. "Think you could do that for me? I'll be willing to pay for the work if necessary."
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

As Chocolat readies her stance, the man lets out a short laugh. "Oh, I'm sure I could think of something," he says, launching a wild but somewhat clumsy attack routine, striking towards her head and legs in turn, though not quickly enough to actually hit the agile Su-Ku-Ta. His still silent partner gives Chocolat a respectful nod, readying his guard and circling to her other side before testing her defence with a series of short stabs and slashes, all of which she manages to parry even while dodging the other man.

As Terra arrives to the courtyard, she finds Chocolat sparring with two men and doing fairly well, the other soldiers having made sure there was plenty of space around the trio out of courtesy.

The servant tells Ahdeah that there is a large bathroom in the cellar of the castle, near the kitchens, before scurrying away and leaving her to take care of her equipment.

Meanwhile in the smithy, the blacksmith eyes Alicia's arms and armor. "That shouldn't take too long. The blade looks fine as it is and I can straighten out any dents in the shield and the armor easy enough as soon as I'm done with the warhammer. If you want more, you'll have to wait until morning and I can make my apprentice sharpen the sword and polish and oil them. It'll be 5 denarii either way." As he finishes speaking, the man turns to look at the bar on the fire, turning it slightly in the flames.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

The reply offered by one of the soldiers brought a chuckle bubbling up from Chocolat's throat, a sound that continued as the man entered into his initial routine. It was a clumsy and awkward routine, three strikes aimed one after another and alternating their target. To her surprise, it was a technique that she herself knew, and one that she knew well how to counter. The first hit clacked against her own wooden blade, and as she felt him going for the second attack she flicked her own weapon forward and jabbed him right in the joint of his shoulder.

At the same time, the other soldier against whom she was sparring circled around behind her to jab at her back, but Chocolat wasn't one to be stressed by being flanked. He proved no more effective than the first, and with smooth spin she caught his blade on her own and pushed it out wide, offering him a bop on the top of the head before turning back to her first opponent. The second hit, aimed at the side of her knee, was deflected similarly thanks to the slowdown caused by her jab, and she responded with a quick hit against the same spot where her more talkative opponent aimed to hit her. Her other opponent recovered from her light bop and jabbed at her again, and once more she spun to deflect his attack, this time in the opposite direction. As a followthrough, Chocolat continued her spin and smacked the quiet man in the side of the head, jerking his head to the side and continuing. Finally, the third strike from her first foe, again aimed at her head, was caught with the last of her momentum from her spin and then spun, leaving it out wide and threatened to break the man's wrist if her didn't drop the wooden sword.

A heartbeat later she tensed and then shifted to the side while withdrawing her sword arm, avoiding the third attack from the second guard without even seeing it and, as he ended up stumbling past her, smacking her wooden blade against his ankle and tripping him, leaving him eating a faceful of dirt while his comrade was no doubt left blinking in surprise at his lost weapon. Chocolat then shifted back a step, ready for more, only to sigh and slowly relax. "Mmmm, looks like I won, doesn't it?" she said teasingly, grinning. "So... What do I win? You said you had some ideas~" she added to the first and more talkative man, before glancing aside to find that Terra had arrived as well, now in more casual clothing rather than in her armor. "Ahhh, hello Terra! Enjoying the show?"
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Terra watched the su-ku-ta practice. She looked much more at ease here than she had shopping for dresses. Smooth, graceful, supremely confident and superbly competent. Not that the common soldiers would have been a match for any real knight or even a higher-end mercenary, but two against one without being touched was still impressive.

It wasn't the only style she'd seen Chocolat use, either. The other woman was just as competent with a heavier weapon, though such a style wouldn't have been so useful here. Too likely to break bones, even with a practice weapon, and slower, more difficult to avoid both enemies.

Which was why Terra didn't care to step into the ring herself. At least not against two foes, or anyone who she wasn't sure could take a solid hit.

She just had to roll her eyes at the cat-woman's taunt. "Not bad, for a warm-up." Terra came a little closer to the ring, looking for a place where she could sit - or at least lean - while watching.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

"Indeed it was~" Chocolat replied in a tone of mixed excited joviality and friendly flirtatiousness, "are you looking for one yourself by any chance?" She allowed the offer to float in the air before glancing back to the two men she'd just battered, wishing to conclude her conversation with them first.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Ahdeah smiled as she cleaned her armor pictures of the servant girl a flash in her mind. Of course the girl wasn't alone her daydreaming fantasies drifted to include one of the handsome squires from the ceremony prior. Feeling her ears heat up from her rather raunchy day dream Ahdeah quickly finished cleaning her armor and headed out for some fresh air.

Her walk quickly took her along the castle walls to a spot where a bit of a contest was going on. Looking down from her position on the well Ahdeah watched the tail end of the combat with Chocolate easily defeating her foes. She moved with grace and elegance something she had missed during the pitched battles during the attack. To her the lithe combatant looked more like a dancer than a warrior. A trait which undoubtedly lead to her competitor's defeat.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

"Eh. I'll go for the basic stuff now. Not sure how long I or the other knights will be around, but before we leave, I'll come back for the fine touches. Improve them for the road ahead. I got a long exile in front of me." No matter how others looked at it, she saw her exile as a good thing. If nothing else, it was a chance for her to get away from her families backwards way of thinking. No doubt others like her were suffering under their idiotic ways. She'd return home some day and put her idiot brother in his place and make him suffer for her humiliation.

"So...couple questions for ya. You've been working for the lord for long? I mean, he gave you land right next to the castle for your own shop and that has to stand for something. Also, know of anything interesting going on in the castle? Any...centers of activity? I figure I could stay out of your hair while you work on my equipment.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Terra raised her eyebrows. The su-ku-ta woman was cute, but she hadn't realized that Chocolat swung that way. Well, maybe that shouldn't be surprising, given that she hadn't known the woman's name the day before, but it was still a pleasant revelation. "Oh, I could do with a little warming up, if you still think you're up to it after finishing your bet..."

The swordswoman approached a little closer, to watch the end of the conversation, and to see about getting herself an appropriate practice greatsword. She'd seen her companion fight enough to know that they could both take a few solid hits without suffering for it.

And then, if it seemed like Chocolat was done, she would raise her hand and draw strength up from the earth.

Stoneform, level 3 earth, to buff Body. My math on this is:

Base Casting: 22/2 = 11 from mind, +10 from Focus in Earth = d20+22 vs DC 20. She isn't wearing her armor.

22/6 = 3.67 -> 4 +1(Focus) = 5 * 3 = +15 body

Costs 4 EP and 1/round upkeep.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

"The drinks are on me if you happen to come by the Minespring Tavern. How does that sound?" Michael responds to Chocolate flirtatiously with a soft chuckle from his partner.

The castle walls turn out to be a rather windy place, sparsely populated by guards, but Ahdeah quickly finds a place that gives a good view to the courtyard, where she may view the practice grounds.

The blacksmith harrumphs at the flood of questions Alicia spews at him. "'Tis my own smithy which I bought from my master when he retired. Not much new going on in the castle, 'cept for lots of work for me on account of the siege. You look skinny, you should go get yourself a warm meal while I work. There's a good in down the street, shouldn't be crowded now when decent people are at work." The answers are delivered in a disapproving tone, as if the idea of adventuring somehow insulted him.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

(Ye guards were not named anywhere that I can see. Also, for my easy reference: Chocolat's Sheet. Do we want to bother with mechanics for this one, or just fluff it out?)

"That sounds... Fine by me~" Chocolate replied casually to the beaten guard's flirtatious reply, and then bowed and said; "My name is Chocolat, in case you hadn't heard.... And you gentlemen are?"

After they had exchanged names, the su-ku-ta would allow them to leave and turn her attention back to Terra, who had by that point chosen her preferred weapon and was enacting her strengthening magics. The armored knight raised an eyebrow at that, recognizing the magic both after having seen it in use before and simply by sensing the shifting in energies that formed around her comrade and sparring partner. "Really? Magic for a simple sparring match? I had no idea you thought so highly of my abilities~" she quipped lightly even as she settled into a readied pose, waiting for her opponent to make the first move.
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Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Yeash, this guy had a sour attitude. Everything he said at this point was just growing more and more bitter and disapproving. And he also had the nerve to poke fun at her figure. Damn pig. "I'm not skinny damn it! But a meal seems like a good idea." Sure she was a little upset by what he said, but she wasn't about to get into an argument with him over a few words.

"But thanks again. I really do appreciate the help and all." She left the blacksmith, and made her way into town, following his directions to the inn he mentioned. To the average passerby, Alicia would look no different then a regular villager, which was just what she wanted. She didn't want to draw any attention to herself and she just wanted to grab her meal and head back to the castle. She could only pray that luck was on her side this day. It had been so far.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Terra's sheet. And... well, obviously neither of us is really trying to beat the other unconscious. Maybe throw in a few rolls later on to determine the outcome objectively, but I'm fine with fluff for the larger part of the sparring.

Terra smiled at her sparring partner, slightly surprised that the su-ku-ta woman had noticed her use of magic. She started circling Chocolat, her practice blade held lazily in one hand, resting on her shoulder. "Well, I have seen you fight."

She continued circling, relaxed, and gestured down at her chest with her free hand. "Or perhaps you didn't notice that I'm not wearing my armor." The knight was starting to think that perhaps strengthening her skin would have been wiser than strengthening her muscles, but perhaps it was tough enough already to deal with training weapons.

Another few steps sideways, maintaining distance. She shrugged in a way that let her 'assets' move into greater prominence for a moment, saying "I mean, I could see how this could be distracting." The badarian woman took another step and pivoted as she finished speaking, gripping her weapon properly in both hands as she swung hard across the cat-girl's body, using the length of her blade as her primary defense. It wouldn't be terribly hard to take a step back and avoid the blow, but it would be quite difficult to both do that and get in range for a counterattack before Terra could be ready. It might be easier if Chocolat was willing to take the blow, but with her enhanced strength that would likely be unwise.

maintain buff, quick draw, and fighting defensively