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For all old/returning members...

Re: For all old/returning members...

On the subject of Lurker wars... I was there too, so I really am old xD
Re: For all old/returning members...

woot Im an old geezer. I'll trader my crown for a walking stick, being old I'll need it xD
Re: For all old/returning members...

Pffft, you can trade you crown in for at least 90 walking sticks. I guarantee that.

...WTT 90 Walking Sticks 4 1 Crown?
Re: For all old/returning members...

people older than me for sure:

aika (duh)
master bei shun

also geezers get to yell at kids where as crones throw cats

Hey, I'm older than Aika!

Also, if I can get 90 walking sticks then I'm using the rest to beat children with.
Re: For all old/returning members...

Good idea. You start with everyone who's last name starts with A, I start with Z, and we meet in the middle.
Re: For all old/returning members...

Sounds like a plan, those little whippersnappers wont know what's hit them after it all.
Re: For all old/returning members...

Hey, I'm older than Aika!

Also, if I can get 90 walking sticks then I'm using the rest to beat children with.

how can you be older than aika, he made the forum?
Re: For all old/returning members...

.............oh, I thought you were referring to age.
Re: For all old/returning members...

Even I wasn't 100% sure :rolleyes:
Re: For all old/returning members...

Even though I was a lurker on the original forum, I technically can call myself a True Member. Woot! :D
Re: For all old/returning members...

The God Of Corners finally has proper insignia. Hagghaquur is pleased.
Re: For all old/returning members...

True member, indeed. One of these days, Nu, we'll have to see which one of us is more "geezer." I prefer 'Crone,' personally.

And I think, if you were in the Lurker Wars, you're definitely a true member, and I remember Ronny making an appearance just shortly before I did. He was a sniper, I believe.

Thanks for the badge, Lucas.

Wait I'm in Lurker Wars, now I really need to finish reading it sometime.
Re: For all old/returning members...

I'm always a day late and a dollar short, but dammit I am a true member. YAY!!!

*raises crown into the air*

Hey Oni, could you spare a walking stick?
Re: For all old/returning members...

Yay! true member. Being a member of a forum has never been so sweet.
Re: For all old/returning members...

WTT 1 crown for a burial plot. I've got Scroffula, I tells ya!
Re: For all old/returning members...

About Lurker Wars... wasn't your first scene and my last scene you busting out of some abandoned building..?

Or am I just a long way behind.


Actually, you tightened the belt and ventured into the locked doors of the Trashcan and found me in there.

On the subject of Lurker wars... I was there too, so I really am old xD

Yuppers. Chibi's an android archer!

Wait I'm in Lurker Wars, now I really need to finish reading it sometime.

Nah, just had a senior moment. For some odd reason, I got you confused with Dr. Holocaust. Don't ask me why. I'm pretty sure you were on the boards *during* Lurker Wars, tho.
Re: For all old/returning members...

I was on Tentacle Haven. Heck, I was on the LineMARVIN forums, I just hardly ever post.
Re: For all old/returning members...

I'm amazed that so many people like this.

As for my old geezer comment, I meant that we're the 'senior citizens' of the Linemarvel boards compared to people who just joined/will join because we've been around on these communities for a long-ass time.
Re: For all old/returning members...

Ya know, falling off the face of the planet sucks. But I have returned! Apparently with a crown to boot.

Loving the new forums, money well spent.