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Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant and fine

Evelyn: HP = 50, PP = 82, EP = 112, Status: fine and pregnant

Misty would easily find herself an opening to grope Mia's butt, where the catgirl glanced over her shoulder at Misty and blushed slightly as she smiled, letting out a cute little surprised meow. No one seemed to have noticed them... well save Evelyn who smirked at them both and gave Misty a wink, but aside from that they were free and clear from the looks of it.


"Hmm... well I'm glad you didn't decide to just move on. You really helped me out back there, and I'm grateful for it. So... thanks Misty. I'll uh... I'll continue repaying you with my body and I'll drain you dry whenever you want me to, m'kay. And... I'll help keep a lookout for other strong beings like myself to... persuade to join your harem," Evelyn said when Misty answered her question of why she came to find and help her, giving her a wink as she finished talking. Evelyn would chat with Misty all the young kitsune wished until it was time for everyone to be getting on up, where she would wake Mia first and then the others as Mia came out and stretched before starting some food on their campfire.

It didn't take too long for everyone to get up and not much longer after that for breakfast to get done, which consisted of a some more of the things they stocked up on in the town before leaving after rescuing Evelyn. Once they were done, the group set off again to the north, with Evelyn pinching Misty on the butt and giving her a wink as they set off and a few moments later Mia would shyly grope her butt on the other side, blushing a bit as she did and looking the other way.


While they traveled onwards, Mia had gone on ahead again to scout in front of them, to help make sure they didn't run into any ambushes. When they stopped for lunch though Mia hadn't returned yet and Evelyn looked to be getting worried about her from how fidgety she was getting, and the others looked a bit worried too, especially if it meant something was out there. "Misty... do you mind going up the path a bit and finding Mia? I... want to go too, but I think it best that one of the two of us stay here to keep the children safe, especially if something's out there. Please find her Misty," Evelyn asked Misty as the group stopped to rest a bit for lunch, where the others broke out some jerky and some apples for the children to have to help keep them calm.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Eheh... So am I~" Misty purred in reply, smirking. "You've certainly made it worth my while so far," she continued casually, "I'm not sure about, ahhh, starting a harem, given how out in the middle of nowhere we are, but the offer sounds fun~" Misty would be happy to chat with Evelyn, theorizing on who they might run into out here and recounting former partners, of which Misty had plenty.

Once they were ready to get underway and both Evelyn and Mia took an opportunity to take a quick grope of her soft rear, Misty simply smirked and returned the gesture to both at once, softly pinching her two most recent lover's bottoms. After that, however, she would mostly keep her hands to herself unless one of the two approached her again, content to just make some progress.

Much later that day, when they stopped for a break but Mia hadn't returned, Misty didn't share Evelyn's worry. Despite the catgirl's absence Misty had some confidence in the girl's abilities, but when Evelyn asked her to go track their scout down she simply nodded. "Sure," she replied quickly, and then cast a spell that called up the spirit of a wolf, bringing it into being beside her. Guiding it to something that Mia had touched, Misty said; "Track!" She might not have many such skills herself, at least not on the level of a proper hunter, but the kitsune had plenty of tricks.

(Use ye wolfy level 3 Nature summon spell.)
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant and fine

Evelyn: HP = 50, PP = 82, EP = 112, Status: fine and pregnant

Misty's Wolf Spirit: HP = 10, PP = N/A, EP = N/A, Status: fine I guess. (Has the Heavy Hitter and Hard to Hit talents, so an additional +10 dodge and +8 melee dmg)

(I believe I got her wolf spirit right, if not let me know alright so I can edit it. Also I assume it's supposed to be Heavy Hitter, it says Hard Hitter in the Spirit of the Wolf summoning spell, and does on several other summon spells too.)

"Oh silly, I meant when we get to Therion is when we could start that," Evelyn said with a naughty grin, then she chatted along with Misty about some of her former lovers, of which Evelyn had apparently had nearly as if not more than Misty had, most of whom she said were demons before she left hell and came to the mortal realm, though she stated that she'd never been pregnant before amazingly, but that she had been a former slave lover of a tentacled demon lord who often had her and several other girls like herself every night until he was killed, at which point Evelyn made her decision to leave hell. "I wanted somewhere that was out of the way and stuff, because I was tired of simply being used and abused. So after traveling around a while, I finally came upon the town back where you found me and they took me in and I'd been there ever since," she went on to say after a little while just before they started waking everyone up for the morning.


Misty would see Mia and Evelyn both shake their behinds at her as she pinched them both, both of them obviously enjoying her touch. Later on though when Evelyn asked Misty to go find Mia, her conjured wolf looked at her as she found a tree that Mia had marked with her sword, having peeled a little bit of bark off of it where Misty or anyone else that new the path she'd taken directly head would easily see it. Her wolf spirit sniffed the the tree which Mia had obviously touched, where it then ran off northwards in the general direction Mia had been scouting ahead for them.

Soon after that as she went, Misty heard what sounded like a faint moan coming from just off the beaten path ahead of her. Her wolf went in that direction too, running a ways until it stopped for a moment and sniffed the air before running on again. Misty would follow it into an open clearing where she saw several dead real wolves laying around, about 5 in total, and one was quite large, a good deal more so than the rest. On the far side of the clearing on a large flat rock she saw what appeared to be a trio of fey women and Mia, all of them were stark nude and one of the fey women was on her knees behind Mia who was on her hands and knees, thrusting a large dick into Mia's pussy, while the second was in front of Mia making the young catgirl deepthroat her equally as large dick, and the third was laying on her back under Mia and had no dick between her legs and was licking Mia's clit while the one behind her was thrusting away.

The fey women's robes were strewn around the rock they were all on and Mia's clothing was laying there as well neatly folded up and laying next to her weapons, though it looked a tiny bit ruffled and torn in a couple of places and she had a few scratch marks on her skin, mostly her sides and back, and it also looked like they'd climaxed at least once each because they had sweat glistening on all of their bodies and Mia had a bit of cum on her butt and face. It didn't look like it was being forced on her though really, as she seemed to be enjoying the attention she was receiving... though Misty knew that Mia would much rather have her and Evelyn playing with her.

"Oh... a newcomer. Have you come... to join in the victory celebration?" the fey woman that was pounding Mia from behind said as she heard a twig snap under Misty's foot and looked over at her. This one had red hair and was a bit muscular, her toned body glistening with sweat and her modest C-cup breasts jiggling with every thrust into Mia, anything else about her aside from her green eyes was tough to tell since she wasn't standing or anything.

When Mia heard that she pulled her mouth off of the dick that was inside of it and looked over to see Misty, where her face turned red as a beet. "Oh gods... um... Misty I uh... oh yes... I... they helped me... those wolves... they'd caught me by surprise... a-and... oh f-fuck yes... these ladies... they helped me out. That big wolf... w-was a direwolf I think... it had me pinned and I couldn't scream... f-for help. They blasted it off of me and... EEK!" Mia started saying, moaning softly in between words as her dirty talk cut in while at the same maintaining a good steady speed of stroking on the one she'd been sucking off, and she then suddenly cut off completely as she let out a lewd squeal as she reached her climax when the redhead behind her thrust in one good time, her body tensing a bit as she did while the fey woman under her suckled hard on her clit.

"Yes... she was about to be mounted by that larger wolf when we came upon them, though she'd already killed one and wounded a second one when we came up. She asked for our help and so we helped get it off of her and then we all worked together and killed them all. She was repaying us for helping her out with her gorgeous body when you came along. Would you like to join us too?" the one that was now being stroked by Mia said, running her fingers through Mia's hair. This one had green hair and was larger in terms of breast size than the one behind Mia, though only just one size larger, but her body was less muscular and toned than the other. The third fey woman however had a bit more size than the other two, with her's being DD-cups and she had brown hair the color of a tree trunk, aside from that though Misty couldn't tell much without getting closer.
Last edited:


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Evenlyn's admonishment would make Misty smirk lightly, though she would offer no verbal response. Instead, she talked of former partners, none of whom were the busty demon's equal in bed but a few of whom at least came close. Unsurprisingly, the Hellborn demoness had had more partners than Misty, though many hadn't been as pleasant given where they'd come from. She offered a sympathetic ear as much as possible, inwardly cringing often as she went over the horror stories of living in Hell. The kitsune would be happy when the subject moved on to her wanderings of the mortal world, which would mark more or less the end of their private conversation as people started waking up.


Following Mia's trail by way of her summoned wolf, Misty soon heard soft moans coming from up ahead, definitely not a great sign given some of the things that lived out here. Had she run into a shorn weed? Not likely given the climate, but not impossible either, especially since it was still warm enough here for most things to survive this low in the mountains. That left many threats, many of them dire, and so Misty hurried towards the source of the sounds while preparing a defensive spell that would protect her in case she ran into something dangerous assailing Mia.

When she came up to her wolf and looked upon the scene, however, Misty needed a minute to puzzle out what was happening. Mia was there, stark naked, along with three other equally nude women who had surrounded her. They weren't gemini like the ones that had nearly grabbed Misty, and after glancing at their clothes Misty were led to believe that they were faeries. Mia was on hands and knees in the center of the group, with one of them beneath the catgirl but oriented in the opposite direction, while the other two were spitroasting her on either end. The one taking Mia from behind, thrusting away at her pussy and likely the source of the cum on her butt, was a redhead with well defined musculature but with curves as well, while the one that Mia was sucking off had green hair and slightly larger breasts but less muscle, and the one beneath Mia was a much rounder brunette with breasts comparable to Evelyn's.

At first she thought that it had been a hunting party of Winter Faeries that Mia had stumbled upon, caught up in the hunt and taking her as fun after successfully slaughtering the dead wolves that littered the area. Mia seemed to be enjoying the attention though, and when she was noticed and the group started speaking what had actually taken place was made clear. It was still hard to tell what court the bunch was from, but when she was invited to join and Misty pushed the one out of her mouth and explained things Misty relaxed considerably. Before she could finish speaking, however, the two simultaneously working at her sex drove Mia to an orgasm that left her quaking while the one pounding into her gave one thrust and held herself in deep, no doubt letting Mia's spasming inner walls milk her seed directly into the catgirl's womb.

That sparked a bit of jealousy in Misty, though likely not as much as one might expect. Given how much Mia was willing to share her and her own openly polygamous nature, Misty wasn't the type to be particularly jealous of Mia taking other partners, but even so... She had been Mia's first, and more importantly Mia had claimed her as a mate. Those sorts of titles didn't exactly mean all that much to Misty either, but it did lead the kitsune to believe that if anyone was going to knock the su-ku-ta up, it ought to be her. She had filled Mia up more than once by that point, but even with how potent she was that was no guarantee. The faerie was trying to plant her seed where Misty considered her territory, and that simply wasn't allowed!

That said, there were two ways that she could handle that, and Misty knew the way she would prefer. So, rather than being angry, Misty dismissed her summoned wolf, strolled through the dead wolves while shedding her robe, leaving her as naked as the rest of them, as she came to join the orgy. "Do I?" she remarked dryly as she discarded her robe with the rest of the unneeded clothing, grabbing a handful of the green faerie's backside as she came within range. "You're such a naughty thing Mia~ I have no idea how you kept your virginity before you met me!" she admonished the catgirl jokingly as she climbed onto the rock beside her and bent down in front of the green haired one, her ass and her tail both waving invitingly.

"But first!" she said suddenly, one hand behind her to stop the green-haired faerie from penetrating her while the other went to the redhead's hip, pushing her back until she pulled out of Mia. Once it was free, Misty promptly took the cum-coated organ into her mouth, sucking any dregs of sperm from it while her tongue shifted to be longer and coiled around the first two inches, giving it a trio of strokes with only her lingual muscle before releasing it with a pop. "That's my pussy you've been playing with, and if anyone's going to put a baby in Mia, it's going to be me! You don't need to worry about having already done it, but from now on you cum in my mouth instead of inside her! And no touching her ass! I haven't gotten to try it yet~" she said to the redhead, before looking back towards the green haired one and adding, "and no cumming inside me either! You'd be depriving Mia of her favorite food~"

Misty's hands returned to the rock, leaving her better supported as she looked back to the redhead, watching her return to fucking Mia, after which she would glance at the brunette and add; "You I'll have a treat for later. Oh! And I should warn you three that I'm a succubus... But I'll only take a little bit if you don't mind, and none if you do."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 86/90, status = fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant and fine

Evelyn: HP = 50, PP = 82, EP = 112, Status: fine and pregnant

(dismissed summoned wolf and I now remember what I'd forgotten with said summons, her EP and base casting roll. The BC total was 24 so... yeah. :p)

"Hmhm, so I'm the best you've had huh. Well that makes me feel pretty good to know actually. Let's me know I still got it," Evelyn said with a smirk as they finished talking, looking quite pleased when Misty mentioned all the different lovers she'd had and that few could even compare.


Mia blushed deeply at Misty's words and looked away for a moment. "I... I didn't have anything else I could use to barter. A-And I know the fey are always up for sex... so I... you know, figured that I could offer that and be back before anyone got worried and came looking for me," Mia replied as she continued stroking the one in front of her. "And I kept my virginity because miss Evelyn always told me to save it for the right person... and that was you, but she never said anything about not having sex with anyone else ever though," she added with an even deeper blush.

"Oh goodness, that's nice," the redhead sighed as Misty pulled her back and out of Mia, a single rope of her seed spurting out and landing on Mia's butt before Misty's lips wrapped around her length and sucked a bit. "But you needn't worry about me trying to knock the cute catgirl here up. She's really nice and all, but I'm choosing to not knock her up because that would be silly and dangerous out here in the wilds and all I believe considering," she added, looking over at the wolves.

"I assure you I won't do that though, but it just feels so good to cum inside a tight wet pussy like her's," she told Misty as an afterthought as the kitsune suckled on her a bit, the taste of her cum coated rod tasting of Mia and a sweet taste that was actually quite tasty to Misty.

When Misty said what she did though about depriving Mia of her of favorite food, the young Su-Ku-Ta looked over at Misty. "Misty... that is not my favorite food," Mia said with an embarrassed look on her face.

"If I promise to not make myself fertile miss kitsune, would you care if I cum inside you? If Mia here doesn't mind missing a meal that is at least," the green haired one asked Misty curiously, a hopeful look on her face.

"Cum is not my favorite meal you two, so stop saying it is dammit," Mia said, obviously embarrassed at their words. She looked like she was about to say something else but she was cut off as the redhead slid back inside her and turned her next words into moans as she let go of the green haired one who moved over behind Misty.

"Well we don't mind if you take a little bit if you really need it and all, but don't take too much or I'll have to spank you," the green haired nymph said as she sat on her knees behind Misty, her length rubbing and prodding against Misty's pussy. She was obviously wanting to penetrate Misty, but was waiting for her word to to go ahead and do so, and making sure that as long as she kept her word that she could cum inside of Misty. "And yes Mia, cum seems to be a favorite of yours else you wouldn't have been sucking and licking me so hard," she added teasingly at Mia while Misty decided, her words making Mia blush more and turn away from the two of them for the time being while the redhead faerie started getting up at a decent pace now.

While Misty was deciding on the requests of the redhead faerie and the green haired nymph, the brunette nymph scooted over under Misty and out from under Mia. "Why wait until later when you can give me that treat now hmm," the brunette cooed to Misty as she got right under her and put her hands on Misty's cheeks and pulled her into a deep kiss. "I want my treat now, so go ahead and give it to me," she added with a pout.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Eheh, fair enough~" Misty replied jovially as Mia worked to justify her choice. It wasn't like she'd expected complete monogamy from Mia, and at that point Misty was simply enjoying teasing the catgirl.

In the meantime, however, Misty caused the redhead to briefly pull out of the catgirl while delivering her rules, causing a rope of seed to spurt out onto the catgirl's bottom before Misty had it in her mouth. That had clearly been the last of an orgasm that had mostly gone right into Mia's womb, judging by how much of the faerie's pleasantly sweet seed Misty drained from it during her brief period of sucking on it, but rather than let her jealousy rear up again Misty simply giggled and licked up the stray stream on Mia's rear and swallowed it before aiming the warrior-faerie's tool right back at Mia's sex. "Mmmmm, but you taste so good!" Misty replied to her assurance. She had heard of that ability, the power to regulate one's potency or fertility, but generally thought of it dubiously at best and didn't particularly trust faeries with it. They were scions of nature, after all, and the few she'd met had never hesitated when making an effort to impregnate their partners. "I wanna swallow your next load, but if Mia wants to let you cum inside after that, it's up to her~"

Mia's protest regarding her comment about meals prompted Misty to smile impishly, though she was quickly distracted by the green haired faerie's promise and request. Misty chewed her lip, not sure if she ought to agree given her own misgivings about the fey, and while Mia offered a second protest after another quip Misty mulled it over while giggling in amusement. She sighed with pleasure and gently pushed back as she felt the saliva-slick tip of the faerie's cock teasing her petals, which were already quite wet and only getting wetter, her inner walls ready to clamp down on the other woman's cock as soon as it penetrated her and massage an orgasm out of it as only her tight quivers could. She had only once let a partner cum inside of her, and it had been a harrowing experience afterwards even if it had felt pleasant enough at the time. She generally preferred to be the one giving the cream fillings, however, and after a moment she figured out the fairest solution that she could think of. Turning to Mia as she wiggled her ass invitingly, Misty said; "I don't know.... What do you think Mia? Should I let her cum in me?" Adopting a more sultry note, she added; "Should I give her the chance to knock me up... Or do you really want your favorite treat?"

Once that was decided, Misty had one other faerie to deal with, the brunette, who quickly shifted out from under Mia to get under Misty instead after the kitsune's lewd promise. Her demand to get her treat now was amusing, and understandable given that she'd been the only one with no stimulation as far as Misty could tell, but given her position on all fours that request wasn't terribly feasible, and Misty didn't plan on changing position just yet. So, instead, she let out a sigh just before returning the faerie's aggressive kiss, her tongue coiling around that of the lustful nymph until she pulled away. "So impatient~" Misty cooed when the kiss was broken in response to the nymph's pout, "you can't have it now! But I'll give you a little taste until you can have it properly. I can't give it to you like this. Angles~" With that, her cock began to slowly sprout, growing until it was it's usual ten plus inches and thick, already having a drop of her potent, honey-flavored pre sitting on the tip and waiting to be lapped up. "Suck it nice and I'll give you a little taste of what I can do... And taste you too~" she purred, making her intentions to get the faerie to rotate underneath her obvious in case what she wanted wasn't clear.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant and horny as hell

Evelyn: HP = 50, PP = 82, EP = 112, Status: fine and pregnant

(I'm assuming that Misty would EP drain one or both the futanari fey girls a bit, so I put her EP back up to full.)

As Misty licked the strand of seed off of Mia's butt, the catgirl cooed softly as she felt Misty's tongue touch her skin, her tail twitching happily and tickling Misty just under her nose. The sidhe in the meantime allowed her still rock hard cock to be guided back into Mia's tight wet little cunny which practically just gobbled it right back up and immediately began squeezing to milk some more of that warm seed out, with both of them moaning out loud, though Mia's was a bit muffled, and looking back Misty would see that Mia's mouth was deepthroating the green haired nymph's cock at that very moment, the prodding against the kitsune's slick wet pussy going away for a few moments as Mia was seemingly ensuring that her nice big cock was all lubed up for entering Misty with no troubles whatsoever.

"Aw don't make me decide Misty... a-and cum is not my favorite treat dammit, stop teasing me," Mia whined at Misty as she pulled her head from the cock as she pulled it back to rest against Misty's pussy again, the warmth of it heating the horny kitsune's pussy up even more as the tip began entering her ever so slightly to tease her entrance, as the nymph grasped it and began sliding it up and down across Misty's slit, not even an entire inch in.

It was tortuously teasing her needy cunny and Misty would find that the nymph that nice thick cock belonged to was getting impatient herself just as the one underneath Misty was getting, as the green haired one behind her slapped her cock against Misty's nice squeezable butt cheeks a few times. Seeing this, Mia giggled at both her and Misty before sighing slightly. "Oh alright, plow her good and deep miss nymph, make her squeal just like she makes me squeal. But... I'll leave it to the two of you to decide if I get my favorite meal or not, because it's your seed miss nymph, and your pussy Misty, so when the time cums, if you want then you can let me... oh gods that's so deep, m-my pussy's on fire," Mia told them teasingly before cutting off and moaning deeply, winking at Misty as she spoke where the sidhe began plowing Mia again and making her moan aloud for all around them to hear.

"Hmhm, alright then little Mia, I'll fuck her raw since you seem to want me to. And you may call me Fiona, miss nymph is just too formal," the green haired nymph said to Mia, smiling as she began thrusting into Misty's tight pussy, moaning out loud as she hilted inside the horny kitsune.

"Well of course I'm impatient, my pussy hasn't had anything touch it yet, and it's so horny. I need something to fill it with now dammit," the brunette said to Misty in a needy tone, puckering her lips and shaking her hips a little bit underneath Misty.

When Misty shapeshifted her cock into existence again, the brunette nymph under her gasped slightly as the tip brushed against her inner thigh when she moved her leg around as she rubbed her thighs together. "You can call me Mari by the way, short for Marigold. Now come here and give me that cock, I'm going to suck it good and hard, I'm so parched," the brunette said as she spun around underneath Misty, raising up slightly and grasping Misty's cock very gently in one hand before taking Misty's crown in her mouth and sucking hard on it, enough to make her cheeks sink in slightly as she brought Misty to full mast very quickly as her tongue lathered up her tip and even licked across her dick's slit. to try and tease more of her delicious honey flavored pre out and into her mouth.

"And you can call me Rose I guess, like my hair, that's what the first mortals I spoke with named me anyway," the redheaded sidhe said as she continued plowing Mia as deep as she could, her member already twitching Misty could see, though she held on for the time being and didn't cum yet... obviously wanting to hold out until Mia came herself before she pulled out and gave Misty a mouthful like she'd promised she would.

The trio of fey continued playing with both Misty and Mia, the two with cocks pounding them for all their worth, with Mari sucking hard on Misty's cock and causing her to quickly begin trembling in her mouth. If Misty looked over her shoulder, she'd see Mia's eyes rolling up and a look of bliss on her face, and an equally blissful look on Fiona's face, the horny naughty nymph having a lewd pleasure drunk grin on her face and not caring if Misty drained her of any energy while they had their fun. All of a sudden, while Misty was there on her hands and knees, she felt a thumb and index finger pinch her clit and looking back again she'd see that it was Mia who'd done it, the horny catgirl leaning over and beginning to lick Misty's clitty with her rough catlike tongue, which also went across Fiona's cock some too and made her gasp as she pounded Misty oh so deeply.

Soon enough Misty was already on the verge of her first climax, not even 3 minutes had passed yet and she was about to pop in Mari's mouth, the lusty nymph showering Misty's cock with kisses and tongue lashings. "Oh yes, I'm about to cum... get ready Misty, I'm going to let you drink down every drop, so open those luscious lips up and get ready to suck it all down," Rose said, giving Mia's ass a little slap as she knocked away with wild abandon as fast and deep as she could, her cock trembling greatly.

"Aye, I'm about to cum too... do you want it inside or out, I don't care which really, but I'd prefer to fill this tight little cunny up with my seed and make you all warm inside Misty. C-Choose quickly thoguh, c-can't hold it much longer," Fiona panted aloud as the wet slapping of skin on skin resounded through the clearing as she too knocked away happily just as Rose was doing.

"F-Fuck it... give me this load Fiona... you can cum in her next round okay... I'm thirsty too," Mia panted as she began arching her back as her own orgasm fast approached.

Assuming Misty had began licking Mari's pussy, the horny kitsune would find that she too was approaching orgasm if Misty kept up the pace with everyone else, and then as one the trio of fey, Mia, and Misty would all reach their peaks together, with Mia letting out a lewd meow for all to hear while the fey girls all squealed. Rose and Fiona both hilted inside Mia and Misty and held themselves there for a few moments as the warm wet flesh of Misty's and Mia's pussies both rippled and squeezed their hot hard dicks in an effort to milk their seed right out of them, but the pair grasped their cocks and squeezed the base's of them to prevent them from cumming inside the girls as told to do for their first round at least, and then just when they could hold on no longer they pulled out and Misty found her mouth full of 10 and a half inches of lusty sidhe cock, where Rose thrust in a few times before letting her desires overwhelm her and Misty's mouth was quickly filled by a massive load of cum that was more than even her own orgasms produced, the taste being a delicious strawberry flavor. Fiona meanwhile pulled out of Misty just as she let her cock go, with Misty feeling a large rope of cum splatter across her own ass and the base of her tail before Mia's mouth could capture that nice hard 10 inch ejaculating cock and drink down the rest of her seed, which was equal to the sidhe's own orgasm apparently, as Mia had to pull off of the hard throbbing piece of meat and allow the rest to give her a thick facial, her eyes half lidded in the blissful aftermath of their mutual orgasms. Mari meanwhile deepthroated Misty's cock all the way to the base as Misty exploded in orgasm, the kitsune's eyes nearly crossing from the pleasure as she felt her cock spurt all it had stored within, the horny nymph underneath her guzzling it all down with lewd audible gulping sounds.

"Oh wow, m-my pussy is throbbing so much, it wants more. H-How about yours Misty?" Mia panted after gulping down all of Fiona's cum that she had to pump out, reaching down between her legs with one hand and gently stroking her folds and diddling her clit a bit for Rose as the redheaded sidhe finished spurting her seed into Misty's mouth.

Rose would pull out of Misty's mouth after that to give her a chance to speak, her member still twitching a bit from her release only moments before, where she then began prodding at Mia's slit again as Fiona did the same to Misty, rubbing her tip up and down her folds, and then she slid it up to rub and prod against her asshole too and tease it a bit as well. As they did this, Rose suddenly stopped what she was doing and giggled mirthfully before gesturing to the nymphs to stop for a moment, where she then rolled Misty over onto her back, with Fiona tickling Misty's tail as she caressed the soft fur there, while Mari slid around and straddled Misty.

"Hmhm, alright now you're the center of attention Misty, I hope you like it," Rose said, giggling softly at Misty as she and the other two fey caressed her soft skin all over, with Mia joining them within a few moments of rolling her over, the horny catgirl's mouth descending onto Misty's in a deep passionate kiss, her tongue wrestling around with Misty's and submitting to Misty's as they entwined.

The trio of fey girls all took positions around Misty with Rose at her head as she pulled Mia up onto her hands and knees in the 69 position with Misty, so her cute and perfectly heart shaped ass was right above Misty's face, then Fiona took her position between Misty's legs and began prodding at Misty's slit again a little before she slapped her cock against Misty's nethers and clit a few times, while Mari lifted her own nice ass up and grasped Misty's member and lowered herself back down onto it as it sank into her own hot wet flower and enveloped Misty's meat. Once they were all in their desired positions, the two futanari fey girls thrust back into the tight wet pussies they were primed and ready for, with Misty having a very up close view of Mia's pussy getting plowed again, while Mia's face was buried in Mari's ample breasts as she bounced up and down on Misty's still rock hard member.

"Oh yes, f-fuck yes... I love this position," Mia moaned aloud as Rose started giving her some good deep thrusts right above Misty's nose, where she could smell Mia's arousal mere inches from her face and she could hear the sounds of kissing above her too, and if she looked around Mia's cute heart shaped ass she'd see Mia and Mari kissing and their tongues wrestling with one another quite a bit.
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