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Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant and fine

Evelyn: HP = 50, PP = 82, EP = 112, Status: fine now and pregnant

Misty's animated marble statue of herself: HP = 108, status = fine (108 body, mind 24)

"Aye, let's go, I didn't actually get cleaned up last night at all... because I came back to watch you and Mia, hmhm," Evelyn said with a giggle, giving a wink at Mia as she pushed Misty's guardian statue out of the way for them to exit their hut.

When they returned to the hut, with Evelyn flying alongside Misty, they'd find Mia had them a fresh change of clothes laid out with a couple of towels to dry off on so they'd be less miserable from the early morning jaunt over to the stream. When they were done with breakfast and ready to head on out about half an hour later or so and Misty said they should get rid of their hut so nothing could track them, Evelyn stepped up to the plate and cracked her knuckles.

"Alrighty then, I'll handle it so you don't waste your energies Misty. Be down in a jiffy," Evelyn said and soon their hut was swallowed back into the ground as she made it look as if nothing had ever been there, even their footprints that were inside were gone and the ground was all smoothed out again. "Let's go then... Mia you lead for now since you can smell things real good. I'll fly up high to see if I can spot anyone or anything nearby. That way we'll maximize our searching capabilities and hopefully find them easier. Once we do, it'll hopefully be smooth sailing north to Therion," she went on to say once she was done destroying the hut and any traces that they'd built one the night before.


Heading onwards the same way they had been the night before, they continued along the path for several hours until Evelyn swooped down after calling down to Misty and Mia. "Hey... I see them I think. Up ahead and a bit to the west of us where the path branches and in a clearing of the trees, there were a few people and some looked small, so it can only be the children surely," Evelyn said when she'd come down, pointing in the general direction she'd pointed from above earlier.

"Good, I hope those poor kids are alright, let's hurry it up and we ought to be able to catch up in a few minutes if they're only walking, which they probably are since there are children and they'll probably be tired from having to run like they had," Mia said, moving along at a quickened pace as Evelyn took to the air again and gestured Misty to follow.

It took them the better part of 45 minutes to an hour or so, but they caught up soon enough with Evelyn coming down lower and lower until she landed and continued on foot. Looking over at Misty, Evelyn leaned over a bit as they got to within shouting distance of the group and they could now tell it was a group of 6 children along with 4 adults, 2 men and 2 women. "Hey Misty... please don't mention to them that I'm a demon alright. I'm not entirely sure if any of them ever knew or not, though surely at least one or two of the people living there would have noticed it at some point. But even so I don't want to scare the kids, so I'm gonna make myself look like I had before we met," Evelyn whispered to Misty as Mia ran on up ahead of them to catch up to the group as she called out to them a few seconds later to get their attention before running up the hillside they'd been going up. A few moments later they'd see Mia wave them on up where Misty would see them a bit better and notice that there were 2 boys and 4 girls in the group of children.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty would agree to Evelyn's plan without question, pondering it for a moment and believing it to be relatively sound. She couldn't think up anything better, at least, and would follow along after Mia as they finally embarked upon the day's journey. Eventually, after a few hours of walking, Evelyn swooped down and Misty received her words with a nod and a slight smile. 'Well.. They haven't been eaten by wolves, at least!'

Hurrying, they eventually caught up with the fleeing refugees, four adults and six children in total. Evelyn set down beside them before they approached, her unnatural features fading to hide her demonic nature, and Misty would shoot the demoness a nod and reply; "I wasn't planning on mentioning it anyway, so that's fine. Tis your secret to keep." Mia ran up ahead of them while Evelyn spoke to her, and as the su-ku-ta waved to them Misty would hurry her steps forward to join her. This wasn't a group that she knew, and the kitsune would happily leave the other two to do the brunt of the talking if she could get away with it.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant and fine

Evelyn: HP = 50, PP = 82, EP = 112, Status: fine now and pregnant

"Thank you Misty. I'm sure that some of the adults probably suspected I wasn't human and whatnot, but I don't want to scare the poor children, they've been scared enough I think with everything that's happened the last couple of days or so," Evelyn told Misty, leaning over and kissing her on the cheek.

Moving along further up the path to catch up with the others, Misty and Evelyn saw that they were all a bit ragged from travel, but other than that they seemed to be alright really. "Evelyn... you managed to make it out then... that's the best news we've had since the attack. We're glad to see you alright, and you too of course Mia. I hope some of the others managed to get away, but... I'm not going to hold out too much though, and we can't afford to wait around or search for them either if they did manage to get away and head this way," one of the men said, a long black haired man that had a spear that he'd obviously taken from the blacksmith, for it was in too good condition to have been made out here in the wilds.

While the guy was talking to them, the children had all made their way to Evelyn who knelt down and hugged them all, obviously having a soft spot for them as she checked them over for any hurts, smiling softly at them while she worried over them. "I'm so glad you little ones are safe, and now that I'm here you'll be even more safe," Evelyn told them before standing back up and looking to the adults that were there. "Yes... we haven't the time to wait around, but... I might be able to help spot anyone, and Mia as we know can sniff someone out half a mile away or more, so we should be able to find anyone along our path if they manage to get close enough to us," she added.

"Aye, and I can scout out ahead, behind, and to the sides of the group to see if I can find anyone that might be around us, and take a peek around when we make camp tonight too just in case. That would serve two purposes, one I'd be able to maybe find any others that got away, and second I'd be able to spot any dangers coming towards us," Mia said confidently.

"Miss Evelyn, can we sleep with you tonight?" one of the little girls asked her, a hopeful look on her young face.

"Of course sweetie, I don't mind," Evelyn told her, patting her head and giving her a hug before turning to Misty. "Everyone, this here is Misty, she ran into Mia night before last and they both saved me actually yesterday. If they hadn't been there I wouldn't have escaped the town alive I'd wager. And we also managed to take out a few of those vile things on our way out too amazingly, everything I believe that was left in the town at least," Evelyn went on to say as she introduced Misty.

"She's a fox... a pretty fox," another of the young girls said as she walked over to Misty, she looked like she was barely 6 years old if that much and was the youngest of the children there. She reached out to touch Misty's tail unless the kitsune stopped her, where she'd snuggle into it if she allowed her to do so.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty would, as she'd intended, stay out of the conversation between Evelyn and the people she'd gotten out of town before they had returned and gotten rid of the aliens. The refugees seemed quite happy to see them, particularly the children, but Misty kept silent and out of the way, her tail flitting back and forth slowly. One of the girls did notice her, however, and the kitsune smirked knowingly at her and caused her fluffy tail to flit just out of her reach for a moment before teasingly dangling it in front of her.

"I'm not just a fox! I'm a kitsune!" she said brightly, her tail flitting again before letting the young human girl touch her fluffy tail. It wasn't exactly unheard of, someone's reaction to the plush fur of her tail, but as she let the child toy with her tail she glanced at the other refugees and waved in greeting, acknowledging the introduction that Evelyn had made.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant and fine

Evelyn: HP = 50, PP = 82, EP = 112, Status: fine now and pregnant

(I'm thinking that a time skip forward might be coming soon most likely.)

"W-What's that?" the young girl asked curiously, hugging her tail when finally allowed to do so.

"She's a foxy lady sweetie, let's just say that," Evelyn told the girl, patting her on the head with a smile.

Mia smiled at the exchange between the three of them before looking back to the other adults. "If you like I'll go on ahead to scout some and maybe find us all a good camping spot for the night while I'm at it. Did you all by chance grab anything to bring to eat? Or were you unable to?" Mia said, asking if they'd gotten any food on their way out or anything, though the chances were that they hadn't and Misty would know this.

"Aye that'd be good, we've been moving pretty fast since we ran, so when we've made camp it's pretty much when the children simply can't go on any longer for the night," the man Evelyn addressed first said.

"Well now that we're here too, we'll help take on some of the lifting. Misty here is a very experienced spirit user like myself, so between the two of us we should be able to handle any little things that need taking care of I think," Evelyn said with a nod, looking over to Misty and nodding to her too. "Well we seem to still have a bit of daylight left so we ought to make the best of it. Therion is still quite a ways away, and it could take us weeks to get there depending on weather and everything, though hopefully it won't take us quite that long," she added before reaching down and picking up the young girl that'd been hugging Misty's tail, where she decided to carry her for the time being as they set off again.

Moving onwards, they made fairly good time and the others seemed to be in fairly good spirits, likely more so than they were before they came upon them. When the sun was starting to go down for the day, Mia came jogging back to their position with a happy look. "Well I found us a good spot up ahead, looks pretty flat and in some trees for cover from the air," Mia said once she got back.

When they got to the place Mia mentioned a few minutes later, Evelyn helped to set them up a few tiny little huts, only about the size of a tent each that could house a couple of people. "Whew, that ought to do us for the night, and I can get rid of them in the morning before we set out," Evelyn said once she was done, with the demoness not allowing Misty to help with this, giving her a kiss on the cheek and telling her that she didn't want her wasting energy if she didn't have to. They were able to set up a campfire fairly easy with the dead wood around their camp, and Evelyn and Mia made some food for everyone with the supplies they'd taken from the village, enough so everyone had plenty to keep their strength up for the next day.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

(Sounds good to me.)

"What she said!" Misty added brightly on top of what Evelyn said, though after that Misty's participation in the conversation would be mostly over with. She would nod when Evelyn indicated her powers, but after that was content enough to set off with the others. Mia and Evelyn knew this people much better than she did, and for now she was content to wield her outsider's status as armor to keep things nice and simple. Their cheer was infectious along the rest of the day's journey, and Misty would smile along the way and help around camp when Mia had brought them to their camp site. She would more or less continue that sort of attitude, though she would also opt to make sure that she minimized the use of her powers in order to keep from having to feed, not wanting to get walked in on. She would also make an effort over the following days to get to know the group of refugees that she was about to help across the dangerous mountains between Anudor and Crolia, and get to know Mia and Evelyn better. It would be difficult to resist the temptation of getting into either of their pants, given their constant proximity, but being with so many people made that all but impossible, and the last thing that Misty wanted as for one of the children to walk in on them.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant and fine

Evelyn: HP = 50, PP = 82, EP = 112, Status: fine and pregnant

After they made camp that night, the grownups of the group they met up with all sat around the campfire with the girls after dinner while the children rested in the small stone and dirt teepees that Evelyn made for them to use, the adults all mainly just chatting with one another with Evelyn and Mia helping them to get to know Misty a little bit. They weren't too invasive with their talking to Misty as they got to know her a bit, more of just how she could help them, if she had the same kinds of powers as Evelyn, how strong was she, more basic things like that. If Misty wished to give them a bit more information they would eagerly listen however, but they wouldn't demand it, as she had helped to rescue one of their more beloved members of their community.

"I figure it would be better if we go straight towards Therion honestly, even if we have to pass over the mountains. I don't want to have to go through Badaria just to get to a pass so we don't have to go up and over a mountain," Evelyn said while they talked with one another and after they'd asked Misty a few questions about herself.

There were several nods of agreement, from all of the people there save Misty, unless she agreed with them all too that is. Once that was done with, Evelyn winked at Misty and they set the watches in pairs, with Mia taking the first watch with one of the other adults while Evelyn joined Misty in their little abode for the night and snuggled up to her in their shared bedroll, leaning in and kissing her on the cheek before they slept for a while until their watch, which they'd decided was going to be the last watch for the night.


When the time came for their watch to begin, Misty and Evelyn groggily woke up and took their watch, keeping a close eye out for anything that might attempt to sneak up on them. "You feeling alright for energy hon? I'm pretty sure that we could find us a spot to slip off to when we stop for lunch if you want," Evelyn asked Misty while they did their watch, sitting next to her and poking at their campfire with a long stick. "I'm sure we'll need to stop at some point to refill you though," the demoness added with a wink.

Shortly after the others began to wake up and Evelyn started getting things ready for breakfast while the others all stretched and got their blood flowing. As soon as they were all awake and breakfast was ready they sat down together and ate, with a bit of chatting between everyone. After they finished, they got ready to leave, with everyone in much higher spirits than they'd obviously been the day before, and the young girl from the day before staying near to Misty, still curious about her apparently.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty would offer basic explanations to the others questions, saying that she wasn't sure how powerful she was compared to Evelyn but that she had similar powers in some respects, but deflecting any questions about where she was from. She took a mild interest in the others, at least trying to learn their names, but wouldn't pry about their origins given the tragedy they'd just been through. On the subject of the plan, she would merely shrug and then nod. While she didn't necessarily agree, given that they had children with them, she figured that Evelyn's opinion would be more readily accepted than her own regarding the route they would take to Therion, and didn't feel like it would be enough of an issue that it was worth arguing over.

Later, when they went to bed, Misty would smirk at Evelyn as she crawled forward and cuddled up, turning her head at just the right moment to turn the kiss on her cheek by the disguised demon into a kiss on the lips. She didn't press the kiss with any tongue unless Evelyn started it, however, and once their mouths parted she would softly purr, "too bad we can't afford to make any noise~ Sleep well!" With that she would contentedly cuddle up to the demoness, content to rest for now and quickly falling asleep with Evelyn cuddled up to her.

When Misty's eyes opened, the darkness of sleep had receded. Daylight greeted her.... Daylight, and three sets of nearly lifeless gray eyes. She was back in town, the destroyed desert town where Mia had so narrowly escaped before running into her, and where she had met Evelyn only a couple of days prior... Only now, there was no Evelyn. No Mia. No marble statue in her likeness. There was only the ruins, and the three converted women, approaching her with a sultry sway in every perfectly unified step.

The kitsune recoiled, and called upon her magic, ready to obliterate them, to make their flesh melt and rot away, but then they paused, and as one blew a kiss at her. Their magic wrapped around her mind, leaving it fuzzy and.... And her magic faded, a grin spreading across her face. “Hey there.... You looking for me?” she purred, striding forward to meet the trio of suddenly beautiful women, “or for these?” The three women broke out into broad grins as Misty gestured toward the twin cocks jutting from her cock, both fully erect and with a droplet of precum hanging from the slits on the tips.

The trinity surrounded her, all smiles and sultry walks. Two of them looked young, barely if at all out of their teen years, while the third looked a bit older and was significantly bustier. All of them were brunettes, and all three had the same general skin tone, the Anudorian women much darker than the Crolian kitsune's pale complexion but with an added gray tint. Were they related? A mother and her two daughters perhaps? It hardly mattered at that point to Misty, who found all three beautiful even as they closed in with a predatory look in their eyes, her instinctive terror at the threat that the alien-controlled women represented suppressed completely by the fog of lust and acceptance that had been pushed onto her mind by their magic.

Mmmmm, both is a good answer too~” she purred as the trio closed in, the busty one sliding up against her side, her large breasts pressing against and around her arm, and prompting Misty to turn to her reflexively so that their lips met in an open mouthed kiss. Her tongue slid forth immediately, ready to enjoy a dance, only for a long, sinuous appendage unlike any she'd ever felt to grip it and pull it forth. Surprised, Misty let out a coo as she was so completely dominated in that initial kiss, and that wasn't the last pleasured noise that she was to make as that embrace progressed. The busty gemini leaning against her brought her hands into play, one trailing up Misty's abdomen until she could cup and then expertly knead one of her breasts, her nipple going erect immediately the stimulation and the toxic slime, while the woman's other hand reached down began to cup and grope her ass.

Her attention claimed so completely by one of them, Misty was helpless to do anything about the other two. One quickly moved to press against her other side, covering her in even more of their aphrodisiac slime, and started kissing her neck. Another hand quickly slid down to claim her other cheek, the two gemini simultaneously squeezing and toying with her soft rear, but the younger looking gemini's other hand didn't go for her other breast. Its journey was down, not, up and started at about her midriff before the sensation of fingers dancing over one of her shafts caused Misty to jump and moan in surprise. The alien slime seeped easily into her skin, setting her nerves alight with sensation and replacing what little resistance she'd had left, and as her cock was coated in the stuff it made her already sensitive nerves even more susceptible to the corrupted woman's deft touch. The third woman remained in front of Misty, and her lips quickly found the kitsune's collar while her fingers replicated the teasing touch of her sister against Misty's second cock. Completely outnumbered and overwhelmed, Misty could only wrap her arms around the waists of the two women at her sides, groping their rumps and squeezing, but could manage nothing else while under such an assault.

Both of her rods were quickly covered in the alien's slime, leaving them pulsating against the fingers slowly running over her skin, the pleasure pulsing up from them more than doubled. Misty could already feel it, the sensation that she was often on the other end of, as the gemini began to drain her soul from her body. But, as terrifying as that might normally have made her, Misty couldn't help but moan all the louder at the erotic addition to her physical pleasure, her will already completely crumbled and her powerful soul ripe for the taking.

The twins stroking her cocks was, despite her not unimpressive stamina, quick to make Misty throb in their palms, her moans rising into the bustier gemini's mouth as she squirmed between them. Her tongue trapped by the agile appendage of the voluptuous gemini woman, she couldn't even speak the warning she would normally have given when she was nearing her peak, but as that peak drew nearer and nearer the stroking motions grew slower and slower. Misty's moans began to grow frustrated as she was teased closer and closer to her peak but never given the satisfaction of actually experiencing it, but fortunately her torture was only brief.

The older looking gemini slowly released her from the dominant kiss, allowing Misty to gasp and moan into the open air before she started panting. Glancing down at the slimy hands stroking her twin rods, both throbbing heavily, she moaned, "that's so good... Nnnn... You're.... Ahhh! Gonna make me... Cum! Oooohh~" The three gemini were not to give her what they had caused her to crave, both through their actions and through their poison, however, at least not yet. They practically stopped all stimulation besides teasing their fingers along her cocks and the tips of her breasts, leaving her aching for stimulation and groaning with wanton need while they all shifted position. The one sister who hadn't gotten her lips onto the kitsune in any way yet dropped to her knees, and then her hand wrapped around the base of one of Misty's cocks and pointed at her mouth, her lips parting and pressing against the incredibly sensitive head with a lewd kiss. The older, bustier gemini slid next to the younger one and onto her knees as well, and reached out to wrap her forefinger and thumb around the base of Misty's other cock, giving it a few strokes and ensuring that the pulsating shaft was fully coated in her slime before stopping and simply holding it up so that her tongue, impossibly long and newly released from her mouth, slipped out and began slowly circling around the tip. Finally, the last sister slipped a little bit closer and started kissing Misty's neck up to her ear, and moved her hands one to her breast and the other between her legs from behind, fondling her rump and rubbing her fingers over the vulnerable kitsune's petals, which were positively drooling by that point.

"Ooooohhhh fuck! Come on, stop teasing me!" she groaned in protest, but the gemini were merciless. Slowly but steadily sucking out her soul, the two gemini on their knees did nothing but tease the heads of her twin rods, one suckling and licking while the other only circled it with her tongue, while the one still standing slowly rubbed the kitsune's pussy lips, constantly threatening to slip into her but never quite doing so. Minutes that felt like years passed, but eventually Misty's soul would be drained enough, and the gemini would cease their torment.

All at once, the three gemini women started ramping up their stimulation. A long, slimy digit slipped into her sex and began to slowly work itself in circles, rubbing against her inner walls. The younger looking gemini slipped her mouth over the first two inches of Misty's cock and began to set up a steady stroking motion with the hand still wrapped around her shaft, sucking and stroking simultaneously while the head of the kitsune's throbbing rod jumped repeatedly. Finally, the busty gemini wrapped her tongue around Misty's other shaft, the tip then coiling back to start flicking against her frenulum while the tongue itself literally stroked her cock. Misty let out a loud groan, feeling her peak coming fast, but still not nearly as fast as she would have liked.

It would be another full minute before the combined stimulation finally pushed her over the edge, but when it did the result would be explosive! The tongue around one shaft released her while the bustier one started rapidly stroking her cock, aiming it down at her breasts, while the others simply remained where they were while maybe going a little bit faster. Misty let out a low howl as her climax began, her head tilting back as her twin cocks exploded, spraying rope after rope of hot cum across one woman's slimy bosom and down another's throat, and her love honey burst from her natural sex just as energetically. Of course, along with her juices, the gemini drained her of more and more of her energy through the pleasure that they caused, and by the time she was finished almost all of Misty's soul had been sucked from her body, leaving her core nearly exposed.

That wasn't enough for the gemini. Though she had practically coated the one in front of her in cum, leaving the corrupted woman's breasts absolutely coated in her seed, both seemed to hunger for more. Without giving her even a moment to recover, she raised Misty's cock and descended upon it, starting to bob slowly back and forth alongside the younger one which had kept on sucking unabated. The one at her side stopped her slow circles and began simply rapidly pumping her digits back and forth into Misty's flower, and combined with the two women bobbing back and forth on her twin rods the kitsune felt another orgasm rearing before she'd even finished recovering from the first. "Ohhh... Ooooh, it's.... Too much! You're gonna.... Ahh!"

All too soon, Misty was cumming again, spurting more of her seed down the gemini's throats and covering the other's hand in a fresh dose of her cream. Her soul was practically shredded by that point, leaving nothing but her core and the moorings to her body, but even those came under assault soon enough as the gemini continued forcefully pleasuring her. Helpless, the voice of terror in the back of her mind screaming in impotent rage, Misty felt a third and final peak rising as the busty gemini's tongue coiled fully around her cock while the other was fully drawn down the other woman's throat. The moment that peak hit, Misty felt the ties to her being break all at once as her soul was dragged in three directions all at once. Ecstasy was suddenly joined by agony as Misty's spirit was slowly but surely rent asunder, and just as the pain became too much to survive the tearing of her soul destroyed Misty's consciousness, leaving her falling into dark oblivion even as her body shivered one last time and then went limp in the grasp of those who had ended her....

Misty's eyes shot open, and she jumped up with a soft gasp, pulling herself from Evelyn's embrace while cold sweat covered her body. Her heart was beating a mile a minute from the sexually charged nightmare, but even a glance around assured the kitsune that she had only been dreaming, allowing her to start to calm down. Of course, as her terror abated, another part of her that hadn't calmed with her heart. Her twin cocks - for there were indeed two of them - had slipped free from the folds of her robes, parting the cloth and pointing proudly into the open air. So much precum had leaked from the tips while she dreamed that it had trailed along the undersides of her rods all the way down to her thighs, and both of them were throbbing so hard that they might have been about to explode. That might take some explaining if her outburst had caused Evelyn to wake up, not unlikely by any stretch of the imagination, but she could deal with explaining her twin erections if it became an issue and depending on how Evelyn reacted.


When it was time for their watch, Misty would grumpily get out of bed, making sure that her robes were closed carefully before heading outside, and sitting on a log next to the fire. "Yeah," Misty would reply distractedly when Evelyn asked if she was alright for energy, though she would quickly smirk as she actually comprehended what Evelyn was saying. "Mmmmmm, how can I refuse that offer? It's too bad, we're letting another perfectly good opportunity to sneak in a couple rounds while shirking our responsibility~ Still... I could summon up something to, ahhhh, keep watch for us while we... Goof off~"

Unfortunately, it wasn't long before the others began to awaken, leaving them without much time to make good on that idea. Misty would do as she always did, as little work as possible when others were present to do it for her, and chat only a little. As they packed up and got underway, the little girl who was curious about her the night before was seemingly sticking near to her, still curious, and Misty would simply put up with her, humoring her and answering her questions if she asked any.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant and fine

Evelyn: HP = 50, PP = 82, EP = 112, Status: fine and pregnant

Evelyn smirked at Misty's turning at the last second to make them kiss on the lips, letting her tongue find Misty's for a couple of seconds before nodding her head. "Aye, you too dearie," Evelyn replied, closing her eyes to get herself some shuteye.


When Misty woke with a start and quickly pulled away from Evelyn, the demoness' eyes shot open, her hand already coming up in a show of preparing her spirit powers and ready to fight. When she saw Misty however she calmed down and lowered her hand, crawling over to her a bit, noticing her twin rods fully erect and ready for action. She could tell something was wrong with Misty, that something had happened, but she didn't ask as she looked into her eyes a look of concern in Evelyn's Misty could see. Wordlessly, Evelyn reached over and took Misty's hand and closed her robe back to cover her twin cocks, gently pulling her back to bed and pulling her close against her in a hug.

"It's okay Misty... I'm here. What happened? You can tell me if you feel like it, I'll listen," Evelyn finally said as they lay there, a hand gently brushing its fingers through her hair.


"Hmm... I'm sure we could, and I can keep my voice down if you can foxy. And it would make sense for you to be the one to summon something up in that case, as you'd be getting what energy you lost right back and all," Evelyn said with a smirk as she winked at Misty.

Before they could really get into anything though the others began getting up, starting with Mia who crawled out of their shared makeshift tent which she'd gone into when her watch was over, which was after Misty had woken in the middle of the night because of her nightmare. Breakfast didn't take too long thankfully and they were soon enough on her way northwards along the path they'd been on that whole time just about.

"Um... miss fox... mmm... Misty. Are there many kisune's?" the young girl asked as she remained near Misty up until they stopped for lunch at least.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Just... Just a nightmare," Misty gasped softly, trying to keep her voice down and sound reassuring. After a few moments the kitsune would calm, and slowly lean back down onto the bed. "I'm alright... Just a bad dream," she would say, and then tug Evelyn back up against her, cuddling a bit more firmly than she had before.

Despite her nightmare, she would be all too ready to engage in a clandestine encounter with Evelyn, grinning and winking back, but Mia would awaken before they could get into anything. Disappointed but not greatly so, Misty would opt to keep a lid on her lust for the moment, and busied herself shirking as much responsibility as possible.

"Mmm? Oh, uhhh..... Not really. I've never met another one, actually" Misty replied to the little girl while they walked, answering her honestly. "I know I'm not the only one, but I don't think there are many like me around."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant and fine

Evelyn: HP = 50, PP = 82, EP = 112, Status: fine and pregnant

"It's alright Foxy, come here and snuggle up to me we'll need to get up shortly and need all the sleep we can get," Evelyn said to Misty, holding her tightly against her, but not so tight she squeezed the breath out of her of course. With that they went on back to sleep, with Evelyn not caring how close Misty snuggled up to her and not even caring if Misty groped her or anything like that either.


"Is your mommy or daddy a kisune too?" the young girl asked Misty after she'd answered her first question, forgetting the t in kitsune again.


A while after they'd set out, around lunchtime, another storm came through, this one not too bad but the rain was coming down heavily enough that they needed to stick close to the trees as they traveled. When they came to a good area that had cover, they went ahead and stopped to break out some food for lunch.

"Stupid rain. I hope that it doesn't bog us down too much," Mia said, cursing the rain, with the other adults agreeing with her and cursing it as well.

The children didn't seem to mind it all that much, mostly just glad to be sitting down and relaxing for a while. Thankfully though the storm eased up by the time they finished with lunch, though it kept raining for a while afterwards and remained cloudy for the rest of the day. That night there wasn't a whole lot that bothered them really, giving them another night of peace and quiet.

The next morning though, they woke to yet more rain, the clouds deciding that more would be good for them, which made keeping the campfire good and high tough, but not impossible. They kept the same watches that night too unless Misty decided differently and voiced this. The same routine as the day before would continue the next day as they went, however on this day Evelyn would kiss Misty on the cheek when they stopped for lunch and would wink, gesturing her off into the trees a little ways. "Wanna have some fun Foxy? I think we'll have enough time today if you want," Evelyn would whisper to Misty before looking around and mentioning to the others the need to go to the bathroom and wanting some privacy for it and that the others ought to do the same if they felt the need to go themselves.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty, still disquieted but largely alright now that her head had cleared a little, would snuggle back up with the disguised demoness and go back to sleep.


"My mother was, but I never really knew her. She left me with a witch in the far East, who taught me magic.... Among other things~" Misty replied brightly to the little girl, giving Evelyn a significant look that indicated the sort of things she'd learned from her adopted mother. "I didn't stay there for too long though," she continued, again addressing the little girl.


Misty wouldn't bother to complain about the rain, being fairly used to being exposed to the elements. Usually she would have gone for shelter rather than travel through them, but they had only limited supplies and many mouths to feed, and a long road ahead before they reached civilized lands again. As such, she didn't join in when Mia cursed the rain and the other adults quickly joined her, merely opting to shake her head. The routine nature of the day that followed would be dull, but Misty wasn't exactly a stranger to dull given how much time she spent surviving out in the wilds, so she didn't complain. They traveled, they stopped to make camp, they ate, they slept, some of them kept watch, with the only event in the night being the difficulty in keeping the fire going.

The next day looked ready to follow the same pattern, but when they stopped for lunch Misty would grin conspiratorially back at Evelyn when she made her lewd off. A quick pinch of the demon's plump rear would be her only initial response, but the grin that Misty briefly wore at the demon's offer would be signal enough to her willingness to engage in such. After the demoness suggested they go to the bathroom during their break, Misty would silently mouth; "Now?" and if the answer proved to be yes, would follow Evelyn off into the woods after a few moments, trying to not make it too obvious.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant and fine

Evelyn: HP = 50, PP = 82, EP = 112, Status: fine and pregnant

"Oh... I didn't really know my mommy either. Miss Evelyn said she went away after I was born. I'm Faye," the girl said, introducing herself finally, apparently having forgotten to do so before, though considering all that'd happened Misty couldn't very well blame her for forgetting really.


Evelyn nodded to Misty's mouthed question, giving her a wink and nodding towards the direction she herself was going, as if telling Misty to come along whenever she was ready. Evelyn headed off a little ways towards the stream that was near their resting spot, where they had earlier gone to in order to refill their waterskins after stopping to rest for lunch. When Misty followed along shortly after, she didn't have to worry about making it too obvious, as several of the others, with Mia included, took some of the children to go do some bathroom business too.

When she made her way over to Evelyn, Misty would find her sitting on a rock near the stream, already butt naked and waiting for her and already getting herself warmed up by rubbing her pussy with her left hand, her middle finger dipping inside to coax her juices into flowing to prepare her for sex. "Ah there you are Foxy. Gods I'm so horny right now, what with you being all cuddly through the night and all. A matter of so close, yet so far away because I didn't want the others to hear. My pussy is so hungry for your cock, my ass too," Evelyn said in a sultry tone, her sex absolutely soaked with need and almost begging Misty for her cock. It was of course up to Misty whether or not she wanted to of course. "You want to fill me up again Foxy? Go right ahead and take your fill of my body," Evelyn added with a wink.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Well then Faye," Misty replied lightly, not exactly the most experienced sort when dealing with the traumas of others but doing her best to sound light hearted, "did Miss Evelyn raise you herself?"


Despite her efforts to keep their clandestine meeting a secret, Misty couldn't help but offer an eager grin as Evelyn promised her an intimate session in the very near future. She quickly erased the look after giving the demoness a quick wink, however, and would wait a little while to follow after Evelyn.

The demoness wasn't exactly hard to find, and had evidently done away with her clothes and.... Worked to get herself nice and ready. Finding her sitting on a rock, her juicy folds leaking enticingly, Misty grinned broadly again. "You naughty thing you~" she cooed softly as her walk turned into a slow saunter, "sitting there all wet and ready.... And begging for my dick~ I had all these plans about building you up, about feeling those big tits around my cock, about stuffing that naughty mouth of yours."

Her robes open and practically melted off of her body as Misty approached, her cock already sprouting, growing until it was nice and long and thick. "You've gone and ruined all of my plans!" she continued as she came within reach of the demoness, her voice filled with mock despair, but adopting a mischievous tone as she climbed onto the rock, onto Evelyn, and lined her cock up with her folds only to purposefully miss, leaving the underside to rub up against the demon's stomach and glance against her exposed clit as Misty began making a lewd sawing motion with her body.

"Do you have any idea how much cum I'm going to have to fill that naughty pussy of yours with to see that you learn your lesson?" she purred, and then her mouth fell onto the redhead's mouth, kissing her as aggressively as ever while continuing her slow, sliding motions until her cock had left a small trail of her pre on Evelyn's stomach. Only when she had worked both of them up enough would the pale kitsune smoothly slid back, her stiff rod naturally falling into place against Evelyn's entrance and sliding right into her without any hesitation.

Letting out a moan into her partner's mouth as she once more reveled in having her cock wrapped up in the redheaded demon's gloriously tight folds, slowly pushing inwards until she felt her tip kiss the demon's cervix and her base wrapped by her outer petals. For a few moments she rested there, letting Evelyn's folds try to milk her of cum that she was all too ready to give... But not yet. Breaking the kiss and straightening slightly, Misty waved a hand and caused a screen of earth and foliage to wrap around them, concealing them from view in case anyone stumbled upon them, and when she turned back to the busty redhead she grinned maniacally. "Now that I've got you right where I want you.... I'm going to enjoy every little morsel of my meal while I empty all of my built up cum into you~" she cooed, and then moaned as she vegan to slowly and sensually thrust into the demoness while taking her first bite out of Evelyn's soul, easily replenishing the energy she'd used to conceal them.

Her mouth descended once more, but this time instead of Evelyn's lips she claimed the tip of one of her heavy breasts, her tongue coiling around it and writhing until the sensations made the sensitive nub rock hard. After that, Misty's cheeks dimpled, and her tongue began to tug on the demon's nipple, literally milking her bust for the delicious fluid that she knew it could release. Leaving one hand on the rock for stability, the other was aimed at Evelyn's other breast, cupping over the face and rubbing her palm over her other sensitive tip, getting it ready for similar treatment even as her thrusting steadily began to increase in pace. She was still learning Evelyn's body a little bit, and the demoness wasn't nearly as inexperienced as Mia had been, but Misty was a quick study, and she could make good guesses that quickly grew more accurate as she got more "practice" on how to hit Evelyn's sweet spots with her manhood.

It was incredibly tempting just then to race up to a quick peak, to just grind Evelyn into an orgasm and then give up as much of her cum as the demon's incredibly tight pussy could suck out of her, but instead Misty opted for the more satisfying experience of working them both up at first. That didn't make it an easier to resist the siren call of emptying herself into Evelyn's depths, her impossibly tight folds less a temptation and more a pure demand for Misty's sperm, but Misty had long practiced keeping her seed contained until she was ready to spill it, having avoided siring any children up until that point by that very method, and she willed herself to avoid cumming to soon and concentrated on her motions and her suckling rather than on the pleasure screaming up from her nerves.

A minute or two later she switched to the breast she'd been palming while leaving the other free to jiggle lightly with her increasingly energetic thrusts. Her cock had started out rock hard and only got harder as Evelyn's pussy worked its devilish magic, but as she pumped away at the busty demoness, bringing them both towards a powerful peak, Misty would stop increasing their pace and concentrate on holding back her seed for the next little while. At that point, it was entirely possible that Evelyn would turn the tables on her and take the top spot, and if she did Misty would surrender without complaint and let the demoness ride her until she'd been milked dry or until Evelyn wanted to change positions, this time happy to let Evelyn have as much as she liked. Assuming that she remained patient, however, Misty would suddenly pull out after another minute or two of thrusting. Pulling away, her cock throbbing and covered in Evelyn's juices, Misty would roll the demon onto her side and put her on her side, her plump ass partially hanging off of the rock and perfectly at waist height when Misty took up a standing position.

Assuming that she wasn't being ridden until she was empty instead, Misty eyed the demon's round backside for a moment before offering it a sharp smack and then once more lining herself up and pushing right in. With her legs closed and her body drawn into a tighten chord, Evelyn's pussy would be even tighter than before, and Misty moaned as she sunk inch after inch of her rod into the demoness. She was pulsating with need by the time the tip of her cock was kissing Evelyn's cervix again, ready to spurt at any moment, but again she tried to resist even though now the demoness could quickly milk out her seed if she really wished to. Misty would look her right in the eyes, letting Evelyn see the need in her golden eyes for a moment before her hips reared back and she slammed back into her pink crevice hard enough to make her plump backside jiggle. Misty's patience was gone, and her first furious thrust was quickly followed by dozens upon dozens more as she started rapidly hammering away at Evelyn's folds at a pace that would be hard to endure for more than a couple of minutes at best. She wasn't trying to endure it, however, instead merely trying to get a pay off on the build up produced by the slower thrusts she'd delivered earlier, and whether Evelyn wanted her load sooner or later, she was going to be getting it shortly. Misty's furious thrusts quickly grew frantic as her face contorted in pleasure, her moans growing louder and more intense as her cock began to throb powerfully in the preempting warning before her release. That warning wouldn't come long before Misty gave a few final thrusts into Evelyn and let her moan rise only to be choked off, the kitsune conscious of the need to not be too loud, and started pumping wave after wave of her potent semen deep inside of Evelyn's folds, ready and willing to give as much cum as Evelyn's pussy wanted to drink while feeding enough on Evelyn to enhance her own pleasure mightily but not leave her exhausted. They still had a long way to travel that day, after all, but that didn't stop Misty from looking with a lustfully questioning look towards the demoness, ready to keep on going if she thought they had the time.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant and fine

Evelyn: HP = 50, PP = 82, EP = 112, Status: fine and pregnant

"Yeah, ever since I can remember she's taken care of me, because I don't remember my real mommy any. And Mia's like a big sis to me," Faye said, nodding her little head, seeming a little sad, but not about to cry or anything. Perhaps it was something she had simply come to terms with, or something that she simply didn't truly understand just yet.


"I know, I'm just a horny cock hungry demoness, one that needs to be punished. But... I don't mind wrapping my big tits around that nice thick cock of yours if you want me to," Evelyn whispered to Misty as she climbed atop her. "Lots and lots of cum... mmmphm," Evelyn began saying when Misty asked how much cum she was going to have to spurt into her, a muffled moan escaping around their lips as she returned the kiss with equal passion.

Evelyn continued kissing Misty, her tongue sliding into the kitsune's as they lay there. Then when Misty pressed her dick against Evelyn's pussy, the horny demoness gasped into Misty's mouth and let out a soft moan as she slid inside, her eyes closing halfway as she enjoyed the pleasure of that wonderful meat sliding inside of her hungry pussy. Misty would feel Evelyn's tight pussy squeezing and massaging her length as she let it sit within her without moving any, trying to instinctively milk her cum out of her.

"Y-Yeah... that's probably... a good idea Misty. Now go ahead and... enjoy me to your hearts content... well at least for the next half hour to an hour or so," Evelyn panted when Misty brought her protective wall up around them to block them from view.

Evelyn let out a moan as Misty began slowly fucking her, not too loud of one, but anyone in the close vicinity of them would easily hear her voice, her legs wrapping around Misty as she went at it. When she captured Evelyn's nipple in her mouth and began suckling and licking it, Misty quickly brought it to full hardness, the nub already beginning to secrete her milk from it. Evelyn seemed to be very content in simply letting Misty do whatever she wanted to really, letting her grope her other breast that wasn't being suckled on and placing a hand on her fox eared head and gently scratching and caressing it as she milked her breasts. As Misty continued pounding her, she'd find it increasingly harder with each thrust to not simply explode inside of Evelyn as her incredibly tight pussy milked her cock for all its worth, but Misty could tell Evelyn was holding back just a little bit, seeming to want to make this last for as long as it could and enjoying every second Misty was inside of her.

"Fuck yes Misty... fuck me harder... come on now Foxy, don't be shy. And drink your fill of my milk too, that's it, make me yours," Evelyn panted in her ear as she pounded her.

As Misty switched to Evelyn's other breast, she could tell that Evelyn was struggling not to simply flip her over and ride her until they both couldn't move anymore, but amazingly Evelyn do so and let Misty keep going, apparently trusting her enough to let her set the pace for them. Evelyn's free breast jiggled with each and every thrust, the delicious mammary dripping her milk from its nipple that slid down her chest while Misty drank deeply of her milk from the other breast, the taste of it sweet and simply delicious. Evelyn's moans didn't quiet down either as they went, her mouth letting one out for every 2 or 3 thrusts misty gave of her dick, and at this point Evelyn's body was moving in perfect harmony with Misty's to bring them both the maximum amount of pleasure that could be gotten for them both.

When Misty stopped increasing her pace and stayed at a steady one, Evelyn whined pitifully and merely squeezed her gently with her legs that were wrapped around her waist. Evelyn didn't force Misty to go faster though or switch positions, but she did however pull Misty's head down and kissed her deeply again, her tongue wrestling with Misty's, giving her an equal match in tongue skill.

By the time Misty pulled away though and pulled out, she'd see Evelyn's pussy was positively dripping with lust, her juices coating her dick and dripping from it as well. Evelyn moved around as Misty directed her body into the desired position, where she looked over her shoulder somewhat back at Misty with a lust filled look in her eyes, her cheeks flushed with arousal so much that Misty was amazed that she hadn't just taken advantage and rolled her over to take what she wanted from her. Upon spanking Evelyn's ass, the demoness' body shuddered as she let out another lewd moan, this one louder than any prior moans, and she seemed to like it and enticingly wiggled her ass back and forth at Misty as if trying to entice her into doing it again.

When she thrust back into Evelyn's pussy however, she'd find it extremely tight, tighter than she expected it to be, and she nearly came right then and there on the first thrust as her tip came to rest against Evelyn's cervix, but she was able to hold back... barely. As Misty's golden eyes stared at Evelyn's, which were closed until she began knocking away like crazy, she'd see the infernal red colored eyes of the demoness' staring right back into her's an equal amount of need. Her ass jiggling as Misty slammed home one good time, Evelyn wrapped her left arm around Misty's neck, holding her close as she feverishly pounded her.

Just before she began thrusting as fast and hard as her body could manage though, Evelyn maneuvered around a little bit so that her feet were on the ground as she lay across the rock, wiggling her ass deliciously as Misty's cock rested inside, then she leaned back and wrapped her left arm around Misty's neck again and thrust herself back onto Misty's dick, urging her to go now. In this position, Misty's legs nearly gave out from the sheer amount of pleasure coursing through her, as Evelyn could now thrust back to meet Misty's thrusts with just as much force, and she kept her legs pressed together too just as they'd been while laying on her side to make sure she was just as tight. It seemed that Evelyn's patience had run out as well and she was actively squeezing Misty's dick very tightly, much tighter than she had been.

"Yes Misty... fuck me... harder... harder, please... fill my pussy up. More... fuck me raw," Evelyn panted and moaned out to Misty, looking directly into her eyes for a moment before slamming her ass back against Misty. "Fill my pussy up... n-now Misty," Evelyn cried out to Misty in almost a commanding tone, where her pussy clamped down around her length and milked her climax right out of her and the overload of pleasure kept Misty from holding back any longer.

Her cum spurted out of her as Evelyn squeezed, not letting any escape her needy pussy. When Misty finally stopped cumming and came down from her orgasmic high, she'd see Evelyn looking over her shoulder at her a pleasure drunk smile on her lips. "W-Who said to stop Foxy? Come on, pound my horny little pussy some more... unless you want my ass that is. Oh hell either way just fuck me some more. I think we got time... for one more at least, if you want to, just try to leave me with some energy," Evelyn asked Misty as she caught her breath, grinding her pussy around and squeezing Misty's dick that was still inside of it, keeping her hard as a rock and ready for more, if she wanted to go more that is, it seemed that Evelyn was leaving it entirely up to her to choose and nobody was around to disturb them either.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Oooooh fffuuuccckkkk!!!" Misty groaned lewdly as Evelyn forcefully pulled her first climax out of her, every muscle in her body taught and shivering as Evelyn's folds milked her cum right out of her dick. Every pulse of her thick rod introduced another stream of her seed into the demon's womb, and every time she fired Evelyn's folds seemed to contract around her, drawing out the next in short order. Misty wasn't used to cumming that hard or for that long, and having that much of her potent cream drawn out in one shot when normally it would have taken two or more felt absolutely incredible for far longer than she was used to. The mild fatigue caused by the intense orgasms that Evelyn could bring her didn't reduce her intense arousal, however, and indeed the horny kitsune only seemed to hunger for more once she finally started to come down from her high.

"You.... You make me cum.... So fucking hard~" she cooed between panting in her aftermath, her eyes tightly shut for a few moments as she rested while embedded within Evelyn's still quivering depths. Once the priestess's pussy had drained the last dregs of her release and started working her towards another, however, Misty hesitantly pulled out with a soft groan, barely able to tear herself away. "I'm not stopping," she began quickly, her breath still coming in quick pants, "but your ass needs to be in the air for the next part~" Once Evelyn had risen onto her hands and knees and bent over, Misty enacted her shapeshifting powers to once more grow a second rod, her original shrinking slightly while the second grew from her body until it was as large as the second.

"I just can't pass up trying out that ass of yours~" the kitsune purred just as the tip of her original rod, still damp with Evelyn's juices and her own seed, pressed against the tight star of her anus and began to press inwards. Moaning softly as she slid into the demon's rear hole, she let her newer cock slide against Evelyn's belly for the first few slow thrusts, letting the demoness adjust to being filled with one cock before pausing to orient her second at her partner's pussy and stuffing both holes. Moaning even louder than before, Misty managed to drop her volume again after thrusting into Evelyn for a few minutes, simply sliding both cocks into the demon's holes at the same time in a relatively simple motion.

Of course, she was better than that, and even if she wanted to let loose into the demon's ass and pussy, she wanted to do that when Evelyn was cumming her own brains out at the same time. So, after a couple of moments Misty would switch her motions so that one rod would go deeper, her hips going from rocking back and forth to rolling to produce the alternating pattern which had each of her rods plunging into Evelyn almost separately, and while she couldn't go quite as fast like that it still felt excellent for her and even better for the redheaded demon beneath her. That reduced pace would last for a few minutes, driving Evelyn steadily towards her peak, before Misty could no longer stand the slow build up and started wildly pounding against Evelyn's plump rear once again, causing her soft rear to jiggle pleasantly with each impact once again.

"Oh fuck... Oh fuck.... Ooooh fuckkk!!!" Misty groaned aloud after maintaining her breakneck pace for only a few minutes, her final curse the last warning that Evelyn would receive before both of her holes were being doused in rope after rope of her potent baby batter, giving a few more thrusts before simply holding in as deep as she could go and letting the demoness suck her cocks dry with her inner walls.

Once she'd emptied herself again, Misty sighed and pulled out again, this time flopping onto the rock they'd used as a makeshift bed and panting heavily. Even during her recovery, Misty was still rock hard, but for the moment she was at least sated enough to go on.... But that only assumed that Evelyn was as well. The demoness had a perfect opportunity to mount her and go on for round three, or doing something similar, and if she did Misty would be all too happy to comply, though for now she was content to lie and rest for a few moments.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant and fine

Evelyn: HP = 50, PP = 82, EP = 112, Status: fine and pregnant

Even while Misty lay buried within Evelyn's folds in the aftermath of her amazingly powerful orgasm the demoness' pussy continued to squeeze her and milk her, the rippling milking motions all along her length starting from the base of her cock and squeezing and pushing on Misty's length until they ended at the tip... coaxing out several more squirts of her seed that would otherwise have not come out had it been a normal pussy milking her. As she spoke up to Evelyn again and said how hard she'd made her cum, Misty would open her eyes to see a look of pride in Evelyn's eyes as she smiled up at the horny kitsune, as if saying she could always expect such intense orgasms with her.

"Mmm... I've never had a cock that filled me so perfectly before myself Misty. Fuck your hot hard dick might be the best I've ever had... and that's saying a lot really," Evelyn said before Misty started slowly pulling her length out of the demoness' pussy, which gave none at all and clamped down around her cock, making her work a bit to pull it out of her pussy and giving Misty a mischievous grin when she inevitably looked back to her face while pulling out. "You'd better not be stopping... not yet at least. My pussy needs more punishment, because I've still not learned my lesson," Evelyn went on to say as she maneuvered along with Misty's hands to get in the kitsune's desired position.

Looking over her shoulder as Misty shapeshifted a second cock up between her legs, Evelyn's eyes went wide with glee as her grin returned, her tongue licking her lips hungrily. "Oh my ass is all yours Foxy... go ahead and fuck it as you wish okay, and once you're through I'll give you a treat again for making me feel so fucking good," Evelyn told her, wriggling her ass enticingly back and forth a few times in front of Misty to get her to plow her ass this time around, her tail coiling itself around Misty's waist and giving a gentle tug as if telling her to come on and get started already.

As she pressed into Evelyn's asshole, Misty would feel the tight hole loosen momentarily enough for her to glide inside without any trouble and without causing any pain. As soon as she was fully inside Evelyn's rectum, she'd feel her suddenly squeeze down around her length even tighter than her pussy had been, with Evelyn seeming to enjoy Misty's length buried within her like it was and not minding the second cock pressed against her belly instead of being buried in her pussy. When she pulled back to guide her second cock up to Evelyn's pussy, Misty would feel her lower lips quivering with need and as she rubbed her tip against them a couple of times before pushing inside Evelyn looked like she was in heaven, her wings suddenly shapeshifting up from their vestigial form to full size as they went taught.

"Oh yeah... d-don't forget to... t-tease my clit too... o-okay," Evelyn panties to Misty, grabbing one of Kylie's hands and guiding it around her hips to her crotch to tease her clit, which was poking out from under its hood for Misty to rub for the horny demoness if she wanted to.

If Misty didn't rub her clit, Evelyn would rub and tease it herself as Misty built up her slow and steady pace with her twin cocks. As she thrust in, Misty would feel Evelyn tighten up at the last possible moment before she hilted either cock, at which point the backwards pull was tough from the sheer tightness of the hole. It only took about 2 to 3 minutes of that steady rolling of her hips before she'd hear Evelyn moan out lewdly near her own peak, but obviously lacking that last little push needed to drive her over the edge.

"Oh g-gods... please Misty... fuck me good... make me cum please. I... I need it s-so fucking bad right now. Goddamn two cocks that... f-fit me so perfectly l-like yours... I... I'm begging you... make me cum," Evelyn said, begging Misty to finish her off, which was something she hadn't heard her do the other night. Apparently she was needing it just as much as Misty.

When Misty ramped up her pace and began pounding away at Evelyn's holes, her twin cocks throbbing greatly the entire time she went at her like that, she'd hear Evelyn let out a squeal of delight, followed by several more. As Evelyn's ass cheeks jiggled about upon each lewd wet smack against them from Misty's thrusts, Misty would feel the demoness' hands guiding Misty's up to her breasts from her hips, where she squeezed Misty's hands into her voluminous globes. From the way her folds and ass were quivering and throbbing around Misty's cocks, it felt like Evelyn was actively trying to hold herself back from cumming until Misty exploded within her, the horny demoness desperately resisting her own climax to intensify her lover's, which might make Misty feel even more pleasure to know this.

When finally Misty bottomed out inside of her and began cumming, Evelyn stopped her resistance and allowed her own climax to wash over her, at which point she began to let out a scream of ecstasy before throwing a hand over her mouth to stifle it down while she bit her palm. Throwing her left arm around behind her, Evelyn drew Misty into a deep kiss after moving her other hand away from her mouth. As Misty kept thrusting while she spurted her seed with joy, she'd feel Evelyn's juices squirt out of her a bit on her backstrokes until she buried her lengths within the lusty demoness, at which point she'd feel both Evelyn's pussy and ass do as her pussy had before and begin milking her cocks like they were teats on a cow and her holes the dairy maids, drawing out even larger spurts than last time it felt like.

Evelyn's tail released Misty's waist and curled down until her tip poked into Misty's ass, sliding its way up her anus until where it began thrusting in and out softly, delving a bit deeper each time until it pressed against Misty's prostate and began rubbing up against her there. At the height of her ecstasy, Misty would feel inside Evelyn's pussy what felt like tiny clits begin squeezing and rubbing all over her cock buried in there to go along with the milking her muscles were giving her, which all that coupled with her prostate being rubbed against by Evelyn's tail brought a very intense pleasure that caused her to shudder as a quick second orgasm washed over her before the first was even over with completely. The pleasure was enough to daze her a little as her spurts of cum that had finally tapered down to little ones suddenly surged into great spurts again.

"Mmm... you really do love me don't you Misty, as much as you came for me there. Damn I never want any cock inside me but yours ever again Foxy. You are the best I've ever had, I have no doubt about that now after that," Evelyn cooed to Misty as soon as she broke their kiss once Misty's twin dicks finally stopped cumming, her pussy and ass draining every last drop of both of her powerful orgasms out of them with a satisfied and proud look on her face, like it was a great accomplishment that she'd caused a quick double orgasm from Misty.

When Misty finally managed to slide her twin cocks out of Evelyn, they were still rock hard and she felt both of the lusty demoness' holes squeezing her hard still as she pulled back and out, but not so hard Misty couldn't get them out. Once her dicks were out of Evelyn, Misty would see her seed leaking from Evelyn's now well used holes, her lips quivering a little. After Misty flopped over onto the rock next to Evelyn, Evelyn climbed on top of her in the 69 position where Misty felt her huge breasts wrap around both of her dicks, where she began gently massaging them tenderly just like the night before.

"Let's get you cleaned up now alright Misty, and I'll give you that treat I promised you," Evelyn said as she squeezed her breasts around Misty's twin lengths a bit. While Evelyn lay there across Misty in the 69 position, this gave Misty an up close view of her handiwork, where she would see her seed leaking from Evelyn's well used holes, which looked perfect aside from the seed drenching them and not loose in the least and just as tight as they'd felt.

Letting Misty cool down for only a few seconds before she began, Evelyn took Misty's bottom length and pulled it out from around her breasts where she licked up and down it from every angle like it was a lollipop, cleaning Misty's seed and her own juices from that dick before taking her length into her mouth and bobbing up and down a few times as she sucked, her tongue shapeshifting itself into a long snakelike tongue that swirled around and she even flicked it across Misty's urethra a few times, slipping it just inside to lick up the remainder of seed in there as well. She then moved on to the next and repeated the same actions in the same order, giggling while she did so and causing the inside of her mouth to vibrate around Misty's dick. Evelyn finally released Misty's second cock from her mouth with a loud pop before letting them both settle back down in between her breasts in the perfect cushioning of them.

"There we go, now you're all clean Foxy. Want another round? I don't know if we have the time to go one more, but all the same Foxy... anytime you want me all you need to do is say so and my body is yours... hmhm if you can handle it that is, because I felt that double orgasm you had there at the end when I was milking you dry," Evelyn said to Misty once she was done, giggling again as she finished speaking, where she turned around atop Misty and rolled off so she was laying up against her with her head on Misty's left shoulder. "You mind just resting here for a minute or two with me before we get cleaned up?" Evelyn then asked while she lay there, her left wing draping down over Misty like a blanket as the other one folded up behind her, her eyes closing as she basked in the afterglow of their magnificent sex, though she'd get up after a couple of minutes when Misty was ready to do so.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Evelyn's urge to toy with her clit was a request that Misty had no problem in complying with, and a hand dipped between the demon's legs to just that while she issued her rapid thrusts. At the end of their second round, however, the kitsune would have to do the same as Evelyn's holes both expertly milked out bigger and bigger spurts of her seed. When her tail slipped into the kitsune's ass and started pumping into her Misty practically exploded, her eyes rolling into the back of her head and her muffled scream silenced only because she actually bit the hand that she was using to cover her mouth. The combination of pleasures spurred a second equally voluminous orgasm to follow the first, another big load spurting out, and if she'd kept on going Misty might have surrendered a third load to Evelyn's greedy holes.

When her two cocks had both been thoroughly milked and released, Misty would stumble back slightly, panting heavily as she tried to recover from being so expertly milked. "Holy.... Shit! I've never.... Cum.... That hard.... Before!" she panted, eying her handiwork for a moment before Evelyn's words caught up to her. "You are... Just too much~" she purred, and when she was put onto her back by the demoness and was climbed onto she was left with the demon's leaking folds in her face while Evelyn got to work cleaning off her cocks.

"Oooohhh fuck!" Misty moaned as Evelyn's breasts wrapped around her stiff rod, being enveloped in her soft flesh making her cocks pulse anew even though the demoness was being gentle. Soon enough Evelyn's mouth began to expertly clean one of her cocks, sucking out the very last dregs of her release and cleaned away the juices she'd left on her rod, and with how fantastic that felt she could only silence her moans by leaning up and burying her lips into the other woman's leaking flower, her tongue sliding forth to start cleaning out the demon's folds of her honeyed seed. Everything that she did inspired a new burst of pleasure from the kitsune's rod, even when the tip of her tongue slid into her urethra to lick out the last dregs of her seed, and once one was cleaned she promptly moved on to the next.

For her part, Misty's elongated tongue flitted around inside of Evelyn, gathering up their delectable mixture and swirling against the demon's inner walls, targeting in particular all of the sweet spots she'd found in all of their previous bouts of lovemaking. Even after cumming twice, however, Misty felt herself getting close by the time her second rod popped free of Evelyn's mouth, and it would be entirely possible that the priestess would be able to feel her twin cocks throbbing with need as she nuzzled them back between her soft breasts. Only having them cushioned in her partner's breasts would keep Misty from letting out a whine when Evelyn ended her oral attentions, and if the demoness caught on to the kitsune's still insistent arousal she'd be able to take advantage of it however she liked.

"Yes!" she groaned when Evelyn asked if she wanted another round, "suck me, fuck me, make me cum with your tits, I don't care! It all feels so good.... Nnnn~ I just need to cum again! Please.... Please make me cum again!" It wouldn't take long to make her pop if Evelyn opted to indulge her, and when she did Misty would simply collapse, her cocks staying hard if the demoness had opted to ride her last load out so that the demoness could find her own release if she wanted. When they were finally finished, however, Misty would simply nod at her request and nuzzle lightly against Evelyn as she coiled beside her, growing her wings to drape over the kitsune's body while they recovered. Misty would be fairly sluggish when they finally got up, taking some time to get dressed, but when she did recover she would be as spry as ever, giving Evelyn a soft smack on her ass before they started heading back to the rest of the group in order to continue their journey. Hopefully their extended absence hadn't been noticed too intently, though Mia could probably guess what they'd been doing pretty easily.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = fine

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant and fine

Evelyn: HP = 50, PP = 82, EP = 112, Status: fine and pregnant

Evelyn cooed and squealed cutely as Misty's tongue found her most sensitive spots, her hips shuddering in climax again as Misty felt her twin cocks twitching very near release themselves again. "Mmm... you're about to pop again already Misty. My goodness you really do love me and my sexy body don't you. Oh alright, I'll let you cum again then sweetie," Evelyn cooed to Misty before shifting around yet again and straddling her before raising her hips up and using her tail to aim the lower cock at her tight little puckered ass while her left hand aimed her upper cock back into her tight wet flower, where both holes gripped Misty perfectly in every way yet again.

When Evelyn finished lowering herself down and came to rest at Misty's twin hilts, she smiled and leaned down to kiss Misty right on the lips, licking her lips as she pulled away, as if savoring Misty's taste. "I want to cum again too now dammit. See what you've done to me Misty? Every time you want to cum I do too. Now come here and bury your face in my tits sweetie, I'll make sure you can scream as loud as you want and make you cum so hard you'll faint for a minute or two. Then we can get cleaned up after we rest for a minute or two okay. Now wrap your arms around me and hold on tight love, I'm about to rock your world," Evelyn whispered in Misty's ear as she began rocking her hips after pulling Misty to a sitting position and burying her face in her large breasts to muffle her moans, where Misty would remain until they both came apparently, and anytime she tried to pull away she'd find herself right back in between those gorgeous breasts, the sweat glistening on her skin as she held Misty there in a loving embrace.

Evelyn rode Misty hard and fast, her pussy and ass stretching over both of her cocks as she plunged down each time and clenching hard as she landed against Misty's lap before pulling back up to repeat the process over and over again. Anytime Misty came really close to cumming for the next 2 or 3 minutes, she'd feel Evelyn clamp down around her and stop dead still at the base of her cocks, squeezing and making sure that she didn't cum just yet. It seemed that she wanted Misty to cum when she wanted her to, and not a moment before. About 3 and a half minutes give or take after Evelyn started their current round of sex, Misty would feel her holes tense, clamping down around her twin rock hard members, though she didn't stop bucking her hips and kept right on going, finally allowing Misty to cum to her hearts content. As soon as Misty started cumming again, Evelyn didn't stop riding her though, and once more Misty felt that tail wriggling up her own tight ass again and pressing against her prostate with renewed vigor, forcing her cocks to spurt out literally everything her body had left within it.

As Misty's orgasm was drawn out by the tickling and rubbing against her prostate by Evelyn's tail and her clit by Evelyn's left hand, while Evelyn's right hand held her head buried between her large tits, Misty would feel her body finally giving in as her vision blurred and went white before it went dark just as Evelyn released her from her breasts so she could catch her breath once more.


Misty vision came back to her a few moments later to the sweet taste of... Evelyn's milk she'd note, and she'd feel a nipple in her mouth that was squirting the sweet fluid out and onto her tongue. When her eyes refocused she'd see Evelyn holding her almost like a baby against her breast as she breast fed Misty her healing milk, looking down at Misty as her eyes opened with a kind smile on her lips. "Hmhm... don't worry Foxy, I've got you. Drink up now alright, you'll need all the strength you can get I'd wager," Evelyn cooed to Misty as she held Misty there and allowed her to nurse as much as she wanted as they lay there, with Evelyn laying beside on Misty's left.

With every drink of Evelyn's milk, Misty would feel her strength returning to her soon she'd be back to full strength again, albeit a bit more sore than she was the last time they'd had sex. Evelyn laid there with her until Misty felt like getting up to wash up, nuzzling her cheek against Misty's the whole time as her left wing draped over Misty. When they finally did get on up, Evelyn supported Misty to sit up on the rock, where she used her tongue and cleaned Misty's rods both off with her tongue and licked her slit as well to clean up any femcum that had gotten on her down there, where she then moved around for Misty to do the same for her. "So we don't have to get into the water and all Foxy," Evelyn would tell her before she started, and when she was cleaned up thoroughly, Evelyn would smile and help Misty back into her clothing.

As Evelyn was getting her clothes to put back on and all and Misty softly smacked Evelyn's butt, the lusty demoness smiled and looked over her shoulder at Misty, where she gave it a wiggle Misty's way as her tail swished around with the tip brushing Misty just under her nose before she got her clothes back on and they set off. Along the way, Misty would see Evelyn shapeshifting her demon like bits away to make herself look only human again, where she then leaned over and gave Misty a kiss on the cheek and then gave her a wink as they neared the camp. When they got back to the others, they found that they were all well rested and ready to go, even the children, with Mia giving them both a knowing look with a raised eyebrow, apparently knowing or at least guessing what had happened.

"Ah good, guess you both needed to get cleaned up after the bathroom break there. Hope you didn't... you know encounter any trouble," one of the men said to Misty and Evelyn.

"Oh no, no trouble, just... heh, let's just say that a lady needs to freshen up sometimes and leave it at that," Evelyn said, where the rest simply nodded and they set off once more northwards along the path.

"I hope you both had fun? Because as soon as we get another chance, it's my turn you two," Mia whispered to them before they set off, with her scouting ahead since she was energetic and all and could move quickly and fight alone if need be.


For the next several hours they encountered little in the way of anything interesting, though the rain finally seemed to start moving out thankfully, no longer hindering them. Through the night hours though after dinner with the same watches as before, the weather started getting a bit cool during Evelyn's and Misty's shift after they woke back up to take theirs, with Evelyn holding Misty close to prevent any more bad dreams like the one the night before. "Damn, starting to get pretty cool. Let's build the fire up a bit for the others m'kay. Specially the kids, don't want them to get too cold now," Evelyn said as they sat there in the wee hours of the morning, grabbing some of the firewood and laying it on to burn as she cuddled up to Misty a bit while they awaited the dawn, pulling their cloaks around them both a bit.

"Say Misty... why'd you decide to help Mia find me? You didn't have any obligation to really," Evelyn asked all of a sudden while they kept the camp warm with the fire. "Not that I'm complaining or anything, and I thank you very much, but you know," she added quickly.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Letting out another lewd moan when Evelyn climbed on top of her and took her throbbing cocks back into her tight holes, Misty would eagerly engage in another kiss, her tongue swirling with Evelyn's for a moment as her twin rods prepared to explode already. When the kiss broke, she would gladly nuzzle into the demon's heavy breasts as the priestess started riding her with as much vigor as ever, intermittently sucking on her tips to drink some of her milk but only barely stifling her moans. By that point she was quite thoroughly addicted to the other woman's body, and at Evelyn's prompting she would reach down and grab two handfuls of the demon's plump backside, kneading her flesh and offering the occasional encouraging smack while letting Evelyn ride her as hard and fast as she liked.

In truth, Evelyn needed little encouragement, as she could easily have made the kitsune beneath her cum within a minute. Knowing that her partner wanted to finish too caused Misty to try and hold her cum in for a little longer, focusing on drinking the other woman's milk and not on how incredible the woman's holes felt as they worked to suck one last load out of her. Despite her efforts to control herself, Evelyn would have to stop twice to keep Misty from erupting into her early, leaving Misty swimming in a pleasure hell. She would whine and twist about beneath the demoness, and try to urge her to give just a few more bucks to get her over the edge by the grip she held on Evelyn's soft backside, but no relief would come, and when she eventually cooled off it would be right back to being ridden as hard as she'd ever been.

That torture would last for what felt like years, though in reality it wasn't even five minutes before Evelyn's holes suddenly tensed around her big, throbbing cocks. Her release followed an instant later, the kitsune tilting her head back as her eyes rolled up into the back of her head, a loud scream of pleasure being muffled as it was released into Evelyn's cleavage. Her first few spurts were already massive, but when Evelyn's tail wormed its way back into her ass to press against her prostate they would become veritable floods, wave after wave of her potent baby batter spurting up into the demon's body until there was absolutely nothing left. The power of her peak prompted Misty to black out entirely for a few moments, but when she came to her cocks were still throbbing and dry heaving into Evelyn, her body once more fully emptied.

Her mouth was full of milk that she was subconsciously swallowing, drinking it to restore her body's waning strength after she'd cum so hard, and she would let out only a light groan before drinking her fill of the demon's milk. Despite her continued hardness, however, Misty would finally be empty, and at least temporarily satisfied, and after another round of lewd clean up her cocks would finally begin to shrink back down. Shapeshifting one back into her body, she would clean up, get dressed, and return to the camp, returning Evelyn's wink just before they got there. "No trouble," Misty replied to the worried man, "we just got a bit lost on the way back. Thought we saw something, but it turned out to just be a fox."

Of course, Mia would see through the lie with ease, and to her demand Misty would only smirk and wink, sneaking a light grope of the cat-girls tight bottom if she could do so without being noticed. It wasn't exactly a demand that she had any problem fulfilling, at least so long as she got a bit of a rest first.

That night, Misty would be free of any bad dreams, but when it was their turn to keep watch it would turn out to be a bit cooler. That didn't necessarily bother Misty, though she wouldn't complain about Evelyn's closeness to help them keep warm. She would wordlessly nod in response to her suggestion about keeping the fire high, but then a slight frown would appear on her face at her watchmate's question, to which she would reply; "I dunno... It seemed like the thing to do, I guess." She would lapse into silence for a few moments, but would then add; "I was going to just move on, but.... Well, I guess I just didn't want to deal with Mia crying all the time."