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Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 27/50(65), PP = 65, EP = 38/90, status = Fairly hurt, but still able to fight easily enough (+18 perception, +30 mind, +12 AV, +8 dodge, also temporarily has +15 max HP.)

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant and extremely pissed off, but otherwise fine (+12 body from Inner Strength)

Misty's doll: HP = 0/46, status: Battered and out of commission, but not un-salvageable I'll say (42 body, 8 mind)

Misty's Grass Lion: HP = 0/73, status = destroyed (58 body, 30 mind)

Misty's Walking Mound: HP = 0/108, status = destroyed (108 body, 24 mind)

Misty's animated marble statue of herself: HP = 108, status = fine (108 body, mind 24)

Misty: Base Casting: passed, using Way of Nature and defensive fighting for a total now of 67 dodge for the turn, spending a total of 6 EP for the spell. 7 + 40 = 47 to attack the Dark Slime, barely hitting and dealing, 3 + 1 + 10 + 2 = 16, for a total of 16 * 4 = 64, which is really only 32 damage to the Dark Slime.

Mia: Runs over to the Trinity in a straight line and attacks, using Flurry of Blows to make a total of 3 attacks. Her first attack is 15 + 52 - 16 = 51 to hit, and 2 + 8 + 36 - 10 = 36 - 4 from AV for a total of 32 dmg. Her second attack is 13 + 52 - 16 = 49 to hit, and 8 + 9 + 36 - 10 = 43 - 4 from AV for a total of 39 dmg. And her third attack is 14 + 52 - 16 = 50 to hit, and 9 + 12 + 36 - 10 = 47 - 4 from AV for a total of 44 dmg, all of which kills the Trinity and then some because Mia was mightily pissed.

Misty's Grass Lion: Makes a ranged attack against the Dark Slime while putting 10 into defensive fighting for 10 extra dodge, rolling 3 + 48 = 51 to attack, and 4 + 4 + 2 + 30 = 40 dmg, which is really only 10 dmg thanks to the Slime's malleable form.

Misty's Marble Guardian: Makes a melee attack against the remainin hunter with 20 points of defensive fighting, rolling 10 + 96 = 106 to hit, and 4 + 2 + 48 = dead for the remaining hunter. After it kills the hunter, her Marble Guardian then moves up to the Greater Grey Slime B as per Misty's orders to keep it busy.

Greater Grey Slime A: Moves up behind Misty and attempts to grapple her, having just enough speed to run at her to do so. 4 + 52 = 56, missing Misty because of her defensive fighting.

Greater Grey Slime B: Attacks Misty's Marble Guardian, attempting to grapple it and rolling 4 + 52 = 56, missing the Marble Guardian.

Dark Slime: Casts Implosion again at 6 EP, this time at the Grass Lion, Base Casting: passed. 15 + 40 = 55 to hit, and 3 + 1 + 7 + 2 = 13 * 6 = 78 dmg to the Grass Lion, damaging enough to take it out.

Enemy reinforcements have closed in enough to be seen now, another Trinity and a Duo, both of whom spot Misty and start to make a beeline for her, they've taken their move actions and aren't doing anything else because they see Misty's dick and want it since she's offering.

As the fighting raged on, Misty was able to scramble to her feet, though nude now thanks to the trio of gemini women, and throw her spell at the dark slime, which reeled back from the blow but unfortunately wasn't taken out. Then as she conjured up her penises to try and persuade them to attempt to wrestle with her instead of blasting her with their magics, Misty would see the trio of women in front of her respond to said taunting and begin advancing on her, smiles on their faces.

As they started to come towards her though Misty would hear a roar come from Mia as the cat girl charged in at them all, swinging out her leg and catching one of them directly in the face so hard with her heel it instantly snapped her neck, then she spun around and quickly dispatched to other two without too much trouble by spinning around and snapping another's neck and the third she kicked her legs out from under her and punched her in the throat, giving a fairly gruesome end to her and the other two. Mia jumped up to her feet again as soon as the last of the woman was taken care of, looking directly at the dark slime and putting herself between it and Misty, as if to protect her from the thing or anything else.

Her grassy lion she'd conjured up sent another sharpened blade of grass into the darker slime before it could do anything further, though it did little damage, barely even enough to make it flinch. Then her marble statue of herself followed its orders and finished the lizard thing off with a swat of its hand, where it moved up to cause some interference with one of the grey colored slimes to keep it off of her.

The grey colored slime next to her marble statue of herself attempted to grab it but failed to do so, while the other grey slime came for Misty herself, attempting to slip right up behind her and grab her, but she noticed it just before it got on her and was able to avoid it. The dark blackened slime however slung another spell out straight up at Misty's grass lion, the spell tearing a hunk off of the thing and knocking it out of the sky, where it smashed into the ground and was finished off, which left Misty with one less bit of summoned help.

In the distance though coming out of the alleyways between some of the buildings, Misty and Mia saw another trio of the gemini corrupted women, as well as a pair coming from the same alley a moment later, all of them running towards them and would be there soon from the looks of it.

"Damn, more of them. Misty you focus on those slimes, I'll cover you from those whores," Mia said to Misty, readying herself to guard Misty from both the slime and the women. "Miss Evelyn will be alright for now I think, she's strong and can handle herself," Mia said

Misty is now 11 feet ahead of the Dark Slime with Mia 5 feet ahead of her.
Mia is 5 ahead of Misty, standing directly between her and the Dark Slime.
Misty's Marble Guardian is 6 feet to her left, guarding her from Greater Grey slime B.
The Dark Slime is 11 feet directly ahead of Misty and 6 feet ahead of Mia.
Greater Grey Slime A is 5 behind Misty.
Greater Grey Slime B is 9 feet directly to Misty's left.
The Duo is 55 feet straight down the road ahead of Misty and 10 feet to her right.
Trinity B is 55 feet straight down the road ahead of Misty and 15 feet to her left.
Last edited:


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

An improvement, and one that took some of the edge off of Misty's rising panic even though more of the aliens were showing up by the minute. Her distraction had worked to keep the gemini women from knocking her out with another spell, allowing Mia to kill them in a decidedly brutal but thankfully efficient manner, and her marble guardian had finished off the last of the hunters. The dark slime wasn't so easy to distract, however, as it went for her floating guardian rather than for the kitsune's twin cocks, blasting the floating creature out of the sky with another incredibly powerful blast of magic. Each of those blasts was coming from its own reserve of energy, she knew, and those same energies were what kept such beings together. Her attacks would weaken that same pool, and if they could keep up the damage the slime would dissolve into nothing in short order.

Still, they weren't out of the woods yet, and Misty very nearly ended up buried under one of the slimes as it tried to tackle her from behind, needing to dive aside and putting her out of Mia's defensive range. Still, the other gemini were a ways off as yet, and she had a bit of time to deal with her current problems before they were going for her bait.

And speaking of.... "Hey now! You want the front!" the kitsune half-taunted and half-berated the grey slime that had tried to grab her, turning to face it squarely while she trusted her marble guardian to deal with the other one. Keeping light on her feet for a moment as she backpedaled away from the approaching grey slime, Misty suddenly planted them as if bracing herself, a pose that would seemingly be difficult to dodge in, and with one finger gave the underside of one of her cocks a light flick, prompting precum to appear on the tip of both. One of those drops she grabbed up and held out on the tip of her index finger, as if offering to let the slime lick it off of her, before she brought that lone digit to her own mouth and quickly sucked it clean. "Mmmmmm~ I bet you'll love it! Come on then! It always tastes the best straight from the tap!" she would continue tauntingly as the slime approached, allowing it to get closer than she might have been comfortable with while seemingly offering it her twin rods so that she could shoot a quick comment over at its darker cousin; "You too! You've certainly earned a nice big bite of me~"

Her plan was the same as it had been last time, to taunt the slimes into attacking before sending a bolt of destructive magic at the darker slime, hoping to see it destroyed completely this time but not relying on that particular idea. Once one or both of the slimes were close, Misty planned on leaping to the side just as they lunged, again flitting out of their reach while issuing her own spell in return, a pattern that she planned to repeat until she was victorious even as her energies began to wane on her. Things certainly weren't looking good, that much was certain, but if she could only hold out maybe they could salvage a victory out of this yet. She just needed to avoid being grabbed in the process!

Misty uses Way of Nature on the Dark Slime using 20 defensive fighting for more Dodge, putting her Dodge stat at 35 + 8 + 20 = 67.
Bolt Spell (+40) (2d4 + 10 + 2) * 4

The Marble Guardian will be attacking ye grey slime with 20 points of defensive fighting with its melee attack.
Dodge = 70 in effect.

Also, don't forget that Misty dealt way more damage with that last spell, you don't subtract casting penalties to spell damage, and you didn't fix that by the time of this posting.

Contraption 1 (Marble Guardian)
Body = 96
Mind = 24
HP = 108
Dodge = 50 (max for a Contraption)
Speed = 31
Grapple = 96
AV = 4
Melee (+96) 2d6 + 48
Ranged (+96) 3d4 + 24, range = 60 feet
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 27/50(65), PP = 65, EP = 31/90, status = Fairly hurt, but still able to fight easily enough (+18 perception, +30 mind, +12 AV, +8 dodge, also temporarily has +15 max HP.)

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant and extremely pissed off, but otherwise fine (+12 body from Inner Strength)

Misty's doll: HP = 0/46, status: Battered and out of commission, but not un-salvageable I'll say (42 body, 8 mind)

Misty's Grass Lion: HP = 0/73, status = destroyed (58 body, 30 mind)

Misty's Walking Mound: HP = 0/108, status = destroyed (108 body, 24 mind)

Misty's animated marble statue of herself: HP = 108, status = fine (108 body, mind 24)

Misty: Casts Way of Nature again on the Dark Slime with 20 defensive fighting. Base Casting: success, rolling 40 + 10 = 50 to hit, and dealing 4 + 1 + 10 + 2 = 17 * 4 = 68 - 1/2 from the Dark Slime cos its a slime for a total of 34 dmg to the Dark Slime, killing it.

Mia: Moves around to attack Greater Grey Slime A, moving adjacent to it to do so. Using Flurry of blows to make a total of 4 attacks at a total of -24 to attack on each one and a total of -15 dmg on each. 1st attack is 8 + 52 - 24 = 36 to hit, and 11 + 12 + 36 - 15 = 44, which thanks to it being a slime is only 11 dmg. 2nd attack is 17 + 52 - 24 = 45 to hit, and 12 + 10 + 36 - 15 = 43, which thanks to it being a slime is only 11 after being rounded. 3rd attack is 6 + 52 - 24 = 34 to hit, and 12 + 2 + 36 - 15 = 35, which thanks to it being a slime is only 9 after being rounded. 4th attack is 8 + 52 - 24 = 36 to hit, and 2 + 4 + 36 - 15 = 27, which thanks to it being a slime is only 7 after rounding. Mia dealt a total of 38 dmg to Greater Grey Slime A in the end of all of that.

Misty's Marble Guardian: Melee attacks Greater Grey Slime B, rolling 7 + 96 - 20 for Defensive Fighting = more than enough, dealing 2 + 1 + 48 = 51, which because it's a slime is really 13 after rounding.

Greater Grey Slime A: Attempts to grapple Mia, rolling 2 + 52 = 54 to grapple, which misses Mia amazingly enough.

Greater Grey Slime B: Attempts to grapple Misty's Marble Guardian, rolling a 3 + 52 = 55 grapple, which misses Misty's Marble Guardian again.

Trinity B: Runs up a total of 34 feet to close the distance between them and Misty. They then cast Water Mirror, Base Casting: success.

Duo: Runs up a total of 28 feet to close the distance between them with hungry expressions on their faces as they lick their lips in anticipation of Misty's now twin cocks.

Misty was able to conjure up the energy to eradicate the dark slime despite the chaos around her going on at the moment, and Mia quickly moved around to the other side of her to try and take the grey slime's attention that was directly behind Misty off of her for the moment, which worked thankfully. The grey slime behind her did indeed attempt to come closer and latch onto her, seeming quite eager to do so, but Mia was there to stop it, a series of kicks and punches that were too fast for its aphrodisiac slime to affect her as it slid off of her.

"Don't worry Misty, I won't let this slime grab you," Mia said to Misty as she attacked the slime behind Misty, assuring her that she had her covered.

Misty's marble statue of herself continued as ordered and slammed the other grey slime, knocking it back some and continuing to hold it off. The trio of gemini and the duo of gemini continued down the street towards them at a run, the five of them closing in on Misty to the point that she knew they'd get to her within a few short seconds from now. The question was at this point really what to do now, because once those gemini women got to her, she'd be in more than just a bit of trouble, and all of the gemini women looked very hungrily at her twin rods, giving her the feeling that if they got a hold of her, they wouldn't be letting her go anytime soon and that by the time they got through with her her poor dicks would be so limp and weak they may never get hard again.

They also still needed to find Evelyn and see if she was alright, but of course that would have to wait until after they'd dealt with this. But it seemed that this particular fight was winding down now and was near being done, they just had to deal with these gemini and the slimes would soon follow.

Misty is now 21 feet ahead and 15 feet to the left of Trinity B, with Mia 5 feet to the right of her.
Mia is 5 to Misty's right, adjacent to Greater Grey Slime A.
Misty's Marble Guardian is 6 feet to her left, guarding her from Greater Grey slime B.
Greater Grey Slime A is 5 behind Misty.
Greater Grey Slime B is 9 feet directly to Misty's left.
The Duo is 27 feet straight down the road ahead of Misty and 10 feet to her right.
Trinity B is 21 feet straight down the road ahead of Misty and 15 feet to her left.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Yes!" Misty called out as her spell hit the dark slime's core, causing the small crystal to darken and then shatter and destroying it. Such nearly allowed the other slime to grab her, but thankfully Mia intervened and beat the alien creature off without allowing her blows to strike the slime without its poisonous substance sinking into her pores. "Thanks! I'll make it up to yah later!" she said, but then turned to the approaching women who had been turned by the invaders, the last aliens that seemed to be in the area.

"Well then ladies," she said with a sultry tone, "I guess it's just you and me then huh? Who wants a taste first? I've got five of you to satisfy, so we'd better get started~" Her bragging taunts were delivered as she strode toward them with a noticeable strut, again trying to get the seemingly simple-minded aliens to concentrate on their libidos and not on sensible fighting tactics. She felt the three closer ones shift the energy in the air around them, however, and suddenly realized that they had just used magic. What sort of magic? Well, it hadn't produced any immediate visual effects, and there were no signs that the aliens themselves were any stronger. A defensive measure perhaps? Probably something to prevent her from blasting them down with her own magic, and that meant that she couldn't target them with her spells lest whatever defenses they'd enacted negate or reverse her spell.

The others, however.... "You two look thirstiest!" she called with a grin, "so you get first dibs! Come on, on your knees and mouths open!" She would be amazed if they listened given what they'd seen her do, but at this point the taunting was helping her keep her terror at bay, and at that point Misty didn't much care. Either way, the two in back would be eating a bolt of magic, or at least one of them would, and given that the two were connected the spell might as well have been aimed at both of them. Her marble guardian continued to pound away at the slime that it faced, and as she turned her attention to the closer trio she said; "Uhhh, Mia! You want to take these three out for me? I'll deal with the slime!"

I rolled a Perception check for Misty, the dice spat up a 19, so I've had her have a vague idea of what yon spell could do. Thus she can actually differentiate between yon gemini groups.

Misty uses Way of Nature on the Duo using 20 defensive fighting for more Dodge, putting her Dodge stat at 35 + 8 + 20 = 67.
Bolt Spell (+40) (2d4 + 10 + 2) * 4

The Marble Guardian will be attacking ye grey slime with 20 points of defensive fighting with its melee attack.
Dodge = 70 in effect.

Contraption 1 (Marble Guardian)
Body = 96
Mind = 24
HP = 108
Dodge = 50 (max for a Contraption)
Speed = 31
Grapple = 96
AV = 4
Melee (+96) 2d6 + 48
Ranged (+96) 3d4 + 24, range = 60 feet
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 27/50(65), PP = 65, EP = 24/90, status = Fairly hurt, but still able to fight easily enough, and Charmed by Trinity B. (+18 perception, +30 mind, +12 AV, +8 dodge, also temporarily has +15 max HP.)

Mia: HP = 28/57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant and extremely pissed off, but otherwise fine (+12 body from Inner Strength)

Misty's doll: HP = 0/46, status: Battered and out of commission, but not un-salvageable I'll say (42 body, 8 mind)

Misty's Grass Lion: HP = 0/73, status = destroyed (58 body, 30 mind)

Misty's Walking Mound: HP = 0/108, status = destroyed (108 body, 24 mind)

Misty's animated marble statue of herself: HP = 108, status = fine (108 body, mind 24)

Misty: Using Defensive Fighting for 20 extra dodge for a total of 67 dodge while using Way of Nature on the Duo. Base Casting: success and she uses 6 EP. 12 + 40 = 52 to hit, and 2 + 4 + 10 + 2 = 18 * 4 = 72 dmg to the Duo, killing them both. Misty also spends 1 more EP for upkeep.

Mia: Moves around to the Trinity at 5 feet to their right and attacks. 3 + 52 = 55 to hit, dealing 12 + 10 + 36 = 58 dmg, but Mia failed the resistance check and so half of the dmg is reflected back at into her, knocking her back a few feet and hurting her a bit in the process. So the Trinity and Mia both take a total of 29 dmg.

Misty's Marble Guardian: Attacks Greater Grey Slime B again with 20 into Defensive Fighting for a total of 70 dodge, rolling 16 + 76 = still more than enough to hit, and 2 + 5 + 48 = 55 dmg, which quartered brings the total down to 14 dmg to Greater Grey Slime B.

Greater Grey Slime A: Attempts to grapple Misty, rolling 3 + 52 = 55 to grapple, missing her yet again.

Greater Grey Slime B: Attempts to grapple Misty's Marble Guardian, rolling 3 + 52 = 55, missing it yet again as well.

Trinity B: Moves up right next to Misty and attempts to use the succubus power Charm, rolling 18 + 50 = 68 to hit, then 4 + 25 = 29 resistance vs 4 + 25 = 29 resistance for Misty, bringing it to a tie. The coin flip gives the tie victory to the Trinity and Misty is Charmed

At Misty's urging, the duo and trinity both moved towards her with eager expressions on their faces at the sight of her twin dicks, all of them licking their lips hungrily. "You're welcome Misty, couldn't let this slimy bitch grab my mate now could I," Mia said at Misty's words of thanks against the slime attempting to grab her.

As Misty prepared another spell to take the duo out, making her comment at the two as she sent it out, the spell slammed into the one of the pair in front, throwing her back and into the other one and then down into the ground with a sickening crunch of bones breaking, one of which sounded like it was further up in their bodies around the neck. The duo didn't get back up as soon as they hit the ground, where Mia rushed around the slime and towards the trinity of girls as Misty called for assistance against the three, all of whom looked human relatively speaking really. Mia rushed up and swung her fist out at the face of one of the three slime covered ladies, where both the girl and Mia flew back from one another and down to the ground. Both of them scrambled to their feet rather quickly, but Mia looked more than a little shaken by this, and she looked as if she'd been punched in the face.

"W-What the hell? She didn't even touch me. How did she do that?" Mia asked, totally befuddled by the blow she'd taken.

Misty's marble statue of herself and the other grey slime continued their fight with each other, the marble likeness of herself slamming a spiked fist into the slime as another bit of it splashed off and into nothingness, while the other grey slime attempted to grab Misty again since Mia was no longer ther distracting it, though thankfully it again missed the kitsune. The trinity of girls however moved up to Misty some more after Mia's attack on them, the three slipping around her before she could stop them, and they were now right next to Misty pretty much, the only thing they needed to do now was simply dive at her and they'd probably grab hold that's how close they were. As soon as they stopped, the three all kissed their hands and blew kisses at Misty, where her vision muddled a little bit as she felt a presence in her mind... it wasn't too strong just yet, but getting stronger by the second. She was feeling a pull beckoning her to come over to the three slime covered girls so she could relieve her stress that had built up over the last little while, but the beckoning wasn't so strong she couldn't resist it just yet thankfully as she stopped herself after barely even taking half a step towards them, giving her the chance to stop it.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Magic," Misty said simply, distractedly, given that she was busy jumping out of the way of the slime as it tried to grab her again. It almost put her in the arms of the approaching trio whom she hadn't blasted down, and she was about to recoil away when the three blew kisses at her. Suddenly, Misty felt her mind go fuzzy, and numb grin came over the kitsune's face as their subtle spell took hold over her mind.

Suddenly, the trio that her body was nearly numb with terror at facing didn't seem so bad, even if her subconscious still rebelled with fear. Her body was, as ever, primed and ready for fun, and some prompting from those magical strings wrapped around her head would mean her already stiff cocks would throb with more genuine readiness. "Ooooh, looking to have some fun? Its been a while since I had three at a time~" she said, striding forward without the prepared spring she'd had before, ready and willing to go into the arms of the three women if they offered invitation.

Misty allows herself to be grappled by the Trinity if they make the attempt, leaving it as a free action for them technically, but will still try to Dodge ye slime if she gets the chance. If the charm breaks before her turn, an unlikely event, she'd be doing the same as last time but targeting the gray slime that keeps trying to grab her.

The Marble Guardian will be attacking ye grey slime with 20 points of defensive fighting with its melee attack.
Dodge = 70 in effect.

Contraption 1 (Marble Guardian)
Body = 96
Mind = 24
HP = 108
Dodge = 50 (max for a Contraption)
Speed = 31
Grapple = 96
AV = 4
Melee (+96) 2d6 + 48
Ranged (+96) 3d4 + 24, range = 60 feet
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 27/50(65), PP = 65, EP = 24/90, status = Fairly hurt, but still able to fight easily enough (+18 perception, +30 mind, +12 AV, +8 dodge, also temporarily has +15 max HP.)

Mia: HP = 28/57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant and a bit hurt, but otherwise fine (+12 body from Inner Strength)

Misty's doll: HP = 0/46, status: Battered and out of commission, but not un-salvageable I'll say (42 body, 8 mind)

Misty's Grass Lion: HP = 0/73, status = destroyed (58 body, 30 mind)

Misty's Walking Mound: HP = 0/108, status = destroyed (108 body, 24 mind)

Misty's animated marble statue of herself: HP = 108, status = fine (108 body, mind 24)

Misty: moves up adjacent to Trinity B and takes no action save a free action to talk a bit.

Evelyn: Uses Hellfire Blast, directed at the Trinity only and using a total of 5 EP, rolling 3 + 42 = 45 to hit, and dealing 6 + 3 * 5 = 45 + 5(aptitude) = 50 fire dmg to Trinity B, killing it and breaking Misty from the Charm they had her under.

Mia: Changes targets and goes after Greater Grey Slime A again with Flurry of Blows, making 3 attacks on it. 1st attack: 4 + 52 - 16 = 40 to hit, dealing 8 + 4 + 36 - 10 = 38, which because it's a slime lowers the damage to a total of 10. 2nd attack: 7 + 52 - 16 = 43 to hit, dealing 8 + 2 + 36 - 10 = 36, which because it's a slime lowers the damage to a total of 9. 3rd attack: 17 + 52 - 16 = 53 to hit, dealing 4 + 10 + 36 - 10 = 40, which because it's a slime lowers the damage to a total of 10, all told a total of 29 damage to Greater Grey Slime A, killing it.

Misty's Marble Guardian: Using 20 points into defensive fighting, attacks Greater Grey Slime B, rolling 4 + 76 = 80 to hit, and dealing 3 + 3 + 48 = 54, which because it's a slime it takes only a total of 14 dmg.

Greater Grey Slime B: Again attempts to grab the Marble Guardian, not realizing everything else on its side is dead because it's focusing only on the Guardian, rolling 6 + 52 = 58 to grapple, missing the Guardian yet again.

In the interest of finishing this battle, I'm going to have Evelyn make another attack against the remaining slime while Misty is recovering from the charm that Trinity put her under, if that's okay with you that is.

Evelyn: Uses Hellfire Blast one more time, this time aiming at the last Greater Grey Slime and pumping in 5 EP into the attack, rolling 9 + 42 = 51 to hit, and dealing 2 + 4 * 5 = 30, which is only halved because it's a magic/spirit attack against a slime for a total of 15 fire dmg, killing the last slime and ending the battle.

(Get a total of say... 8 exp from the battle, because considering that she handled that quite easily, it did factor up to me to be a rather hard battle.)

Misty, unable to shake the wanting need from her mind, began walking towards the three gemini women without thinking about anything but sating her own lust and that of her three seducers, her twin cocks throbbing painfully and hard as steel. As she walked in amongst the trinity of women, one of them leaned forward and kissed her on the lips, while another kissed her on the neck, though they weren't touching close enough just quite yet for their aphrodisiac slimes to seep into her body. Misty could see a look of terror in Mia's eyes if she glanced over her way, which quickly turned to anger and fury at the sight before her.

"N-NO... YOU FUCKING WHORES, STAY AWAY FROM MY MISTY," Mia cried as loud as she could, preparing to charge into the midst of them and unleash her fury upon them.

Before she could though, a shout came from the towards the temple they'd been heading to, which would draw Misty's attention as the gemini women all looked that way as well as Mia. When they all looked, they'd see the woman from before that Misty had assumed was Evelyn, save now she than before, she looked like a demon now actually with slightly larger breasts than before, though Misty may just not have gotten a good look at how large they were earlier, but regardless they now looked to be G-cups. "MIA... GET DOWN!" she cried, before unleashing a bolt of blackened hellfire at the trinity of women that Misty was standing in the midst of.

The bolt of fire struck the one of the trio that hadn't gotten up next to Misty and within less than a second she was engulfed in flames as the other two tried fruitlessly to get to her side quickly enough to douse her out, the flames spreading amongst the trio and soon scorching their bodies enough to kill them all. As soon as she felt their essence die away, Misty could feel the hold they'd momentarily had over her mind disappearing altogether and releasing her from it, her legs buckling a bit and making her fall to her knees.

Mia however didn't rush to her side and noticed the grey colored slime starting towards Misty, where she went into a fury and rushed it, pummeling the thing into oblivion, kicking and punching it until splatters of the slime were strewn all over the ground as the remainder of it dissolved into the ground. Misty's marble statue of herself continued pounding the last slime, even as it tried again and failed to grab hold of it, neither really noticing the battle was pretty much over back over next to Misty and Mia where the main fighting had taken place.

Evelyn... or at least Misty could only think it was her anyway came rushing down the hill as fast as she could, though she had a bit of a limp, throwing another bolt of her hellfire at the last slime, catching it before it and the marble statue could tussle some more, the thing melting into a puddle of goo that seeped into the dirt, as dead as a puddle of slime could get really. While Evelyn ran or rather hobbled down the hill towards them, looking a little worse for wear to say the least, Mia rushed to Misty's side, sliding to a halt next to her as she dropped to her knees, throwing her arms around the young kitsune and kissing her on the lips hard and passionately, her eyes full of worry.

"Misty... are you okay? I thought they'd gotten into your mind like they did all those men and women before," Mia asked as she hugged Misty, holding on tight to her.

Evelyn got down to them about 10 to 15 seconds later, slowing down to a limping walk from the limping run she'd been at when they spotted her before. When she got to them, Misty could see she was covered in cum and slime from the tentacled creatures from before, and she looked as though she'd been banged up a bit too and would have some bruises later, and she was holding her left arm around the wrist, though it didn't look like it was broken from the looks of it. "Miss Evelyn, you're alright too, thank the gods you're okay," Mia said, switching from hugging Misty to hugging Evelyn as the demon woman went down to her knees next to the two of them, her face buried in Evelyn's massive mounds on her chest as the demon woman hugged Mia back, like a mother or a big sister almost. As soon as Evelyn was beside them, Misty could smell a sweet fragrance coming from the demon woman, a scent that caused her twin rods to tingle slightly with desire to have this beauty in front of her, but didn't really do anything else to her.

"Mia... what are you doing here you silly girl? I told you to run, far away from here. But... I can't thank you enough for coming back, I doubt I would have been able to fend off any of these others here alone, and they surely would have figured out I was up there at the temple after my fight with those tentacled ones," Evelyn said to Mia, looking a little upset that Mia had come back, but thankful that she'd done so. "Now who is this foxy lady you have here with you Mia?" Evelyn then asked Misty as Mia pulled out of her hug, where Mia then moved back over next to Misty, the black stockings she'd been wearing earlier still there, though splotched with cum that was even now still drying.

"Oh... this is Misty, I met her yesterday, and she said she'd help me... to find and rescue you if we could," Mia said, a look on her face that was obviously a slight bit scared, though more like a child about to be scolded for something than anything.

Evelyn looked from Mia to Misty, waiting for the kitsune to speak up if she wanted to, and looking like she was expecting her to do so to say the least.
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Mmmmmm..." Misty let off a soft coo as she joined the trio in an embrace, closing her eyes and parting her lips as the first leaned in for a kiss, one that she responded to in kind. Another soft coo passed into the first woman's lips as the other kissed her neck, and Misty quickly reached out to fondle each of them, grabbing them by their backsides and tugging them closer. Her twin cocks were as hard as steel already, and the aphrodisiac slime that was starting to seep into her system would no doubt make them even harder. Excitement thrummed through Misty's mind despite the protests still ringing from the portions of it that hadn't given in to the alien magic that had seized partial control over her. Any second now she anticipated that she would feel hands gliding over her hardened staffs, or on her chest, and maybe after she would feel some lips going somewhere else.... Regardless, Misty was certainly eager, and her fuzzy thoughts were concerning nothing besides sex at that point.

Mia's outburst thus confused her momentarily even as she sought to deepen the kiss with the first gemini to approach her. After all, what was the problem? These women were as much her friends as Mia... Surely the cat-girl was just jealous. That was okay, she could join in too!

As a result of her frayed thinking, when the only one of the three who hadn't embraced her burst into flames and then practically exploded despite the best efforts of its comrades, it somewhat caught Misty by surprise. A moment of cognitive dissonance occurred in which Misty was both happy and sad at the same time, the destruction of the source of the magic affecting her causing the kitsune to shiver suddenly as her head briefly exploded with pain. Stunned, Misty dropped to her knees even as the other two now scorched gemini fell, her mind reeling as it attempted to recover from the psychic assault that she had just been the victim of, and thus causing her to sit out of the remainder of the battle while doing little more than staring at the ground with a look of utter confusion on her face.

She only snapped out of it when Mia was suddenly on top of her, clinging to her with crushing force, and even then Misty could only numbly mutter a response to her concern; "Fine... I'm... I'm fine.... Just... Uccckkk!" The gravity of what she had nearly allowed to happen hit Misty, and she very nearly vomited up her breakfast as waves of terror and horror washed over her. She didn't make any effort to return Mia's embrace at that moment, and when she pulled away Misty's gaze was immediately drawn to the now decidedly demonic figure of Evelyn, now sporting wings and a slight glaze of apparently fresh cum that Misty knew had not been there before.

She merely sized the redheaded demoness up while she and Mia spoke, the cat-girl receiving a scolding before offering an explanation for her actions, but as she did so Misty opted to cause her twin rods to recede back into her body. The pale kitsune's tail flitted about and puffed up at the reference to her as a "foxy lady," a title that Misty decided immediately was some sort of subtle insult, and thus she would frown slightly at Evelyn despite the alluring sight of her massive chest swinging freely. "You're Evelyn then? I had thought my puppet would have bought you enough time to line up and fry those creatures without letting them touch you, but..." Misty began, her gaze trailing down to the fresh cum stains that the demoness sported, "I guess that I was... Mistaken. Mia didn't tell me that you were a demon, also. That would probably have been good to know beforehand."

She tossed a very mild and very brief glare Mia's way before looking back to Evelyn; "Did anyone else make it? And are there any aliens left here for us to deal with?" Her marble guardian, a perfect replica of her at least in terms of shape, stood by and kept a watch out for more creatures that might approach them, allowing them to talk with at least a degree of security.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 27/50(65), PP = 65, EP = 24/90, status = Fairly hurt, but still able to fight easily enough (+18 perception, +30 mind, +12 AV, +8 dodge, also temporarily has +15 max HP.)

Mia: HP = 28/57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant and a bit hurt, but otherwise fine (+12 body from Inner Strength)

Evelyn: HP = 18/50, PP = 28/82, EP = 65/112, Status: quite hurt and limping, but still on her feet.

Misty's doll: HP = 0/46, status: Battered and out of commission, but not un-salvageable I'll say (42 body, 8 mind)

Misty's Grass Lion: HP = 0/73, status = destroyed (58 body, 30 mind)

Misty's Walking Mound: HP = 0/108, status = destroyed (108 body, 24 mind)

Misty's animated marble statue of herself: HP = 108, status = fine (108 body, mind 24)

"Oh it did buy me the time to line them up and fry them, only another one blindsided me from one of the other rooms just after I did so, but I managed to get free and take care of it before it did me in enough with that aphrodisiac slime of theirs to prevent me from fighting back...barely," Evelyn said when Misty mentioned the bit about her doll buying her the time to strike down the lot chasing her in the temple.

"Did I... what a demon?" Mia began asking quizzically, looking at Misty and then over to Evelyn, apparently not having realized until just now the fact that Evelyn had wings, horns, and a tail signifying she was a demon. "Miss Evelyn... w-why do you have wings... a-and horns... and a tail.... Why didn't you tell me you were a demon?!" Mia then asked, hopping back behind Misty for cover, her surprise very genuine Misty would notice.

"Well I was hiding my true nature up until now from you Mia, and from most of the other people here too is why you didn't know. And there may be a couple of others around here somewhere, I'm not sure, but on my way out of the temple I took out another three, two of those lizards and one of those black slimes that can use magic. As for other people that made it... well several of the men stood their ground and fought, one of which helped free me as soon as Mia was gone from the tentacle creature that had me, like the ones in the temple earlier." Evelyn replied to Mia's question as the catgirl huddled behind Misty, then to Misty's questions of if there were more aliens or people about the town. "I helped them to fight with my powers as long as we could, but even then not everyone managed to make it out. Thankfully the children are safe that were here, headed earlier with the last couple of adults still around. I took those aliens on a good chase around the temple grounds and lured them about the front for a couple of minutes while they took the last few children with them off to the north towards Therion, since it's closer and likely safer than anywhere else around here, the majority of the other people that made it out were headed there too, I'm surprised that none of them ran into you two on your way here to be honest," Evelyn continued after taking a breath, seeming slightly worried by the fact that Misty and Mia neither one ran into any of the other people from the town on their way back.

Evelyn scooted over next to Misty and Mia, where she sat down, heaving a sigh as she did so. Her knee looked a bit scuffed up, like it'd been slammed into to ground and dragged across it or something similar, and it was already showing a bruise on it as well, so if Misty wanted to run Evelyn would have to resort to using her wings. Her wrist had obviously been sprained from the looks of it too, just from the way she was holding it.

"Anyway, we'll worry about that later. For now though, we should probably get to cover away from here, but we should grab some supplies from the stores in town if we can, I don't think the shopkeepers will need them any longer. Some food and clothes would be nice. Mia can you help me up please? I fear my knee finally gave out on me," Evelyn said, turning to Mia and asking if she'd help her up after suggesting they quickly gather some supplies from the town and head out as soon as possible. Mia looked a little skeptical about helping Evelyn now that she saw her in her true form, but Evelyn just sighed and shook her head. "Mia, I'm still the same Evelyn that helped to raise you and that taught you everything you now know, and I swore that I'd protect you no matter what, even if it cost my own life," Evelyn went on to say, at which point Mia looked down at her feet for a moment and then back up at Evelyn, where she nodded her head and moved to help her up, giving the demon woman her shoulder to lean on before reaching out with her left hand and offering to help Misty up too.

"Come on Misty, miss Evelyn's right, we shouldn't linger here just in case more show up, and the quicker we get into town, the quicker we'll know if there are more around town and the quicker we'll be able to leave," Mia said to Misty, taking her hand and helping her up, the catgirl's tail swishing back and forth. "We can use the town well to clean up a bit, bring some water up to do so," Mia added as they set off, assuming Misty agreed with them on getting a move on as quickly as possible to get out of the town and to some cover.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

'I thought I'd made sure those were clear....' Misty thought silently, and beheld Evelyn with suspicion for a moment before opting to do let that particular matter pass.

More important problems were to be dealt with, first and foremost the matter of Evelyn's race, and it quickly became clear that Mia hadn't even known. The cat-girl hadn't struck her as much of a liar or actor at least, and she seemed genuinely surprised enough that Misty was willing to accept that she just hadn't known. The kitsune listened to the demon priestess's explanation with a flat expression, her tail swishing back and forth behind her.

"Well, at least someone else survived.... Did they have the supplies to make it? Or anyone to defend them in case something happened? We came from the North, I'm surprised we didn't spot such a group moving while coming back here," she replied with a grimace while Evelyn approached them, but then sighed as she spotted the woman's injuries.

"Yeah.... They won't need it anymore. Hold on though, I can help with that," Misty said following the demon woman's suggestion, and Misty leaned forward and grasped Evelyn by the knee. Working a simple spell that would be enhanced by the magic she still had active on herself, the kitsune healed the wounds on her knee and wrist before leaning back and allowing the enhancement to fade. "That should be all better now," she added, "I could go for a bit of cleaning, but we can skip the clothes for now~"

Misty would then have nothing further to do, and retrieved the shreds of her clothing and directed her marble guardian to follow them to act as a guard while they looted the ruins of Mia's home town. She let the two natives determine where they were supposed to go, having little idea where anything was besides the buildings she had explored with her doll while it had been scouting the town. She would clean herself up with water to get rid of the small amount of slime she'd gotten on her skin when she'd touched the alien women, and would also take the valuable alchemical and magical portions she knew to be possessed by the corpses of their enemies should Evelyn and Mia wait long enough for her to do now, having the guardian do all of the messy work.

Misty will use Healing Grasp, a level 3 Nature spell, and then drop her buff.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 27/50(65), PP = 65, EP = 15/90, status = Fairly hurt, but still able to fight easily enough (+18 perception, +30 mind, +12 AV, +8 dodge, also temporarily has +15 max HP.)

Mia: HP = 57/57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant and fine (+12 body from Inner Strength)

Evelyn: HP = 50/50, PP = 28/82, EP = 65/112, Status: quite hurt and limping, but still on her feet.

Misty's doll: HP = 0/46, status: Battered and out of commission, but not un-salvageable I'll say (42 body, 8 mind)

Misty's animated marble statue of herself: HP = 108, status = fine (108 body, mind 24)

[Base Casting: success, healing Evelyn for 4 + 6 + 18 + 2 = 30 * 3 = 90 HP, then doing the power again for Mia and healing her for 5 + 6 + 18 + 2 = 31 * 3 = 93 HP, putting both of them back to max HP. Misty spends a total of 9 EP this turn after her buff, which she is letting carry over into the next round.]

"Aye they scrounged up a few bits of food and water from the temple stores for heading north. Though... they might have gotten picked up along the way heading north is why you two didn't run into any of them... or they may have just taken a different path than you two did and that's why. Either way though, I don't know if any of the other people that fled north had supplies or if they're even okay, and the two men that were taking the children weren't soldiers by any means, but they had a couple of spears and bows with them, so even if they run out of food they can hunt something up surely, and I'm hoping that they might run into anyone else along the way that fled for strength in numbers. Anyway though, the reason you found me in such a predicament was because I just couldn't manage to shake those damn things earlier after the others were away, and I didn't want to lead them to the children, so... I stayed. My plan had been to meet up with them and head north to Therion, where I'd hoped to meet Mia here at actually," Evelyn said to Misty, looking deep in thought for a few moments about the others she'd sent on ahead before reaching over and patting Mia when she said what her plan had been before all of this. "I told them to head to the woods farther to the north and wait for me for a few hours and if I hadn't showed up by then, they were to go on to Therion by the quickest possible route," Evelyn added with a shrug of her shoulders, her eyes following Misty's tail swishing about.

When Misty reached over and grabbed Evelyn's knee after she'd made her suggestion as to what they should do next, Evelyn gasped in pain at Misty's touch and visibly tensed. After she'd pushed through her healing energies through her body and into Evelyn's, the obvious hurts on Evelyn's knee faded until they were only a distant memory, and then after touching her wrist too, Evelyn stood up and stretched her body out a bit while Misty went on and healed Mia up from the blow she'd given to the trinity of gemini women that backfired somewhat upon herself. After Mia was healed up, Misty would feel quite tired, her body starting to feel the effects of her energies starting to get weaker the more she spent them. Looking up, Misty would see Evelyn offering her a hand up, a genuine smile of appreciation on her face.

"Thanks Misty, I could have handled that myself shortly, but... thank you. I repay my debts, so if there's anything you need, just say the word okay," Evelyn told Misty, taking her by the hand and helping he to stand up, and then she even offered her a shoulder to lean on so she didn't exert herself so much.

With that, Evelyn helped Misty to quickly take her alchemical things from the corpses of the fallen aliens, agreeing with her that they were valuable and useful. "If you want, after we get the foodstuffs and things from the town, we can head back up to the temple and get the stuff from those aliens I took out there. Would be useful I think to have as much as possible, unless we'll be leaving in a hurry that is, in which case they can stay there I think," Evelyn said to Misty while she helped her to skin their foes for their valuable things.

After they had that done and Misty had put it all away, they headed on into town, with Evelyn still supporting Misty while Mia and Misty's marble guardian flanked them to either side and kept a close eye on their surroundings. Mia led them to the general store where they found plenty of vegetables laying about that they could stock up on, along with several bags that Misty would remember noticing about in the camping gear. Mia grabbed herself and Evelyn both a pack to have, which Mia filled both with some of the various vegetables that were still good, enough to last them a week or so at least give or take. Then Mia grabbed herself a new pair of boots after trying on several pairs, while Evelyn did the same, grabbing and trying on several pairs until she found a pair that fit good. Evelyn had helped Misty inside and helped her to the counter while her and Mia did all of this, so she could keep an eye out with her guardian while they gathered things.

While they were gathering the stuff from the general store, they suddenly heard a small clattering sound, which made both Mia and Evelyn jump at the sound of it, but it turned out to be just a rat scuttling along through the trash of the place Mia rummaged through the various bits of clothing that'd been in the general store for sale, though as Misty had found earlier it was mostly shredded unfortunately. Mia couldn't really find much in the way of wearable clothing for them there, but she did mention something about another place they could get clothes from. Evelyn looked over to Misty as they prepared to leave and walked behind the counter to the cash box, which she fiddled around with for a minute or so before it popped open, revealing a small pouch filled with 17 denarii, likely what had been spent over the last few days there at the place.

After they were done there gathering things, Misty was helped along some more over to another building that she'd spotted earlier but hadn't had the chance to explore inside any, unless she just wanted to walk on her own this time that is. Either way once they were there, Misty would see it was a little clothing store, and Mia went around the place and grabbed a few robes and pairs of trousers and shirts, as well as a few pairs of panties in various sizes for them to try. While Mia did this, Evelyn showed Misty to the town's main well which was right next to the clothing store, to the side of the building, so they were in easy listening distance of Mia while they cleaned themselves off real quick. Fortunately it seemed that everything in the town had come for them that she'd spotted earlier, at least most of it anyway. If there was anything else around then it either retreated or wasn't coming in just yet for some reason.

Misty would see that Mia had stuffed a few of pairs of panties and basic cloth trousers of various sizes into her own pack she'd gotten a few minutes before, then in Evelyn's there were various shirts and robes stuffed into it. "It isn't much in the way of nice looking, but it'll do to keep us warm at night and covered at least," Mia said when the two came back from cleaning up. "And there is a butcher around here, but I wouldn't trust any of the meat there now to be honest. But we could check it if you two want to," Mia said to them as she handed Evelyn her pack and a robe that was large enough to fit around her huge tits enough to cover them. Evelyn took the robe, then ripped two holes in the back of it so her wings would fit through it so they could protrude out the back without any trouble.

"Ah there we go, this way I can fly if need be," Evelyn said, putting on a pair of panties as well before tying her robe up, ready to go when the other two were. Mia had also opted for one of the loose fitting robes and a pair of panties underneath. Mia offered another of the plain old cloth robes to Misty too so she'd have something to cover herself with too if she wanted. It wasn't much really, but it would suffice to keep her covered and warm that night while she repaired her old robes at least if she wanted them.

"Looks like we're in the clear I think. So I guess until something else comes out, I say we could go ahead and check the butcher before heading on up to the temple," Evelyn said to Misty and Mia, with Mia looking to agree with her on that regard. "I wish... that we could do something for those taken, but sadly they've already moved on and I wouldn't even know where to begin tracking them. I believe it best to focus on finding and helping those that did make it out of here to safety rather than looking for the ones that we likely can't help at this point," Evelyn went on to say, though it was obvious that it pained her to say it in such a way.

The butcher as it turned out didn't have anything that was worth eating left there, and it also seemed that much of it had been cleared out and eaten, possibly from the aliens, it was hard to tell. After that, the trio started on up to the temple, with Mia stopping along the way at the blacksmith and grabbing a basic longsword, a dagger, and a bow for herself that she liked, a small quiver of arrows to go with said bow. While they were there and Mia was searching around for proper weaponry that she liked, Misty and Evelyn looked about the place for any valuable weapons that might be left in there, and underneath one overturned shelf they found what appeared to have been a shelf for guns. There were 3 of them all told, two larger ones and a pistol, all of which still seemed to be in working condition from the looks of it, and there were a couple of boxes of ammunition for them behind the counter on a low sitting shelf. "Hmm... mind if I take the pistol Misty?" Evelyn asked Misty when they found the guns, a belt and holster easily found for the smaller handgun, while the two larger guns both had straps on them to sling over their shoulders to carry if they wanted.

After they headed onward once more and made their way to the temple, Evelyn showed Misty the grabbers she'd taken out earlier, along with another of the larger ones that had apparently been the one that she'd said had blindsided her, that one being found in the main hall of the temple while the other four were littered throughout the halls in the direction Misty had spotted Evelyn first through her doll earlier. There turned out to only be 3 of the grabbers worth salvaging their magical bits from, two of the larger ones and one of the smaller ones, with the remaining larger and smaller ones both having been turned to ash from the amount of fire pumped into them through whatever means. After handling that, which took only a few short minutes, Misty would find her doll still where it'd fallen in the corner near the back doors to the temple. It looked a bit damaged, but nothing that she wouldn't be able to repair easily enough. At least it would be easier to fix than her robes would be anyway.

"Alright then, I think we're done here you two. I'm ready to go when you both are. But first let me go and grab something okay, I'll be right back," Evelyn said to Misty and Mia.

"Alright miss Evelyn, we'll wait here for you in the main hall," Mia said back to her, taking a seat on one of the pews still sitting upright and looking to Misty as she patted the spot next to her. After Evelyn was gone to get whatever it was she was going to get, Mia looked back to Misty. "I honestly didn't know she was a demon Misty... I mean she never had wings or horns or anything before now. But... she's still miss Evelyn, I'm almost sure of it, because that's the same promise she made me when I was little, and she's always protected me no matter what, ever since my parents died I mean. And she does always make good on her promises of helping people," Mia said to Misty while Evelyn was gone, obvious doubt written on her face, but Evelyn had helped them out of a jam earlier and she hadn't shown any reason to doubt her yet.

A minute or so later, Evelyn returned and in her hand was an old oaken quarterstaff that looked very nicely carved. "Alrighty then you two, now we can go whenever you're ready. Soon as we get out of here and stop for the evening we can get you fixed up okay, Misty, until then if it comes to any fighting, leave it to me and Mia okay. Mia seems to trust you an awful lot despite only having met you, so therefore I'll trust you too and I'll do my best to protect you as well as her. And... well you came with her to rescue me, despite the obvious risks involved, so just know you've made a friend in me today, one that will always stand by your side when you need me," Evelyn said once she returned, bowing her head to Misty as she spoke. It seemed that it was on Misty to decide when they went on, and where, as both Mia and Evelyn seemed to trust her judgement. "Oh yes, before I forget, and since we have a free moment. I am Evelyn Alariel by the way. I saw the last name in a book and liked it, so I took it as my own. We can get to know each other a little better later on, I just thought it proper that you know my full name is all," Evelyn added as an afterthought while Misty decided on what to do now.

[Misty gets 6 Slime Ambers and 1 Chameleon Skin. Also, after heading on up to the temple she'll get 3 Grey Hearts, as well as her doll back too. Also this post ended up way longer than I originally intended it, but I think it worked out. She also got 17 denarii, a Badarian Shotgun, a Su-Ku-Ta Bolt Action Rifle, and a Su-Ku-Ta Hand Repeater from the blacksmith/armory, along with say, 5 magazines worth of bullets for the rifle, 12 shots for the shotgun, and 3 magazines worth of bullets for the handgun. I placed any of the items that Mia and Evelyn are definitely taking into their inventories already, and will add the pistol to Evelyn's if Misty let's her have it.]
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"That sounds good enough to keep going for," Misty said following the recital of Evelyn's plan, "hopefully they'll still be there and won't have run into anything. We'd probably best hurry up and clear out what we want though."

After healing Evelyn's wounded knee, the kitsune felt fatigue and her supernatural hunger rising up, and she let out a soft sigh before turning to Mia and saying; "Alright, your turn." It was about then that she started feeling her own bruised ribs, but Misty nonetheless waved off Evelyn's offer for help and climbed to her feet on her own. "Don't mention it, and don't worry about me," she would say reassuringly while releasing her magics, and as they proceeded to start the chores needed before they could depart Misty healed herself with a minor spell that wouldn't tax her dwindling energies any further.

She would do little more than nod to Evelyn when she mentioned the other aliens that could be looted for treasure, and go about gathering what supplies and trinkets she could. A bag of coins that would supplement what she could make from the parts taken from the dead aliens, enough food to last them a while, a set of clothing that she grudgingly accepted since it would be a while before she could repair her own more protective robes, a pair of guns and a small quantity of ammunition for them, some new camping gear... It was more than enough for Misty to be satisfied with her haul, and she graciously allowed Evelyn to take the handgun they'd found without any complaint. "I wouldn't trust anything that had been sitting out untouched for so long either," she agreed regarding the butcher, and then left it at that. After going to the temple and salvaging what she could from the dead tentacle monsters, Misty was more or less finished with this offered Evelyn a nod when she said she wanted to get something and allowed the busty demoness to go and find whatever it was that she wanted.

That was when Mia tried to explain herself, and Misty simply shrugged and said; "I believe you. She did help us towards the end, so honestly it's fine by me. Besides, what would we do about it now? It's not like we can leave her here or something. I was just surprised to find a demon out here." She took that opportunity to retrieve her broken doll as well, frowning at yet another thing that she would need to spend her energies to repair, but unable to do much about it now.

A few moments later and Evelyn had returned, now sporting an old oaken staff. The kitsune's ears flattened in annoyance at Evelyn's insistence that she ought to be left out of any further fighting, and she quickly replied; "Excuse me? I can take care of myself, thank you very much! I'm a little tired, yes, but I'm far from out of tricks!" Her frown would remain, but she would allow the annoyance at what she had perhaps mistakenly chosen to perceive as dismissal to fall from her tone when she replied to Evelyn's introduction; "Mia's told me a good bit about you, but it's nice to finally meet you Evelyn. I'm Mistrenil, no last name, but people usually call me Misty for short. As for getting to know each other better, I'll be looking forward to it~"

She eased out of her annoyed stance and held out a hand for Evelyn to shake, and now that they'd been properly introduced it was a good enough time for them to leave. "Lets get out of her and see if we can't find your people," she would say, "you two both know this area better than I do, and the three of us together can probably move faster than such a large group. The sooner we leave, the sooner we find them."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 44/50, PP = 65, EP = 15/90, status = mostly alright

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant and fine

Evelyn: HP = 50, PP = 28/82, EP = 65/112, Status: alright

Misty's doll: HP = 0/46, status: salvaged, but needs repairing (42 body, 8 mind)

Misty's animated marble statue of herself: HP = 108, status = fine (108 body, mind 24)

[Misty casts Nature's Breath on herself, Base Casting: success. Misty heals herself by 4 + 3 + 8 + 2 = 17 * 1 = 17 HP.]

"Aye, I'm surprised she's a demon too. I mean I honestly didn't know. And I'm sure she's got her own reasons for staying hidden like that... well other than the obvious. It's just... I wish she'd have trusted me enough to have told me, you know," Mia said as Misty checked her doll over to see what all she'd have to do with it in order to repair it. "And don't worry Misty, if you need energy for later, I've got plenty to spare. I mean... you know, like you needed last night and all. I mean I've kinda got to offer it, because you're my mate, and that's what mates do for on another, help each other when they need it," Mia added, blushing a bit after finishing.

After Evelyn had returned and said what she did to Misty about letting them fight if it came to it, and after Misty made her reply, Evelyn looked at her closely for a moment. "Alright then, I respect your decision. Just... be careful alright, can't have you fainting on us now can we," Evelyn said back to Misty, looking at her with a bit of a proud look in her eyes at Misty's resolve, then after Misty formally introduced herself back to Evelyn the demon woman bowed her head respectfully and shook Misty's hand. "I certainly hope you're looking forward to it Mistrenil, because after everything that's happened I could really use something fun to unwind a bit with," Evelyn went on to say, a smirk on her face as she winked knowingly at Misty.

"Well... they may have taken one of the old hunting trails leading north to the woods that we use around winter time. If they wanted to leave in a hurry and stay around to wait for someone then that's the path to take in my opinion. When I ran I just kind of went aimlessly to be honest," Mia said after that, looking to the north as they stood there in front of the temple, the wind blowing softly as the devastated town was now completely abandoned now that they were setting off.

Mia led the way, while Evelyn took the rear guard, letting the obviously more exhausted Misty stay in the middle. Mia stopped every now and then and knelt at the ground to check for tracks along the way, then she sniffed around to see what all she could smell. "This way, I see a few tracks. Some light and smaller and some bigger and heavier. They probably came this way, because I don't think those aliens use shoes or boots, at least I haven't seen them wearing anything like that," Mia said as she stood back up on their third stop, about a mile and a half out of town.

Following the path along a ways more, Misty and her two companions were making fairly decent time, though Evelyn looked a little worried to say the least that they hadn't run into anyone just yet. "Hmm... unless they decided to go on ahead then we should've run into them by now surely, so I'm going to assume that they did go ahead and move on because I took so long to follow along. I mean they did leave about three or four hours ago or so, and I did tell them to go on if I didn't show up soon when they stopped to rest. I do hope they're okay and haven't run into any trouble, those poor children have been through enough as it is without more trouble," Evelyn said as they walked on, obviously concerned for the people that they were hopefully trailing behind.

Luckily after a while, by the time the sun was setting in the sky, they'd made their way to the edges of the woods again, which were grown out a bit further southward than in the direction Misty and Mia had come from, without much trouble at all, and nothing was following them from what they could see, so all in all it seemed that they were in the clear for now. The sun was blazing upon the horizon as they entered the woods again, with Mia having stopped them three more times over the course of the day to check for tracks to see if the people they were hoping to catch up to had come this way. As it turned out she found tracks each time thankfully, still heading northward along the trail, which told them that the people had at least made it that far, but they also found the disturbing sight of a couple of dead jackals near to the forest edge, but thankfully no humanoid bodies.

"Hmm, I don't think we'll catch up to them tonight, unless you two want to keep moving on and hopefully find their camp, if they even came this way that is and those aren't someone else's tracks I've been following up till now. I personally think we ought to make camp for the night myself, because I don't fancy traipsing through the forest at night if we can help it, though I would prefer an area with more trees for cover, as this area is a bit thin on them," Mia said when they entered the woods again, suggesting they make camp soon, though the trees were still fairly thin around this portion of the edges and Mia remarked on it and suggested they go a bit further in before making camp for the night, if they did at all.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty smiled wryly when Mia reassured her that she would be "fed" later that night, and rolled her eyes as she said; "Uhuh~ You just want to get laid! That's okay though, I'm happy to give you exactly what you like!" Inwardly, she was a little bit more concerned than she let on. Mia didn't have the strongest of souls, and while not having enough energy to fill Misty to capacity wasn't exactly a crime, it did mean that she would begin to cause undue stress on the girl if she kept having to fill herself up with only Mia as an energy source. There wasn't really a workaround for that however, since Misty suspected that Evelyn was a succubus given race and the way that she'd been described by Mia so far.

That suspicion didn't get any weaker when Evelyn spoke of looking forward to getting to "unwind" a few moments later, but Misty only responded to it with a smile, a grin, and; "I guess we'll all have a better night than we had a day then, huh?" She would accentuate that with a quick grope, not only of Evelyn but of Mia, nothing more than a light, playful pinch of the bottom. After that, Misty would continue to nod in acceptance as Mia went over where the others might have gone, and then follow along as she found what seemed to be the trail of the people that they were after.

What followed was a lot of walking, and Mia and Evelyn concluding eventually that the group they were following had opted to continue on without the demon priestess when she hadn't shown up. It was a reasonable enough assumption as far as Misty was concerned, and she offered nothing more than a shrug at it and nod when Evelyn stated that she hoped that the escaping group hadn't run into any more trouble. They continued on, and by the time the sun was setting they had reached the edge of the woods to the North once again, and once they confirmed that the tracks they were following were still proceeding in a Northerly direction, it seemed like it might be time to start setting up camp. A couple of dead jackals had been left to rot at the edge of the woods, possibly having been killed by the people they followed but such being impossible to tell for sure after they'd been left to rot for so long.

"It's looking that way, isn't it? Yeah, lets find someplace to rest and then turn in," Misty agreed, and would then begin scouting for a reasonably safe place to camp for the night. Once they had a location, one that she hopefully wouldn't need to sculpt given her dangerously low supply of energy, the basic necessities would be next. Food, water, a warm fire, shelter. All easy enough to get for one as used to roughing it as Misty, and Mia would no doubt help with that given her apparent tracking skills. Between them, they might even be able to scrounge up something to supplement their supplies, as it wasn't immediately clear how long they'd be wandering around out there.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 44/50, PP = 65, EP = 15/90, status = mostly alright, but tired

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant and fine

Evelyn: HP = 50, PP = 82, EP = 29/112, Status: alright, but a bit tired

Misty's animated marble statue of herself: HP = 108, status = fine (108 body, mind 24)

Took out Misty's doll on this update and will take out the marble guardian when she lets it go.

"Well who doesn't want to get laid Misty? Of course she does. I mean she's still a virgin and all," Evelyn asked Misty almost incredulously before patting Mia on the shoulder and finishing up, the fact that Mia wasn't a virgin still unknown to the demon woman.

Mia blushed at Evelyn's words and looked over at Misty as they walked onwards, edging over to her a bit and grabbing her hand as Misty pinched her on the butt, while Evelyn just giggled and cooed at Misty's action. "Miss Evelyn, I uh... I'm not exactly a... a virgin anymore," Mia said in a small voice, gripping Misty's hand a bit as she said what she did.

Evelyn just stared at Mia for a moment before turning her gaze to Misty, then back to Mia... then back to Misty again. After a few moments Evelyn suddenly burst out laughing, pointing at the two and clutching her stomach. "M-Miss Evelyn, it isn't funny. M-Misty is my mate now, s-she claimed me last yesterday to... to recover her energies," Mia said meekly as Evelyn stopped laughing and took on a more serious air about her.

Evelyn cleared her throat and stepped over to Mia and patted her on the shoulder. "So... you took Mia's first eh," Evelyn said, walking around Misty once before stopping and looking directly into her eyes, then she leaned in close and flipped Misty on the nose. "I wish you'd have waited until I was there, but things can't be changed now and I'm sure that if you'd have waited until today to recover those energies she spoke of then you would have already collapsed by now, and we may not have made it out of that town. So... don't worry about it too much. And I'll help you recover those precious energies too, because I have a helluva lot more than Mia does I can assure you that," Evelyn then said, leaning in to kiss Misty on the lips, just a little peck though and nothing too much... yet anyway.


"Aye I agree, though I would have liked to make it to the tonight at least, but perhaps it's better that we did not, so we don't disturb the children with our fun," Evelyn said, agreeing with Mia and Misty about stopping for the night to rest.

With that the trio began looking for a suitable spot to make camp for the night, with Evelyn extending her wings and taking to the treetops to scout out a little better for them. Soon they found a small clearing in the woods that was in a bit thicker area of trees, and though they didn't have a stream next to their camp for water, there was a small stream that ran eastwards towards the lake Misty had been near the day before nearby that they could refill their waterskins and whatnot, though it was a good furlong or so from their camp.

"Well this is as good a place as any I guess. Give me a couple of minutes or so and I'll make us a bit of a shelter in here to sleep in and to keep us warm for the night," Evelyn said, cracking her knuckles and stepping into the clearing a bit.

Evelyn then clapped her hands together and then touched the ground, pushing her energy through herself and out through her hands and into the ground. Misty saw a wall of hardened dirt and stone brought from deep in the ground spring up with a curve at the top like a bit of a roof, just a single wall though. Evelyn did this a couple of more times with the last wall section fixing itself up to the rest and angled so that it was sealed properly from the weather and resembled a dome shaped hut... mostly, but one they could have a campfire in as well as there was a chimney hole for the smoke to filter out through on the backside of it so it didn't smother them or anything. Evelyn looked quite exhausted after this though and plopped down in front of the thing, where she fell back onto the ground and lay there for now, but she wasn't unconscious, just tired. The hut was only about 8 feet from the center to any wall of it, but that was probably a helluva lot more than Misty could have managed with such low energy reserves right now, and it was angled so any smoke would be filtered straight out through the chimney hole as well.

"Whew gods that is extremely tiring. It isn't anything fancy, but it'll do. Can you two round us up something to use as a bit of a door by chance? Just a few small logs and something to use as like a curtain or something would do perfectly, but hell just something to set in front of it would be good enough I guess. It's up to you two, because I need to rest for a bit," Evelyn said as she lay there in front of their new doorway.

Mia giggled and just nodded to Evelyn, telling her that she'd be back in a bit as she set her pack down just inside their little hut, which wasn't too much to look at but would serve them well enough. Mia gathered some small branches that were covered in leaves and brought several over, then she brought over three more branches with all of the leaves and twigs pulled off and used them too make a sort of leaf curtain door for them, using some of the rope she'd brought from the town to tie it all up. After she was done fixing that up, Mia started digging them a small firepit near the chimney on the backside of the hut to use for their campfire.

"Ha, there we go, we have a door. And I shouldn't have to get any more branches to use as shingles tonight I don't think, since it doesn't look like it's going to rain again or anything. But I could look around for us a couple of flat rocks to stand up in front of the thing so at least nothing could creep in on us in the night, if you two want me to look around, I could fill up our waterskins over at that stream too while I'm out and maybe get us a pot of water for cooking if you both can get us a fire going for me to cook us some dinner on," Mia said after setting up their makeshift door and digging their firepit, suggesting she look around for a couple of rocks to put up inside for them to have as extra protection.

"Alright Mia, be careful though and scream is you need us alright," Evelyn said to Mia as the catgirl went off with their waterskins slung over her shoulder and a cooking pot in her hands. Evelyn then turned to Misty as Mia went on and smiled. "Well Misty let's get us some wood then. And perhaps you could put that marble statue in front of the door way or something as our insurance that nothing gets in easily without us wanting it, after you have it help you get some firewood and stuff that is, since it'd be quicker that way," Evelyn then said, raising up, but looking like she didn't want to get up at all though. She would stay there and rest some more though if Misty told her that she could handle getting the wood and she'd thank her for it with a kiss on the lips if she did so.

[Let me know if Evelyn using Reshape like that to make them a hut of stone and hardened mud/dirt is doable. I assume it is since Misty basically did the same the night before save no roof and just the walls. Evelyn spent 36 EP doing it too by the way, using Reshape 3 times to make the thing and forming it all together properly for them.]


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty did little more than look mildly surprised and amused at the exchange that followed between Mia and Evelyn. She hadn't known that Mia had been a virgin at all, as she certainly hadn't seemed to have been one given her sexual habits, but apparently she had been. She didn't even blush at Evelyn's comment about being Mia's first, nor about offering up her own energies, though it did raise a question that the kitsune needed answering; "You'll help? I had figured that you were a succubus like me.... Does this mean that you aren't?"


Misty watched curiously when Evelyn picked a spot for them, and then smiled knowingly as the makeshift dwelling began to take shape. She generally didn't go for structures that were so obviously non-natural when using her powers to make shelter, both because it took too much energy and because it generally wasn't necessary, but so long as they knocked it down in the morning so that they couldn't be easily tracked Misty didn't have a problem with it. Indeed, she was glad that she didn't have to do it this time and was content to leave the matter at that. "Certainly~" Misty would reply upon Evelyn's request begin glancing around for something to use as a door, but Mia would beat her to the punch on that one and built a leafy curtain for them. Good enough.

"You can stay here, I'll take care of the wood," the kitsune would say after Mia had gone off to fill their waterskins and Evelyn rose to help her gather the wood for their fire. "It's the sort of thing that I'm used to doing on my own anyway," she would add, and then respond to the light kiss on the lips with only a mild deepening, maybe a little flick of her tongue across Evelyn's lips, before she would scamper off with her tail flitting slowly back and forth behind her in her quest for some wood. Gathering it up, Misty would hand bundles of it to her marble replica and send it back while she gathered more, ensuring that they had enough dry wood and kindling to last them the night and maybe a little extra before heading back to see how the others were doing.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 44/50, PP = 65, EP = 15/90, status = mostly alright, but tired

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant and fine

Evelyn: HP = 50, PP = 82, EP = 112, Status: alright now

Misty's animated marble statue of herself: HP = 108, status = fine (108 body, mind 24)

Took out Misty's doll on this update and will take out the marble guardian when she lets it go.

"Hmhmhm, of course I'll help with that Misty. And no I'm not a succubus my dear, though I have been mistaken for one before. I've got much more than Mia does, so she won't be so taxed by providing for you all the time. I don't mind coming with you to help with that, besides it lets me stay with Mia so that's enough reason for me really," Evelyn said with a giggle, seeming to not mind the idea of staying with Misty in order to remain by Mia's side. "I wonder if you can handle me and Mia together," Evelyn added, obviously looking at Misty to size her up with a keen eye.


"Really Misty? Oh thank you, you're a life saver. I'm just gonna lay here for now, if I doze off wake me up when you get back with all the firewood and stuff and I'll hop into one of our bedrolls for a bit until dinner, because I'm tired as hell after that," Evelyn asked Misty, sounding very grateful that Misty offered to gather the firewood and let her rest a bit after exerting herself so much. Evelyn closed her eyes and laid back to rest a bit as soon as the words were out of her mouth.

When Misty's tongue brushed across her lips, Evelyn smiled at her and winked before laying on back to rest for a few minutes. Misty was able to gather enough wood to keep their fire burning all night long thanks to her marble replica's help, and within 30 minutes or so Mia had returned and had a fire going with some of the first bit Misty had brought back and a pot of water boiling up, while Evelyn was still laying there resting, though their bedrolls had been laid out at this point with a bit of extra bedding underneath them in the form of a bunch of leaves though not autumn ones that would crunch and rattle about every time one of them moved thankfully it seemed.

"I'm gonna make us a little vegetable stew to eat with some of those vegetables I scrounged up from the markets back in town," Mia said from where she was sitting when Misty returned with the last of the firewood, the catgirl chopping up a carrot into the pot as she spoke. When Misty came closer she would notice on the other side of Mia that there was also a dead duck laying near her, already plucked and cleaned. "Oh yeah, I got lucky and found a duck making a nest near the creek over that way, must have been getting ready to mate soon. That creek I was at runs right into the lake over that way where we were last night, and I noticed it heading over that way with a few twigs in its beak. So I followed it and bopped it in the head with a rock before snatching it up, finishing it off, and cleaning it to bring back to cook. Looks like we're eating good tonight I think," Mia added when Misty saw the duck, looking rather pleased with herself for getting it.

Mia seemed to have their cooking well in hand and was humming while she prepared the pot for their though Misty could help if she wanted to, Evelyn though was still resting at the moment, so there wasn't much to do really other than help and or poke at the fire, though she could probably find something else to do with her free time surely. While she thought about it, Mia finished with the carrots and laid out a few potatoes next, and she already had some onions in there, though first she took care of getting the duck fixed up onto a spit to begin roasting for them to eat.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Mmmmm.... That's probably good then, it can be... Exhausting... Especially for extended periods of feeding someone as strong as me. Though..." Misty adopted a wry grin, "I'm pretty sure that I can... And I guess we'll find out later~"


When Misty returned and found Mia boiling some water, and the catgirl explained what she intended to do for dinner, the kitsune nodded and said; "Sounds good to me." When she mentioned the duck she'd found, the kitsune nodded again and grinned, "excellent! Duck's not the best type of meat, but it's certainly better than nothing."

Misty, given a rare opportunity to laze about rather than do any actual work, took it immediately and started idly poking the fire with a stick. She made sure to keep it going while Mia prepared their food, and idly glanced at Evelyn's sleeping figure and pondered bothering her for a moment, before deciding to give the demoness an opportunity to rest. Turning instead to the cat-girl, Misty grinned as mischief began to form in her mind. Slowly standing up, Misty stretched, her tail flitting back and forth as her muscles worked their kinks out on their own thanks to her shapeshifting abilities.

"Sooooo...." Misty began, glancing back at Evelyn and then looking to Mia again as her robe opened and then slowly slid down her body, "think we can get in a quicky without ruining dinner or waking up Evelyn?" The now naked kitsune placed a hand on her hip, and her cock would slowly grow out from over her mound, "or, if you're too busy... I could always see if Evelyn would like some dessert before dinner~"
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty: HP = 44/50, PP = 65, EP = 15/90, status = mostly alright, but tired

Mia: HP = 57, PP = 46, EP = 45, Status = pregnant and fine

Evelyn: HP = 50, PP = 82, EP = 112, Status: alright now

Misty's animated marble statue of herself: HP = 108, status = fine (108 body, mind 24)

Took out Misty's doll on this update and will take out the marble guardian when she lets it go.

"Oh I'm sure we will find out shortly, And I'm positive that it'll be fun and that you'll love it," Evelyn said with a smirk, reaching over and pinching Misty on the butt and winking at her.


As Mia got the duck up and on the spit to cook she listened to Misty talk as the thing started cooking, glancing over after putting the pot with the vegetable stew over the fire to cook too. "Well I'd hate to have to stop in the middle just to turn the duck here or stir the pot any, but if you really want to then I think we can squeeze something in, just try to leave me with enough energy to stay awake and finish cooking at least. Miss Evelyn is getting up soon though to eat if you want to have some fun with her instead beforehand, I'm sure she won't mind being woken up a little early if it's for that," Mia said, watching the stew as it began boiling and the duck began roasting, giggling as she mentioned maybe having Evelyn instead while she finished preparing their food.

Before Misty could really make a decision, she'd feel a pair of arms slip around her waist as a pair of lips nipped at her neck. "Hey there foxy, sounds like you wanna have some fun. What say we let Mia cook and I'll entertain you with a quickie or two. Hmm?" Evelyn whispered in Misty's ear while Mia's back was turned and she continued stirring the pot and turning the spit their duck was on.

It seems she'd overheard Misty asking Mia that. While Misty mulled over Evelyn's question, she'd feel Evelyn's tongue slide up her neck and then she nipped on her ears a time or two, giggling softly as she did. It looked like it was Misty's decision on who she had fun with, either Evelyn or Mia... or she could persuade both of them to have a bit of fun, they'd probably both agree to have with her, considering how much her and Mia had done yesterday and how much Mia had told her Evelyn here enjoyed sex.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

A delighted coo bubbled up from Misty's throat as she felt Evelyn slip up behind her unseen, and could immediately tell from the amount of bare skin now brushing against her that the demoness was nearly as naked as Misty herself. Mia's somewhat flat (but admittedly practical) response hadn't been particularly invigorating, but Evelyn pressing her massive bust against the kitsune's back, her arms wrapping around the kitsune's waist, and the feel of her soft lips nipping at the back of her neck all served to reverse that trend quite quickly. It was hard to tell whether or not Mia had heard her one-time mentor's suggestion, but it was one that Misty immediately agreed to internally.

"Mmmmm.... Evelyn~ I didn't even know that you were awake! And now I'm caught!" the kitsune proclaimed coyly as she briefly leaned into the demoness, her trapped tail swishing back and forth and her freshly grown cock stiffening even further. "Nnnn... Mia... If you don't save me..." Misty purred as she slowly turned around in Evelyn's grasp, facing the demoness and silencing herself by engaging the other supernatural shapeshifter in an open-mouthed kiss that steadily deepened until their tongues were dancing together lewdly. Misty's silence - save for a few moans and coos should Evelyn prove a particularly good kisser or opt to pay some attention to her stiff rod as it now lay trapped between them. Whether or not she did, Misty's hands would start at Evelyn's waist and work their way slowly to their true targets, one shifting back to fondle the voluptuous woman's rear and the other rising to knead at one of the taller woman's huge breasts as they rested over her own.

Taking advantage of her greater height, Misty would break the kiss after a minute or so in order to lean down and plant a trail of kisses down from the woman's collar to the peak of the breast that her hand wasn't carefully kneading. If Evelyn's tips weren't hard by that point, once Misty's lips sealed over them and her lips and tongue started to work they very soon would be, and as she inflicted pleasure and figured out just how Evelyn liked to be touched the kitsune would take her first careful sips of the other woman's soul. Another minute or so would pass before Misty gave the nipple in her mouth one last flick of her tongue and then pulled away in order to purr; "She might just skip dinner and go straight to dessert... By sucking me until there's none left for you! You remember how I tasted, don't you? Hrm? I don't think Evelyn here will be able to resist once she's tasted me~"

Her words were spoken towards Mia's back unless the catgirl had turned about, and whether Evelyn was paying attention to the kitsune's rod or not it gave an eager throb at the thought of receiving some loving attention from the demoness before her. Whether or not Mia chose to intervene, Misty would turn to Evelyn and add; "Of course... You never know what might happen. Maybe I'll turn the tables... And get some "dessert" of my own from Evelyn here, hrm?" She would signify what she said by briefly flicking her tail between her own legs so that the flufy tip of it brushed over Evelyn's mound, particularly near to her clit, signifying that she intended to offer Evelyn the chance to be the one getting sucked off instead.