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Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Misty: HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = Fine... for now :p

After leaving her adoptive parents behind long ago in the town she grew up in in far western Crolia near the frozen sea, Misty had wandered around for a long time, eventually deciding to head east to Therion which was where she was now going. That was a few years ago when she'd left, and she'd gone south into the desert for a while and in through western Badaria for a while as well, but now she'd come back to her home country of Crolia and now she found herself in the wilderness around the borders between Badaria, Crolia, and the Anudor desert after leaving the last town in north western Badaria and crossing back into Crolia.

She'd just gotten back with a large hare from a snare she'd set and had just cleaned it to make it ready for cooking. It was starting to get dark Misty could see, as the sun was already set and starting to go down beyond the horizon, and she could smell a bit of rain in the air and she could see some clouds in the sky. Nothing major, but from the looks of it she'd probably see a good spring shower tonight most likely. So she would have to cook this hare quickly before the rain set in or else she'd be without a good hot meal for dinner tonight. There was also the possibility of an alien attack, or an attack by something else that she would have to keep a watch out for here in the wilds, despite being out in the middle of nowhere there was always the risk of something coming along and deciding to attack her.

(Good enough start Tass? I mean no offense, but you didn't give me a lot to work with and all, so this isn't the best I could have done or anything by any means.)
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

While she might never have been much of a hunter, Misty had been fairly well traveled, and that had necessitated some ability at acquiring her own food. She had become fairly adept at both trapping and gathering natural foods, and while it was hardly pleasant work, a kitsune had to eat. The mountains between Western Badaria and Crolia were legendarily treacherous, but also sparsely populated and thus likely free of the threats that might hound more civilized areas, such as bandits or the ever-present alien menace. Even so, she still had wild beasts and the like to worry about, and as such she opted to keep on careful watch. She had never had a problem with seeing in the dark, but she would need fire to cook her catch, and as she didn't know fire magics yet, she had to start one the old fashioned way... Or at least, as old fashioned as one could call flint and steel. She had to skin and prepare that little beast as well, which she did as quickly and efficiently while her ears flitted in every direction, listening carefully for anything that might give away an approaching threat.

(Lookin good so far.)
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = Fine

There was little in the way of anything to bother Misty as she cleaned her kill, which didn't take her very very long and she was done in a good twenty minutes or so, though it was a fairly good sized hare which would be more than enough to fill her belly for the night. Finding enough wood to get her fire started wasn't very hard either as there was good kindling around, and Misty had her fire going and her hare a cooking on a spit within another ten minutes or so after cleaning her food. While her food was cooking, Misty had the chance to look around her camp and make sure everything was all in order while she'd been out checking her snares, the other handful of which were empty. Her camp was set under a rock sticking out from a hill, which provided good cover from the wind, and the rain that was obviously coming now, as she could see the clouds from before getting closer, and the sound of thunder in the distance could be heard now as well, which likely concerned the kitsune a little bit as she looked around and saw the blueberry bush within sight of her camp that she'd remembered being there before going to check her snares.

By the time her food was done cooking and after she'd gathered some blueberries if she wished, Misty saw the rain beginning to come down a little bit, and she could see the small animals scurrying for cover from the rain. Within minutes of her food finishing up cooking and her starting to eat, Misty would see the rain coming down quite hard and the thunder booming all around, seeming like a normal late spring early summer storm one would see. Luckily her campfire was under the rock awning she'd managed to find with her so it wouldn't go out on her.

While she sat there eating her dinner, Misty would see a shape through the rain and the fog that had come up as a result of the rain, which looked humanoid in shape. Whoever it was she could tell was bent over as if to keep the heavy rain off of them as much as possible. As the person came closer to Misty, she would be able to see it was a woman... or at least it was the same shape as a woman anyway, and from the looks of her she seemed exhausted and as she got about 30 feet or so away from her camp she fell face first to the ground.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Her fire was going, her evening meal was cooking, and she was at least mostly out of the rain courtesy of the surroundings of her chosen campsite. All in all, it seemed a good day for the young kitsune, and her tail was flitting back and forth slowly as she nibbled on blueberries and waited for the rest of her food to finish. She'd been careful to disable all of her other traps, not wanting to kill any wild creatures unnecessarily, and would be ready to break up her little camp after breakfast the next day. She wasn't exactly the most well prepared or the most skilled traveler, but as she had no destination in mind there was no need for her to worry, and so the kitsune didn't bother herself about the slowness of her pace.

A short while later, her alertness allowed her to spot the incoming traveler well before they were anywhere near her, and Misty kept a careful eye on the approaching stranger as she slowly ate her meal. Seeing the person collapse suddenly caused her ears to flatten and her tail to puff behind her, annoyance creasing her features. It was entirely possible that this was some sort of trap, and for several long moments she simply crouched there beneath her protective awning and looked annoyed. She momentarily considered simply leaving the person where they were, but quickly dismissed it. Whoever they were, they were far too close for that, and while she might be a relatively selfish person, she wasn't a lunatic or a barbarian. That said, getting all wet simply wouldn't do, and after a moment's consideration she glanced over at her collection of hastily gathered fire wood.

A whisper and a tiny working of power caused the wood to shiver and then suddenly begin to move, snapping together into a relatively humanoid figure that stood about four feet tall. It was fairly flimsy, but deceptively strong courtesy of her magics, and Misty smiled before pointing at the fallen woman and saying; "Go and retrieve her, carefully, and bring her here without harming her! Quickly now!"

Assemble Contraption for 5 EP, with the bonus from Overlord that makes it only cost 5 EP and gives a contraption with 50 Body, 10 Mind, and 4 AV.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 85/90, status = Fine

I'm going to assume that Misty is just going to use the contraption to bring the person over to her campsite before she dismisses it, so if it is okay with you, I'm not going to bother showing stats and such unless you simply want me to. If I'm wrong about that then just tell me and I'll write up the stats and edit them into the post, or just add them in to the next post.

Despite being a bit selfish at times, Misty knew that she simply could leave the poor person out in the rain to die, so after magically assembling her summoned wooden contraption together and ordering it to head out to grab whoever it was, her wooden minion nodded to her before heading out into the rain. Misty's wooden minion moved out into the rain, which was beginning to come down much harder now than it had been. Her wooden minion lifted the person up and carried them back over to her camp and out of the rain, setting her down under the awning that the kitsune was sitting under right beside the fire before moving over to take up a position beside Misty and await her next order.

The person that her minion brought over to her camp, which looked like a woman of some sort from a distance, Misty would see that it was indeed a young woman... a catgirl to be exact. She barely looked 18 years old if that much and she looked more than a little exhausted. She was 5 feet tall even, she had blonde hair that hung unbound to her midback, blonde furry ears and tail, she had perky C-cup breasts, and if she lifted an eyelid on the neko girl she would see that she had green eyes. The poor thing barely had any clothes on under her cloak she was wearing, having only a tattered pair of trousers on that came down to her knees, a short shirt that only came down to the top of her waist, and a small pair of slippers that the ends of the toes were missing. Her clothes, what little she had on, were totally soaked through and she looked almost as if she had a slight fever, as her cheeks and forehead were flushed red.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty left her minion to stand beside her as she examined the girl that it had retrieved, her tail flitting back and forth behind her. The girl turned out to be a catgirl, but whether she was actually a su-ku-ta or just a mutant Misty couldn't actually tell. Not bad looking but clad in fairly tattered clothing, but after a closer inspection Misty began to suspect that the girl was ill. "Probably a refugee... Or an outcast. Or.. Something," the kitsune mused aloud to herself, and then began slowly peeling off the woman's soaked clothes. She allowed herself to examine the girl in the process, and if she didn't awaken then Misty would slowly pull her closer to the fire so that she could warm up before covering her with one of her own blankets. The girl's clothes were hung up on her stick-man, which she opted to keep around for the time being, so that they might dry off a little for when she could redon them.

(Keep yon stickman contraption, for the moment.)
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 80/90, status = Fine

Misty's contraption:
HP = 55, status = Idk really, he's not really alive so even I don't know his true status

The girl she could see now that she could get a closer look at her seemed to be a Su-Ku-Ta female and not just a mutated human or something, and Misty could also tell after a closer look that the poor thing was obviously sick, or at least underfed to some degree as her belly was sunk in like she'd been half starved. Taking her clothing off proved to be a rather easy task as well, because she barely had any clothing to begin with. Misty's minion stood there all stoic like as Misty hung the tattered clothing of the neko on him, where he then moved a little closer to the fire in order to help dry them out better. When Misty moved the girl over next to the fire in order to warm her up, she found that she was rather light and easy to move.

Misty's minion would stand guard beside the fire until she ordered him to do anything else. The girl though looked like she was going to remain asleep for the time being, but she looked more than a little more comfortable than she had when Misty first had her brought over to her camp. For one she looked much warmer near the fire, however she was breathing a little heavy and ragged like, which was easy for her to tell that the catgirl was quite sick, likely with a bad cold or something similar which she probably caught from being in the rain like she was.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

It became almost immediately obvious that the girl, most likely a pure su-ku-ta rather than a mutant given her scent, was fairly ill. Misty knew a few herbs in the area that would likely aid her, but one glance at the pouring rain soured that idea immediately. Walking about in the rain, in the woods, in the dead of night was.... Likely a fairly bad idea, and she didn't have what she needed on hand, so the poor thing would have to wait. Though she felt a tiny bit of lust upon seeing her naked, Misty's pity for the girl's condition far outweighed her hunger at the moment, and as such she largely kept her hands to herself. As such, she tried to feed the unconscious neko some leftovers before leaving her to her rest.

With that crisis taken care of, Misty allowed the magic in her wood man to fade, keeping it standing but allowing it to remain otherwise inactive. With that, she would put some more wood on the fire before curling up to sleep herself.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 90, status = Fine

The rain didn't seem to let up as Misty sat there setting the neko up by the fire to keep the poor shivering thing warm, and since it was raining so hard and much, she knew that she couldn't go out and try to find the herbs necessary in order to make a potion of some sort to help the sick neko along. However it did seem to have let up slightly, but was still pouring quite a bit, and while the neko was sick and exhausted, Misty did however manage to help her eat what was left of her leftovers from dinner though. Once she had the neko closer to the fire light, Misty could see that the her eyes looked red and puffy around them, a if she'd been crying prior to Misty finding her.

After that, Misty was able to go on to bed after dismissing the spiritual energy that was infused into her minion to animate it, where the large wooden hulk stayed beside the fire still formed, just with none of her energy to keep it going or anything. Hopefully the rain would have stopped by the morning so that she could get the herbs she needed in order to brew up a potion to help her new sick and unconscious companion get well again. Sleep soon took her once she was curled up in her bedroll, slightly cooler than she probably would have liked, though still warm enough thanks to her fire that she would be just fine, especially since she was still dry.


The next morning when Misty woke, she'd find her fire had burned down to nothing but smoldering embers, but a little extra wood and blowing on it would likely coax it back to life. She also found that nothing seemed to have bothered her through the night, likely the form of her minion still standing there spooking away anything that might come to investigate her camp. The neko was still asleep, and though she was still obviously sick from the looks of her, she would be able to tell that she must have been feeling a little bit better, as she was breathing a little better and less raggedly than the night before.

Once she got up and looked around her camp, she'd notice that the rain had all but stopped and was now down to nothing but a drizzle like mist, which would make it very easy to begin her search for the herbs needed for the potion for the neko if she wished. Or she could instead get her some breakfast to eat first, as she had a couple of weeks worth of rations she'd gotten in the last town to use if she wanted to.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Awakening to a peaceful scene with much less rain, Misty stretched before examining her new charge. While she wasn't exactly a healer, she could make a potion that would aid in the neko's recovery, and after having a quick meal from her leftovers and supplies and reanimating her stick-man and removing the now dried clothes from it, that was what the kitsune opted to do. Leaving the sick girl's clothes folded beside her and restoking the fire from what was left of her fire wood, Misty ordered her golem to guard the girl that had come in the middle of the night and then set off with her pack on her back, leaving her sleeping supplies behind so that she could carry her findings in it.

She would have to be careful, as these were wild lands, but Misty was confident that she could handle anything that she stumbled across so long as she wasn't taken by surprise. Keeping a wary eye out, Misty started hunting for the herbs and roots she'd need to make her medicine...

(Animate the Contraption again, this time for 2 more EP on top of what she spent last time. Then go off hunting for herbs, a process that takes 4 hours according to the ritual. How you handle any encounters that might happen along the way is up to you.)
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 83/90, status = Fine

Misty's minion:
HP= 63, status = Fine for the moment

I intended on doing random encounter rolls and such for the duration of the thread at random intervals, if that's alright of course. I have been assuming that you do the same thing actually.

Misty's minion was still formed and ready to go, so it was only the simple task of re-energizing it with her spiritual energies. Once that was done and her orders to her minion given, it stood there like a sentinel to guard the sick neko still laying there asleep, looking much warmer and more than just a little bit better than she had been. Her pack not having the load of all of her sleeping gear within it made it much lighter and easier to carry, so that meant her searching would go much easier.

After heading out from her campsite, Misty knew what she needed to get, she needed an apple to chop and mash up into the potion, the petals from a violet to mix in, the roots of a rose bush to mix in, a few drops of scorpion venom, and the eggshell of a swan crushed up and mixed in as well, all of it needing to be brought to a soft boil and stirred well to ensure it mixed well before it whoever it is intended for drinks it.

The first of her ingredients showed up not far from her camp, an apple tree which grew in a rather hard to see area as it was surrounded very closely by other trees that blocked her view a bit. After taking a while longer to look around for some of the other things she needed, Misty was able to find some violets and the roots from a rose bush easily enough, and though she had noticed a swan flying over she had lost track of it for the moment and would have to look around a little better to find its nest, but she could hear some water nearby so maybe it was going that way, and there were many scorpions around that she could catch and milk the venom from, she merely needed to find them after the rain which they had scurried for shelter from. Also amazingly enough, nothing had been bothering her the entire time, almost as if even anything that would have wanted to attack her sought shelter from the rain and decided to leave her alone.
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Thinking over the ingredients she'd need, Misty grimaced slightly. The only one that presented a significant threat in and of itself was the scorpion, as their stings could be quite painful even if their toxins weren't particularly dangerous to even a human, much less one with Misty's supernatural constitution. The rest were just matters of finding them, and so the kitsune set about doing just that. The plant parts were easy, an apple tree and the bits of flowers she needed easy enough to find, and then she just needed the egg and the scorpion venom. She had a small vial with a cloth stretched taught over the top for the latter, and after spotting the swan she just headed towards the water, keeping her eyes open for scorpions along the way. Hopefully she wouldn't have to raid a live nest, as such creatures could be quite belligerent if their young were disturbed, and she'd rather not kill an unborn child anyway if she could help it.

Continue on!

That's a fine way of handling it. You're the GM, it's up to you how you want to handle encounters - you don't have to do it my way. Though, if she's supposed to be in Crolia, >Temperate/Snowy area >Scorpions. It is a fantasy universe though, so tis up to you.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 76/90, status = Fine

Misty's minion:
HP= 63, status = Fine for now

As Misty headed towards the running water the swan was flying towards, she did indeed manage to find a that had risked coming out for a drink in a puddle of water along her path. It was a relatively simple task and she was able to sneak up on it and grab it by the tail just below the stinger easily enough in order to milk it, filling her vial up and corking it afterwards, where she then released the scorpion to go do more scorpion things.

As she closed in on where she heard the water coming from, Misty could see what looked like a small lake that was probably only about 300 feet or so in every direction. It was a little difficult to see them, but there were several nests of eggs around the shore, hidden in the brush from most prying eyes unless they were searching thoroughly. Most of the swans that were around were out on the lake catching fish, with few guarding their nests at the moment, taking the risk of catching some fish to eat and likely hoping that the recent rain would keep most predators away. It didn't look like there were any watching a couple of the nests nearby and the eggs within them didn't look very near to hatching from what she could tell, so all she really had to do was creep up and snatch an egg really.

I thought it a little odd for scorpion venom too. But hey, it's fantasy and such right, so I figured there's almost always a strange ingredient in fantasy stories for potions, plus the scorpion in yon picture above in the post is found in Canada, so I figured it would work for what she's looking for.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Misty was careful as she milked the scorpion, both so that she didn't harm the thing and so that she didn't get stung or pinched. After releasing the armored arachnid, she went on and found a pleasant lake, one that had plenty of nesting swans. The kitsune was mildly upset that the eggs hadn't hatched already, but one less swan likely wouldn't hurt their population. Summoning some vines, she had them gently sneak into one of the nests and softly snatch an egg.

2nd level nature summon spell, etc etc.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 67/90, status = Fine

Misty's minion:
HP= 63, status = Fine for now

[Casting: success]

Misty's summoned vines easily worked their way up and out of the ground, where they stealthily writhed and wriggled their way over towards the nest she'd decided on targeting. None of the swans noticed them at all and the vines were quickly able to snatch one of the eggs, bringing it back over to her as if it were the easiest thing in the world. Once that was done, the vines left and dispersed if she dismissed them, though sticking around a little longer if she wished them to for some reason or another.

While it did make her a little upset having to take an egg that hadn't hatched just yet, she could tell it hadn't been laid for very long and hadn't had time to mature much. So it could prove to be a good meal for her, or the poor sick neko that had shown up in the night, as it would bring the poor sick thing a good deal of protein and nutrients that could help her recover quicker in the long run. Once she had all of her ingredients, she could now head on back to her camp, nothing seeming to stop her now from making the potion she intended on making.


Once she got back to her camp, as nothing seemed to bother her along the way, Misty would see her minion sentinel still standing guard over the sick neko, who was still asleep and still breathing slightly hard from her sickness. She was now curled over on her side, facing the fire to stay as warm as she could. The potion was well on its way to finishing shortly after making her way back to her camp and setting it up, so all she needed to do now was await its completion.

[I'm assuming that Misty was going to head straight on back to her camp after getting the egg to do the potion and that she'd dismiss her summoned vines also after getting the egg.]
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

(That would be correct)

Returning to her camp successfully after dismissing the animated vines that she'd used to snatch her last ingredient, Misty smiled as she spotted her charge asleep and her silent guardian intact. Leaving the golem active as a sentry for the moment, Misty firstly cracked open the egg and poured its contents into a bowl. She only needed the shell for the potion, and if the creature growing inside of it wasn't too developed she'd have a nice addition to her lunch. Either way, she set about mixing the potion ingredients in the required manner, a task she'd done often enough before that she barely even needed to think about it. Stoking the fire to grant the sickly cat-girl a greater degree of warmth, Misty set about preparing some food while also mixing her cold remedy, as much for herself as for the girl that she was trying to cure. After that all she had to do was wait for her brew to finish, which she did stoically while keeping her ears and her stick-man on alert in case anything should start trying to sneak up on her.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 60/90, status = Fine, maybe consoling the crying neko

Misty's minion:
HP= 63, status = Fine for now I guess

With her minion still standing guard over the sick neko, Misty had her potion brewing and nearing completion and after breaking the egg open she would see it wasn't too developed thankfully, so it did indeed give her a nice addition to her lunch and after she finished preparing it however she wanted she would notice that the potion was almost done brewing. After stoking the fire a bit, the neko stirred slightly in her sleep, letting out a soft meow as she rolled over a little towards the flames, curling up a bit more. While she stoked the flames a bit, she would hear the snap of a tree branch near her camp, and her sentinel spun its head around to look in that direction, but it turned out to be simply a weak branch on a tree from the storm the night before.

The potion was soon complete after that, the scent of it smelling sort of like a mix between roses and strawberries. Assuming she intended on giving the sick neko the potion right away, Misty would find that she'd need to help coax it down the young thing's throat somehow, but it wouldn't prove too difficult thankfully and soon she would have it all taken care of. It didn't take immediate effect, but after a couple of minutes, Misty would notice the neko's breathing was calming down and coming a lot less raggedly, as if she was able to breathe better now, though it wasn't completely cleared up unfortunately, but it was obvious that she was feeling a bit better at least.

Not very long after that, when Misty was finishing up with her lunch, whatever she'd decided to get, Misty would see the neko stirring once more. This time however, instead of just rolling over and curling up again, the neko took a deep breath and let it out, her breathing cleared up a good deal from earlier, and her eyes opened up to look around a bit before she raised up. Her head quickly turned around when she noticed Misty out of the corner of her eye, and she sat there staring at Misty for a few moments before her eyes teared up and she began sniffling. If and when Misty began talking to her, the young neko girl would start crying her eyes out, covering her face with her hands as she sobbed. If Misty moved over to try and console the neko girl, she would find the young neko just leaning against her as she cried, wrapping her arms around Misty and clinging to her as she sat there. The neko kept mumbling something over and over also as she cried, but it was a little hard to make out at the moment.

[Also just for clarification, this is what I'm imagining the neko to look like, just so you know.
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Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

Pleased by the effects of her brew, Misty opened her mouth to speak as her subject began to stir, fluffy tail wagging back and forth behind her. Nothing came out besides a murmur of surprise when the girl suddenly started sniffling. "Uhhh, is something....." Mistry trailed off as the girl burst into outright tears, and she lamely finished; "....Wrong?"

Misty waited a moment before slowly creeping over, tail swishing in a far less happy manner, and laid a gentle hand on the girl's shoulder. "It'll be oh-guh! Okay!" she began, exclaiming in surprise when the cat-girl suddenly hugged her and started sobbing against her. More or less completely at a loss, the surprised kitsune decided after a few moments to try and simply wait it out, allowing her charge to cry herself to her own satisfaction before trying to figure out what in the hell she was crying about. Confused as she was, in that time she did what little she could to try and comfort the neko, issuing a long series of reassuring coos and soft sighs while she hugged the girl back.

(Misty's going to enjoy banging the brains out of that.)
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

HP = 50, PP = 65, EP = 53/90, status = Fine

Misty's minion:
HP= 63, status = Fine for now I guess

It took quite a while, at least an hour, but finally the neko had cried herself to the point that she simply couldn't cry any more. When she was through crying, the neko looked up at Misty with rosy red cheeks and red eyes from crying so much and hard. "I... I'm sorry miss. I don't even... know who you are, and I... (sniffle)... and you h-had to take care of me like this," the neko said to Misty after pulling away a little bit and wiping her eyes. "W-Who are you anyway? I'm... I'm Mia. My... my village was attacked to the south of here on the edges of the desert by... by those terrible creatures... (sniffle)... and I ran like the priestess told me to do, j-just before she... just before she let them take her to give me time to run, which I've been doing since... gods I don't know how long... about two days I think... maybe more. I didn't even wait to see if help arrived to save the village, I just ran," the neko added, still sniffling quite a bit as she introduced herself and how she came to be where she now was, her tail swishing behind her a little bit as she turned to cough the other way.

"I hate to ask... but do you have any water? My throat... it's so dry and feels kind of sore," Mia asked, then just before Misty would have time to answer her, Mia's belly would begin growling quite loud where Misty could hear it, likely making her giggle a bit about it. "I guess I need something to eat also," Mia said, blushing a bit.
Re: Fluffy Tails and Girlcocks (Tassadar) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Uhhh.... Don't worry about it. I'm Misty!" the kitsune replied once the cat-girl had finally stopped crying. Her brightness vanished at the mention of the aliens, and a shiver down her spine as Mia delivered the entirety of her story. Wordlessly, she handed the cat-girl a waterskin at her request, but when her stomach growled the kitsune gave a slight giggle and some of her mirth returned. "I can get you something to eat! You just rest up, and don't worry about repaying me~" she replied, and then reached over and playfully pinched the girl's bottom, "I'm sure we'll be able to think of something!"

Though she'd already eaten herself, Misty set about preparing a meal for her newly awakened ward, including the contents of the egg she'd used to make the potion if it hadn't yet started to develop. She wasn't exactly an amazing cook, but she managed to make a tiny bit of scrambled eggs with a few herbs dashed in, plus some of the jerky and bread she had packed away. It wasn't exactly a feast, but she offered the girl some extra portions to keep up her strength.