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Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 49, PP = 47, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins, Enthralled

Aris quirked an eyebrow at Elysia's announcement of the well entrenched traditions possessed by the people of her village. It was still difficult to read the unnaturally beautiful woman's expressions, but many of the looks she gave at least resembled those she might expect to see on a human, and if that held true for the knight's current look she didn't seemingly think much of the conservative attitude possessed by the seamstress's former neighbors. Her response following the brief explanation given by Elysia caused Aris to adopt a thoughtful look that retained its seemingly sour note, and the redhead reached up and rested her chin on her fist, leaning her elbow onto the table as she gazed back at Elysia.

"It is a good thing that you told me that bit... I'd had no idea at all that you really knew so little of anything outside of your village! I don't mean that to be demeaning, if it felt as such, but your home must have been very isolated for such a closed minded attitude. I cannot say that I have not encountered similar among my own kind, of course. The more fervent followers of our old god were often like that, refusing any new ideas, but even with those traditionalists around the nature of Hell is change. As it is in your world, I am beginning to find, and if your village was foolish to drive one of your talent and beauty out from their ranks, then it's their loss!"

She offered the seamstress a reassuring smile, an air of glee about her, and it seemed certain that Aris considered Laerwyck's loss her gain, and felt no shame at thinking such. "And even with the fortitude of my kin and our mounts, it was no handful of days to journey here... Acheron is on nearly the opposite side of Badaria, and it took us many days to get all the way here, near the border to Crolia. As for your questions... Well, it's not the first time a mortal has found our sexual practices bewildering, I'll tell you that much!" Pausing to give a thoughtful hum, Aris would then explain; "We demons rarely engage in courtship, at least as you understand it. If we want someone, we simply approach them. If they do not share our interest, but are weaker, often we will take what we want by force, though that practice is being discouraged in Acheron. If they agree, we enjoy ourselves freely. If they are hesitant, we seduce them. It is that last tact that we most often use when dealing with mortals, at least these days.

"As for children, whoever ends up with child is the one who carries it. We don't really have any concrete system to appeal to, though usually in the case of a man and a woman it ends up being the woman who gets pregnant. Still, when two women opt to engage in a more long term arrangement, it isn't unheard for both to end up pregnant at once. The act of bearing children is not such a hassle for us as it is for you, as pure demons are born within only a few days after conception, and our bodies usually recover from birth in only a few hours. Such is something of a necessity, given how hostile Hell has been for such a long time. Most demon children don't live to reach adulthood, and those that do are often made to fight for their lives against their own siblings and parents. It was not a pleasant place to be a child, I will say that much, but our daughter won't ever have to worry about that! Acheron is quite different, and though I think there will be some adjustment needed for you yet, they will have a much kinder upbringing than I had at the very least. I cannot say the same about yours with any certainty, however... Which leads me to wonder how my treasure came to me, if she is so open minded as to accept my massage despite coming from a place with such reservations!"

After Elysia made what response she thought appropriate to her mistress's question and added her promise not to carry the child of any other, Aris offered a soft chuckle and replied; "Well, I'm not about to complain about a promise like that~ I won't make you pregnant again right away, but I think you will carry quite a few of my daughters over our years together, Elysia. I certainly won't ever tire of the act of making them with you!" She offered a tilt of her head and gleaming grin, leaving Elysia certain that she wouldn't at all mind that very act taking place in the near future, and the constant presence of her intoxicating pheromones and the subtle mental guiding of the enthrallment laid upon her ensured that Elysia would be at least mildly accepting of the idea.

Afterwards, the turn of the conversation to her bosom caused the redhead to grin broadly, but Aris would listen attentively to the description that Elysia gave to her problem... At least up until the seamstress opted to offer an example and got a little bit more than she bargained for as her breasts began to leak against her dress. The sight and Elysia's surprised gasp brought a light giggle bubbling up from her demonic mistress's throat, and she released her head as a suggestive grin appeared on her face. "Mmmmm, that's probably more a result of mutation than because of your pregnancy. Don't get me wrong, I am absolutely certain that you are carrying my child. You were ripe but not yet pregnant when we coupled, and I made sure that my seed would find its mark~ Sexual congress between my kind and yours often results in... Changes... To the body of the mortal partner, however, and that is probably simply a result of that. Your kind generally refer to it as corruption, and too much too quickly can actually cause a lot of harm, but don't fret. I plan to take things slowly enough with you that the changes will be gradual and manageable, and without any of the side-effects. For now however..."

Aris slowly slid her chair back after trailing off, a knowing look on her face. With the same cat-like grace she had always displayed up until that point, the demon knight slid out of her chair and onto the floor until she was kneeling with her crimson eyes just peeking up over the edge of the table. "Don't fret, my dearest Elysia... I will be sure keep your breasts relievingly empty until our child is born~" she purred suggestively just before vanishing behind the table. A soft shuffling sound signaled her approach beneath the wooden dining table, and a few seconds later Elysia felt her mistress's lips against her clothed knee. Aris didn't attempt to slide the dress up her legs just yet, and as she drew nearer Elysia would be able to detect the soft glow of her blood red eyes as she kissed her way up the beautiful human's thigh.

When she reached Elysia, she would push her chair back a little before transferring her kisses to Elysia's clothed stomach, and then her hands would snake upwards and reach behind Elysia's back. With casual grace she undid the bindings holding her dress on from the top down, leaving her dress hanging looser and looser on her voluptuous frame until, just as she was reaching Elysia's cleavage, the dress released enough to slide down over the curve of her bust to reveal her leaking nipples. The demoness didn't attempt to relieve the pressure in her chest immediately, however, even though the arousal born of her actions and proximity caused them to be come even more tense. Instead, she kissed her way up to the seamstress's collar, up along her neck as her movement prompted Elysia to tilt her head back, and finally pressed her lips against Elysia's own in an open mouthed kiss.

Aris was as domineering as ever, maintaining complete control of their kiss as her tongue gently wormed its way into Elysia's mouth to guide her own lingual muscle in an increasingly vigorous dance. The demoness allowed the exploration of Elysia's mouth to last for several long moments, letting out regular gasps and moans and encouraging Elysia to do the same by her actions, both by her kiss and by the steady exploration of her body. Her dress was quickly slid down her body by the demon's deft touch, though it stopped when it was bunched up around her waist thanks to the chair. Once her bust was fully revealed in all of its bounteous glory, no further impediment was left to stop Aris' from caressing her soft skin. Her touch was deft and gentle, briefly caressing her sides and still taught stomach but quickly moving to the tempting target presented by her needy bosom. At first she kept her touch mostly to the edges of Elysia's heavy bust, her fingertips brushing against Elysia's skin and her fingers occasionally applying very light pressure to the edges of Elysia's breasts, prompting her nipples to leak a tiny bit more but not nearly enough to relieve the increasingly intense pressure in her chest.

Eventually, however, Aris would break the kiss and draw another trail back down towards the seamstress's chest. That trail would become painfully slow as she began to descend along the curve of Elysia's left breast, allowing her tension to build up over several seconds before suddenly jumping from just above her areola to planting a kiss onto the sensitive nub at its center. The knight's deft tongue was on it in an instant, sending a pulse of pleasure rushing up Elysia's spine as the tip swirling around her nipple. Her released milk was quickly lapped up, but then Aris applied a bit of soft suction and prompted her body to release more of her mother's milk. Aris didn't allow a single drop to escape as she sucked down Elysia's milk, mostly by never ceasing her stimulation or even pulling her mouth away, but she was gentle enough to never prove overwhelming as she lavished attention upon the seamstress's sensitive peak. Her other breast would continue to receive only light teasing, but after a few moments Aris gently squeezed the one that she was sucking on using her hand, prompting it to release even more of its bounty which her mistress seemed to find quite appetizing.

A few moments into her suckling, a knock would be heard at the door, and the hesitant voice of their serving girl would be heard through the door; "Uhhh.... Hello? I'm, uhm, here for your dishes... If you're finished. I can just come back later, if you're, uhm... Busy!" Aris would glance up with suggestive mischief in her eyes at the sound of the maid's voice, and if Elysia had been vocal at all in her appreciation of her domme's actions it would be difficult to believe that the young maid hadn't heard them through the relatively thin barrier provided by their room door.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

"Yes," admitted Elysia in response to Aris' thoughts about Laerwick. "They're a simple folk, living off what they can and taking pride in their work. Politics and the world outside really isn't of much concern, because the village doesn't really get... erm, quite as many invaders... as other towns apparently do. To be honest, I've never actually expended quite as much energy as I have in these past few days. It surprised me to think that invasions like those would be even remotely commonplace outside the mountains."

She allowed her eyes to wander down and to the side as her collection of thoughts coalesced around her now-distant hometown. "I don't feel that they were intentionally trying to drive me out. If anything, I'm sure that they'd have wanted nothing more than for me to stay and bring glory to their village. But I left of my own accord. I couldn't help but feel strangled, suffocated... you know, my mother had always raised me with sewing from when I was a child. I must have lost count of all the times I pricked myself as a girl. But no matter what, no matter how many tears I shed, she wouldn't give me a break," explained the seamstress, showing her index finger to the knight with her hand palm side up. "I think if you look carefully you can still see some tiny spots or scars from some of the deeper ones."

"I used to hate it, you know. Or at least, that's what I thought as a child. Instead, I dabbled in magic and other things that my family disapproved of. Maybe it was just my way of rebelling, of saying that I wanted to do things on my own terms, on my own schedule. I used to venture into the forest every now and then, just to get away from it all. But I never truly left Laerwick, not for good, until I learned of the fate that awaited me, that the leader of our church wanted nothing more than for me to be his personal vessel. He's... not the most attractive of old men," said the pale beauty, crooking her mouth slightly. "But even if he was, his personality would still remain ugly. For the most part, things were fine, livable for me, until he inherited the position of the head of church. Not long after that was when I simply knew I had to leave. So I did."

"Oh, it's good to know that I'm not the only one who's come this far," added Elysia with a relieved look. "I must have lost count of how long I traveled... a week, maybe? Before my trek, I had spent a few nights in the forest after some of the bigger arguments with my mother, but that was about it. Not even having the option of a soft bed was a bit strange for me... though I don't expect you to sympathize, what with you being a knight and all, Mistress. At the very least, the air isn't quite as thin down here as it is in Laerwick, so it did make things easier for me to a degree."

"I... see," she replied after hearing Aris' detailed rundown of the courtship system in the demonic world. She had heard of Acheron, but knew not of the differences between the city and Hell itself; as far as the people of Laerwick were concerned, they were one in the same. Elysia exhibited a healthy interest in these new facts. Seldom did she encounter so many at once while in Laerwick, and it was almost too much to handle. Demonic society certainly was different. If her old mentor Sorien was indeed one, as the elders accused him of being, then even he didn't bother to share this much information with Elysia. Perhaps it was because he knew how frightened she would be, as she felt some nerves even then as Aris calmly and carefully explained the demonic traditions.

But while she might be taken aback by the odd customs, she wouldn't be deterred, not with the combination of her willingness to learn and Aris' renewed hold over her. She moved a hand over her stomach, her eyes wandering down to where her future young rested. "I am glad that Acheron is different, as you say. Hopefully different enough, as I simply can't imagine any children of mine to be forced to fight... let alone to the death. I wouldn't allow such a thing to happen," she said firmly. "And I am glad that you don't plan on forcing such rituals upon our children as well."

"How I came to you... o-oh. The massage? That isn't actually anything out of the ordinary in my village. I mean, men are closer to men, and women closer to women, because it's a given that people of the same sex won't couple with each other, right? Or so, that's what I had thought. People here seem to be somewhat more distant, but now I sort of see why. I had a bit of a tryst with a shorn farmer named Lavender--but it was accidental, and she was, well, different from most. I thought you were honestly just looking for business or for bonding... but I didn't expect to... f-fall for you in the way that I imagined. So, yes... though I am new to motherhood, once I get more accustomed to it, I'd gladly bear as many children as you are willing to sire, Mistress." She winced a little at the last part, as if something hadn't completely registered. It was an odd, de ja vu-esque sort of feeling. However, given Aris' presence and encouragement, Elysia wouldn't be able to dwell on the miniscule insecurity for long even if she wanted to. Especially when there was apparently a larger concern to worry about.

"M-Mutation?" asked Elysia, only to go quiet in order to let the crimson-haired domme explain. "So will I... always leak like this?" The thought seemed... inconvenient, at first. She could only hope to retain some degree of control over this newfound aspect of her bodily systems. As far as those of Laerwick were concerned, corruption was a sign of one's damnation to Hell. But as she had left of her own free will, she was in that same category whether she liked it or not. Aris had come from Hell, and was nowhere near the type of person Elysia had expected her to be. Her promise of guidance and gradual progression helped ease the seamstress' mind. If she only warped into something as beautiful and powerful as Aris, perhaps the elders of Laerwick were wrong about the nature of 'corruption', as they apparently were about many things in the outside world.

Elysia didn't protest as Aris made her approach. She could guess what was coming, given what she had quickly learned of her Mistress' insatiable appetite for sex. The only movements she made were those of her eyes, following the demon's own gaze, along with her more involuntary ones--the rising and falling of her chest, the rapidly escalating rhythm of her heartbeat... the building flush upon her skin. She felt a kiss upon her knee, then her thigh. Combined with Aris' powerful pheromones, the anticipation from this miniscule degree of foreplay caused Elysia's juices to flow on their own, and her lover could catch a whiff of her unmistakable scent as she worked her way up. She nearly felt a tinge of disappointment as the knight skipped straight up to her stomach, but would make no complaint as she felt the bindings of her outfit loosen, causing it to slide down her frame at Aris' command. Already, she knew what was going to happen... and yet, it was difficult to find a reason to argue against it.

As the seamstress' ample bust came free, it was revealed that they were larger than she remembered them to be only hours ago, before her nap. It was a dramatic change in such a short amount of time, and Elysia even looked somewhat surprised at her own bodily changes. In addition, her nipples were leaking, and slightly sore... so she grasped for Aris' hand, tightly squeezing it, as if urging her to be careful with what she likely intended to do.

She was delightfully surprised, being welcomed to a rather deep kiss instead as her Mistress came up and upon her. Not the slightest degree of resistance was exhibited by the tailoress, who moaned softly beneath the embrace and parted her lips eagerly, the same way she would do to welcome a long-lost lover. As far as she was concerned, Aris was just that... the one she had been waiting for all this time. She knew not why, but only that it was the case in the here and now. The demonic emissary would find her passion reciprocated in kind by her newest thrall, tasting strands of her delicious soul in the process, as if catching a whiff of a wonderfully made feast made just for her. And so it was; Elysia was all hers.

The movements of the pale beauty's lips and tongue were hardly half-hearted; if anything, they mirrored Aris' gestures in kind, every bit as hungry for her touch as she was for Elysia's nourishing soul. Hungrily lapping against the redhead's own tongue as if she held a pool of honey upon it, Elysia gasped, her breathing labored. Her libido was less typical of a pregnant woman and more characteristic of one seeking to get pregnant. While someone in Elysia's condition might be more tame, as a human anyway, she was not. Her hands needily wandered and explored Aris' frame in turn, looking to return the favor somehow by tugging away at her outfit here and there in the hopes of getting it off.

But the demon's touch simply could not be ignored. Elysia's body was as sensitive as ever, and her abdominals tensed even as Aris applied only the most feather-light of touches upon them. And when the ministrations were transferred to her flushed bosom, it caused her eyes to widen and her breath to escape her in an instant. A testing squeeze did indeed prompt a small stream of her milk, which went in two ways just slightly off from each other, to come forth from her nipple.

Elysia whimpered submissively, but the cow that was to be milked would not move to stop her master and caretaker. The level of anticipation grew almost unbearable as the demoness made her way down her collarbone. The seamstress could take little more of it, wanting nothing more than for her domme to get right to it. But she would learn to be patient. It was actually something of a treat, to see Aris' graceful and gradual movements, ones that reminded her of her first lover.

Finally, her mistress would reach her aching nub and grant it some much-needed relief with a loving kiss and a swirl of tonguework, which prompted her to leak even more copious amounts. It all worked out, as Aris proved herself quite willing to lap it all up without any issues.

"Ooooooohhhhh...." cooed Elysia with delight, her breaths audible as she stirred in place. It wasn't long before she moved onto squirming, then near-thrashing, as the overload of sensations sent her into a euphoric state. The beautiful artisan began to pant, moving one hand to gently cradle the back of Aris' head as she gave her mother's milk. She ran her fingers through the knight's crimson locks as she indulged in the curious sensation of being drained, of previously full breasts losing their tension. It was certainly something new, something that she hadn't felt before nor had ever imagined that she would. Her cheeks, upper chest and thighs were flushed with red, showing that while they hadn't quite yet reached the act of coitus itself, she was more than ready for it. Still, it wasn't to say that she wanted to skip through the lovely feeling of being milked by her Mistress. If Aris kept on going, then she would do all that she could to provide, even as the nourishing substance was drained from her ducts. Her face in a lust-filled stupor, she was there for the knight's pleasure and to follow any command that was given.

The knock came somewhat abruptly, and yet it wasn't enough to break Elysia's chain of pleasured gasps and moans. While she did hear it, the maid's request went largely ignored, as Aris' ministrations were far more difficult to disregard. "Mmmm.... ooh, M-Mistress," she cried out. "Ah! Aahhuhnn... yes, take as much as you need," she urged loudly, so that the one behind the door might hear. How she might comprehend it was another thing entirely, but none of that mattered to Elysia. She was speaking to Aris and giving her permission for the knight to indulge herself freely. Her moans and whimpers grew louder, nearly to the point where those downstairs might hear, but she was already beyond the point of caring.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 49, PP = 47, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins, Enthralled

"Errr.... Well, I wouldn't really call them commonplace, to be fair. If we hadn't chased them up here, I doubt that that particular group of aliens would have ever bothered with Blinlock, much less your former home." She paused to shoot Elysia an apologetic look, but then added more brightly added, "My queen believes that they intend to eventually eliminate all intelligent life here, but I'm happy to say that they aren't likely to succeed at that particular goal, especially not if I have anything to say about it!" There was a reassuring confidence in the knight's tone that seeped into the seamstress through the enthralling presence around her mind whether her logical mind found her words comforting or not, imperceptible but present nonetheless.

That tiny mental prod at her emotions didn't stop Elysia from reminiscing on her early life in Laerwyck, and Aris would listen intently without interruption while the seamstress spoke. "Well, it's good to know you won't be getting terribly homesick at least!" Aris remarked dryly when Elysia had finished, "you needn't worried about feeling like you did when you're with me. I give orders when I have to, and follow them under the same principle, but I would rather you be able to run your own life with me. Much as I like you, I have no desire to run your life as your family seemingly did! And anything I want you to do will be done only based on your desires, not on those of some old fraud claiming to talk to a god, or whatever."

After delivering that somewhat blunt insult towards the traditions of her village, Aris quickly offered apologetic look, "sorry, I don't think much of religion these days. I'll explain why later, if you don't mind." Smiling again, she quickly tried to change the subject by saying, "so, you started learning magic pretty young, didn't you? That's impressive.... From what I understand, mortals grow up so much more slowly than demons, and you usually don't show the talent until you're adults. Teenagers, I think they were called? Some phase where a mortal is an adult but not yet considered such.... Sometimes your culture confuses me so!" Her smile became slightly crooked, and a jovial note crept into her tone, "and maybe you're not wrong for thinking that I couldn't sympathize with how odd not having a bed must have felt, but probably not for the reason you think! Bedding arrangements in Hell were usually little more than floor mats made out of congealed mud, or cots made out of stone with the canvas made from goblin skin or something equally horrible... If you weren't stuck sleeping on dirt and rocks that is! I was lucky, back in Hell I sometimes got to sleep on something made with magic, which was almost as good as the average bed here. Still, after the first time I slept on a downy bed with cloth blankets, I thought I'd never want to get up again!" She seemingly found the situation more humorous than Elysia might, given the casual mention of cots made out of goblin skin, but she would again quickly add; "Of course, I don't mean to make light of what you must have went through! I can't say that I've ever been attached to a place like that, but it must surely have been difficult. After all, you suffered so there, and yet you stayed until recently."

After that, their discussion turned to demonic courtship, and the demon knight would look slightly relieved at Elysia's concerns. "Oh, nothing of the sort is going to happen, I assure you!" she said quickly and reassuringly, "those practices were practically the first things that were done away with once we got ourselves properly organized in Acheron, and while some elements still try to practice them, I am most certainly not one of them! Any child of ours will surely have great potential, and I wouldn't waste that on a pointless conflict produced by an equally pointless tradition. Your world is so much more.... Fertile than Hell ever was, we don't need to compete for scraps of foul food and fetid water, feet of space in buildings left ruined by millennia of battle, or power to have a tiny bit more control of our own destiny."

The demoness continued to smile and nodded as Elysia reminisced on the massage that had led into their tryst, and merely offered a slightly wry turn to that expression as Elysia spoke of Laerwick's traditions regarding the sexes. "That seems to be a common enough attitude... But, this Lavender friend of yours~" she said after Elysia had explained about her brief encounter with the unusual shorn farmer, "will she be inviting you over to work again any time soon? I would like to meet her~" Aris' voice had descended to the level of a soft purr, and for a moment her eyes burned brightly.

That slightly intimidating look passed quickly enough, however, as the demoness released it with a light laugh and then nodded without giving Elysia much chance to respond. "Don't worry," she said gently, "I certainly have no problems with you having had partners - of either sex - before you found your way into my bedchamber. Multiple partners joining us from time to time is something you'll probably have to get used to, but my interest in this case is more casual curiosity than lewd intent. As for your physical changes..... Yes, I think they probably will. You started earlier than you should have, even with how much shorter this will take compared to what you're probably expecting. One of the perks of being a demon! Or at least I'd see it as such.... I suppose giving birth in one month instead of nine probably sounds pretty odd to you, doesn't it?"

Of course, when the topic of her bust came up, it wasn't long before Aris was crawling under the table towards the pale seamstress in order to, at least ostensibly, relieve the tension present in her bust. The moment she'd started on her lewd crawl, the pheromones and her mental domination ensured that her relative lack of tact in the conversation was swept from Elysia's mind, the human's body and mind both ushered towards a state of numbing arousal that quickly pushed all other concerns right out of her mind. Any mutiny that her will might have tried to rally, while never offered, would have been silenced the very moment that Aris had taken hold of Elysia's tongue with her own, the natural intimacy and pleasure of the experience allowing the demoness to feast upon the freely offered bounty of her soul. While her feeding then was nowhere near the gorging that the demoness had done earlier, it still held the same unnaturally erotic feeling that it had had before, the nature of the touch of a succubus ensuring that the sensation of having portions of her spirit siphoned off was entirely and incredibly pleasurable.

When she pulled away, a few scraps of her essence were drawn out as well, just barely visible to the seamstress as incorporeal strands of light that wafted vaporeously from the seamstress into Aris' waiting mouth, claimed to be fed to the demon's supernatural hunger. That pleasurable draining was quickly to come again, however, once Aris was drawing upon a source of physical sustenance as well by drinking from Elysia's breast. By that point the other woman's clothing had been loosened as well, and a single final tug would cause it to slide down the demon's body to pool around her waist, leaving her round, pale bosom just as exposed as Elysia's was while also displaying her perfectly toned physique, mixing nicely her physical prowess and her incredible beauty.

Eventually, however, the interruption from the maid would come, prompting Aris to grin even as she continued to suckle on the seamstress's bosom, slowly but steadily relieving the pressure in her newly bounteous orbs caused by her sudden mutation. She certainly seemed to enjoy Elysia's mother's milk, as her tongue paused in its deft flicking against the leaking tip trapped between her lips in order to lap up every gently released drop of the stuff. She continued suckling for a few moments even after the knock came at their door, the loud outcry that Elysia released responded to with a soft shuffle from the figure waiting outside of the room, but then delicately pulled away after giving her peak one last lick.

"Come on in!" Aris called back loudly, but thankfully the figure beyond hesitated long enough for the demoness to smoothly slide back up, her pale bust now pressing against Elysia's still slightly aching bosom. The door opened just as Elysia was brought into another kiss, her tongue once again drawn quickly into a swirling dance between their joined mouths but now adding a mild taste of her own mother's milk to the mix of sensations. The young serving girl turned as scarlet as Aris' hair at the sight of the two women interlocking their lips, but Elysia wasn't given much opportunity to spread her attention to the flabbergasted woman as she stood frozen in the door with her mistress taking brief tastes of her essence through their lust-filled kiss. The woman stood there for several long moments, obviously unsure of what to do, before Elysia would feel her mistress's fingers glide along her inner thigh, toward her core. Their voyeur wouldn't be able to see it, Elysia's lower half and most of Aris' body hidden by the table, but she would be witness to the seamstress's reaction once the demon's fingers found her petals, and began to rub them slowly with the tips of her fingers through the thin protective barrier of her undergarments. She would break the kiss a moment later, planting another upon Elysia's cheek before gently urging her to tilt her head back so that she could plant kisses along her jaw and to her neck.

Still transfixed, the girl managed to shake herself from her stupor as Aris broke the kiss and descended slightly, her lips finding Elysia's neck and suckling gently on every sensitive spot, each of which the demoness seemed to find with flawless accuracy. Blushing furiously, she moved to hastily gather up the dishes left on the table, still shooting glances at the two half-naked women. "Thank you.... I'll have your tip for you later~" she said nonchalantly as the serving girl turned to leave, prompting her to squeak something incoherent and hurriedly strode out of the room. Struggling awkwardly for a moment, she managed to get the door closed, and once she was gone the demoness let out a throaty, purring laugh and planted kisses along the seamstress's neck until she reached her throat, at which point she would gently pull away.

"Well, that was fun, wasn't it?" she said lightly, before leaning down to plant another kiss on Elysia's collar, her fingers pressing a little bit more insistently against the seamstress's petals. "I hope you aren't too tense.... Perhaps we should move, hrm? To someplace more comfortable? Someplace... Softer?" she continued, her voice steadily descending back to another purr, and then she would withdraw slightly and push the chair in which Elysia was sitting backwards until she could climb out from under the table. Her thumbs would hook into her red robes, sliding them the rest of the way down until the slipped free of her and fell into a pool around her feet, once more allowing the seamstress to feast upon the demon's fully uncovered form, a sight that was even more glorious with the enthrallment still acting upon her. During the initial shift to divulge her of her clothing, Aris was entirely feminine, but as she straightened the woman's unnatural extra appendage grew from her crotch, stiff and hard and perfectly sized for Elysia's body. "Hrm?"
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia might have found herself comforted by Aris' words even without the enthrallment, as she found herself delightfully surprised to discover her expectations of demons subverted for the most part. According to the teachings of her village elder, she had always been told that those of Hell were passionless, selfish, and vile creatures, whose only real wishes were for the suffering of humankind and the oppression of their freedoms. It was a simple story, but perhaps too simple for the rather inquisitive girl. Ironically, in her eyes, it had been the elder himself who was proven to be just that, as he sought to do little more than impose control over Elysia's life choices.

Aris, on the other hand, had proven herself far more gracious than Elysia expected... and her own brand of control, far more subtle--or perhaps direct, depending on one's viewpoint--than the methods employed by the tailoress' old church leader, enough so that the tailoress herself was blissfully ignorant of its true nature. Still, there was one little cloudy detail in the corner of the seamstress' mind; the incident with Alaric. Something about it haunted her, and she wasn't quite sure why. Whenever it moved closer to the front of her mind, something would push it back to the end of the line again, nearly dismissing the matter entirely. The crimson-haired beauty's words of reassurance as to his condition would repeat themselves like a mantra in her mind, ultimately postponing any concerns that Elysia might have otherwise had. Likely, the seed of doubt would never return to full bloom, not as long as she was with her Mistress.

In Aris' presence, any minor concerns wouldn't be given the chance to evolve into larger ones, and so she allowed herself to be content in that moment with her domme's answers. Furthermore, the traumatic flashbacks she had experienced just the other day had been returning to her considerably less, if at all. Perhaps Aris was the lotus that Elysia needed at this time, as the demoness' drug-like presence served as the perfect anesthetic for her recent emotional wounds. Already the pale woman found herself less concerned with recent struggles and more fixated on indulging herself in other things, like her hobbies... and sex, though she could just as easily credit that to the demon's sexual magnetism.

"Oh, I certainly couldn't blame you for keeping such an opinion," replied Elysia to the knight's comment about religion. "I've had about enough of it myself, especially after what I've gone through in Laerwick. Part of me is hoping that it was just all an isolated incident, but on the other hand, I think I'd like it if there wasn't quite as much pressure and expectations placed on my offspring as there was on me."

"Mm, indeed. I was born with these odd powers, you see, and it was my mother's high status that kept me from facing too much negative attention, though I received it from my peers anyway. Perhaps it was why I never really had too many close relationships with those in my own village, despite us supposedly being so close-knit."

"And when I became a... y-yes, teenagers! Admittedly it's still odd to me to think that someone as pretty as you, by human standards, would have an entirely different aging cycle to begin with. But for us, it's a period of change, and it was also a very turbulent time for me, if I recall correctly," she explained. "Less so in the development of my powers and more of um, other aspects. It was about that point in my life when the Elder really began to take an unhealthy interest in me... and I, in others of course. I could actually tell you about my first love and master, Sorien. Though um, maybe it's saved for a better time? I don't imagine you'd get jealous either way," she commented with a giggle.

Her tone changed to one of wonder as she listened to Aris' more detailed recollections of her time in Hell. What a different world it was, and much closer to the descriptions those in her village had told of it. The tailoress could only imagine what it was like to be a soldier or even to have grown up in a place other than her hometown, having only really experienced physical hardships in the past few weeks during her travels. Truly amazing was it to Elysia that someone like her Mistress could hail from a place like Hell, but it just fueled her admiration of the domme even more. "My, that is far more inspiring of a story than any I could hope to have. It's encouraging to know that you could make it through such hardships to arrive here now," she offered with a smile. "For I am all too glad to have you in my company, of course."

"As for Lavender, um... I'm not sure. I haven't really talked to her at all today, so I can't really say... I'd likely have to visit and ask her myself, if you're that interested," she pondered aloud, letting her thoughts of the shorn farmer fade there for the meantime. Elysia didn't quite yet know what to make of Aris' sudden interest, nor was she keen of making too much of the relatively innocent inquiry.

More importantly, the topic of her term came up, and Elysia didn't need to try to hide her genuine surprise. "One month?! It explains a lot about my recent, uhm, changes. Admittedly, I am a bit nervous, as the pain and pressure isn't... something I have experienced in the past, needless to say. But as long as you are here with me, Mistress, I'm sure I can endure."

One thing that the pale-skinned beauty would certainly have to endure was her domme's practically insatiable sex drive. It wouldn't be enough that Aris had impregnated her much earlier in the day during a rather vigorous lovemaking session. Now, evening had fallen, and more than enough time had passed for the redhead's libido to restore itself. Before long, the taller woman would seek to sate such a potent craving, and so she started with her subject's soul. The strands of light that escaped from each kiss shared between the two were visible to Elysia, though she was far too entrenched in the ecstasy of the moment to care. Soon enough, Aris would move to her ample bust, and the enthralled beauty simply couldn't bring herself to refuse. No, more than anything, she wanted it just as badly. To have the touch, the feel, the warm breath of her Mistress upon her sensitive mounds, and so she received as much.

Releasing her milk in such a manner proved all too pleasurable for Elysia. Not in the way that a sudden, all-at-once sensation like a vaginal orgasm might deliver... but more akin to the gradual buildup of one. There was no hurry here, no rush to finish. It was a casual, slow and intimate yet exciting experience, one that delivered a steady stream of bliss to the seamstress' senses as she donated constant helpings of her own sustaining fluid for her Mistress to drink. Her nipples had hardened, but the areolas around them were still supple enough for Aris to toy with as she pleased, or even to direct the streams however she liked.

Each squeeze delivered from the warrior's lips and hands brought out a faint cry of approval from the busty artisan, and Aris would surely be pleased to discover that Elysia was far from immune to her personal effects; even with all that she had done to Alaric, she had seemingly stolen the seamstress away not only in body and mind, but also in heart and soul. The parting lick that the knight took earned her one last squirt of Elysia's milk, and a wanton plea from the tailoress just as the guest entered. "Mistress, please... I can't wait any longer! I want you now," she pronounced aloud, unaware of the newly arriving witness to her statement.

"H-hahhh... y-yes, uhnnn!" she moaned as Aris' fingertips touched upon her most sensitive places below, which were now practically aching for attention. She tilted her chin up, with her eyes fluttering half-closed as she indulged in the wonderful feeling. Her body begged for more, and yet, her domme would only go this fast... so she would have to settle. The built-up tension only made her passion stronger, and she released as much 'steam' as she could through her breathy sighs and gasps. The mousey barmaid may as well have been invisible to Elysia, even as the brief exchange of words took place. They were but muffled murmurs to the now highly aroused seamstress, who threw every strand of her conscious mind and effort into expressing her pleasure and also returning the kisses given to her, with her own eyes locked firmly on the demoness' red orbs. The taste of her own milk was certainly... different, but given the situation, she could hardly complain. If anything, it tasted much better than she expected.

So when Aris asked her if the experience was any 'fun', Elysia replied naturally. "Yes, Mistress. I want... I need more. I know I've been such a slut, but please, I want you more than anything else in this world right now," she stated. Some guilt regarding the incident with Bacchus still lingered, as shown by her words, but she wasn't above begging for the natural progression of what her Mistress started by feeding on her and then teasing her womanhood in such a manner. And so when the demoness suggested for them to continue, she couldn't help but show a relieved smile, one that would remain on her face as the wonderful sight of Aris' toned frame was revealed to her.

Seeing her Mistress' body exposed would only excite Elysia further, and she wanted nothing more than to see those toned muscles be put to good use in overpowering her own petite frame and reminding her who the truly dominant one was in the relationship.

She couldn't wait. Almost instantly, she lowered herself to her knees and gave the other woman's member a few strokes before ravenously engulfing it into her mouth, her cheeks puckering as she went to work in lubricating it as much as possible. If Elysia was to be honest with herself, she'd want it inside of her sooner rather than later, but she managed to channel her deep thirst for sex into her oral servicing of the Mistress. Bobbing her head back and forth vigorously, she would continue with unrestrained gusto, cradling the underside of Aris' rod with her tongue, which would shift back and forth energetically until it could taste a hint of the demonic ambassador's sweet precum.

Tasting that, and having it absorbed into her system to essentially renew her enthrallment, Elysia could wait no longer. If it were possible to conceive another child under Aris, she would have done so right then and there, but for now she had to settle with the second best thing--the act of lovemaking itself.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she rose back to her feet... then off them, taking her domme by the hands and pulling her on top so that they would fall back on the bed. With the seamstress just over five and a half feet tall, her Mistress was considerably taller in comparison, not to mention far better built... but it was just as well. She was ready to be taken, to be claimed by an obviously more powerful being, and at this point there was no hesitation in her call for attention. Using one hand to guide Aris' erect cock in between her soft folds, Elysia let out a long moan, feeling the emptiness within her filled both figuratively and literally. Her legs wrapped around her domme's waist, and her arms would follow suit, clasping around the redhead's neck as she welcomed yet another kiss. Whether Aris moved or not at that point didn't even matter. In that moment, Elysia felt complete, and she would provide as much of her massive and potent soul as her lover sought to take.

While they had joined, she wouldn't simply lay there. The tailoress bucked her hips back and forth in rhythm with Aris' own, employing the hold used by her legs to assist every motion, whether her partner looked to move fast or slow. And though the latter, to start with, was the logical choice of progression, she would only be able to take so many minutes of the somewhat subdued, indulgent style of lovemaking before her body called out to her for more. And that was when she unwrapped her legs from around Aris' trunk, smiling. Elysia would then part herself from the other woman, but only momentarily, as the separation wouldn't be something she could bear for long. She would only do so long enough to turn over onto all fours, glancing over her shoulder with an inviting look.

"Ooooohhhh.... haaauhh... NNNNNNN!" Elysia cried out as her Mistress entered her for the second time, nearly collapsing on her stomach as control over her legs flickered for a moment. And when Aris began to move, she would find it even more challenging... but somehow, she would persevere, if only to continue feeling the unparalleled bliss of joining with her beloved. Every cry released from her throat was a declaration, a pledge that she was not only subservient to Aris but that she would continue to be, in however way the knight saw fit. A conduit for the horny demon's desires, she surrendered herself completely, mentally preparing herself to receive the brunt of what likely would be the hardest fucking of her life. She could only be thankful that she was built for as much; her shapely, fleshy bottom would provide as much padding as Aris needed to go wild on her, if she so desired. And if Elysia's intents could be read, they would communicate that she was as ready as she'd ever be to receive all that the knight could give.
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Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 49, PP = 47, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins, Enthralled

"Oh?" Aris said with a curious note in her voice when her first love was mentioned, "it needn't be now, certainly, but I'd like to hear about this... Sorien. At the very least I'd like to know what I have to outdo~ Though, you say he was your master too. Did he teach you how to control your powers?" The demon's interest in Sorien seemed purely curious, and she would accept Elysia's refusal to speak of it right then without any apparent urge to argue the matter at that point.

When the subject had turned to the hard life led by the demoness, she simply shrugged. "It is called Hell for a reason," she said lightly, "and everything is relative anyway. I won't say it was pleasant, or that it wasn't hard, but it was what it was. We all have our struggles, in one way or another." She smiled again, briefly, "besides, if I hadn't had to fight as hard as I had to, I might not have been able to get here and be with you!"

The demon's smirk would broaden again at Elysia's outward musing regarding Lavender, though she wouldn't comment on them. Elysia's positive response to her reassurance would, however, earn her a response to go along with her broad smile, "it will surely get much lighter, you probably just ache a bit because it's new and your body hasn't gotten used to it. Don't worry, I'll take care of it for you until our daughter needs it.... And after that too~"

Once they had gotten down to that very act, Aris would display absolute glee at Elysia's responses to her attentions, reveling in how easily she could turn the demure seamstress into what anyone in her home town would have called a wanton and unrestrained whore. Her outburst while the maid was in the room would draw an audible gulp from the young woman, and prompt her to hurry out as quickly as she could so that the two could be alone to proceed on to the next stage of their lewd act. The look of confidence on Airs' face when she stood up and did away with her clothes was telling of how sure she was that Elysia was completely under her control, and when the seamstress dove eagerly to her knees to swallow a sizable portion of the demon's cock in one quick gulp and then start bobbing as quickly as she could, she only served to reinforce that notion.

"Ooooohhh~ Mmmmm, so eager for a taste of me! You just love sucking on my cock, don't you? Ahhh~ You're just so good!" she moaned, a hand descending onto the seamstress's head to cradle her cheek, not needing to do more urging given how furiously the seamstress was already bobbing along on her lover's stiff rod. "Mmmmm, but are you thirsty, or are you just getting me ready?" Aris mused aloud, before a gasp broke from between her lips as Elysia's tongue began to cradle her rod more intensely. All too soon she had the intoxicating taste of her domme's precum leaking onto her tongue when she drew back, the delicious aphrodisiac-laced substance leaking from the tip of Aris' rod, and that was all that Elysia could take.

"Mmmhhmm, well that answers that question, doesn't it?" Aris purred as Elysia rose and pulled her down onto the bed, the demoness naturally planting her knees and aligning her cock so that it could press against Elysia's folds. That little quip was all that the demoness seemingly wished to get out, as the next noise she uttered was a low groan of pleasure as her conjured manhood slowly sunk into the seamstress's warm, wet flower, a moan that was quickly muffled as she eagerly dove into another deep kiss with the beautiful woman beneath her. Aris needed no time to adjust this time, as she had seemingly remembered being inside of Elysia and sized her cock perfectly to fit into Elysia's soft, yielding folds so that she just barely stretched her inner walls and lightly kissed the seamstress's cervix.

Even with her domme on top of her, her cock slid fully into Elysia's tight depths and her tongue engaging in the kind of dominant kiss that only Aris seemed capable of, it wasn't yet a situation in which Aris was taking her to the extent of the demon's considerable abilities. Even with the demon's spiritual tendrils slowly winding their way into her soul, feasting upon her freely offered energies and readying to renew the enchantment holding Elysia under her sway, Aris treated Elysia with a significant degree of tenderness in that situation. Despite her size and strength in comparison to the human seamstress, she was no brute like Alaric who needed to restrain himself lest he break her. Aris could wield her strength in perfectly precise amounts, could drive into Elysia just right to feed the need that she had been worked into by the demon's mere presence.... But she didn't. Not then, at least, for when Aris began thrusting into Elysia it was a fairly gentle affair.

She held herself up, her legs parted and knees bent to let her move her lower body while her torso was kept from weighing down upon Elysia by her elbows resting against the bed, so that her bust rubbed against Elysia's while they coupled, the cage of her arms keeping her bosom from sagging aside and allowing the demon's hardened peaks to glance repeatedly against her own. Her horned head was tilted just slightly to the side and her mouth held open, allowing their moans of passionate pleasure to filter into one another as her tongue controlled that of her submissive partner through a dance of breathtaking intensity. A few moments after her initial penetration, Aris would slid back, raising her hips and pulling her cock free of Elysia's tight folds until only the tip remained, and then slide back down again so that the beautiful artisan was fully and completely impaled. And, though it wasn't as rough as she might have liked, it was still perfect in its own way, for her mistress made it so.

Aris could slide into Elysia in such away that the slowly building ecstasy struck her to her very core, every slow thrust hitting every nerve just right to paralyze her with pleasure before a tiny shock with those brief kisses against the barrier to her womb let her unwind and exhale. The backwards motions, slow as they were, allowed her lustful need to build up from the sensation of being emptied and the slow drag of the ridge around Aris' cap as it pulled against her inner walls, leaving Elysia breathlessly prepared for the ecstasy that came with being filled again. Every motion, every pulse, and every sensation was left twice as intense thanks to the effects of her mistress's satiation of her hunger upon the seamstress's powerful soul. The makeup of her very being, her emotions and her essence, the very things that made her who she was, and the ties that kept her consciousness connected to her physical body - all were prey to the demon's need to feed, all bound up in the energy that spread from her spirit and the vital core that that energy surrounded. Succubi had had centuries to learn to control those energies and their flow, to make the theft of those vital essences so pleasurable that the one being fed upon would come to desire it, to offer their soul up freely, and as an inheritor to that legacy Aris was as skilled as any at manipulating her prey and extracting the energies she needed to sustain herself. Even though it wasn't particularly necessary now, when she was sufficiently well fed already to sustain herself for a while, subjecting Elysia to the intense pleasure of having her soul drained was a delight in and of itself.

Two pleasures, physical and spiritual, wound together to create a single combined sensation that left the seamstress writhing in ecstasy like no mortal lover had ever been able to produce, not even Sorien with his many talents. It would have been easy for Elysia to let her mistress build her up to her peak just like that, with her slow sensual thrusts, but at that point every thrust was like an orgasm all on its own. Eventually, however, the slow pace would become too much for the seamstress's libido to sustain, and Aris would allow herself to be pushed out with a brief quizzical look that quickly turned to one of consummate predatory arousal. "Mmmmm, how can I resist? I knew you'd want it hard.... Eventually~" Aris would pant softly as she watched Elysia rise onto her hands and knees and present her perfectly sculpted rear for the demonic woman's inspection.

Aris wasted no time in crawling into position and sliding her length right back into Elysia's sex, filling the brief emptiness that had occurred when they had first parted beautifully. "Aaaahhhnnnnn~ Ooooohhhh! You're... Nnnmmmfff... So tight! You want it hard, don't you? Nnnn.... Well then," she paused and shifted a little closer, causing the tip of her member to rub up against the seamstress's inner doorway, her hands falling to the seamstress's hips to hold her in place. "I am... Aaahh!" Happy to oblige you~"

Her first few thrusts were still relatively slow, but they ramped up for more quickly than her previous ones had, and after the first three or so her mistress was already pumping into Elysia hard enough to produce a wet smack each time their bodies collided. The more rapid pace and harder motions that Aris built up to were exactly what Elysia had by all appearances desired, and if the howls drawn forcefully from her mouth by them was any indication any outsider would believe that the seamstress was indeed being given the fucking of her life. It was, from the first minute and from then onwards, pure unbridled ecstasy. Aris seemed able to find sensitive spots inside of her that she'd never even known she had, and now that she was letting herself go she was hitting them with such frequency and fervor that Elysia's nerves could only barely keep up. Though by that point she could have drunk her soul down to the dregs in a matter of seconds, Aris restrained one aspect of herself, and that was her feeding, which she used only in teasing doses to cause Elysia to curl herself into knots with every single burst of it, each one like a miniature orgasm.

The demon's strength was as intense as it had been during their last session, when she had kept the human woman from impaling herself upon her cock in this very position, but now it was used merely to keep Elysia in place so that Aris could do her work. Indeed, keeping her cock out of the seamstress's pussy seemed to be the very last thing that the demoness wanted at that point, as within moments of her initial penetration she was driving in and out of Elysia's tight folds with more vigor than ever before. Every thrust caused her plump rear to jiggle with the impact of their meeting bodies, her rough plowing of the seamstress's folds more powerful than most partners could possibly manage and more furious even than Bacchus' animalistic pumping had been only a short while earlier. Though the sensation per thrust wasn't what it had been when she had been taking things more slowly, the sheer power and speed of her pounding more than made up for that.

Her first peak came less than three minutes after her initial penetration, every thrust into her producing an intense spike of pleasure that piled on top of the last, all based on the strong foundation that Aris had built during their foreplay and their first brief round in the more conservative position. The effects of their coupling had also become evident on Aris, for her domme's rod was already throbbing against her inner walls, growing thicker and harder as it gave the familiar warnings of its preparation to surrender its liquid gift. "Ahhh, ooohhh, Elysia! I'm... Nnnnn~" she groaned, but her warning was lost to a loud moan as Aris threw her head back, a look of ecstasy upon her face. The exact moment that the demoness hilted into her and delivered her first spurt of hot, potent cum was the same one in which Elysia's orgasm began, and of all the ones she had suffered over the last few days that otherworldly peak was only matched by the one that her love had inflicted when she had both enthralled and impregnated her. It was seemingly similar for Aris, who had apparently replenished her supply of semen and then some while they were apart and delivered a quantity of her potent cream even greater than what the massive hellhound had pumped into the seamstress earlier. Wave after wave of Aris' cream filled her, leaving her womb full to capacity with the gloriously warm baby batter within moments before the excess began to spill out around her cock, pushed out by the pressure of her clenching sex.

Their mutual peak lasted for nearly a minute, Aris pumping spurt upon spurt of her thick, potent cream into Elysia's pink crevice while her body naturally drank up every drop that it could get, and every heartbeat of it was raw, animalistic ecstasy that was innately satisfying even if the demon's seed could not take root where it already had only a short while earlier. She could feel her lover's heart pounding through her cock, issuing spurts of her warm cream with every strong beat, but while she would certainly be filled to the brim and then some by her domme's load, Elysia wasn't given every last drop. Aris would suddenly pull out of Elysia once the pressure inside of her began to grow too much, allowing a flood of cum to pour out of her sex and onto the sheets. One, two, three, four ropes of cum were pumped out onto the seamstress's plump backside, pearly white lines standing out against her flushed skin while more of the thick white goop slowly oozing out of her pussy.

"Mmmmm~" Aris cooed with satisfaction as she surveyed her handiwork, and then without missing a beat leaned down and licked up one of the ropes of cum on the seamstress's rump. "Mmmm! I forgot how good I taste, aheheh!" she purred, and then one by one licked up the ropes of her own semen, swallowing them one at a time. She leaned down again to trail kisses along Elysia's pale, upraised rump, now freshly cleaned, while slowly making her way over the curve of the artisan's bottom. With a lewd moan that Elysia could feel against her petals Aris descended upon her drooling flower, her tongue unfurling and scooping out the mixture of her own seed and Elysia's honey. Her body was still recovering from her recent peak when the sensation of her domme's tongue squirming against her inner walls sent another intense burst of pleasure rolling up her spine, and it was to be one of many that rolled together into the build up towards another peak as Aris slowly cleaned her up. The powerful demon's grip would keep her in position, her rump raised so that Aris could apply her impossibly long tongue to her womanhood as it went through its quest to explore ever deeper into Elysia's folds, cleaning out her own seed and driving the helpless seamstress back towards a state of undeniable arousal.

She wouldn't reach that peak yet, however, as with one slow circle of Elysia's flower topped off with a quick flick against the seamstress's clit, she pulled away. The demon knight's unnaturally long tongue flicked out as she straightened, cleaning up the excess that covered her lips and chin, and then climbed off of the bed. Silently beckoning the seamstress to follow with a single finger, Aris slowly drew away from the bed at a rate slow enough that Elysia's wobbling legs would allow her to follow despite how tenuous their ability to take her weight might be. Aris' journey would end with her taking a seat on a chair that had been left in a corner and beckoning the seamstress down onto her knees in front of the demoness, who looked down with undiminished arousal when Elysia assumed the desired position.

"We taste even better together~" Aris declared breathlessly as she leaned her head onto her hand, idly nibbling on her outstretched pinky as she paused a moment to continue looking down at Elysia. Seemingly reaching a decision after a few seconds pause, she would continue, "I want you to clean me... And then I want to feel you work that wonderful mouth of yours again! Oh, it just feels so... Incredible! Every kiss... Every little lick.... If your pussy wasn't so amazing too, I could let you suck on me forever! Eheheh... If you were any better - and you are amazing! - you could make your little plaything instead of the other way around. Hmmmm... Maybe," the crimson haired warrior's eyes narrowed and her grin widened, "you really could... If you wanted to try using those perfect, lovely breasts of yours~ Mmmm, would you like that? Drinking up as much of my cum as you want while you cradle my cock between them, in too much pleasure to keep from covering you in my seed!" It was fairly clear what Aris wanted now, and this time Elysia was nowhere near as tired as she had been after her last session with the demoness, who had this time reigned in her feeding greatly. Swallowing her lover's sweet seed, something that her body naturally craved, would no doubt make her no less horny than it had the last time she'd done it, however, and that would mean another round with her lover. Of course, her body certainly wouldn't mind such, and given her state it was entirely possible that Elysia wouldn't mind such either, despite the ample quantity of demon cum still slowly leaking from her folds from their last session.
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Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Given Elysia's dramatic, yet sincere reactions, it was fairly evident that she had no experience with a lover quite as competent as Aris. For all of the fond memories of Sorien that she had, there was something to be said for the effect of the demoness' skilled touch. Her night with Alaric, on the other hand, wouldn't even register in her recollections... nor would it begin to, certainly not under this state of enthrallment. In that moment alone, her sole focus and concern all went to the object of her devotion, who sought to partake of her soul and indulge in the pleasures that her body could offer. Naturally, the seamstress was all too willing to oblige.

When Aris laid atop her, Elysia would slide her arms around her partner's torso, resting her hands upon her well-toned back so that she might admire for herself, by touch rather than look, the knight's lovely physique. Those muscles would tense in a controlled, careful manner as Aris gently eased herself forward. It caused a shiver to travel up and down Elysia's spine, the petite woman's body seemingly priming itself in anticipation for the long-awaited act. Her slick, swollen folds would part welcome the invading member as it entered, inviting Aris' sensitive extension to the bliss that was the warm interior of the artisan's tight pussy. Oddly enough, her domme's cock seemed to fit her even better than before, filling her out amply but not so large as to hurt. It proved a slight surprise, but certainly not an unpleasant one by any means as Aris touched down upon every pleasure center that Elysia thought she had and then some.

"Oooohhh.... yes," she gasped upon becoming one with her Mistress. Her eyes nearly glazing over in ecstasy, Elysia wouldn't believe that anything else could be more pleasurable... that is, until Aris started moving. Her entire body tingled with bliss at the end of each thrust. So overloaded were her senses that it actually took a degree of willpower not to pass out at some points from the sheer pleasure of it all. She had heard stories of people fainting from pain, but never from the opposite, as such a claim would simply sound like the boasts of someone looking to get lucky or exaggerate the prowess of a skilled lover that they were lucky enough to have. But here, Aris had provided no verbal claims, only physical proof, thus making a believer out of her. Hungrily, she returned the kiss given to her with all of her thanks and passion, with her constant moans muffled but not silenced by the joining of their lips.

Her hard nipples brushing against those of Aris as their busts squished together also made for a sensation that was unique and rather new to Elysia, one that she still wasn't used to, but could easily learn to with a few more encounters like this one. It was actually quite the treat to feel one of the many indicators of her lover's physical arousal upon her own, even if there was little more her body could do to express such a feeling. It was perfect--there was little more that she could ask for. The only time she would complain, in the form of a slight whimper, was when Aris nearly pulled herself out, leaving a thirsty void in Elysia. However, to her relief, such a moment passed by quickly enough, as the demon would hilt her again, leaving her rather pleased though not quite satisfied.

Like many other spirit wielders, Elysia was gifted with a particularly robust soul, such that it would take far more than a quick drain to rob her of it. Such was her state of ecstasy that she wouldn't even mind if Aris had taken every last wisp from her... it would be a death that she, as a victim of Aris' charms, would gladly welcome, as it would have been the most pleasurable end that she could imagine. However, such was not the knight's goal in this case, and so the pleasurable ride would continue.

The seamstress, despite being on the bottom, was not one to be a limp doll in the act. In spit of her size, she was a very live partner, writhing and shifting about, though perhaps more by instinct than anything else--after all, it was literally impossible for her to stay still with such wonderful sensations assaulting her entire body! Her pussy clenched upon Aris' shaft every time it drew back, as if pleading with it not to leave, practically sucking upon the member even as the knight drove it in and out of her own accord. The guest of her inner sanctum was simply not allowed to leave, not yet, before it had donated its treasured gift. Even after the fact, it would most definitely always be welcome.

But Aris would not grant her that pleasure, not quite yet. Not that Elysia would complain, as she certainly wasn't in any rush to finish... after all, when the entire experience had turned out to be like one amazing, prolonged orgasm in itself, she wasn't keen on it ending anytime soon. This, she could indulge in for quite a while. She had to have more, if anything, and so she did. Thrust after thrust, she moaned and sighed softly in delight, her sense of time distorting further and further until the only focus would be the combined physical and spiritual sensations that both her nerves and soul could feel in unison.

While she could enjoy such a manner of coupling for a good while, however, what Aris had done was allow for a gradual buildup of a far more powerful climax within Elysia's core. The snowballing of such had crept up on the tailoress, and only a few minutes into it, after what had felt like hours to her, she suddenly found herself overcome with the urge to be ravaged, fucked, utterly dominated. To receive a pounding like none had given her before. And so before even she was really consciously aware of it, she had slipped Aris out and turned over, offering herself. Even a brief moment of clarity would confirm that it was indeed what the enthralled Elysia wanted, especially with the renewed need to have her lover deep inside of her. "H-Hurry, Mistress," she pleaded, taking her domme's words as an immense tease.

"I do~!" she cooed in reply to Aris' query about whether or not she wanted it hard. Of course she did! Upon her lover's re-entry to her narrow canal, Elysia would grip the sheets tightly, summoning what was left of her will to keep herself from losing it right away. "Oh, yes," she cried upon feeling her petals parted once again. "Take me," she urged. "... I'm yours, so please, claim and mark me as you see fit," continued the horny artisan. With all of the buildup upon her body, she was nearly reduced to a primal vessel, one that needed only to be filled with what Aris could offer in large amounts. The first thrust caused Elysia to twitch in pleasure. "Ooohhh!" And the second would make her tremble and squeal. "Kyaaah! Nnnnffhuu..." Those long, deep strokes proved satisfying indeed, but at this point they weren't quite enough. She would plead, "f-faster..." only to receive a boost in tempo less than a moment afterwards, as if Aris had predicted as much.

"Oh gods... yes, like that... nnnh, f-fuck!" Elysia was not normally one for foul language, but even she couldn't help but swear upon the establishment of the heavy rhythm that her Mistress then sustained. She had to say something, anything to relieve the pressure, and the most extreme examples somehow provided the most relief, even if it was only by a marginal amount. And yet she could have sworn that she had already cum several times, her sense of time and everything else having been thoroughly distorted by the sheer bliss of it all. Blindly grabbing for a nearby pillow, she sunk her head down into it, using it to muffle her screams so that they wouldn't echo throughout the pub itself.

Still, it wouldn't keep her totally quiet, and many of the sounds that she made came out anyway. "Ah! Nnnn! Aauhh, nnnh, ooooh, oooohhh, ah, a-aahnn! M-Mis... hahhn, aah! A-Ariii... ssss!" she cried out, her calls intermittently interrupted by each thrust. Her entire body shook as Aris rocked it back and forth with the force of her strokes, with her breasts swaying rapidly beneath her and her shapely bottom jiggling with each impact. It made quite the sight for the crimson-eyed demoness, along with the feel of her warm interior and the sounds of ecstasy she so readily expressed. As Aris had done more than enough to please her, she could only hope that her own body, coupled with her honest reactions, could bring the knight to a fulfilling orgasm of her own.

Yet already she could feel the member lodged deep within her start to throb, and this only served to bolster the seamstress' level of excitement. She held back less on her louder moans, throwing caution to the wind as Aris' imminent climax closed in. Elysia would gladly provide herself as a vessel for the demon's seed once again, her quivering cunny and swaying hips making such a desire all too evident. "Mmm! Annnhh! Uh-huh... please, Mistress, do it! Inside me," she urged, panting as she feverishly awaited her lover's sweet release. Even with lesser partners, Elysia had never failed to achieve orgasm upon feeling the powerful throbbing of their rods and the tensing of their muscles, along with the warm eruption of their seed deep inside her pussy. Naturally, such a filling from Aris was even more intense, and though she had experienced one just the night before, she couldn't wait to reach such a level of mind-numbing ecstasy once again.

As Aris announced her orgasm, Elysia simply gripped the sheets and braced herself for the tidal wave of pleasure that was sure to come. And when it did, it was every bit as good for her as she expected and then some, shown by the seamstress' shuddering frame. "Ooooooooooohhhhh~... Haaauhh... nnnffuuhhhhuhuhnn," she cooed, her voice wavering as she tried to deal with her body's internal tremors. Her inner walls clamped down upon the demon's shaft, intent on squeezing every last drop from it... not that such a thing was necessary to draw out a satisfactory amount from the one behind her, as she received far more than even she expected. Elysia's world went right back to spinning as she was reduced to a whimpering mess. By the end of the minute-long climax she had practically collapsed, with the upper half of her body slumped downwards.

And yet the demoness wasn't quite spent, having drawn herself out from pulsing interior of Elysia's cunny to shoot a lewd design upon the pale beauty's backside. Elysia still felt as much, despite being half-sunk in post-orgasmic delirium, and she elicited a few muffled moans in response. She would soon be reminded of a much stronger sensation; the steady trickle of Aris' semen running from her well-pounded crevice. She'd feel it in the morning, no doubt, but for now she could just enjoy the feeling of the overflow running down her inner thighs, knowing full well that she had been thoroughly filled beyond capacity. She took the opportunity to catch her breath. "Hahh... hahh... hfff... nnnnnn..."

But she wouldn't get too long to rest, as soon enough she would feel her domme's tongue upon her folds, slurping and lapping upon the most sensitive part of her body. Elysia whimpered aloud in a sort of complaint, as the overload was nearly too much for her, but once Aris imposed her will and held the seamstress' shapely hips in place, there was little she could do other than to enjoy the ride and allow the pleasure to build up once again. It was enough to get her worked up again, and while the need for a fucking wasn't nearly as strong as it was before, the level of arousal was high enough that Elysia could channel it into something slightly more creative in the service of her Mistress.

"I don't imagine you get to taste yourself very often," she replied softly, all too pleased in knowing that the domme found her taste to be acceptable. The order that Aris issued would not... or rather, could not, go unheeded, and so she would obey, lowering herself to her knees in front of the seated demoness. "Which is a shame, Mistress... but that means more for me tonight, doesn't it?" Additional flattery softened her up, making her that much more eager to go about her business as a sub. And while the thought of dominating Aris perhaps didn't have quite as much appeal to Elysia, who was not quite a natural domme, the image of the redhead's face twisted in pleasure thanks to her own doing was a decidedly pleasant one to the enthralled seamstress.

She would go about making it a reality for the time being, taking Aris' cock into one hand and tipping it upwards if it wasn't upright already, then pointing a faint smile upwards before planting a kiss upon the tip. Her tongue soon joined the effort, swirling about the rim of the knight's helmet before sliding up and down the tip. She would then enclose the head between her lips, sucking gently on that portion alone while working the shaft with one hand, twisting her head from side to side as she did so. Then, slowly, but surely, she descended upon her domme's fleshy rod, making sure to kiss the base as soon as she touched all the way down. Elysia held herself there for a few seconds, allowing her cheeks to dimple as she earnestly sucked away the remains of her own juices and Aris' sweet cum from the shaft, then drew back ever so slowly, slurping as she went along. The taste was wonderful, intoxicating, and she had to fight the urge to simply stay and bob upon it.

But that would come later. As she had left Aris' cock clean with only a tiny hint of her own saliva, she knew that a proper 'polish' was to follow. And so she went about starting the process by straightening herself up and lifting her ample mounds with both hands, resting them upon the knight's lap. The lengthy pole would find itself nestled in between Elysia's soft jugs, and she would squeeze them together with her hands, ensuring a firm pressure to envelop the sensitive member. She then allowed a bit of spit to drip down from her mouth, adding a bit more lubrication, before shifting herself up and down.

The seamstress allowed this to continue for the first few minutes, looking up at her domme's face to check her reactions, then changed her tactics accordingly with various motions: alternating each breast moving up and down, sliding her body forward and back, occasionally dipping down to suckle on just the tip... she would work Aris to near-orgasm, never pushing her over the edge unless her domme called for it, which would be an order impossible to refuse. Still, if she could prolong the pleasure in this single act, she would opt to do so... after all, the soreness would no doubt start to affect her lower parts soon enough, so she had to please her Mistress the best way she could.

It wasn't long before she resorted to combining the efforts of her mouth and breasts, moving in a steady rhythm to acquire the best possible reactions out of her domme--after all, she hadn't gotten to see Aris' face during the knight's most recent orgasm. Elysia would be sure to witness it this time around, her gaze pushed upward as far as it would go as she bobbed up and down relentlessly on the conjured shaft. As she squeezed her breasts together to facilitate a more snug fit, some of her milk would leak out, which she would rub all about to add to the smoothness of the experience. And when the crimson-haired beauty announced her next orgasm, Elysia would not stop, instead speeding up. She waited eagerly for the thick spurts to fire upward and over her pretty visage, sticking out her tongue to catch as many as she could... and afterwards, get right back to cleaning with her oral services, providing a nice, firm amount of suction while leaving the cock glistening with her saliva. As she was in no position to refuse any command given to her, Elysia would then proceed to sate all of Aris' urges for the rest of the night... all night, if that was what it took. Her relatively frail human body was teetering on the edge of exhaustion, between the numerous sexual encounters it experienced in the past several days, but she would do her best, pushing herself well past the point of fatigue. If she managed to get any sleep, however, it would be a welcome break, and a deep one that would take much effort to rouse her from.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 49, PP = 47, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins, Enthralled

"Mmmhhmmm~" Aris offered confirmation in a mixture of a coo and a giggle at Elysia's stated eagerness to taste her seed once more, and once both were in position Aris gazed down at Elysia expectantly as the seamstress prepared to get to work on pleasing her further. The demon's rod hadn't softened even slightly since being pulled from Elysia's folds, requiring little guiding in being pushed upright as it jutted upwards from her partner's body, as if standing at attention and waiting for her attentions. Though she had hardly been an unappreciative partner up until that point, Aris seemed intent on allowing Elysia plentiful vocal confirmation of how pleased she was with the other woman's work this time, as even the light kiss pressed against her tip was enough to draw a coo of pleasure from the demoness. Her mistress was ready to be pleased, all signs pointing to her eagerness for more of Elysia's skilled and dedicated work at providing her with the physical sensations that the demoness seemed to endlessly crave. The pupils of her crimson eyes were dilated, and as Elysia slipped her lips slowly over the demon's domed tip her grip on the arm of the chair strengthened enough that the wood creaked slightly, and she lightly chewed her lower lip while extending her other hand to gently cradle the seamstress's cheek while her breath rose in slow pants.

Though much of it was still leaking out of her folds, dribbling from her freshly filled womb, plenty of Aris' release had been left clinging to the demon's conjured cock, particularly around the head that her tongue was so expertly exploring, and every taste of the sweet jelly was as potently intoxicating as the first taste she'd had of it only a day or so prior. Her domme's first outright moan would come when Elysia's lips finally enclose the whole of the tip and her hand began to pump the demon's shaft, working the dregs of her lover's release out slowly but surely and lapping them up as they appeared at the slit on the top. "Ooooh yes~ Just like that!" she cooed encouragingly, trailing fingers along the seamstress's cheek for a moment before she began to twist this way and that, assaulting the domed tip with her tongue from every angle, at which point her mistress gently laced her fingers through Elysia's hair and let it rest their as she encouraged Elysia's efforts purely through the soft coos and gasps that seemed to come in a constant stream from her mouth.

The tip of her domme's cock was soon clean of her seed, at least save for that which had begun to leak steadily from the slit on top of it, and so Elysia's began to descend on the demon's cum-coated shaft. Aris' eyes widened slowly as her shaft slowly but steadily vanished into Elysia's mouth, her mouth opening to unleash a long, low moan by the time the seamstress was only halfway down and growing slightly louder as she descended all the way down to the base in a single gulp. The moment that her cheeks dimpled as she began to suck her mistress's sweet seed from every inch of it, Aris tilted her chin back and closed her eyes as her moan rose another octave. The tool buried down her throat gave a powerful pulse, and then another, and suddenly the grip on the back of Elysia's head was holding her there with her mistress's tool buried in her mouth. She would be allowed, even driven to rise slowly until only the tip remained between her lips, but even though she'd planned on getting to the main event that her mistress had requested immediately she was not allowed to pull away completely. Aris, holding her chin high and reveling in the sensations that her mouth could bring, would gently urge Elysia's head back down upon her pulsing rod until her lips were once again wrapped around its base, and then repeated the motion one, two, three more times before finally releasing her head and allowing the seamstress to pull her mouth from her mistress's shaft.

"Nnnffff.... Ohhhh.... You.... I'm sorry dear, but every time I feel your mouth... It just makes me want to explode~" Aris cooed, panting as her rod pulsed, not having yet released its precious payload. By that point even the small amount of seed she'd swallowed had set Elysia's body aflame with tingling arousal, albeit not nearly as strong as what she'd experienced the first time she'd swallowed a mouthful of the delicious addicting substance, and that would spur her on to further action sooner rather than later. The soft panting of her partner would again become a pleased gasp when Elysia rose and pressed her soft bosom around her lover's stiff rod. "Mmmm, it's even better than I thought~" Aris purred softly, letting out yet another low moan as Elysia's allowed a stream of drool to fall down onto her fleshy tool, further lubricating the already saliva-slick member as the furthest portion of it stuck out from between her soft mounds.

Her further reactions to Elysia's efforts were in line with what she'd already done, quickly turning gaze back down to the seamstress as Elysia steadily worked the soft pillowy canal produced by her squeezed breasts up and down over her lover's cock. A steady stream of moans, coos, and gasps, along with plenty of precum to temporarily sate the growing thirst for more of her demonic domme's aphrodisiac-laced semen, would reward her for her dedicated attentions on the cock squeezed between her bosom, and each reaction would grow more intense as she worked steadily more intensely to bring the demon knight to another explosive release. Aris seemed to enjoy every change in dynamic, her reactions changing slightly for each. The steady up and down seemed like something she was happy to watch with heavy eyes as she reveled in the sensations that it produced, while the moments in which Elysia worked both breasts separately, shifting one and then the other in alternating patterns, caused her to jut her hips up slightly to better allow the seamstress's attentions upon her sensitive rod. The slower but more individually intense motions produced by using her whole body to stroke the demon's tool had Aris giving long, steady groans of delight as she twisted about under Elysia's efforts, but she was most energetic when the seamstress dipped her head down to suckle upon the domed tip, lapping up her domme's copious pre while swirling her tongue over the sensitive head.

The more she seemed to focus on that domed head, the more Aris seemed to enjoy her efforts, and after a few minutes of dedicated attention she would feel the throbbing tool begin to pulsate warningly between her soft mounds. "Ooohhh... Oooohhhh! Ohhhh yessss, d... Don't stop! Nnnfff... You're.... Ahh! You'll make me cum!" she groaned, the tense look upon her face telling of the pressure that her efforts had built upon within her mistress, pressure that she was about to see released in an explosion of the potent liquid that she was so hopelessly addicted to by that point.

It only took seeing the position that her newly enthralled human servant adopted upon her announcement, her mouth wide open and tilted back, her tongue stretched out to catch her liquid offering, to make Aris finally lean her head back and let out a gratifying moan, initially silent but growing loud enough that their immediate neighbors undoubtedly heard of the pleasure that she could bring her mistress. Her loud noise was accompanied by a closing of her eyes, and the twisting of her sculpted features into a look of ecstasy, but the real treasure came in the jets of seed that erupted into the air, firing up a whole two feet before coming back down to coat Elysia's body in pearly strands of hot, sweet, sticky cream. True to the earlier demonstrations of her potency, Aris unleashed a massive load upon Elysia, no less than twelve full streams firing upwards only to fall upon her, coating her breasts pearly white first before a slight change in angle brought the second half of her mistress's release falling down upon Elysia's face. Several were caught on her tongue, filling her body with an insatiable craving for more of Aris' seed even as several more streams glued one of her eyes shut and fell upon her cheeks and forehead and across her nose. Her mistress opened her eyes at the tail end of her release, as both her pulsating and her moan were dying down, but apparently the sight of the coating that she had given Elysia was enough to arouse her even further, as the demon's cock gave one last powerful throb and unleashed another spurt, the largest yet, which landed perfectly upon her tongue so that it slid back into Elysia's waiting mouth.

Tasting her mistress's semen had the same twofold effect that it had produced upon first tasting it, producing two seemingly insatiable needs simultaneously, the first to feel it bursting into her depths and the second to drink up as much of it as she could get. The fulfillment for both needs were easily within her grasp, but the throbbing need her folds felt, ignorant of the the growing exhaustion of the whole of her body, was less pressing and more difficult to satisfy than her need for more of her domme's cream. Swallowing what she'd held in her mouth, Elysia was quick to lean down and suck the demon's rod back into her mouth, draining the dregs of Aris' latest release and cleaning the shaft of the milk that had served as added lubrication towards the end of her initial attentions.

Aris loved it. Her mistress vocally supported Elysia's every depraved act, it seemed, as her adoring, pleased noises returned in full as the seamstress sucked the demon's rod for all it was worth, and the tool hardly seemed as if it were going to go soft. As exhausted as she was, however, the hormones contained in the liquid she swallowed proved sufficient to override her need for rest, at least for the moment. "Mmmfff... I've gone... And made such a mess of you, my dear~" Aris half-panted and half-purred, and even if she hadn't commanded it directly Elysia understood her mistress's intentions for her. Her craving would eagerly egg her on as Elysia was directed to gather up the seed coating her, every last drop of it, and get it into her mouth through whatever means was available.

Her arousal climbed further with every drop, but even as her body pulsed with the need to be filled again, Aris seemed to have other plans for her. "Mmmm~ By Acheron's Queen that.... I feel like... You've earned the right to make me explode again, dearest~" the demoness purred, her breathing heavy with arousal and her cock throbbing, and if her intent wasn't clear then the hand that Aris placed on the back of her head, directing her mouth towards the waiting shaft, would be clear enough. There would be little allowance for teasing this time, however, as only a short period in which she was made to lap at her lover's shaft would precede the moment when she would feel the demon's tool sliding down her throat once more. It was as much her mistress's guidance that pushed Elysia to pleasure her mistress as her own will at that point, and even if her body was protesting with need by that point Elysia would find herself helpless to resist her domineering mistress as she fucked her mouth.

Soon enough another low, drawn out moan would signal her partner's release, the first burst flowing directly down her throat, and the rest would alternate between there and into her mouth as Aris continued forcing her head to bob, milking out as much of her seed into Elysia's mouth as she could. It was probably her smallest release by that point, which still made it the equal of any fresh man that the seamstress had ever encountered, but still Aris was seemingly unsatisfied. And, after whatever display she might make of the sweet liquid gift left on her tongue by her mistress, once Elysia had swallowed her latest release, the built up arousal would be too much for even her exhaustion to cancel out.

The very same flame of need burned in her mistress's eyes, however, and seeing it in Elysia's needy gaze brought an eager grin to the demoness. "Get up here and fuck me!" she commanded, and there was simply no refusal possible for the enthralled human seamstress by that point. Despite the protests of her legs, Elysia was driven to rise and climb onto her domme's lap, to grasp the shaft beneath her and aim it towards the pink crevice that was still slowly leaking the leftovers of their last coupling, and finally to descend upon it. Pleasure exploded within her once more, partially mixed with easily ignored pain from her exhausted inner muscles perhaps but gloriously fulfilling to the need burning within her. Her mistress promptly took two handfuls of Elysia's voluptuous rear and began to direct her to ride at the fasted pace that she could handle at that point, her own hips rising to meet the seamstress to produce a lewd clap each time their bodies met. The demon knight's mouth initially claimed her own, tasting her own seed in Elysia's mouth as her impossibly long and agile tongue deftly guided that of the seamstress through a familiar lewd dance, but after a moment one hand would leave Elysia's backside and move to her breast, gently directing her to lean back. Their kiss would break, and her mistress's mouth would instead plant itself onto Elysia's breast, drinking of the bounty that her lactating peak offered as expertly as she seemed able to do with anything relating to sex.

For the next several minutes it would proceed as such, Elysia riding her domme as hard as her failing body could while her breasts were steadily drained, her mistress drinking down her mother's milk until the pressure she had felt was entirely gone and the streams that she released would be reduced to dribbles. By that point, Elysia's exhaustion would have become obvious to Aris, and when she released the seamstress's bosom from her mouth she opted to take full control. With one smooth motion that was so quick her only reaction would be to wrap her arms around Aris' neck, Elysia found herself suspended in the air, held up by her mistress's arms. The demon's rod had slid out of her during the position change, but it seemingly barely took any effort for Aris to aim her rod back towards Elysia's folds and sink right back in.

The demoness let out a low moan and shivered, nearly dropping the seamstress at the sensation of being inside of her once again, but the reaction to that danger came quickly. Power suddenly flared out from the demoness as she became encompassed in a crimson glow to match her eyes, and even as enthralled and drained as she was, a very practical fear rose in Elysia. Her soul recognized power like its own, and she realized instantly that that power was meant to enhance her demonic lover's already incredible strength. The very real threat of being fucked to death if Aris became too rough with her existed, as her frail body surely couldn't handle the full strength that the demoness could unleash, but when Aris began to thrust her fear would be immediately erased.

It was the perfect mixture between the two positions taken in their last two sessions, their sheer closeness and the display of strength and control akin to what she'd experienced when her domme had been on top of her, but with the power possible when she'd been bent over. Their hips clapped together, spikes of pleasure burning through Elysia like lightning every time her domme thrust into her, filling her, and another every time the rim of her domed tip dragged against her inner walls with every retreat. Her domme's mouth claimed hers once again, just as she claimed Elysia's soul bit by bit, replenishing the energies she used to keep them stable as she pounded into the seamstress. Aris fed deep, driving Elysia rapidly into an orgasm that reduced her to a state in which she was nearly blacked out, kept from total unconsciousness only by her domme's hold upon her spirit so that she could feel the pleasure of being filled again and again and again by the demon's cock. Aris had by that point mastered Elysia's body, driving her stiff manhood into the helpless seamstress in order to provide as much pleasure as her body could experience at any single moment, hitting every sensitive spot at once with flawless accuracy but at the same time twisting to change the order just slightly with every thrust.

It would be difficult for the exhausted Elysia to keep track of how many times her body found its peak as Aris pounded into her suspended form. Each one brought her more in line with what the demoness would make of her, the demon's influence strengthened on her body by the reinforcement of her addiction to the unique chemistry present in the demon's seed, her hold on the seamstress's mind reinforced by the strengthening of the enthrallment wrapped around her mind, and her control of the woman's very soul shaped as she fed upon her essence. Finally, however, their most recent session would come to an end when Aris released her seed once more into Elysia's depths, her womb drinking up every drop as one final orgasm tore away what little strength her body had left and finally released her into blessed unconsciousness.


(Elysia gains 322 corruption and 4 experience that she may spend now.)

When she awakened the next morning, to say that she was incredibly sore was an understatement. Her head throbbed, and her lower body ached from all of the vigorous attention that it had received, but those pains would be abated slightly as she felt her mistress lying against her back. Aris was flush against the seamstress's body, and awake, as she was gently kissing and nipping at the side of Elysia's neck while one hand trailed a gentle caress along the side of her still flat stomach.

"Good morning love~" she whispered softly into Elysia's ear, her voice a subconscious balm against the physical aches that Aris herself had inflicted, though her enthrallment would ensure that Elysia was denied even the ability to make that simple connection. "Breakfast?" she purred, and if Elysia agreed as fervently her stomach did the demoness would slide away, dress, and return after a short period with a somewhat flustered looking servant, the two carrying a pair of trays laden with a heavy breakfast that, perhaps oddly, didn't carry any eggs. Spiced hash with onions and mushrooms, crispy bacon, fresh apple slices with cinnamon, steamed vegetables, and oatmeal mixed with a bit of blue syrup that would be immediately recognizable as the sweetened syrup that Lavender produced on her unusual farm, along with a glass of water for each of them and a pitcher more to share.

This time, Aris would pester Elysia until her plate had been cleaned even as she gobbled up her own meal in the somewhat odd mix between the practical swift manner of a soldier and the delicate courtly manner that Elysia's mother had trained the seamstress in. It was an excellent meal, and a lavish one considering all of the additives and elements to it, but Aris didn't even mention the expense and waved such concerns off if Elysia brought the cost of the meal up. The meal and water caused her headache to abate significantly, though it didn't help the soreness of her lower extremities any, and after being served breakfast in bed, her mistress would sit beside her, gently caressing her hair and face while gazing with distinct affection upon her.

"I think I'm becoming addicted," she would remark lightly, and then proceeded to laugh softly before leaning down to offer a gentle kiss upon the seamstress's brow. Leaning away once more, the demoness continued, "I've a few things to do today... I suppose you'll be at the house I met you at before, working? I don't mind waiting a while for my order, so you can work on anything else you've been asked to make before you start mine. Of course, if you'll be elsewhere, perhaps visiting your friend, that's fine as well... So long as I know where you are. I wouldn't want to worry about you~ And I might come to visit if you're not occupied! Bacchus will be with you, of course, and he'll make sure you stay safe regardless of where you go." From there, Elysia was free to rise at her leisure, as Aris wouldn't depart the room until she had risen, dressed, and made herself ready to depart as well. When she did, she had the whole day ahead of her, with the promise of the presence of her mistress' at some point to look forward to as well.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

It tickled the seamstress to know that her ministrations were apparently quite effective, let alone sufficient, in satisfying her Mistress' needs. It only encouraged her to do more for the knight's sake, rubbing her breasts up and down with increasing vigor as she basically jerked her domme off with the softest of aids in the valley of her cleavage. Her dedicated efforts would lead the rhythmic slap of her jugs upon Aris' hips to echo throughout the room. While they weren't truly coupling in the penetrative sense at the time, for the redhead, they may as well have been, with Elysia's slick, well-lubricated breasts hugging her shaft as tightly as her pussy might.

But this treatment lead to sensations far more complex and tantalizing than simple coitus. As she let the meaty length find comfort between her assets, her wet lips gently squeezed around the rim of Aris' little helmet, suckling upon it gently to provide a different feeling, a much warmer one. Within the heavenly confines of her mouth, her tongue slid forward to lap away at the very tip of her Mistress' cock, making soft, repeated beckoning motions upon her frenulum as if to coax her seed out from deep within. It was a sign of Elysia's thirst, her need for the demon's addicting semen, and she would remain persistent in her pursuit of the mildly sweet liquid.

The tailoress had rarely known true thirst, at least in the way a stranded desert traveler might, but this was the closest she would get to it. She had already taken in a fair helping of it, and yet it was far from enough. Aris' seed may as well have been an absolute necessity for her, and she milked her domme's throbbing member with increasing fervor until she got what she needed. Aris' escalating signs of orgasm, her body twitching and moans growing louder, only caused Elysia to grow more excited in turn, her own feminine juices trickling down both of her thighs as she kept her fast pace steady so that her Mistress might reward her.

And what a reward it was. She had never known anyone to release this much, let alone any man. But there it was, a veritable geyser of the best-tasting cum she had ever known, and it brought her joy just to know that she had successfully coaxed as much out of her beloved Mistress. The first jet that shot up caused her to giggle in delight and anticipation, and Elysia would moan softly as the warm pitter-patter of the treasured substance landed upon her chest. But that wasn't all. More, much more, would soon follow. As she was intent on milking as much out of her partner as possible, she continued to squeeze her tits together and shift them up and down, making her strokes longer and deeper to make up for the fact that her mouth and tongue were no longer adding to the stimulation. Those oral faculties would be used to catch her sweet prize.

The final load seemed to be meant just for her, as it splattered perfectly upon her outstretched tongue. Elysia was quick to savor its taste, swirling it around in her mouth as she would a fine wine before finally gulping it down. The aroma, the texture, everything about the substance made her blush and feel light-headed, her enthrallment seemingly endless in its renewal. The shimmer of Aris' glistening seed would practically glow in her sight, as she shamelessly licked it off of herself and then off of her domme. She wouldn't let a single glob go to waste before returning to the source, sucking off her Mistress with unparalleled devotion, her puckered cheeks a sign of no half-hearted effort.

She twisted her head from side to side as she went up, going straight back down afterwards, intent on leaving Aris with the most wonderful feeling possible. She would suck on the hardened member again and again, steadily dipping up and down as if there were more to acquire. While there were certainly other women out there with more experience than her, it seemed few could match her genuine desire to please. Thanks to the generous doses that she had swallowed, her womanhood would once again drip in anticipation of yet another penetration. But that would have to take a backseat to the priority that came above all, which was her Mistress' pleasure.

Despite her own arousal, Elysia would continue lick and suck upon Aris' stiff rod, cradling its sensitive underside with her tongue. "Mmmm.... mmmphff..." The demon was not male in the traditional sense, but her conjured member seemed to have all of the same types of sensitivity as any other manhood seemed to have, and so the skills that Elysia did have in that department were put to good use. Her own milk dribbled freely from her hardened nipples as she bobbed upon the knight, her pace steady enough to ensure yet another orgasm. She made sure to look up in order to take in her domme's visage to see if she was doing a good enough job, her bangs swaying with each dip of her head.

Her services did more than enough to earn her yet another ride, and despite her fatigue she would push her body to the limit in order to mount her beloved. She could only be thankful that Aris still retained a high degree of her strength, proving as fresh as ever, as the seamstress' body didn't have a whole lot left in it. It was only due to virtue of her spirit that she could even go for this long, but relief and pleasure would come quickly as she felt her domme's cock slide up into her pussy once more. As Aris drove Elysia up and down on her rock-hard shaft, the tailoress would moan, pant and cry out to express her hopelessly lust-addled situation. It was incredible, and before long she felt a spasm building deep within. An orgasm crept up on her, causing her to squeal as her entire body trembled... and then, just as that one came to a close, yet another would surface, and another climax after that. Her Mistress had proven all too capable in granting such a sensory overload of the orgasms she had once worked so hard to achieve.

"S-Save some for our child," she whimpered as the perverted knight suckled from her bouncing, dribbling teats. Exhaustion was setting in rapidly. She could do little to resist; she could only really beg in vain, but she wouldn't even be able to finish her sentence. "P-Please, I..." started Elysia, her eyes half-lidded over as she squirmed and trembled, orgasms interrupting her speech patterns. "Aaauhhhnn! Ah! Mmmm!" Instead, out came additional moans, gasps and yelps from the overpowered seamstress. Something was wrong, very wrong, and yet she couldn't even muster the strength to protest. She had surrendered herself completely, and as a result had essentially been locked in some sort of pleasure hell. Bliss and yet agony, all at once, for she could take no more of the vigorous fucking she received, and yet, she somehow wanted so much more...

Her body and consciousness gave out before long. Ultimately, Elysia had passed out in the midst of trying to buck her hips against those of her partner's during the demon's final orgasm. That addicting warmth filling her up was the last sensation she would feel before the darkness closed around her field of vision...


And the first thing she would feel upon regaining consciousness was... pain, soreness. She let out a slow groan as her eyes cracked open, feeling a gentle caress upon her body. The familiar voice confirmed whose touch it was, not that it was a particularly difficult thing to guess. If it had been anyone else, Elysia might have found herself on the cranky side and even a little dismissive, perhaps... but something in her mind kept her from even considering such thoughts for more than a passing moment or two. She managed a weak smile instead, nodding. Afterwards she would sit up and idly give her own chest a rub. Her breasts were incredibly sore...

Luckily, the distraction of breakfast would come soon enough. Due to her hunger, she gulped down the meal with slightly less manners than usual, though there were still some that she would retain on an unconscious level. It didn't take much coaching on Aris' part to get the seamstress to down much of the food, although the onions and bacon were left to the side until she was urged to finish them. She hadn't always been this picky about her food, but her sense of smell seemed... different, and stronger odors made her nauseous a little more than they should. The changes in her body were occurring fairly quickly, no doubt, and Elysia still wasn't sure on how exactly to manage them.

"Addicted... to me? There's nothing to be addicted about, really," replied the artisan. She blushed, licking her lips as she finished the last few bites of her meal. It wasn't that difficult to keep down, all in all. Though perhaps she should feel sick at everything that had happened to her. She didn't. All that she felt was an odd, artificial yet solid acceptance of everything that was--and Aris being her mistress was first and foremost of that hierarchy of reality. If anyone was addicted, it was her to Aris, though the sincerity of her feelings was hard to tell beneath the severe weight of the enthrallment.

"Oh! Y-Yes, Mistress. I'll be sure to finish your order today, along with a few others," she replied, choosing not to remain naked for long. Her bra seemed to fit far more snug than usual, and her first attempt at putting it on would cause one of the hooks to pop. Frustrated, she chose to omit the undergarment and put her dress on instead, figuring that she could always work on a new one back at the shop. With a proper hug, kiss and farewell, she would see herself off. Having Aris fade from her sight was no doubt saddening, and yet oddly liberating in its own way. Elysia wouldn't go to deep into sorting out the massive jumble of emotions that lurked within, however, and instead focused her efforts on work for the day. Setting her course for the shop, she would look to open it again and return to her projects.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 49, PP = 47, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins, Enthralled

Elysia's bashful response would earn a soft giggle from her mistress, who would then shake her head and reply, "so modest.... Really, that's kind of refreshing, after so many succubi back home. Some of my kin can be pretty full of themselves, but you.... Underselling yourself so.... It's adorable." Sharing one last embrace with her mistress, the human seamstress would be left to depart the tavern and head back to the shop she'd been gifted by the people of Blinlock. Before the demoness ha enthralled her, having been given such a gift might have rooted the seamstress in place, especially with Alaric's presence to hold her down further. Now, however, the small shop and the cottage existing over it could only be seen as a temporary home at best.

The people of Blinlock had some mixed reactions about her presence. A few people gave her some odd looks, and a few of them would be familiar enough that Elysia would be able to place them as patrons she'd seen at the tavern where she'd met Aris last night. Most simply passed her by, going about whatever business they had, many working to repair the damage that the monstrous attack had done upon the structures of the town. The toll in lives and the anguish of the survivors of their lost loved ones was not so easily pushed aside, however, and the somberness of the atmosphere in Blinlock remained despite the gap that Aris' had built between Elysia and her connection to these people. Even so, the people of Blinlock owed Elysia a great debt for her part in defending the mountain village, and many shot her warm looks, waves, or even audible greetings.

Her journey from the tavern where her mistress stayed to her shop wasn't a long one, but perhaps it was a pleasant one despite her lingering soreness for the effort of those who offered her a warm reaction, especially given the pleasantness of the Autumn morning. It was warm and sunny, with nary a cloud in the sky, and the warmth of the sun and the coolness of the mountain air balanced out perfectly to produce a very comfortable temperature. The brief walk would allow her legs to stretch, alleviating some of the soreness in her legs, but when she arrived at her home Elysia would be brought to a halt at the front door by the person waiting there for her. Eartha was seated on her doorstop, cross legged and frowning, clad in her slightly ragged brown robe that was an eerily close match to her weathered skin. "Elysia," she said, dipping her head in greeting and slowly climbing to her feet, "we need to speak. May we go inside? I have brought tea."
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

"If I could understand your apparent love for me, Mistress, then I would be quite satisfied," remarked Elysia, casting her eyes downwards ever slightly towards her domme's collarbone. "But I am thankful enough to simply possess it." Truthfully, there was quite little that she understood about the nature of her own apparent love for the mysterious knight. All she knew was that it was there, burning deep within her, as intense as any love she had felt for anyone before, if not more. And that for some reason, she feared to relinquish such a thing...

Elysia strolled through town, largely mirroring the sentiments given to her. To those who seemed weary and distrustful of her, she would force only a slight smile before turning her gaze downwards, reserving her more lively greetings to villagers that put a bit more effort into being friendly towards the seamstress. She could guess that it might have to do with her rather terrifying powers--indeed, they might have been just as frightening to Elysia herself, if she hadn't grown up with them all these years. Or, perhaps far more likely, her association with her demonic Mistress, who the inhabitants of Blinlock still seemed to have much trouble dealing with. Even her own village was quite weary of them, after all, and the many stories of demons she had heard painted them in a primarily negative light.

But it went without saying that Aris and her crew had saved the village from destruction--if not for Bacchus' help, she might have fallen prey to grabbers before even being able to do most of what she did to the larger enemies. At least, she had thanked the dog. The very thought of their latest encounter caused her to blush and ponder the depths of depravity into which she had fallen. Was this really her? Elysia wasn't known as a particularly easy nor lewd woman in her home village of Laerwick. And here she was, with perhaps more sexual encounters in the course of a single week than she had previously had in her lifetime.

Not all of them were welcome ones, however. Along with flashbacks of more pleasant experiences eventually came the more traumatizing ones, and just as she surveyed the pleasant scenery around her, the passerbys filtering away, Elysia felt inexplicably terrified to be alone as she was. She promised herself to push the lingering stress and horror of the situation with Typhon off to the edges of her conscious mind by working those hands of hers into making the best dress she could possibly put together for her Mistress, along with her other orders. There would be quality garments that she could pour her focus into as a suitable distraction, and even look proudly upon after the fact. Though it still frightened her to be alone with her thoughts of all the recent life-changing events, Elysia felt determined to do something productive in order to distract herself.

She would soon find such a measure to be unnecessary. It was somewhat relieving and yet disappointing at the same time. Elysia wouldn't have to be alone, that was for sure... but on the other hand, her fresh resolve to get to work dulled a little with the sudden appearance of a familiar face, Eartha. The old woman seemed less than thrilled, however, and no doubt there were some serious matters to be discussed. "Oh, hello Eartha..." she started. "Yes, certainly. Please come inside," the tailoress would add, unlocking the door and inviting the herbalist into the shop. Naturally, she would clear a table upon which they could enjoy tea, and start a small fire in the stove with a snap of her fingers.

It hadn't dawned on her the possible oddness of her relationship with Aris; after all, as far as the effective enthrallment was concerned, she was meant to serve the demonic stranger. "What is it that you wish to speak about?"
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 49, PP = 47, EP = 120/122, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins, Enthralled

Eartha would dip her head again as Elysia agreed to speak with her, still offering only a frown but not speaking further while they were outdoors. Bacchus would glare at the old woman, having tagged along after the seamstress after she'd left the tavern, but after a distasteful glance the older woman would ignore the demonic beast. Once inside, Elysia would find the kitchen exactly as she'd left it, and after clearing up and easily starting a fire with only a snap of her fingers she and Eartha would be able to set a kettle on the boil. It would still take a few minutes for the water to warm, however, and in that time Eartha would position herself squarely in front of the seamstress, and with the kitchen as small as it was Elysia could only face her in turn.

"I'm surprised that you need to ask," she said in response to Elysia's question about her purpose here. Clearing her throat and seemingly gathering herself, Eartha's weathered lips pursed for a moment as she looked into Elysia's eyes critically, and after a moment would clear her throat softly and ask; "What happened last night? Alaric crawled into my house last night after that demon was finished with him, and he told me that he found you.... I'd like to know what happened from your point of view." The other woman seemed to be examining her, as she awaited a response from Elysia if searching for something in her gaze, but would otherwise give the enthralled seamstress an opportunity to answer without interruption.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Bacchus' apparent protectiveness over Elysia wouldn't go unnoticed by the seamstress. Had he claimed her as some sort of mate ever since her offering to ease his sexual frustrations, an action that had resulted in their rather taboo coupling? It was difficult to say that she didn't feel safe around the massive hellhound, as the memory of their first meeting--where he saved her from the grasp of a tentacled horror--flashed through her mind. But at the same time, his very presence made her feel somewhat... guilty. What kinds of new attachments might have have acquired with being able to experience her company in the most intimate of ways? Did that even mean anything in the demon realm, or was it as casual an exchange as a handshake the way Aris seemed to treat it?

A deep sense of shame settled in her stomach as she glanced at his well-muscled form. No matter what such an act meant to demons in their society, as far as Elysia was concerned she had done the unthinkable, and it wasn't something she could take back no matter how badly she might have wanted to do so. She could only be thankful that her Mistress didn't seem to mind, even if she inwardly wished that the knight's trusty hound could speak every once in a while. Such a fling would be awkward enough with a human, after all, and this one was with a hellhound.

But now wasn't the time to contemplate on the nature of her relationship with Bacchus. Aris... and now also Alaric, had been brought up by the woman in front of her. The question itself caused a strong wave of discomfort to wash over her, and along with it, a hint of nausea, though she managed to keep her breakfast down this time around. She wasn't sure why; it just did, and as a result she paused and grimaced slightly. Still, she couldn't find a reason not to answer, and so she did.

"Well, I was just finishing a... private moment with my Mistress, Aris, and Alaric, um... walked in on us. It was certainly embarrassing for me and perhaps also for him, so I wouldn't have blamed him for being upset, but he was simply... enraged! I couldn't wrap my head around why he would be that incredibly angry so as to challenge my Mistress, but he did anyway. The two of them stepped outside to settle their disputes, and I was directed to stay in the room, so I did. I could still hear them fighting outside," she explained. "It was a brutal affair, or so it sounded like one, but Aris assured me that she sent him away with only minor wounds after besting him." The seamstress paused, swallowing. "I honestly never intended to be the object of such a quarrel. I knew that he may have had feelings for me, but I was under the impression that he was aware of my loyalty to my Mistress. So, is he... alright?" asked Elysia tentatively.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 49, PP = 47, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins, Enthralled

Rolling to see if Elysia throws off the enthrallment. It'll be Elysia vs Aris in the numbers.
Resistance: 30 (base) + 14 (roll) = 44 vs 59 = 12 (bonus) + 30 (base) + 17 (roll)

Elysia is still enthralled to Aris. I might roll again next post, possibly with a bonus for Elysia, depending on how it goes. Also, you never put her sheet changes onto her actual character sheet. She gained Lactation and one other that I don't think you picked yet,

The moment that Elysia referred to Aris as her mistress, there was a brief flash of both understanding and distaste on Eartha's face. That look very quickly vanished into a neutral frown, an expression that remained as Elysia finished her explanation, and despite the gravity of what Elysia had said she remained impassive and silent until the seamstress had asked whether Alaric was alright. "No, actually..... He isn't," the woman said coolly, "his state was wretched when he arrived at my home. He was babbling, I could barely understand him at first, but he told me what happened too, and his broken arm lent an air of credibility to what he said." She fixed Elysia with a piercing stare, but from the corner of the room Bacchus began to let out a low growl, briefly drawing the older woman's gaze to the hellhound as it glared at her.

For a few moments the great demonic beast and the strange healer stared at each other, but in the face of the hellhound's growl Eartha quickly realized that she wasn't going to win. Looking back to Elysia, Eartha let out a sigh that was only barely audible beneath the growling of the hellhound that she had just attempted to stare down. "What happened to you, Elysia? What is making you do these things?"