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Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 49, PP = 47, EP = 122, Status = Fine, DOUBLE Pregnant, Enthralled

Resistance: Aris wins. Dat nat 1.

Elysia has gained a total of 285 corruption.

The climax that ensued as Elysia felt Aris pumping another load of her potent, life giving seed into her deepest depths was stronger than any that she had had before, possibly save for the one that had occurred when she'd taken the demon's first load. The waves of pleasure coursing up through her were again nearly enough to knock her out then and there, the feeling of Aris' turgid shaft throbbing and spitting up wave after wave of boiling hot cum into her already thoroughly filled depths was pleasure enough, but in that moment Elysia felt the demoness truly begin to feast upon her soul. The demon's spiritual tendrils wound through her, allowing Aris to draw upon every fiber of her being in order to feed her supernatural hunger, the draining of her soul more potent an aphrodisiac than anything she had ever felt, even more powerful than swallowing Aris' drug-laced cum, though that the aphrodisiacs in it were still running through her system certainly didn't hurt any. It enhanced the pleasure of her orgasm tenfold, and through that Aris was able to penetrate deeper and deeper into the seamstress's soul, until....

The demon's tendrils found the core of her soul once again, the container for who and what she truly was, and coiled around it possessively. The sensation was impossibly powerful, making her entire body feel as if it were melting in pure pleasure, and it redoubled in strength once again as those tendrils sunk into the core of her soul to begin feeding upon her true essence. It was a dangerous thing, threatening her with permanent damage or even total oblivion if the demoness drank down too much, but Elysia was utterly helpless to resist it at this point, both because it was utterly enthralling in the bliss that it created and because her orgasm had her paralyzed with raw physical pleasure. Aris had claimed Elysia's body and mind already, but only then did she truly lay her full claim upon the seamstress's soul, feasting for the last time in that session upon her vulnerable core.

All good things must end, however, and so too would Elysia's orgasm. Aris would cease her feeding shortly after the blacksmith walked in, his entrance coming just in time to hear Elysia's wish to have Aris' child, but while that certainly seemed to anger him, her delayed reaction to his entrance seemed to upset him a great deal more. "Locked the...." Alaric muttered, his enraged face contorting into one of utter disbelief. Aris, initially startled by Alaric's sudden intrusion, quickly recovered and chuckled lightly as she relaxed back down onto the bed, her change in posture causing her cock to grind against Elysia's sweet spot, sending another mind-numbing wave of pleasure coursing up the seamstress's spine. "It's quite alright dear~" the demon knight cooed lightly, and then relaxed back and gave another light upward thrust, again sending undeniably powerful pleasure coursing through Elysia's body. Her spirit was heavily drained by that point, leaving her feeling weak and faint, but she managed to climb off of Aris' cock and scramble for the covers after Aris' second post-coital push.

Once she was off and reasonably covered, Alaric turned his gaze upon the nude demoness whom he had found his love mounting, who was laying back upon the bed with her hands folded behind her head, an utterly smug expression on her face as she looked back at Alaric, her shaft still standing firm between them while glistening with Elysia's love honey and the semen that had escaped her pussy by clinging to it. "A little.... Busy!?" Alaric blurted, turning for a moment to Elysia as she spoke again, and it was plain to see that his fury was rising. The blacksmith had paled, and his fury was rapidly rising to the boiling point. "Quite busy!" Aris added, turning Alaric's attention back to her, causing the pale man's cheeks to grow even redder as she had made no effort to cover her nudity. He opened his mouth to speak, but Aris quickly cut him off by addressing Elysia; "Oh you needn't worry about getting dressed at the moment dear! You'll need a bit of rest, I'm afraid that I might have gobbled up just a tiny but too much of you and left precious little left behind. You were just so delicious, I couldn't resist~ It's only because you've got so much to spare that you haven't passed out!"

Her words only served to anger Alaric further, causing a vein to pop out on his brow, but then Aris opted to display more cruelty than she had shown earlier, though Elysia would be largely dulled to it, as she added; "I believe that this man would like to have words with me in some fashion.... Elysia dear, would you be so kind as to clean me up? I did so enjoy the way you used your tongue earlier, and it should suffice for this~" Alaric was visibly taken aback, but while the demeaning order might have normally been refused immediately by the seamstress, Elysia found her own will supplanted suddenly before a proper refusal could even form in her mind, and she was compelled by Aris' implanted control over her to obey. Soon enough she would taste the mixture of her juices and her lover's seed, the sweet tasting goo threatening to reawaken her lusts for the demoness as she was made to swallow it all down, introducing even more aphrodisiacs to her system while they were still recovering from the last batch. Thankfully it was diluted by her love honey, and not in sufficient quantity to break her down completely anyway, but even so Alaric would be made to watch her clean her mistress off with her mouth, and clearly enjoy doing so to boot.

"Eh... Elysia! What are you doing!?" the blacksmith demanded furiously, but then it seemed to click in his mind just Aris replied on her behalf; "As she's told. Are you blind, or simple? You are intruding, good sir. I had thought you would be busy all day, what occasions the -" The demoness was cut off about then, after Elysia had had sufficient time to work at cleaning her lover's cock to get the task mostly finished, as Alaric blurted out; "This is your doing, demon! Get up, now! I knew that your wretched kind could not be trusted to act with any sort of decency! Rise and dress, that we might continue this outside! Rise, or I will crush your skull where you lay for your malevolence!" The blacksmith had roared those words, the sound so loud that it likely carried well beyond the walls of the cottage in which Elysia and Aris had been coupling, and the volume at which he spoke momentarily startled even the demon knight.

Aris's reaction was not one of fear, however, but rather a tension that spoke of returning violence in kind if it were directed at her. Sighing heavily, she looked down at Elysia, briefly offering her a reassuring smile, and said; "You've done excellently, cleaning me up... I'm afraid that our session will have to end for the moment though, as your friend here seems quite upset about something. Fret not, I'll be but a moment." She would then gently nudge Elysia away from her cock, and subsequently climb out of bed. Her member quickly vanished back into her body as she moved, and she retrieved and hastily donned her clothing while speaking to Alaric; "She need not see this, and I suspect that you will prefer that she does not. I will humor you, blacksmith, but I would advise keeping your head. You may not get it back if you lose it." Alaric made no response to the implied threat, but it seemed that neither wanted Elysia to witness what was about to take place between them. How she felt about that and what she would do in response was left up to her however, as Aris hadn't issued any actual commands. Her spirit, heavily drained by the demoness, lacked the strength to allow her to use any of the magics that she'd been taught, meaning that it would be impossible for her to intervene between them in a combative sense even if she'd wanted to.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

When the demonic seductress feasted upon Elysia's immense pool of spiritual energy, it was a banquet that the seamstress would not deny her. Or rather, she couldn't. Had Aris made a more negative first impression, or managed to repulse the blue-haired beauty in the same way Typhon had, it might have been a different story. But the knight had done herself a great favor by treating the spirit wielder as kindly as she did. And that, combined with her own personal appeal, unnatural magnetism, and enthralling bodily fluids, made for a turn of events that left Elysia helpless to do anything other than obey her. If such a plan was calculated, then it was done so masterfully.

"A-Ah..." she stuttered with a gasp after her Mistress' initial warning, feeling the effects of the drain upon her soul only then. It seemed that even staying conscious was a chore in and of itself. But somehow, she didn't mind the sudden episode of fatigue, especially if it had come as a result of helping satisfy Aris' needs. Something in her mind told her that it was all worth it, and that she'd do it over and over, as many times as it took, to please her Mistress. That was all she needed, and her modesty fell by the wayside as she was given the order to not worry about getting dressed. Even if she was embarrassed, Aris' will was absolute, and so she allowed the sheet to fall, revealing once again her beautiful form to the visitor, the flush and glistening of sweat still covering her bounteous chest.

Aris giving her instructions made it easier for Elysia to forget about such peripheral worries, and so she immediately set about to clean the demoness, just as ordered. It didn't matter that Alaric was there, staring at her... she'd show him everything, if that was what the Mistress wanted. "Yes, of course," she replied obediently, And so she slipped off of the bed, finding that her legs still felt like jelly after the intense session. It didn't matter, though, as she soon lowered herself to her knees anyway, taking her position in front of the knight with her back turned to the angry blacksmith. Leaning forward, she looked up at Aris before going to work, running her tongue up and down the demonic cavalier's shaft with as much zeal as she could muster, then taking it into her mouth completely, making audible sucking noises as she went on.

Her cheeks dimpled as she employed as much suction as possible to relieve the redhead's sensitive cock of the various fluids upon it. As she did so, she leaned forward further so that she could do her job better, and in the process gave Alaric a much better view of her backside, as well as the dripping creampie that she had been given as a gift by her generous Mistress. Two large globs of seed slid out from between her petals and spattered on the floor, and yet she was still so full. Feeling them escape her pussy, Elysia reached a hand down below to cover herself, her brow furrowing. How absent minded of her! Aris' treasure was not to be wasted, and so she made every effort to ensure that it stayed deep within her as she went on with the favor.

The lewd display did little to deter Elysia from pleasing the other woman, and she twisted her head from side to side as she bobbed up and down on her Mistress' member. She'd look up at Aris, gauging her expression as if to ensure that she was doing a good job, and would adjust accordingly if she wasn't. Of course, she swallowed all and any of the fluids she'd acquired via the process, causing her to go light-headed once again. She found herself utterly and hopelessly addicted to Aris' sweet love juices, her unnatural dedication renewed with every gulp she took down. Thanks to the effects of Aris' enthrallment, she had gone from a mild-mannered seamstress to little more than a bitch in heat and a loyal servant to the black knight. It was likely a nightmarish scene for Alaric to bear witness to, but while the true Elysia would have shared in his horror, this one didn't mind it at all, mainly because it coincided with Aris' pleasure--and that came before everything else.

If she allowed herself to listen, she'd find that Alaric was upset in no small amount, even going so far as to challenge the Mistress to some sort of duel. "How dare he! The nerve!" said the primary voice inside of her, which spoke the loudest, while another deeper in could only find immense fear in such an implication, for whatever reason. She gave Aris a pleased smile after finishing, though it didn't last for too long. The atmosphere had become thick with tension. But seeing as both, especially the knight, preferred Elysia to not bear witness to what was about to happen, she nodded slowly and allowed them to leave of their own accord. Something bothered her, and greatly so, telling her to run outside as fast as possible... but she couldn't quite bring herself to obey the hidden voice just yet.
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Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 49, PP = 47, EP = 0/122, Status = Exhausted, DOUBLE Pregnant, Enthralled

Elysia, though she barely paid the smith any attention at that point, would hear a horrified gasp as she obeyed Aris' will without so much as a moment's hesitation despite the lewd nature of her command. With her face pointed in the direction that it was, Elysia would miss the look of outrage on Alaric's face as he watched her take her mouth to the shaft of her mistress, licking the cock that had given her so much pleasure and just put a child in her belly clean. Aris certainly seemed to appreciate Elysia's efforts however, as she would feel the woman's body making light shifts to present as much of herself as possible with as easy an angle for the beautiful seamstress as she could. Their exchanged, Alaric's heated words and Aris' sardonic responses, took place over the sucking noises that Elysia's efforts to clean her mistress's tool, a fact that only seemed to infuriate Alaric even further as he watched her do it.

The sight of Aris' cream dripping from between her freshly abused petals, when it was presented to him just after his demand that Aris rise and face him, caused Alaric to let out an enraged groan under his breath. That she then reached behind her to prevent any more of the vital fluids from dripping free of her freshly fertilized crevice again only served to make it even worse, but as she bobbed up and down on Aris' shaft she would feel it twitching excitedly, the potent aphrodisiac's present in her lover's seed receiving a more invigorating addition as the mixed cream she had just licked off was joined by some of the demon knight's deliciously sweet precum. Aris looked quite pleased by her work when she glanced down at Elysia, a tense smile and the light touch of her fingers against the top of Elysia's head, gently urging her on, enough to signal that she could easily have brought her mistress to another orgasm with only her mouth if she had just been given a few more moments to work.

However, as much as her body might desire another dose of the demon's addicting sperm, and as much as Aris seemed to enjoy the idea of giving it to her, Alaric was seemingly not to be denied, and after a few more seconds of basking in the pleasure offered by Elysia's skilled and dedicated sucking her mistress urged her mouth off of her cock. The organ that she had been so enamored with vanished into Aris' body as she climbed out of bed, after which she donned her clothing. Both glared at one another for a moment after that, leaving Elysia momentarily ignored, and as the seamstress chose not to speak up she was left alone right where she lay, nude and full to the brim with her mistress's potent seed. Alaric and Aris left together, and then the exhausted seamstress was given a longer leash on her will as her mistress departed. Her drained spirit and exhausted body, despite the drug-induced lust still pounding through her, both desired sleep, but whether she would surrender to that desire was a choice that only she could make.

If she remained awake, she would be able to track the two as they traversed the house, exiting the bedroom and going downstairs before finally leaving via the front door. Aris' voice was heard first, muffled as if the demoness was speaking low, and in response the seamstress heard Alaric shouting back quite clearly; "You made this necessary when you raped Elysia, scoundrel!" A rich laugh and more muffled words from her beloved followed, and Alaric seemed even more frustrated as he replied; "It was rape! It was every bit as much rape as it was when the scum from her home village came to her in the night and drugged her! Just like you have!" Another rich laugh, and this time Elysia would hear Aris clearly as she responded; "Was it now? So this has happened before? You don't seem to be doing a very good job of protecting her, blacksmith. She was raped before under your watch, it seems, and would be an empty, soulless husk in service to the invaders right now had my kin and I not arrived and saved your village from them. Perhaps she is safer with me than she is with you, hrm?"

There was a wordless roar from Alaric in response, and a second or so later there was a thud and a series of grunts, followed by another thud. "You see? I'm not even trying and you can't even lay a finger on me. She really is better off without you~" Aris would say, and a masculine grunt and another series of shuffling noises would be heard before another thud sounded, coming only a few seconds later. "Please~" Aris cooed lightly, the delight present in her voice obvious, "Stop embarrassing yourself! I may have to teach you some manners if you persist~" Alaric said something in response, his muffled voice hoarse, and then another scuffle followed by another thud. More muffled voices, and then again a brief fight before the blacksmith was seemingly put to the ground. Three more times this happened, before Aris would be heard saying; "You begin to bore me, blacksmith. Your accusations are unfounded and your mannerisms repulsive. Elysia willingly took to my side, not out of any coercion on my part, but out of recognition of my superiority. My daughter surely grows in her even as we speak. Attempt violence against me again and I will claim you as a slave once you are beaten, and attempt to harm her in any manner and I will kill you in the most graphic and painful manner that my fury will conjure at the time."

A few seconds later there was another pair of thumps, one after another, and then the front door of her rented shop opened, and a few moments later her mistress had returned. Aris was perfectly unharmed, her clothes no more ruffled than they had been when she'd left a few moments prior, and she smiled broadly upon seeing Elysia. "We shouldn't have to worry about further interruptions now, my sweet~" she said softly in a voice that showed of smug satisfaction as well as her pleasure at being returned to the bed that she and Elysia shared, disrobing again to reveal her well-muscled physique for Elysia's pleasure. As the amazonian goddess returned to her, a sense of fulfillment filled Elysia's heart from the demon's hold on her soul, and as Aris laid down beside Elysia, she said; "Would you like to continue where we left off, or are you too weary for more? I would understand if you're tired, dear.... I certainly gave you quite the workout, after all! But I could never tire of joining with you, and your "cleaning" got me ever so excited earlier~"
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Despite the fatigue threatening to overcome her at any moment, Elysia noticed the mess that was made as a direct result of the tryst with her Mistress. Without thinking, she retrieved a scrap of cloth from her sewing kit that could serve as a makeshift rag and immediately went about cleaning it all up, off of the floor and sheets--or wherever else the mixture of love juices might have dripped during the act, unable to help but do so rather listlessly thanks to the energy that had been taken from her. It was only right. After all, it wasn't even her home, or her bed... though that concern somehow seemed less prevalent than it might have been before. Her place in Blinlock seemed less and less important, so long as she stayed with Aris. That was all she needed. The notion repeated itself, over and over again in her conscious mind. But although the simplicity of such a purpose might prove comforting to some, it didn't help in snuffing out the underlying discord Elysia felt in her heart.

As she worked, she couldn't help but overhear tidbits of the conversation that arose between Aris and Alaric. Such a heated confrontation would have brought about a feeling of unease to anyone, and despite the foreign forces working in her mind, Elysia was no exception to this. Scrubbing a small puddle of fluids off of the floor, she bit her lip, fighting the temptation to look outside. Alaric no doubt spoke in her defense, and yet for some reason, Aris' logic seemed strangely infallible, difficult for the current Elysia to argue with. That was why she loved her Mistress above all--because no one else was more capable of protecting her, appreciating her and making her feel safe. The blacksmith was a good man, but he had overstepped his boundaries. She knew as much when she heard Alaric's angered roar, followed by several audible thuds. What was going on out there?

The tailoress knew that she had good reason to be worried, but all she could think about was the demonic knight's well-being. Even when the sounds of the scuffle came to an eventual halt, with Aris the apparent victor, a mixture of various negative emotions swirled deep within her chest. In her immediate mind, she was relieved that her Mistress was unharmed, and yet something was just... wrong, out of place, like she had lost an important possession. Before long, she could feel the urge to cry coming on. Tears welled up in her eyes, and yet she couldn't figure out exactly why. The visible hints of unease on her face were but the tip of the iceberg, a mere preview to what lay deeper within. Still, she hadn't the sense to properly identify the truth of the matter; that she had been enthralled by the demonic emissary, and that her newest lover, a man whom she had genuinely fallen for, had been seriously injured by the very person who seduced her.

And yet when she looked up to see Aris in the doorway, all of that went away, the lingering doubts in the seamstress' mind pushed aside by the other woman's very presence. Slowly getting to her feet, as quickly as her weakened state would allow, Elysia ran forward into the arms of her Mistress. "Are you alright? What of Alaric?" She wouldn't allow the question to linger for long, however. The knight's answer, however simple or complicated, was one that Elysia was all too inclined to believe, given the immense trust she had for the demon as a result of her enthrallment. She felt only a tinge of discomfort upon hearing Aris' words. Something deep inside told her she was being lied to, but the voice was muffled just as quickly. Her shoulders slumped as she leaned forward against the taller woman. If she were to be honest, she WAS extremely tired--on the verge of passing out, even. But hearing that she managed to excite the Mistress in such a manner proved quite encouraging to the strangely devoted tailoress, and when the redhead sat down upon the edge of the bed, Elysia lowered herself to her knees in front of her, offering a weak smile.

"I'm glad," she answered. "It's the least I can do to repay you for protecting me like you have all this time." Words like those, normally reserved for Alaric, were now shamelessly being spoken to someone she had only just met. And while the cache of negative emotions still loomed deep beneath the surface, they wouldn't bother Elysia nearly as much while the demon was still this close to her, paying her all the attention and compliments a girl could ask for. It was only right that she paid her proper tribute, and so she resumed her services from before, running her hands up and down Aris' thighs and admiring her goddess' well-toned physique. The tool the knight had used to inseminate her earlier was absent, with only a feminine flower in place of it now. But despite the seamstress' initial sexual preference, this wouldn't stop her, much like the influence of the shorn pollen. Elysia's crimson eyes wandered up to meet those of her Mistress before she took in her womanly scent, then proceeded to take a series of long licks at Aris' crevice until it was sopping wet. Anyone who thought Elysia to be completely straight would have been fooled at the way she proceeded to lap away at the knight's pussy with such fervor.

But it wasn't enough, not nearly so. As the flow of the crimson-haired beauty's juices increased in volume, Elysia proved herself all too happy to slurp them right up, unwittingly renewing the artificial hold over her and further burying any doubts she had about the integrity of the dark rider under feelings of lust and satisfaction. She was unceasing in her efforts, determined to draw out as much of Aris' love juices as she could from the demon's pink crevice, her will and eagerness to please temporarily overriding any fatigue previously felt on her part. When she heard her Mistress' coos and sighs of bliss, it only spurred her on further, motivating Elysia to do nothing less than her very best. Her tongue slipped in and out from between Aris' slick folds, making a scooping motion so as to collect as much of the addicting honey as she could. She didn't hesitate to swallow it all down, either, showing her devotion in such a manner. It wouldn't be the only spot she paid special attention to, however, as she worked her way up towards Aris' clit, pulling the hood back with her fingers and vigorously stroking the exposed nub for all it was worth, tracing small circles and other patterns upon the sensitive surface with the very tip of her tongue. Then, trapping it in between her soft, wet lips, she suckled on it while resuming eye contact.

Hopefully that would be enough to urge the demoness into regrowing her rod from before, and should the mistress oblige, her newest servant would be all too eager to welcome the newly sprouted shaft into the blissful warmth of her mouth. If Aris was telling the truth about never tiring of Elysia, the seamstress would look to ensure as much by providing the best head that she knew how to give, alternating between various styles of service and ensuring that it was glistening with her saliva before finally settling on a manner by which she could allow the demoness to finally finish. With her lips puckered and narrowed into a ring, making a nearly airtight seal around Aris' girth, she began to bob up and down on the other woman's pole without pause. "Mmm... hnnn... hnnnhh... mmmhmm!" she murmured in anticipation of feeling her partner's hot spunk fill her mouth once more. If Aris did cum, Elysia would squeal in pleasure, her head going light as the fumes she had been running on finally dissipated. She had given every last drop of her remaining energy for the purpose of pleasing her Mistress, and that was all she could handle for the time being. Elysia's consciousness finally gave way, with her only having swallowed half of the load she was given--even she was unsure if she had even managed to acquire it by the time she plunged into the world of darkness and sleep.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 49, PP = 47, EP = 122, Status = Alright, DOUBLE Pregnant, Enthralled

Making no sign of distress or the like at Elysia's concerns about the blacksmith that she had heard the demon knight beating on only moments prior, Aris cooed reassuringly and wrapped her arms around Elysia in a comforting hug. "I said not to fret! Tut tut~ Your blacksmith friend is fine, I gave him no bruises that won't heal swiftly save perhaps the ones on his pride. I was gentle, for both of your sakes, as I knew his intentions to be noble even if his mannerisms were ever so tiring," she said as she stroked Elysia's side, an act that would undoubtedly bring light shivers to the enthralled seamstress. The demon knight then merely smiled as Elysia vocalized her gratitude, and when the seamstress made to assume her earlier actions Aris unsurprisingly offered no resistance.

Lying back as Elysia's body language demanded she do, Aris let out a relieved sigh as the beautiful seamstress put her head between the demon's legs and got to things without any hesitation. When she looked up and started lapping at Aris' flower, Elysia found the superhumanly attractive demoness looking back with an incredibly pleased expression, her initial efforts drawing forth a series of light sighs that slowly melded into moans as Elysia was spurred on by them. The demon knight's feminine love juices were no less addicting than her semen had been, possessing an extremely similar sweet taste that was positively delectable to the seamstress, and the aphrodisiacs present in them were no less potent now than they'd been when imbibed along with Aris' sperm. She seemed able to produce the lubricating juices in equally prodigious amounts as well, and continued to do so even after Elysia had moved her attentions from her folds to her highly sensitive clit.

"Ooooohhh! So... Nnnn.... Adventurous! And I'd thought you... Ahhh! Hadn't done that much before!" she cooed softly between moans, and settled in to enjoy the seamstress's treatment and settled an encouraging hand into her pale blue hair. Aris was nothing if not perceptive, however, and it was clear enough from her attentions to the demon's clit what Elysia wanted. Soon enough she would feel a tiny burst of magic, and a cock identical to the one that had caused her so much pleasure only a short while ago burst forth and grew from her mistress's crotch. "That's what you want, no? Knock yourself out~"

Once Elysia had the delectable tool back in front of her, she would find Aris releasing very familiar moans and gasps as she applied her talented lips and tongue to it. The aphrodisiacs present in her cum were potent enough to keep her awake and focused on her task, at least for the moment, and Aris' obvious enjoyment of her attentions was surely motive enough to inspire Elysia to see her task to completion. When she went from providing pleasure to seeking the demon's orgasm, Elysia found Aris happily obliging as she bobbed her head onto the thick, throbbing shaft presented for her. "Ooooh yes! Just like that! Aahhhnnnn~" Aris groaned, and after a few more seconds Elysia would feel the throbbing shaft in her mouth jump as it erupted, spewing another colossal load down the seamstress's throat. What happened after that, however, was a bit murky, as Elysia's consciousness quickly faded even as Aris shot her fourth load for the day into her mouth.


(Elysia gains another 5 corruption.)

When she came to, Elysia found herself alone in the bed in which she had made love to her mistress, wrapped in blankets but bereft of the demon's warmth. Darkness had fallen, but it was clear enough that Aris was absent, as Elysia could only smell her wonderful scent on the leftovers staining the fabric of the covers laid over her, and wouldn't feel her spiritual presence anywhere in the room either. Her soul had largely repaired itself from the demon's feeding, though Elysia would still feel the stains of her corruption, and though she had a fairly bad headache it would register as something entirely worthwhile for the ability to please her mistress as she had before she'd passed out. After a moment she would remember the presence of a lantern on the bedstand beside the bed on which she lay, the light requiring little more than the turn of a switch to reveal that the darkened room was indeed empty save for herself. There was a note lying beneath a leather pouch set right beside the lantern, her wrist having disturbed the pouch as she reached for the lantern if she had done so rather than try to conjure some sort of sorcerous light source.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Thanks to the libido-boosting effects of Aris' love juices, which she happily slurped up and swallowed, the seamstress would have been good for another round or three--but the energy (or lack thereof) remaining left in her body and soul simply was not enough to sustain her at that point. As strong as her spirit was, it had been drained of far too much by the demonic seductress, and needed to replenish itself for her to be able to go the extra rounds. Elysia released a soft, high-pitched squeak as the intoxicating spunk filled her mouth, and did her best to suck it all up, puckering her lips tight as the rhythmic contractions of her throat delivered the majority of the potent, milky load into her stomach.

She was still weak, however, and some of the excess cum trickled from the corners of her lips as she continued to do her best to please the knight, a wasteful offense that the now enthralled woman would have never allowed herself to do otherwise... but it didn't matter at that point. Elysia collapsed seconds later, her head rested sideways on Aris' lap as semen oozed from between her partially opened mouth. Black clouds closed around her vision, causing her field of view to shrink until there was only darkness.


The pitch black background only felt as if it was there for a moment or two, as the tailoress soon found her slumber to shift into the world of dreams. She wasn't aware of it though, as dreams had their own way of feeling incredibly realistic despite how otherworldly they could often be. Yet this one was simple enough... at first. A scene unfolded before Elysia's eyes, one that was separate from her current form, and one that she found herself unable to interact with no matter how hard she would have liked to--she was essentially incorporeal in this particular setting.

An image of her, Alaric, and an unnamed boy sat at a table in the blacksmith's house, the light of day pouring through the windows. The Elysia that appeared there was dressed in rather conservative clothes in comparison to her usual style, as was the 'family' around her. She took a look at her copy, who exchanged meaningful looks with the hulking smith before helping feed breakfast to the youth who was presumably her son. While it might have been a boring scene to some, the general environment had a feeling of happiness, of contentment to it.

A look past the door, however, didn't show the familiar roads of Blinlock like she expected it to. Instead, it led right into a nighttime scene at some sort of manor, one that was still lit up with the extravagant blues, purples and reds of artificial, magic-based light. Upon a velvety plush couch sat a different Elysia, dressed in far more revealing--but stylish--clothes, alongside Aris, who had several other servants attending to them, delivering all manner of fine wines and gifts for them to inspect. With them was a daughter, undoubtedly belonging to the crimson-haired knight, who the scantily clad Elysia doted on just as much as her counterpart did for her son.

Both scenes, as different as they were, shared an important detail--in each one, 'Elysia', or the version of herself that she saw, was undoubtedly happy. But despite the content looks upon her dream dopplegangers' faces, why was the scene so... unsettling? She couldn't figure it out for the life of her.

Then, as if to answer the question that nagged at the back of her mind, her loved ones in the first scenario, Alaric, along with their son, suddenly fell to the ground, lifeless. The happy feelings in the image had vanished in an instant, replaced by tremendous waves of despair. Elysia in her current state could only watch as one of her mirror images desperately sought to revive her family to no avail. Aris, from the adjacent room, gave a knowing look at the distraught, more plain Elysia through the door between them, and suddenly it closed.

Both of the images blurred out of focus for the dreamer watching it all, as no one was left to protect her, to hold her, to be there for her to rely on. Behind her, she saw a winding path, not unlike the one she took from Laerwick to Blinlock. Had she run away from home... only to experience this? The sounds of doors slamming shut echoed around her.

Still, she didn't wake. The dream continued on, shrouded in a lonely darkness as she continued to walk along the mysterious path. It was hard to tell how long she trudged along, but the scenes from before were now long gone.


Elysia stirred a few times before rolling over to grasp at a body that wasn't there. Her tear-filled eyes fluttered open, and she then shivered as she was overcome with a feeling of cold, one that she hadn't quite noticed in her deep slumber. Gripping the covers around her, she wrapped herself up in them tighter without thinking, only to find a strange, empty feeling in her heart. She could remember bits and pieces of the dream she just had, but the more her conscious mind pondered it, the less any of it made sense. Why was she dreaming about having a family with Alaric when the scene with Aris was the only one that made sense? It was as puzzling as it was unsettling.

But now that she was awake, she knew that the odd loneliness she felt had to have been caused by the apparent absence of one person--Aris, her Mistress. Where could she be? A feeling of mild distress settled in her chest, and her first instinct was to look for the red-haired beauty.

But in order to do that, she'd need to see. Reaching out drowsily for the lantern beside her, she flicked it on, only to have her gaze shift onto the pouch that she had accidentally nudged while doing so. Underneath the bag itself was a note. Could it be from Aris? Opening the folded piece of parchment, she did her best to clear her eyes before reading whatever might have been written upon it.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 49, PP = 47, EP = 122, Status = Alright, DOUBLE Pregnant, Enthralled

The note did indeed turn out to be from Aris, as upon opening it she would find it written in a flowing script that glowed softly in the dim light provided by the oil lantern. The red ink in which it was penned giving off a faint aura of magic that the seamstress would be able to perceive, meaning it would have been easy enough to read it even in the dark.

Dearest Elysia,
I am sorry that I was not able to remain with you until you awoke, but pressing matters needed attending and I was called away. I left the initial fee for the work that I requested of you, I hope that it is enough to at least cover your expenses at the very least. Knowing that you would likely awake in a state of discomfort, I had one of my associates bring you something for the headache and something to eat. They ought to still be in the house since I instructed them to look after you while I was away, so please don't be alarmed by their presence. I do not know how long my tasks will take or where precisely they will take me, but I hope at the very least that I will see you tomorrow morning at the inn, Stenten's, though I may be around there later tonight as well depending on how long the meeting with the mayor takes.
Sincerely yours, Aris

Whatever her reaction to the letter left by Aris, Elysia would sense the presence of someone waiting outside of the door, a soft shuffling and a single light click sound indicating that someone was there. The door was slightly cracked, but whoever was outside didn't seem to be peeking and wasn't making any effort to enter, not yet at least.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Squinting her eyes slightly, Elysia read over the note carefully, her chest swirling with various emotions. On one end, there was relief. Her Mistress wouldn't abandon her for TOO long, so she said, and that word she could bring herself to trust.

On the other, there was already a degree of loneliness from having to be alone again for another day or so... and odd uncertainty about everything, given the strange dream she just woke up from. It was... strangely eerie, and yet not as disturbing as it could have been. Surely Alaric had learned his lesson by now, perhaps with a few bumps and bruises, as Aris mentioned. But why had she dreamed about having a family with him?

Shaking off the troubling thoughts, Elysia moved her focus towards starting on her next sewing project. However, she soon heard a noise, seemingly louder than it really was given the silence in the room. "Hello? Is... anyone there?" she asked meekly, before standing up if she could. Perhaps this was the 'associate' that Aris was talking about? If no answer was given, she would then move to the door and slowly open it.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 49, PP = 47, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins, Enthralled

No answer came at Elysia's voice save for a brief repeat of the shuffling and the soft clicking, and after a moment the seamstress was left with no choice but to proceed toward the door and pull it open. She had, in the interim, forgotten that she was still completely naked, but whether that became more or less of a concern when the figure waiting outside her door was revealed was up to her. Seated on the floor just outside of her bedroom was a beast the size of a small horse, covered in black fur and sporting a pair of blood red eyes and glowed in the darkness, illuminating a canine face and the maw filled with teeth that were nearly as long as one of her pinky fingers. The hellhound was still recognizable to her even without the shadow armor covering its body, and as it sat she had to tilt her head back to view its face, which was less than two feet from her own.... And clutching a small paper bag by the top between its teeth, the majority of it thankfully unsullied by the demonic hound's saliva.

Despite its fearsome countenance, the creature tilted its head and then jutted its maw forward as if offering her the paper bag, and its tail - tipped in a bony blade reminiscent of a harvesting scythe that clacked against the ground whenever the rest of the tail thumped against the wooden floor - started wagging just like a more terrestrial canine's might.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia gasped in surprise upon seeing the fearsome crimson eyes and generally frightening appearance of the hellhound. While she was fond of the animals roaming around her home village of Laerwick, she still hadn't gotten quite as accustomed to the demonic beast's otherworldly image as she would have liked; after all, it looked something like a monster out of the stories she was told as a child. However, she was older now, and despite her initial recoil, managed to compose herself as she figured that this was Aris' 'associate'. Upon taking a closer look she would also recognize it as the one that saved her from one of the aliens during the massive battle from the other day. At the time it had showed her hints of trust and kindness; the least she could do was return the favor.

Of course. So that was what Aris meant in warning not to be alarmed by 'their presence'. A friend of the Mistress was a friend of hers, and so any initial tension that built up in her chest slowly released itself. And despite its otherwise fearsome countenance, the dog's demeanor was inviting and friendly enough, so she eased a hand forward and gently took the paper bag from its mouth, then gave it a few pets on the head.

"Thank you," she said aloud, managing a soft smile. As her mental designation of the beast was still more animal than human, she didn't bother covering herself up the same way she would have if an actual person had come through the door. Turning around, she walked back to the bed before opening the bag to check what was in it, beckoning the dog to follow her inside if it was so inclined. Beckoning the hellhound to sit next to her, she would scratch behind its ears with one hand while looking over the goods. She figured it best to spend a bit of time with her new attendant and get a feel for its general behavior before picking up on any crafts right away.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 49, PP = 47, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins, Enthralled

The hellhound allowed her to take the bag from its maw, the paper thankfully not terribly soaked with its slobber, and then leaned lightly into the pats on the head that she gave it as its tail batted against the floor a little bit harder. The great beast rose to its feet and followed her into the room at her behest, its eyes settled firmly onto the seamstress's shapely rear as it trailed after her, though she likely wouldn't notice it as doing so given her mental designation of it as an animal rather than a person. Inside of the bag that it had carried, Elysia found a small paper package containing some dried leaves, another note with a small iron key attached to it, and a handful of freshly picked strawberries. The hellhound happily sit beside her and submit to her scratching behind its ears, the thumping and clattering of its tail telling of its appreciation of such touches, and after a moment it would begin to pant happily.

The second note, also written by Aris, read;
Dearest Elysia,
I am happy to inform you that my workings didn't take as long as I had suspected! I know that you have tasks that must be completed, but if you grow bored of or frustrated with your workings I would hardly complain of your company. Tonight after you have eaten and rested a bit, or tomorrow morning, either would be fine with me. I even convinced the innkeeper to surrender an additional key to my room in case you would like to visit me there~ I'm in room 208, at the end of the hall on the second floor. Until next we meet, I am placing Bacchus here at your full service. Do be kind to him! He is a sweet thing despite his fierce appearance, and can understand everything that you say just as clearly as a person might, even if he cannot speak back.
Sincerely yours, Aris
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia gave a few light pats on the bed beside her to see if the hellhound would recognize her invitation like any other dog. She found herself terribly hungry for some reason, and so she began to idly munch on the strawberries included in the care package as she opened the letter and laid it on her lap. The tailoress continued to pet the canine upon his head and even his belly as she read the note, soon discovering his name--Bacchus--as well as the fact that her Mistress would be available for her once more in little time at all.

"I guess it's just the two of us for now, then," she told Bacchus before boldly offering him one of the strawberries. "Though I wonder what time it is..." she added aloud, taking a moment to stand up and glance outside the window to see if she could gauge the hour. It did seem fairly dark out. Were people still awake?

Either way, it certainly wasn't too late to enjoy some tea, as far as she was concerned, and so she moved downstairs into the kitchen to boil some water, taking the lit lantern and tea leaves with her and beckoning Bacchus over to follow as well. As the place seemed empty to her knowledge, she didn't bother putting any clothes on for the time being. And though the lingering memory of the dream she just had flashed into her mind for just a moment as her bare feet touched the cool wooden floor of the first level, she waved off the concern for the time being. It was, after all, just a dream... and nothing more.

After the tea was ready, she located the proper ceramics for it and treated herself to a cup or two, which helped ease her back into a more wide awake state. Then it finally occurred to her. Was 'tonight'... now? While she was given the option, she wasn't about to turn down an invitation from Aris. But her hair was a mess, and she still had the 'morning' look about her. It wouldn't do to present herself in such a state; the fashionable woman was usually keen on putting her best appearance for others, and so bed-head simply was not something she would show. Elysia searched around for any towels as well as a bathing area she could use before paying her next visit.

What she found was a bath of sorts, and seeing as she was already in the nude, it was only natural for her to proceed inside. She then turned to the hellhound. "Be a good dog and keep watch for me, alright?" requested the beautiful seamstress with a smile, leaning down and stroking him on the head.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 49, PP = 47, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins, Enthralled

Bacchus tilted his head eagerly into Elysia's attentions as any canine would, but later sniffed at the offered strawberry briefly before flicking his ears back and looking away without taking the small piece of fruit. Glancing out the window would reveal that it was fully night out, and there were few enough signs of life in the poorly lit streets of Blinlock that it was entirely likely that most folk had already gone to bed.

Heading downstairs in the nude with her hellhound guardian a few steps behind her, Elysia found the house entirely empty save for the two of them, and would be free to prepare her tea in peace. The water was still running, but unless she wanted it cold she would need to produce a fire to heat the water, either in the wood stove or via the gas burners. Once she had her water boiling, she would soon have some tea, which would prove both bitter and sweet at the same time and also mildly successful at easing her headache. She would also find another package containing some food, though it was simplistic travel stuff that was hardly of a tasty variety.

Whether she ate more than those strawberries or not, Elysia would be able to proceed to her bath next without issue, with Bacchus again flitting his ears back at her request but sitting still outside of the doorway anyway. His tongue flicked out to lick her fingers as she stroked his head following her request, and if she for some reason glanced downwards it would be difficult to miss the swelling taking place down below, but the beast's length had not yet come forth from its sheath, not in full at any rate. The tub she found in the bathing room was a simplistic metal thing with drains attached, and could be used as a shower or as a regular bath. There was a grate beneath it and some blackened stone to suggest that it had been heated by fire, however, and there was no wood present for her to burn up here. It would have to be a cold bath if she didn't come up with some method of heating the water, and with the autumn chill having descended while she slept that prospect likely wasn't a particularly pleasant one.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

The seamstress giggled at the canine's reactions to her offer of the berry before popping the rejected fruit into her mouth. "Not your thing, huh? That's okay. More for me, I guess," she commented before moving on. It was a common habit of hers to talk to animals as if they were people. Being an only child, and one who was so often in the company of the various fauna about the village of Laerwick, Elysia had a learned affinity to creatures both wild and domesticated. Even if this particular hound had a bladed tail, its mannerisms had reminded her far too much of the dogs she knew, and so she treated it as one.

Once she was downstairs, she opened the front door of the heavy black wood-burning stove, checking to see how much lumber was left. Two logs. It would have to do, and so despite her headache, she managed to focus just enough, channeling her psychic energies to produce friction in the air just beneath the wood. What resulted was a small flame, which soon caught on and grew. Closing the panel afterwards, Elysia adjusted the vents as necessary before setting the kettle on top of the stove. After the telltale mist produced by the water's boiling point began to rise from the spout, she then removed the vessel and poured a portion of its contents into a cup she had with tea leaves inside. A few gentle blows upon it later and she'd be able to try it. It was delicious and soothing. Mistress always did have the best taste, she thought to herself. Idly spotting a package of some sort of food, she took a few bites of its contents, only to make a face afterwards and think better of trying to finish the rest of it. The tailoress' newfound cravings were strong, but at the same time, they were very specific. Her body wanted certain flavors. Right now, strawberries would work; dried bread and nuts would not. Even if she was still a bit hungry afterwards, she'd pass on whatever those rations were and go straight to her bath.

She did accidentally spot the trace of pink upon the beast's underside, but thought little of it. Some dogs did that, but it was never something that Elysia took as a serious threat or as a cause for major concern. Shrugging off any related thoughts for the time being, she ventured into the bathing room and observed the tub inside. She was definitely in a mood to soak and not shower. On top of that, she wanted a piping hot bath, so the cold water simply would not do. Elysia grumbled under her breath at the lack of wood. While she could generate fire on her own, it took an immense amount of focus to keep it going without anything to burn for her, and that simply wasn't her idea of a nice, relaxing bath, especially while nursing a headache. She sighed and looked over to Bacchus. "Looks like we're going to need to find some more wood... I suppose I'll have to get dressed, then." It was a hassle, especially when she was already in the state by which to jump right in, but it seemed as though she would have no other choice--unless the hellhound showed some kind of reaction that would have her do otherwise.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 49, PP = 47, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins, Enthralled

Perhaps to her surprise, Bacchus would indeed react strongly to her need for firewood, and would rise to his feet quite promptly and take a pair of steps closer to her. A low canine growl followed by a booming woof would follow once he was face to face with the seamstress, giving Elysia the distinct impression that she was to stay put. The hellhound promptly turned about with a great deal of grace, particularly given the space available within the cramped bathroom, and with a swish of the scythe at the end of its tail the demonic beast was gone.

It would only be a few minutes before it was back, however, and upon its return Elysia would find the creature shrouded again in what appeared to be solid shadow, its dark fur covered in and inky black carapace that made the already fearsome beast appear all the more threatening. Likely not helping that aspect of it were the tentacles that it now sported, well over a dozen of the things coiling out from its underside and sides, but what those tentacles clutched would hopefully be enough to assuage any discomfort that Elysia might feel at its presence.

It had brought a plethora of firewood, a dozen thick logs that would be more than enough to provide wood to burn for her bath plus plenty of smaller stuff clutched into small bundles for kindling, much of it looking freshly cut. Bacchus woofed again, his voice oddly distorted, and once she began instructing him he would place the wood into position on the mat located beneath the tub for just such a purpose. The washroom had a chimney attached to a kiln beneath the tub, meant to provide as little mess as possible in firing wood for warm baths, an old and simple design that had stood the test of time. The beast would give her a lick from one of her breasts up to her cheek, its rough tongue feeling fairly nice against the sensitive nub at the tip even in her unaroused state given how gentle the lick was, and the slobber left on her would likely be enough to make the gesture seem mostly platonic on the beast's part, allowing the seamstress to pass it off as such completely given how she had treated and thought of Bacchus up until that point. Seeing to the needs of the kiln with her hands rather than with her mental powers would require that Elysia get closer to the floor, however, as it was quite low to the ground, but she could easily do every bit of the minor adjustments needed by ordering the hellhound to do them or by using threads of her will, and could light the lot with her mind as well. More wood would be needed if she wished or an extended bath, however, and what she wanted to do about that would be up to her.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia instinctively froze in response to the thundering 'woof' that the black hound released, the tiny hairs on the back of her neck standing on end as her nerves kicked in for a moment. Even if she halfway expected it from the telltale growl that came beforehand, the sheer volume that the beast showed itself capable of producing easily caught her off-guard. While she could understand that Bacchus was only communicating, it was no less startling, and so she held perfectly still--even after he disappeared from sight completely.

Looking around, she thought to say something, but thought better of it. Where had he gone off to? Before she could turn her mental query into a verbal one, Bacchus reappeared, shrouded in shadow and tendrils. His new appearance didn't help in easing Elysia's more primal worries, that is, until she spotted the new items the hellhound was carrying with him. Of course. He had retrieved firewood for her, and in much less time than it would take for her to do so. Her face shifted from an expression of worry to that of a relieved smile, and she quietly scolded herself for ever doubting a pet of the Mistress. "Oh, perfect!" she praised him. "Yes yes, right there," added the seamstress while motioning to the kiln for him to place the firewood. "Good boy." She blinked a few times in surprise when he licked her, releasing a small gasp at the sudden gesture. It was difficult for her body not to react in some way, but she managed to place an arm over her hardening nipple and wipe some of the drool off. "H-Hey..."

Thinking little of it, she stooped down to ensure that everything was in order with the kiln. While she was possessed of unique psychic ability, Elysia was not so lazy as to resort to using her powers for everything, especially due to the amount of focus it often took. Kneeling down, she ensured that the wood Bacchus placed in was in order. Then, steeling her mind, she caused the particles in the air just under the dry wood to accelerate, causing a brief flame to start just beneath it, the same way she did with the stove. Afterwards, she would shut the metal door and rise, then dip a fingertip beneath the water's surface, waiting to get warmer before deciding to climb in. That much wood would do for the length of the bath she aimed to take, hopefully. If it lasted for at least twenty minutes or so, she would be happy enough.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 49, PP = 47, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins, Enthralled

The hellhound did little more than tilt his head at her protest, the tongue that had licked her now lolling out of the great beast's mouth in an exceedingly canine manner, and from there it was time to assemble the fire and light it. Doing so required that Elysia stoop down and bend over slightly, since she had opted to do that without relying solely on her powers, and despite the questionable wisdom of doing so in front of a hellhound the nude seamstress did just that. Thankfully, despite the creature's obvious arousal at being near to her naked form, it didn't immediately mount her and make good on its lust.

That wasn't to say that Elysia was to go unmolested, however, as she would feel the cold, wet touch of the hellhound's nose against her bottom as it sniffed at her there, and if she didn't straighten quickly she would feel the beast's tongue flick out between her cheeks to give her pussy a quick lap before it would pull away. Whether or not she rebuked it, the beast would be fairly complacent after that, and would leave her if she requested but otherwise remain nearby, lying down near the door while she waited for the water to heat and then took her bath. The psychic spark required very little effort or energy on her part, at least compared to the full extent of her abilities, but Elysia would feel her soul still slightly weakened, no doubt from giving so much of itself to her mistress earlier that day. Her essence was rebuilding itself, however, and she had no reason to doubt that it wouldn't continue to do so.

Soon enough her bath was ready, its temperature set to the ideal and the wood beneath it ready to be restocked by her canine companion if need be. What she had would last for the twenty minutes she'd allowed for herself, but she was free to soak for as long as she liked. The assorted aches and pains she'd developed since her mistress had left her, already lightened thanks to the lingering effects of Aris's massage, would largely ease away during that bath, but the warmth, relaxation, and the clean feeling afforded to her by her bath were no doubt a pleasantry all on their own, the pleasure of a real bath having been a rare thing up in the mountains in Laerwyck.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia put on a slightly awkward look and sighed upon seeing Bacchus' reaction to her scolding of him. It was an oddly cute response from what she would have felt to be an otherwise terrifying creature, at least in appearance. But despite her initial apprehension from the first time they met, he had proven himself to be reliable and helpful thus far. Moreso than many animals she knew, and for that, the seamstress was thankful. She took a breath before proceeding to work the kiln--and that was when she felt a cool, airy brushing sensation upon her nethers... followed by a warmer, wet stroke, which she unmistakably recognized to be none other than the canine's tongue. Seizing up, she yelped in surprise, then positioned herself upwards on her knees and turned around. "Eek! Y-You!" Her first instinct was to swat at him, but she thought better of it, instead making eye contact with the beast and letting out a frustrated huff. "Don't scare me like that," she said firmly but gently. Perhaps Bacchus was just a curious sort--otherwise he'd have mounted her by then, right?

Shaking off the strange notions, she turned back towards the tub to check the water, finding it pleasantly warm--a tad on the hot side, but that was how she liked it. Afterwards, she raised one leg over the edge of the bathtub, then the other, lowering herself in gradually while inhaling gradually. "Nnnnff.... ahh," she sighed, feeling the relief setting in almost instantly. It was a rare pleasure for a country girl like herself, and she indulged in it completely for the first fifteen minutes, which seemed to pass in little time at all. Elysia made a silent promise to herself that no matter where she ended up moving to, she would be able to afford a luxury like this one somehow. The very idea of leaving Blinlock so soon was previously unthinkable, but now she wouldn't hesitate if Aris were to urge her to come along on whatever trip the dark knight had in mind. That train of thought reminded her that her Mistress and savior would be ready to see her again later that night. The very thought made her heart beat faster with anticipation, the wetness down below gradually building like some conditioned reaction. Whereas a dog would drool at the thought of food, she would find her own body preparing itself to provide for Aris' wishes.

As her mind wandered, her hands idly began to work, with one clutching at her breast as the other moved between her legs. Even while underwater, she could feel the familiar, slippery sensation of her own inner folds. Elysia moaned softly as her fingertips touched down upon her petals, only to slide up towards the familiar and even more sensitive nub waiting at the top of her crevice. Rubbing at her clit in a circular motion, the tailoress tilted her head back and released a languid moan, biting her lower lip afterwards as her eyes fluttered closed. The need to be wanted grew ever more potent, and her body had already primed itself for sex. It was an utterly pleasurable feeling, and yet something of an odd one. Was she always this horny? She had just received a most satisfying session from her Mistress, and yet her body wanted more. Already she was looking forward to their next coupling, wondering to herself how Aris would claim her next. How was it all not enough?

As she continued to toy with herself down below, Elysia employed her other hand to work on massaging her breasts, causing her nipples to stand on end. It was only enough of a distraction before the sensations down below claimed the majority of her senses once again. Her surroundings seemed to fade into the background as she entered her fantasy world, where Aris laid her down on a bed in an exotic land, telling her how lovely and irreplacable she was before claiming her once again. Before she knew it, Elysia was rolling her hips into her hand, pumping a digit in and out of herself and crying out softly. A deep blush enveloped her cheeks as she worked herself towards an inevitable climax. Her legs straightened inadvertently as her eyelids fluttered further, her lips parting ever so slightly... "Hahh... hahh... mmmm~!" Elysia hoped for nothing more than Aris to walk through the door at that very moment and have her as she felt the very tip of her first orgasm settling in.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 49, PP = 47, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant with twins, Enthralled

Receiving her admonition with a canine grin, Bacchus settled back as Elysia climbed into the tub, lying down and putting his head on his paws. The demonic beast's head wasn't to remain there for long, however, as Elysia strayed from the present and into the lands of her imagination, thoughts of potential futures with Aris and the lustful nature of her service to the dark knight straying her down a path that quickly drew the hellhound's attention to her. Oblivious to the beast's silent vigil over her self-pleasuring, Elysia was left to dwell in her imagination for several minutes without her desires ever coming true, the demoness remaining present only in the thoughts inspiring the motions of her hand.

And then, all but silent save for soft clacks that were practically inaudible beneath her moans and the sloshing of her bathwater, Bacchus rose. He had watched in silence, the intelligent beast's arousal growing as he beheld her own lust, and just as Elysia was on the cusp of her first orgasm she would find herself interrupted. A soft scraping noise would be heard as the beast raised a paw to wave it at Elysia, the distracting and possibly startling noise joined after a few seconds by an entirely canine whine. Should the seamstress open her eyes, she would find the beast's ears flitted back and eyes wide, an expression that would be easily recognizable even on the massive black canine as a pining one. So much as a glance downwards would reveal the reason for his whine, the sight of his hardened length standing out against the black fur surrounding it, and once she paid him any attention at all Bacchus would lower his paw and simply stare at her while whining.

True to Aris' word regarding his loyalty, Bacchus would allow himself to be escorted out of the room if Elysia wished to finish her bath in privacy, whether or not that included indulging in further fantasies about Aris. Such would earn her a sad look the likes of which she had not seen since the last time she had seen someone teasing a puppy with food, but whatever guilt that might inspire would surely be quick to pass given the nature of the demonic beast's particular desires in this case. Any further admonition would earn her the same look, but he would not bother her further if she opted to leave him in the room while she finished her business. She could simply ignore him entirely and return to her fantasies, though she would have the distraction of his whines for a few moments before he went back to lying down beside the door.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

The rhythm of Elysia's burdened breaths grew ever quicker as she felt the budding pleasure start to take over. However, just as she was about to tip herself over the edge completely, the seamstress was startled by an audible scratching noise upon the tub she soaked in. Snapping her eyes open, she gasped and turned her gaze onto the hellhound immediately, who now stood beside her with a changed expression. "Uuuuhhh... what is it now? Do you need to go outside or something? Hnnn... g-gods, I was almost there," she whined, frowning slightly, only to suddenly remember that Bacchus did indeed understand the words she said, as communicated by Aris in the letter. A wave of embarrassment crossed her features. How could she have been so forgetful of those important details?! She had gotten so used to idly talking to animals without considering their level of comprehension, and here she was, allowing the habit to get the best of her in front of a beast that was more intelligent than those she was used to...

Her train of thought came to a halt when she cast her eyes downward upon a curious change in the hellhound's physical appearance. Clearly, he didn't need to go out or eat--it was something entirely different. His... member was now fully out of his sheath, in plain view for her to see. While Elysia might have been oblivious to the numerous signs that Bacchus showed her earlier that night, she wasn't so dense as to miss the meaning of this one. Elysia's eyes widened as she stared at it for a few moments. Her hands quivered as she grasped the edges of the tub, then slowly stood up out of the water, causing numerous droplets to roll down her milky frame. Her heart was already beating faster than normal thanks to the way she got herself worked up, but now it was practically jumping out of her chest with every pulse. To say that she was nervous would have been an understatement. Swallowing, she stepped out of the water before grabbing a towel if it was close enough and briskly patting herself dry to ensure that she wouldn't get too cold. "S... stay there, okay?" she requested of the hound. Then, she looked around the bathroom, then the house, checking to see if anyone was there. If it was indeed empty, as she left it, she would lock the deadbolt on the front door, ensuring that it was properly secured. Her hands wouldn't stop shaking. Was she really going to do this?

Then she moved back into the bathroom, where Bacchus presumably waited. Provided she was there, she'd turn her head to scan the area one last time before closing the door... and locking it behind her. She'd never done anything like this before, but at the same time, she was incredibly horny. Her Mistress had set something off inside her, some kind of unquenchable fire that she now sought to tame. "Don't tell anyone," she said in a near whisper, before laying two towels on the floor and lowering herself to her knees. "Just... just this once, understand?" added the tailoress, getting on all fours before turning her head towards Bacchus. For a second, a thought that she shouldn't be doing this flashed in her mind... but it had passed as quickly as it came, especially when the ripples of bliss washed over her body once more.

Lowering her front further, she tried her best to keep herself propped up on one elbow as she slid a hand between her legs and began to please herself once again, feeling her libido return in good time. The reservations she had about coupling with her Mistress' eager servant faded as her steady journey back towards orgasm resumed. She allowed him to watch a little longer before beckoning him towards her gently. Elysia took a deep breath, one that wavered both inwards and out. Her heart pounded in her chest forcefully as she presented herself to him, her glistening crevice in plain view. "C... come on," she said quietly, awaiting his advance.