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Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 49, PP = 47, EP = 122, Status = Fine

Though she wasn't conscious of it herself, Lavender caught Elysia's innuendo, or at least took her words as such. "Oh, just an educated guess!" the farmer said mirthfully as she gave the seamstress a wink, one that was at least a tiny bit flirtatious. The shorn farmer listened to her report on Alaric's well being quite attentively, and given that she'd taken a position that left her back to the two demons in the corner, Elysia wasn't able to tell whether they'd taken any more interest than they'd already had. Whatever her prior relationships to the man might have been, Lavender seemed to care after Alaric, and she made no efforts to hide that face. "I'll have some tea as well. Break out the stock from the Amazon for us!" she added after Elysia had ordered her drink, to which Rory frowned slightly and nodded before departing to return to the back, gesturing along the way for the serving girl to follow him and thus leaving Lavender and Elysia briefly alone in the tavern common room with the two demons.

"I'm glad to hear that he's doing alright after... Yesterday," Lavender said softly, her tone low such that it would be difficult for the words to be understandable from any farther away than Elysia was. The fruit and vegetables were fresh, and had been layered in such away that the more bitter elements were mixed with the sweeter fruits, thus softening both tastes to form a very pleasing combination. The shorn farmer was a bit rougher on her food than Elysia, displaying only very basic table manners as one might expect from a resident of such an out-of-the-way village. Indeed, that she'd been as well versed in table manners as she was might have been considered unusual in Badaria, where she would have been considered a peasant despite her looks and the skill required of her trade. Lavender hardly seemed to mind that she was the more crass of the two, however, and if the two demons noticed the differing mannerisms at all, they didn't complain.

Lavender was the first to finish her salad, and when she was done she pushed her bowl aside only to welcome the tea that the tavern maid brought to them, setting a cup down first in front of Lavender and then in front of Elysia. "Thank you Angie!" said Lavender, offering the blond girl a soft smile that was returned. Giving them a curtsy, she silently placed the pot on a cozy in the center of the table after pouring each of them a steaming cup of a clear green liquid, and then departed back to her other duties. "So.... How much do you know.... About Alaric? After last night?" the pink-haired woman asked guardedly, again keeping her tone low so that she couldn't be easily overheard.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia responded to Lavender's quips with a smile, not that it was difficult for her to ever conjure one in the shorn farmer's presence. And while she wasn't quite as outright flirtatious towards the other woman, her body language made it evident that she appreciated her company nonetheless. "The Amazon? Sounds exotic," she remarked, impressed with the stock that the bar apparently carried, although she missed Rory's reaction completely due to being focused on Lavender's expression at the time. Thanks to such attentions, however, she would not miss the way that the pink-haired woman spoke about Alaric. Was there more that she wasn't aware of? It wouldn't be a terrible surprise to Elysia at this point, as she was still a relative newcomer to Blinlock while others like Lavender and Brun appeared to be mainstays of the village.

The seamstress was far too hungry to even think about picking through her salad, even if she didn't quite recognize all of the vegetables in it; her home up closer to the mountains tended to have different selections, as naturally different varieties were provided by the environment at elevation. Despite maintaining her manners and a good level of cleanliness, as something her mother had always taught her to do, Elysia put her food down much quicker than it might have been considered polite to. Even then, she wasn't able to finish the meal before Lavender, who apparently wasn't held back by such forms of etiquette to the same degree, and looked rather surprised at this. The tailoress nodded to the barmaid, mentally repeating the name over in her head, then offered a simple "Thank you," before warming her hands with the cup and blowing at it gently.

Lavender's curiosity when it came to how much Elysia knew about the town's smith caused her to give a hesitant look for just a moment, wondering to herself whether it was something she should share. But a quick jog of her memory would remind her that she was probably the last in the village to know about it, realistically, given what even the Mayor himself had said in public. "Well, he... told me about Aelith," she started, looking down at her reflection in the tea. "And about what happened to her." Elysia couldn't help but frown slightly, though she preferred to remain relatively discreet, mainly to keep from airing out more than she should have, as she wasn't quite sure how much of the information she was given the prior night was private information that Alaric confided in her. Perhaps Lavender would help hint as to how much she knew. "He didn't say that much as far as details go, but I was told enough to be able to say that it's more than I imagined. Out of curiosity... how did you meet him, anyway? Was the Alaric back then, the same one I know now?"
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 49, PP = 47, EP = 122, Status = Fine

It was difficult to miss the relieved expression that came over Lavender's face as Elysia made her knowledge of the smith clear, something that might have struck the seamstress as unusual given the tragic nature of the story. "I was wondering if that was going to come out after yesterday..." she said softly as her gaze drifted downwards, a frown crossing her features that made her look no less careworn than when Elysia had first lain eyes on her that day back in Alaric's shop. Looking back up at Elysia as the seamstress inquired as to how she'd met the smith, the shorn farmer continued; "I know this is a bit... Awkward, but I want to get this out of the way, and I think you'd be better off hearing it from me than from somebody else, so you don't get the wrong impression."

She paused briefly and took a deep breath, took a slow sip of her tea, and then began to speak again in an even tone, her gaze lifting and meeting Elysia's with as much courage as the woman seemed able to muster at the moment. "Alaric and I...." she began slowly, but then frowned and paused again for a moment, though it was only an instant before she picked back up; "I should say.... I used to have... Feelings... For Alaric. A long time ago. But I don't want to give you the wrong impression! I'm only telling you so that I can assure you that he's all yours. I'll freely admit that I'm a bit interested in you now, but I could definitely understand it if you don't feel the same after what's happened between you and Alaric. I'd be quite happy just being friends.... With both of you."

She paused, carefully examining Elysia's reaction to her dual admissions and her reassurance that she wouldn't try to compete for affection. The seamstress, if she wasn't too surprised to notice, would see the woman's hands clutching rather tightly at her tea cup and at the table. Unless Elysia stormed from the table or made some other dramatic statement that would inhibit her from doing so, Lavender would then seemingly attempt to satisfy Elysia's curiosity, her eyes going slightly distant as she spoke; "Alaric and I met.... About nine or ten years ago now, actually. I was an orphan from the King's latest crusade against the North, and only fifteen at the time. I was homeless, penniless, and half-starved by the time I'd come to Blinlock, fleeing from imperial justice after I was caught at thieving. I was lucky to get out of the Necropolis with my hands!"

Despite the somewhat grim description of her history, Lavender's lips turned upwards as she adopted a wistful grin, though her indulgent pause was brief. "Anyway," she continued quickly, "When I got here, Alaric was already the town's main smith, and pretty much all of the other roles that he fills today. There are others, obviously, we are a mining village after all! But he's the best. We've got a lot of masons and smiths and carpenters down at the mine, most of them trained by the empire too, but he's better than all of 'em put together. They'll admit to as much too! Anyway, I wandered into town one day, sometime during the middle of the night, and.... Well, his house is one of the closest to the bridge. I was just trying to steal something valuable, but he caught me before I'd even picked out what I might be able to easily sell from his shop. And then... He invited me to dinner. That was when I met Aelith too, and she was.... Well, I don't even know how to describe her. Have you ever met someone that could just... Smile, and make everything better? I know I'm not describing it very well, but she had this... Presence, that just kind of swept you up and made you feel... Better.

"Anyway, they took me in, fed me, clothed me... If it weren't for Alaric, I'd probably be dead, if not worse. He never asked for a thing in return either, or at least not anything nearly on equal footing with what he did for me. I was smitten with him within a day, I'm ashamed to say, but I obviously never tried anything, not with Aelith around. They were too wonderful together even for a hormonal teenager. I stayed with them for a month or so before I'd saved up enough doing work at the inn to get a place of my own, but as I was preparing to move out the guards tracked me down. I figured I'd had it by then, because they were coming for blood, but Alaric.... He got between them. Paid off all of my fines out of pocket, reminded them of the laws they were supposed to uphold... I almost thought he was going to make the imperial captain crap his pants too! Anyway, that was the second time that I owed Alaric my life, but he just shrugged it off. The other townsfolk were a bit wary of me after that whole incident, but there was an abandoned cottage out where I live, so I just took that instead. One of Alaric's friends taught me how to till the land, and I've been farming ever since."

Again Lavender gave pause, and this time a sad frown appeared on her face before she continued; "It was six years ago when Aelith.... Well, you know what happened. I... Was still carrying a pretty bright torch at that point, and even though I know how bad it sounds, I tried to... Comfort him. We didn't do anything though, and I guess I moved on after that. Mostly." She glanced at Elysia searchingly once again, having apparently finished her story judging by her prolonged silence, and poured herself another cup of the sweet Amazonian tea. The drink was very sweet with just a hint of the bitterness characteristic of the more common Badarian brews that she was used to, and the warm liquid was proving to be a fairly effective relaxant the more of it that Elysia drank, though it wasn't making her drowsy or weak or anything of the sort.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia observed Lavender's features with a degree of concern, wondering exactly what it is she might have missed. Knowing that just about everyone in town knew about Alaric, save for her, had quite a way of reminding her that she was still, in many ways, an outsider. But it wouldn't discourage the seamstress from learning as much as she possibly could, and so she nodded in response to the other woman's initial disclaimer, saying, "I understand."

The opening to her story, in which Lavender freely admitted her feelings for Alaric, and even Elysia herself, had the tailoress unable to hide her surprise. It was mainly for the former, however; she was far more ready for the confession targeted towards her than the story about the farmer's previous feelings for her beloved blacksmith, as the pink-haired woman's behavior, coupled with the spontaneous fling that the two shared in the bath, were more than sufficient in forecasting such an admission. Regardless, she simply couldn't bring herself to hold anything against the bubbly beauty--certainly not for romantic feelings, which Elysia could guess Lavender to be relatively prone to. She forced a smile to break the tension, shaking her head slowly. "I don't blame you for having fallen for him the way you did," she replied. "He makes it very easy," added Elysia before realizing that her attempt at a casual response might have backfired. She made a slight face at her own potential blunder.

Her voice went quieter as she continued, to show that she wasn't keen on the idea of announcing it to the entire bar, or at least not to the two strangers nearby. "Now I'm actually worried that I might have earned your resent for my attraction towards him, one that... I feel is being returned on his part, but..." she trailed off, her eyes moved up to meet those of Lavender's, just in time to meet the woman's verbal reassurance. "Thank you," was what the craftswoman managed to blurt out for the time being, feeling a lingering awkwardness in the air that she cared not to aggravate too much. "You've been nothing but wonderful, too, despite the um, accidents, but those were beyond your control I'm sure. Please forgive me if this is still a bit odd for me, as..."

She paused to look around her, turning her volume down to that of a whisper. "It was my first experience with another woman, and while I'll admit, it was... pleasant, at least from what I could remember, I've had nothing but embarrassing moments whenever Alaric has returned to see me. It's truly a surprise that he could still view me in such a positive light, but I'd be a fool to squander such a blessing and ruin his view of me further by doing anything behind his back. I mean, it's not that I dislike you in any way, of course! Of those in this village, your company is more of a help to me than I deserve, and I am thankful for that. But I just... don't want to do anything that would aggravate him any further, as someone who has saved me from a most terrible fate. Perhaps I simply owe it to him. I mean, you were even here first, so... if your feelings do still remain, you know I couldn't hold them against you, Lavender. And I appreciate more than anything that you aren't angry about mine."

Elysia then stopped herself before she could ramble on further, and allowed Lavender to tell her story. During that time, she remained mostly quiet, nodding occasionally to signal that she was indeed listening and following along, the expressions upon her face honest as they shifted with each twist and turn of the story. It wasn't until she mentioned Aelith that the seamstress paused, putting on a pained smile, and nodded. "Yes. She sounded like a wonderful person," she remarked, feeling grief and sympathy for Alaric and what was no doubt a tremendous loss. Tinges of bothersome insecurity tugged at her heart. She remembered what he said to her the previous night, that she was no replacement, and yet Elysia couldn't help but wonder what kind of role she played for the man. However, she did manage to shove the bothersome thoughts off to the side, out of respect for Lavender, allowing her to continue until the conclusion of the story.

"He's really some kind of savior, isn't he," she mused to herself aloud, staring into her reflection in the dwindling cup of tea. The more Elysia learned about him, the more she respected him, which in turn caused the doubts of how 'worthy' she was of him to creep up, but she pushed them away internally. "I can't really say I'm surprised, given what I've seen of him. Did he... let you down gently?" She noted the term "mostly", allowing it to have more significance than it might have originally. "If there's some kind of tension between you two, perhaps I can help resolve it," she offered, trying to sound as helpful as possible.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 49, PP = 47, EP = 122, Status = Fine

Elysia's understanding drew a relieved look from the shorn farmer, her body relaxing visibly once that metaphorical weight had been thrown from her shoulders. "He certainly does," she replied agreeably, showing no shame and allowing the admiration she felt for the blacksmith to be readily detectable in her voice. Clearing her throat, Lavender continued; "I just want to clear the air of it! I'll admit that there's still at least a bit of a spark for him, but the time when something could have happened between Alaric and I is long past.

"I won't begrudge you for picking Alaric over me~" she paused and adopted a mischievous smile, Elysia's admission that their encounter in the bath had been Elysia's first time with a woman having apparently finally set in. "Of course, if you ever want a second sampling to solidify your opinion on encounters with women, I'll likely be available~" she added lightly, her tone teasing and her head tilted slightly.

Lavender sobered quickly, however, and delivered her somewhat dark tale as she would. Her comment about Aelith caused Lavender to frown somewhat, but she continued on without interrupting her flow. When she fell silent, finished with her story, Elysia's musing earned a nod of agreement from the farmer, who replied; "Yeah... I'm not the only one either. Brun owes as much to Alaric as I do, though for very different reasons. He and I aren't the only ones in town either, though thankfully most of those tales aren't nearly as dark as mine." Grinning reassuringly at the concern that Elysia seemed to hold, she added; "He did let me down gently, yes! As gently as something like that could be, at least. I, ahh, didn't take it gracefully... Not at the time, at least.... But I can safely say that there isn't any tension to worry about, he and I are just very good friends."

The farmer paused, her grin fading somewhat, and continued in a firm tone; "You shouldn't worry yourself... I can see that something's bothering you, but you should know that if Alaric has expressed feelings for you, I can't see him lying about it. He definitely isn't one to back out just because things get a little weird either, so don't worry about him holding what he saw between you and I against you."
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

"Eh-heh, well, I'll keep that in mind..." Elysia answered nervously in response to the other woman's offer to allow her to 'experiment' yet again. She averted her eyes momentarily, fidgeting. While her last session with Lavender was easily an unforgettable experience, it probably didn't help much that the moment that made it so memorable was the most embarrassing one--when Alaric walked in on the two of them. Now that she thought about it, Elysia remembered that she had meant to ask the smith earlier if he was terribly bothered by the incident, but the opportunities to ask hadn't quite yet come, seeing as there were other, more important topics at hand. Of course, the way he treated her gave enough indications that he wasn't so bothered by it after all, but the impact of such horrendously embarrassing moments, and in recent memory to boot, made it difficult for the seamstress to shake off the nagging concerns so easily.

But the ability to even worry about such 'trivial' concerns like the feelings of others reminded Elysia that she was one of the lucky ones. Where many had perished just the other day, or worse, the tailoress was able to escape relatively unscathed, and that realization sent a shiver up her spine when she thought about it. She had narrowly escaped certain death or enslavement by a race she had little knowledge of at all. To have gone from spats with her mother, to fleeing her village and meeting Alaric, being raped by Typhon, meeting Eartha and Lavender, and then playing the part that she did in the defense of Blinlock against the invaders... Elysia had adapted to it much faster than she ever thought she would to such a dramatic turn of events. It was almost frightening how resilient she proved herself to be, nearly to the point where she felt that she should break down and curl up into a ball somewhere to allow the emotions and catch up and sink in.

Still, Lavender's infectious, casual cheerfulness helped in eroding such thoughts, effectively keeping them from haunting Elysia for too long, and that was something that the seamstress could definitely be thankful for. She smiled at the pink-haired farmer after hearing her recollections and nodded. "I see... I guess I really am lucky, then. Thank you, Lavender. You've been such a help to me these past few days, more than I can express." She could feel her heart sink when she said it, to be so sappy towards what most might consider just a new acquaintance to her, but Elysia felt closer to the town than she ever had before, and especially so towards the first of its folk she came in contact with.

"And thanks for the meal," she added. "I'll take care of you next time, then." After cleaning up what she could, Elysia stood up whenever Lavender appeared ready as well. "I suppose it would be a good time to check out the general store now, wouldn't it? I've been needing some threads and fabric. Speaking of which, if you liked the last dress I made for you, I'm always happy to craft another."
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 49, PP = 47, EP = 122, Status = Fine

"You're welcome!" Lavender replied happily at Elysia's thanks, beaming at her despite how melodramatic the seamstress's words might have seemed. "It's been a delight so far! Really, you should think nothing of it. You're the first woman that I could honestly call my friend since.... Well, since before I even came to Blinlock, not counting Aelith, so trust me when I say that the feelings are mutual," Lavender explained, holding to her happy expression even then. Setting about her breakfast, Elysia found that the food was as good as she'd been led to expect given the quality of the salad she'd had before. Everything was cooked to perfection consistently and tasted wonderful, and once she was finished with her meal Elysia's appetite was fully sated.

"You're welcome!" Lavender repeated after Elysia thanked her for the meal, having finished as well. "I'll be looking forward to it~" she replied following her promise to pay for the next meal that they shared, and then rose to her feet and added; "Sounds like a plan, lets go!" Leaving a handful of coins at the table which she drew from a pouch at her belt, Lavender led Elysia out of the tavern, speaking with a slight blush along the way; "Oh heavens! I couldn't ask you to do that, not without paying you for your troubles! Besides, I haven't even been able to wear the dress that you already made for me yet! It's so wonderful too... Hopefully I'll get an opportunity soon!"

On their way through the town, which took Elysia on the branch opposite the one that she'd taken to Lavender's isolated little farm, the seamstress noted that she still received a good number of stares from Blinlock's inhabitants. Some smiled or waved in greeting, and some frowned and looked the other way, but it was clear that the town had lost enough that the streets felt a good deal emptier than they had before the alien attack. Nobody moved to intercept them in their brief journey, and after going only a short distance they arrived at a wide but squat building that sat somewhere around the center of the town. There was a sign hung on the front, large enough to cover a good chunk of the wall and centered over the double doors leading inside, that read; "Stannis' Travelers Emporium."

"This is the place!" Lavender said as she started for the door, opening one and holding it open for Elysia to pass by her and enter the shop. Inside was a fairly expansive room filled with shelves containing a wide variety of goods including (but not limited to) rope, canned foods, chains, tools for a wide variety of disciplines, camping supplies, strips of various materials, and even weapons of varying types. "May I help you with something, miss?" a man standing behind a counter sitting next to the door asked politely. His hair was starting to gray and his skin was starting to sag and crease, but he still held at least a spark of the energy of youth, or at least his voice would suggest as much. "She's after your fabrics Stannis!" Lavender intoned with mock implications of danger as she too stepped inside, allowing the door to close behind her. "Does she now?" the man asked, bemused. "Oh yes! And if you're not careful, she'll make you the most beautiful piece of clothing you've ever seen! In the blink of an eye too!"

"Oh really? Well, it's right over there," he repled with, pointing to a shelf that ran along the wall, "I don't have many varieties, unfortunately, but I keep all of the basis in stock. I don't tend to sell finer clothing, but I'll be glad to point business your way if I get customers looking after such things. I know Jennette Wente is still looking for a suitable dress for her wedding, I'll point her your way if you've got a place of business already set up." He looked to Elysia questioningly, and in the meantime and after she'd be free to peruse the man's wares. In terms of threads and fabrics, he had a decent enough collection of goods, albeit not a very impressive one. Notably, his silk fabrics were more expensive than she'd been able to get in Laerwick, but her preferred brand of cotton for producing her lacy garments like the risque evening wear she'd made for Alaric were actually a bit cheaper here if she bought them in bulk.

Edit: The bag she got from Alaric contains 30 denarii

Colored Threads - 1 denarius per spool
Black Threads - 1 denarius per spool
White Threads - 1 denarius per spool
Plain Cotton - 1 denarius per yard of fabric
Dyed Cotton - 2 denarii per yard of fabric
Lace Patterned Cotton - 3 denarii per yard of fabric, 15 denarii for six yards
Silk - 10 denarii per yard of fabric
Fine Spider Silk - 15 denarii per yard of fabric
Last edited:
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

"Really? I'm glad to hear it," said Elysia with a sincere smile. "I'm honestly surprised you haven't made more friends around the village, as you've been nothing but wonderful to me. Although I suppose some might be weary of the shorns and such, given the plant's, ah, reputation, but someone has to do it, right? Not that I mean to offend you with that, I just never knew how it all worked until, um, recently..." she trailed off, feeling slightly embarrassed after remembering the accident at Lavender's ranch. Biting her lip while mustering a nervous smile, she looked around the area of her seat to ensure that she didn't forget anything before getting ready to leave.

As she walked through the streets of Blinlock, much to the mixed reactions of the townsfolk that set eyes upon her, Elysia did her best to take it in stride. As she was rather popular and well-liked in her hometown of Laerwick, even receiving this degree of visible resent was something of a new experience for her, having gotten her fair share of odd looks over the past week or so. She had been able to put up with it to some extent up until now, but today it was just a lot harder for her to deal with, for some reason--perhaps it was the absence of Alaric and other somewhat supportive presences like the mayor or the mysterious knight, or even simply because she hadn't the adrenaline rush from the battle that took place the day before. Most of all, it was knowing that such feelings still lingered after what she did for them, although if she were to be more honest with herself, it was the thought of Alaric that kept her from fleeing right then and there. She'd endure it, however, knowing that it was, for the most part, a natural reaction, as her village was the same way towards outsiders like her former mentor Sorien. In addition, she received quite a bit of comfort from the smiles that were pointed in her direction, and as such the seamstress didn't fail to return a single one.

Elysia looked up at the sign briefly before proceeding inside, and soon managed a look of wonder at the varieties of goods stored within. While Laerwick had its shops, none were quite as large as this one, and her expression made the fact even more apparent. It took a moment for it all to sink in, causing her reaction towards the shopkeeper to be somewhat delayed. "Oh, um... hi! I was just admiring your selection," she finally responded, her eyes settling on Stannis as she made another mental note of his name, matching it to his face. She smiled a little at Lavender's comments before nodding. "My name is Elysia, and it looks like she beat me to it--I'm a seamstress, you see, so I'd be very interested in just about any fabric or thread you might have for sale."

As soon as the clerk pointed her in the direction of the goods she was looking for, she hurried over to where they were, gasping audibly. "Wow! Oh, this should definitely be enough!" she exclaimed, looking everything over with visible excitement.

She spoke aloud as she browsed through what was available, perhaps as much to herself as to Lavender and Stannis. "Normally I just do patterns for dresses and the like, but of course I can also do darning, even embroidery--needlepoint, hardanger, cross-stitch, crewel work, you name it! My own town doesn't even have a whole lot as far as selection goes, so I'm kind of used to working with what's available," she explained, whether he cared to hear her or not.

Already she had received info about potential customers, which brought a smile to her face. "Oh, that would be perfect, thank you. Jennette Wente is her name? I'll be sure to keep her in mind, as I am setting up shop fairly soon thanks to Alaric. Besides, I've been meaning to make a wedding dress..." Elysia trailed off towards the end as a blush formed upon her cheeks. The realization hit her right then. She had fallen in love so quickly and easily with the smith to where the thought of marriage didn't even repulse her in the slightest, whereas it was a ceremony that would have been nothing but a bother, had one asked her just several months back. With her mother constantly pressing for it, it seemed like nothing but another way to weigh herself down. But now, the thought of sewing and putting on a white, lacy dress made her heart race.

Shaking off the perpetually distracting thoughts so that she could at least make a proper selection, Elysia made the mental list and then returned to Stannis with the items she wanted to buy. "Hmm..." Her mouth went crooked just slightly as she debated internally with how much to purchase, knowing that some of the prices were higher than she might have liked. But in the end, her hobby-fueled impulses won out. "Alright, I think I'm ready. I'll have a spool of the black threads and a spool of white threads. Also, one yard of dyed cotton, and umm... one--no, six yards of the lace-pattern cotton. Oh! And I'll also have a spool of the colored threads, why not," said the seamstress, beaming. Of the things that she managed to show restraint with, buying materials for one of her primary passions was not one of them.

To recap what she looked to purchase:
1 spool of colored threads (1 denarius)
1 spool of black threads (1 denarius)
1 spool of white threads (1 denarius)
1 yard of dyed cotton (2 denarii)
Six yards of lace patterned cotton (15 denarii)

Spending 20 denarii total.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 49, PP = 47, EP = 122, Status = Fine

"Ehhh.... Well, my chosen profession does lend some ammunition to my detractors," Lavender began hesitantly as they moved through the town, answering what Elysia had said while they were still in "But.... People in this town have a long memory, and though they might not throw things at me or call me names, a lot of them remember how I ended up here. The sexual deviancy with plants part definitely doesn't help though!" She gave a light but nervous laugh, her eyes flitting about to the people with which they shared the streets, and added; "I can't say that it's not a little bit upsetting sometimes, but I've gotten used to it by now! I've got a few friends, and now thanks to you I've got one more~"

In the shop, Elysia's initially vacant look as she observed the man's massive selection of wares drew a somewhat broader, knowing grin from the man behind the counter, and inspired him to say; "You're from a small town huh? We get a lot of travelers and the occasional caravan coming through here, so I try to keep a good stock. Most of this locally produced too! All of my sweeteners come from Lavender here, in fact, and a good number of my finer wares come from Alaric's workshop." Her explanation as to her skills and preferred methods drew an altogether different smile from the man, a fairly hopeful one, and he said; "Ahhh, you really are into your craft, aren't you? Perhaps soon I'll be able to add some of your works to my selection! I try to be generous to my suppliers, and any profits I make will most definitely be shared."

It was as Elysia was picking out her fabrics that Lavender piped in; "Oh? Been meaning to make one for yourself have you?" She giggled while Stannis raised an eyebrow curiously, but how Elysia wanted to take the shorn farmer's teasing statement was up to her.

After she'd selected her items, Stannis counted them out and nodded, "That'll be twenty denarii altogether." Once he'd been paid, the man put the coins into a drawer and smiled at her, saying; "Thank you for your business! If I see Ms. Wente today, I'll point her in your direction. Will you be taking over the shop run by our late seamstress, the Widow Brinewealth?" Elysia would recall being told as much, though she hadn't been given the woman's name before.

With her transaction completed, Lavender helped her carry her things out, bidding a pleasant farewell to Stannis before heading outside. "Her shop's not far away! She used to live over it, and I think her daughter still keeps the place clean when she's not looking out for her children. Nobody's bought it yet, so I don't see her having a problem with you using the place. If she's not there, we can just run over and grab the key and her permission, I know where she works." They arrived shortly at a small two story building, and the door proved open. Children could be heard running about from outside, and when Lavender opened the door a pair of very young boys came running out, giggling happily. "Gregory! Nathan! You get your butts back here! You know I don't want you running about outside!" a haggard female voice called from within, and the boys ran back in with their smiles and giggles unchanged. It was as if the disaster that had come last night hadn't even mattered to them, leaving their youthful hearts completely untouched.

Stepping inside, they would find a woman with dark hair almost matching that which was on the heads of the two children standing next to a door leading into a back room, a simple homespun dress clinging to her body without fitting properly, likely due to weight she'd gained from childbirth. "And you are?" she asked, her voice somewhat gruff and her attention mostly focused on the two running about. Looking around, Elysia realized that she'd stepped into what was obviously the workshop of a seamstress, with a rack of various clothes on one side of the room and a table containing a carefully inset toolbox filled with various implements of her craft, and an assortment of fabrics in various patterns sitting stacked and folded against the third wall. Another door sat in the back, cracked open and revealing a small room likely used for fittings and taking measurements, as well as a staircase leading to the second floor.

"It's me Candice~" Lavender said, rolling her eyes, and the woman snapped back; "I wasn't talkin to you, Lavender. Who's your friend there? She the one I've heard talk about? The one that drew in them bandits that attacked her, and that did magic to fight the aliens yesterday?" Her tone remained gruff, and a firm frown remained on her face as she sized Elysia up.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

"Yes, I'm from Laerwick. A bit smaller than Blinlock, really, but I'd definitely say that I'm enjoying this place a lot better... recent events notwithstanding," replied Elysia politely to the shopkeep. To hear that goods from Lavender's farm and even Alaric himself were sold there certainly put the emporium in a better light for the blue-haired beauty. "It sounds like a place worth supporting," she added with a smile as she looked over the counter.

Lavender's comment about the dress caused her to blush, her face taking on a look of embarrassment and slight denial. Of course, she thought herself to be in the start of what could be a long-term relationship with Alaric, with the smith having apparently returned her feelings. If there was any kind of man she wished to marry, it would be him. But Elysia wouldn't kid herself; it was still quite early to even think about such things, especially after having recently discovered that the smith was a widower. "N-No, I just... uhm... it's for, future projects," she lied.

"Brinewealth? Oh, yes! Alaric mentioned a late seamstress and something about finding out if I can arrange to take over. I'd be honored to do the tailoring work for the people here, so, if you do see Ms. Wente, and steer her in my direction, I'd be all too grateful. Thanks for your help."

With that, Elysia took her leave from the shop with a cheerful farewell, giddy in the thought that she had more material to work with thanks to the recent purchase.

Before long, the two arrived at a building, which she presumed to be their destination. When the boys came running out of the front door, the woman put on a smile to acknowledge them. The thought of having children of her own used to terrify her, especially with the pressure being put on her by the primary church of her hometown--not to mention Typhon's attempts to breed her--but despite all of that, she wouldn't hold such thoughts against the youth of Blinlock, knowing that it simply wouldn't be fair to them.

Then, her eyes met those of the somewhat portly woman yelling at the two boys, noting her rough tone when she came to address Lavender. It intimidated her just enough to be noticeable upon her features, as the last thing she wanted was to be less accepted by the locals, but she steeled her nerves. After all, she'd have to put up with far more than this to get what she needed, which was a place in the village. "That I am! My name is Elysia Arkwright, a seamstress. I know about the town's recent losses, and was hoping that I could do something to help."

A quick glance around, noting the various tools of a tailor, would confirm that it was the place she sought, filling her with a faint hope inside. 'Candice', was apparently the name of the woman she was currently meeting, but she didn't want to address her just yet with such familiarity, instead opting to wait until after her new hostess introduced herself as well.

Oh really? Hoping to help was yah?” the portly woman responded skeptically, though she then gruffly added; “The name’s Candice, as Lavender there said. Candice Brisingir. I suppose yer the one Alaric wanted to put up in here then? I’ll have you know that this was my mother’s home and where she worked, so I’ll not have you besmirching it with poor craftsmanship!” She gave Elysia a long glare, her eyes narrowed, and Lavender opened her mouth to speak only for the woman to raise a hand to silence, a treatment that Elysia would receive as well if she tried to speak in her own defense.

Having said that,” she continued calmly, “I’m told that I’ve got you to thank for the fact that my two boys will grow up with their father, and that plenty of others owe you thanks for that too. So long as you do a good job, I’ll let you have the run of the place. If you do well enough and scrape together enough, I might even be willing to sell you the place! But, you’ve got to keep it clean and take care of it if you want to use it, got it?” She fell silent, and before Elysia could offer a reply, a beaming Lavender piped in; “Of course she will! And Elysia does wonderful work, you’ll see!” The farmer looked to the seamstress with a smile, giving her a chance to respond.

Elysia nodded several times in response to the other woman's response, showing that she was more than eager to help. "Candice," she repeated to herself out loud, confirming that she heard the name correctly. "It's nice to meet you. Yes, it was Alaric who sent me." While anyone else might have been taken aback by the exclamation that followed, which expressed the lady's disapproval for subpar craftsmanship, those words only caused Elysia's inner fire and excitement to ignite. She took the statements as a challenge, one that she was all too glad to accept. After all, her own mother was one of the more renowned seamstresses in Laerwick, and given the extent to which this particular shop was stocked, she could only guess that the Widow Brinewealth had a similar position. Elysia was all too confident in her abilities, but like anyone truly in love with their craft, she always sought new ways to improve. The tailoress allowed Candice to finish completely, with a small silence in between before making her own response, trying to sound less defensive and more agreeable in tone. "I can tell that your mother loved her art, as I do mine," she replied firmly. "Poor craftsmanship is nothing that I myself can even remotely tolerate, so I will do no such thing to the legacy of this shop, I promise! I'll clean up and maintain it as if it were my own."

She felt a swell of relief upon hearing that her efforts the other day even went so far as to save the life of a member of this particular family. "It was something I'd have done for my own village, and so I will do it for this one." While she tried her best to sound selfless, Elysia knew the main reason she stayed behind that day. Of course, it was Alaric, and to a slightly lesser extent, Lavender, Eartha and Brun, those who she associated with the stoic smith. He was her anchor to this village, and perhaps the reason she had sought to protect Blinlock and get along with its residents--the same way one would, at the very least, attempt to get along with the family of a future spouse, although some could argue that Elysia's attempts were somewhat more commendable in that regard.

Good,” Candice replied, simple and gruff as seemed to be her way. Holding Elysia in her gaze for a moment, she then turned and shouted; “Gregory! Nathan! Come on, we’re going home!” The two boys came running in but finally came to a stop in front of Candice, putting a stop to their giddy excitement to stand in front of her in a state of relative calm. Turning back to Elysia and Lavender, Candice walked up with her children in tow and withdrew a key from the pocket in her dress, muttering; “Don’t lose it. We haven’t got the machines to make more and it took Alaric a week to make a copy of it last time!” With that she would take her leave with her two children, leaving Elysia alone with Lavender.

Well?” the farmer said, turning to face Elysia with an excited smile akin to the one that the two young boys had worn while running about at play. “What shall we do first? Take a look around?

"Thank you," replied Elysia with no shortage of sincerity as she accepted the key from Candice. She was truly relieved to know that she could start contributing to the community right away, sooner rather than later, and at the same time eager to see which tools she could put to use. "I won't! I know just the way to keep it safe."

As soon as the three left, she allowed a few threads to telekinetically snake out from the spools she had just bought, allowing them to intertwine several times and loop through the key. Then, she'd cut them at the right length with a brief 'snap' of her powers, fashioning a necklace from it that she would then drape over her neck.

Afterwards, she turned to Lavender. "I would like to take a look around first, yes! You've no idea how excited I am... to have my very own shop like this. Even in Laerwick I used my mother's place, but here, I can truly call it my own!" Smiling, she set down her goods on the nearest table and hugged Lavender, unable to contain her joy at her apparent acceptance.

Lavender happily hugged Elysia back, spinning her around in a circle twice before giving her a quick dip akin to a popular dance move. Their lips were quite close together for a few seconds, and Lavender wore a mischievous grin for the duration of her dip before pulling her back up to her feet. “Let’s take a look around then!” she said, leading the way into the next room. It was fairly simple and exactly as it had seemed before, possessing a drawer with a number of measuring drawers, a few sets of notebooks, some pins and basic sets of various types of clothing, and a bench. All useful tools for taking a person’s measurements with perfect accuracy, and likely nothing that Elysia had seen before. There were no windows that might allow a peeping tom to view those being measured, but there was another door that let out into a small kitchen with an attached bathroom, both of which were clean but empty. There was a back door in the kitchens that lead outside, and it had a few windows that allowed daylight and fresh air into the otherwise nondescript room.

Let’s take a look upstairs!” Lavender suggested, and if Elysia consented the farmer would lead the way up, the stairs being in the measuring room. The second story wasn’t particularly large, containing a second bathroom and a pair of bedrooms, plus a third room that had been used for storage. There were a number of dresses in the storage room, many of them incredibly well crafted, marking them as the pet projects of their maker. The bedrooms were well kept but obviously hadn’t been used for a long while, and one was larger and had more personal touches in it, marking it as the master bedroom. There was a line attached to a ring and a set of stairs that could be pulled down, allowing access to the attic which proved to have a lot of clutter that would take some time to go through if Elysia wanted to do so, though when they saw it Lavender would suggest; “Let’s leave this stuff alone, it’s probably family business.

Elysia felt a shiver travel up and down her spine as Lavender stealthily slipped past her comfort zone, and without much resistance from the seamstress at that. It was strange, knowing how open the pink-haired woman had been about fancying her, especially so after remembering their first intimate experience together. Of course, she had come to treasure Lavender as a friend in a relatively short time, the same way she saw Alaric as a lover, but to have shared a passionate tryst, more than one at that, placed the shorn farmer in an odd spot in her heart. Officially, they were friends, as far as she was concerned--but like two people who might have shared a drunken night together, there lingered a strange tension between them that was difficult to ignore completely.

Luckily, the light-hearted beauty managed to push Elysia from her state of contemplation, taking her to the next room and on. "Oh, this is perfect! Wow, is this... a-ah, wait!" She hadn't even finished looking through everything and examining it to her satisfaction before Lavender dragged her upstairs. Which was probably for the better, as Elysia could have remained there marveling over objects for an entire day if left to her own devices.

While the clutter might have sparked her curiosity in a different situation, Elysia thought it better not to for the time being, especially with Lavender there and clearly advising against it. "Mm," she responded with a nod, returning to the downstairs area before long. She almost wanted to get right to work, but figured that it wouldn't be fair of her to bore her friend.

When they returned to the downstairs area, she went right back to admiring the various tools about, careful with them as ever. "Say... I know how Alaric feels about them, of course, but what do you think--about the demons? The ones who helped save Blinlock the other day."

Downstairs they went, and apparently with excellent timing, though Lavender still answered her question; “Demons? Well, I wasn’t really around when those… Things…. Attacked yesterday, but I did get here to help deal with the aftermath. I’ve heard all of the legends about demons, but I’ve never seen one, only heard of them. I… I know what happened to Aelith because of one of them, and I won’t say that I’m not bitter about it, but I also wouldn’t say that it’s fair to judge a person based on their race, and that the converse should be equally true… An entire race shouldn’t be judged by the actions of one member. I suppose you mean the ones staying at the tavern though… And in that case, they came here to help us. We owe them as much as we owe you, regardless of where they came from.

Her explanation had been somewhat grim, but she was quick to reapply her smile and say; “Well, what do you think? Will it work for yah?” Lavender asked excitedly, grinning, but midway through the explanation of her thoughts Elysia would be interrupted by a knock at her door.

When the knock was answered, a young woman with curly blonde hair and eyes as blue as the clearest of skies entered the opening chamber of the house, and when she saw the Lavender and Elysia she stopped and offered a curtsy, saying; “Hello…. Are you Elysia?” She looked to Elysia questioningly, her expression and countenance demure. The girl was pale, as was common in Badaria, and was clad in a green homespun dress that was better sized to her body than Candice’s had been.

"I certainly can't blame Alaric for the way he feels, but I am glad that you still see it with a clear head. If... if a demon took him from me, I know I wouldn't take it so well, nor would I be sure I could even get over such a thing. I mean, I thought he was lost to me yesterday. Yes, those things. I still don't know what they are," said Elysia thoughtfully, her tone matching that of Lavender's to acknowledge the seriousness of the topic.

"My village never had attacks like those--at least not of the magnitude that I saw. I'm actually glad that you didn't have to watch any of that. I'm sure there are all kinds of rumors about me now that they've seen my... other abilities, but I'm still me. I've always had these--I just never thought to use them until I absolutely needed to." She spoke with a tinge of nervousness, feeling the pressure of needing to explain herself even if Lavender didn't necessarily push the subject.

When the newcomer arrived, Elysia turned her attentions to her and greeted her with a bow of her head, smiling. "Hello, and welcome! Yes, I am her. I was actually just setting up shop here, hopefully to be Blinlock's new seamstress if people are satisfied with my work. Rest assured, though, I've done plenty of related work in my hometown, and even my mother was said to be the most skilled with the thread in our area. And you are...?"

Neither have we,” Lavender remarked calmly, “We haven’t been attacked like that before… Ever. I know it’s selfish of me, but… I’m glad I wasn’t around for it either, not after I saw what happened to the people that were hurt in the battle.” The farmer gave a soft shiver and looked away, the haggard look she’d had when she first met up with the seamstress returning for a moment. Turning back to Elysia, she said; “You don’t need to explain yourself to me, Elysia. I heard about your powers, but… I honestly don’t care all that much. As far as I’m concerned, you’re my friend, and you’ve only proven to be a good person so far. If you’ve got some strange abilities… Well, I trust you to use them for good purposes.

The girl smiled sheepishly at Elysia, and cleared her throat before quietly replying; “My name is Jenette… Jenette Wente, and….” She adopted a delighted smile, and suddenly began to speak much more quickly; “I am to be married! Mr. Theris pointed me to you and said that you would be here, and that you could… Help me in picking out a dress. I don’t have much money, but I can pay you for your services.

"Oh, Jenette! Yes, congratulations!" she exclaimed cheerfully. "So I heard--it seems that word spreads fast in this town, as it did in mine. It's really about time we received some kind of good news, anyway. And don't worry, I'll give you a good discount for being my very first customer. For someone to wear a work of mine proudly on their special day is already an honor for me. I will need to get your measurements, however." With her guest's consent, she would have her face one of the mirrors in the shop, following up by retrieving the tape from her kit and taking the woman's measurements, recording them as necessary. Bust, waist, hip, low hip, inside sleeve, hollow to hem, waist to hem, center back and nape to waist--Elysia would leave practically no dimension unrecorded. She was very detail-oriented in her work, and often fond of clothes that fit properly as opposed to loosely, though the final word would always be with the customer.

"Perfect. I think you've got quite the lucky man," she teased. "So was there anything you had in mind? I actually tend to make most of my patterns on the fly, but if you can think it, I can sew it," proclaimed the seamstress proudly, producing a few sheets of parchment and a pen by which she could work on preliminary sketches with her newest client.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

The woman, Jenette, beamed brightly at Elysia's declaration of a discount and suggestion that she was a lucky woman. "Thank you ma'am," she replied, curtsying, "I am lucky indeed... But I have you to thank for it. My husband to be, Donnis, was among the men fighting that.... Monster... That was rampaging across town yesterday. The big one." It was about then that Elysia realized that she recognized the girl from her work healing the wounded the day before, Jenette having been one of those that had helped along with herself, Lavender, and Eartha. Stepping further into the shop, Jenette allowed Elysia to take her measurements, proving to have a fairly womanly figure for one her age, possessing wide hips and a full bust, and she blushed slightly whenever Elysia's touch ever strayed anywhere near the places that might be considered unseemly to touch in public. "I.... Errr.... Wasn't sure..... I was hoping for something traditional, but I hadn't put too much thought into it. What do you think?"

Elysia cracked another smile, though somewhat unconsciously, upon realizing that her deeds had no small impact upon the town. "I see. He's a brave man, then. I'm truly amazed at the solidarity that Blinlock's citizens possess in times of crisis, if yesterday was any proper example of how the community handles things," she said quietly, trying to think as positively as she could. "If the town can survive through this much, I'd be hard-pressed to believe that there is much worse out there. Even if there was a little outside help involved... with men like your husband and Alaric about, as well as healers like yourself, I can't help but feel safe, sometimes to a fault. So of course I would use my powers for the defense of anyone here! But I'm not looking for anyone to sing my praises for that, mind you... well, not as a caster or slayer of monsters, but more as a memorable artisan. It seems the late widow Brinewealth was quite a seamstress, and I can only hope to fill the hole that was left behind and then some. Speaking of which, let's see here..." She tried her best to stay polite and professional when doing Jenette's measurements despite the woman's reactions.

"Mm, we could! It's really up to you, as I'm not terribly familiar with the fashions of this particular town, if they vary any from mine. So far it doesn't seem to differ too drastically! But ah..." she continued, considering her words carefully. Elysia had been deferred to by the customer, and it had become her responsibility to answer properly instead of passing the ball back and forth. "Here, let's try these."

The tailoress made three sketches on the notepad. One was of a long, flowy design with rippled sleeves and a train that matched, while the other was a bit more risque, with detached sleeves, a corseted midsection and a low neckline. Finally, the last was was the most modest, but elegant nonetheless, done in a similar style to what she had seen around town beforehand, but modified properly. "Perhaps one of these might work? I-I mean, you are... busty, so I suppose it's a good thing to note I suppose. While I'm sure a village like this holds much scrutiny, this really should be for you, and for your husband. And if it helps, I can do these in just about any material you wish--even lace is not a problem for me, despite its relative difficulty to work with. It's my personal favorite."

Oh I’m no healer, but after that… Well, what could we do other than pull together? Our neighbors and family members were the ones hurt; it was the only decent thing to do in a time like that,” Jenette replied modestly to Elysia’s compliments. “I… Your, ahh, abilities…. Seem very unnatural. I will not hide the fact that hearing of them frightened me, even though I didn’t witness them myself, but… I won’t judge you for them, and will be happy to regard you by your profession alone. The Widow Brinewealth was a wonderful artisan, but she is gone now… And I hope you are of the caliber to replace her.

She blushed again slightly at Elysia’s reference to her figure, and mumbled; “It… It’s unseemly to refer to a woman’s figure… Like that.” Straightening and clearing her throat, she gathered herself before looking over Elysia’s drawings, the girl passed over the first two before deciding on the third, most conservative of the dresses. “Could you… Do this one with those sleeves?” she said, gesturing to the second, “And…. Maybe a little bit more… Showy? Not as much as that, but… It is my wedding, and I want to be pretty for it!” Pausing, she seemed to gather herself again before muttering; “And, uhm…. Lace…. Would be fine, if it isn’t too much trouble. How… How much would all this cost?

"I appreciate it. I was born with them, though I was taught to control them better, along with a few other things, thanks to a man who used to wander in and out of my hometown. The same abilities caused the church of my village to somehow believe that I was connected with Michael... and is the reason I left in the first place, else I'd have ended up part of a strange ritual. It hurts to run from all that I ever knew, and yet I couldn't stay there," said Elysia, realizing that she had rambled and in the process revealed more than she might have wanted to.

"I hope my skills will suffice as well. All I really want is to be part of a community again... rather, one that won't attempt to subject me to the kinds of things that the head priest apparently had in mind." A brief flashback of Typhon's grinning face ran through her mind and she winced, squeezing her eyes shut. "Ah... I-I'm sorry," said the artisan before taking a few seconds to catch her breath. She swallowed hard, fighting back tears and a whimper brought on by the sudden episode, but eventually managed to get it together.

After she recovered, Elysia immediately focused her energies on her customer's request, hoping that her hobby and profession would dull the pain a bit. "I apologize, I... didn't mean it like that," she said in response to Jenette's remark. "And those together? Yes, of course I can do that! Um... how about this?" She made a new sketch with the specifications that the bride-to-be had mentioned, even going so far as to add the lace in little details. Elysia wasn't exactly a top-notch artist in terms of refined technique and the like, but she did have enough sense to be able to portray an outfit in proper dimensions, proportions and the like. "As for the quote... hmm. Well, I just picked up supplies, so, with the lace... I don't imagine 30 denarii to be too much?" Being able to pay off the bill for the goods that would last her a little while was enough, and hopefully a decent enough introductory price for her first customer, or so she thought.

Elysia’s rambling only drew a confused look from both Jenette and Lavender, who offered no comment on it. When Elysia winced upon falling into her darker memories, however, the young woman frowned slightly, and said; “My apologies if I gave offense in some way! I assure you that I meant nothing by it.” She seemed quite happy upon looking over Elysia’s representation of her revised design, smiling and saying; “That’s wonderful! It’s exactly what I wanted… Are you sure you can make something like that?

The quote of the price caused the girl to pale visibly, however, and after a stunned moment in which it seemed like the girl might faint, she said; “I…. Uhm…. Don’t… Have that much money.” She seemed slightly ashamed to admit it, but after a few moments she continued; “Uhm… I have twenty five to spend on my dress. Could you… Do something a little simpler for a little bit less? It would be alright if it wasn’t as good.” Elysia estimated that the dress would take about three to four yards of fabric, most of it lace if she wanted to make it from entirely that, but a simpler design would allow her to use cheaper materials.

Elysia put on something of an embarrassed look as well. Of course, it was perhaps an expensive project nonetheless, but it was rude of her to request as much, especially as a newcomer here and with little of a reputation to fall back on. It wouldn't be the first social blunder she had made in town, especially with her penchant for rambling, but she knew that this could be remedied soon enough. She shook her head slowly and offered a reassuring smile to Jenette. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that. No, I will make the exact dress you specified; my pride as an artisan demands it. You'll get married in this dress, right here," she said, tapping on her drawing, "for 15. Because I did mention something about a discount, didn't I?" added the seamstress.

"Oh! But I couldn't!" Jenette said quickly, shocked by Elysia's sudden change in the price. "I wouldn't want to underpay you and make you spend your own money on my account... I couldn't pay you less than 20 for something so beautiful!"

"You can. I insist," Elysia replied politely, shaking her head. "Just put in a good word for me with your friends, won't you? I can have it done in just a few days."

"Ahh... Alright..." she said, still evidently somewhat hesitant at the prospect of getting what she wanted. After a moment, however, she adopted a smile and offered Elysia a deep curtsy. "Thank you, miss Elysia! I will spread word of your generosity," she said, before curtsying again and withdrawing the price of her commission from a pouch held within her dress. She curtsied again before taking a step toward the door, saying; "I need to go tell my fiance the good news... Thank you again! I'll be back in three days... That's long enough, right?"

"Don't mention it," she said with a smile, shaking her head at the money that was offered. "I'll let you look at it first, since I have all the materials on hand. I'll be sure that it's something you'll love," added Elysia, nodding confidently. "Thanks for coming to my shop! I hope it's just the first of many visits I'll receive from you and any others around town in need of my services. And yes, three days sounds perfect--I don't have anything else to work on right now, anyway. I'll see you then!"

When the woman left, she made sure to wave farewell, feeling a bit better about how the situation turned out. She could afford to miss out on a little bit now to make more later--after all, reputation made the waters on which businesses could sink or float. But most importantly, it took her one step closer to being considered a legit seamstress by the community. Even if she had to do it one person at a time, she told herself at that moment that she would.

"You handled that well!" Lavender commented, the girl having left quite happy by all appearances. "You've got someone to spread your fame too! I'll bet that she'll spread the word about you by the end of the day~ I hope you're ready to make all of the bridesmaids dresses too!" she added with a grin, but just then a soft voice came from the door; "I hope you won't be too busy to work on what I'd like you to make~" Standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame, was Sir Aris, a smile on her inhumanly beautiful face, her arms and legs folded. Lavender gave a start at the demon's announcement, and seemed fairly nervous at the other woman's presence, particularly when she spotted the horns sprouting from the top of the demon's head. She wasn't clad in her armor now, and her weapons were absent, but she looked no less regal for it. Standing nearly as tall as Alaric, the demon knight was clad in a set of loose crimson robes that left little to the imagination.... And what they displayed was very pleasing to the eye. Muscle mixed perfectly with her curves, leaving her slim and athletic but still pleasantly curvy, and her bearing worked well to enhance that aspect of the knightly demoness. "I hope, too, that I haven't come at a bad time~ I did tell you that I'd be coming to see you today."

"I... I did, didn't I?" Elysia replied cheerfully, trying not to break out into a joyful laugh at how well everything turned out. "This is wonderful! I'm so happy that my first day on the job is turning out this well, Lavender. I really am! And if they had me make dresses all week, I seriously wouldn't even complain. This is what I was meant to--ah... h-hello!"

She straightened up upon noticing the familiar visage of Sir Aris. The demon's practically inhuman beauty was captivating to most, and Elysia was not one to be immune to her charms. Were these the same kinds of creatures that Alaric despised so much? And yet it grew more and more difficult to focus or think about anything but the one standing in front of her, so the seamstress immediately sought to answer her question. She didn't even remember what she was talking about before that, thanks to the utterly distracting risque garb worn by the demoness. "N-No, you haven't, not at all!" Her eyes flitted to Lavender for a brief second before moving back to Aris' pleasing visage. "So you did. Um, what did you want me to make, again? I hope it isn't too complicated, but I'll do my best..." she trailed off, fidgeting a little. Was Lavender also noticing this unbelievable degree of magnetism radiating off the redhead, or was it just her?

Lavender didn’t seem any more resistant to Sir Aris’ charms than Elysia herself was, as the pink-haired farmer’s gaze was captivated by the sight of the beautiful demoness. The knight started forward in a walk more akin to a prowl, the warrior woman’s movements inhumanly graceful and holding Lavender’s and Elysia’s attentions fully captive. “Oh, just a new set of robes, nothing complicated!” she replied brightly, coming up in front of Elysia and resting one hand on her hip as she gestured to herself with the other, drawing her gaze down the demon’s body and then back up by the motion of her hand.

Similar to these, but not so worn… And hopefully with some of your personal flair to them!” she said, and then glanced at Lavender and said; “And you are? A customer of miss Elysia, I assume?” Lavender was too stunned to initially respond, but when she managed to recover from her captivation with the demoness she stuttered; “Oh! Uhhh… Nn… No, I’m just…. Err… A friend. Yes. Lavender! My name is… Lavender! And, errr…” She paused and glanced at Elysia for an instant before looking back to the demoness and swallowing, allowing her to continue; “I was, ahhh… Just about to leave. Yes….” The farmer turned to Elysia and quickly came up, giving her a quick hug and muttering; “I’ve… Ahhh… Got to go…. Yes… Uhm… Work…. And stuff!

With that the farmer would beat a hasty retreat from Elysia’s new workshop, and Sir Aris offered a quick nod to the woman and said; “Well, it’s nice to meet you, miss Lavender!” Once the pink haired shorn farmer was gone, Aris turned to Elysia with a grin and stepped a bit closer, invading the furthest boundaries of the seamstress’s personal space. The image of the taller woman coming closer and leaning in to plant a kiss on Elysia’s mouth simply appeared suddenly within her mind as the woman drew closer, and she caught a light whiff of an alluringly sweet scent that caused the hairs on the back of her neck to stand up excitedly. “So… It seems I’ve got you all to myself for a while~” the demoness purred softly, “What ever shall we do with ourselves, hrm? I have a few ideas.

"It... shouldn't be too difficult..." she trailed off, trying to keep herself from gawking a little at the sight, but failing miserably in that regard. Elysia had never had an experience with another woman, not before Lavender anyway, so finding them attractive in a more sexual manner was normally somewhat difficult for her. Especially when she had a man like Alaric to come home to, who was apparently every bit as honorable as he was built. But this Aris made it just so easy, in ways she never thought possible--a mixture of feminine beauty and obvious strength that was hard for her to ignore. It was almost troubling how the knight's wordless spell went over so effortlessly, leaving the seamstress stunned as her eyes remained fixed on those of the demon. She remained still even as Lavender hugged her, and that much caused her to turn her attention to the pink-haired farmer, but only long enough to watch her make a well-chosen exit. Elysia opened her mouth as if to say something, but her friend was gone before she knew it, leaving her alone with the sultry cavalier.

And when Aris stepped in closer, Elysia could feel her nerves on end, and all the signs of it were plain to read on her face and form, which could very well serve as fuel for the knight's fire. Part of her was frightened, like prey cornered by a predator it had no hope of defeating, and yet the thought to fight was the last thing on the seamstress' mind. Either way, she was a bit too distracted by the mental images projected into her thoughts, and they progressed even further than a kiss which caused her cheeks to turn a shade of red. "A-Ah, h-hnn... uhmff," she whimpered, making the sounds she would as if protesting beneath a stolen kiss, even if their lips had not yet met. It took her just a few more seconds to snap out of it, and she bit her lower lip, far more embarrassed than she had been earlier in the day. "Oh, ermm, you mentioned something about a reward? I mean, I haven't even done anything for you yet, but it's simple enough, so I should be able to in relatively little time..."
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Oh you’ve done plenty enough for me, Elysia~” the demoness cooed softly, edging a tiny bit closer and shifting slightly so as to draw Elysia’s gaze naturally to the curve of her chest. “I am, of course, going to pay you for your services in replacing my robes, but for aiding me in battle requires an entirely different sort of repayment, wouldn’t you agree?” As the demon’s question dangled in the air, one of her hands rose up to Elysia’s face, the index finger touching just beneath the seamstress’s chin and tilting her head upwards, as if putting her in a position to plant the imagined kiss upon her lips. Aris held that position for a few long seconds, simply staring deep into Elysia’s eyes while the sweet scent filled her senses and filled her with strength, but then the knight’s smirk broadened and she said; “I hope you’ll find my massage to your liking, Elysia…. I’ve been looking forward to hearing you purr at my touch since last night~

But first, my measurements!” Walking slowly around the seamstress, Aris guided Elysia by the finger on her chin, not tugging her along so much as offering a gentle but nigh irresistible incentive to follow her as she strode into the back room. The demon’s free hand was busy doing something to a strap tied at the shoulder of her robes as she watched, and as stunned as she might be by the demon’s actions Elysia would still notice that the woman’s robes suddenly loosened as they passed through the door. She released Elysia from the grip of her finger when they were both through, and half turned to smoothly nudge the door closed with her foot. “Now then~” she purred, and with a single tug of the belt tied at her waste, the demon knight’s robes practically melted off of her to pool at her feet, leaving her clad only in a pair of boots that she smoothly kicked off a moment later. She wore nothing underneath those robes, and she was every bit as toned as her profession would have suggested while still being every bit as beautiful in the nude as Elysia might have imagined. Every curve was in a prime position, and despite her martial profession the demon’s pale skin was without even a single blemish anywhere that Elysia could see.

A long, sinuous, spade-tipped tail slipped around her side to brush lightly against Elysia’s thigh, lightly caressing her bare skin. “The styles of Acheron tend to prefer things fairly…. Close to the skin~ Besides, I’d intended to disrobe when giving you your just rewards anyway…. For your comfort of course~” the demoness said lightly, as if her sudden nudity had had no effect upon Elysia at all.

"Well, I'd have done the same for anyone else," she responded meekly, downplaying the significance of her action the other day. She couldn't imagine what it all meant to Aris and whatever code the knight might abide to, but for someone raised as Elysia was, the display was no doubt a peculiar way of repaying the favor, as no one beforehand had showed up at her front door dressed in such risque outfits even when she worked in Laerwick. It was extremely difficult for her to look away from the other woman's curves, not only because of their sheer presence, but due to the unique cut of her dress--which was, of course, something Elysia would be quick to recognize and wonder about, even when captivated in such a manner. But when Aris spoke, she listened, and the tailoress allowed herself to look up when directed ever so gently by the fiery-haired demon. The comment made it seem even more like she was coming on to her, and yet she couldn't bring herself to protest the way she would normally in her hometown, being the target of many a drunk man's attentions. It certainly worked in Sir Aris' favor that she was far more physically attractive than just about anyone in Laerwick. A mix of relief and disappointment swirled in her chest as she heard the proposal. It was actually somewhat baffling. What was she hoping for? The knight's aura, or whatever it was, worked like a drug of sorts, clouding Elysia's more rational of thoughts. Certainly, she wasn't about to refuse an oil massage though. Her shoulders ached somewhat as if to help her along in the decision. "Massage? I've actually never had one before," she remarked in a more quiet voice than usual.

"Oh, right, measurements," added the seamstress, snapping out of her trance but not quite all the way thanks to the heavy, sweet air clouding the room, centered around Aris. As if that wasn't enough, the action of disrobing caught Elysia off-guard. "W-Wait, what are--" She couldn't even finish her objection completely, as all thoughts of doing so went away rather quickly upon seeing the knight's beautiful, nude form in all its glory. What was she doing? Were all demons like this? The blue-haired beauty had never met someone quite this captivating, not since her former mentor Sorien anyway, and even then, he couldn't hold a candle to this mysterious woman. As such, she was not to protest when the tip of Aris' tail came running up and down her thigh, instead feeling a shallow breath escape from between her slightly parted lips. She felt so clumsy, so incompetent for going into stupors this often, but it was unbelievably hard not to do so. "L-Let me find my measuring tape..."

Let’s get to work then,” Sir Aris replied, and then strode into the middle of the room and allowed Elysia to stumble for her measuring tape. “Clothes in Acheron tend to be as flattering as possible while remaining decent,” the demon said quietly while she measured the knight’s body, “Have you heard of the styles of Anudor? The dancing girls of the Western desert have fascinated me since I heard of them, and a few weeks ago I had the treat of meeting one. The look I’m going for with these is something like then, and if you don’t know about it I can try to describe it for you, though I’m afraid that my skill with language isn’t quite up to the task of conveying the power of the outfit.” Being near the demon was intrinsically distracting, her scent and her sheer presence impossible to ignore and gradually easing Elysia into a state of subtle arousal as she took the woman’s measurements.

When she finally managed to retrieve her tape without dropping it, Elysia managed a sigh of relief and a smile, as if it were some huge accomplishment. And really, it was, given how utterly difficult it was to look away. "I see..." she trailed off. Flattering while remaining decent... that was one way of putting it. At the same time, she knew that the cut of the dress wasn't the only thing responsible for her current state of subtle arousal, which only grew in direct relation to her proximity to Aris. "I have! Only through books and travelers' stories, though... I can't say I've seen them in person, but it's always something I've been meaning to try." If there was any lore that Elysia tried her best to remain well-versed in, it was fashion. She might have been ignorant to those of more obscure areas, but the attire portrayed in any literature she could get her hands on was fair game for her study. "I can do that. Normally it doesn't take me very long at all, but since this is new, I'll still need a few days," she said in response, not even hesitating to put the second project on her plate. Her normally steady, dexterous hands could be seen trembling as she put them to work in taking the knight's measurements, making sure to be very thorough with them, as she could tell that Aris was more fond of the properly form-fitting type of dress. It caused her to get much closer than she usually did, even moreso than the case with Jenette, and numerous droplets of sweat formed at her brow when she firmly took the demon's bust measurements, as well as that of the inner thigh. What a challenge to being professional this day was! Elysia had never had issues with this in the past, but now, everything seemed to go down the drain. She swallowed hard, struggling to keep her gaze away from Aris' more sensitive features as she went on.

You have? Excellent!” the knight said lightly, holding a soft smile as she watched Elysia carefully. The more obvious the signs of her discomfort, the more the demon seemed to grin, but she made no further efforts to allure the seamstress beyond simply remaining in her presence. “I would like the body of the dress to be see-through, with the mask, bustier, and shorts to be opaque, preferably in red and in silk if you have it. The see through material can be of whatever material you can get it in, but that too should preferably in red or black. If you can add trim, silver or black would be best. Make sure that you leave room for my tail, and if you can incorporate something attached to my horns that would be wonderful! I’d be willing to pay you thirty now to cover materials, and another thirty when it’s finished, assuming of course that it is up to my standards. I’m sure that that will be the case, so I hope you’ll accept sixty in imperial currency for your services~

"Body of dress see-through... mask, bustier, and shorts opaque," Elysia repeated after her client, jotting the details down in her notepad and frowning slightly to see that her handwriting was naturally affected by her shaking hands. "Red and silk... silver or black trim, room for tail, horn accessories," she confirmed quietly, repeating the order to herself like a mantra to avoid losing focus again. Once she managed to jot it all down, she heaved a sigh of relief. It was a longer and more specific order than what most customers wanted, but nothing she couldn't handle--and perhaps would be a lot easier if she weren't so distracted. But with that tall order also came a high offer to match, and Elysia wasn't about to refuse it. "Of course!" she blurted out, without thinking as much as she should have on the matter. Really, with that level of charm, Aris could have probably manipulated the seamstress into making her something for free. But the fact that she didn't only made Elysia respect her more. She finished up and took a deep breath, managing a smile. "You're all finished," said the blue-haired beauty. "I'd draw a sketch for you but my... hands are shaking for some reason," she added, as if she had no clue as to what might be causing such a condition.

Ooooh, are they?” Aris asked, reaching out and taking Elysia’s hands in her own. Her touch was delicate, and now that she was closer it was practically impossible for Elysia to ignore her alluring scent. “Ahhh, they are… Well, I can’t have you so tense~ Why don’t you come upstairs with me, and I’ll work every bit of that tension out of you. This place looks like a house, so the upstairs presumably has a bedroom~” she said, and then released Elysia to strut over to her robes, bending down in an extraordinarily distracting manner to retrieve a small blue bottle from her discarded garments. “Come along then~

Despite that she’d never been in the house before, Sir Aris confidently led Elysia up the stairs unless the seamstress opted to assert some control over the situation. Either way, they found the bedroom soon enough, and once inside Aris shut the door behind Elysia and calmly said; “Now…. You won’t need your clothes. Take them off, and lie down on the bed. In the center, and facedown if you please. I’ll start on your back.

"Ah...!" Elysia's first instinct was to pull her hands back, only guessing what would result of Aris' touch if her mere proximity had this much of an effect on her. But once her hands were clasped in those of the Acheron native's, she could only surrender herself, allowing her extremities to become still so long as Aris held them in her grasp, and the expression of submission in her features said it all. It definitely wasn't a look she'd want anyone else seeing, and so she simply nodded twice, half in a daze, upon hearing the knight's offer to head upstairs. While the content of Aris' sentences seemed innocent enough, her tone and the way she delivered them had a way of filling Elysia's mind with all sorts of lewd thoughts, ones that she wouldn't dare to think of normally. The additional 'view' that Aris shamelessly provided caused the seamstress to swallow hard and avert her eyes elsewhere, or try to. In this state she was like putty in the knight's hands, unable to muster any kind of meaningful protest despite her partial look of hesitance, which in itself was dwindling by the second.

"I won't?" Of course she wouldn't. It was a massage... or at least that's what Elysia told herself repeatedly inside her head as she slowly did away with her dress, finding it difficult even to reach the closure at the back. Damn her hands. They had begun to shake again after Aris released them. She didn't have much of a choice otherwise but to approach the redhead and turn around, asking, "Would you mind helping me with this? I... still can't quite focus right. M-Maybe I'm more in need of the massage than I thought," she stammered nervously.

Don’t mind if I do~” Sir Aris replied, slowly moving behind Elysia and helping her undo the back of her dress. The movements of her hands were slow and delicate, undoing each lace one at a time, and the further down she got the more Elysia felt her fingers brushing against the skin of her back. Once it was sufficiently undone, Aris reached up and hooked her thumbs into the hem of Elysia’s dress, peeling the garment slowly down her body, the palm of her hands running down Elysia’s chest as her impressive bosom was left fully bare save for the lacy bra she wore beneath. She could feel the demon’s breath on the back of her neck as her dress was slid down her body, and she felt it as the demoness slid down her body as well, her breath falling upon Elysia’s lower back as she followed the dress down until it was pooled at her feet.

You have a beautiful body,” the demoness remarked, and then hooked her hands into Elysia’s panties and slowly slid them down as well. Aris straightened once her panties were around her feet, and unhooked the clasp of Elysia’s bra as her breath passed once more over the seamstress’s ear and neck. “Now…. Are you ready for your massage?

A defined shiver traveled up and down Elysia's spine as Aris did her thing. At the ticklish sensation of the demoness' fingers brushing against her lower lumbar region, she arched her back, standing up straighter as she released a small squeak. "Eep!" But that was the extent of the dissent she'd show for the time being, managing to relax afterwards. "Uhhnn..." she gasped, feeling the other woman's hands traveling quite close to her bosom, and her existing level of arousal had elevated to such an extent that the hardening peaks of her nipples would easily be noticeable even with the fabric of her bra still covering them. Similarly, her black panties bore a dark spot where it had absorbed the increasing wetness from her nethers, and she could only pray that Aris wouldn't notice. Biting her lower lip, she tilted her head down, trying her best to keep her hands in one spot, as the knight's methodical touch had practically turned into some sort of orgasm denial by that point. "Yes... yes, I am," she whispered in return, before assuming the position that Aris desired her in.

Aris allowed Elysia to lie down on the bed without interference, her gaze never leaving the seamstress’ fully nude body. The brief reprieve from the demon’s presence wasn’t nearly enough for Elysia to clear her head, as she retrieved the bottle from a table upon which she’d set it and promptly followed her to the bed, crawling onto it on her knees until she was hovering over Elysia. “Now…. We can begin~” she said, and did just that as she uncapped the bottle and held it just an inch or so over Elysia’s lower back, tipping it until a small amount of liquid poured out. The substance was cold initially, but it rapidly warmed as it touched against her skin, and left her flesh tingling softly. Putting the bottle between her own legs so that it wouldn’t tip over, Aris pressed her hands against Elysia’s back and started to slowly work her hands over the seamstress’s body. Her touch was, to put it simply, heavenly, as despite the continued arousal inspired by her presence the soft kneading and rubbing eased away the tension present in her back within seconds, meaning that the next several moments in which she continued were even better.

The demon’s skilled massage trailed slowly up her back, starting always at her spine and spreading outwards as the muscles of her back were made to relax. Another light douse of the oil was applied between her shoulder blades, and Aris spread that over her shoulders and neck before going back to work. She spent an especially long time on Elysia’s neck, beginning to hum a soft tune as she worked, and once she was done the knight quietly asked; “Enjoying yourself?

Elysia had just long enough to answer before the demoness shifted downwards, trailing her fingers down Elysia’s spine until they ceased contact upon hitting her tailbone. A few seconds later the oil was poured onto her shapely ass, some on each cheek and a bit directly in the center, so that the substance went between her legs. The sensation upon the oil hitting her folds was even more intense than it was against her bare skin, and as she rubbed the oil over Elysia’s bottom she cooed; “Magnificent~ You have wonderful skin!” She kneaded at the soft meat of Elysia’s rump for several minutes before moving further down, applying more oil to her thigh and rubbing that down her calf. Aris trailed all the way down to Elysia’s feet before switching to the other leg, trailing back up and giving her ass another session of rubbing before saying; “Now for your front… Don’t worry about the oil, it doesn’t do anything harmful to cloth, and won’t even soak too heavily into it so long as it’s on your skin. Your beautiful rear will be glistening for some time yet~

From there, the anticipation was almost too much for Elysia to handle. Was she just being strung along by someone who acted this way often? The question only existed in her mind for a second or two, but no longer, as sensation of the cool liquid being dripped onto the center of her back caused her to inhale sharply and wince, only to relax once Aris went to work in spreading it across her body. As the knight's thumbs rolled over her milky, supple flesh, the tailoress found it hard to stay quiet thanks to such pleasurable treatment. "Mmm..." Elysia moaned softly, her hands idly grabbing for a pillow in front of her as she turned her head to the side, taking a glance at the one kneading her back. She had built up quite a few knots due to the stress of, well, just about everything that had occurred in the past month or so, and the tension built into her muscles was compounded by the weight of her naturally large breasts, which did their part in causing aches to her back and shoulders. Needless to say, this only emphasized the heavenly feel of the skillful massage being provided to her, and she let her appreciation be known quite well through the various sighs and groans she released, each sound just as suggestive as if she were in the midst of sexual bliss, whether the demoness intended for her to make such noises or not. "Uhnn... h-hahh... ah! Mmmff..." she panted, feeling the knots gently rubbed out from under her skin. "I-I am," she uttered weakly in response to the inquiry of whether or not she was enjoying as much. And while her verbal response was simple, her body, from the flush upon it along with a select few other physical indicators, had said much more in terms of exactly how much she liked it.

"...!!!" Elysia opened her mouth, but little more than another squeak came out as Aris began to work on her shapely backside. No man had paid such loving attention to that ever admirable aspect of herself, at least not in the way that Aris proved herself capable of doing, and so she allowed her initial surprise to fade gradually as the demoness went to work once again. "I do? I try to... ooh~" she cooed, her train of thought interrupted by the trickle of oil reaching her crotch, and soon enough she fell into a daze of sorts once again. The peculiar feeling of it all soon became one she could easily welcome, and she parted her legs just slightly, though it was enough for Aris to see more of her. Even the feel of the other woman's fingers and palms rubbing away at the back of her sore thighs and calves was simply amazing, and she let it be known through her voice once more. "Mmmm! Ohhh..." The seamstress had been so caught up in the massage upon her back that she seemed almost disappointed when Aris stopped just long enough to have her roll over. Her... front? Was that normal for a massage? She had no idea, never being the recipient of one before, and so she swallowed hard and turned over, following the knight's orders. Her existing blush grew deeper as she realized exactly how much of herself was being exposed to the sultry demoness, a flush of red having spread across her chest, her nipples still visibly hardened, and even more obvious wetness at her flower, which she tried to hide as best she could by keeping her legs together this time. "Like... this?"
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 49, PP = 47, EP = 122, Status = Fine

"Not quite," Aris replied softly once Elysia had rolled onto her back, and then slowly drew an oil-slick hand down the seamstress's toned abdomen until the tips of her fingers rested upon Elysia's upper thigh. Using a gentle but unrelenting touch, the demon knight pried Elysia's legs apart until her honey and oil soaked flower was no longer hidden from her sight, making her arousal all the more clear for the demon to see. Her eyes trailed up the prone seamstress's body until she met Elysia's eyes, returning her nervous stare with a comforting but knowing smile. "Yes.... Lay just like this," she added, running her hand back up and slowly pulling her arms away from her sides, easing Elysia into a highly relaxed pose such that her muscles were exerting no power.

Pulling away for an instant, Aris again applied the oil, this time to her stomach, and as she smoothed it into Elysia's skin the same gentle ecstasy accompanied her every touch. There were fewer muscles to ease here, but as she trailed her hands down Elysia's sides, touching places that might have inspired reflexive spasms normally, she simply felt all tension ease from her body. Again she made the trip down her legs, down one and up the other, but if Elysia thought that her privates were to be ignored she was soon proven sorely mistaken. A light pouring had more of the intoxicating oil flowing over her petals, and Aris' hand soon followed while she watched Elysia out of the corner of her eye. The combined lubrication offered by her own natural wetness and the oil would have allowed the demoness to slip two, or maybe even three fingers into her depths without much trouble, but she did not so such. Instead, Elysia felt the demon's fingers sliding back and forth over her flower, teasing her with promise of entry and the experience of what those amazing hands might be able to do against her more sensitive places. The anticipation was even more intense than the actual pleasure inspired by Sir Aris' touch, which was not inconsiderable given the manner in which the tips of her fingers continuously teased her hole and flitted over her clit, but it was all just teasing in the end.

Pulling away from her sex after giving it over a minute worth of attention, Sir Aris slowly worked her way back up, and soon the sexually charged seamstress had a dribble of the demon's massage oil poured onto the hardened peak of each breast. Slumped though they were without support, they were soon brought back up by Aris' hands as she rubbed the oil all over them, causing Elysia's pale skin to glisten brightly in the room's soft lighting. The palms of her hands and knuckles of her fingers rubbed repeatedly over the sensitive peaks of her full breasts as the demoness kneaded her soft bosom, every touch maddeningly arousing but providing only the barest minimum of stimulation. Her chest was provided the same amount of attention as the rest of her body, but regardless of her reactions to it, almost the only thing that Elysia could do to spur any reaction from her masseuse was to tell her to stop, which would prompt her to do so with a questioning look. Of course, the sheer power of her touch, combined with the beauty of the demon and the sheer power of her presence, would all but prohibit that sort of reaction from Elysia, requiring a powerful effort of will if she wanted things to stop progressing in the direction that her body sorely wanted them to.

If Elysia didn't muster that resistance, she would find Aris prolonging her attentions upon the seamstress's bounteous chest, her grin now turning slightly sly as the rubbing over her nipples started becoming more and more stimulating while the oil ensured that the friction never caused even the slightest discomfort. Soon enough Elysia would feel one of her nipples pinched in between Aris' forefinger and thumb, the light tugs prompting even more pleasure to shoot up her spine. The other sensitive peak didn't go without some attention of its own of course, the knight's fingers dancing over it repeatedly, and all the while Sir Aris simply watched her reactions with a smile.

Eventually, however, the teasing came to an end, and after gaining her attention by slowing her touch back to a state of light teasing, the knight said; "Elysia.... You are a diamond in the rough. Your beauty is exceptional, comparable to any that I have ever seen before. Anywhere." Her words were delivered softly and honestly, and after speaking she slowly shifted until she was kneeling beside and over her, not quite straddling her but in a similar pose as her mouth descended towards Elysia, inspiring another imaginary kiss to play out in the seamstress's mind. Aris hesitated for just a moment before their lips actually met, their eyes meeting and prompting Elysia to fall hypnotically under their spell as she looked into the depths of the demon's soul, causing her fantasy to become all the more intense in her mind's eye. For several long seconds the demon hung there, allowing her prey to imagine what was about to happen, before finally the inspired fantasy was fulfilled as she opened her mouth and engaged Elysia in a deep, passionate kiss.

There was no tongue, not initially as their lips met, but soon enough Elysia felt the dextrous muscle slip into her mouth to engage her own in an energetic and aggressive dance. The demoness was no less passionate than Lavender or Alaric, but she possessed skill with her tongue surpassing even that of her old mentor Sorien, and the longer she maintained that initial embrace the higher that estimation would be made to climb. When the demoness finally pulled her mouth away from Elysia's after planting one final, gentle kiss upon her lower lip, Aris' face was flushed lightly with arousal that was plainly detectable in her gaze, and after looking into the depths of Elysia's eyes for another long moment she whispered; "I would very much like to give you an... Extended massage."

That was it. The last moment in which Elysia would be able to stop this and break away from Aris's intoxicating touch. The point of no return. Whether or not she realized as much, if Elysia didn't seize upon it quickly, she would find her mouth claimed again by that of the demon, and the attention upon her breasts returned with a vengeance as Aris started stimulating her nipples even more intensely than before. It was not to last long, not in fully at any rate, however, as soon one of those hands left Elysia's chest and trailed down to her long ignored sex, then taking up the same teasing motions she'd done before. Those were not to last long, as only a few moments later Elysia would feel two fingers slip easily into her depths, spreading the intoxicating oil and sending nearly orgasmic waves of pleasure running up her spine. The pads of the demon's fingers found her sweet spot on their first try, and she promptly started pistoning them into Elysia's folds like there was no tomorrow while her thumb rolled over her clit. Accompanying the waves of incredibly intense pleasure was something else, something entirely new that felt like her very essence was being stolen from her body, but in a manner so intoxicating and pleasant that it only served to enhance every physical sensation that she was feeling.

Her endurance couldn't hold out under Aris's unbelievably skilled attentions, the combination of sensations overwhelming Elysia's hypersensitive body and sending her into a powerful orgasm within only a few short moments, one that was amplified by a sudden rise in the drain on her spirit. Aris' barrage of stimulation continued throughout her climax, extending it for as long as was possible, and only when it was finished did the demon pull her fingers from Elysia's soaking flower, break the kiss, and pull away. "You.... Are beautiful, Elysia~ You are a treasure beyond compare," she said softly a moment later, stroking the seamstress's cheek gently with the hand that had just recently been on rubbing her breast, and by that point Elysia would have needed to be blind to miss the signs of arousal present on the demoness, her lower lips puffy, her body flushed in all of the right places, and the peaks of her breasts just as erect as Elysia's own. "I hope I haven't tired you out.... Because there are a few more tricks that I'd like to show you~" she cooed suggestively, and the hand not on Elysia's cheek strayed to the demon's own sex, rubbing over her clit several times as she let out a low moan. The purpose of her actions became all too clear a moment later, when the sensitive nub began to grow outwards as her hand pulled away, and within a few short moments there was a fully formed cock sprouting from the pale woman's mound. It wasn't as large as Alaric's had been, though it was fairly close in length at the very least, and there was already a droplet of precum shining from the tip of the domelike head, just as a man's would in a state of arousal. Though she might have done a number of things at that point, Aris was seemingly content to remain still for the moment, watching Elysia and gauging her reaction to the sudden appearance of a cock.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Aris' initial attempts to part the seamstress's thighs met some resistance at first, though it didn't last terribly long, given the difference in their physical strength--not that the knight needed such an advantage with her persuasive abilities. Elysia was far too embarrassed to show that she had been turned on by the demon's masterful manipulation of her previously aching muscles, and exposing her womanhood completely would do just that. Still, she found it difficult to resist the demon's oddly gentle touch, and found herself doing what Aris willed before she could even realize that she had given in. Once she was placed in the more compromising position, with her entire front exposed, her eyes followed the masseuse's hands, in somewhat tense anticipation of where they might wander to. Clearly if there were thoughts of going further than just a massage, then now would be Aris' chance, or so Elysia believed, having been so accustomed to the direct manner by which many men seemed to favor.

Her expectations were subverted, at least for the time being, when the other woman applied some additional oil to her stomach instead. This caused the tailoress to relax just a little more. She didn't normally expose herself in such a way, especially to someone she had just met, but then again, she also knew very little about the nature of such a treatment, being a first-timer herself. As such, she gave Aris the benefit of the doubt. Besides, something about the red-headed beauty just made it so difficult to be unpleasant to her, even making just the thought of refusing the charming noble's requests less likely to cross Elysia's mind. And to think that she was supposedly a demon--were all of them like this? The discrepancy between the stories she had heard from her home village, and the truth of the one before her right now, haunted her to some extent, especially when she admitted to herself that she was enjoying this. Elysia didn't have a wealth of time to ponder it though, as the loosening of her muscles caused her to release another deep sigh of relief and return to the pleasurable sensations of her knots being rubbed out. "Ahhh... mm," she cooed, allowing herself to get more comfortable, and soon forgetting about her apparent exposure.

That was all Aris needed to get in, so to speak, and the sensation of oil dripping against Elysia's sensitive folds caused her to arch her back and cry out. "Ah--!" Her sounds were more ambiguous in nature, no longer protesting at this point but not to the point of making it seem like she was begging for more--at least not yet, anyway. It wasn't until the knight's fingertips came in contact with her womanhood that the seamstress's moans grew more genuine in nature, and while she still remained half a mind to squeeze her thighs together to trap the demon's hand, they soon came apart once again once Aris' digits began to stroke over her tiny clit. The skill by which the red-haired beauty teased her, even manually, far surpassed anything Elysia had ever experienced by the hand of another or to herself, and she instinctively bucked her hips upwards, her knees bending and straightening slowly as she struggled to deal with the intensity of the other woman's ministrations. "Nnnhuhh... ohh! Mmff!" Before long, the seamstress simply would not be able to keep her mouth closed, as she gasped for breath between increasingly frequent moans. If the noises she made weren't encouraging enough before, it only took Sir Aris a little over a minute to change that.

Naturally, Elysia's bountiful bust was hardly resistant to the same kind of stimulation; if anything, it was a zone by which she could easily find herself at the mercy of a given partner... when handled correctly. And that was exactly what the demon did, fondling them not with the roughness and haste of most men, but with the delicacy and calculation that made it as much of a massage as it was foreplay. "Nnnnh... yes, like that," said the aroused tailoress, finding herself lost in the pleasure of the moment. The questions in her mind from before; 'should I really be letting her do this?' 'what about Alaric?' 'why is she so intent on doing this to ME of all people?' started to fade into the back of her queue of thoughts, one after another, with each passing moment. Her sensitive nubs had stood up on end, their areolas crinkling and the flush ever present upon her upper chest, as it to tell the demon that the job had been done quite well. While Elysia might have struggled with her inner thoughts and the various inhibitions that took the female knight a bit of massage to knead away, her own body remained quite honest throughout the entire process.

Thanks to the lubrication provided by the oil that her masseuse had provided, Elysia's nipples didn't feel even a tinge of discomfort despite being rubbed and squeezed between Aris' deft fingertips. Instead, it felt as if several tongues were upon them, and she switched from gripping the sheets to reaching up towards the knight's arms and shoulders and holding on to them, pulling slightly to have her come closer. There, she would even entertain a kiss with the escalating passion of the moment, urging her to continue--but it was not to happen, not quite yet. And when Aris slowed the pace of her services, it left Elysia looking slightly confused and more than frustrated, particularly in the sexual sense. She had been touched with more skill and care than she could even manage upon herself, and it was all to simply end? But before she could process the situation further, she was given some additional words to think on by the knight. The flattery was so blatant and yet difficult to believe. After all, if Elysia had to be honest with herself, she would judge Aris' beauty as surpassing her own, so for the demon to be complimenting her appearance in such a manner was surprising, to say the least, but it didn't go unappreciated.

Elysia found herself captivated by the mental projection placed into her mind, and given that she had been so lost in the moment that she had essentially given Sir Aris permission to do so just minutes before that point, she wasn't about to turn it down now. When the redhead made her approach, she would find the seamstress all too ready for it, and their lips met somewhere in the middle. Everything about this strange knight, from her powers, to her appearance, her origin, her inexplicable magnetism... it was all simply extraordinary, as if from a different world altogether, another lifestyle far from the fields and the artisanal shops. She had once gotten a glimpse into such a world, as an adolescent having met the strange traveler known as Sorien, and the exposure caused her to fall in love with it instantly. Looking back, it was likely the catalyst that ultimately caused her to leave the village; not only to escape the fate that the religious fanatics wished upon her, but also to explore things beyond her normal scope, things that she knew existed. After all, Elysia herself was living proof of it, having innate psychic gifts and being the only one in her community who possessed such a rare ability. Now here she was, drawn again into such a world, and she had little choice but to immerse herself in it. The demon had seduced her, just as easily as Sorien did, if not better.

When Aris' tongue slipped between Elysia's lips, the blue-haired beauty appeared inactive for the first few moments, stunned not by the boldness, but by the amazing feeling of their tongues entwining with one another. Though she had experienced it for several minutes now, she still had trouble believing just how -good- the demonic knight was at such a thing, and so she was stunned in her amazement. The only sensation that managed to break her from such a stupor was the sheer arousal that Aris had sparked in her, and before long Elysia was doing her best to properly mirror her partner's motions. She was nearly lost in a haze by the time the kiss finally broke, giving Aris a vulnerable look that had gone far beyond bedroom eyes as she fell into a zone of sheer need. The last moment in which she could actually manage to resist had simply passed her by without her knowing it; she was well on her way to experiencing sheer bliss together with the other woman, and her body's senses would not be denied.

She knew that massages certainly didn't end like this, but logic and reason had taken a back seat in the heat of the moment, especially when the demon's touch had such a way of making her forget about everything other than the blissful sensation it brought about upon her skin. The restored attention to her bosom quickly brought her back in the mood to indulge herself in Aris' special services. Elysia almost thought to return the favor, but seeing how her partner was so intent on letting her have the treatment first, figured that she would have her turn soon enough. And she just as quickly forgot about it when the knight's digits probed her slick depths, squirming even more dramatically with a loud moan, though her actions weren't exaggerated so much as they were automatic. "Nnnff--ah! Ohhh~! A-Aris... ahhuhnnn!" The pale-skinned beauty was so worked up by that point that even the simplest of partners could have brought her to climax, and yet this one had managed to find and stimulate both of her most sensitive spots down below within a matter of moments.

Needless to say, it earned quite the reaction from the seamstress, on her way to a shuddering orgasm, who found herself writhing in ecstasy like she had never done before--not under the influence of shorn pollen nor the drugs that were forced into her system the previous week. And while Aris' air of influence could be considered by some to be a drug in and of itself, Elysia was not of the mind to resist, nor could she if she tried. The pleasurable attention focused upon two clusters of nerves had her body going into overdrive, and she found herself a little light-headed as the first few waves of absolute bliss began to roll in. "Hahh... hahhuhnn--NNNN! Ohhh... aah, oooh, a-ah... MMMMM! Oh, yes! Aaaaaahhh! Ooooohhh!" she cried out, arching her back tightly as she felt herself cum, and for the first time that she could remember, Elysia began to squirt her girlcum all over Aris' hand and wrist, making quite a show for the person treating her to such an amazing handjob. Where it didn't hit, it shot past a fair distance, her secretions making quite the mess thanks to the demon's dedicated and consistent fingering.

At the same time, her inner walls clenched tightly around the other woman's digits, tensing and relaxing in a clear rhythm several times as the tailoress felt energy leave her with each spasm of her womanhood. Not that she cared about being drained, as she was far too distracted to even notice. Even when Aris had finished, Elysia was left twitching on the bed, her body trying desperately to recover from the aftershocks of her incredible orgasm. The words that were spoken to her were muffled, barely audible, the knight's face a blur as Elysia's vision went double for a short while. "Hahh... hauhh... guh, g-give me just a moment," she pleaded as she tried to shake off the dizziness. Her world was spinning. She had to grip the sheets in order to properly align herself with the direction of the floor and ceiling, and only a few seconds afterwards would she be able to regain her bearings. By the time she did, she looked up to hear the sultry demon mentioning something about a few more tricks.

Of course--it was her turn to do the jilling on Aris, and at first she worried about the skill by which she would be able to do so. After all, her experience with other women at this point was limited to her accidental tryst with Lavender, and even when considering the times she had done something to herself, there was no way that she was going to stop Aris' performance on her. All of her fretting came to an end, however, when to her great surprise, the knight had conjured something that Elysia had only ever seen on... well, a man. Certainly the one in front of her wasn't actually of the other gender--after all, she had all the other parts of a woman, with the beauty to match. Initially, it did visibly unnerve the seamstress, as she had never seen such a phenomenon before, but a just a few kind words and some additional coaxing on Aris' part would properly get her back in the mood again, as the climax itself had already done well in preparing her for more. Surely it would have just been impolite to not return the favor, and so Elysia looked up at her curiously, tentatively reaching for it and giving it a few quick strokes.

"You can, um... feel this?" she asked, wrapping her fingers around Aris' girth and pumping her a few times to test the crimson-haired woman's reactions, to see if she'd react the way anyone else who owned such a thing would. She lay on her back upon the bed as she did so, using her right hand to jerk away at the demon's rod. Once she earned a positive gasp or two out of the knight, Elysia would be encouraged enough to pick up her rhythm, pumping the redhead's full length from the base to right beneath the helm and back, keeping her eyes locked on those of her partner's, gauging her reactions. Her naturally dexterous hands made it a most pleasurable experience, and all of the 'training' she had received from her former mentor Sorien was put to good use in such a task. However, she wasn't about to allow Aris to finish by the use of her hands alone, nor could she guarantee that the demon would reach her peak like that to begin with.

Taken by the need to impress, Elysia went a step further and tilted her neck forward, parting her lips and welcoming the member to the blissful warmth of her mouth. The heat and wetness of it wasn't going to be enough for this particular lover, though, and she knew this. Elysia employed her tongue to stroke away at its sensitive underside all the while, licking and teasing the head, and even going so far as to caress Aris' frenulum with the very tip of her tongue. As she did so, her lips tightened around the futa's girth, so that her teeth wouldn't be felt in the slightest. Her cheeks visibly dimpled as she did so, and she began to bob back and forth vigorously, tilting her head from side to side as she worked to earn even more favorable reactions out of her guest. Then she noticed something; that there was a certain sweetness to it all. Was it the precum? She couldn't be sure, but all she knew was that it did wonders in encouraging Elysia to figure out if this was some sort of natural secretion on Aris' part. She had been trained almost daily by Sorien to provide these kinds of services, but she normally found the taste of cum merely tolerable instead of something she actively sought; it was more the feel of being wanted or desired by the other party that made her work so hard at the oral aspects of sex.

And now, as more of the precum dribbled out from the tip of Aris' cock, Elysia tasted it, finding the substance strangely sweet. Her thoughts clouded over. She had to have it, all of it, and this redoubled her efforts in milking it directly from the source. The insides of her cheeks squeezed around the knight's member as she added as much suction as she possibly could, moving her head back and forth all the while, even grabbing onto Aris' hips to help her along. "Mmm.... hnn, mmm... mmmfff! Mmmm~!" If the demon was so inclined, she could grab the seamstress' head and dictate the pace however she wanted, from whatever position she felt like, until climax. Whichever she chose, she would find little objection from the blue-haired beauty, who had buckled down and kept up her new pace until sweat beaded up at her brow, determined to take her newest partner to the brink. And when Aris came, Elysia was ready to take it down. Not a single drop would go to waste, not when it tasted as good as it did, and despite the somewhat thick consistency, the seamstress would swallow every load that that knight released into her mouth. Even after she had seemed to finish, she continued sucking, trying her best to coax out as much of the milky substance as she possibly could.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 49, PP = 47, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Horny, Enthralled

Aphrodisiac Fluids of 6d6 produced a total of 31 Resistance damage, resulting in Elysia becoming Horny.
There would be a Resistance check to see if Elysia can avoid being enthralled, buuuuut, she's at 0 Resistance currently, and the d20 swing is not enough to cover the difference.
Also, as discussed via chat, Elysia's egg was fertilized by ye first creampie. Elysia doesn't know it yet, but she's got a baby part-demon on the way!

Sensing the hesitation on Elysia's part at the sight of the cock freshly grown from her body, Sir Aris smirked softly at her and caressed her cheek comfortingly. "It won't bite~" she cooed jovially, before adopting a slightly more seductive air and adding; "And I only nibble... Usually." If such wasn't enough for Elysia to get back into the moment even with the constant presence of the woman's sweet scent, Aris would lean in and engage the seamstress in a gentle kiss that was free of the dominance she'd displayed earlier. Instead, her tongue would slowly swirl around Elysia's, engaging in a dance that was every bit as elegant as it was passionate, and during that kiss her hands would roam across Elysia's body, never quite touching any of her erogenous zones but often coming extremely close. Only when it was clear that the seamstress was back in the mood would Aris release her from the kiss and return to her previous kneeling position, her cock once more proudly on display.

Upon first touching the manhood sprouted from the demon, its light twitching and the soft gasp that passed through Aris's gently parted lips would be clear enough indicator that the thing was as sensitive to touch as it would be on a man, but Aris answered her anyway; "I can feel it, yes.... Just looking at you and feeling your fingers on it makes it want to explode too~" The demon's smile was broad and sensual as the seamstress's delicate fingers worked steadily along her thick shaft, and Aris happily kept up a constant stream of encouraging gasps and sighs, occasionally even throwing in a soft moan after she'd started to stroke the demon's rod faster.

A hint of surprise was detectable in the demon's eyes when Elysia leaned in with parted lips and accepted the helmet of her turgid shaft into her mouth, her actions earning Elysia the first deep moan from the demon knight when her tongue danced over the tip, and another deeper sound of pleasure when the tip of her tongue glanced over the demon's frenulum. She received her first taste of the demon's seed during the work of her tongue as well, lapping up the droplet of precum and finding the taste and texture far more reminiscent of honey than what she was used to from semen. "Mmmmm~ Just like that..." she purred, tilting her head back and reveling in the sensations as Elysia's tongue did its work upon the head of her cock. The first bob of her head upon the demon's length seemed to surprise her again, as her next pleasured noise was half surprised gasp and half moan, and she looked down in lewd awe as the blue haired beauty's mouth sunk onto her stiff rod.

Though she could have easily handled the seamstress into whatever position she wanted to at that point, Aris was seemingly quite content where she was, and the only motion she made was a shift in her hips that pushed her manhood forward so that Elysia would have easier access to it with her mouth. The knight was a perfectly responsive recipient of Elysia's well-practiced attentions, the lewd noises she released ranging from light gasps and sighs to outright moans, her body shuddering and occasionally pushing toward Elysia's mouth, and the organ on which she was so vigorously sucking twitching and throbbing, all dependent on the pleasure she was causing her partner. The curvy seamstress's efforts earned her a constant stream of Aris's honey-like precum, and the more she swallowed down the more the fire in her belly burned, causing her pussy to gush with excitement and her body to ache for the feel of something inside of it.

Aris was all too happy to let her return the favor, however, and made no effort to pull Elysia's mouth off of her cock. "Nnnnn! Ahhh.... So good... Just like that... Keep doing that!" she moaned, lifting one hand up to the back of her own head and seemingly gripping her hair while the other trailed down to caress the seamstress's cheek without interrupting her vigorous bobbing. She'd made no efforts to set the pace, allowing the seamstress to suck her off however she liked, After only a few moments Elysia had the demon biting her lip and emitting a constant stream of moans, her cock throbbing harder and harder by the second. "Y...Yes!" Aris gasped wordlessly, "Elysia! D... Don't stop! I'm going to cum!" Despite her announcement, Aris took several more moments of steady bobbing to cum, though Elysia could decrease or increase that time with a shift in tactics if she so desired... But when she did bring Aris to her release, she got exactly what she wanted.

Just before she came, Aris tilted her head back and closed her eyes, the hand that had been on Elysia's cheek dropping to gently grip her shoulder. Biting onto her lip initially, Aris' mouth slowly opened as her cock throbbed harder and harder, her cries momentarily silent until, accompanying the first jump of her member and spurt of the demon's delicious honey-like cum, she released a long deep cry of passionate pleasure. Aris' load was huge, even managing to surpass the amount that Alaric had been able to produce after being so pent up, though even she wasn't a match for the volume of Lavender's shorn weed. True to her desires, not a drop of the substance was allowed to escape her mouth, though the sheer quantity that Aris produced would force Elysia to swallow some earlier than she might have liked. Her continued bobbing upon the demon's spasming cock ensured that she took some in her mouth and some down her throat, but it would be a simple task to shorten or lengthen her motions in order to take more of the delicious substance into her mouth, every taste of it only proving more intoxicating than the last to the point that it almost seemed to have an addicting quality, and the sheer volume of hot spunk that Aris' member was able to spit up ensured that Elysia would be hooked by the time she'd swallowed it all.

Wave after wave of semen shot forth, enough to fill the cavity of her mouth twice over and coming in the form of two dozen long, thick ropes before the flow was reduced to a dribble. Aris allowed her moans to die down as her spurting ended, becoming a long series of sighs instead but allowing Elysia to continue bobbing onto her cock for a few moments more. Eventually she'd milked the last few dregs of her climax out of the demon's cock, however, and if Elysia didn't stop she would find Aris exerting gentle but ever-increasing pressure onto her shoulder until she'd managed to ease her cock out of the seamstress's mouth. Sitting back with a sigh, her eyes still closed, Aris basked in her afterglow for a few seconds more before looking down at Elysia with a satisfied smirk. "That was incredible dear... I haven't had it that good in ages~" she cooed, before leaning down and pressing her mouth to Elysia's mouth hungrily, tasting the leftovers of her own climax in the seamstress's mouth while pressing her in another kiss of similar aggression to the first, utterly dominating the seamstress. For several minutes she simply kissed Elysia, her hands straying over her body until one reached her cleft and started rubbing slowly and gently over her slit.

Even without the attentions to her cunny, Elysia was growing more aroused by the second for reasons impossible for her to explain, her body literally beginning to ache with raw need after only a few short moments. After enduring the knight's teasing while her body cried out with need for a minute or so, however, Aris broke the kiss and simultaneously slipped two fingers back into Elysia's drooling pleasure pot, again finding her g-spot with frightening ease. She was much gentler this time around, but for some reason the stimulation produced pleasure that was nearly twice as intense as it had been when the demoness had been working her towards her first climax, and that combined with the slow rate at which her fingers shifted within her folds only made it seem more like more teasing than the pleasure that her body so desperately wanted. Planting a kiss upon her chin, Sir Aris started a trail of them that slowly worked down over her throat, pausing there to nibble upon a particularly sensitive spot that sent yet another surge of arousal up her spine while leaving her g-spot only barely attended. Continuing her path after a few seconds, Aris' fingers began to pump slowly into her as she trailed over her collar and gradually ascended the curve leading up to her heaving breasts, pausing again once she'd reached the peak of Elysia's pale globe. Aris fingers pressed all the way in then, the two digits starting a slow swirling motion against her inner walls that had her nerves singing as if she'd just been struck by lightning, as she simply looked up at Elysia with a soft smirk while her mouth hovered over her nipple.

Thankfully the teasing didn't last long, else Elysia might have felt as if she were literally going to explode. After forcing Elysia to endure that for a few seconds the demon's mouth descended, her lips sealing around the areola and her tongue, now impossibly long and thin, coiling around the sensitive bud like a snake around it's prey. It was then that Elysia would feel the tendrils of the demon's soul touching her own once again, lapping away at her spirit and enhancing the pleasures that fueled the very ability possessed by the demon to feed upon her soul. Her lips puckered softly and her cheeks dimpled, producing a suction not unlike what Elysia had been applying to the demon's cock not too long ago, and while the length of the demon's tongue coiled against the wrinkled skin of her areola the tip of it grasped her nipple almost like a pair of fingers, tugging on it and flicking rapidly against the top side. The circular motions of her fingers started going faster, their tips now bent inward to hit her sweet spots more intensely, and that kept for several moments, driving Elysia steadily towards the brink of ecstasy... But not quite getting her to her second orgasm before the stimulation was slowed back to previously levels as Aris came off of her nipple with a gentle pop.

"Not yet~" the lustful demon purred softly as she pulled her fingers free of the dripping confines of Elysia's flower and leaned her torso back. "You look so tense now!" Aris said as she gazed down at the recently denied seamstress, her voice light and teasing but still brimming with lust. The woman's cock was standing proudly, fully erect once more, and a part of her, namely the part between her legs, was undoubtedly happy to see that. "I must have missed a spot on your back somewhere," Aris continued conversationally, as if they weren't in the midst of erotic bliss, "You'll have to roll over again... I never let myself get away with a half-assed job~" She would emphasize her requested by laying a hand on Elysia's side and gently pushing with her fingertips, not so much exerting force that would push her over so much as indicating that the demoness wanted her to do so.

Once Elysia had assumed the proper position, Aris placed her hands onto the seamstress's hips, gently tugging them up so that her perfectly sculpted rear was raised high up into the air if Elysia didn't do so automatically. As worked up as Aris had just left her, Elysia might have been glad that she didn't have to wait long to feel the domed helmet of woman's conjured cock rubbing against her petals, but the grip that Aris had on her hips was strong enough to keep her from simply pushing back onto the turgid rod nudging against her entrance unless Elysia was particularly forceful. Assuming she wasn't, the seamstress would feel one hand leave her side while her pussy was lightly teased by the massive cock that was pushing against it, and a moment later the oil would come out again, some poured from her lower back all the way down her crack until it dripped onto Aris' shaft, drawing a soft moan from the demoness. The free hand quickly spread the slick substance over her shapely backside, applying a second coating and causing her pale skin to shine in the dim light coming in through the window. After Elysia's ass was thoroughly sticky with the oil, Aris' hand left it momentarily, the soft and the shifting of the member rubbing over her petals suggesting that she was spreading the oil over her cock, providing additional (albeit unnecessary given how wet Elysia was by that point) lubrication.

"You're even more tense back here than I thought... Did I do something wrong?" the demon asked teasingly as her hand moved to a position on her rump, the other quickly joining it. Purring softly, Aris began to knead her shapely backside slowly and sensually while the tip of her cock nudged against her entrance, the orientation of her elbows and her sheer strength allowing the demoness to keep Elysia from bucking back and taking her cock inside too early. It was obvious that the other woman's body wanted it almost as much as she did, as she could feel it twitching and throbbing as it nudged away at her petals, the precum dripping from the tip and the oil and Elysia's juices all mixing together on the engorged head, but the knight showed her discipline then, teasing Elysia to the point that she might have started begging while continuously rubbing her rump, an act that was pleasurable in its own way but not nearly enough to satisfy her lust.

The end of the teasing came abruptly and without warning, Aris simply shifting her hips and sliding slowly and easily into Elysia's quivering pussy. The demon's cock penetrated her without any significant resistance, the oil and her own wetness easily defeating the seamstress's clenching tightness, and the first push felt so incredible that the sensation seemingly bled over into pain, though that could have been simply due to how iron hard she was and how tightly Elysia's inner walls tried to grip onto it. Easily outweighing the pain was the pleasure, the satisfaction of having something so big inside of her after all the teasing she'd endured and the raw pleasure of penetration nearly orgasmic in and of itself. Every groove and vein was tactile against the seamstress' soft folds, and for a moment Aris simply held there and finished a low moan that Elysia hadn't noticed until then. It almost felt like her cock was changing inside of her, shifting so as to better fit against her insides, but whether that was true or if Aris was simply moving so subtly that Elysia couldn't tell over the raging pleasure blazing up her spine that she couldn't tell was both unclear and fairly irrelevant once Aris lightened her hold on the seamstress's hips and pulled back until she only had the tip resting inside of her depths.

Again Aris had moaned lewdly, adding a desperate tinge to her voice, but her pause after first pulling out was only brief enough to leave Elysia a momentary opportunity to buck back and set the pace herself. Whether she set the pace or Aris did, however, the pleasure that tore through her body and shattered her mind the second time the demon's cock bottomed out into Elysia's sex was very nearly indescribable. Aris was just long enough for the tip to kiss her cervix, and the second thrust was powerful enough to cause her body to shake as much from impact as from the spasms brought on by her hyperstimulated nerves, sending ripples running across her oil-coated bottom. What followed the second joining of their bodies was deceptively straightforward compared to how skilled Aris had been earlier, the demon pulling back in flawless timing with whatever motions Elysia made in turn and then slamming back in. Even so, Aris didn't simply saw in and out of her like some drunken farmer, shifting her hips to produce minute changes in the angle of her thrusting so as to press more firmly against a different sweet spot with each one, though by that point Elysia was so tight and Aris so thick that every nerve along her inner walls was getting some sort of stimulation. The assault upon her powerful soul redoubled, the raw bliss allowing Aris to gorge herself upon Elysia's essence, the threads of the hungry demon's spirit piercing into her own and slowly wrapping around the very core of her being.

Time was fairly difficult to tell at that point, with Elysia's bottom and Aris's waist bouncing roughly against each other while her stiff shaft connected the two, the stone-hard thing piercing deep into the seamstress's silky depths. The pleasure was almost unbearably powerful, tearing her mind apart and leaving only a primal beast in its place, a primal beast that could only hunger for more. Every thrust was nearly orgasmic all by itself, but when she did cum under the demon's influence after what felt like both an hour and second but was really more like a minute and a half, she learned what sort of heights she could reach under Aris' touch. Her second orgasm only failed to knock her unconscious with its potency because the metaphysical tendrils brushing against the core of her soul pierced into it as the knot in her belly violently unwound, forcing her to live through every single mind-blowing second of it as her pussy clenched desperately upon the futa's rod, trying to milk the demon's liquid gift from her.

Elysia's pussy was to be left to thirst a while longer, however, as the knight's discipline to allow her to withstand even the clenching tightness created by the seamstress's climax. Though she was unconscious of it at the time, the demon had done more than gorge herself on Elysia's soul as she came, implanting the momentarily vulnerable seamstress with affections for her beyond the admiration and lust she'd had before, using those two as building blocks and creating an emotional state close to what she'd begun to feel for Alaric. It was a subtle but devious sort of magic, the type that Elysia would almost never realize was magic unless she pressed hard against it, but in that moment the seamstress had effectively been claimed in body, mind and soul by the demon knight.

After Elysia came down from her climax, Aris allowed her a moment to recover, though only a brief one. Her shaft was throbbing inside Elysia's folds, seemingly ready to burst at any second, and the way that Aris was panting softly only reinforced the idea that the demon was ready to cum at any moment. The brief post-orgasm rest ended, Aris leaned over Elysia's back, moaning softly into her ear and running her hands up the beautiful seamstress's sides until, following a slight shift, they'd caused Elysia to come up on hands and knees if she hadn't already done so, allowing her to grab Elysia's hanging breasts. Cupping the soft, oiled up orbs and rubbing her palms over the sensitive tips, Aris began to make quick shallow thrusts, only about half of her cock leaving the confines of Elysia's hot cunny as she pistoned in and out. The rolling motions necessary for such a position ensured that her g-spot took constant and aggressive stimulation, and the tip nudged regularly against her cervix with a bit more firmness than it had before.

Despite how on edge the knight seemed, however, Aris pumped herself like that into Elysia for several minutes, moaning softly into her ear and offering the occasional nibble on her ear-lobe while her hands massaged the seamstress's bust. She changed things again, albeit slightly, as the throbbing of her member became similar to what Elysia remembered from when she'd had the demon's cock in her mouth. One of her hands left Elysia's chest, sliding down to between the seamstress's legs to rub the pads of her finger against her clitoris, and she opened her motions sped up and became even more shallow. The bombardment of stimulation by that point had reformed the knot of delectable pressure in her stomach, foretelling another powerful climax, and Aris lasted just long enough to get her to the edge, the knot in her belly ready to burst at any second. "Elysia..... I'm... Nnnn.... About to..." the demoness moaned softly, giving Elysia a brief window in which to get her partner to pull out, though it would be an idea that her body would reject immediately, and to actually utter that command would require an act of willpower colossal in scale.

Unless Elysia summoned that effort, Aris would give a few more quick pumps before bottoming out into the busty seamstress, the demon's hands still working hard on her breast and clit as she let out a primal moan of satisfaction. The cock buried inside her erupted like a volcano, Aris' first spurt coating her cervix in hot, thick semen and immediately setting off her own climax. It wasn't quite as powerful as the last, but the surge of pleasure was incredible in its own right, and she once again Elysia felt the demon's hungry tendrils dipping into her soul, slowly consuming it one piece at a time. Aris was no less voluminous in her second orgasm than she was in her first, and Elysia's body took a massive dose of the demon's baby batter right into her womb, quickly filling her tiny inner cavity to capacity with the thick viscous fluid and causing the excess to be pushed out by her spasming inner walls to leak out around her partner's cock and dribble down Elysia's thighs.

By the time the two came down from their mutual orgasm, Elysia was left feeling entirely full, and Aris was panting heavily into her ear with her cock still hilted into the seamstress. The demon's recovery time wasn't particularly long, however, as she soon straightened her back and delicately pulled out, moving gingerly but setting off her presently hypersensitive nerves more than once anyway. A flood of her semen mixed with Elysia's juices promptly flowed out, and demoness slowly kissed her way from Elysia's neck down to her shapely rump before straightening again to observe her good work with a broad smile, watching her seed dribble out and produce a stain upon the bed. "Oh my... I really filled you up didn't I?" she half purred half gasped, placing a hand upon her rounded backside and lightly kneading Elysia's soft flesh, causing even more of their mixed release to flow out. Her observation wasn't to last much longer than her recovery, however, as the demoness soon drew her hand back and crawled up beside Elysia, flopping with a muffled thud and a sigh onto her back, her thoroughly coated shaft standing straight up and still fully hard. Though she might normally have been quite thoroughly satisfied by what the demon had offered so far, the fire of lust still burned within Elysia, sparked from what she could only guess, demanded more.

(You don't need to match the size of this.)
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Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Aris' reactions only served to encourage Elysia further, causing her to bob back and forth on the knight's hardened shaft at an accelerated pace without a trace of restraint or hesitation. Any thoughts of the consequences regarding the spontaneous tryst were long gone now, replaced with a determination to suck as much of the tasty cum from the demoness' cock as possible--not that her pleasured sighs weren't a great bonus in and of themselves. She looked up, making eye contact with the crimson-haired seductress as her bangs swung back and forth along with the motions of her head. Elysia was lost in a haze of lust, and it was all thanks to the person that she was now trying her very best to please. The automatic motions Aris made with her hips didn't deter her in the slightest; if anything, they only assured her that she was doing a good job. But hardly good enough, as far as the seamstress was concerned. She had already licked and sucked up much of the other woman's love juice, and yet it wasn't nearly enough for her. Not only did it taste good, but it turned her on with every dose she swallowed and made her feel so... good inside. It was practically addicting. Surely, she could let out more...

Such a thought caused the tailoress to redouble her efforts in milking Aris for more of her precious seed, and while consistently moving on with her lively motions, tightening her lips around the knight's slick rod and applying as much suction as was comfortable, she slid a hand up the back of her recipient's upper leg, grabbing onto that firm backside. She wasn't to let her mouth do all the work, however. Using the fingers of her other hand, she felt around for the flow of Aris' other juices, trickling from her pink crevice and down along her inner thigh, then followed the trail upwards until she found the warrior's womanhood. Once she did, Elysia employed her delightfully soft fingertips to stroke back and forth upon Aris' slit, alternating in rhythm with her own bobbing motions, to excite her guest even further. So determined was she to earn more of the delicious substance that she spare no expense in getting Aris off as much as possible. Eventually she slid a digit into the demoness' depths, then curled it and wiggled it about in an attempt to find her most sensitive spot within before focusing no small amount of attention upon it.

While Elysia was no expert in terms of giving pleasure to other women, she did know what worked for her, and used that information as best she could to stimulate Aris in any possible way, hoping that the pleasure brought to the knight via her more feminine zones would be reflected in the amount of cum she released from her member. If it didn't... well, it certainly wouldn't discourage the seamstress too much, as the redhead soon began to show signs of a genuine orgasm from Elysia's mouthwork alone. This caused the pale artisan to turn her efforts right back to giving Aris the best head possible as she relaxed her throat just enough to allow the knight to slide herself in even deeper. The temptation to gag kicked in almost immediately, and she could feel the tears welling up at the corners of her eyes. She gave in to it for just a moment as her esophagus squeezed around the tip of her partner's cock, causing a curious, but not uncomfortable sensation, then finally managed to suppress her body's natural reflex. Not only was she able to kiss the base of Aris' shaft from where she was, but her tongue stuck out just enough to take a quick lick at the knight's folds down below.

The demon's increasingly frequent cries of pleasure thanks to her renewed efforts made it difficult for Elysia to even think about stopping or playing around with any sort of orgasm denial, and instead she accelerated the rhythm of her steady strokes, her thirst for the other woman's release growing even more. What she appeared to be now was a far cry from the dignified seamstress that Aris had first set eyes on, instead showing the image of a woman possessed as she gave her all to take the knight to new heights of pleasure. She didn't even need to hear the redhead's order for her to keep going. Elysia absolutely would not stop, not unless Aris pulled her off by force. And seeing as the demonic emissary had no intention of doing from the looks of it, the tailoress would bob her head energetically until she received the reward she wanted, sweat beading up upon her forehead and the edges of her face as she literally exerted herself in order to reach the long-awaited goal. With one hand gently groping the other woman's ass, and the other working to stimulate her G-spot as best she could, she spared no expense in bringing her to orgasm.

Aris was not to keep her waiting for too long, however. Eventually, she got what she wanted, and feeling the first few warm spurts of that thick, sweet load had Elysia tittering in delight as she kept the ring of her lips sealed tightly around the knight's girth, doing her best to keep any of the treasured substance from escaping. And though Aris had much to spare, the tailoress would not be satisfied so easily. Her natural sweet tooth certainly helped in making the experience that much more enjoyable. In the past, the slightly salty flavor of Sorien's spunk was something that Elysia only tolerated at best, but her eagerness to please would ultimately cause her to swallow it all down anyway. Now, it was that much more easy to slurp down Aris' love juices of her own free will, and her cheeks visibly puckered to help the suction along. "Mmmmfff!" She released a muffled squeal as jet after jet of the swordswoman's thick cum continued to squirt into her mouth, and yet she didn't let go for even a second. Instead, she took in air through her nose before swallowing down the hot, sticky loads she was given.


And yet, to the seamstress' surprise, Aris was far from done, granting her a second helping that was enough to fill her yet again. Unable to contain it all even with cheeks full, Elysia finally released her hold on the demon's cock, causing some of the excess to trickle from the sides of her mouth as she paused to swallow. A stray rope of semen laid itself over one of her eyes, causing her to wince slightly and dive back down onto Aris' cock in order to keep the shots from coating her face. Elysia could actually feel herself getting filled up with the sticky substance, but went on until the dregs were all that was left. Those, she sucked out too, rubbing her finger briskly against Aris' g-spot to ensure that relief was entirely achieved. Little did she know that her partner was just getting started, and so when she slumped back onto her knees, pulling her hands away from the knight's body, she took a deep breath and swallowed the rest of the seed lingering in her mouth straight down. She didn't notice until just then that something felt... odd. Of course, she was unbelievably horny by then, but little did she expect to even be capable of a higher level of arousal at that point, especially after having swallowed Aris' seed.

The effects proved quite fast. No longer was she simply content with sucking cock the way she had been or simply engaging in foreplay. She wanted to be fucked, and badly. But Aris wouldn't grant that, not right away anyway. Instead, she found herself in a kiss as the knight chose to pay some extra tribute to her body. While Elysia accepted the gesture, returning the motions of the demoness' lips and tongue with redoubled fervor, the attention to her erogenous zones turned into something more akin to torture. The fingers upon her petals stroked her so skillfully that it would have gotten her going in practically any scenario, and yet now, of all times, she hardly even needed it. Her cunny was already soaked, coating Aris' digits and leaving her entire hand glistening in little time at all. The smell of sex was thick in the air, and Elysia couldn't help but pant as their lips parted from one another with the gentle breaking of the kiss. Her half-lidded eyes followed Aris' visage, watching it descend to her bosom where the rider further extended the teasing, setting off practically every nerve ending upon the tips of her ample mounds.

Meanwhile, she squeezed her thighs together around the demon's wrist in a half-hearted attempt to trap it. It wasn't that Aris was doing a bad job--in fact, it was the opposite. She was doing too good a job that the sensations had overwhelmed Elysia to the point where something told her that she needed to slow down before she lost it completely. The combined one-two of her sensitive bust and her dripping pussy being given that degree of skillful service was just... too... much. Elysia's tongue stuck out lewdly as she panted and gasped for air. Her eyes rolled upwards as she tried to regain control of her senses in order to figure out which way was up and which was down. The level of arousal she was under, in itself, was like a low-intensity orgasm and yet her body was already aching for more. "Hahh... auuhh, p-please," she begged, whimpering and quivering in place. One of her own hands desperately wandered and began to feel around at Aris' crotch in an attempt to find the other woman's member and grasp it. Hopefully she could arouse the knight enough to goad her into relieving the pressure that had built up deep inside of her.

However, she simply wasn't able to stay that focused for long. Aris was too good at this, and her expert foreplay reduced Elysia to little more than a shivering mess, with the seamstress' immense pool of spiritual energy there for the succubus to drink from freely. And by the time the teasing had ended, her body was practically screaming at her for release. The command to roll over that was issued to her was thus followed without a moment of hesitation, with the only delay coming from the tailoress' need to regain her bearings in order to make sure she had assumed the correct position. It didn't take much effort on Aris' part to get Elysia to raise her ass to the desired height, though muffled whimpers and a gentle sway of her hips from side to side would follow. "Ooohh," she cried out, her fists clenching and gripping the sheets in front of her tightly.

As soon as she felt Aris' tip against her opening, there was no thinking involved. She tried to push back, but the redhead stopped her easily, denying her of the world of bliss she so sought. Sexual restraint almost became something of a foreign concept to her as she struggled to impale herself on the demoness' rod. The sensation of the oil hitting her skin once again only gave her hope that it would begin soon enough, and yet, the main event didn't come nearly as quickly as she wanted. "Nnnh..." Elysia bit her lower lip as she continued to try and push her hips back to meet those of her partner. "P-Please," she begged. "Don't torture me any more like this, I... c-can't--aah!" Her expression was truly pitiful when she made her pleas. She had never denied herself the opportunity for pleasure when she absolutely needed it, and as such was hardly accustomed to such a degree of denial. To her, it was really such a cruel thing to do, and she hadn't even denied Aris of her own enjoyable release. What could she do to change this? The answer eluded the tailoress, and without it she simply went on trying to push herself back against the crimson-haired noble.

When Aris finally granted Elysia the feeling she had so desperately sought, the seamstress cooed in delight, her inner walls welcoming the demonic shaft all too eagerly. The oil mixed with her own natural juices served as more than sufficient lubrication, making it a fairly easy entry despite her pussy's inherent tightness. "Ooooooh, yes!" she cried out, her face reddening as she felt the pleasure rippling throughout her entire body, starting from her hips and traveling up along her spine, nearly causing her to fall flat as the control she had over her own limbs was compromised. Somehow, she managed to avoid doing so, and instead shivered violently while attempting to withstand the waves of bliss already rolling through her system. She felt as if the knot deep inside was going to burst already, even though Aris hadn't even bothered to move just yet. And when the knight's cock began to shift inside of her--or at least she could swear it did--Elysia tried her hardest not to scream. She barely succeeded in that effort, biting her lower lip only to release a muffled assortment of whimpers when the demoness started to move her hips. And after only a few steady thrusts, she felt the rising pressure inside give way.

The orgasm that erupted as a result of Aris' first few strokes was not a small one in any regard, and the beautiful artisan's eyes rolled back as she shuddered violently, her hips bucking up and down instinctively in time with each wave of absolute bliss. In such a state, any notion of dignity or restraint fell by the wayside. No longer did Elysia appear to be the capable, elegant seamstress that Aris first laid eyes upon. Here she was simply spellbound, little more than a slave to the sensations the knight imposed upon her body. Any attempt to pronounce a word resulted in a jumble of moans and incoherent noises instead, and her body did most of the communication as her pussy squeezed upon and wrapped tightly around Aris' throbbing cock, daring it to release its potent load.

Whether or not the knight came as a result didn't change Elysia's natural reactions. She continued to feel the rhythmic spasms echo throughout her frame as her cervix automatically dipped down, kissing back against the very tip of her partner's member, and though it might have caused some discomfort otherwise, she was just far too gone to care. Her honey gushed out, and the sheer wetness between her crevice and Aris' rod caused several pronounced, lewd schlicking noises to arise from their lovemaking. Yet once she finished cumming, Elysia was far from done. Her muscles ached from the continuous exertion, but her desire continued to spur her on, her libido renewed from the wonderful, mind-blowing orgasm. Cooing softly, she began to buck her hips back up against Aris' in turn, already on her way to yet another as she found a rhythm that matched that of her lover's. "Ooooh... ooh, ah, aah, hnnn--aahhnn~! Ohhh, A-Arisss... NNNH!"

The burning need she felt inside could only escalate from there. Whereas it was hardly a prerequisite for satisfaction before, now she was struck with an inexplicable thirst for the feeling of Aris' hot seed erupting deep inside of her. To say that she wasn't in her right mind would have been a severe understatement, as Elysia was still struggling with her sense of time and space being thrown off by no small amount thanks to the effects of being this close to Aris in mind, body and soul. Her immense, delectable soul was open and free for the demoness to gorge upon to her heart's content, as the enthralled seamstress couldn't find the strength within herself to resist at that very moment. If anything, she wanted more, and that gave the dark rider ample opportunity to impose her tremendous influence upon Elysia's soul and will. Feeling for Aris that she could have sworn were not there before, were suddenly just... there. It was difficult to explain, and while the forced insertion of such affection would have unnerved the seamstress normally, she was far too lost in the sea of pleasure to really notice it.

The love she had cultivated for Alaric, which had bloomed so quickly in such a short amount of time, now seemed to pale in comparison to the new devotion she felt towards Aris. The Elysia from only hours before would have been terrified by the very notion of such. And now... none of it mattered. She sighed happily as her new mistress claimed her, and would provide as much delectable energy as her soul could afford to give. Had Lavender, Eartha or anyone who had even made her acquaintance in Blinlock, let alone really knew her, saw the Elysia that was on all fours, allowing herself to be rutted by a demon of all things, they would likely have thought her to be a different person altogether. As she was now, she was little more than a toy, a plaything for Aris. But of course, she was anything but inanimate--she would be the most devoted toy ever. Her swinging breasts tingled with pleasure when the demoness put her hands upon them, and the seamstress cooed with delight. "Ooooh... aaffuuh, yes... I-I want it... please," she whispered, before her ability to form coherent sentences failed her once again. She began to pant once more, her eyes having wandered off somewhere else, as visual stimuli was now of little concern compared to the sensation traveling through her body.

Even when Typhon had given Elysia a powerful aphrodisiac against her will, she still felt a sense of dread deep inside knowing that her body had effectively betrayed her. With Aris, there was no such feeling. If the knight was taking advantage of her, she didn't know it, nor did she even care. She -wanted- to be used in any possibly way for the mistress's pleasure, and to know that she could make her loved one cum, inside of her no less, would make her all too happy while giving her a sense of worthiness. Aris didn't even need to fuck Elysia with the amount of skill and experience that she had in order to have the seamstress begging for more and completely at her mercy, but it certainly didn't hurt the enthrallment process. This wasn't the soft, natural love that she had reserved for Alaric. Though artificial, she couldn't tell the difference. All she knew was that it was intense, captivating and enduring. As Elysia felt herself speeding towards yet another orgasm--the number of which she lost count--she felt nothing but joy. Aris' cock began to pulse inside of her, and all she knew was that she wanted it. She wanted it badly. Bracing herself against the tide of sheer bliss that would come, she managed to form syllables into words and words into sentences. "Hauuhh... ah, y-yes! Don't stop! C... Cum inside me! Give it... to me, Aris, I want it all... your seed... nnnff! Your child!" The words she would have reserved for the stoic blacksmith, but couldn't bring herself to say just yet, ended up being blurted out to the enigmatic rider without a drop of hesitation. She didn't care. All she knew was that this knight, demon or not, was someone she'd easily give her life for and to. Bearing their offspring would only be the highest honor.

As if heeding her mindless pleas, her body hit climax at the same time Aris did, and the entrance to her womb dilated more than enough for the majority of the redhead's potent seed to make it inside. There was no longer any influence of foreign drugs to hinder fertilization of the egg she had shed, nor would she have wanted any as her lover filled her up thoroughly. "Ooooooooooooohhhh~" Elysia cooed loudly as she felt the warm spunk fill her, her mind rolling with ecstasy. She came, too, but this time around it was a steady, slower series of spasms, each one just as powerful as the last. Her cunny tightened around Aris' shaft, milking it for all it was worth, and her system's absorption of the knight's aphrodisiac fluids only brought her to higher states of bliss. A faint smile formed upon her face as she puckered her lips, her state of mind brought nearly afloat by the sensation of being cummed inside. All the while, Aris' sperm had succeeded in reaching, surrounding and ultimately fertilizing her egg. She had conceived the child of a demon, and while this would likely lead to an outrage on no small scale by the citizens of Blinlock, the consequences didn't frighten her. Elysia was content in that moment, forsaking her future for whatever Aris wanted of it. With a deep, satisfied sigh, she collapsed onto her stomach, only to roll over, causing some of the excess semen to dribble from her slightly gaping crevice.

Somewhat embarrassed by the feel of it, Elysia closed her legs together and placed a hand over her crotch to keep too much of the precious substance from escaping. She looked up at Aris. "You did... but it felt good," she admitted, giving her a smile that, within it, bore a degree of admiration that wasn't there before. The seamstress had submitted completely, in body and mind. "You can do it to me again, if you're not satisfied..." In truth, she was exhausted. But she would provide herself as many times as it took to be able to satisfy her newest mistress.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 49, PP = 47, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Horny, Enthralled

Aris' smile broadened as she beheld Elysia trying to keep in her seed, so much of it leaking out as the seamstress's inner muscles worked to close her sex that it was already seeping around and through her closed fingers. "Well, you did ask for it~" she purred softly, turning onto her side to face Elysia and putting her face very close to that of the freshly fucked seamstress. Leaning in until the tips of their noses were just barely touching, Aris slowly smoothed a hand along Elysia's side, caressing her skin and causing goosebumps to rise along the way, before coming to a gentle stop as she grasped her hip. "And I do love to give what is asked of me!" she added coyly, her grin shifting just a tiny bit for second to a more pleased expression (though she had hardly seemed displeased before now) as her gaze flitted down Elysia's body to pause briefly over her stomach.

A soft chuckle escape the demon's mouth after Elysia's claim, coming up from the woman's throat, and she tilted her head and leaned in a little further. Aris' eyes were half-closed, crimson irises peering into the depths of Elysia's own, the effect of looking into them almost hypnotic. She could feel the warmth of her mistress's breath passing over her lips, just centimeters apart, but before they could touch Aris spoke, her voice barely above a soft whisper but still filled to bursting with unhidden lust; "Elysia.... I could never NOT be aroused by you!" She laid a soft, gentle kiss upon Elysia's mouth, their lips only barely brushing together, before breaking just a tiny bit apart again and continuing; "You are just so beautiful... So passionate... Your soul so powerful and unique... I could take you for days on end without ever tiring of you."

With that her lips sealed against Elysia's again, engaging in a kiss that started out just a tiny bit deeper than the last, Aris' lips parted slightly as they pressed against Elysia's. It was not to be the last, as Aris closed her eyes and held her there, slowly edging herself closer to the seamstress with almost imperceptible shifts of her body even as they kissed without interruption for several long moments. The embrace of the knight's mouth slowly but steadily deepened as the moments ticked by, but it was plain that Aris was in no hurry to speed things along despite that Elysia could feel the demon's iron-hard cock pressing against her taught stomach, right over her womb. The slight pressure against her belly caused the tiny space to feel even more full than it had before, and the warm wetness that clung to her skin, a mixture of her own girl-cum and the potent cream trapped inside of her, only served as a constant reminder of the illicit act in which she had just engaged and seemed about to engage in again.

Aris was patient. It was several minutes of soft kissing before her tongue came into play, and even then it was a soft caress even more gentle than what she'd displayed already. Her hand began to move about then, gliding up and down her side from just past the start of her ribs down to her hip and then back, an endless cycle that nonetheless that somehow felt knew every time. Her tongue engaged Elysia's in a dance shortly after gaining entrance to the lovely seamstress's mouth, flitting lightly back and forth but moving slowly, such that Elysia could keep up without effort. That tempo gradually built up, the lewd dance of their entwined tongues becoming fiercer and more passionate at a rate as if it was being done to gradually rising music. As their kiss grew more passionate, the trails made by Aris' hand grew wider, curving slightly so that her fingers were brought closer to Elysia's generous assets the farther things went. The first time she reached the curve of Elysia's breasts, they paused for a moment as if to go back before dipping all the way down to her peak, circling the nipple a few times before going back to what it had been doing. When it reached near to her shapely posterior, Aris' hand did much the same, pausing before diving down to give her bottom a light grope before going back to simply trailing back and forth.

The demoness repeated this while continuously kissing Elysia, her tongue never becoming rough in its passionate motions, and allowing Elysia to do whatever she might like with her hands in return. The dips of her hands grew more frequent and more direct, tweaking and rubbing and tugging on the tip of Elysia's breast, and squeezing and caressing her shapely backside. She began to spend more time at the seamstress's erogenous zones, every touch slowly renewing the connection that allowed the demoness to feast upon her soul, and while Elysia had already been heavily fed upon she still had much left to give, Aris had made sure of that during their last coupling. While exhausted, Elysia had been left anything but spent by the wild fuck she'd received only a few minutes prior to the passionate embrace in which she now found herself.

The kissing session was only to last a short while, as after a few minutes and with a tilt of her head, Aris deepened the kiss, her tongue coiling around Elysia's and trapping it for a moment as she slid so close that they were pressed together fully. The hand that had been running all over her body curled around her back to clasp her gently on the other side, and Elysia was pulled with her as the demoness rolled onto her back, placing the seamstress on top this time. After a bit of hand-work Aris had Elysia straddling her if she didn't do so automatically, and if the hand that had been holding the demon's sperm inside of her pussy wasn't already out of the way, she would feel the demon's member rubbing against her fingers. If it had moved or when it did, the cum that flooded out of her sex was only given a moment to escape before it was trapped inside of her, Aris' member acting like a plug as it slid back into her depths. The demoness let out a soft moan into Elysia's mouth upon returning to the warm confines of her depths, and a spike of pleasure raced up the seamstress's spine as she was impaled once more.

Wasting no time now, Aris began to thrust into Elysia slowly from below, squeezing out copious quantities of their mixed juices as she began to softly piston into the seamstress. Her thrusts were light and gentle however, providing stimulation to be sure but nowhere near the level of pleasure that Elysia had been experiencing before. Her pace was increasing very slowly as before too, leaving her body hungering for more stimulation, and with her on top it would be easy for Elysia to start setting the pace of their second round of sex.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

A defined blush had spread over Elysia's cheeks as she lay there on her side, returning the knight's gaze with the most submissive look she could offer. Normally, in such a situation, she'd have been overtaken by a tremendous wave of regret, but in that moment she felt none at all. Thoughts of Alaric hadn't even come back to flood her mind, strangely enough, and her focus remained solely on the one in front of her. The powerful enthrallment Aris put upon her ensured that the seamstress felt only deep satisfaction, and the signs of arousal that her body had shamelessly displayed, between her erect nipples and the reddened flush upon her chest, helped to communicate that to the crimson-haired demoness.

With one hand still placed between her legs, she shuddered and moaned softly as Aris caressed her ever so gently. She was a little ticklish, and the feather-light strokes upon her skin proved to be a curious sensation when coupled with the aftershocks of the amazing climax she experienced just moments ago. Then when Aris looked to move in for a kiss, Elysia met her halfway, all too happy to oblige. Though she had known the demon for but a day, the spell she was under made it feel as if they had been lovers for years, and yet her passion for her partner remained as intense as that of a newlywed. An odd situation indeed, but she wasn't in the proper state of mind to question any of it.

"Mm~" she cooed beneath the kiss that was gifted to her, and even when the other woman pulled back, Elysia leaned forward weakly as if begging for more, her lips parted ever so slightly. "Hahhnn... ooh," whimpered the tailoress, showing the girl above her a most pitiful look. She couldn't help but feel flattered--no, blessed--by her mistress' kind words. If her passion, talent, soul and other natural gifts were that enjoyable to Aris, then the tailoress would provide them, well as herself, as many times and as often as it took to please her lover. Even with fatigue having taken its toll on her body, she felt a strange revitalizing effect from the other woman's feverish kisses, and did her best to return such motions with just as much zeal, if not more. When she felt the demonic member pressing against her lower abdomen, she rolled her hips slightly, suddenly thirsting for the feel of it thrusting deep inside of her.

Several globs of Aris' spunk slipped out from between Elysia's swollen folds, and while she did her best to cover up to keep them from escaping, she had been filled so thoroughly that it was only natural for the fluid to dribble out. As a result, she felt somewhat... empty. She needed more, and the urge to beg her newest mistress to fill her up again rose quickly. Never had she been so horny, not that she could remember, anyway.

She soon employed the hand that had been covering her womanhood to jill away at herself as Aris continued to caress her body, giving much-appreciated attention to her breasts. She wanted to be fucked again, badly, and it was easy enough for her lover to tell, as she began to shift herself upwards--no doubt an attempt to align her opening with the tip of her partner's cock. But the knight proved herself ever so patient, and while this may have frustrated Elysia normally, she ultimately gave in to the pace that her domme set and devoted herself to the passionate exchange of tonguework and loving caresses. When Aris' nimble fingers finally settled upon her soaked and slightly messy crevice, she moved her own hand away, letting the demoness go to work as she pleased.

"Ah... oooh~! Mmmm," she moaned, making no attempt to stifle her voice. But despite the generous attentions paid to her bust and her pussy, Elysia wasn't one to be idle in this case, either. She opted to return the favor by curling the fingers of her newly freed hand around her partner's throbbing shaft and stroking it gently, ensuring that it was as hard as it could be. When it was fully erect again, she whimpered in anticipation as if begging Aris to hurry, wanting nothing more than to feel it buried deep inside of her. With her other arm she pulled the other woman closer to herself, parting her thighs and allowing the rider's hips between them. "Please, I... want you to give me more," she requested shamelessly, panting with anticipation.

To her surprise, she would find their positions reversed in an instant, with her on top, and Aris on the bottom. Though she wasn't quite sure how much strength remained in her legs, the need to satisfy her newest mistress overtook any other doubt. When the domed tip of the knight's rod parted her soft pink folds once again, Elysia bit her lower lip and tilted her chin upwards, her eyes rolling back for just a moment as deep, intense pleasure worked its way up her spine and back down again. Her senses being as overwhelmed as they were made her a bit dizzy. It felt like pure, absolute heavenly bliss--and she hadn't even cum yet! Her interior proved pleasantly tight, slick, and of course rather warm thanks to being flooded with Aris' juices, but as delightful as ever for the one penetrating her. Yet she was all too ready to receive even more of her partner's seed. Putting strength into her legs, Elysia began to shift herself up and down on the supine demon, savoring the feel of Aris hilting into her with each full descent.

"Ah... ah, oohh, hnn, ahnn, ah... mmm, ah~! Ohhh...!" She placed her hands on the other woman's breasts, fondling them freely and paying extra attention to her nipples, eventually causing them to harden as well, if they hadn't been already. Given their positions, Aris was left free to cup Elysia's soft, ample jugs in return, but if she chose not to, then they would bounce up and down freely, providing quite the show for the one thrusting into her from below.

Elysia would continue to ride Aris for just a few more minutes before she felt another orgasm building up deep inside of her. Her pace suddenly quickened, and the loud slaps of their hips coming together rose in tempo. *slap* *slap* *slap* It was right there, the tip of her climax, approaching with every beat... and finally, she reached the center of it. Once she did cum, her entire body shook violently as her inner walls hugged Aris' shaft, urging her to spill even more of her sperm-filled liquids deep inside the seamstress's womb. "Oh, yes! Aris... I-I... I'm there! I... Oooohhh, hahuuhhh... MMMMMMMMMM!! Ohh! Ohhh! Ooohhhh... oooh~!!" Her secretions gushed out onto Aris' hips, mingling with any seed that the knight might have released and leaving them glistening by her third powerful spasm. At that point Elysia was convinced nothing could ever feel quite that good. And still... still, it wasn't enough. It was as if the orgasm hit a switch within Elysia--an 'on' switch, no doubt, that brought out the nymphomaniac lurking inside. She wanted more, as much as the crimson-haired knight was willing to give her. After her spasms slowed down a bit, she turned herself around with the demonic member still lodged inside, so that Aris could see only her back, as well as her shapely rump, of course. Looking over her shoulder she smiled before continuing on in reverse cowgirl, using every bit of strength in her thighs to continue on in a wild frenzy. Elysia was never one to do anything halfway, and even in this case, the sheer amount of times she would allow Aris to fill her practically guaranteed conception, given the timing of it all.

"Hahh, hahh, uuhnn, ooffh... mmmhnn!" panted the pale tailoress, her hips rolling as she rode the demoness, seemingly tireless in her journey to draw out as much of that precious seed as humanly possible. She leaned forward at first, placing her hands just above Aris' knees, swaying from side to side to give a bit of a show as she went on. Elysia's entire body was covered in sweat by this point, her shapely frame glistening before the knight's eyes. After a while she reached down between her legs, her fingers moving past her own womanhood... and down to that of Aris below her, finding the other girl's slit. She slipped her middle finger in between the demoness' velvet folds, only to curl it back upwards to find the bumpy surface of the redhead's G-spot. Her ring finger soon joined, and seconds later, Elysia's wrist was moving back and forth at an impressive pace as she put extra strength into the task of making Aris cum as hard as she did. All the while, her soul was open and free for the succubus to feast on. The thought of resisting or holding anything back in that regard was among the last things on her mind.

"Does that feel good, M... Mistress?" she asked in a hopeful tone. "Will you cum inside me again? Please?" No longer was she above the thought of begging. She was to be a receptacle, an outlet for any of Aris' sexual urges, and she would love every second of it. "Hahhnnn... I want it more than anything. It might be selfish of me, but I'll take as much as you can spare! Ooh... please, d-do it!" she urged, the hand she utilized to bring Aris to orgasm a blur at that point.

However, if Aris didn't cum right then and there, Elysia's legs wouldn't maintain the strength to keep propelling her up and down on her lover's shaft as fast as she might have liked. She leaned forward on all fours, allowing Aris to take the initiative and give it to her as hard and as fast as she liked while in the doggy position. "Take me," she pleaded, and though her muscles began to ignore her requests for them to move and work even harder, the seamstress would gladly let the demon behind her use her body to complete and utter satisfaction.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 49, PP = 47, EP = 122, Status = Fine, Pregnant, Enthralled

The attention given to Aris' chest was well received, causing the demon's already stiff nipples to grow even moreso and prompting her to arch her back, pushing her comparatively small but still shapely bosom into Elysia's hands. Elysia's own orbs, left to bounce briefly as she began to buck her hips while impaled upon the demon's turgid shaft, were not left to bounce freely for long, as Aris was quick to move one hand from the seamstress's hips up to one, cupping it and rubbing the soft orb. Leaving the other hand where it was, Aris' mouth opened as she leaned up, deftly seizing the tip of Elysia's breast between her lips and starting to rapidly flick her tongue over her sensitive nipple. The combined actions only served to provide more stimulation for the lustful seamstress as she rode the unnaturally beautiful demoness, who bucked her hips back up into Elysia in perfect sync with the seamstress's own motions, producing powerful thrusts that resulted in exceptionally potent spikes of pleasure that rolled all throughout her body.

Aris rode out Elysia’s steady pace with a series of moans, never ceasing in her efforts to pleasure the seamstress bouncing on top of her, but when Elysia suddenly upped her pace Aris stiffened and moaned around the tip of her breast, eventually releasing it in order to cry out; “Ooooh yes! Nnnnn~ Cum for me again! Cum for me, Elysia!” The seamstress was already on the verge of obeying her in that, and Aris was soon rewarded for her patience with another feast upon the seamstress’s vulnerable soul, as well as the pleasurable sensations offered by her sex spasming around her shaft, trying to milk the demon for another load of its sperm-rich semen. Pleasurable as her rapid bouncing and the added tightness offered by her climax might be, Aris was possessed of plentiful stamina, and so weathered Elysia’s orgasm without adding to the mess of cum already boiling within her fertile womb, where the demon’s child was even then being conceived already.

She did need a moment to recover afterwards however, and in that moment Elysia turned about, replacing the close-up view of her bouncing breasts to the sight of her perfectly rounded rump positioned over her own hips, her cock visible sticking up and into the seamstress from that angle. “Mmmm~ You want to give me a show, hrm? Go ahead! I’ll give you plenty of my cum as a reward~” she cooed softly, angling her hips and parting her legs slightly so as to allow Elysia to move however she liked. When she looked over her shoulder, she would find the demoness biting her lip softly, her eyes half shut as she seemingly basked in the pleasure provided by the seamstress’s energetic riding, though not without enjoying the sight of her plump bottom jiggling as it bounced on her cock. She certainly seemed to enjoy that, as she never once looked away and rarely blinked, and soon enough Elysia would feel her lover starting to throb inside of her, the familiar sensation telling of the second cream filling that she was about to receive.

Of course, the lust-maddened seamstress had one last trick to pull off before that could happen, one that she had already applied to great effect when blowing the demoness, and it sparked an even more pronounced reaction now than it had then. Aris tensed as Elysia slipped a finger into her and easily found the sensitive patch of flesh, her female sex unchanged since she had opted to grow the male parts, and let out a much deeper moan as the seamstress began to wriggle the sole digit against it. “Ooooohhhhhh…. Fucccckkkkk…. So goooooddd….” She groaned, tensing visibly before practically melting beneath Elysia when she slipped in a second finger and began to pump rapidly. She had her partner throbbing, ready to burst at any second, and the begging words she spoke as she bombarded the other woman with stimulation proved to be the perfect strike to tip the demoness past her not insignificant resistance.

Letting out a lewd cry not unlike a howl, Aris started bucking wildly, leaving it difficult to tell whether it was against Elysia’s fingers or up into her thoroughly fucked pussy. Though her motions were far more like frenzied than she had yet seen the normally composed demoness display before that point, they still pushed Elysia towards even greater heights of pleasure. It would prove unnecessary to resume her bent over position from before, as only a few moments later Elysia’s pussy would be given its liquid reward. “Ooooooh yes! Ahhhhhh~ Nnnnn! Yes! Ohhh….. Yes I will! You…. You’re gonna make me cum again!” she moaned in pure carnal bliss, her body tensing just before Elysia would feel her cock jumping as it spurted another load of the demon’s hot, potent cum deep into her already thoroughly filled pussy. Waves of hot, thick baby batter shot up into her, but that wasn’t the only eruption that Elysia’s actions sparked, as she also felt Aris’ flower tensing around her fingers, causing her to squirt her feminine love honey out as well.

Waves of fluids coming forth from her lover, the added stiffness and the sensation of Aris’ hot cum pouring into her womb caused Elysia to cum as well, her pleasure rising from the sense of fulfillment she got from being filled with cum and bred by the beautiful demoness beneath her. Both of them wrapped up in blinding bliss, both moaning loudly in the throes of climactic bliss, and Elysia feeling her own cum and that of Aris splattering out of her due to the increased pressure, neither would detect the booted footsteps hurrying up the stairs leading to the small building’s second floor. Seconds later, while semen was leaking down Elysia’s thighs from her abused sex, and as Aris once more feasted upon her spirit, leaving her almost to the point where she would pass out as those dark tendrils drew closer and closer to her core, eventually sinking in an feasting on her deepest essence again as well, Alaric slammed open the door and burst into the room.

The blacksmith entered with a look of prepared violence, his rage hot, but as he found himself looking directly into Elysia’s eyes as she rode upon the demoness, obviously a willing participant to this, his rage seemed to stall. Cold fury filled his eyes to replace it as he stood helpless, watching the seamstress receive her second filling from the demoness, who was still blind to his arrival as her view of the door was blocked by Elysia’s body. Alaric couldn’t see her either, and hadn’t known about her planned meeting with the demoness, but the woman jumped beneath Elysia and sat up to reveal herself when the enraged smith shouted; “Elysia! What in the god’s name are you doing!?” Alaric was obviously enraged, and it would undoubtedly take some assuaging to remain in his good graces after being found like this... Assuming Elysia even wanted to, now that she was so enamored of the demon knight that had just given her such amazing sex, and undoubtedly impregnated her as well.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia cooed with delight as her partner leaned up to suck at her nipple, all too appreciative of Aris' willingness to make her feel just as good in turn. What a generous Mistress she had, taking the extra step to pleasure a lowly servant such as herself. Provided, there was no hostile action, no spoken agreement, nor was there a legal title or document anywhere that served as proof that Elysia was the property of the black rider. But thanks to the enthrallment from the knight's sexual juices having spread its roots into her heart and mind, the seamstress simply 'knew' herself to be nothing more than Aris' servant--and a fortunate one, at that. She smiled as her Mistress teased her hardened nipple, savoring the feel of it all. If she could provide milk for the crimson-haired demoness, she would have, though her body wasn't quite to that stage yet. At some point, it would be, but not now. It didn't matter though. Her job was to please her Mistress by any means possible, and Elysia did just that.

Throughout their passionate and noticeably raucous session, Aris' enjoyment and her telltale signs of such served as fuel for the blue-haired one's zeal in trying to get her off as much as she could, with her pretty expression wavering somewhere in between joy and mindless lust all the while. Compared to when she first appeared before the demonic emissary, the contrast was dramatic. Just the other day, the seamstress was covered in dirt, wearing torn clothes and worn from the rigors of battle, but appeared to be a kind, gentle, yet strong-willed woman, one who had put her well-being through the highest of risks to save the village she had come to care about. And now, Elysia was soaked in sweat, wearing absolutely nothing and exhausted from the wildest sex she had ever engaged in. While she was still the same Elysia in terms of personality and habits, her purpose had been changed. Now, her will was that of Aris' bidding, and she would go through anything for the Mistress that held her heart. Even her soul she would gladly share at this point, allowing the demon to feed off of it as she pleased.

So when Aris announced her final orgasm, Elysia simply rode her harder, ignoring the strain upon her tired muscles to drive herself up and down as fast as possible to help speed things along and receive yet another potent load. Before, the thought of carrying a child frightened her, as it would have no doubt stolen time from her true passions. With Alaric, she warmed up to the idea, knowing how good of a man he was through and through. But with Aris... somehow, for reasons unknown, Elysia felt honored to bear the child of her Mistress. While there was no immediate explanation for the sentiment, it was a powerful one nonetheless. She wanted it more than anything. Her ample chest, which she had once been ashamed of in her adolescent days due to the unwanted attention it attracted, was now something of a boon, perceived as a benefit to her future offspring. The many nights she spent sewing and learning spellcraft, once the main interests in her life, now took a backseat to the bright hopes of being Aris' favorite, of being a mother to her demonic child.

Of course, receiving as much of the knight's thick seed as possible was perhaps the most pleasurable detail of such a process, and she relished in it, a fulfilled smile upon her face as she moaned loudly while feeling the bursts of warmth repeat themselves several times within her depths. Naturally, Elysia came as well, her entire body trembling in the orgasm. Her tongue hung out of her mouth as she panted for air, with her eyes rolling up into the back of her head momentarily to show that she had visited a place of pure ecstasy, if only for a few glorious moments. "Ahhhuhhnnn!! Nnnnn!! Mmmhahh... I-I'm--aaahh... Ooooh~! Yesss..."

"Ooooooohhhhh, Mistress Aris," she cooed once more, a deep red blush having claimed her visage. She could feel the warmth deep within her womb, load after load of Aris' precious gift, which her body would hopefully use to its fullest to create new life with the Mistress. "You came so much inside me... I hope I conceive. I'm so happy to be able to bear your child," she announced aloud, unashamed.

But by the time she did, a vaguely familiar figure had already set foot inside the room. It was Alaric.

As if to add insult to injury, the blacksmith not only witnessed his newest lover in the throes of passion with a demon, of all beings, but heard her proudly proclaim that she was actually looking forward to carrying the offender's child.

The visual picture was just as shocking as what had been heard, if not moreso. There was Elysia, riding on top of the stranger apparently of her own free will, her normally pale upper chest now reddened with arousal. Her face, twisted into a picture of lust, more lewd than the craftsman could ever imagine... and down below, copious amounts of thick white cum trickled down from her pussy, rolling down the demon's shaft the way wax would upon a hotly burning candle. Elysia had been inseminated, and she had invited as much. Was there an explanation that could suffice to ease the distress in Alaric's heart? Even if there was, the way to find it was absent from Elysia's state of mind. She set her eyes upon the familiar-looking man, and the first thing she felt was... embarrassment.

Whatever strong feelings she once harbored for the man were dulled, overshadowed by the immense, powerful devotion she now felt to the female knight beneath her. She had been turned from Alaric's loving partner to Aris' slave in a matter of hours, if not less, and so easily at that, thanks to a systematic combination of charm, thought-numbing pheromones, and juices that induced a state of enthrallment. The sentiment that overcame Elysia now was the same type as what she'd have felt if anyone had walked in on her and her beloved. She hurriedly slipped herself off of Aris' erect member and scooted off to the side, her eyes meeting Alaric's as she hastily and blindly reached around for covers by which she could conceal her nudity. "Kyah! I... I'm sorry, I really should have locked the door," she stammered, cursing herself for her absent-mindedness.

"I didn't mean for you to see that," added Elysia, as a few runny clumps of Aris' gift began to seep out from between her legs. She gasped and made a motion to cover herself up with one hand if the lower part of her body was still exposed by then, though the excess continued to leak out regardless. "Nnnnhh... did, did you need something? I was, ah, a little busy, if you couldn't already tell..." she trailed off awkwardly.

While the Elysia he knew before would have panicked and shot right into an explanation, the same way she did during the incident with Lavender, this one did not. Instead, she seemed to expect him to know that she was with Aris. Who didn't know, when she was so vocal about proclaiming her love for her Mistress, who she had always been with for as long as she could remember? Didn't everyone know that she pleased her owner whenever she was called to do so? Provided, not everyone walked in on them like this...

No. Something didn't match up. The discrepancy only lasted for a fraction of a second, however, given by a visible wince and a grimace in Elysia's expression. "Nnngh... I'm sorry Alaric, the timing you have is just terrible, as you can see. Would you mind if I get dressed first?" There was still a bit of lingering concern in her tone as she spoke. Indeed, the blacksmith did seem a bit more shocked than usual. Normally, he would have stuttered an excuse before closing the door again after walking in on such an awkward scene. But now it was as if he had seen a ghost. Was everything okay? The concern she felt for him was that of a good friend... but not of a lover. This was normal, though. Wasn't it?
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