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Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Elysia: HP = 44, PP = 42, EP = 112, Status = Fine

It had been a long day, marking the end to a long week. Elysia had run away from home on Monday morning, slipping out of her home long before the first rays of dawn had passed over the pumpkin patches. Now, night was falling on Sunday, and she was nearly seventy miles from her isolated village, nestled high up in the mountains of Northern Badaria. The stars weren't visible yet, and much of the sky was still blanketed in orange, but Elysia could see the moon rising in the patch of darkness that had begun to creep in. The temperature bad begun to fall over an hour ago, and she could see her breath in the already cool autumn air, as if a chill was likely to set in soon.

The road she walked now was ill kept and seldom traveled, the paving stones torn up in places by tree roots and errant weather, and with the Empire collapsed it was unlikely that they'd see repairs any time soon. She'd been walking for days, doing double time since she'd realized that she was being followed. Every one of her attempts to shake the men pursuing her had been a failure, and it seemed that they'd realized that she had caught on to them. The men on horseback were coming for her, the sounds of the hoof-beats and the neighing of the beasts that bore them audible above the rush of the river that the road was heading towards, and making the words that they shouted to one another unintelligible.

The undergrowth on either side was thin, but perhaps thick enough to try to hide in. She knew that they had at least one tracker with them, else she would have lost them by now, so that option would only work if she managed to slip by without them seeing her or suspecting anything. The party tracking her was still a ways away, around a bend and their view of the section of road that she walked on blocked by a stand of thick pine trees, so she might be able to manage that. There was a bridge about fifty feet ahead, well within her reach, that spanned across the river as it curved to the right, and she could make a stand upon it and prevent them from flanking her at the very least. Across that bridge was a small village, busy with folk preparing to batten down for the night, and she might be able to take refuge there if the folks present proved amiable. Of course, given the normal nature of the people of Badaria they'd likely be less than welcoming, but that could work to her advantage as well if she played her cards right.

The choice of what to do was hers, but if she stood and did nothing the party of hunters would be upon her shortly, with her trapped out in the open.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia huffed, wrapping her cloak around herself tightly as she paused for a moment, not so much to catch her breath as to regain her bearings. It was, after all, the first time the seamstress had stepped foot this far outside her village, and so she was hardly an expert at navigating the unfamiliar terrain. Simply gazing upon the ruined roads from the magnificent view of Northern Badaria's peaks turned out to be quite a different matter than actually walking them, or so she had found. And still, signs that she was being followed remained; the distant echoes of galloping proved to be of no comfort to her on this beautiful night.

Though her body was weary, she was spurred onward thanks to a grim self reminder of the consequences of failure. There was no turning back now; if they found her, she would be nothing more than a prisoner in her own home, probably forced to bear the child of some self-important religious figure--most likely the village elder himself--all for the purpose of some supposed ritual involving the 'reincarnation of Michael'. To Elysia, it was merely an excuse for the lecherous old man to live out the fantasies he had of her, ones that she clearly took note of after having honed her skills of glimpsing into one's thoughts during puberty. Her tendency to 'see' things, as well as hear voices that others in her village could not, was seen as sacrilegious by the local church, who would tell her to ignore the signals, claiming them to be nothing but the temptations of a terrible, demonic god. Only the mysterious traveler Sorien, whom she came to befriend and look up to in her adolescence, gave her words of encouragement with regards to the strange, otherworldly intuitions she received, and even helped her nurture them with his arcane teachings.

Sorien... if only she knew where he was now, she would feel comforted from both the wind's chill and the patrols' hoofbeats alike, her heart set at ease by the mere thought of being close to the only person to ever take her concerns seriously. But he was nowhere to be found, not here at least. The man only came to the village roughly once a week, and was hardly ever welcomed there by the townsfolk, especially Elysia's mother. Either way, she had to find him, and perhaps the town ahead would be a good place to start. Redoubling her pace once more, the tailor hurried on towards the dim lights, hoping to find some temporary shelter or even just a place to hide from her dogged pursuers.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 44, PP = 42, EP = 112, Status = Fine

Elysia heard the sounds of shouts and galloping horses rise behind her just as she reached the opposite side of the stone bridge. The village lay just ahead, but Elysia had only moments to reach someplace to hide before she was forced to fight. Lights were visible within several small cottages, but whether those within would hide her from her pursuers was a mystery. The nearest cottage was the smallest she'd ever seen and fairly ill kept, but a bent figure was visible in the shadow they cast by a low, flickering light. The next was larger and had a vegetable garden sitting along its side, the plants either withering already or heavy with their produce given the lateness of the season, and the voices of a man, a woman, and at least two children were distinguishable but unintelligible from within. A third house was in good condition but fairly barren, and the light coming from within was white and steady, suggesting magical light rather than that of a fire.

The tavern, or at least that was what Elysia assumed the long, squat building on the left side of the road was, stood a little bit farther away from her current position but offered almost certain safety so long as she was willing to put up the coin for it. There was another building that was dark to her immediate left, a smithy by the look of it, in which she might be able to hide alone.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Quite aware that her available options were dwindling by the second, the blue-haired dressmaker ran as fast as her legs could carry her toward the buildings up ahead. Though she wasn't in bad shape, Elysia certainly wasn't accustomed to having to run this often, let alone for this long. Beads of sweat had formed upon the edges of her brow, causing a few stray, wavy strands of hair to stick to the girl's lovely visage. Turning her attention to the dark building just left of her, she quickly decided that it would be best to find refuge there, hoping that she could manage to blend into the darkness somewhat with her black cloak--and that the lights would stay off. Elysia then made a slight turn as she continued onward, heading in the direction of the blacksmith's shop.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 44, PP = 42, EP = 112, Status = Fine

Stealth: ???
Perception: ???

Elysia made her way into the darkened blacksmith's shop with little time to spare. She watched from the darkness of the shadows within, looking through a crack between the boards that made up the wall of the open air shop as the party of twelve men rode into town. Their horses slowed as they crossed over the bridge, and came to a full stop only a short ways away. She watched the men dismount, recognizing all of them at once as men from her village, and their apparent leader was a man whom Elysia knew all too well, a hunter (and suspected bandit) named Typhon who had occasionally pursued her when in a drunken stupor. He was a rude and vile man, but also one of the few who lived in her home village that regularly traveled out of it, and as such it wasn't surprising that he'd been sent out to find her. The other eleven were all just laborers, possessed of no impressive skills of their own, but they were burly and had likely been sent along as muscle in case she resisted.

The others gathered around Typhon, and he gestured at the tavern as a full quarter of them broke off and went over. He pointed at each of the nearby homes in turn, causing a pair of men to head to each of the houses, no doubt to question the occupants on her whereabouts. Typhon himself left the group of horses in the care of the two remaining men and followed the trio over to the tavern, vanishing from her limited sight a moment later. That left a very brief for Elysia, as she might be able to neautralize two of her pursuers and possibly make off with one of their horses, though she would have to be exceedingly quick to do so. The pair stood close together, conversing, but like Typhon their voices were too low for her to hear anything of what they said. They and the horses they guarded were only about forty feet away, but with how tired she already was that was a gamble in and of itself.

The blacksmith's shop remained dark, concealing her position from the eyes of the men chasing after her. She knelt beside the table containing the workman's tools, and a short ways away lay the anvil and the forge. There was no sign of the blacksmith himself, though given the lateness of the hour that likely came as no surprise. A doorway into an indoor section of the building stood not far away, but would require that she break from cover.

Thunder rumbled in the sky above, and raindrops began to fall, causing the two men waiting with the horses to pull the hoods of their cloaks over their heads. If she wanted to do something, she'd have to do it quickly, before Typhon or the others returned, but it might be best to wait. As far as Elysia could tell, she hadn't been spotted, and they would have no reason to check a dark building. Even if they did, she'd see or hear them coming well before they could corner her.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

The seamstress tried her best to stifle her labored breathing by covering her mouth with one hand as she took a peek through the cracked boards, seeing one of the last people from the village that she wanted following her--Typhon. After all, that man knew the routes and terrain like the back of his hand, while Elysia didn't even know the name of the village she was hiding out in. Worst of all, he disgusted her like few others could, and she considered the man to be boorish and vulgar. The hunter's breath often reeked of alcohol whenever he spoke to her, and the stench of a drunkard was one of the biggest turn-offs to the graceful artisan.

Shaking the awful memories of this ruffian from her current train of thought, she looked on, trying to keep track of where each of the men split off to. When the last pair of hired hands were left along with the horses, Elysia was tempted, if only for a moment, to perform some heroics, thanks to a degree of confidence bestowed upon her by the innate powers that Sorien had helped awaken. However, she ultimately decided against it, using this moment to catch her breath instead. The woman slumped her shoulders with a light sigh, relaxing a little and occasionally looking back through the cracks to make sure that the two grunts were still there.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 44, PP = 42, EP = 112, Status = Fine

Elysa remained in hiding in the darkened blacksmith's shop, and in one of her glances through the cracks she spotted movement. The group had reassembled, and Typhon was gesturing toward the tavern while the other eleven men nodded. Taking their horses, they moved off and out of the range of her sight a few moments later, heading in the direction of the tavern. The street ahead of her was as empty as the shop she was hiding in, the only sounds audible to her being her own breathing and pitter-patter of the falling rain. The light present in the house of the old man had gone dark, and the light in the family house had been dimmed greatly.

The streets were clear, and Elysia might be able to make a break for it now that she had such a chance, but even if she got away it would mean spending a night in the cold, wet, dark wilderness by herself. She could try one of the houses for shelter, and the one with the enchanted light at least was still well lit and showed signs of activity. She could try to disguise herself and slip into the tavern, but Typhon and his men were surely there waiting for her and that would be a huge risk. Alternatively, she could try exploring the blacksmith's shop a bit more, particularly the room in the back, or perhaps look elsewhere in the town for shelter.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

After seeing her pursuers consolidate once more and ride off towards the bar, Elysia fluttered her eyes half-closed, heaving a sigh of relief. They were gone, at least for now, and hopefully with that comforting thought in mind, she'd be able to relax a little more and find some time to dry herself off. The pale-skinned beauty had already traveled far more than she was prepared for, and at such a rate--it was surprising, even to Elysia, that she was able to get away, with Typhon and company having access to steeds, and her being stuck on foot.

Looking about the shop and taking some time to admire the tools strewn about, she smiled to herself, for once. While smithing wasn't her own particular trade, the woman felt a sort of kinship amongst those who were artisans, just like herself. The place she was in made her feel rather comfortable because of it, perhaps unreasonably so, but it didn't matter to her--anywhere would be better than in Typhon's grasp, Elysia thought to herself. The seamstress was no longer gasping for air and less worried than just moments prior, but she was still hungry and somewhat tired. Looking to the doorway located near the back, she ventured towards the building's interior, hoping to find some semblance of an opportunity for a warm meal or simply a soft bed.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 44, PP = 42, EP = 112, Status = Fine

The door slid open easily and silently, the hinges well oiled and the door fitting to its frame perfectly. Apparently, whoever worked here was an excellent craftsmen using more than just metal. Past that door was a short hallway running to her left, lined in wood, and just past that a soft, flickering light came. Elysia could hear a rocking chair going, and the sounds of someone sipping at something were followed by the clinking of glass and then the sounds of dishware connecting lightly. There was only one person in the next room as far as she could tell, as all the sounds were coming from the same place within the next room. She could feel the radiating warmth of a fire even out in the hallway, and whoever lay within didn't seem to be aware of her presence. Whether she wanted to change that or not, however, was up to her.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

The fine craftsmanship of the door itself wouldn't go unnoticed by Elysia, who blinked and curiously gave it a closer examination, opening then closing it once more, followed with a slight smile to herself. She was admittedly a fool for these kinds of things, and to see such good work put in always pleased the stylish woman, who was certainly no stranger to putting in her own extra bit of effort for her respective trade. After her moment of admiration, she moved along, hoping to find the person whose attention to detail shined through quite well in even their most mundane of works.

Not wanting to be rude, the tailoress knocked lightly upon the side of the hallway as she walked carefully towards the source of the faint light, to let her presence be known. No point in startling the owner of the house, especially seeing as she didn't want to come off as an intruder of any kind. "Hello? Is anyone here?"
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 44, PP = 42, EP = 112, Status = Fine

The rocking stopped as Elysia knocked, and there was the sound of dishes being laid aside just before she spoke. A powerful, masculine voice answered just as she rounded the corner; "Who's there?" There was no fear in the man's voice, and as Elysia rounded the corner she immediately understood why. The man stood with his back to a lit fireplace, casting much of his form in shadow as it blocked off the light. He was bulky and heavily muscled, and thought it was hard to tell in what little of his skin was under the firelight his skin was tanned dark and scarred in numerous places. The man stood at least six and a half feet tall, a mane of long blonde hair hung from his head, and a short beard more akin to what one would develop from not shaving for a while than any purposeful care of one's facial hair stood upon his chin.

Though he was unarmed, Elysia got the distinct impression that he didn't particularly need to be from his stance, which showed at least some sort of experience in defending himself even when unarmed. "Who are you, and what are you doing coming into my home at this hour?" the man demanded of Elysia in a loud, booming voice, his crystal blue eyes shining in the shadowed firelight that was half blocked by his bulky form.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

The lady swallowed hard as she cast her eyes upward to behold the visage of what she assumed was the blacksmith of this particular shop--the one she had just entered uninvited. He was larger than any man she had met before, even Typhon, who was well-known in her village for his impressive build. Needless to say, the smithy's sheer physicality and deep, resonant voice did a well enough job at intimidating the relatively petite woman to such a degree that her response was given through a wavering voice. "A-Ah... hello, I am Elysia, a seamstress... a-and I was just looking for a place to stay for the night. I can't go to the tavern, and well, uhm... Please pardon my intrusion, I didn't mean to startle you..."

While part of her instincts told her that she should just leave right away and spare this sleeping bear the trouble of dealing with her problems, she was still frozen in place from fear, or something like it. A sweatdrop trickled down the side of Elysia's face, collecting several smaller ones as it went along. Judging from the expression upon her lovely visage, it would be plain for the the man to see that she was more afraid than he was.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 44, PP = 42, EP = 112, Status = Fine

The man's visage softened slowly as he beheld Elysia's frightened expression, and the tension gradually left his form as the seconds ticked by, making him at least slightly less intimidating. He didn't respond immediately, but when he did a moment later his voice had softened considerably from the near roar that it had been before; "It is no matter... Be welcome in my home, Elysia. My name is Theothelm. Alaric Theothelm." He gestured for her to come in with one hand and then moved over and picked up a chair that was leaning against the wall, placing it a few feet from the rocking chair he'd no doubt been seated at earlier.

"I made myself some food, and there is extra if you'd like some," he continued, moving over to a set of finely crafted cabinets hanging over a metal stove of a silvery metal that Elysia had never seen before and pulling out a fine china plate and some silverware. Then, he took a step to the right and piled the plate high with food that smelled the next best thing to heavenly now that Elysia took the time to notice it. "Go ahead and sit, it will be ready in a moment." Whether she complied or not, Alaric brought her the plate and dishware, as well as a glass of chilled milk before returning to his seat and his own meal.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

After what seemed like an eternity, which may have really just been a brief, yet incredibly tense period of silence between the two, Elysia sighed deeply, seeing the hulking craftsman lightening up on his tone. It felt like her heart had just about stopped during that stretch of time, but just after the man had introduced himself, things seemed to go right back to normal--she could breathe again! Likewise, her worried face had eased up into a slight smile to display her apparent relief, and for the first time in the past week or so, the girl actually felt comfortable with her situation. She wasn't sure exactly what it was, but something about the towering blacksmith and his changed reaction in light of her words caused her nerves to settle. Needless to say, she was pleasantly surprised by how welcoming he turned out to be. "Alaric Theothelm... It's nice to meet you. I greatly appreciate your kindness."

She shuffled in after him, graciously nodding her thanks and taking a seat upon the wooden chair that he had placed for her with seemingly little effort. As she caught a whiff of the wonderful aroma coming from the food that Alaric was preparing, her stomach growled shamelessly, and the blue-haired beauty couldn't help but look a little embarrassed at that. She had been surviving on some leftover scraps during the week-long journey, and it was the first decent helping she had in a long while. "Thank you," she immediately pronounced upon receiving the delightful meal, before digging in.

Elysia started scarfing it down at first, due to how absurdly hungry she was, but soon caught herself, making a conscious attempt to eat with more manners afterwards. The seamstress then took a long sip of the milk given to her. She must have looked like a wreck, she thought, with her hair all disheveled and sweat-covered face showing the rigors of travel. Suddenly, the girl found herself rather self-conscious in front of this courteous host, but tried her best not to dwell on it, instead bringing up a nagging question that she had since arriving here--not after wiping her mouth, of course.

"So I... take it you are the smith of this shop, Alaric? The door leading to the shed... did you install it, as well? I must say, if you did, the work put into it was admirable--no, it was simply amazing. Rarely have I ever seen such devotion to one's craft! I don't mean to be intrusive, but I just can't help but notice whenever an artisan puts forth such dedication and effort. As a seamstress, I can't bring myself to do anything but my very best while at work, and to finally meet a person who feels the same way about metals and the like is... I mean, I feel blessed!" When she spoke, there was a certain enthusiasm evident in her voice and her eyes, which seemed to shine in contrast to her slightly dirt-specked countenance.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 44, PP = 42, EP = 112, Status = Fine

Alaric showed no reaction to Elysia's initial thanks for his hospitality, and instead busied himself with getting her food together. Not until he had handed her a plate of food and settled back into his own chair did the blacksmith mutter; "Think nothing of it." He ate slowly, like a man not truly hungry but rather one who ate simply out of habit, and the two of them finished their meals at about the same time despite his head start and Elysia's attempt at manners. He hadn't seemed to notice the change between her initial rabid devouring and her more civilized eating anyway, and sat in his rocking chair while staring into the fire after he'd set aside his dishware.

When she began to speak, her turned his head to look at her but continued to rock back and forth slowly. He didn't respond until a moment after she'd finished her praise, and his expression had never once changed from the somewhat dour look that didn't quite reach a scowl. "I am the smith," he began evenly, "and yes, I did install the door as well. I do most of the carpentry here in Blinlock since old Anders passed three springs ago, and I help with masonry and brickworking when it's needed. As far as I've always been concerned, there is no point in doing something unless you mean to do it well." Though he hadn't shared Elysia's enthusiasm by any means, he hadn't said anything in a manner that might be considered hostile either.

Before Elysia could speak further, however, Alaric calmly and quietly asked; "Why can't you go to the tavern, Elysia?"
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia kept her eyes glued upon the bulky smith, managing an awkward smile that faded ever so slightly upon seeing his rather stoic response to her little tangent, though probably not enough for him to notice without actually making an attempt to do so. Even then, she still listened with interest to his words, giving thought to the town she was in and the community's apparent reliance on the strapping Alaric as a primary handyman for their various needs in the realm of stone, metal, and woodwork. Upon hearing the man's commentary regarding his attitude towards craftsmanship, the dressmaker's heart went aflutter--after all, who wouldn't admire such devotion? Gathering up the remaining food on her plate, she took one last bite of the meal provided to her, finishing every last morsel, before making her reply.

"You do all of those? That's truly commendable," Elysia offered, looking as if she was searching for something in the shop owner's weathered expression. "Sometimes I am hesitant to learn new trades, for I too never wish to do anything halfway. But it sounds like you did such things out of necessity, and I'm sure the town is twice blessed for it! I mean--" Abruptly stopping herself, she checked the blacksmith's features to make sure that she hadn't hit any kind of nerve with her blurted-out assumption. Naturally, she was tempted to change the subject and rant more on her favorite topics, but decided against it, figuring that Alaric may not want to listen to her ramble all night.

Turning her gaze to the fire, she quickly found something else to talk about after hearing his inquiry. "So this town is Blinlock... I see. To be honest, I didn't quite know where I was when I arrived here." Elysia swallowed hard, hoping that her confession wouldn't be taken poorly. "To be honest, I've been on the run from a band of men," she explains. "They're from my home village, Laerwick, to the north. I ran away about a week ago, to escape the fate my community tried to force upon me. The lead pastor claimed that I was a chosen 'vessel' destined to give birth to the reincarnation of Michael... you know, the Eternal Craftsman? Nobody asked questions, they just went along with it... even my own mother. The only thing they ever did was attribute my talents to some stupid prophecy instead of realizing all the hard work I put in. It's as if no tapestry or dress I've ever made was my own, but the work of Michael through me! Can you believe that?! Why, if you make something with your own two hands, shouldn't you have the right to take pride in it?!" Perhaps unintentionally, her volume escalated towards the end of her last sentence.

She paused, taking a deep breath, and looking a bit flustered, realized how silly she must have sounded. "...I-I apologize for that. Anyway, I was supposed to bear this so-called avatar of Michael, and it figures that the village elder would take it upon himself to have the rights of fathering that child. How that even makes sense is beyond me, but he has always eyed me with lust. It disgusts me to think what he'd do if given the chance. I simply couldn't stay there anymore, and so I left. They weren't too keen on that decision, and that's why they sent a group on horseback after me, led by Typhon, the strongest hunter in our town. I watched the lot of them enter the tavern from the safety of your shop... So please Alaric, don't let them find me. I know my mother must be worried sick, but I simply can't go back right now, not while that lewd old man still holds power."

Standing up from her seat while holding the cleaned-out plate in hand, Elysia moves to collect the man's used dish, determined to make herself useful somehow. "I'll help around the house, or even the shop if you need assistance, anything! At least until Typhon and his thugs leave town." Perhaps it wasn't that the girl was so much afraid of fighting as she was of feeling helpless and truly alone for the first time that she could remember. The brawny craftsman, while perhaps not as taken by Elysia as many other men were, provided an opportunity for her to ease that loneliness, one that the girl would not pass up so easily.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 44, PP = 42, EP = 112, Status = Fine

Alaric listened to Elysia's commendation on learning so many skills with a shrug, and he evenly replied; "I do what is needed to the best of my abilities. There are fewer and fewer here to do the work that needs to be done every year, and someone has to do it or we'll have even more problems. I would prefer it if a more adept stone mason were present here, as I had to teach myself that trade when the last was taken in the night..." He trailed off and turned away from Elysia for a moment, but she didn't miss the pained look in his eyes as he did so.

He turned back to her when she began reciting her own tale, and when he did the pain had vanished from his eyes. His poker face was flawless as he listened to her story, not a single sign of emotion slipping into his stony visage even when she became more emphatic in her delivery. Even after she finished and delivered her desperate request, his expression didn't shift even a little, and at first he said nothing in response.

But, when she rose with her dishes and gathered up his as well, he laid a single massive hand gently upon her arm, holding her in place with a surprisingly delicate grasp given his size. Looking her dead in the eyes, the smith said; "I will not tell anyone of your presence here. So long as those who hunt you remain in this village, you may stay in my home without worry for yourself." He released her arm and rose from his rocking chair, towering over Elysia once more. He'd practically been at eye level with her even when he'd been sitting down, but he made no further attempts to intimidate her as he softly went on; "Though a skilled hand would be appreciated, I won't force any task upon you that you would not willingly accept."

He turned away from her and allowed her to go by him toward the sink as he headed toward the door. Speaking loudly over his shoulder, Alaric continued; "A friend wished for me to repair a cot his son had broken, but I hadn't had time to go and get it yet. I will go and get it, but tonight you may take my bed," he gestured toward the moderately sized mattress in the corner, one that looked to be sized for two people even given Alaric's somewhat above average size. The smith seemed to have running water for his sink, a luxury that those in Elysia's village had only dreamed of wistfully. Alaric seemed set on leaving her for a short while, and had as much as given her his permission to go right to bed, but it seemed rude to simply do so when she'd already agreed to wash the dishes. Whether Elysia made good on her offer or not, and what she said to Alaric before he took his leave, was up to her.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

The woman's keen red eyes observed the momentary lapse in Alaric's otherwise aloof expression, though she assumed whatever memories they were associated with were best left alone--for now at least. She turned her thoughts to the nature of his story, and exactly what was responsible for the last mason being 'taken'. Her village did have the occasional attack by some mysteriously agile and terrifying creatures, many of which could simply drag an unprepared individual off into the darkness, and she wondered if those had anything to do with the events that Alaric referred to.

When he touched her arm, Elysia nearly froze for a second, a deep blush across her cheeks quickly making itself apparent. She didn't know what to make of the gesture, since the beauty had automatically assumed a general air of disinterest from the skilled artisan from his relative lack of reactions to her long-winded tales. But with his reassuring and kind words, her perception of his interest level was changed once again. Inwardly, she took a second to seriously consider this intriguing craftsman and the overall impression she got from him. On one hand he seemed very cold, rather indifferent in general, and it was hard for the seamstress to get a solid read on the massive man. On the other, he had proved to be more welcoming and hospitable than she could ever hope for, and despite the initial tension, she somehow felt very safe in his presence. Whether he did it out of pity or any other reason, Elysia was at least appreciative of this golden opportunity, and of Alaric himself.

As her heart was still racing from the feel of his unexpectedly gentle touch, Elysia's previously passionate and fast-paced manner of talking was reduced to a much slower, subdued tone. "Thank you. I won't disappoint you, I swear it. Work like this is the least I could do for the kindness you've shown me," she replied, looking up at him attentively. She then bowed her head with the used plates and silverware stacked up in her hands, shuffling across when he let her pass. Catching a glimpse of the large, comfortable-looking mattress, the temptation to take him up on that offer tugged at her aching body; days of traveling and sleeping in the least uncomfortable place made her yearn for a soft bed like that one, but then again, she couldn't just crash right away after she had already offered to do the dishes. "Mm... I might actually have to accept that generous offer, as it's been quite a while since I've gotten a good night's rest. Hope you don't mind if I go on ahead after cleaning these," she said, getting right to work with the dishwashing after giving him a brief nod and a smile as her farewell for now. "Be safe," the seamstress added, stating the obvious, though it was doubtful to her that the imposing man would need such a wish.

After washing the fine china thoroughly, yet carefully, and simply tickled by the availability of running water in the home, Elysia set them aside upon a nearby rack to dry, then wiped her hands off on a nearby washcloth or whatever was conveniently located nearby. She then heaved a deep sigh of relief, her eyes inevitably wandering towards the calling cushion sitting off to one corner of the room. The seamstress slowly made her way to the sizeable mattress, then looked around before stripping down to her undergarments. Setting her small tailor's set and clothes off to one side, Elysia then crawled underneath the warm layers of fabric, smiling softly to herself before drifting off into a deep, peaceful slumber.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia: HP = 44, PP = 42, EP = 112, Status = Helpless, Horny, Penetrated

Perception: Failure.
Attack: Automatic Hit.
Resistance Damage: 2 + 2 + 10 = 14 * 2 = 28 Resistance damage. Elysia is now helpless and horny.

Alaric continued heading toward the door as Elysia surveyed the bed, but he paused before leaving and glanced at her over his shoulder and said; "Of course. Treat my home as your home, you need not wait for me to return in order to take your rest. I may take some time to return." He turned forward again and rose his voice slightly so that she could still hear him; "I will be back as quickly as I can."

Elysia was left to her own devices, and with the convenience provided by running water she was able to quickly finish cleaning off the dishes. Contrary to most of his other things, Alaric's dishware was fairly simple and cheap, though his silverware seemed to be made of real silver. A washcloth was placed on a rail located nearby, and she used that to clean her hands when she was finished. With her only task finished and the only light in the room cast by the slowly dying fire, Elysia was free to go to bed, which was what she did after stripping down to her underclothing.

The bed was incredibly comfortable, and showed the same relative orderliness that was present in all aspects of Alaric's life. She was asleep in moments.


Some time later, she awoke as a particularly loud crack of thunder sound from the sky above, a storm having seemingly come in full while she slept. She instinctively felt a presence beside her. The fire was low but not yet out, casting the room in deep shadows, and as Elysia turned over she spotted a figure standing beside her. The figure was muscular and tall, and in her sleepy state the only thing that registered to her was that the figure was familiar.

The figure moved a hand toward her face while cast in shadow, as if to caress her face, but a log collapsed into the fire as he did so causing it to flare. Typhon's face was revealed, wearing a wicked smile as he looked down upon her and said; "Goodnight Elysia." She smelled something sweet in his hand right before it clamped over her nose and mouth, filling her nostrils with a sickly sweet scent. The adrenaline rush that came with seeing her nemesis standing above her was beaten down by a sudden wave of drowsiness accompanied by a powerful arousal. Within seconds, any struggles that Elysia had mustered were ceased while her nipples hardened almost painfully and her petals moistened. Typhon pulled his hand, which she realized held a rag covered in some sort of amber liquid, and laughed darkly before shouting; "Come on in boys! She's no threat to anyone now!"

The squad of men he'd brought filed into the room, primitive clubs held at their side, and at the same time Typhon grabbed her and pulled her out of the bed. Forced to stand before them in nothing but her underclothes, Elysia was barely able to think enough to keep her feet under her, much less get herself together enough to defend herself. "The dumb slut didn't even put up a fight! Now she's all ours!" Typhon said, and then began chuckling as his hands started roaming over her body. One of the men who'd come with Typhon, a farmer whom Elysia had never really known very well, cleared his throat and said; "Yeah, but shouldn't we be getting back? That drug won't last forever, and we only have a little bit of it." Typhon looked at the man as if he were an idiot and barked; "Hah, and pass up a chance for a turn with a piece of ass like this? You're out of your mind! Who knows, maybe one of us will be the one that knocks her up? How'd you like to be the father of a god, eh?"

The dull laborer frowned and replied; "But... The village elder has reserved the right to father the reincarnation of Michael himself!" Typhon looked about ready to kill the man, but laughed cruely before replying; "Who gives a damn what that old fool wants? He can't do anything to stop us, and it hardly matters who breeds this dumb cunt so long as she gets bred! Sides," he tore Elysia's bra off violently, baring her ample chest to the open air and causing her already stiff nipples to become even harder, to the point that they actually ached for attention, and then his free hand darted down to her lower lips and started teasing them with his fingers through her panties. The effect that had on the simple men surrounding her was instantaneous, each of them growing visibly aroused through their cheap clothing, at which Typhon laughed harshly once more. "See, how can you resist a pair of tits like that? And she's already soaking wet too! Just remember, I get first shot! The rest of you can entertain yourselves however you want until I'm finished! I'm sure we can all have our fun and be out of here before that oaf comes back!"

Typhon half carried Elysia over to the worktable on the left wall of Alaric's home and swept all of the tools off of it, producing an audible racket. He paused only long enough to rip her panties off before pushing her onto the table, placing her on her back and spreading her legs. The hunter undid his pants quickly while holding one of her legs up, revealing his fairly large member. Obviously eager, Typhon wasted no time before pressing against her already damp petals and pressing inwards, impaling Elysia on his manhood in a single thrust. The stretching of her inner walls by the vile huntsman's rod, something that she might normally have thought of as disgusting, caused a powerful surge of pleasure to rise within Elysia, the drug running through her system no doubt causing her to become more sensitive.

The man had let out a low groan upon penetrating Elysia, and promptly started thrusting rapidly into her while his now free hand roughly grabbed one of her breasts, squeezing her soft orb while pinching the sensitive tip between his fingers but leaving the other to bounce from his powerful rocking motions. "Even tighter than I'd imagined! I knew I'd get a chance at you eventually!" Typhon said evenly as he bucked his hips into her, every thrust causing a wave of powerful pleasure to shoot up Elysia's spine. The other men around them were all busy watching Typhon take his turn, some rubbing themselves through their trousers while others were openly stroking themselves. One such man was within reach of Elysia, close enough for her to reach out a hand and grasp his member, either to stroke or to guide toward her mouth. With the wall on her right she couldn't take another on her other side, at least not in this position.

Even if she didn't reach out to the man, he seemed to take initiative himself after a while as he stepped forward, pressing his member against her face. Seeing this, whether Elysia had taken initiative first or one of her assailants did, Typhon laughed between thrusts and said; "Hah! That's the spirit!" His grip on her leg tightened, and he began to thrust harder into her sex following his statement, producing a wet slapping noise with each impact. She could feel his rod pulsating inside of her soft folds, throbbing powerfully as his release neared, and judging by his earlier words Elysia could probably guess where he planned to cum.
Re: Fleeing Fate (Takimaru)

Elysia smiled faintly to herself at Alaric's gracious hospitality. While she was still feeling her way around him, so to speak, the general impression that she got from the able-bodied host only grew more positive from his parting statement. She had truly gotten lucky with this one, she thought to herself. After all, she was hungry, and he fed her without a second thought; she was tired, and he had no qualms about sharing his bed. As if that wasn't enough, he was a beast of a man with in terms of physical stature, and this reassured her that she would at least have a decent ally with which to take on Typhon, if the arrogant huntsman had the nerve to come looking for her. Even if the smith's generally cold demeanor was discouraging to Elysia, at least as far as her long-winded rants went, it did add a certain mystique to him that she found somehow charming. When the woman had snuggled into the blankets comfortably, she had to keep herself from getting too carried away with that thought, and instead let the fatigue take over, putting the day's previous concerns to rest.


Roused into consciousness with a somewhat delayed response after the thunderclap shook her sleeping frame, Elysia slowly lifted her heavy eyelids to see the vague form of a husky, tall man standing at bedside. Weakly, she managed a tiny smile, figuring it would be Alaric returning from whatever task he had ventured out to do, but this expression quickly turned to one of panic as none other than Typhon forced the drug-soaked cloth over her face. "Mmff...!!!"

Instinctively, she gasped for air, but such an action would prove foolish, as it only served to accelerate her system's absorption of the compound's effects. The sweet aroma permeated her senses, accompanied by the powerful influence of what seemed to be an aphrodisiac of sorts. Elysia could do little other than thrash weakly and let out a muffled squeal as the hunter held her down, though he easily overpowered her, and at this point it was far too late. She could already feel her body exhibiting clear signs of arousal, nipples hardening with the areolas about them crinkling, as was typical of many well-endowed women like herself, and her natural wetness trickling down from between the seamstress's swollen lower lips to dampen her panties. Whatever Typhon used was probably meant to prime her for what would come, and even Elysia could guess as much as to what his plans were in this case.

As the tailoress was hastily forced to her feet by the vile hunter, her shocked look had remained, if not escalated, upon seeing the group of men filtering into the room. Many of them were faces she recognized, as her village was a fairly small community. As such, being left exposed and vulnerable like this for them to ogle was something that Laerwick's most accomplished dressmaker had not prepared herself for. When Typhon and the farmhand began bickering, she interrupted, saying, "W-Wait! All of you can't seriously believe that I'm actually the proper host to this... avatar!? This is insane! Uhnnnfff..." While it wasn't likely to work, she had hoped, deep inside, that an appeal to reason would have an effect on at least one or two of the men in the party. But such words fell on deaf ears, and Elysia's heart sank after still seeing that the only one with an actual objection did so in favor of the village elder, a man who was just as bad as Typhon himself in many ways.

She squeezed her thighs together instinctively, also wanting to cover up down below but ultimately decided against it, as placing a hand near her nether regions would make the temptation to start pleasing herself far too difficult to resist, given her incredibly lustful state thanks to the mysterious drug. She had thought about running, but feeling her shaky knees beneath her, the tailoress knew that such an attempt would only end in more injury to herself. Biting her lower lip, she did her best to stifle a soft moan as Typhon eagerly ran his hands up and down her lovely form. Elysia was overcome with a strong feeling of disgust, matched only by her steadily soaring libido, which soon rose past the initial wave of repulsion, leaving her utterly helpless to the smug huntsman's lewd advances. Predictably, the lecherous alpha male wouldn't stop at just feeling her up, and when he tore her bra off, revealing her ample mounds and rock-hard nipples for all to see, a deep blush worked its way over her cheeks, and she looked away in embarrassment. "Please, don't..."

When his hand settled between her legs, Elysia winced, trying her best to remain upright as her juices soaked through the thin fabric of her underwear and coated the stud's rapidly moving digits. For her body, it was utterly relieving in its own way to have her womanhood paid the physical attention it yearned for, but to have a man like Typhon be the source of all this made her sick to her stomach. Here she was, lubing his fingers up involuntarily, yet unable to do a whole lot about it, given her current situation. A whimper escaped from between her lips, and the sight of her somewhat reluctant, though visibly aroused face, would likely serve as reason to further stiffen the gang's raging erections. "Mmmff... Ah!"

Any trace of defiance at this point left in Elysia's current state of mind was now reduced to a deep-seated feeling of shame, for when the powerful brute hoisted her up in his arms and carried her to the worktable, then threw her upon it and spread her legs to illustrate how eager he was to have his way with her, she couldn't help but notice her own physical indicators of sexual arousal. Her sensitive, pink nubs were protruding, as if begging for attention, while the skin upon her chest and other parts of her body carried a telltale flush. On top of all that, the girl's flower was now saturated in her own secretions, glistening faintly in the dim firelight. Though she was certainly not prepared to be taken in such a manner by her nemesis, apparently her body was, and her warm, slick folds quickly enveloped his intruding member as he eagerly penetrated her, the seamstress's natural tightness seeming to welcome her fervent violator's most sensitive organ to a sea of bliss. She could almost feel the details of his manhood with how snugly her inner walls were hugging it, due to her heightened sensitivity from the drug he gave her earlier. "A-Ah... Hnnn!"

As he proceeded to ravage her, Elysia began to cry out in time with his thrusts, making the most sexy noises that the group of villagers had ever heard from her, perhaps even in their own private fantasies. She loathed this boorish man, often a drunk and a pompous womanizer, but here she was now, subject to fulfilling his every desire. When Typhon grabbed her bosom, the pale beauty shivered, honestly frightened as she knew that anything he did to her would be enjoyed and responded to in kind by her utterly aroused body. Her soft, fleshy breasts bounced back and forth freely, though one of them was held in place by the man fucking her roughly, its very tip like a tiny pebble between his fingers. As he continued to plumb her depths, Elysia yelped helplessly, at first reaching for his shoulder to push him off, but only ended up gripping it instead, digging her fingernails into his skin to brace herself from the repeated impact of his hips slapping against hers mercilessly. While Elysia didn't seek to do such a thing consciously, she also arched her back slightly, her body moving on its own to get the man's cock to hit her more sensitive areas within. Even though she was grimacing and whimpering, trying not to look directly at Typhon's perverse expression, from the outside, it almost looked as if she was actually cooperating, with the way her frame was writhing and shifting about. The sights and sounds of the beautiful tailoress being bred by the haughty trapper would no doubt serve to bolster the already high libido of the squad of men waiting their turn to have their way with her. "Kyah! Ah! Aah, ah, aahnn, nnhaah... Ooh! Nnngh... Auuh! Ahh!"

While the huntsman was living out his long-awaited fantasy on the stunning artisan, one of the others who apparently couldn't wait any longer would not be noticed by the now moaning Elysia, that is, until he pressed his member against her cheek. She kept her lips taut at first, but such attempts would be thwarted by Typhon's sudden increase in speed, causing the busty dressmaker's mouth to open on its own from another one of her loud cries--and affording the newcomer an opportunity to force himself in if he so wished. If he did, all too likely given his early drive to actually come to her in the first place, Elysia would meekly close her lips around the man's girth, hoping to at least muffle some of the sounds she was making. After all, biting down on him wouldn't get her anywhere with Typhon, who was just as likely to take his frustration out on her in different ways, or to not even care about his cohort's problem. She was truly at his mercy now, her voice resonating through the rod of the man thrusting into her mouth, providing a sensation most curious for him, yet pleasurable nonetheless. "Mmmmff! Mmmff... MMMMM!!"

The village seamstress could do little else at this point besides serve as a stress relief toy for these two ruffians, wrapping one man in the comfort of her mouth while Typhon pistoned away at her sopping crevice. Judging from his now burdened breathing, amongst the other typical signs now being exhibited from the grunting huntsman, Elysia could tell that he was about to cum, and the reality of the situation hit the ravaged beauty, as it was likely that this depraved man could actually end up impregnating her if he were to let it all out inside. However, her body as it was still in no shape to push him off, so she could only begin to plead to him, releasing the other man's cock from between her lips as she did so. "N-No... please don't... Anywhere but inside!"