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[Complete - Partial] [Flamme soft] Inuko-chan ha minarai majo

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Sep 6, 2019
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A quick partial english patch.
Dlsite link:

It only translates the cards, items and artifacts. To improve the playing experience.

I did the names manually and just put the descriptions into googletrans doing some very basic checks and fixes.
Everything should be work and the descriptions are very easy to understand.
Also, I've added the button 'minus on keypad' to hide the text to properly see the cgs.

It's a roguelite cardgame rpg. In a similar style of Enter the Spire.
After each run you earn Prana that can be used to boost stats and unlock new passive abilities.

To install patch:
Unzip and place the folder BasicData inside the game's Data folder
Remove or rename the file BasicData.wolf (so the game doesn't load it instead of the translated one)

Patch link
Mod edit: dead links removed.
(fixed a typo on apprendice staff that was breaking when it appears on treasure chests)

(The zip is over 2MB and can't be added to attached files)
Feel free to reupload this. I'm not sure how long this link lasts.

Some skill names are hardcoded into the game. I think I found all the instances and fixed it. I'll update again if I find anymore.
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This thread is for translation discussion only.
Does anyone know how to unlock all the scenes? Not much interest in this one, especially with 95% of it still untranslated...
Offtopic Discussion - Game discussion in Translation section
Anyone got a full save?
No link to translation in thread. Thread locked. To get this thread unlocked, PM a mod with a link to this translation, they will add it to the OP and unlock the thread.
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