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Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Seeing just how large the manor was while Isabelle told Grisham that she'd have to ask her master about staying, her jaw dropped upon seeing the building and the grounds. Petting the horses and waving to Grisham as she followed Isabelle on inside, Penny's eyes grew wider and wider the more she saw, leaving her practically speechless. "So um... just how damn rich are your master and mistress anyway Isabelle?" Penny asked as she followed along, her ears twitching a bit as she listened.

As she looked around, getting close to everything she could get close enough to see, Penny was simply in awe, and it showed to Isabelle and any other maids of the house they might pass. When she heard the shrill screeching from a woman, who was apparently the mistress of the house, Penny grabbed her ears and pushed them down onto the top of her head, as the sheer pitch of the scream was painful to her more sensitive ears. "O-OW! MAKE IT STOP!" Penny cried as the master and mistress charged towards them, the young Viera squatting and clenching her hands over her ears.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Even as she lived in there, the sight of the estate in it's full glory filled Isabelle with a sense of awe and pride. After all, she was the one who saw over the place when she was present. They are wealthy beyond reason. But as mighty as the palace looks, they did not build it. It was originally an Imperial Palace. she mentioned as they went indoors, the vast size of the estate not being an issue for them as long as Isabelle was around. She knew almost everything about the palace from memory, so they would not get lost, and the yelling was not hard to miss either.

Following the sounds of running and screaming, Isabelle took them into the corridor where they finally came across the Master and Mistress. As expected, there was a chase going on, the reason being fairly audible as the two drew closer. At the suggestion of the Master, Isabelle lined herself between them, throwing her hands in front of herself to catch the oncoming woman just in case the Mistress decided to rush into her. "Let's not be so hasty, my Mistress. Surely this can wait." the maid tried to calm her down, which was probably not hard to do.

Once the Mistress was not ready to kill anymore, Isabelle would turn to the Master and introduce Penny to him. While she was not sure about the reason for this, she was expecting to hear about it now.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Cerin slid to a halt in front of Isabelle and shuddered, breathing it away before a calm and respectable face overtook her and she turned, inclining her head slightly to Isabelle, and then Penny, who as she was hired now, was technically below Isabelle in station while on these grounds until someone changed that.

Spencer was behind her now, hiding a bit like a child but flinched when Cerin shot a glare at him, before he extended his hand to Penny. I see. Hello Penny, I see the tower got my Message, I'm very glad you could make it. Not because of your martial prowess but that may be required, but because of your record of being Level Headed. he said with exacting emphasis for Cerin, who blinked before turning to look at Penny closer. This is who I hired my beautiful snowflake. This is the Soldier you were screaming about. She's from your home, the great wood, as I tried to explain. he said, the anger that was still burning in Cerin replaced with curiosity now.

Cerin exhaled again, more slowly this time and turned to bow. Please, Forgive the display. I had misunderstood the situation. I was under the impression that My dear husband had hired an imperial scout. Not an Ortwood Viera. Please accept my apology. she said, before rising and extending her hand. But as she shook it, she turned to Spencer. You WILL replace that bottle Spencer Inagrious. You will do so or so help me... she said, referring to the wine that Spencer had gotten plastered with before he'd handed Isabelle a napkin.

Spencer nodded hastily while Cerin turned and went off, not wishing to show her displeasure in front of a guest.

Spencer sighed in relief as his execution seemed to be stalled for now, turning to Penny. Sorry I couldn't send Isabelle with more Info, but I needed an acquisition specialist to work with Isabelle. That'll be you. A forerunner of sorts for things I need, which right now? is A drink. Please, Isabelle, would you see us to the Library so i can explain to our guest in appropriate comfort?
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

"Y-Yeah I got your message. It didn't say a whole lot really, other than you were paying quite a bit for my services and all. If it's not too much to ask, could you please not scream so loud, o-or at least warn me beforehand? We Viera have really sensitive ears," Penny said softly, standing up and bowing politely to both Spencer and Cerin. "Oh, please forgive me. My name is Penelope Rose, but you can call me Penny for short," she went on to say, properly introducing herself in front of the two very rich and very powerful people in front of her, so that they didn't think badly of her.

When Cerin had spoken again, Penny bowed as the beautiful elven sorceress turned to leave. "If you have need of me my lady, you need but ask. I am employed here now after all... I think at least," Penny said politely to Cerin, her ears twitching slightly as she bowed.

Once Cerin was gone and Spencer spoke to her again about his reasons for not including many details before now, Penny nodded at the apparent invitation to the library. "Of course, I can understand not giving too many details until I got here. Especially if you didn't want anyone else to maybe find out why you were hiring me and whatnot, if you were trying to keep something secret that is. And I uh, had a run in with some fairies and pixies last night before I got to the meeting point, got me drunk up on that fey ambrosia stuff. Really powerful, and I think I kept an extra bottle or two in my pack here... aha yeah here it is. A couple of genuine bottles of ambrosia, unopened even. But please, coffee or tea for me. Don't want to coax my hangover back up after it finally went away," Penny said as she began to follow him to the library, wherever that was at.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Thankfully, there was no need to hold Cerin back as she calmed down right away upon being intercepted. From there, Isabelle went on to explain that she had performed her task, which didn't seem to incite any particular bouts of praise. But that was completely fine as the maid had not been expecting any to begin with, as she was simply doing her job. The conversation was about to move on, but the Master saw it smart that they take it to the library instead, where they could be a little more comfy.

Going with the orders she had received, Isabelle saw the Master and Penny to the library, asking about Grisham along the way to see if they could house the man and his cart for the night. Once she got her answer and the two had been securely escorted to the library, she would zoom off to find some decent wine for the Master and make a pot of tea for the bunny lady as well. Depending on the answer that Spencer gave her, she would also go around to see Grisham and tell him the answer of the Master, possibly leading him to the stables as well after promising to bring him some food later. Once she had done everything in this short list, she would get to the library herself, bringing along the drinks which she would serve up before taking her place near the Master, where she would stand and oversee that everything was going according to the two's wishes.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

With everything to see to, Spencer readily agreed to let Grisham stay in the barn and everything else was seen to with an almost military efficiency. But it was seen to by Isabelle with skill and speed, Grisham set up comfortably to which the old farmer had no complaints, and set about lighting the stable fire himself to warm by, waving off the food as he gestured to the oats. He'd be fine.

Once everyone was in the Library, comfortable, and relaxing with Tea, did Spencer address the actual job, which he wouldn't start without Isabelle, because it turned out she was involved. Right Penelope, Isabelle. As Isabelle is more then aware, I'm currently involved in a series of experiments. Some are secret, some not so much. But I need certain things gathered, and again, some are secret, some are not. But to protect you both legally as well as physically, I wont be telling you the difference, so you can always simply just admit to what you're carrying to customs at borders and the like. Diamonds in the hands of beautiful women is harmless. Powdered diamond in the hands of a wizard is dangerous. That sort of thing. You both have a wide range of deniability that I do not. he said, letting it sink in what he was about to be having them doing.

Penny here is already well aware what resides in the ortwood, but neither of you are familiar with the Hergesh Mountains, it's Caves, or the Glass Plains. You're both going to be traveling quite a bit. In the interim you'll be staying here of course. And your first job will start 2 days from now. In the meantime Isabelle, I have no doubt you'll be giving Penelope here the grand tour yes? he said to Isabelle, before continuing.

Also, I'll be away from the Manse for the most part while you're doing the gathering, handling things around the empire for this and that. You know how it is. Fix a plague here, blow up something there. Pretty usual month. he finished, leaning back and sipping on his tea, though he had a bottle of ambrosia from Penny tucked safely against his side on the large leather sofa he was reclining on. A fire was chirping happily against the far wall of the 2 story library. Which had shelves.... And Books.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

As they sat down to prepare for the discussion, Penny graciously took her tea and smiled as she sipped it, thanking both Spencer for his hospitality and Isabelle for getting it. She'd even offered a bottle of the ambrosia to him as a gift of sorts, saving the other for herself or possibly for bartering with later if need be.

"I see, that does make a lot of sense. And if we get stopped somewhere and I have diamonds on me, then they won't really question a cute Viera like myself so long as I don't give them reason to. And will you be able to handle transport for us? Such as horses and the like I mean. Being able to travel by horse will make our traveling much easier, and if I do end up going anywhere but the Ortwood then I doubt anyone would recognize me, so they wouldn't know that I'm working for you, and anyone from the Ortwood wouldn't care really if I am," Penny replied, sipping her tea along with Spencer. "Also if it's not too much trouble, I could use some extra things. I'll let you know what those things are as the need for them arises. But extra arrows, maybe some traveling money so we can pay for room and board at an inn, things like that would be essential for us of course," she added, looking around over at Isabelle for a few moments with a curious look on her face.

"Would it be okay for Isabelle to travel in her maid outfits without drawing suspicion?" Penny asked as an afterthought.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

From her spot, Isabelle could hear what was going on, and it appeared to involve her as well. The basic gist was just that the Master had hired someone else too for this retrieval task of his, and was going to have them visit some new places for a few rare and/or dangerous ingredients for his future experiments. This was all fine of course, but the maid had zome concerns towards the house and it staying in good condition when she was away. "As you wish, Master." she replied, mentally preparing herself already as the tour was going to take a fair bit of time.

"Suspicion or not, I will travel in this outfit. It is a point of pride to wear my uniform regardless of conditions. I might wear a cloak, but the uniform stays." Isabelle quickly stated her intensions to keep her uniform on as they went. Unless the Master specifically ordered her not to, she wouldn't leave the garment behind for any reason, such was her pride as a maid.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Yes yes you'll have a limited expense account, but no horses. A carriage would be fine but it'll have to stop at the border of wherever you're going. Unless you're a secret nobel that can afford horses. Spencer said thoughtfully, simply chuckling when Isabelle stated rather flatly that she was a maid, would dress like one, and that was that.

For now though, you have 2 or 3 days to rest, relax, and prepare. As well as get accustomed to this house. Which will take at least that long. Isabelle, you can start the tour. I'll be reading up on something here. Cerin will be doing something unspeakable in the Garden again with her plants. Or napping. Something. Plotting my death. O! Yes! The shiny Dungeon! That too!
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

With some further words being said and statements being made, it did look like the two would be making this trip on foot. Whatever, Isabelle thought, even though her OCD about cleanliness might get offended once they returned from these trips. She would have to drill the other servants a bit before they left to counter this. The Master eventually dismissed them, leaving the two alone, Isabelle having the order to start the house tour.

"Right this way, miss." the maid instructed Penny as they left, starting the exhaustive tour as soon as possible. She would show each room as they went on the main floor, ignoring no bedroom or broom closet as they went. Each room was shown off briefly but effectively, mentioning anything special along the way as well if the room in question had anything that she was allowed to mention. Once the first floor had been covered, she would see if the viera had some needs. Depending on the answer, she decided to get the dungeon out of the way, choosing that as their next destination once the needs were met.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

"Well it's up to you Isabelle, I was just worried that people might ask questions if they saw you in that maid uniform, which could hinder our progress. I suppose I could simply say you're my maid or something though if any questions are asked and that we're traveling... somewhere," Penny replied to Isabelle.

"No horses? Darn, I'd rather just ride a horse out than take a carriage. So much quicker," Penny asked Spencer with a sigh, but didn't try and persuade him otherwise, as he was the boss here unfortunately. "I hope you're alright with it taking more time to gather your things then. I do my work with speed and efficiency though is why I mentioned having horses, because I pride myself on being both good and fast. So I would appreciate it if we're not judged or graded poorly and thus paid less because we take longer," she added with a shrug, not minding having to walk so long as she was paid what was promised.

When it was time for the tour, Penny nodded and got up, then stretched before waiting for Isabelle to lead the way. "Wow, this place is just so huge. How do you ever find your way around in here? I'd get so lost after just a few minutes," Penny said as she followed Isabelle along, stopping to wait patiently if Isabelle stopped along the way to instruct some of the other maids about things. "Also, where's my room? If it's not too much trouble I wouldn't mind putting my things down for now so I don't have to lug this backpack around everywhere. And once we're done with the tour, I wouldn't mind a bath, and maybe some food," she then asked curiously, staying close to Isabelle so she didn't get lost.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Everything was very pretty and neat and tidy and like true proper servants, the other maids and men stayed well out of their way and sight. Isabelle knew they were there but they weren't showing themselves as they worked. Of which there was a grand total of 15. The house would manage well enough while she did this task for her Master, which seemed a bit more important to him then the state of the rugs. Though she knew that those would be cared for while she was out.

They had to conclude the tour after the first floor as Penny said she'd rather rest, but that didn't stop the tour outright. Instead Penny was shown to a guest room for her use, a large enough 3 room affair including a master bath, bedroom, and sitting room outside the second floor commons that she could use.

But then it was around to a spiral staircase that did lead down to the Shiny Dungeon. And.... It was actually shiny. There was no dust, on anything, no mildew, it was a little damp, but that was to be expected, but it was so clean you'd never tell what it was if well, you ignored the shackles, restraints, stone, bars, gates, and everything else. it had exactly 8 cells, no more, no less, and each would hold two occupants. Isabelle knew that this dungeon headed deeper into the basement levels that she was forbidden from entering, but that was because that despite being seperate, she knew that certain experiments were still imprisoned there before Spencer or his own bloodline found a way to dispose of them.

How Exactly DID you kill a vampire that fed not on blood anymore, but the presence and essence of fear? When ever family member knew of it and knew to fear it without any way to tell how far it could feed from? You couldn't. Not easily. Such was the nature of things down there, including a few nastier druidic experiments from Cerin's circle.

It was for this purpose that there was still a collection of magical enhanced steel collars and shackles for holding magical prisoners or creations that could need them, just in case, and Spencer HAD requested them before in emergencies. After that though, the tour was done, since Penny didn't need to see the servant quarters, and they weren't doing the grounds while the storm outside raged. So if Penny insisted then Isabelle could see her back to her room to sleep.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

"Oh thanks, now I can finally put this stuff down for a while," Penny said as she was shown her room, or rooms rather as it appeared she was being given a whole set of them for her use.

After putting her things down in her room, deciding to put it down on her bed to be specific, Penny followed Isabelle around her new rooms and looked at them before following her back out to continue the tour of the manor. "This place is beautiful Isabelle. It must take a lot of work to keep it all clean. Hell even the basement or dungeons are in pristine condition," Penny said as they toured the basement areas.

When they were done with however much touring of the manor that Isabelle liked, Penny would head back to her rooms to hop in the bath, starting to strip her clothes off just before she entered her little corner of the manor, not caring who if anyone saw her. Once she had her bath drawn and everything, she hopped in, bending over the edge of it with her butt in the air as it twitched back and forth while she was testing the waters before getting in, which would give anyone who had come in to look a perfect view of her nude rear, and since she would be bent over they would see her tight slit as well.

Regardless of whether or not anyone saw her, Penny then climbed into the bath and relaxed, sinking down and submerging her head and ears completely in the water. Penny would take her time with her bath, relaxing until dinner was ready and either brought up to her, or until she was summoned to have dinner in the dining room with everyone else. She would eat dinner and explore her rooms thoroughly while her food settled before going to bed.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

The tour passed faster than Isabelle had been expecting, everything going by in a good pace. She certainly didn't mind though as she had duties to attend to, like she always did. "It does take a respectable amount of effort to keep the cleanliness up. Thankfully I have some determined and skillful underlings who make it easier to manage." the maid replied as she took Penny back from the dungeon and towards the guest bedroom of her choice.

Excusing herself after seeing the viera to her room, Isabelle ran off to make some checks of how things had gone during her brief foray to the countryside. She would also see how the dinner was coming up, as there was need to eat soon enough. If she could find the spare minute or two, the maid would also check on Grisham, even if the farmer might not particularly care for her looking after him. Farmer in the stables or no, she would see to the needs of any guest.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Isabelle, moving to leave Penny to her relaxation until dinner, would find that most everything was in order, though not perfect, at least to her. A painting moved for dusting off a fraction of an inch and fixed with a slight push, a mat just out of place. But as she made her rounds and checked on everything, she'd find the old butler in the house who'd taught her everything working on dinner despite being officially retired. Ahh Isabelle. You have returned. As always it is a pleasure and an honor. He said, smiling openly as she entered the beehive that was her third floor. He in question being Roland deux Crane Vos Jerapel. Immaculately dressed in his three piece black suit and with his gray hair cut short and swept back, he pulled the ladle he was stirring out of the large house pot. Lamb stew fresh from the Festive. Courtesy of the Mistress. Her solstice sacrifice. A sad affair for the lamb but we waste nothing. he said, tasting it and nodding.

It will serve to feed everyone I believe. Including our guests. Grisham is now, according to Madeline making an Oat Hash which is filling and warm enough, but I think he'd appreciate such a meal. You'll be surprised to know that he took the time to care for all the animals, not just his own. Lady Cerin was not only impressed, but when he noticed her, she decided she'd like to offer him a post. As you know our own stablemaster is getting towards his own retirement. Would you mind passing on the word as well as the meal? His is there. Roland said, gesturing gently to a small covered tray. Obviously that means his family if he has any can move here to the stable house as well. he clarified for her. He knew too well that she'd ask even if it was implied.


Back in her room, Penelope was busy showing off to her various furniture before her bath and the water was both warm, and very relaxing as she sank in to rest a little as well as clean up from the road. There was nothing else waiting for her in the room but when she saw fit to get out she'd find that someone had left a fresh and warm towel by the door. How they'd done it without her noticing she wasn't sure, but they had.


As Roland set about continuing cooking, he held up a finger just as Isabelle was about to leave. One more thing, Dear Isabelle. We have a new addition to the service. A young thing, just in to her 19th year, Cindy I believe. she's knew but she tries well enough but no one has warned her about the various chits and their meanings when left on the doors. Please make sure to find and explain to her what they are when you do in detail so we don't have any accidents. he said, referring to markers left on guest room doors where Lord Spencer had been. He had a habit of fiddling with his magic and experiments no matter what room he'd been in and it had some odd effects sometimes. Blue meant harmless, Green meant it wasn't Spencer who'd been there, but Cerin. Red meant somehow their lord had managed to make something unusually dangerous and not to enter, and violet meant that the servants were unsure as to what had been changed, but that something had been, and only Herself, Roland, or Spencer himself should enter so the room could be cleansed. The cleansing entailed taking a small piece of Burinstan Ore into the room to draw whatever residual magic had been left there. This applied to all the chits really, but there was an exception, which was a Black Chit, which meant clearly that whatever was now in the room was possibly deadly. And that they should ALL hound Spencer until he fixed it.

While usually this would be considered rude, it had been allowed by Lady Cerin to ensure that none of the guests or staff accidentally died, and so far thanks to it, no one had. There had only been 1 injury, and it had been minor. And that was with the application of over 400 chits to doors. It had turned out to be a good and wise move on the Lady's part and had only increased the trust the staff had in her. Likewise they all respected Spencer because he was Lord of the Manse. And because while this was his land, he was unusually kind and grateful for their help. Their pay was better then anyone though the standards were higher of course, and unlike many mage households, his servants he'd made very clear were not expendable. On more the one occassion he'd gone above and beyond to care for them. They all owed him a lot. Isabelle included.
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Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

When she slipped out of the water, Penny found that she had fresh clothes laid out for her. "What... how did they? Probably when I dunked down into the water that second time," Penny mumbled to herself as she stood there with the towel wrapped around her.

She finished drying off and neatly folded the towels she'd used before applying some powder to the cracks of her legs and under her arms, then a little on her butt as she wiggled her hips around and her tail twitched slightly. Once she had applied the powder, Penny put on some lotion and brushed her hair, making use of it all since she had it all for once. When she was finally done prettying herself up and everything, Penny got dressed in the clothes brought for her and went to see about dinner, not overly picky about what was cooked so long as there were vegetables in it.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

The routine of examination found that things were working out like they should, though Isabelle could almost always find something to nitpick about if she wanted to, and now was not the exception. Setting most of these things right herself as she went about, she eventually found herself at the kitchen, where Roland was making dinner. This man was one of the most respected around for her, and he did not disappoint with the food that was under work. "Certainly looks good. You do not disappoint." she commented to the man, listening to him afterwards some as she mentioned that they might be getting Grisham to join them as a stable master, if he wanted to that is. "I will ask him. He appears to be a skilled and good-hearted man, so I do think he would be an excellent addition to our cause." she said as she picked up the food set aside for the farmer.

Isabelle did not get to moving right away though as Roland had one more thing to add, telling her about a new member in the maid squad. "Alright, I'll see to that as well." she assured the man. Skipping along, she made way to the stables first, both to ask Grisham if he had the interest and desire to join the household and hand him the food Roland prepared. After that, the head maid would find this Cindy girl to give her a quick crash course on the chits and some other things as well.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Getting the food and the message to Grisham was easy, and the farmer said he needed to think about it, and of course ask his wife, but that he was pretty sure she'd jump at the chance to be closer to the capitol. She liked to shop. He also gratefully took the meal and thanked Isabelle before she started on her hunt to find the new girl...

Which was far less easy...

While most of the servants around the Manse checked in when they went somewhere new, so they always had an idea where they all were. But new additions rarely did and it took awhile to make it a habit.

In the meantime, Penny was having an entirely different issue. Mainly that her clothing wasn't there, nor was there any replacement clothing around, instead, there was a small red hued limb wriggling under the bed before a cheery little Brrrrrble... sounded from the other side, and a small round head popped up. It's skin, whatever it was, was smooth, it's eyes were large and it had a smooth little mouth that opened when it brrrble!'d again, revealing a trio of long tongues inside the round mouth as it smiled, waggling a tentacle at her in a fairly friendly matter and flopping up fully onto the bed.

Despite the small size of the body, the limbs, a collection of tendrils, were all easily 5 foot long and as smooth as the rest of it. It wriggled around inside her shirt, seeming to play with it like a cat. It didn't have teeth or claws or anything, and wound up knocking a pillow off the bed in it's flailing, which caused it to tense, before pouncing after it and wrestling the large pillow. Making it's odd little noise as it did.

Problem was, the Pillow was wrestling back, Looked fun in all honestly, and likewise, the rest of the furniture in this room seemed a little more mobile then she was used to, long tassles from a nearby cushioned chair reaching out behind her to wrap around her wrists and ankles, tugging her back towards it's soft and likely very comfortable clutches!!

Penny versus.... THE CHAIR!
P-C 10 vs 20 Penny is further attacked by the evil Toggles of DOOM!

While she managed to resist the pull backwards, she was not quite able to stop another couple from looping around her, the silk tassles wrapping around her neck and another around her waist while her roommate flopped around with the evil feather pillow, making happy playful little noises.

Status. Penny FP 5/5 AP 0/10 Ent 2/5 (Surprise round cos no one expects furniture, and the crit. -2 to further rolls )

Meanwhile, back in Maid land, Isabelle had finally managed to hunt down Cindy, and indeed, much to her chagrin, the Maid's apron was stuffed full of the odd doortags which all meant various things. There were no black ones thank god, but there were several purples and more then a few greens, meaning the rooms might house pets. And she had about 15 of them... Which meant now they had to go and try and put them all back, and then deal with them... or.... Cleanse the entire Manse... Which would take the better part of a day going room to room....

Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Finding Grisham open to the idea but having some need to consider it, Isabelle was pleased. "Take your time, I know it is not an easy decision to make. While this place is probably more comfortable to live in, I know you probably have an attachment to your land. But I'll be happy to have you, if you make the move." she told him before leaving the stables to find the newcomer.

And that was what Isabelle did, after a good bit of looking. With a quick look, she could see that the newbie had gone through a fair bit of rooms already, the collection of chits in her apron pocket spelling that out plain as day. It would be a pain to deal with the cleaning everything, so Isabelle had the newcomer show her which rooms she had gone to. But she would look into the rooms herself in hopes of managing to find the appropriate places for all the chits. As they went, she would explain the what the deal was with them, giving the new blood a quick but comprehensive explanation about the things, along with some other basics of the house. She would not give her a hard time as she was new, and all new people got themselves a few free mistakes before the head maid saw it fit to tell them off.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Not finding her clothes where they were supposed to have been, and where she swore she saw them earlier, Penny looked around after getting dried off and saw the odd reddish thing under the bed. Crouching down to look, her tail twitching gently as she did, Penny was taken aback by the creature that hopped up onto the bed and burbled at her. She noticed that it seemed to be playing with her shirt, and she couldn't help but giggle at the strange looking thing.

"Hey there little guy. What are you supposed to be, hmm?" Penny said as she sat down on the bed a couple of feet from the thing, reaching out to pet it on its head.

Watching it knock the pillow down, Penny was about to grab the thing before the creature jumped after the thing and wrestled it. Instead she just watched it and laughed, amused by the odd little creature and not weirded out in the least bit by it, as she'd seen some pretty crazy shit throughout her life. Penny was again taken aback when she saw the pillow wrestling back with the odd little creature.

She got up and was bending down to look at the pillow and see if it was actually a fluffy dog in disguise or something when something grabbed her from behind and pulled her back. "Hey hey, no choking. And... what the hell are you trying to do to me, hmm?" Penny said to the chair that was lassoing her and pulling her back towards it. She wasn't resisting the thing really, but she wasn't letting it pull her any further than it already had. "What the hell is up with this room? Did I pick the crazy as hell room or something?" Penny then asked nobody in particular.